Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Guin Stark

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Telepathy
~Fit Check~

Guin was speechless, something that didn't come naturally to her. Magneto had removed his helmet - the very device that kept her or any other telepath from being able to enter his mind. She could hijack his body, she could violate him in every way that she could think of, she could erase every aspect of his being and leave him an empty vessel. He had removed the main barrier keeping her from murdering the person that he was. She almost thought it was a sign of trust, but she dismissed that idea. It didn't make sense for Magneto. The person who removed his helmet didn't match up with the father-in-law she knew, the one who tried to kill humans and abused his child.

She silently put a finger to the side of her head, and she entered Magneto's mind.

"He's telling the truth," Guin determined. "About all of it. He doesn't mean us harm...yet." Even having been inside his head and seeing what Magneto believed to be real, Guin was hesitant. Maybe the memories had been falsified somehow. Or even if everything was correct, Magneto could change his mind and decide to kill them all. She was about to say more, to ask that Magneto - as a show of good faith - leave the helmet off for the rest of this little adventure, when she heard the sound of roaring water.

She turned her head quickly, seeing a gushing onslaught coming towards them, only for it to be cut off by metal doors sealing shut. "Fucking hell," Guin cursed. "You sure this place is space worthy, Erik?"

Neil Spellman

Location: the Asteroid
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

Ironically given the circumstances, Neil felt lighter than ever before. Sure, they were pleased to see that it seemed like Magneto was telling the truth and they'd all be able to leave, but that wasn't what had filled them up with a newfound buoyancy. No, in this weird metal crucible of a Star Wars space station, they had finally understood a little bit more about themselves. As they turned their head to hear the roaring wave of water coming towards them, Neil reflexively held their hand out, about to use their telekinesis to stop it - only for metal doors to instead slide shut, cutting it off mostly. The doors didn't seem to be air tight, an issue for another time given that they were in space, as water was slowly trickling on through them.

"I don't think it is," Neil said, to Guin's question.

They then looked behind them, seeing that there were still options. The way they had come from looked okay. And from what they remembered, there had been doors and a branching hallway, so they'd have some choices to make. But if there was one thing they knew, they couldn't just stand here and stare at the water. "We should move, before something else goes wrong," Neil suggested, before turning and going back the way they had come from.

Round One - Mon. Oct. 18th, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute

Training Room A
Excelsior (villains) vs the Mighty Marvels (heroes)
Ser Nemo vs Jack of Harts
Judges - the Black Knight, Crystal of the Inhumans, Shang-Chi

Training Room B
Uncanny Avengers (villains) vs the Unity Squad (heroes)
Usagi vs Tigra
Judges - She-Hulk, Blade, Rogue

Training Room C
The Huntresses (villains) vs the New Defenders (heroes)
Lady Nimue vs Brunnhilde
Judges - Iron Man, the Hulk, Black Widow

Uncanny Avengers

Ed was really hoping that this would all be over soon. He glanced at the clock on the wall, but found that the lighting was too poor for him to make it out. He didn't think to include a watch in his superhero get-up, but maybe that'd need to be an improvement for the future. He was, of course, perfectly content to hang back with the hostage while the others did the heavy lifting. It was his strategy in almost every physical activity.

Momchil was still out cold, but no one had made any move to move them. There was a possibility they'd wake up before time had elapsed, after all.

Sveva and Rada were both dazzled, seeing spots in their vision thanks to Vicky's high intensity spotlight. Diana's arrows had set off a net around Rada, the steel girl tripping to the ground and flailing about, trying to get free. Sveva instead just got a nasty bruise on her chest, from the blunt force of the failed arrow hitting her. "Hold still!" Sveva shouted, blinking a few times before activating her eye beams. She knew she didn't have any real risk of hurting Rada, as long as Rada was in her steel form, but she tried to be careful anyways.

Her control was perfect, her moves precise, and her laser beams burned away the net ensnaring Rada.

Rada then charged into the hole she and Sveva had been working on earlier, throwing all of her might against it. Leah was doing her best to maintain the structural integrity of it, but so many assaults at once was difficult to parse. Sveva joined her eye beams to another spot, Abby rammed with electricity flickering all around them. Three different potential breach points. Once again, Abby was the only one who was victorious - and rather than dramatically monologue, Abby ran through.

Their supply of electricity they'd consumed was beginning to run low though, and instinctively, their gaze narrowed in on Vicky. "Yum," they said with a grin.

Up in the sky, Jyoti was doing her very best not to fall to her death. Her concentration had been shaken, the lightning briefly ceasing, as she struggled to stabilize herself. She managed to do so at the last second, slowly her descent enough to minimize the pain as she hit the ground. She saw that Abby had made it on through, and given the numbers disadvantage, Jyoti did the first thing that came to mind.

"Wind!" Jyoti shouted. Maybe it was the extra adrenaline pumping through her veins, but she executed her move perfectly. A GIGANTIC gust of wind shot from out of nowhere, blowing the opposing team back towards the hostage. Vicky, Leah, and Arcade were all blown into the back wall. Diana fell off of Leah's earth wall, towards her team's side. Mr. Sparkles lost control, flying into the back wall, neighing in distress.

Unfortunately for Jyoti, Abby was sent flying as well - Abby crashed into Vicky, Ed, and Leah.

Sveva and Rada took advantage of the chaos, and charged on through the hole that Abby made.

April Flynn

Location: Gym - Training Room C
Skills: Hydrokinesis

April gasped for air instinctively, water filling her lungs. From a distant, logical perspective, she knew this wasn't ideal... But somehow, she felt fine. She felt like she was breathing. She should have been drowning, struggling for breath, and yet she was breathing easily - as easily as she could be when fighting a seal-creature. Her opponent she recognized as a selkie, a variant on the classical mermaid. She knew that they were Celtic creatures, people with seals for the bottom half, but... That was about where her knowledge began and ended.

It didn't help either that Enya was thrashing April underneath the water. She tried to force the water to shoot upwards, to spring them both from the pool, but April couldn't move her hands. She needed that physical connection, that physical movement, in order to control the water around them. Instead, Enya managed to shove her closer and closer to the bottom of the pool.

April tried then the only option available to her. She threw her head forward, hoping to stun Enya and get free. Instead, her nose collided with Enya's face and there was a sickening CRACK! Blood began to flow, drifting upwards in a red cloud around the two of them.

Enya narrowed her eyes, as if to say gross.

Meanwhile, Megan and Gideon were still locked in swordplay. It was a masterclass in fighting techniques and skills. At one moment, Megan held her sword to Gideon's neck - the next moment, Gideon was somehow on top of Megan, a sword to Megan's chest. The dance continued, over and over again. They had to get tired eventually - right? "I guess you just like to watch, huh?" Gideon baited Andy.

Nefekare let out a scream of frustration. "Fucking melt already, you stupid ice!!!!!!!"

That left then, of course, Theda and Michaela. Michaela had almost broken through the dome by the time Mary Sue got to her. An eyepatch had manifested itself onto one of her eyes, blocking her sight - her sight on this plane, at least. The force that fueled her was not of any sentient species known to the galaxy. She saw with more than just eyes. It was easy then to dodge Mary Sue's punch.

"Thanos spawn," Michaela whispered, her voice strangely echoing. "You will disappoint those you love." She then turned and brought down her hand against the dome. It shattered. The hostage golem was then revealed. Theda grabbed Mary Sue from behind, putting her into one of the wrist locks they were taught at the school, as Michaela grabbed the hostage.

Percy Novikov

Location: Gym - Training Room A
Skills: Temporal Teleportation, Small time-space displacement jumps ( < 50 ft range)

Inside her mind, or the astral plane, or wherever the person possessed by Dorian perceives themselves to be, Xènia was fighting to regain control. However, she had little experience with being the one under sway - she was typically the one doing it to other people. Her efforts to free herself were relatively feeble and weak, easily brushed aside by Dorian, as he managed to continue the possession with ease. However, the same could not be said for Dorian's continuation of the siren's song.

Arsène was staring at Dorian/Xènia with clouded eyes of adoration. He was nodding eagerly at the idea of fighting Salah, of proving his worth against theirs. But then, Arsène's eyes cleared. His mind was his own again. His hands were still grasping Dorian/Xènia's feet. That made things easier. His eyes glowed red as he drained Dorian/Xènia dry of energy, almost to the brink of death, but not quite. That would've been against the rules, after all.

As Dorian/Xènia collapsed, Arsène made an executive decision, shuttling the energy over to Paul. The tall boy stirred, suddenly alert and conscious again, fueled with the energy of almost two extra lives. Things were not looking good for Excelsior. Arsène and Paul both ran towards the hostage, seeing that Salah had been going on the assault. Emily joined them. The entire team was closing in.

Percy's eye twitched. Danni didn't even seem to realize he had almost set him on fire, all in his stupid stunt to make a fire circle. Percy didn't support a mutant cure, but maybe some version of it would be good for Danni. He was a walking disaster, just waiting to burn someone alive and not even notice it had happened. "We are going to have a chat later," Percy growled.

Sabine had rushed on over, pulling out her replica She-Ra sword. She slammed it into the ground, and a forcefield formed in a dome around it. It encapsulated the hostage and Danni, and the fire circle, and then Percy and Sabine. Salah was on the outside of it - as were the rapidly approaching other members of the team. Including Paul. Whose spear Percy still had. Damn it.

"Where the hell is Dorian?" Percy then muttered, noticing that he didn't see his boyfriend or the siren.

A creature of legend - a stone golem. As a young Jewish boy, he always felt a little bit emotional when he heard about golems. Seeing one in person was something entirely different. For a moment, he was stunned speechless - and then the golem swung, knocking Salah back at least half a dozen feet or more, their head colliding with the ground.

The lights in the room began to dim. Salah, in an attempt to heal themselves and regain some strength, had started to absorb it - scooping it up with their hands somehow and popping it into their mouth. With each bite, the room was a little darker, a little colder - the light was dim now.

Arsène started to siphon energy from the golem - it helped that it was a construct made of (emotional) energy. Percy's form flickered as he reappeared behind Arsène, and he swung at the back of his head with Paul's spear. Unfortunately, Arsène ducked down, causing Percy's blow to miss.

"I think that belongs to me!" Paul snapped, rushing Percy and trying to grab his spear back, only for Percy's form to flicker and reappear next to Sabine.

Emily, meanwhile, had shut her eyes. She couldn't see where Zelda was, but she could feel her mind. Her telepathic specialty was in giving people slow-mo goggles, but she could do other things. She slid into Zelda's mind with ease, whispering - You're a worthless failure. No one even wants you around.

Mercymorn rolled her eyes - or rather, the motion she was trying to make did suggest that she was rolling her eyes. She didn't have eyes. Just sockets. I was here before you, I know what's going on!!! Mercymorn protested.

You do? Butter Rum then asked. Because I wasn't super following... they admitted sheepishly.

Mercymorn made the same eye roll like motion again, as if to say 'see what I have to put up with?'

Carolina wouldn't manage to find the Chariot - the Green Eyed One must've stashed it somewhere else. However, there are saddles - also made from human skin, but what are you supposed to do? Not use it? Klara managed to get up onto Butter Rum, who had already been saddled up. Mercymorn's saddle will need to be put onto her.

With the Green Eyed One gone, we can get you out of the maze, easy, Butter Rum agreed.

Are you sure you want to go to Witchfire, though? She's as crazy as her dad, Mercymorn said. Mercymorn bent down slightly, to make it easy for Carolina and Jack to hop on, with or without a saddle.

I heard she eats her own toes! Butter Rum added, whinnying nervously.

Runa the Grey

Location: Limbo
Skills: Intuition
Spells: Elder Futhark Runes

Runa paused for a moment, hearing the name Madelyne screamed beside her. She had not been to Limbo before - if she had ever been, she had long since forgotten the occasion - but even then she knew the connection between Madelyne and Limbo. They had been a child on the first Goblin Night when Madelyne Pryor had attempted to end the world. They hadn't done anything about it, merely watching and observing. It had been in the days when she had been convinced her destiny was to bring about darkness and misery. It had been ages later that Runa realized the universe was perfectly equipped to do so without her help.

They had blocked the first few blows with their staff. While they were blind, they were not defenseless. They had mastered the staff before their sight had failed them, and they had spent eons perfecting their technique after they lost it. It also helped that the demon attacking her - this "Madelyne" - was considerably noisy.

Runa drew a rune from her back - īsaz - and was about to press it into the demon attacking her when Prudence announced she had ensnared Madelyne's mind, and given ownership of it to Runa. Annika had already pleaded that Madelyne was under an enchantment. Runa assumed that Annika must have met Madelyne earlier in Limbo. Perhaps the demon had been pretending - perhaps not. Either way, Runa was wary to relinquish control.

They knew that a hero would release Madelyne.

"Child, help us," Runa instructed instead. Annika had specified that Holy Words and relics and whatnot would prove effective against these demons. Runa let the rune for ice slip from their fingers, falling back into the bag. Instead, they drew another one, feeling the stone pieces and the carving. ansuz. The rune of their grandfather - the All-Father Odin.

They held the rune in their palm, hand outstretched.

"Hei Odhinn, Herre av Asgard,
Kriger og vandrer, tapper og vis,
Du som alle Asgards guder ser på,
Himmelfar på den åttebeinte hesten,
Du som byttet øye med visdom
Og styrte et turbulent rike,
Gi oss visdom til å akseptere
Skjebnens vendinger
Selv om du overga deg selv
Til nornenes nåde.
Beskytt oss, All-Fader,
Fra hvilken skade kan komme til oss.
Led oss ​​gjennom villmarken
Og bringe oss trygt til den store salen
At du kun reserverer for de modige i ånden."

With each line, the rune began to glow brighter. By the time Runa reached the end of the prayer, of the invocation of Odin, it was blinding. To an infernal creature, it would be unbearable - it would be like bathing in the core of the sun, every atom of their being threatened to be consumed. But it would not only be the demons who were screaming.

The empty sockets that once contained Runa's eyes were streaming with fresh blood, an unsettling black goop.

Prudence would feel the flames burning within her soul. As would Madalyne. And Annika. And Max.

When the glow of the spell faded, the pain remained. Most of the demons that had been assaulting them were petrified. Runa collapsed to her knees, every inch of her body aching and crying out for relief. They imagined that they were falling into a dark pool, drowning, gasping for air but only managing to fill their lungs with water.

A horn sounded. The front gate of the castle opened. The next wave of demons emerged.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: Fencing

Megan nodded, as Gabriella went through the portal. She admired the deliciously macabre view, as Gabriella raised her army of the dead. It was the sweetest sight she had ever seen before. In many ways, it reminded her of a book series she quite enjoyed - the Locked Tomb trilogy. She could have watched Gabriella work her magics for hours. But she tore her gaze away. Lancelot was insisting on providing aid to the wounded. "If you perish, I did warn you," Megan settled on. She turned her gaze to where Jack was. She hadn't spoken with her brother much that day. She gave him a curt nod.

And then Megan went on through the portal. On the other side, Maleficent's castle was ahead. The drawbridge had been pulled. An army stood at the castle's defense. Catapults sent boulders flying through the sky. Megan drew excalibur from its sheath, feeling every bit the knight she could become. And she joined the fray. It was like she had been born to this, as she took down grunt after grunt with relative ease, taking on no injuries herself. The sword felt like a natural extension of herself. It was the most exhilarating dance of life and death.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Lotus Hotel and Casino
Skills: N/A

It looked almost exactly the same as the day she had left. There were a few new games and whatnot, but the overall layout was largely the same. Her body trembled in realization. For a brief moment, she wondered if she had never actually left - if the last few years had been a vivid hallucination, an attempt at escape. This place felt like it had a grip on her soul, an intense gravity that she was helpless against. Her heart was screaming at her to run, to get out, to abandon this ridiculous quest and let someone else sort it out. The terrified, frozen indecision was written plainly across her face.

But she had already failed in the most crucial aspect of this quest. A woman had approached, holding a tray of those Lotus cookies. Nancy had been frozen. She didn't act in time. Zeke took one of the cookies and happily ate it, and she could see the way his eyes glazed over, the way the spell consumed him. Tears welled up in her eyes as her entire body trembled. It felt like she was watching it happen all over again. She felt like she was watching herself as a young girl, walking into the jaws of a predator.

"No!" Nancy cried desperately, an intense need and ache in her voice, as if she were begging with the Fates themselves. She could see others reaching for the cookie. "Someone, go stop Zeke!" Nancy shouted. She tried to knock the tray of cookies out of the employee's hand, so she could crush them under her feet, but the woman instead did a pirouette and offered one to Demi. Nancy's heart was beating intensely and her ears felt like they were full of cotton, as she threw her entire body weight into the employee, knocking her down to the ground.

Nancy tried to bash the woman's head against the ground, her fight or flight instinct kicked into overdrive and settling firmly on murder. "Don't eat it, please!" Nancy really meant don't leave me alone in here. The employee though was stronger than she looked, and the two of them were soon locked into a struggle, the tray of cookies abandoned on the floor nearby... "Zeke!!"

Guin Stark

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Telepathy
~Fit Check~

Guin didn't notice Max perform magic on her wound, as it was on the back of her head. She wasn't going to remove the pressure she was keeping on it, so she didn't notice that the bleeding had stopped either. If she had noticed, maybe it would have altered her opinion of him. Just maybe. Instead, she was hyper focused on Magneto and the bullshit he was spewing. She didn't buy it, not for a second. People could change - but not that much. He was still the man who twirled nukes with his finger, who threatened the human race with extinction, who abused his children. There wasn't room for nuance.

"If you're not lying, then remove your helmet," Guin challenged. "Let me see the truth for myself." She was calling his bluff. She knew there was no way Magneto would take off that helmet. There was no way he would let her dive into his mind and see what the truth was. Maybe it was stupid to challenge him here and now, but she didn't care. She wasn't going to be afraid of him. And she wasn't going to let him get away with hurting people again. This was the same Magneto, just in space.

Others from the group rejoined them - not Mary though. Instead, Mary sent Guin a somewhat alarming message, about someone with a power that sounded suspiciously like performance enhancing drugs. Magneto's claiming he's innocent. Calling his bluff. Come join us if you can. Probably without your new friend. We're either going to fight to the death or leave. Although she figured a fight was somewhat guaranteed - if Magneto was telling the truth, then Exodus was behind all of this.

And he had already tried to murder Pietro once.

She flinched slightly, hearing the crack from Lance trying to set his leg. Not too much later, the pain in her head then ceased, as if the wound was healed. Guin tentatively dropped her hand, before prodding at where it had been with her fingers.

Neil Spellman

Location: the Asteroid
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

Neil was running with the others, finally making it to where more of their team was located. OfAll, Lance, Guin, Pietro, Exodus, and Magneto were all there - as were Carolina, Bethany, Mira, Annie, and now himself. His stomach twisted with discomfort at that thought. It wasn't the fact of who was present... No, it was the pronouns he mentally used. Annie had just told him to trust his gut, something he knew had been attributed to his feeling that he had sensed Lance's death... But instead, he was applying it differently.

For the last however many weeks, he had been denying something building up inside. He had been ignoring what his gut had been telling him.

Neil Spellman was not a boy.

It felt like a dam breaking loose, and they trembled. Tears welled up in their eyes. They hadn't even said the words, they had just thought them, but it was... it was so liberating. So freeing. Maybe it wasn't the time or place to have the egg hatch, but Neil didn't care. The tension left their shoulders and they stood a little taller. They felt warm.

"S-so... What's going on?" Neil asked, sounding a little dazed. No one was fighting, not exactly anyways. In fact, everyone seemed to just be... talking?

Round One - Mon. Oct. 18th, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute

Training Room A
Excelsior (villains) vs the Mighty Marvels (heroes)
Ser Nemo vs Jack of Harts
Judges - the Black Knight, Crystal of the Inhumans, Shang-Chi

Training Room B
Uncanny Avengers (villains) vs the Unity Squad (heroes)
Usagi vs Tigra
Judges - She-Hulk, Blade, Rogue

Training Room C
The Huntresses (villains) vs the New Defenders (heroes)
Lady Nimue vs Brunnhilde
Judges - Iron Man, the Hulk, Black Widow

Uncanny Avengers

Ed managed to catch his breath, scrambling up from his position on the wall. His head was spinning slightly and the adrenaline was pounding through his body. Vicky was yelling at him to help Diana - but Diana was already running off. It was so incredibly hard to see though in the dark, and he fumbled around in his many pouch'd belt. He knew where he had put these things earlier, and it helped that they had a distinct shape to the other items he had. He awkwardly undid the zipper, before pulling out a pair of green goggles.

He smirked, once they were on his head - and he could see perfectly again. They were night vision goggles. Everything was a shade of green now, but that was fine. He got an idea then. It would maybe get them disqualified... But it might not. He reached into another pouch of the belt, pulling out four little discs. He'd made these last year for his final project in his engineering course. He stuck them onto various points of the earth tent Leah had made around the hostage, and they began to blink.

"No one's saving you now," Ed whispered to the golem encased in Earth. "At least, not in one piece..."

They were bombs, of course - pressure activated ones.

Over by the Wall, Momchil took a nasty dive, hitting the ground with a thud. They were out cold, thanks to a firm whack in the head from the flat of Zari's sword. But they weren't maimed or dead, so the judges didn't do much, beyond scribbling down a note or two. Their team didn't have any healers.

Diana's explosive arrows had sailed over the wall, but given her inability to aim, they hit the ground without striking anyone. Rada and Sveva had a few close calls, narrowly running and getting out of the way of the arrows. None of them fell near Abby.

It was easier to see now though, between Zari's flashlight sword and Victoria's spotlight. On the other side of the wall, Rada Sternberg punched repeatedly in a single location. In her metal form, she had super strength - much like the X-Man Colossus. A small hole began to form, growing bigger with each punch, but it wasn't enough yet for a person to get through.

"Let me," Sveva insisted. Rada stepped to the side, quirking an eyebrow at her teammate.

Sveva then narrowed her eyes, lasers shooting out of them, as she started to burn away at the wall. It wasn't unlike the circular sweep of a lightsaber in a Star Wars movie, creating a circle that could be easily kicked on through.

Without a word though, Abby walked up to another portion of the wall, and they threw their weight against it. They were stronger the more electricity they had consumed, and they were bursting with light and energy. Their glow faded, but the earth gave way, creating a person sized entrance to the other side. "Hey guys," Abby said. "We're here to save the day. You can surrender now if you want."

Jyoti had taken advantage of the chaos, and everyone focusing on Momchil. She was staying up high towards the ceiling, doing her best to fly quietly over to the hostage. But now with a flying pegasus, Jyoti decided there needed to be a change of plans. Channeling her favorite hero, Ororo Munroe, Jyoti cried - "lightning! hear my cry!"

Storm clouds began to gather around her, a light and gentle rain falling.

April Flynn

Location: Gym - Training Room C
Skills: Hydrokinesis

April nodded. "Got it, boss, I'll..." her voice drifted off. She had been about to try to freeze Neferkare solid, at least until the match was over. It was the logical thing to do. Speedsters didn't mix well with the cold. It's what a villain would do. But suddenly... Suddenly she didn't want to do that anymore. The little girl with the black braids, she infuriated April more than anyone had infuriated her before in her life. Her heart was full with hate as April abandoned the speedster, instead making a beeline for the daughter of King Arthur.

"You!" April hissed. "What gives you the fucking right?" she screamed. There was blood on Megan's face - Andy had definitely broken her nose - and it made April want to spin her aunt up in the air in joy. She only could've been happier if she had gotten to break Megan's nose herself.

"Hey, hey, she's MINE!" Gideon complained. She had reluctantly left the hot siren alone, and instead went over for a sword fight - which was admittedly her favorite thing to do.

"How about we all fuck her up together? How's that sound? She def deserves it. I bet she's a future psycho or something," April swore. And without waiting for an answer, she reached out with her hands and pulled towards herself. A small whip of water flew from the pool, flying into April's hands. She wanted to strangle Megan with it. She was going to strangle Megan with it. Nothing else mattered. She didn't care if she won today. She didn't care if she went to super hell for murder.

But just as April was about to strike, a webbed hand grabbed her by the back of the hair... and dragged her backwards, catching her unawares. The person dragged her into the pool, where April thrashed violently, trying to get free, but she didn't surface.

Enya Mac Suibhne was, after all, a selkie.

Megan swung her sword at Andy, aiming to hit her in the head with the flat of it, but Gideon was faster - she parried the blow with her own sword. The two swordsmen then became locked in a struggle, Megan attempting to get the upper hand, nearly managing it, and Gideon faring much the same.

"Little help here, Elvira?" Gideon asked Andy playfully. She had a crush on the tiny girl.

Meanwhile, Theda was screaming soundlessly, trying to speak through the gag. But it was no use. She couldn't access her powers. So instead, she grabbed Mary Sue by the hair and slammed her down to the ground hard. She went to kick at the other girl in the chest, but Mary Sue would be able to roll out of the way, avoiding the blow.

Neferkare's feet were still stuck in the ice, and he was tugging at them, trying to get free.

But Michaela, no one was bothering her. She walked almost nonchalantly on down, as if she was going for coffee. Her hair was floating gently, as if being picked up slightly by the wind. She reached out and set a hand gently on the dome. "No more," Michaela whispered. An intense ball of light and darkness and hope and despair appeared in her hand, colliding violently against the dome, beginning to warp and fracture it - it wouldn't last for long against the horror.

Percy Novikov

Location: Gym - Training Room A
Skills: Temporal Teleportation, Small time-space displacement jumps ( < 50 ft range)

Surprisingly, Sabine wasn't able to get inside of Paul's mind - perhaps he had taken some anti-telepathy courses or seminars. He did keep on glancing over at Xènia though, his eyes full of love. He wanted to make her proud of him. And what better way to do that then by obliterating their enemies and securing their spot in the Contest of Champions?

"This is for you, Xènia!" Paul boasted.

Percy saw the punch coming before it connected. Paul swung wide and Percy ducked down (not that he had to duck far, Paul was approximately three feet taller than he was). The older boy kept his momentum going and ended up spinning around entirely, losing his balance and immediately collapsing back on the floor. Percy looked on dispassionately, noting that Paul had definitely hit his head in the fall that time. "I wouldn't recommend trying that again - you need all the braincells you can keep," Percy advised, before snatching up Paul's spear.

He hesitated for a moment. What was he allowed to do with this that wouldn't break contest rules? He couldn't exactly stab Paul (not that he particularly wanted to). If he wanted to stab anyone, it would be the siren. It had been brief, but enough to irritate and chaff at him. He didn't like it. He didn't like not being in control.

And that then informed him as to what to do next. He kicked with all his might (which was not much, thankfully for Paul) and hit the back of Paul's head. The not-so-gentle giant was unconscious moments later. Percy couldn't help but smirk, feeling a rush of endorphins. He'd got one.

Arsène had rushed on over to Xènia, stars in his eyes. "Xènia, baby... I love you so so much... Let's get married," he urged. "Would you do that? Would you marry me?" He collapsed on one knee, hugging Xènia's - well Dorian's - knees. "Please?" he sobbed.

Salah looked like they might've had something to say about that, had they not been cursing in pain from the fact that Zelda had thrown a knife into their shoulder. They weren't too sure where exactly Zelda was, as she had been sneaking around, but the knives had come from more or less one location. But Salah realized they didn't need to beat Zelda.

The hostage was completely unguarded. They made a run for it.

Emily made a quick decision, knowing that Danni had a reputation for being flammable. They put a finger to the side of their head and they concentrated, tapping into Danni's mind, and messing with his perception of time. To everyone else, Danni would more or less be moving in slow motion.

Percy caught what Salah was going for just in time. His teleportation was doing better today than it ever had before - perhaps the pressure was helping, somehow. He reappeared in seconds right in front of the hostage, spear in hand, as he stared at Salah. "Going somewhere?"

Oh, Jack. You do have what would be an excellent plan - to go recruit the aid of Miss Rasputina. I had been summoned to Limbo under the pretense that she needed my aid in squashing a rebellion. It had been a lie, a trick used to lure me to my grave. Magik is not in Limbo. I do not think she knows what is happening here - and I do not think you will be able to reach her. I wish I could tell you this, but I am forbidden from interfering. All I can do is watch. I cannot council you three to stay together. I cannot give you advice on your quest.

I am no longer Stephen Strange, Sorcerer Supreme. I belong to Death.

Hey, come and untie us! Butter Rum prompted in your minds.

Yeah, let's get out of this fucking nightmare place, Mercymorn echoed in agreement. The skeletal horses were staring through the window hopefully.

* * *

Sym stared at you for a moment, Madalyne, as if he were actually considering it. But he did not achieve his position in Limbo by being an idiot. "How about I add more shackles?" he sneered. He spat in your face. Ananym's screams rose to a crescendo, before abruptly falling off. "Aww, show's over I guess," Sym lamented. "We'll eat her tonight - and it'll all be because you said no."

He brought down his spiked club again, this time connecting with your kneecap. The pain is horrible. Like it or not, a scream escapes through your lips. Sym raises the club, about to bash in your skull, only to stop suddenly. Another demon has entered the torture chamber.

"Lord Sym, the Sorcerers Supreme are here - they've approached the castle," the demon squeaked.

Sym paused for a moment, before letting a deep laugh out of his belly. He looked at you. "Waste not, want not, right?" he said.

Runa the Grey

Location: Limbo
Skills: Intuition
Spells: N/A

Runa felt someone walk into her, and she stumbled forward clumsily. She caught herself with her staff, using it to gain traction. The voice behind her apologized - Annika. In Annika's native tongue, she said: "it is alright, little one." Annika, much like Prudence, reminded Runa somewhat of her own daughters. They were part of the shadows now, forever suspended above in the heavens, freed of the crushing wheel of fate and destiny.

She could no longer dry their tears. Their heart ached in that moment, but they had no one but themselves to curse. No one else to blame. They had broken the cycle. They had formed the shadow god out of the aspect of every single person they loved. She had set them free. She had imprisoned herself in their place.

Prudence was bold and quippy, whereas Annika was courageous and reserved. She adored them both. She hoped she didn't have to kill them.

Weak, noodle like arms embraced her. She smelled a fine perfume. Max then. They snorted slightly. "It is nice to see you, too," they quipped. They knew it wasn't a greeting hug though - or even one designed for comfort. They knew it the moment their feet left the ground, and they felt a sense of weightlessness, of upward propulsion. It wasn't long until her feet found purchase on the ground again.

She didn't need to be able to see the castle - she could feel it now, the waves of pure evil emanating off of it. "Something is wrong here," they sensed. They reached a withered old hand out, as if they could see through gnarled fingers. "Our enemy is not what she seems."

The doors to the castle opened. A demonic hoard appeared. It was led by a Sorcerer Supreme. It was led by Madalyne Crane.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Las Vegas
Skills: N/A

Nancy nodded slightly, at Zeke's explanation about his boyfriend. Relationships and romance just sounded exhausting. She didn't get the appeal of them, why other people pursued them so fiercely. She'd be perfectly happy to live out her days in the company of friends, a beautiful platonic cohabitation. Hopefully she would find that with Diana's hunters. She watched as the strange cat woke up and bolted out the door. Apollo had mentioned that they'd need to follow Sunshine. It looked like that started now.

It felt like an eternity stretched out before her, as she stared at the exit of their hotel room, suddenly immobile.

But the spell broke, as Nancy began to walk, her entire body numb as she headed in the direction of the place that had destroyed her life - the Lotus Hotel and Casino. She was quiet at first on the walk, not answering or even responding as Zeke mentioned that it was just another hotel. She had wanted to roll her eyes at him, but found that she couldn't - that her body refused to respond. It was all she could do to put one foot out in front of the other, over and over again, as they followed the cat.

Just before they rounded the corner, Nancy managed to push a physical response from her body - it was small, but it was so incredibly hard. She nodded. She tried to open her mouth to form words, and it was hard, it was harder than the quests she'd been on before - harder than training at Camp - but she managed it. "I know," Nancy whispered.

The others were here. But her gaze slipped off of them, instead focusing on the lobby doors behind them. Her body wanted to dissolve into nothingness. She wanted to scream and cry and run. She stood rooted in place, feeling her heart beat itself to death, over and over again. She tilted her head upwards, looking at the sun in the sky.

And then without explanation - without waiting for the others - Nancy walked forward. She pushed her trembling hands against the door, opening it, and she stepped inside the place that had at times felt like her grave.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Megan wasn't amused by Rosalia's boasts that she could beat Colby instantly. Unfortunately, it was all rather dull and boring. Just empty words being thrown back and forth. It wasn't enough to hold her attention, particularly as they were preparing to march off to war. She fiddled with her signet ring, and her suit of armor appeared around her. It was standard armor for the knights of Camelot, complete with the Pendragon crest. She didn't have a shield or anything along those lines, but Megan had never fought with a shield before - she had studied how to fight through the lens of fencing, where such things were unheard of.

Her parents left the room, only for Lancelot to enter. "I hope you aren't planning on coming," Megan said bluntly to Lancelot. "Unless you intend to die today." He was still wounded and going to the battle was only going to be unneeded risk. She paused for a moment, before taking Gabriella's hand and going outside, to where Merlin was beginning to construct the portal. Her cold dead heart beat a little quicker.

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