Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Megan Pendragon

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Megan followed Rapunzel into the next room, along with her parents. It took her a moment to recognize the man laying on the bed, even knowing who he was as she had entered. She saw her own intense dark eyes in his face. His brown hair was damp and curly, likely from sweat, and his face lightly covered in hair, the beginnings of a goatee. He clearly had seen better days. He looked like he had been beaten within an inch of his life and had just started the road to recovery. Apparently Maleficent's men had been responsible - they seemed to be responsible for almost everything that went wrong in this world, aside from Jack's father of course.

"Hello, Ser Lancelot," Megan said, noting that he was staring at her. The last time he had seen her, she had been a child, still with her natural blonde hair. And now, she was a raven haired medical examiner. She imagined she looked hardly recognizable to him. He probably wouldn't have imagined that the little princess would become so gaunt and morose.

April had always adored purrgil.

If they had been a witch in the universe of the Owl House - a cartoon they had adored as a child - they would've made a purrgil be the shape their palistrom took. They were incredibly majestic creatures, naturally able to dip in and out of hyperspace. Some people thought they were bad luck, and maybe they were - emerging out of hyperspace into a purrgil was a great way to end up dead. But still, there was a sort of serenity about them that April liked - that caused them to not flinch in fear as a few of the purrgil nuzzled the ship. If it hadn't been for the spider web cracks, they would've pressed their hand up against the glass, trying to make a connection with these lost creatures.

"I'd love a pet one. Or two. Could name them Scylla and Charybdis. Y'know, the Greek sea monsters who guarded the sea, killing sailors in that little strait. The one with the rocks and all? It'd be fitting, actually. We could pick off people in the Belt ourselves, with Scy and Char as the muscle. Maybe it's time we tried out being pirates, once we get absolutely fucking loaded off of this bounty hunting gig?"

They had another thought though about the purrgils - one that they thankfully didn't blurt out. They didn't know how Dorian would take it, and if the idea hadn't crossed his mind, it was better that way. But the strange abilities of the purrgils to travel the hyperspace lanes, well, it reminded them of the pair of teleporting siblings they had known. Hell, one of them had even been named Percy. Purrgils. Purrcy.

"Wait, no no no no no, we don't have time for food! We already used all of our non-existent extra time on getting that fucking stupid Ravager ship. We can eat once we're rich as shit or we're dead, whichever one happens first!" April protested through the comms.

@Ever Faithful@Natsu@Ogobrogo@Nallore@Forsythe@BlueSky44: The Vision turned his head - not the way a human would, but as a machine would, in a fluid unnatural motion. His eyes seemed to rest on Diana, but the synthezoid truly could have been looking at any of them in particular. His eyes were more powerful than any camera currently on the market - and most microscopes as well. "Ms. Novikova," Vision greeted, "it is good to see you. How are your mothers? I am currently examining repairs made to this ship. So far, they are adequate."

A secure, encrypted message would be delivered to Vicky, reading: 14:30:08 34.052235, -118.243683. QUERY: Niece. How are you feeling? I see that you have met other younglings. Are these your friends? END OF QUERY.

@PatientBean: Sabine will get an email from the school, informing her that she has a package in the mailroom waiting for her. The email doesn't give much information, but does include a picture of the package - a long, rod shaped box.

April Flynn

Location: the Field (School Carnival) - Outside Agatha's Tent -> Heading to the Spaceship
Skills: N/A
~First Day Fit~

April's eyes widened in shock - mostly at her own lack of thought. She had been so busy trying to dismiss Agatha that she had let her words just ramble and ramble, getting away from her, and accidentally hurting Mads' feelings in the process. April was mentally kicking herself. She knew that she was a chatterbox - she knew that she needed to stop and think before opening her mouth - and that she could always get herself into trouble that way without much effort or thought on her own part. "Oh OMG fam I didn't mean it that way!! I meant like those crusty old witches with mysterious pasts and like scary cats and stuff and warts and everything - not like you, you're a good witch, and a good person, and if anyone ever says anything else then they're a complete and utter idiot," April apologized, hoping that Mads would forgive her - and that her feelings weren't too bruised.

A lot of things then happened all at once. Dorian swore at the asshole freshmen, threw the jacket at his face, and then rejoined them. Leah tried to discretely slip away, only to shove past Zari in the process. April's phone buzzed with a text, but she didn't have a chance to check it. Dorian pulled them all into a group hug, apologizing for getting people to do tarot, and Mai revealed she burped in Agatha's tent. April couldn't help but giggle. She bet the witch hated that.

But most importantly, Sabine had said April was right. Maybe she had a good opinion of her! April did an internal dance of happiness not too long after that had happened. She had gone from probably a nobody in Sabine's eyes to a somebody in less than just a few hours! Despite having kept her crush to herself this summer, April was now suddenly dying to talk about it. Maybe she and Mads could talk about it that night, after Dorian's birthday stuff.

Sabine praised Dorian for yelling at the terrible freshman - and then offered to mindwipe anyone Dorian didn't want attending. "I agree - it was totally iconic the way you were like FUCK YOU PERCY and like threw the jacket at him!! I wish we had a video of it, I bet the clip would go viral." April didn't say it, but a small part of her was worried that Dorian would ask Sabine to mindwipe her so she couldn't go. It wasn't a big part. But a small part had that anxiety.

Danni grabbed Dorian and announced that it was time to walk and talk, as the group (finally) started to migrate away from Agatha's tent and towards the spaceship. "I don't mind running to the store - what do you need?" April volunteered. "Of course, it's up to Dory how many people he wants to have there - you only have your birthday once! Well I guess you actually have it every year, since that's how a birthday works, but... you know what I mean!"

Percy Novikov

Location: the Field (School Carnival) - In line for Agatha's Tent
Skills: N/A
~New Outfit~

Percy Novikov was flabbergasted, as fabric hit his face. The asshole had been trying to apologize? He had made this jacket custom... to make up for the one they had ruined? Percy's brain glitched for a moment. This didn't match the narrative that was going on. He considered again the words Dorian had mouthed - had he not been cursing at him, just poorly mouthing an apology? Was Percy in the wrong in this situation? Did he owe Dorian Gray an apology?

Percy quickly rejected that conclusion. He was never in the wrong.

Dorian Gray was just an idiot - maybe not an asshole, but an idiot who portrayed himself as one because he didn't know any better. Percy pulled the jacket off of his face, and swung it over his shoulder. He stared for a moment at Dorian Gray. Percy then turned his attention back to Zari - who was seemingly unfazed as one of the assholes idiots plowed right into her. "Jesus," Percy cursed. Yes, idiots made sense. These people weren't mean. They were just stupid.

"Wait, the Y2K girl?" Percy asked Zari, raising an eyebrow. He saw that the group of assholes idiots were migrating away now, despite one of them - Mads - trying to suggest that he and Dorian fight. "Zarina Raynordattir... Do you have a girlfriend?" Percy asked with a smirk, a twinkle in his eyes. "I need to hear about this, immediately - or rather, right after our fortunes are read. I believe you were here first, so go on. I can tell Andy stories about you when you were little while we wait."

Guin Stark

Location: the Mall!
Skills: Telepathy
~Fit Check~

"When I infiltrated Phantazia's mind, she seemed convinced that she just needed a win," Guin explained for the others. "I don't know why, because unfortunately her powers are annoying as fuck and kept throwing me off, but their goal doesn't seem to have been to hurt us... Except for Exodus. Because he's a dick." It didn't make sense to her why the Brotherhood decided all of the sudden they needed to have some friendly 1x1 practices - or why the winners had gotten yeeted away in some weird pods. Was Magneto hosting a tournament arc???

I don't think it'll shock him, sadly.

Guin raised an eyebrow as Miranda came into the room - Magneto's long term girlfriend. In the House of M reality warp Wanda had done, Miranda had actually been Magneto's queen. And Pietro's mother. "Sorry, how exactly are you going to be helpful?" Guin asked, ruder than she had intended. "Because unless you know why the Brotherhood decided to jump us today and then take all the winners away in pods like the prelude to some sort of company wide crossover event meant to sell toys, then I'm not sure you can really help us. Also, shouldn't you be hanging around with Magneto? Or did you finally dump him? Or did he dump you? Either way, both of you can probably do better - or maybe worse."

Mare, can you hear me? Use your space chicken powers and respond, please... Guin thought privately, wondering if the Phoenix host could hear her - wherever she had gone.

Neil Spellman

Location: the Asteroid
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

Neil jolted awake, finding himself in a space-age looking medical facility of sorts. It was pretty sparse, so no one was undergoing surgery or anything in here - more of a recovery ward of sorts. He sat up quickly, looking around the room and picking out some of his fellow X-Men, but not all of them. Edus was here, but Max wasn't. Neil briefly considered that maybe the centuries old wizard might've cursed him - his memory was a bit fuzzy as to what had happened during the fight, but he had a feeling he hadn't said or done anything that would win over Max the Mad Mage...

"Can you send our coordinates to Westchester?" Neil asked Mary simply. One of the perks of the Phoenix Force was access to a special cosmic sort of telepathy. He wasn't going to panic. Sure, it seemed like maybe Magneto had kidnapped them, but the X-Men had a space worthy vessel. The others could fly up to them as soon as Mary told them where to look, they'd escape, and that would be that. They'd probably have to take a detour to foil whatever nefarious scheme Magneto was up to, but that was pretty standard X-Men business.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

"I see. The plan is incomplete, then." Megan didn't want to dance around that subject. It did annoy her somewhat, mostly because she would have preferred that Merlin had been direct immediately, without her needing to pressure him a bit. He didn't have a full plan. That was fine. It wasn't like he was a wise old mystical type or anything along those lines. The disdainful part of her wondered if this was why Maleficent had managed to rise to power - the way paved by subtle incompetencies. A magician probably was not a natural strategist when it came to war, at any rate. She doubted there were battle strategies inside Merlin's tomes.

Rapunzel then came down, and said something to Merlin. Merlin then relayed the message to the rest of them - which also annoyed Megan mildly, as she would have preferred for Rapunzel to just say so herself. But whatever. It was fine. She was intrigued by the possibility of meeting Lancelot. She had fond memories of him - he had been like a second father to her growing up... an interesting circumstance certainly, knowing what she did from the modern world about the potential affair between her mother and Lancelot. "Alright. I'll see him. Where is he?"

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Burger King
Skills: N/A

The door swung open to the Burger King, and Nancy turned her head, seeing some familiar faces - and one brand new one. She had seen enough minor gods in her day to recognize one. Her posture stiffened as she straightened up, wary and somewhat on edge. The gods were many things, and she believed and fought and bled for them, but she knew above all else their capacity for cruelty. They were like children at times, never facing consequences, always passing them off onto someone else. Janelle made her excuses, heading off in the direction of the restroom - as did Zeke, coincidentally.

"Do you recognize the god?" Nancy murmured to Kristin. She didn't recognize him. He looked like most minor gods, classically beautiful and perhaps a little bit insane. She didn't feel a thunderous stirring in the air or notice any particularly ill omens, so she was fairly certain this was not one of the Olympians. And she somewhat doubted one of them would be here, hanging around with Zeke and Demi and Cassian. Unless it was Venus. Maybe this was Venus. Nancy would not put it past Venus to be continuing to make trouble.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Under the Sea
Skills: Superhuman Speed, Agility

The fight was continuing to rage on around them, and Leda and her girlfriend were idly discussing haircuts. "Mm, I have been thinking about cutting my hair short - maybe trying out an undercut or something as well." She liked having her hair up in braids, but sometimes it did get in the way. And sometimes Leda thought it'd be fun to try out a new style, and who knew how long she'd have to try things out before she was inevitably dead and buried. Such was the life of a demigod. It was time to live hot, die young, and leave a sexy corpse behind.

In the distance, she saw siege weapons being set up. "I'll go take care of those, be back in a mo'," Leda promised. She then took off at superspeed, dashing across the ocean floor and closing the distance in record time. There were four weapons being constructed, each of them with their own crew of operators - some of them even cyclopses. Leda darted in and out with her sword, Ultraviolet, swinging and destroying three of them - and skewering their operators, turning them into monster dust.

@Ever Faithful@Natsu@Ogobrogo@Nallore@Forsythe@BlueSky44: As the small group of Teddy, Ardere, and Mary Sue as discussing aliens and the cities they tend to raze, Teddy and Ardere would likely notice something about Mary Sue, if they hadn't already. She had a rather thick accent - somewhat sing-song like, the vowels extended, and some of them clipped or slurred. It had a distinctly European slant to it, and if they were paying attention to her weirdly mentioning an alien attack from 20 years ago, instead of one from like last week or whatever, they'd put it together. This girl was Welsh!

The six of you would all end up intercepting each other in front of the Kree spaceship, an accuser class warship. The ship was on the far end of the field, behind the makeshift stage that would be hosting the concert later. Well, it was half of a Kree spaceship, anyways. A long rectangular object, it looked like it was made out of twisting tire treads. It clearly had taken on a great deal of damage, given that it was ripped in half. Exposed bits of metal and whatnot were sticking out, allowing everyone a great view into what must've been the central command zone.

There was no line or anything to go up inside, people were just sorta hopping up into the ship, some of them going down the corridors. A few kids in matching t-shirts that looked like Star Trek uniforms - none of them red, thankfully - were chattering away at anyone who approached. And then of course, there was a member of faculty present, curiously looking at the partially restored systems - the famous synthezoid himself, the Vision.

April Flynn

Location: the Field (School Carnival) - Outside Agatha's Tent
Skills: N/A
~First Day Fit~

Zarina Raynordattir hadn't answered April's questions about social media handles, but her memory was being jogged enough. April's parents had told her stories about her old days with the Secret Warriors, well, the stuff that wasn't deeply deeply classified at least. And April's mom had mentioned that there had been an Asgardian on the team named Raynor - and that he was the biggest dick she had ever met in her life. And that she was pretty certain he and his wife, a techie, were going to be the first in the group to get divorced.

But April kept that all to herself. Especially since apparently Zarina was into stabbing people.

A bead of sweat worked its way down April's forehead out of shame as Andy accused them of picking on her - and before any of them could really protest or argue to the contrary, she had gone inside the tent to see Agatha. And Chi Mai had come on out. The thoughts of how hurt the new kid seemed to be about their playful and friendly fashion advice suggestions went completely out of April's mind as she was slammed into from behind, staggering forward and narrowly keeping her balance, thanks to Danni keeping a grip on her.

"Babe, what happened?? What did she tell you? Whatever it is, it's going to be okay - these prophecies can be all twisty with their words, I bet that half of what she's saying is cryptic and just to, like, try to make us be better people because she knows what'll get inside our heads and all because she's a witch and that's what witches do! They like to trick people to be better people. Or just to be mean. Maybe all of these readings are her idea of like a sick joke or something, to make the morale of the school DROP so that way her new school will beat us at the Contest of Champions!! It's all a conspiracy and we're just letting her do it!"

April didn't even really understand herself how she had gotten to that conclusion - sometimes, her mouth just kept going on without her. But it was important to her, the idea that Agatha could be wrong. Sure, on paper her fortune seemed great - even Danni said so - but... April didn't want it. She'd rather have been told by Agatha that she was going to, like, wake up with zits the day of Prom.

April's phone had buzzed with a push notification - she had turned on alerts for a certain blonde girl's account... But thankfully for April, she didn't check her phone - her hands were full with Danni and Mai. Her shame would be private - for now. Sabine was back now as well, checking in on Mai and also advising to Danni that he should stay out of whatever was going on with Dorian and that terribly mean little freshman. "He's an uptight little drama queen," April agreed with Sabine, referring to that terrible freshman.

But even though they had advised Danni to stay out of it, Danni then got involved... somewhat. By whispering. As he not so stealthily snuck on over there, handed Dorian the jacket, and then rushed back over to them. April smiled slightly. She had missed Danni so much over the summer - Danni and Dorian both. "...D'you think Dee is gonna invite him to movie night too? We're running out fo space..." April asked, looking at Danni. Was this the person Dorian had meant, with his cosmic love... this little thing? He looked so angry and tiny, as if he would explode and simultaneously get blown over by a leaf.

Percy Novikov

Location: the Field (School Carnival) - In line for Agatha's Tent
Skills: Omnilingualism
~New Outfit~

Percy Novikov of course suffered from a severe case of resting bitch face - although he himself would not describe it as suffering. He considered it to be an asset. The more idiots who didn't go up to talk to him out of fear and intimidation, the better. He knew that was somewhat of a supervillain attitude, but he didn't care - all the great Greek heroes had a dark side anyways. He sized up the first person to approach him, introducing herself as Madalyne. "Percy Novikov," he replied curtly.

He then had the wind knocked out of him as a human cannonball attached itself to him - none other than his favorite princess, Zari. "Princess," Percy greeted, a small smile on his lips. He awkwardly patted Zari's back twice, his own little way of returning the hug. He wasn't really a huggie person. But he was somewhat used to Zari being like this - he had seen her over the summers on and off growing up, as their parents were rather close. Percy's mother had almost ended the universe to keep Zari's mother safe. And that was not an exaggeration. "I didn't realize you lived in this universe. Or that you kept such bad company," he said pointedly, his eyes flickering over towards his least favorite gang of assholes, just a few steps away.

The floating droid looked much the same as when Percy had seen him last. To Percy, the ones and zeroes were an intelligible language. His binary was a bit rusty, but his brain slowly pierced it together, like exercising an old muscle. He cocked his head slightly at the robotic eyeball. "There's nothing normal when it comes to Zari," he told the eyeball bluntly.

He caught sight of one of the assholes - the one who had violated his bodily autonomy - mouthing something at him. Despite Dorian's I'm sorry being quite plain, Percy didn't perceive that at all. His brain fumbled on the uptake for one reason or another (such as a crit fail on a d20...), perhaps due to Percy's own bias against Dorian, he interpreted it as fucking dick. His eyes widened and his nostrils flared with anger.

"If I had a glove, I would throw it..." Percy muttered darkly, referring to a somewhat antiquated tradition of throwing off a glove to mark the beginning of a duel. But to make matters worse (or better?), the asshole in chief was coming this way. And talking to Zari, as if Percy wasn't there and couldn't speak for himself. And then... was that his jacket? Had they broken into his room and stolen it?!?! Wait, no, it was void of burns... that one, albeit wrinkled, looked almost new. Had this entire thing been a fit over Percy owning the same jacket as them? Was that all this came down to, someone so insecure to have their fits directly compared?!

"Can I fucking help you, Развалюха?!" Percy bit, looking at Dorian darkly.

Развалюха of course was a Russian curse - one that Percy had picked up from his mother. It meant car that’s falling apart as it goes.

In other words, Percy's opinion of Dorian Gray.

Guin Stark

Location: the Mall!
Skills: Telepathy
~Fit Check~

Guin almost missed the quiet voice nagging in the back of her head - but as she cleared her thoughts and focused on it, it grew louder and louder against the background noise, until she was able to make it out. It was Pietro. Her heart fluttered with relief. "I can hear him again," Guin told Lance quickly, figuring that the Battle Nurse would need to know that information. Carefully, Guin inserted the other needle into Pietro's vein, allowing the blood transfusion to begin. The fucker's gone now, everything's going to be okay, just stay with me, babe.

Guin was so focused on her dying husband that she hadn't even noticed the lack of sound coming from around them - she just saw Pietro and his legion of wounds, the speedster looking so incredibly broken and pale. "Hospital's out." Human hospitals didn't usually know how to treat the superhuman, much less mutants. And even if they were able to help Pietro, there was a good chance some of the staff would route against his care, seeing him as the terrorist member of the Brotherhood that he had once been. No, Guin wasn't going to give medical staff an opportunity to kill Pietro. That left the mansion then. Beast was probably there at medical, but Guin honestly didn't remember. "I'm going to call my dad, get a medevac, they can help stabilize him and either take him back to the mansion or to an Avengers facility."

Guin pulled out her phone, her hands shaking slightly as she hit the contact for her father - the contact photo was Tony in a pink fluffy bunny costume. As soon as Guin heard a click she started talking quickly, "Dad, I need a med-evac to the Salem Center mall now."

"Slow down Guin, what's going on?"

"There's no time, some asshole crucified Pietro, he's lost a lot of blood, Dad, he's dying. I need a med-evac now!"

"I'm sending it already Guin, don't worry it is on the way right now. It'll be okay."

"I can't lose him, Dad.... I just can't. Not to some pink religious freak!" Tony would be able to hear that Guin was crying softly - from the thought of losing her husband, not from the mild discomfort of the blood transfusion.

"I know Guin, it'll be okay, he'll be fine... Help is on the way there... Can you take a few deep breaths and tell me what happened? Who attacked you and what happened?"

"His name is Exodus, I think - he was with the Juggernaut and some bitch I don't remember the name of. They attacked us for NO REASON. We were just going to fucking GameStop!"

"Okay what the hell?" he responded, Guin then heard the sound of what was likely the medical evac she had requested showing up now. She had to give the Avengers credit - the response times were incredible. Plus, it didn't hurt that they were in New York, and most superheroes had ships capable of traveling to Mars within an hour or two these days.

"I think the evac is here now, I really have no fucking idea what's going on, like Exodus was going on about how Magneto was god and that Pietro was unworthy and shit like that, it was really really fucked up."

"You can tell me about it while we get him help okay?"

Neil Spellman

Location: the Mansion
Skills: Necromancy
~Fit Check~

Somehow, Palpatine returned.

Somehow, Neil defeated Frenzy.

His mind cleared ever so slightly, the necromatic energy no longer coursing through his veins, shaping him as his foe fell to the ground still. Pelting her with rocks and menacing her with zombies had done the trick. But truthfully, the entire thing had felt like an out of body experience to Neil - like he had been watching someone else, the words he had said more like a script than anything spontaneous or genuine. He didn't even look like himself - not that he ever would again. The curse was unbreakable, even by the darkest of magics. He held out his hand and murmured, "rest," as the zombies fell to the ground, no longer animated.

The green glow in his eyes cleared, and Neil felt incredibly drained. His head was ringing and his mouth parched. Then, before he could go see if there was anyone around he could help with their fight, a mysterious pod crashed into the ground next to him. It opened up as suddenly as it had arrived, metal arms grabbing Neil and dragging him inside, and then... There was nothingness.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Burger King
Skills: Psychoanalysis

"I'll take a whopper, large fries, and a large vanilla shake, thanks," Nancy ordered. She had been on enough quests and whatnot with the legion to know to take advantage of opportunities for food when they came - particularly if the only other options were rations. The rations kept them alive, but they were patently disgusting at times. They'd probably outlast the heat death of the universe, or even Jupiter himself. Janelle hadn't ordered much to eat, which concerned Nancy, but Nancy wasn't her mother. Until it became a problem for the quest, she wasn't going to say much.

Nancy then moved off to the side, grabbing a table for them to sit at, as Janelle decided she was going to open up after all. "Let's sit down here," Nancy said, making sure to give Janelle that audio queue, as Nancy sat down at one of the inner seats, leaving an outer seat easily accessible for Janelle. She listened to Janelle's rant, as the girl explained everything that was bothering her in great detail, basically giving Nancy her life's story. Nancy actually rather prided herself on being able to read other people, to psychoanalyze them - sometimes with the efficiency of a student in their first psych class, finding every label in the book and applying it to their friends, but sometimes she hit the nail on the head.

The outward problem seemed to be that Zeke had lied to her - which Nancy was irked at him for. If Janelle's timeline was reliable, and she saw no reason why it wasn't, Zeke could've come clean with her when she first asked. Leading her on, even unintentionally, was cruel. If he wasn't ready to be out yet with Demi, then find another way to spare Janelle's feelings. Of course, Nancy also took issue with the fact that Janelle had a death wish on him - something that would definitely tempt the Fates and maybe even Venus. It was dramatic, excessive, and cruel.

Nancy kept going back to what Janelle had first said though - about the death of her parents, and feeling alone. It seemed like this was really about abandonment and trust. Nancy's guess was that this was just that fear making itself manifest, with Zeke's behavior not being the real issue, just something to lash out at. "Okay, so that was hella uncool of him, grody to lie to you. Real butt-face behavior. I don't like you wishing death on him, because I'm going to be honest here, demigods are going to die. He might die. You might die. You don't want that on your conscience if it happens. And I think you're a better person than that, anyways."

"I obviously can't speak for him about what he did or why, but Janelle, sweetheart... Is this really about Zeke? Or is it more about you feeling abandoned and alone?"

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Under the Sea
Skills: Sword-Fighting

Leda felt something hit her back and then grasp her hair, yanking on it. She reflexively bent backwards with a shriek, her hands going up as she grabbed at her head, trying to get her fingers around the hands of whatever fucker had grabbed onto her. She couldn't get a good grip on it though, at least not before suddenly it had been knocked off of her, and her amazingly hot girlfriend pressed a kiss to her cheek. "I could've handled that!" Leda protested with a wink.

She then took off at a run, spotting that merpeople nearby were being menaced by more of the demons. She hacked and slashed her way through the enemies with her sword, turning combatant after combatant into monster dust that gently floated down to the ocean floor. By the time Leda took a breath and reassessed what was going on, she had taken out ten of them in total. But there were still more. The fight wasn't nearly over yet.
Capture the Flag...

Blue Team: Athena, Apollo, and Hermes
Red Team: Ares, Dionysus, Demeter, Aphrodite, Ares, Hephaestus, and Poseidon

The current champions of Capture the Flag were the Ares cabin - a fact that Lorna would like to see reversed. They tended to be some of the cruelest kids at Camp, no doubt taking after their father. Clarisse had given Lorna a few swirlies from time to time, but now she seemed to have gone onto a new target: Percy Jackson. While Lorna was guarding the Blue Team's flag, Luke was off in a risky maneuver to try to take the Red Team's flag. Lorna hadn't been entirely filled in on the plan, only knowing that Annabeth from the Athena Cabin had planned some sort of diversion to get Clarisse and the others off guard.

No one seemed to be approaching their flag yet, but Lorna kept her eyes peeled.

Meanwhile at the river, Percy startled as seemingly out of nowhere, Kitty appeared and attacked him with her whip sword. His lightning fast refluxes barely managed to lift the heavy shield in front of himself in time. He looked almost comically small, peering out from underneath his too large helmet, weighed down by the heavy oversized armor. "Woah!" Percy exclaimed, before swinging at Kitty with his sword, his feet out of the water.

He didn't notice the sound of twigs snapping, as other members of the Red Team approached.
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