Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

9:00 AM - Mon. Oct. 18th, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute

Classes had been canceled for the day, as all students were participating in the qualifiers for the Contest of Champions. Only four teams could be submitted to compete in the actual contest, so today's purpose was for the school to decide which groups stood the best chance of winning it all. To minimize any chance of favoritism, contest coaches were prohibited from sitting on the judges panel for this. Instead, their colleagues in superheroism had graciously donated their time to come and observe the students. Usually, these tended to be C-listers - the sort of Avengers that would be placed in the very back of a group shot and most definitely did not have their own merch at Hot Topic.

This year was different. A-listers were coming to watch. As to why that was? Well, the AA gossip mill had brought up a few explanations, some of which may even be true -
  • Half of the Young Avengers were graduating this year, so the school needed to find replacement members, and having a more experienced eye would help.
  • Half of the Young Avengers were graduating this year, so the school was trying to create more chances for them to be seen in action by high ranking members of the Avengers.
  • The Young Avengers were an actual superhero team with public recognition, with higher profiles than the usual C-listers who came to town
  • Most of these rumors really tended to revolve around the Young Avengers

At any rate, all the students knew was that big names were coming. They would be evaluated by a panel of three judges, based on their performance in the scenario given. If they scored high enough, they'd have a shot at getting to go and compete in the actual Contest of Champions, up against the best of the best of youth superheroes. If they didn't, then they'd be stuck on campus watching as others lived out their dreams, and they studied for algebra tests.

The first round began at 9:00 sharp. Six teams were being evaluated. The second round would begin after lunch, where the remaining seven teams would be evaluated by the judges. This year's scenario was simple - heroes vs villains. The teams would have to compete in direct combat. The last team standing would win. Additionally, the villains team would begin with a Shi'ar golem hostage.


Training Room A
Excelsior (villains) vs the Mighty Marvels (heroes)
Ser Nemo vs Jack of Harts
Judges - the Black Knight, Crystal of the Inhumans, Shang-Chi

Training Room B
Uncanny Avengers (villains) vs the Unity Squad (heroes)
Usagi vs Tigra
Judges - She-Hulk, Blade, Rogue

Training Room C
The Huntresses (villains) vs the New Defenders (heroes)
Lady Nimue vs Brunnhilde
Judges - Iron Man, the Hulk, Black Widow

Uncanny Avengers

In training room B, the stage was set - literally. Behind the Uncanny Avengers was a Shi'ar golem that looked suspiciously like Britney Spears. There was a pool of water in the middle, off to the side, for anyone who might have elemental powers. Students were allowed to bring whatever weapons and equipment with them that they wished. Vicky had tried to cobble together some comm devices, but it had been an outrageous failure (a nat 1 on a d20) - the approach definitely needed to be rethought.

But the room made it unlikely that anyone would have trouble hearing anyone else - it was large, but no so large that a good shout wouldn't do.

Arcade had shown up almost at the last minute. He had a belt with a million pouches on, likely containing different tricks and whatnot. He had thought about bringing his laptop, but he didn't want to risk damaging it. He had goggles on as well, to protect his eyes, and a Kevlar vest.

The judges today were Rogue (famously of the X-Men, but she had served as an Avenger too) (she was getting up there in age, but looked like she was 50 at most, and still in her prime), She-Hulk (in her green form, looking not a day over 30), and Blade (who insisted on wearing his sunglasses indoors).

The other team, coached by Tigra, was called the Unity Squad. They were mostly freshmen, with a sophomore and a senior. The senior (Momchil Angelov) was somewhat well known around school, on the account that they were a bird person - they looked like one of the Rito from a Legend of Zelda Game. They had a bow strapped to their back and a quiver of arrows at their side. There were two girls with excessively curly hair and bushy eyebrows. There was another person who was incredibly androgynous and had a weird glow to them, and the ceiling lights seemed to flicker when they moved. And then there was Jyoti Singh, the It Girl of the sophomore class, her bubblegum pink hair tied back in a braid. When she moved, her feet barely touched the ground.

"Well, hey there, sugahs!" Rogue greeted. "Ma name is Rogue, that's Jen, and that's Blade. You all have fifteen minutes tah do yer task - villains, that's keepin' the hostage, and heroes, that's savin' poor Britney. No maimin' or killin' now, y'all understand? Good. Yer time starts now!"

Angelov took off into the air, as did Jyoti. The two of them flew across the room, making a beeline for the hostage. The lights all then suddenly went out, and Abby Smith was a glowing being of energy, having eaten the power like it was candy. They looked across the room, their eyes glowing bright yellow, as they grinned a knowing grin.

The lights weren't the only source of power around.

One of the curly haired girls suddenly turned into metal - only lit by the intense light bouncing off of Abby. And the other one's eyes began to glow, before laser beams emitted from them. She swept her head in an arc, in order to maximize the number of targets hit. She ended up hitting Ed and Diana, sending them both flying backwards into the back wall, their uniforms smoking. Diana had a bad burn - it would hurt somewhat to move, at least at first. Ed's vest had taken most of the damage for him.

April Flynn

Location: Gym - Training Room C
Skills: Hydrokinesis, Ice Generation

April had been up for a few hours due to nerves. She had gotten changed into her training uniform at about 7:00 AM. She had texted her girlfriends and her soul-brothers (thank the gods she had finally gotten a decent phone, and the Nokia had been chucked into a bin). But that had only taken her about twenty minutes. There had been plenty of time for nervously pacing in the room, for staring at her water bottle and making the water go between frozen and unfrozen until the water bottle had finally had enough and cracked from the stress. Cleaning up the mess had then only killed thirty minutes at most.

So by the time she was in the training room with her team, facing down their opponents, she was more than ready to get this all over with. But simultaneously, she felt sick to her stomach. If they messed this up, there'd be no Contest of Champions for them. And even worse, real Avengers were watching them. Iron Man didn't suit up much these days - he was in his 60's or 70's now, his hair long since gone white, and he walked with a cane. Black Widow creepily looked like she was still in her 20s or 30s - must've been the super serum she had received in the Red Room. The Hulk - well, Doctor Banner - looked like he was in his 50s or so. But he had looked like that for the last thirty years from what April could remember.

Standing on the other side of the training room were their opponents - Brunnhilde's team, the New Defenders. April only recognized two of them - Theda Papadopoulos, a gorgeous Greek girl with unnatural piercing yellow eyes and almost translucent skin, as if her corpse had long ago been cast off into the sea. April didn't remember anything about her powers or what she could do, but she knew that she was looking at a predator. The other one she recognized was Michaela Jones - a dark skinned girl with her hair done in bantu knots. She had no idea what Michaela's powers were either. Both Theda and Michaela were a year above April - seniors.

The three she didn't know, she assumed must've been freshman. One was a pale girl with her hair done in braids - for whatever reason, April immediately decided she hated her. There was a ginger with a wild spray of freckles across the nose. And an Egyptian boy who kept dancing from foot to foot, as if he couldn't bear to stay still.

"We ready to get this show on the road?" Mr. Stark asked, before taking a sip of his ginger ale. "Great. You know the rules. No killing or maiming. Huntresses will be the villains. New Defenders will be the heroes. Blah blah blah. You have fifteen minutes, so don't screw it up. Go." He waved his hand dismissively.

Black Widow rolled her eyes. Banner shot them all two thumbs up. "You're gonna be great!"

April swallowed nervously. The Shi'ar golem, looking like a cute little girl with pigtails and a dress, was tied up behind her team. There was a pool of water in the middle of the room, off to the side - she assumed for her, Lady Nimue must've asked for it. "Okay, let's do this!!" April cheered.

In the blink of an eye, the other team was on the move. Megan drew her sword, only for Gideon to smirk. "Hell yeah!" the senior girl shouted. Gideon was an accomplished sword-fighter, but her superpower was that she couldn't die. The only way that she could be killed would be if someone consumed her soul, and even then, her body would continue to live on without her.

But instead of rushing forward to meet Megan, Gideon went right for Theda. A forked tongue slipped out of Theda's mouth, as she began to sing in a strange language, whisperings that April couldn't understand. She felt a longing to know though, to go and kneel down at Theda's feet, to... "Shit, she's a siren!!" April realized. "Plug your ears! Gideon, don't get distracted by her boobs!!"

Gideon had a reputation for being a himbo butch lesbian.

Neferkare dashed forward with supernatural speed - nowhere near Speed or Quicksilver or Northstar - but still incredibly fast. He was making a beeline for the hostage. April's reflexes were somehow fast enough though, as she yeeted a gigantic portion of the pool water at him, and froze it around his feet.

Percy Novikov

Location: Gym - Training Room A
Skills: N/A

Percy hadn't deviated very much from his routine. Shockingly, he was not nervous about the qualifiers today. He didn't intend to go into this sort of superheroism. He was here at Avengers Academy to learn the skills he needed to explore time and space, to be the sort of traveling adventurer like his hero, Odysseus. Fighting as a member of a group against another group seemed unneeded. He'd be better off spending his time watching Doctor Who. David Tennant was certainly easy on the eyes, even if he found the Doctor's fashion choices atrocious.

However, he knew how much this meant to Dorian. So he was going to put his best foot forward. He had selected a freshly cleaned uniform, wanting to look his best, even though these uniforms tended to get destroyed throughout training sessions. Or at least, ruined enough that he had no intention of ever using them again. He had slipped a nicely penned note under Dorian's door the previous night - writing letters was really becoming a lost art - wishing his boyfriend good luck today.

And reminding him that they still had a test on the Iliad at the end of the week.

Now, he was standing in the training room, facing down their opponents. The judges didn't impress him very much. There was Crystal of the Inhumans, who seemed to have aged nicely into her role as a cougar / a candidate for the Real Housewives, given the way she was inappropriately touching (or trying to touch) the Black Knight. Percy was fairly certain the Black Knight was dating Sersi of the Eternals at the moment - that would be some interesting drama for the tabloids. And then Shang-Chi seemed to be regretting his life choices, seeing how far he could scoot his chair away from those two.

"Oh, sorry, duh, it's time to start this thing," Crystal of the Inhumans said with a sigh. "Don't kill each other. Or do, that might be interesting. Fifteen minutes, villains - that's Excelsior - keep the hostage. Heroes - try to reclaim her. Last team standing wins, and all that jazz. So, like, um, go?"

Percy was not feeling inspired. He glanced behind him, noting the tied up Shi'ar golem - it had been made to look like a little boy with a balloon, which he wasn't sure if that was twisted or funny. Perhaps both.

He didn't recognize anyone from the other team - the Mighty Marvels (Percy hated that name. It felt very gimmicky). There was a tall boy who looked vaguely French, a short girl with an insane number of piercings and her hair clipped almost to the scalp, a larger boy holding an impressively sharp looking double sided spear, a Greek looking girl with haunting yellow eyes and sharp features and prominent veins, and then an Arabic person who was tossing a ball of light back and forth in their hands.

Percy raised an eyebrow. "I don't suppose they're going to just tell us what they can do," he observed dryly. Hopefully the older students on his team knew. And hopefully Zelda didn't fall over from having a panic attack.

Almost unconsciously, he found himself walking forward, drawn towards the Greek girl. But then he was snapped back into focus, as he found the tip of a spear pressed into his chest. "No," Percy refused. He executed a perfect jump through the fabric of space, reappearing behind the taller boy with the spear. He kicked the boy in the back, sending him stumbling forward to the ground, the spear falling from his hands.

"You little shit!" Paul cursed, scrambling back up to his feet.

The wounds on your chest continued to bleed Jack, showing no sign of clotting. To my trained eye, I would recommend applying even pressure immediately. Otherwise, you may find yourself bleeding to death. Having another Sorcerer Supreme perish in Limbo today would be tacky. Although I am sure that some of the demons would rejoice in such a thing - and perhaps one of your fellow Sorcerers Supreme would enjoy lapping at the strange black blood gushing from your body.

It is truly too bad your group does not have a doctor - you are all in dire need of one.

Carolina, a glance through the window shows that the skeletal horses Butter Rum and Mercymorn are tied up outside to a post of sorts. The horses are awake and alert, pawing at the ground nervously. Mercymorn turns her gaze, looking at you through the window. I guess the Green Eyed One can't come to the phone right now - why? because they're DEAD Mercymorn chattered into your mind.

* * *

There was no response from Ananym. The screams continue, unending in their agony. Perhaps you assume the worst. But I can assure you, the worst is yet to come.

Sym chuckled, amused at your bravado - and happy, as it gave him an excuse to hurt you. "How exactly are you going to kick my ass, when I'm here, and you're there?" he asked. "For example, I can do this-" he swings his spiked club, colliding with your left ankle - "and you can't do shit about it."

"The boss is none other than the prince of Limbo, Witchfire," Sym then added. "So I'll ask you again - are you in? Or are you out?"

Runa the Grey

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells: N/A

Runa nodded, feeling the brush of Edus' arm on her own. It was sweet of him. They took his arm, allowing him to guide them through the night. "Aye, that would be the one," she affirmed. Truthfully, they did not need his description to come to that conclusion. Some realms worked in the ways of stories, and while this one was filled with horrors, it seemed like they were being drawn to some sort of an inevitable conclusion. They had been guided here, brought here for some reason, some purpose. Stephen's death was only the beginning.

They kept this opinion to themselves though, not wanting to frighten the children.

She chuckled though, at Prudence's advice to come up with more useful magics. "You would not like my more useful spells, child," they chided gently. "What I truly weave is an affront to the gods - a heresy so grand that I have been cast out from my place in the heavens." She paused again, and smiled. "I will show you."

The battle had been awfully boring, after all. Perhaps it was time to stretch those muscles again and dabble with the dark forces.

Unfortunately, they had never heard of Witchfire before - and if they had, the name had long since been lost to time. "I am afraid not. I suspect a demon and the killer of poor Stephen. But the way ahead is unclear and I am blinded in more ways than one."

Time compressed and stretched. The small group would be at the foot of the mountain on which the castle stood in almost no time at all. All they had to do was climb.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Megan's dark, barely beating heart kicked into a flurry. Her and Gabriella, at the front of an army of the dead, surging the gates? It was the most romantic scene she could picture. Or well, almost the most romantic one. The only thing that could improve it would be if one of them were a vampire, fangs biting into the flesh of the other. Perhaps another time. Moonlight would be nice too. Perhaps some better clothing... Megan made mental note of these ideas. She'd propose them to Gabriella later.

However, her attention was then caught by her father's announcement that the rest of his knights would be meeting at the gates of the castle. Something clicked inside of her in that moment. She wanted that for herself. She wanted to be a knight. The black knight, even - the morose energy of it felt appealing to Megan. She had excalibur. She wasn't interested in being a princess - that all sounded rather dreadfully boring and dull.

She already had her armor and weapon - the armor was part of the magic ring she had acquired, with her family's seal. She was ready at any moment. She raised an eyebrow, a bit curious at Rosalia's outburst. She'd almost forgotten about that entire business. Well, who had caused it, at any rate. "If you're going to fight to the death, I'd like to watch," Megan said dryly to those three.

Guin Stark

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Telepathy
~Fit Check~

Guin was feeling a bit dizzy and lightheaded. She somewhat passively noted that was probably because of the blood loss. Her own hand wasn't an amazing stopgap to keep the head wound from gushing. Mary's voice intruded into her mind again, and Guin felt irritated for a second. She had told Mary she was busy. And Mary was a telepath now, thanks to the Phoenix Force - she could just figure out what was going on with Guin by reading her mind. It'd be rude as hell, but she could do it. Still busy. Almost died. Magneto's here. That was the extent of the message she thought back to Mary.

Of course, Pietro was also swimming around in her head, and Lance was telling her that she thought Magneto was genuinely confused. Jaclyn helpfully gave an answer, but Guin didn't buy it. There was no way that Magneto didn't know what was going on. If he didn't, then he was a more pathetic excuse for a supervillain than she'd previously thought. "Right, like you of all people don't fucking know!" Guin snapped.

Maybe he's been going to therapy - or it's a trap, so he can get you to go back to his side, Guin suggested to Pietro. She was already sitting down on the floor, but she felt like she needed to sit down still. Maybe lie down even. The floor looked nice and cool. It'd probably feel nice. "It's your shitty operation, it's like - it's like saying that Jen Shah was innocent, when everyone knew her ass was guilty!!"

Neil Spellman

Location: the Asteroid
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

They ran into others they recognized - well, others that other people recognized. Carolina had already vanished from view by the time Neil got there, instead seeing a woman who reminded him a lot of Winona Ryder and a man who looked like just about every other white man on the planet. He wished Max had been there - he really felt they needed the advice of an old, sage wizard. But he wasn't anywhere in sight.

Instead, not-Winona Ryder mentioned that the others had gone off to find the source of the explosion. His lungs were burning slightly from just running. Despite being a member of the X-Men, Neil wasn't the most fit when it came to exercise or whatnot. In fact, he was almost certain that he had untreated asthma. He felt like he'd been trapped in an episode of Doctor Who. There really was an awful amount of running...

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Las Vegas
Skills: N/A

Nancy was fidgeting, waiting for her brother to finish his food. She both wanted to go and dreaded the thought of it. The emotional whiplash was enough to leave her reeling - which was probably a huge part of why she'd lost all her appetite the minute they made it to Vegas. The corner of her mouth twitched slightly as Joanie stole Zeke's food, and she gave her baby a brief pet. Even in the worst of moods, she always felt a little better petting Joanie. She hadn't had the little dragon very long, but it was hard to imagine life without her emotional support monster.

Her heart clenched. Hopefully the Lotus Hotel wouldn't effect Joanie. She stared at her dragon, wondering for a moment if she should really be bringing Joanie with her - if it was really safe.

But then Nancy shook her head. The Lotus Hotel wasn't going to do that to animals. Joanie was going to be fine. And Nancy wouldn't let it happen to her. She'd protect her tiny purple dragon to the very end. "Come on, we should get going - your boyfriend'll be happy to see you," Nancy urged, pacing the hotel room now, back and forth, back and forth.

The three Green Eyed Ones encircled you three. Had you not already caught on, three is an important number mystically. Sometimes, it refers to the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone. In this case, you Klara would be the Maiden - young and full of innocence; Carolina, you would be the Mother, reaching the height of your power; and you Jack would be our old wise Crone, your face marred with wrinkles and spots. If I ever felt a calling to plastic surgery, it would be in order to administer the botox that you desperately need, my old friend.

"I think we will keep it," the Green Eyed Ones hissed. The child had been put down, with a broken bone in the process. That was a shame. They preferred intact bones for their decor.

"You have no power here, Sorcerer Supreme," they spat, their glowing green eyes zeroing in on Jack.

Carolina, you would feel a ghost of lips on your ear, whispering softly. No one else could hear what you did. It was a special sort of sense that no one else had. "I'm waiting for you, love," the voice beckoned. "Come and see." I am certain I do not need to tell you whose voice this is.

"In fact, I think we are hungry... for more," the Green Eyed Ones exclaimed. Klara had been striped of her soul, meaning most of her nutritional value was gone. Carolina was off the menu, protected by Witchfire. That left you, Jack, as the option for their snack.

The three pounced on you - one of them ended up getting knocked aside by the others, getting in the way. The other two attempted to grab you, to sink their bony fingers into your chest and devour your soul, but they only succeeded in scratching you. Lengthy, bleeding wounds appeared on your chest and cheek.

* * *

You lost a far amount of time, Madalyne, during your discussion with the demon Vernath. I can only hope that it is not yet too late for your mortal soul, that you will not be condemned to follow in his dark footsteps. But I fear it is already too late.

When you awake, you are no longer in the woods. Instead, you are chained in what looks like the dungeon of a castle. Your arms and legs are shackled, chained to the wall. There are bars, lined with silver, designed to prevent your escape. I wish I could say that it was silent, there in the dark. But it is not.

You hear Ananym's screams. "Please, stop, noooo!!!!"

Maybe a minute passes. Or maybe it's an hour. But the door opens, revealing a tall, stupid looking demon. Sym. You've met him before. You aren't friends.

Sym snorted. "Boss says I have to give you a choice. Join or die," Sym explains. "But I gotta be honest - I've been wantin' to torture the shit out of you for a while." He has a spiked club in his hand and he eyes you, smiling toothily. "So what'd'ya say, Maddie?"

Runa the Grey

Location: Limbo
Skills: Intuition
Spells: Elder Futhark Runes

Runa was not irritated to hear Max reveal their old name - it was nice in some ways to hear it said again. And should any of her new companions attempt to use it against her, well, she knew their names. It was mutually assured destruction. "Yes, I imagine it may very well be longer for me," Runa mused. The last time they had seen Max, well... Only one of them had walked away from that encounter. But she really was pleased to see him, just as she was pleased to see Edus.

It was helpful that neither of them knew the extent of the actions they had taken. Neither of them even knew whose bones made up the staff that Runa held tightly, her fingers having worn groves into the marrow. Most Midgardian marriage vows said till death do us part - Runa had not included that sentence in their vows. Even though their husband had ascended, they kept a part of him with them.

She imagined Edus and Max may not approve.

The versions of them she had killed certainly had objected to a lot of things she had done.

Runa didn't answer Max as to how she was - they were pretty certain that Max would form his own opinions, given their appearance. The missing eyes was a big one. And the signs of old age and seeming frailty. The fight had stopped, thanks to Max's spellwork, and she could hear the sounds of Annika viciously ripping one of the remaining demons to shreds. They smiled. It was nice to see the young ones having fun.

"Yes, we should press on - and find this Witchfire," Runa agreed. She was mildly amused with Prudence's discomfort - it shone through in the sorceress' voice. "They may be responsible for Stephen's death - and for our coming to this realm." They paused for a moment, considering. Then, they reached into their pockets and produced their bag of runes. The runes were carved, allowing them to feel the symbols under their finger tips.

Runa reached into the bag, concentrating and focusing. There was a simple question to ask - where was Witchfire?

They drew ōþila. Heritage, estate, possession. And in their mind's eye, they saw it. A castle on a hill, illuminated by lightning strikes. "We are looking for a castle, old and terrible," Runa explained calmly to the others.

The rest would not need much more description, as while Runa could not see it, they could. In the distance, there was a tall imposing structure on a mountain, with an ominous cliff. It was the castle of Runa's vision. The lair of Witchfire.

You all have 14 days to do collabs / individual posts! These collabs can take place from Sep 15, 2038 to Oct 15, 2038. You can do as many collabs / individual character posts as you like - but you must do at least one per character. Remember to clear with me anything that might need a roll request. After these 14 days are up, we will then timeskip to the Contest of Champions qualifiers, which will take place on Mon. Oct 18, 2038.

Uncanny Avengers (Usagi)
  • Usagi has been pushing the team harder and harder. She usually has them practice fighting each other. At the beginning of each practice, she tells them where they rank on her mental pyramid, Abby Lee Miller style - the very best at the top, the worst at the bottom. Arcade has been on the bottom each week. The other positions change frequently.
  • After the exercise in the Framework, Usagi designated Victoria as the leader of the team.
  • This team frequently drills in the Framework.

the Huntresses (Lady Nimue)
  • Lady Nimue has been training her team well, although... somewhat unconventionally. It's more like she's training them to be knights of Camelot, prioritizing swordplay and archaic manners/etiquette. She asks each member of her team to keep a journal to chronicle their growth and journey in. She gives a prompt each week, most of which have to do with some sort of knightly chivalry or code.
  • Ardere was formally removed from the team for not showing up. In order to give them a fifth member, Nimue brought in a girl with super strength and a compulsive need to wear sunglasses all the time, Gideon. She's a senior at the academy - was supposed to graduate the year before, but failed her English classes. Repeatedly.
  • Lady Nimue has a different student act as the leader each week.
  • This team frequently drills outside in the field.

Excelsior (Ser Nemo)
  • Ser Nemo continues to endanger his team, although no one has gotten seriously injured. They have the most variety in exercises. While most other teams focus on combat, Ser Nemo has also been teaching survival skills. Some weeks, they focus on how to survive a potential apocalypse. A lot of weeks, actually. He invites his students to take tea with him in his office if they'd like, at an office hour of sorts, that occurs on Thursdays.
  • Ser Nemo has not mentioned anything about who is the leader of the team.
  • This team drills in random locations, sometimes even involving field trips to different spots in the city.

General School Life
  • the Contest of Champions - qualifiers are approaching! these will be held in mid-October. Details are not released in advance, but last year the qualifier was a standard Save the Civilian simulation. The year before, they had to stabilize a collapsing building. The Margaret Carter Institute can send four teams to compete, meaning most students won't move past this round.
  • the Monster Mash - the school dance! It's on Halloween, because that's Mor's favorite holiday and she wants this to be real. People tend to wear ridiculous costumes, and anyone can ask anyone. Different staff members are going to be chaperoning the dance.
  • Classes - are well underway now. Check your CS to see what classes your character is taking, as they'll be struggling through those assignments. Midterms are approaching soon.

Ex-Player Controlled Students
  • Chi Mai - she hasn't returned to school yet. However, an article in the Daily Bugle details that there is a new member of the Avengers, the inhuman Blossom! She's been confirmed to be attending the next Kids Choice Awards for Nickolodeon as a presenter, and her socials are rapidly gaining followers.
  • Teddy - he still is attending the academy, but he's only there part time. The rest of the time he is interning under a famous former member of the X-Men, Beast, as he learns to embrace his furry form.
  • Ardere - she still attends the school, but ended up being moved off of Lady Nimue's team for the contest as she kept on not showing up. She's a common fixture in detention, and has caused a small series of trashcan fires.

Guin Stark

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Telepathy
~Fit Check~

Guin was flung back into her body, opening her own eyes again to throbbing pain in her head. Miraculously, they weren't dead. The damage from the explosion had been repaired, thanks to the mutant master of magnetism - the world's greatest supervillain - and her father-in-law. Magneto. Even in her wounded state, Guin managed to narrow her eyes at him. She didn't have much of a relationship with her father-in-law, given that he was Magneto and she was a member of the X-Men, and that he had been abusive to her husband. The last time she'd seen Magneto had been at her wedding, when he had rudely shown up - with Miranda, actually.

Exodus, of course, was being a whiny little bitch. "God, enough with the fucking Bible cosplay," Guin snapped. "We get it, you saw Life of Brian once and it changed your life." She hated his guts. It hadn't even been twenty four hours since he had attempted to kill her husband. And she intended to return the favor. With extreme prejudice.

Then, her husband turned up in a gust of wind. Guin didn't need to be able to read his mind to know that Pietro was terrified - both of his father and of Exodus. Deep breaths, it's okay. I won't let them hurt you, she whispered into his mind. She was holding one hand to her head wound, doing her best to stymy the flow of blood. And then not too long later, Max came onto the scene, panting and telling Magneto that he had to let them go.

She had to resist the urge to roll her eyes at Max. He was breathless and sweaty for his dramatic entrance? "Despite what this fuckwad said, we aren't here to destroy anything," she said, nodding towards Exodus. "We're just here to pick up our friends, then you're free to live your Death Star fantasy up here, Erik."

Neil Spellman

Location: the Asteroid
Skills: Necromancy
~Fit Check~

Neil had felt the death. He was sure of it. Lance's life force had been extinguished. It was a weird sort of sixth sense, the ability to hear the death scream... but he had it all the same. Neil nodded, before focusing again, reaching out with his abilities. At first, he was uncertain. But then he tried again, and this time, he could feel the pulse of life.

"...Maybe it was another world's Lance..." Neil said, feeling uncertain - and ashamed. Next time he sensed a death like that... he wouldn't say anything. He didn't want to be wrong again. Being wrong about something like math or a D&D rule was one thing - but telling people someone they knew had died, and being wrong about that? That was a wound. That was something that couldn't be brushed aside easily.

He continued on with the others, hoping that they'd run into more of their companions along the way.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Megan nodded, thinking over the plan. It was somewhat amusing, trapping Maleficent inside of a lamp - especially if they could encase the lamp in concrete afterwards, to ensure no one could ever free her. It was a cruel and unusual punishment. She wondered if Maleficent would be able to die - or if she would just exist forever, frozen in a hellish limbo. She liked that idea. There was a grim poetry to it. She turned her head, as Gabriella said that she would go wherever Megan went. Megan didn't know much about her expertise, beyond the fact that Gabriella clearly had some sort of necromantic powers.

However, the choice that she made didn't end up being one based on strategy - and more by the vibe of those who had already decided. The irritating boy from yesterday was going to go on the lamp team. Fine. Megan was better off in the more combative situation at the gates anyways, with excalibur at her side. "I'll go with the group attacking the gate," Megan said.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Las Vegas
Skills: N/A

"You're welcome," Nancy said to her brother. She didn't make any motion to touch the fruit bowl. She knew logically that he was correct - she never would've made praetor if she hadn't. She needed to eat something. But the thought of eating food in Vegas... it was like her mind had put up a gigantic mental block against it. The very idea made her feel sick. And vomiting wasn't going to help anyone when it came to the quest. She'd be fine. Her adrenaline would carry her. Instead, she picked up her little cup of ice chips, and she plucked one out, before popping it into her mouth.

"We need to be there in thirty minutes," Nancy then answered. "They just called. Told them to meet us outside the place." If any of them decided to go in early, all alone, Nancy doubted they'd be able to help them. Well, that she would be able to help them. Apollo had mentioned that she would likely be immune to the spell of the Lotus Hotel and Casino, but that wouldn't be true for the others. She ate another ice chip. She wished Mads was there with her. Mads had been there before - she was so strong and so brave, and Nancy felt so weak and so helpless.
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