Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts




U = Usagi
SN = Ser Nemo
V = Vision
LN = Lady Nimue

Gray, Dorian - Junior
  • Ranking:
    • A - SN
    • B - U
  • Likelihood of villainy:
    • 1 - SN
    • 1 - U
  • Comments:
    • Dorian, as his name correctly implies, is a gift. How many people could control so many objects with such precision, at the tender age of 17? -SN
    • The next kid that walks in here with a musical number, imma smack them. I don't care what the legal team has to do. You can fire me. I just can't take this anymore. Did we accidentally put up a flyer saying that we LOVE musical numbers and HATE auditions that let us see you fight??? Someone kill me, please. Before I assault a child. -U

Kingston, Daniel - Junior
  • Ranking:
    • A - SN
    • A (but I am angry about it)- U
  • Likelihood of villainy:
    • 1 - SN
    • 1000000 - U
  • Comments:
    • Control will come with time. Omega level mutants have the powers of gods - and I am eager to see where he takes it. -SN

Novikova, Diana - Junior
  • Ranking:
    • A - SN
    • A - U
  • Likelihood of villainy:
    • 1 - SN
    • 1 - U
  • Comments:
    • Thoughtful and graceful, Diana is a credit to her namesake. The goddess could not be prouder than I am of her. -SN
    • Okay I'm NOT SAYING that the bribe worked but... Love me some sushi. I'm a little over the entire archery gimmick, but she does well. Would probs be a great asset to a covert team one day. We could always use more teleporters. -U

Raynordattir, Zarina - Junior
  • Ranking:
    • A - SN
    • A - U
  • Likelihood of villainy:
    • 1 - SN
    • 1 - U
  • Comments:
    • Mr. Eyeball's comments are charming to the last. As for the performance, I would expect nothing less from a promising future Valkyrie. She would be an asset to any team. -SN
    • Okay I'm gonna be honest, I can't keep track of all of these Asgardians. That being said, she looks like she could fuck some shit up (am I allowed to swear in these? oops). Maybe it's time to bring back A-Force? -U

Crane, Madalyne - Sophomore
  • Ranking:
    • B - U
    • B - V
  • Likelihood of villainy:
    • 3 - U
    • 6 - V
  • Comments:
    • Agile and ruthless. Love the sword and sorcery. Wish the rest of the magic types would learn to do a push-up or two. -U
    • She shows a great deal of promise and talent. However, I would advise caution and increased mentorship. -V

Flynn, Zelda - Freshman
  • Ranking:
    • C - SN
    • C - LN
  • Likelihood of villainy:
    • 1 - SN
    • 5 - LN
  • Comments:
    • I quite enjoyed seeing her application of desired properties to fashion. Goodness knows that some of my colleagues are lacking in it. However, I would like to see an incorporation of her mutant gifts in the future. She has the pedigree for greatness. -SN
    • She is a weaver, like her irksome mother. There is much in her depths that has yet to be discovered. -LN

Novikov, Percy - Freshman
  • Ranking:
    • D - SN
    • A - LN
  • Likelihood of villainy:
    • 10 - SN
    • 5 - LN
  • Comments:
    • Ser Nemo left this section blank.
    • I have never seen his like before and I do not believe I will do so again. The river curls around him, yet he is unworthy of her power. -LN

Percy Novikov

Location: Training Room B w/ Ser Nemo and Nimue
Skills: Temporal Teleportation, Perception

Percy had made no requests for his audition.

He hadn't told his family what he had been planning on doing. Percy had assumed, likely correctly, that they would have attempted to talk him out of it. But in his gut, he knew that this was the correct call. He had heard from Diana about the sort of auditions her friends would do - some of them would fight things, others would do artistic demonstrations. His original thought had been that he could recite the Odyssey in ten different languages while teleporting around an obstacle course. That would have been fine. But would it have been memorable? No. Would it have stood out against all the other students with similar ideas (albeit likely with less perfect pronunciation of Ancient Greek)? No.

If it resulted in his expulsion (which Percy had begrudgingly considered a small possibility), that would be fine. He would make a name for himself, one way or another. He didn't care about getting put on the Avengers or the Fantastic Four (bleh) one day - all he cared about was becoming a legendary hero, the type from the legends of old. He had been reading an account of the life of one of Japan's sword saints, Miyamoto Musashi, when the idea struck him.

Percy had no regrets. But even if he had, it was too late to turn back now. He stood in the hallway outside of the audition room, a bag slung over his shoulder. He had had to wake up early that morning and slip off of campus to get what he had needed. Given the number of kids he saw going around with medieval weaponry, he doubted the school would have an issue with what he had acquired - his mothers though were another story.

"Percy Novikov? We are ready for you," a cold, watery voice said. Percy saw her head poke out the moment she emerged from the door. She wore a simple mold-stained white gown, and a wreath of twigs around her face. She was made entirely out of water, her features hard to observe through their shimmering effect. He could smell the lake on her. He half expected her to toss a sword at him.

"Right, thank you," Percy said. He couldn't quite parse her accent. It sounded very old. At any rate though, he was moderately concerned. He hadn't planned for her to be a creature made out of water.

He stepped on through the door, his bag slung over his shoulder. He was wearing his academy uniform. Everything had been calculated here. Well, almost everything. He hadn't anticipated the ringing that sounded in his ears as he entered the room, the way he almost stumbled for a moment before his brain righted itself. The room was expansive, large, and almost entirely empty. The Lady of the Lake took a seat behind a rickety table, covered in papers. Next to her was an uncannily familiar old man. He must have been Ser Nemo, the new time travel studies professor. Percy was immediately annoyed and confused as to why Ser Nemo didn't look up at him, didn't acknowledge him, didn't address him.

Well, fine then.

The Lady of the Lake cleared her throat. "You may begin when-- argh!!"

The air around Percy had shimmered briefly, before he reappeared at the judges' table - and with one flawlessly smooth motion, kicked it over into the judges. Lady Nimue collapsed into a puddle of water, trickling away and reconstituting herself almost instantly. Ser Nemo though was suddenly a few feet away, standing on his feet like nothing had happened. How did he move so... Percy asked himself, his eyes narrowing.

Percy pulled his prize out of his bag - a sturdy axe with a red handle. The air shimmered around him and with a whoosh, he appeared a foot or so away from Ser Nemo, swinging the blade for a killing blow. But instead, Percy's axe bounced off of the wall of the training room - it was meant to withstand things much stronger than the axe swing of a puny little thing like him. Ser Nemo wasn't there. The ringing in the back of Percy's head was getting louder. Where the hell was that old man?!

"O young one, stop this madness at once!" Lady Nimue commanded. She reached into her breast and pulled out a stone sword, the hilt covered in moss.

He narrowly teleported away from the swing of her blade, reappearing on the other side of the training room. He hadn't considered the possibility that they wouldn't understand his audition. But even now, he was more irritated with this old man - an annoyance that Percy himself did not fully understand. How could someone so old and frail move so fast? Was he a speedster? There wasn't much information on him, but even then... What? Nemo was sitting at the table again, sipping his tea, as if nothing had happened. Had he righted the table? When did that happen?

The air shimmered and Percy re-appeared, swinging his axe at Lady Nimue from behind. He was quick enough that she did not have a chance to swing her rocky sword, the axe gliding through the liquid of her body. But as she was a being of water, it did not do much at all to her. But he continued on anyways. Hopefully she got his point. He teleported again, this time right above Ser Nemo, swinging the axe for a decapitating blow -

And his blade connected with the elderly man's flesh.

"Thank you for your consideration," Percy said, having pulled the blade back at the last second, so that it was merely just touching the back of Ser Nemo's neck. Percy dropped the axe. He bowed, just as Katniss Everdeen did - a woman who reminded him very much of his mother. The ringing in his ears was getting louder by the second, and he felt liquid begin to trickle from his nose. A nosebleed.

The Lady of the Lake stared at him - her expression was briefly calculating for a moment, before a mask of astonishment slipped over it. Ser Nemo did not look up at Percy. He still held his cup of tea, as if nothing had happened at all. Percy couldn't recall the old man saying a single word. Had he acknowledged Percy's presence at any moment? Would it have been the same if Percy had just gone in and eaten a cupcake - just nothing from this man, this person who Percy was supposed to be learning from here at the school?

He decided then and there that he hated Ser Nemo.

A small part of him wished the he had killed him.
@thatguy We're all full, sorry!

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Outside Burger King
Skills: N/A

Nancy wished Zeke hadn't been there. She wished it had just been her and Kristin, that she could've punched the other girl over and over again until her knuckles bled - that she would've been picking stray fragments of Kristin's teeth out of her hair until the next solstice. It would've felt good to become an atomic bomb, to let all of the pressure inside of her explode outwards, to feel the vibrations of her voice curl around everything in a 10 mile vicinity and lacerate it until it was nothing. She wanted to transform into just a force of anger and fury, to burn everything that was in her path. Nancy wanted to be a destroyer.

Her body tensed, and the imperial gold daggers vanished from her hands. Nancy clenched her fists and swallowed that demonic part of her self whole. She managed it this time. But maybe next time, she wouldn't. "You shouldn't offer to fight me. I go for blood," Nancy told Zeke darkly, a warning. She had stepped away from that precipice. But maybe next time, she'd let her anger consume her - and let it brutalize all in her path.

"I'm not going back with them. I'm done. You can all go save the world on your own. I'll be fine. I'm always fine." She didn't fully know what she was going to do. But even as she said the words, a part of her realized how futile they likely would be. She knew she'd return to the Lotus Hotel and Casino - she knew that she would be thrown into the crucible. She just didn't know who would emerge.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Under the Sea
Skills: Superspeed

Leda didn't take her eyes off of Kiera until she went around a turn, vanishing from sight. A melancholic acceptance settled over her bones. She forced a smile onto her face, but it didn't reach her eyes. "Right then. If anything gets real twisted, I want you to run - or swim or whatever - as fast as you can. Don't stop till you get back to Camp Fish-blood. Understood? If you argue with me, I'll dunk you in the toilets when we get back to Camp Half-blood," Leda instructed Sera, joking and serious at the same time. She needed to keep Sera safe. Sera didn't have the same amount of experience as Leda did. And she was so incredibly young.

She surveyed the scene ahead of them. Oceanus had gone into a massively guarded cave with the trident. There didn't look to be any easy access points. "Hold on a mo' - I'm going to go scout, see where's easiest to get in, if I'm fast enough they won't be able to see me... I think," Leda proposed. She didn't give Sera a chance to argue about it. She also just hoped that no one noticed the rainbow blur zipping around the cave. She took off at a run, going as fast as she could. On her first pass, she didn't see anything interesting. On the second pass though, she saw it - a small opening in the wall of the cave, big enough for a demigod to slip on through. She dashed back to next to Sera, having spent only seconds running. "Alright, there's a crack we go on through. I can't carry you and the trident. I can zip us on in together, but going out, you'll have to run. Are you good with that? I can go in alone as well, luv, if you'd like."


Location: Limbo
Time Frame: October 31st - Any Year
Rp Tags: Horror, Magic, Other Dimensions, Psychological, Strange and Unusual, Haunted, Ghosts, Demons, Reincarnation, Suffering, Hatred, Fear, Mantles, Time Distortions, Death, Corruption, Possession, 18+ Rpers ONLY
Type Of RP: A dark and twisting horror RP with a magical focus. Not everyone will be a final girl. Connected to the Skyrose RP Multiverse.
Goal of the RP: Prevent the demonic incursion and save the universe
Character Requirements: Magically inclined/connected


Midway upon the journey of our life
I found myself within a forest dark,
For the straightforward pathway had been lost.
Ah me! how hard a thing it is to say
What was this forest savage, rough, and stern,
Which in the very thought renews the fear.
So bitter is it, death is little more;
But of the good to treat, which there I found,
Speak will I of the other things I saw there.

The Sorcerer Supreme of each universe defends it from mystical threats and incursions. They are responsible for maintaining thousands of delicate spells, some cast by their predecessors, others by themselves. One such spell is the veil, a protective force that prevents other realms from consuming our own. After the death of a Sorcerer Supreme, it is critical for the power to immediately transfer to a chosen successor. Otherwise, these spells will unravel, spelling doom for an entire reality.

If there is no heir to the current Sorcerer Supreme, the power will attach itself to the first worthy magician to claim the title. This situation is ill advised; should the power of the Sorcerer Supreme fall into the wrong hands, the result would also be disastrous for all of creation. The Sorcerer Supreme of Earth wields the power of life. Any person less than the greatest good, with such almighty power, will at best become a corrupted tyrant... and at worst, the devil reborn.

On October 31st of 2021, in the dimension designated as Earth-666, Sorcerer Supreme Doctor Stephen Strange has not designated a successor. He had considered the Scarlet Witch, yet he did not wish to burden her with the responsibility. He had considered Agatha Harkness, but he feared that she would misuse the power, succumbing to evil acts. He had considered a number of Asgardians, a number of his own colleagues - he had even offered his closest friend, Wong, to take up the mantle should he pass. Wong refused.

So it was on Halloween night that Doctor Strange, hosting a small gathering of the magical community, received a distress call. The Sorceress Supreme of a neighboring dimension, the demonic hell of Limbo, reluctantly was requesting aid. Her kingdom was revolting against her. And her own darker nature was threatening to take hold.

Doctor Strange left for Limbo, reassuring his party guests that he would return shortly.


  • ...

  • Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme of Earth-666

Our World

In this RP, we consider the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies up to and including the first Avengers film to be cannon. There are roleplays that have happened in this timeline as well, forming our own Roleplay Universe (please click here to see the full in depth lore guide for our multiverse). These RPs are part of the overarching cannon. Characters from previous RPs are able to reappear in this one if it is thematically appropriate for them, even if they had died.

This RP in particular focuses on the magical and horror elements of this world, which are admittedly somewhat poorly defined. They are open to interpretation and argumentation. As this is a horror RP, I have included below rough summaries of the other horror RPs in this universe, to give you an idea as to what sort of other dark and troubling events have happened aside from the superhero-ness of it all.

  • Strange New Waters - April 1719 - Pirates come into contact with a mysterious cursed object, as the goddess Hecate possesses one of their number.
  • the Wolves of Red Lake - July 2008 - A small town in Pennsylvania is gripped in fear with mysterious murders and werewolves appearing.
  • the Alucard Institute for Peculiar Youth - May 2016 - Mephistopheles seeks to train children with strange abilities to free Lucifer from his chains.
  • Abandoned Hope - June 2016 - A small town in Washington is massacred when the devil rises and possesses an innocent woman.
  • the Horrors of Coventry - December 2016 - Mephistopheles and Hel team-up to either rule the world or destroy it.

*Rules are enforced and you will be removed if you break them.
  • Applications:
    • Post the CS in the OOC for review.
    • Change the color code to a unique one (i.e. not in use by a current character). Please try to avoid colors that are very similar to the eye as well.
    • Choose a faceclaim/representative image/rendering of your character that is not currently in use - if you're not sure if someone is using that FC or image, ask the GM.
    • The GM can refuse a concept for any reason, yet will generally work with you to fix up the character until they can be accepted.
    • Talk to the GM if you want your character to have established connections (i.e. if this were a Percy Jackson RP and you wanted to be Percy's goddaughter, talk to the GM in advance for approval).
    • GM approved character sheets should be posted in a hider in the Char tab.
    • The GM will check posting history / previous RPs - you've been warned.
    • Once CS's are approved, relation sheet will go up and must be completed and added to CS
    • Under Extras in your CS please post a link to a post you have done in the past to show you have read the rules. If You submit a CS without this it may be declined.
    • Special - To New Comers To The Guild - Pm The Gm for a tid bit to add under extras instead
  • Post Content
    • No use of racial slurs in posts. Sure, you may be playing a racist white guy from the 1950s, so just use asterisks - you'll convey the same idea.
    • Nudity needs to be run by the GM before posting. In general, this is PG-13 when it comes to romance, sexual interactions, exposure, and so forth... Violence wise, anything goes. This can get gross. Basically a hard R when it comes to everything else.
    • Fade to black for things that verge into the area of smut/other taboo subjects. Seriously. Your post will be deleted otherwise.
    • The world and NPCs and events are controlled by the GM. If the GM says it's raining, then it's raining. Results will be randomized per dice mechanics.
  • Posting & General Behavior
    • Follow all of the rules of the forum - they're the law of the land.
    • If you need an extension or you're struggling - or even if you just aren't certain what to do - please reach out to the GM! Communication is key.
    • All posts are backed up on the back up forum after they have been posted - the GM will provide the link for this forum. It only takes a few seconds and it ensures all your hard work is preserved!
    • You must post once every 7 days - once your last post on RPG reads as 8 days ago you will be removed from the RP.
    • If you need an extension, ask!! If an emergency comes up on day 7, of course come and talk to us - we'll be more than happy to work something out. It's very rare that an extension request is denied.
    • You may NOT copy and paste something from someone else's post and add it to your own. This includes dialogue.
    • Minimal 2 posts between your last
    • No editing posts without GM approval.
    • Each post should include two well developed paragraphs (please don't make me define how many sentences are in a paragraph. If they're long sentences, then sure 5 is fine - if they're shorter, maybe 15 is best).
    • Read all posts! Seriously, people are reading yours so spread the love and read theirs!
    • No tagging for interactions in your post - people use this as a crutch usually to get away with not reading everything.
  • Other:
    • Character deaths will happen, no one is safe - it will be randomized and you will be notified when your death approaches. (This does not mean you are out of the RP, it will mean however you need to make a new character should you wish to continue.) This RP will have a HIGH death toll.
    • The GM reserves the right to make decisions as to how much additional time, if any, will be granted to post if the forum is glitching. A week to post is plenty of time even if the forum glitches a day or two. But usually, I do tend to be pretty generous about it...
    • Rules and character sheet will be added to and changed as need be depending on problems or points that come up.
    • Under Extras in the CS also mention your favorite Marvel MAGIC character so I know you at least skimmed this...
    • Check the discord chat every few days. Invite will be provided by the GM.

Character and Grimmoire Sheets

Please read through the instructions for this character sheet carefully. Your character should ideally be a magic user OR connected to magic. They can be from any time period. These characters will find themselves dragged into Limbo, a dimension that exists somewhat outside of space and time.

The Grimoire describes the magical capabilities of your character. For each magical thing they can do, list the type of magic, give a brief description, and then place any notes. For example, one of these slots might be Tarot Cards, classified as Divination, and under notes you would put how you could use them to predict the future blah blah blah. Another slot could be Transformation, Transmutation type, and you could put down how you can turn men into beasts and so forth.

You'll be limited to 7 slots in your grimoire to start, but obviously some characters might not have filled it up entirely yet, and others may have.

Example Grimoires -





U = Usagi
SN = Ser Nemo
V = Vision
LN = Lady Nimue

Bassard, Sabine - Junior
  • Ranking:
    • A - SN
    • B - U
  • Likelihood of villainy:
    • 1 - SN
    • 10 - U
  • Comments:
    • A radiant and lethal delight. I expect we will see great things from her. -SN
    • Increase surveillance. Ensure latest psyblockers are effective against Ms. Bassard. Can we install a kill switch of some sorts? -U

Flynn, April - Junior
  • Ranking:
    • B - SN
    • C - U
  • Likelihood of villainy:
    • 1 - SN
    • 7 - U
  • Comments:
    • An entertaining and endearing tribute to a Disney classic. I wish we had seen more from Mx. Flynn. In time, I expect they can live up to their family's legacy. -SN
    • I'm not sure why she thinks this is musical theater. But with the family history, I'd recommend increased surveillance. Do we have an idea on her limits, ie can she blood bend? -U

Gallio-Lensherr, Andy - Junior
  • Ranking:
    • A - SN
    • A - U
  • Likelihood of villainy:
    • 1 - SN
    • 10 - U
  • Comments:
    • Her control over her abilities was admirable. I would be curious to see how she handles different environments - in an aquatic setting, she could be a blessing or a curse to her other teammates. I am disappointed she did not display her vampirism. -SN
    • Are we really letting in the child of SELENE and MAGNETO here? I get that we want to help at-risk kids and monitor the next generation of supervillains, but seriously? This is a bad idea. I recommend we find a way to expel her ASAP. Has she broken any rules yet we could use??? We don't want another House of M situation on our hands here... We need to find out what her magic capabilities are. Can we discretely cut her off from that power source, maybe with a nanite? -U

Jordan, Leah - Junior
  • Ranking:
    • A - SN
    • A - U
  • Likelihood of villainy:
    • 1 - SN
    • 1 - U
  • Comments:
    • Her creation was breathtaking. Ms. Jordan's work belongs in a museum. But like the most mesmerizing and haunting of achievements, it has already become nothing more than dust. -SN
    • Impressive levels of control, but again - why do the students think this is an art show? I recommend placing Ms. Jordan on one of the elite teams for the contest. That's a future Avenger, if we can keep her away from art school. -U

Guin Stark

Location: the Mansion -> Blackbird
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

Bonnie raised an eyebrow, confused as to what Max meant about her husband recognizing him or not. "...I didn't realize you knew him," she admitted. Max didn't seem like the sort of person for Flynn to know. Maybe they had run into each other back in Flynn's OMEN days. Bonnie didn't pry about those. She let him keep his secrets, just as she kept her own.

"I'd give us all some Stark tech to wear, but, y'know, metal. And state of the art polymers don't come cheap. But I'll move it up on the list of things for me to work on when there isn't anything decent on TV," Guin offered. There was a list on her phone of things that the X-Men could use improvements on that she could probably knock out in a few weeks or so. Better space suits was on there, after all of their space adventures. Most of the problems she had run into though was that her prototypes kept being used and destroyed in battles - so now, she knew a few decent ways to make a space suit that would barely work. And she wanted to find one that was perfect before making enough for a full squad.

What? He's not in charge. I'M in charge! Guin protested to Pietro. We can all take a vote on it right now, but I already know that everyone would vote for me. So there's no point. And no, it's not because I can totally rig it or anything...

"Golden Goose says that they're going to try to sabotage the security systems, to make our approach better," Guin relayed. Hope you look cute in the Stormtrooper outfits. And have a droid on hand, Guin then replied to Mary, hoping most of the message would get through the cosmic static. Guin wasn't a world class telepath like Professor X or Jean Grey, but Mary's Phoenix Force powers did give Mary more of an extended range, allowing Guin to pick her up.

As the group was leaving, and Miranda addressed Bonnie, Bonnie paused for a moment. She then said - softly but powerfully, enough that anyone who bothered to listen would hear - "you don't owe an apology to me. You owe one to him."

When they got to the Blackbird, Guin took the co-pilot's position. One, because she LOVED to fly shit like this - and two, because her telepathy was basically going to be acting as cosmic radar for them. "Let's get into Near Earth Orbit and see if I can pinpoint them better from there, it's super staticky here."

Neil Spellman

Location: the Asteroid
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

"Mm, screaming - that will definitely work with the deaf person," Neil commented, tapping one of his hearing aids. He had actually lost his hearing due to Mira's super sonic scream. He wouldn't be surprised if one shriek from Mira inside the close confines of this space station might force others to join the hard of hearing club. That was one thing that he had been trying to work on - learning ASL. When one of the X-Men's foes was able to control metal, and tons of others could move just about anything with their mind, hearing aids didn't always tend to stay in all of the time.

The groups were divided up - and Neil wished that Perry had been put in the group with Annie, Mira, Bethany, and himself. It would've been his ideal picks. But they went their separate ways and the conversation turned to a really practical question. Did any of them know how to disable a security system? "Umm... I don't have proficiency in thieves tools... I could blow it up, but that could be hit or miss on if it actually makes anything better." Thankfully though, Mira was there. And Mira was a bonafide genius. Neil relaxed slightly. He wasn't going to have to try pressing buttons randomly to make this work.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Megan chaffed slightly at all of the talk of her parents potentially finding her a spouse. It had gone on too long. She was no longer comfortable with the subject. Thankfully though, it turned out to be time to change Lancelot's dressings. The King and Queen vacated the room, whereas Megan was offered the chance to stay and help if she liked. While she was a medical examiner, Megan had gone to medical school and became a doctor. She was somewhat curious to see the medical practices Rapunzel would employ. And Megan somewhat darkly thought she might be able to prevent a life threatening infection if they turned out to be subpar.

"I can stay and help. I'm no stranger to blood and pain," Megan said. She never had been the type to shy away from those sort of things. She had been the only one in class excited for dissection day as a kid - and one of only three in her medical school cohort who already knew that they wanted to work with the death more than the living.

April Flynn

Location: the Gym - Training Room B w/ Ser Nemo and Usagi
Skills: Hydrokinesis
~Auditions Fit~

To say that April had had a roller coaster of a first day of school had been an understatement.

She was exhausted, physically if not emotionally, when she got up that morning. She'd always been somewhat of a night owl, cursing the 7:30 AM start times of the classes at the academy, but classes started that early in just about every high school in the country. The Margaret Carter Institute was no exception. Her nerves had woken her up at almost 6:30 that morning, preventing her from receiving anymore nourishing sleep. She only knew what time it was by quickly tapping at her laptop screen. Her phone had been totally destroyed in what had happened yesterday... and she hadn't told her parents yet that she needed a new one.

Her plan had been to wake up when Mads' alarm went off, but her anxiety had demanded something else.

She knew every beat in the routine she had choreographed in the pool that summer. Her annoying little sister - April never did find out if Zelda was alright or not, after everything had happened - had been convinced after much pleading and begging to help April with her costume. She could've bought one online, but she knew that her sister could make things that were higher quality. Zelda even knew what sites to look at for the wig, which April had painstakingly brushed out as soon as she finished her morning skincare routine.

Her skin was peeling from the sunburns Danni had given her yesterday.

April felt so incredibly unattractive. No wonder Leah and Sabine....

She couldn't let those thoughts distract her. She had to focus. Did she remember the words to the song? Yes. The movements? Yes. Was second place the first to lose, the immortal words of the infamous Abby Lee Miller? Yes. Even though they weren't going to be ranked here. They were just going to be sorted onto teams for the Contest of Champions and if April did badly, then she'd be put on a team of people who also did badly, meaning her chances of winning were ruined. She only had two shots left at the crown.

And April could not STAND to lose.

She had to WIN.

But her mind felt more like a tsunami by the time it was her turn in the audition room. April fixed her wig one last time, forcing a smile onto her face as she looked at her friends. Dori and Danni would both have their auditions not too long after hers. "Time to go crush this, be right back besties!"

Then, with some difficulty, April entered the training room.

It was the same set up in general as last year. The two judges sat at a table, tons of paper and clipboards in front of them. Ser Nemo was an elderly man dressed in a sharp suit, looking at April with a curious and knowing twinkle in his eye. Usagi was actually standing on top of the table, finishing scribbling something in shorthand on the clipboard.

"You can begin when you're ready, my dear," Ser Nemo said.

No one mentioned the elephant in the room - AKA the gigantic tank of water, larger than some aquarium exhibits, that was off to the side of the room. April wasn't shocked to see it there. She was relieved. She had requested a swimming pool's worth of water for this. And then the music began to play - a certain Karaoke soundtrack from an old Disney classic.

April reached her hand out, ready to call the water out of the tank and to her, just as it was time for her to sing. She was dressed like a mermaid, but April was doing this to Sebastian's part. And as she began to tug the water towards her, she lost her balance - tripping over the mermaid tail, April moved her arms in wide circles in a frantic attempt to regain her balance... only to fall face first onto the floor.

She didn't need to look at the judges to know that they were probably dying from secondhand embarrassment.

April was about ready to die herself.

But even though her heart was pounding, she took a breath and continued. She called towards the water and this time, it responded. The water poured out of the tank, rushing all around her as she held it together in an artificial bubble with the strength of her mind. She was floating in it now, just her head sticking out of the water, easily ten feet up from the ground. This was the easy part. It was one thing to make a giant water bubble and float in it.

It was another thing to do that while singing and dancing.

Her voice wasn't as steady as it could have been, but April sang. She sang about how things were better under the ocean. She sang about the water and the fish and the music and the bubbles. Her movements weren't perfect, but she was hitting her choreography, plunging down into the water bubble at one point before remerging to begin the next chorus. And the boundaries of it held. She managed to keep it together through the sheer strength of will, knowing that she would never be able to face anyone in the world again if she lost control and drowned Ser Nemo and Usagi.

And then, in perhaps the most graceful movement she had managed that day, April lowered herself gently to the ground through the water bubble, feeling like a cute little mermaid princess. And like it wasn't even hard, she sent the water over the heads of the judges and back into the tank, not losing a single drop.

Ser Nemo clapped politely.

Usagi stared.

"Thank you, Ms. Flynn," Ser Nemo said, clearing his throat after staring at his colleague for a moment. "You can go now. You should receive a copy of our critiques by tomorrow. Oh, but that does remind me," Ser Nemo said, fishing about in his pockets. He produced then an old Nokia flip phone. "A friend of yours mentioned to me that yours was broken. Please, take this one - it can survive the apocalypse."

"...Thanks! Um, thanks, wow, yeah, that's - is that from the 1900s? It looks so... so cool," April coughed, having been about to say old, but it occurred to her that Nemo was probably older than the phone. It took some effort for her to get up off of the ground in her costume, waddle her way on over and take the Nokia, her face burning bright red. Had Danni or Dori told Nemo? Did Nemo think she was neglected now and her parents couldn't get her a phone? Oh gods, what did he think of her now! And had they hated the routine? It wasn't perfect but April had worked really really really hard on it and....

"Well, um, good luck!" April said awkwardly, as if Nemo and Usagi were ALSO auditioning, before waddling out into the hallway, wishing again that the ground might open up and swallow her whole.
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