Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Runa the Grey

Location: Limbo
Skills: Intuition
Spells: N/A

"I wish I could say the same," Runa joked lightly to Carolina. After all, her sight was long since gone. Dear Klara was kind enough to guide them into Witchfire's domain. Her gnarled old hands grasped the back of the chair, and they maneuvered it, before sitting their weary old bones down. They didn't let go of their staff, however. It was all that remained of the thing most precious to them in every universe. She didn't dare part with it, even for a moment.

They made no move to partake in the food or drink, not out of a fear of a curse or poison, but for another reason entirely. They could not see what was there in front of them. Of course, she could smell it, but that scent was not enough to determine what exactly was there or its location. And she did not feel like grasping about in the dark. No, she would do well to just sit and listen. Most liars tended to spill their secrets themselves, one way or another. And they knew they were in the company of the finest assortment of liars the multiverse had ever seen.

Carolina was seated at the spot on the table directly in front of the Lady Witchfire's throne, allowing her the closest proximity, but even then there was a distance. Witchfire took the letter from her with interest, her eyes sweeping over its contents once, twice, thrice. Her eyebrows furrowed, before she lowered the letter and returned it to Carolina. Others then chimed in, confirming the tale.

"I see," the Lady Witchfire said. "I must apologize for attacking you - a small army of Sorcerers Supreme... You must imagine my concern, as Limbo's new Queen," she explained. She took a sip from the goblet to her side, her lips stained red from its sizzling liquid. "I will help you return to your realm. Limbo's ways are twisted and snared, as the veil grows thin. But together, I think our magics will be sufficient to breach it and send you home, where you can continue the late sorcerer's work."

Runa frowned ever so slightly. It all felt a little too... convenient. A little too tidy. It was awfully kind of Limbo's proclaimed queen to offer to help send them all home, to pierce through the veil fully to return to their realms. But from what Runa had experienced of Limbo, they doubted someone became its ruler by being nice. And then for this woman to turn out to be Carolina's long lost love? It was too much like a fairytale.

"Carolina, dear, forgive me - my memory is not what it once was. What was it that happened between you two?" Runa asked innocently.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Maleficent's Gates
Skills: N/A

The next thing Megan knew, one of Maleficent's dragons landed in front of her. The beast swiped, hitting Gabriella and sending her flying backwards. Megan's nostrils flared. She enjoyed a good scar, a fun injury, a nice bit of pain - and certainly the threat to their lives was making her blood pump - but as much as she was a sadist, she wasn't going to stand for this. The dragon tried to do the same to her, only for it to barely miss her. She hoped that her armor would at least protect her partially. The dragon was still in range, so Megan gritted her teeth and swung her sword, aiming for the beast's neck.

But it moved erratically, causing her blow to be a miss. But Megan did not let that deter her, attacking again - this time, she connected, but excalibur practically bounced off of its thick outer hide. Megan narrowed her eyes, quickly sweeping over the dragon, before she noticed one point that seemed weaker than the rest - its underbelly. If she could strike there, she could probably slay the beast.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Lotus Hotel and Casino
Skills: N/A

Nancy shook her head slightly at Kristin's offer of nectar. It wasn't that she didn't trust Kristin, more of that she didn't trust their location. It wasn't rational, but she didn't care. She wasn't here to be rational. She was here to find the stupid Door and complete the quest, and if the Fates allowed, burn the Lotus Hotel and Casino down to the ground. Besides, the hoarseness of her throat matched the way she felt in general. She felt like she was only halfway there, the other half of her burning in some sort of hell dimension.

She was standing up from where she had been on the floor when another waiter came on over, offering the group drinks. Nancy felt like she was going to vomit. She didn't even like Cassian. He was perfect for this place, the child of a mad party god, stuck inside a place that could never be anything more than a mad party. Nancy felt like a ghost, haunting the place, unable to scream and unable to do anything but scream. Zeke destroyed the rest of the glasses though, and Nancy closed her eyes.

Her entire body was trembling and shaking. And it wasn't from the pain of the strangulation. She opened her eyes again, unable to keep her chin from wobbling. She couldn't think straight, she couldn't think clearly, she wasn't able to process that it would be best to keep together. All she could think in that moment was hide. The layout hadn't changed. Without a word, Nancy ran to the nearest place that seemed safe - the janitor's closet by the front desk. She threw the door open and shut it behind her, hyperventilating as tears rushed from her eyes as she collapsed to the ground.

"No no no no no...."

Round One - Mon. Oct. 18th, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute

Training Room A
Excelsior (villains) vs the Mighty Marvels (heroes)
Ser Nemo vs Jack of Harts
Judges - the Black Knight, Crystal of the Inhumans, Shang-Chi

Training Room B
Uncanny Avengers (villains) vs the Unity Squad (heroes)
Usagi vs Tigra
Judges - She-Hulk, Blade, Rogue

Training Room C
The Huntresses (villains) vs the New Defenders (heroes)
Lady Nimue vs Brunnhilde
Judges - Iron Man, the Hulk, Black Widow

Uncanny Avengers

Jyoti struggled, trying to dislodge the rope that was tied around her foot. She was so close to victory, so close to retrieving the hostage. All she had to do was figure out how to disarm whatever nonsense Arcade had done. It took her a moment, wasting precious time, but she managed to get the grappling hook dislodged - her own shoe coming off as well in the process.

"Don't get any closer!" Arcade suddenly warned, as Jyoti touched down in front of him. "Or the hostage goes boom," he threatened.

Jyoti hesitated. Were they allowed to do that...?

Meanwhile, Rada's left arm felt heavily bruised and sore from where Zari had whacked it with the flat of her blade. She had shifted back into her metal form, but she was beginning to tire. They had been at this so long. She hadn't answered Leah's question about what metal she was made out of, as she didn't trust Leah. She didn't want to give her enemies any more information than they needed. She glanced over at Vicky though, seeing that the armored suit wearing girl was somewhat stunned. She waved her arm rapidly, locking onto Vicky with her powers and sending Vicky flying across the room again, this time aiming to hit both Zari and Leah if she could. But she went wide, her shot missing, as Vicky instead collided with the wall behind the judges' table.

Vicky's alarm would trigger though, as her suit's energy levels began to slowly deplete - Abby had finally gotten a lock on.

Leah would manage to make an earthen cage around Rada.

April Flynn

Location: Gym - Training Room C
Skills: Hydrokinesis

April heard Mads' cry, and she instinctively swiveled in the water, to try to get a good look at what was happening. But before she could see what was going on, she happened to glance at the fight between Megan and Gideon. And her blood began to boil. The pain from her broken nose was an afterthought. Enya, the Selkie who had been fighting her for most of the time, was an afterthought. She was consumed by a sudden and intense need to beat the living shit out of Ser Megan Pendragon. There was nothing she wanted more in the world.

She managed to scramble up the ladder and out of the pool, without Enya following her. She then reached behind her, imagining that she was pulling and dragging the water, as she tried to get all of it to come out so she could drown Megan where she stood. But her hands were trembling and shaking, and the water fell back into the pool just as soon as it had risen. She tried again but it was the same effect to no avail. "Duck it, I can do dis widout any wader," April said, before running to tackle Megan to the ground.

Gideon was equally just as obsessed with Megan, and she hissed at April. "She's mine to fight!"

Meanwhile, Theda had a strong grip on Mary Sue, keeping her more or less under control. Andy had run over to join them, attempting to attack Michaela, the real tank of their team. If Theda hadn't still been gagged by Mary Sue's construct, it would have all been over with. Instead, it was two against three - or two against two really, given that Mary Sue was temporarily subdued.

She squeezed tighter and Mads' shield spell dropped, only for Michaela to then be punched in the jar by Mads a moment later. It connected, unlike Andy's attack. Michaela cursed, unused to having things slip on through her defenses. Her eyes blazed with fury, and she screamed, wind suddenly kicking up all around her as her eyes rolled into the back of her head, and Michaela gave herself over to her strange eldritch power....

"You shouldn't have done that," Michaela said, a thousand voices speaking in unison.

Percy Novikov

Location: Gym - Training Room A
Skills: N/A

Percy raised an eyebrow, looking at the chaos happening in front of him - and how thoroughly it seemed to favor their own team. Salah had walked to the opposite end of the room and had clearly given up. Arsène was trapped in some sort of internal debate or something, looking at Dorian and back at his team, over and over again. Xènia was unconscious. Paul had just gotten punched hard in the stomach by Zelda's deceased golem. And something weird was going on with Emily.

In short, Percy was feeling pretty confident that they had won. He just didn't know if they had done well enough to qualify for the Contest. From what he understood, it didn't actually matter if your team won or lost in this match. If the judges didn't like you for some reason, then you were out. He didn't particularly care about the Contest, but it was important to Dorian - and even more so, Percy hated to lose.

Paul tried to pick himself up from the floor, but he collapsed to the ground instead. "Is he dead?" Percy asked, tilting his head. Paul didn't seem to be moving anymore.

"What... What are my powers?" Emily was whispering to herself, as she looked around in terror.

Sabine must have done something then. Percy was almost disappointed, as it seemed like just about everyone had been handled. The last one standing really was Arsène and he...

"I know I'm not going to win this - we're not going to win this - but I'm proud of you, man," Arsène said to Dorian. He then held his hands up in a sign of surrender. "You're going to go kick ass for us at the Contest, right? Promise, bestie?"

Percy's shoulders slumped slightly. It was over then. His adrenaline was dying down and he then straightened up his posture, putting on a look of disinterest. They had won, after all. The last effective person was no longer putting up a fight.

Neil Spellman

Location: the Asteroid
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

"Wait, Max, I--" Neil began to say, only to be cut off by Max grabbing their hand. It felt like a steady tug, a redirection of energy flowing from Neil's body into Max's. They felt the pace of their heart change, until suddenly it was beating at a new tempo. Their mind felt dazed, like their ears had been filled with cotton and they were then spun around and asked to try to sing a song they had never heard before. They had been trying to explain to Max just moments ago that they didn't have any magic, that they didn't inherit their family's gifts, that their necromancy - which was strictly speaking more of just reanimation - and their telekinesis was just a mutant power.

But it was too late.

The next thing Neil comprehended, they were staring directly at a planet - and it wasn't Earth. They could feel the gravitational pull threatening to pull them on through the portal, and if they had been able to scream, to shout, to protest they would have done something - but they were locked into whatever bond Max had formed. They assumed that it must have been a deep, ancient magic - one practiced by only the most experienced and talented of mages.

And then, just as quickly as this all had started, Max let himself fall through the portal - he released Neil and OfAll from the spell - and the portal slammed shut.

Neil stared at the space where Max had been, dumbfounded.

Guin Stark

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Telepathy
~Fit Check~

Guin's left eye twitched, as she stared in shock at what had just happened. She thought she had understood the extent of everything she didn't like about Max. But now, it was becoming more and more clear that he was a complete disaster. In an effort to save time (which really, she had to wonder how much time that would be), Max had almost killed them all. They had felt the pull of the vacuum of space, as it threatened to kill them all by tossing them straight into Venus. She didn't trust the space suits that Max had made to really hold up.

If he's not dead, I'm going to kill him myself. "What the fucking hell!" Guin snapped. Was walking really that bad? Was this really going to save them so much time? Did EVERYONE have to use their out of control powers inside of a space station, just flirting with the possibility of killing them and everyone else on this space station? Her irritation with OfAll flared up anew as well, as she had been a big part of this entire mess beginning thanks to her manifestation of Max's powers.

Runa the Grey

Location: Limbo
Skills: Intuition
Spells: N/A

Runa felt steady, soft hands grip her own and help her up to her feet. The voice belonged to Madalyne, it seemed that whatever trance(s) she had fallen under had been dispelled. "You did not hurt me, child," Runa said, attempting to reassure her. "I am not as frail as I look." Had she eyeballs left in her sockets, Runa would have winked for dramatic effect. They had not survived the wasteland of their world by being helpless. They had not slain a legion's worth of magicians by being weak.

It took power, skill, and patience to impose one's will on the universe - and even more to ensure that it stuck.

But even now in their old age, they were still surprised. There was a new voice near them, young yet cold, as if someone had made the approximation of a child but had forgotten to give it any heart or feeling. It was a voice they had spent decades hearing, if not longer. And while some things had faded with time, this memory did not. A small smile traced Runa's lips. Their name had already been revealed to those assembled, that danger had past.

Runa reached out a hand in the direction of the voice, beckoning for that person to take it. "You know who I am, Thordattir," Runa said. "I am Baldur's child."

They turned their head, though, in the direction that Witchfire's voice - among others - had come from. "Won't you guide a frail one? I traded my eyes long ago," she then asked Klara.

Annika would successfully turn back to a human, although some avian features were retained - such as talons on her hands and feathers mixed in with her hair.

The Lady Witchfire had returned Carolina's smile, a sweet darkness in her expression - the very sort of almost dreamy horror that as a child had dominated the personality of October Crypt, Carolina's lost love. "I knew you would find me," Witchfire said. Her hands were folded together in front of her, as prim and proper as ever.

Her eyes then flickered over to Jack, a bit of annoyance briefly rippling the surface of her face. "I believe you are acquainted with some of my family, yes," she said. "My father, perhaps. He was a renowned occultist in his day. But my mother was the real power behind the throne."

Witchfire then motioned for everyone to follow her, before sweeping back inside her castle. There was a grand hall, lined with suits of armors and debauched paintings, most of them depicting the corruption or the consumption of the innocent. Stone sconces provided the only source of light, bathing the marble flooring in an eerie yet warm glow. Heavy tapestries hung from the walls. To the right was a spiral staircase, to the left was a door that led down to the dungeon Madalyne and Ananym had been tortured in.

They went straight, as the doors opened up for Witchfire, revealing a grand throne room. It was dominated by a stone throne, with clawed feet and strange archaic symbols. About ten feet in front of the throne was an elegant table, black wood with a grim red table cloth. It was set for tea, although instead of pastries and fruits, there were body parts and knives. The tea glowed a mysterious shade of green, bubbling and almost sounding like it was alive, speaking tongues. The table had been set for nine.

"Please, sit," Witchfire said, before sitting on her throne. The purple demon, Sym, stood by her side, holding a platter of an assortment of items from the main table.

Once everyone was seated, the Lady Witchfire continued. "While I am overjoyed to see you again, my love, I must ask - what brings you all to my realm?"

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Lotus Hotel and Casino
Skills: N/A

Nancy was stuck in her worst nightmare.

She barely registered as someone said they were going off after Zeke - or as the music began to blare at a thunderous volume, drowning out Lady Gaga. Instead, she was locked in a battle of wills (and strength) with a Lotus Hotel and Casino employee. The woman had her pinned, her nails digging into Nancy's neck as she squeezed. Her heart pounded faster and faster as she fought for breath, pulling at the woman's arms in an attempt to dislodge them. Her blood ran ice cold as the woman welcomed her home. A giant shudder overcame her body as she shook involuntarily, disgusted at the idea that this place could be her home - and horrified by how on some level... that statement rang true. She had spent the majority of her life in this place. And the horrific events that happened here continued to shape her to this day.

Then Kristin beat her attacker over the head with a tray.

Nancy gasped for air, her throat bruised to hell and she could already tell that her vocal cords were hoarse. Not ideal, for a demigod with magical singing powers, but she could make it work. She let her head hit the ground for a moment, as Nancy coughed, before she slowly scrambled up to her feet. Janelle had brought back Zeke. Good. "I'm fine," Nancy told Zeke, her voice sounding like a smoker's. "You?" Her panic had subsided, since he was back here and fine, but then - shit, his boyfriend wasn't there. "Where the hell is Demetri?"

Megan Pendragon

Location: Maleficent's Gates
Skills: N/A

The fight was chaotic, but that was to be expected. Two armies were facing off against each other. Megan felt a little silly for a brief moment, as she heard the roars from up above and she glanced upwards, seeing a dragon. She had never been particularly into Game of Thrones, but she had heard enough about it to be familiar with one concept - that cities burned and innocents died when dragons rode to war. They were the ultimate weapon. And all around her, other acts of magic occurred - Gabriella raised the dead, her brother sent fireballs slamming into Maleficent's weapons.

Megan had a sword.

Other people might have felt self conscious, insignificant, inadequate, or so forth. But Megan loved swordplay. She always had, no matter what world she was in. And bizarrely, this world was one where a sword could make a difference - where magic was not required to take on a titan. So she kept on fighting, feeling more and more like a black knight with each passing moment.

Round One - Mon. Oct. 18th, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute

Training Room A
Excelsior (villains) vs the Mighty Marvels (heroes)
Ser Nemo vs Jack of Harts
Judges - the Black Knight, Crystal of the Inhumans, Shang-Chi

Training Room B
Uncanny Avengers (villains) vs the Unity Squad (heroes)
Usagi vs Tigra
Judges - She-Hulk, Blade, Rogue

Training Room C
The Huntresses (villains) vs the New Defenders (heroes)
Lady Nimue vs Brunnhilde
Judges - Iron Man, the Hulk, Black Widow

Uncanny Avengers

Momchil was still out for the count, as was Sveva. That left then Jyoti, Rada, and Abby. The heroes were finding themselves with their backs pressed to the walls a bit, and Rada decided it was time to take off the kid gloves. She had only demonstrated one of her powers so far. Well, one application of them really. And with her bestie unconscious and Momchil no help, it was time to show a far more serious one.

The Valkyrie had tried to attack her with her sword, and missed, but it meant she was the closest opponent. Rada also heard how Leah clearly unhinged about Vicky potentially being in danger, so Rada exploited that. "A sword-fight? Cool, let me get my sword," she said. She reached out with her hand and the next thing Vicky knew, she was being pulled across the room to Rada. Vicky would try to do her hand-to-hand, but her suit had been immobilized.

"Swing!" Rada shouted, before swinging her arms like she was trying to hit a baseball. Vicky then went colliding into Zari, Zari would manage to block with her sword however. Vicky would end up hitting the ground. The very ground that, thanks to Leah's manipulations, was ever so sticky. It wasn't quite quicksand just yet, more like slightly dried mud, but it was enough to slow down most people's movements.

Abby, meanwhile, was trying to siphon some power from anything they could. Despite Leah's warnings, they had every intention of sucking power away from Vicky's suit, but the pain from the nearly cracked ribs was distracting. They couldn't quite get a lock onto Vicky. Consequently then, no alarms were sounding off.

Jyoti had made it all the way to the end-zone now - the earth cage that surrounded the hostage. It helped when you could fly and command the weather, there was no need for her to touch the ground. As she arrived, she frowned, narrowing her eyes at the strange devices all over the cage. And then she locked eyes with Arcade. "Hey, you! What are these?"

"Uh... A bagel?" Arcade wheezed, still in a lot of pain from both Vicky and Leah and Abby slamming into him not too long ago.

Jyoti's eyes narrowed. Lightning struck the ground, just inches away from Arcade. "Try again."

April Flynn

Location: Gym - Training Room C
Skills: Hydrokinesis

In the pool, April was finally getting the upper hand. Most of the locks and whatnot they were taught at the academy applied to people with a standard number and assortment of appendages, but there were a few that she found worked excellently on a selkie. She had twisted Enya's arms behind her back in such a way that any application of pressure caused extreme pain. And with her opponent temporarily immobilized, April kicked their way up to the surface, dragging Enya along.

The two broke up above the water, and April instinctively gasped for air. "Fudding hell," she cursed. Her nose was definitely broken. And it burned from the chlorine of the pool. She tried to get a glimpse of what was going on all around them, but she was having a hard time understanding it all. It looked like Gideon and Andy were teaming up and.... she didn't know how to describe what was going on with Mary Sue.

Not that she had much time to think about it, as Enya took advantage of her momentary distraction and broke free from April's bind.

Meanwhile, Megan was twitching slightly from the electric shock that Andy had given her - but by the gods, the freak seemed to enjoy it. "Harder, next time," Megan requested with a smirk. Gideon of course was more than happy to oblige, restarting the sword fight before Megan had even gotten back up to her feet. She didn't even seem to really recognize that Andy was still there, so obsessed with attacking her target.

Then, there was the group with the golem. Michaela had a firm hold of it, despite the eyepatch covering her eye or the chain around her leg connecting her to Mary Sue. Mads' shield spell formed like a bubble layer around the hostage. Michaela frowned, clenching her hands tighter on the shield. It was like the shield was suddenly hit with a huge influx of energy, but somehow, it was still holding. "This won't stop us from saving the day - we're heroes, you're villains, and villains always lose," Michaela declared.

Theda still had Mary Sue in a strong lock. If she had been able to speak, she would've just used her voice to force Mary Sue to drop the constructs. Instead, she went for something more violent. She had one hand holding onto Mary Sue, and with her free hand, she struck Mary Sue in the back of the head, aiming to knock the other girl unconscious. Mary Sue would see stars, it would hurt, but she wouldn't black out.

Percy Novikov

Location: Gym - Training Room A
Skills: N/A

Percy grinned slightly, hearing Dorian's familiar accent coming out of Arsène's mouth. He was standing next to Sabine, safely behind the force field, but not within the fire circle, where Danni and the hostage were. For Danni to adjust his position when Sabine took down the force field, he'd have to mess with the fire circle as well. And right before Percy could teleport out of the circle, he watched with wide eyes as some friendly fire happened - as Zelda's golem sent Arsène/Dorian flying backwards.

Percy's grin vanished. "I'm surrounded by morons," he hissed.

Sabine had made some mental edits, including one to Arsène, but as Dorian was still inhabiting Arsène's body, the effect has not yet taken hold. However, Sabine had dove into Salah's mind, and convinced them to essentially feel like giving up and quitting. They didn't want to be doing this anyways. Salah huffed, taking another look at the golem, before deciding it wasn't worth it and they started to walk away to the other side of the room.

"What the hell!" Paul shouted. "Em, stop them!"

"On it!" Emily said brightly. Sorry, do you mind holding for one sec? Emily whispered in Zelda's mind. They turned their attention towards Salah then, diving in and trying to figure out what was happening. She wasn't an amazing telepath, but she could do a few things, and she set to work trying to undo Sabine's mental tampering.

Xènia, of course, was still unconscious.

We know who Witchfire is, duh!! Mercymorn butts in. You may have been just asking Carolina and Klara, Jack, but clearly Mercymorn and Butter Rum are not beyond chiming in, especially if it could be helpful. They live in Limbo after all. The rest of you are tourists.

And Belasco, yikes, the creep, Mercymorn then adds.

But he's been gone for ages, Butter Rum says. Magik banished him.

Mercymorn whinnies slightly. She's hardly any better. When's the last time you saw her around? Never!!

The skeletal horses move quickly - either that or the landscape of Limbo seemed to compress. It would not be long until you found yourselves riding up a steep slope, leading to a castle on a cliffside. The sound of battle roars from above, as demons assault figures in strange red cloaks...

Friends of yours? Butter Rum asks.

Runa the Grey

Location: Limbo
Skills: Intuition
Spells: N/A

With each invocation of holy words, the pain rippled through Runa once more - just as it would spasm through Prudence, Annika, Madalyne, and Max. They gripped their staff a little tighter, using it as leverage as they attempted to stand from where they had collapsed on the ground. They could sense the battle swirling all around them, they could hear the cry of the demons as they attacked, but the sounds were quieter now. The hoard was almost beaten back. That is, until a fresh wave would be sent after them. Limbo had no end to their supply of demons, it seemed.

"They will fight us forever if we allow them to, we need another way," Runa urged. Their voice was sore and quiet, low enough that it would easily be lost in the cacophony. More invocations would likely kill them and others as well. She did not mention that part.

However, the fighting then suddenly ceased, as the horn blew twice. Runa strained her hearing. Although she could not see, she heard as the doors to the castle opened.

"Stop!" a loud voice called out. Those who could see would see a cruel purple horned demon, Sym. "The lady Witchfire invites you all for tea," Sym then growled.

Again, while Runa could not see, the others would spot to his side a blonde haired woman dressed all in black. "I do hope you'll accept my invitation."

Runa frowned. They felt uneasy. "Madalyne, you are no longer bound to me," they said. The spell placed on Mads would break - her mind would be her own once more. She only hoped that they demon child was not as feral as she had been at first meeting.
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