Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Ororo smiled, looking at the black rose. "It's perfect," she told Jack. She looked at him with a steady gaze. Her intuition, as ever, was strong. She could guess as to why Jack was afraid he would never see her again. She knelt down, gently cupping the flower in her hands. "I am not afraid of a life that ends, Jack. And neither should you be."

"Now, go. There are people who need you," Ororo urged. She released the flower, letting it be, as she rose to her feet again. "And know that if you ever need it, this sanctuary will be here for you - even after I am gone."

* * *

Perhaps the Green Eyed One might have listened to your pleas, Carolina. It was not a bad strategy. The Green Eyed One believes that you have the protection of Witchfire, an entity that clearly horrifies them. But as you, Klara, attempt to ensnare them with your charms, the very reverse happens. The Green Eyed Ones are filled with rage and hatred, blinding them to their actions, to thought and logic and reason.

The long skeletal finger pushes its way into Klara's chest, somehow leaving no wound. And then the Green Eyed One retracts the finger, a pulsing little ball of pink light now in their grasp. They smiled wickedly. "Death to the House of Odin," they whispered.

And promptly threw the pink ball into their mouth, devouring Klara's soul whole.

You, Klara, are no longer yourself. I have seen cases of soullessness before. You will not be able to sleep. Food and drink will have no taste. Your guiding principles and morals, whatever codes you cling to - they will not matter anymore. Empathy is lost to you. There is one benefit, however, to this form.

You are now exceedingly difficult to kill - a soulless monster.

* * *

Still unconscious, you find yourself trapped in your mind's realm, Madalyne.

In the real world, Ananym sits next to your body, staring at you curiously. She didn't expect this. There were a lot of things she hadn't expected, of course - beginning with a group of Sorcerers Supreme showing up at the top of her tower, in the midst of a demonic attack. She'd thought there would only be one Sorcerer Supreme. "Are you going to wake up?" Ananym asked, picking up your wrist and letting go, watching as it fell limply at your side.

"Maaadaaaalyne?" Ananym asked again.

But you did not stir.

The young demon then got up to her feet. "I'm going to get you help," she said. She grabbed one of your arms and started to drag you in the direction of what had been Belasco's stronghold. There'd probably be healing herbs and whatnot there - among other things.

Runa the Grey

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells: Kosmisk Ild

Runa felt the heat of the flames and heard the cry of the spell, as a familiar voice summoned the Flames of the Faltine. They smiled. It had been eons since they had seen this person. Today was a day of many reunions. So many of their comrades in arms were there that day. She rubbed her thumb on her bone staff for a moment, swept up in the nostalgia for a moment. If only he had been there. But she knew better than to mourn - for he was a part of everything now. Their held tilted upwards, even though they could not see. He was a part of Those Who Sit Above in Shadow now. He always was and always would be.

"Do my ears deceive me, or is that not Maximilian?" Runa crowed. "It has been quite some time, my old friend." She didn't re-introduce herself. She knew that she looked different, almost a completely different person, but she felt Max would recognize her. They were almost certain of it.

They felt the ground shake, and heard the climatic blast of lightning. All around them, they could sense the lights of the demons fading away. The tide was beginning to turn. There were roughly twenty or so left now - and with their numbers increased, it would be no trouble. They focused, pulling the magics around them, and they clutched their staff a little tighter. Their first whispered incantation did not do much. But the second time, they brought down another rain of fire, burning ten demons alive and ending their lives.

Annika, embracing her new form as a werewolf, jumped from above onto one of the demons. She ripped and teared and destroyed, but the demon was strange, even by demonic standards. Its flesh mended itself almost as fast as Annika would mutilate it. They pulled themselves forcibly out of Annika's mouth, the action ripping their head clean off of their neck. "I'd like that back, thankss," they hissed, a headless body reaching out to grab their head.

10:00 AM - Wed. Sep. 15th, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute

@Nallore@Forsythe: "No, that would be cheating!" Usagi said, smacking Diana gently on the head. "I'm not raising a fucking cheater!" Usagi then added, as if Diana was a naughty kitten. And at any rate, Zari then got in some kills - Vicky had somehow just been turned off, something that made Usagi snicker to herself and whisper an ancient curse word under her breath, and Arcade had ended up being crushed when the mech crumpled around him, forcing him to fall into the hole.

"And then there were two!" Usagi cheered. "And more fucking losers, huh! Huh!!" she breathed deeply, staring at Vicky and Arcade, both of whom would wake up in their weird bacta tanks. Arcade looked annoyed if anything else, spitting out the little breathing mask as the liquids drained, and the tank door swung open, letting him leave.

"That's not fair - she's god in there!" Arcade protested.

"Aww, is the baby whining? Does the baby need a binkie? Or a nappy nap?" Usagi mocked.

@Blizz@BlueSky44: Leah had managed to get some boulders to drop, but not enough to bury Arcade!Ganon alive. However, it ended up not mattering. When Zari had shut off the mech, the sheer height of the fall and suddenness of it had ended up snapping Arcade's neck, killing him in the process. There were just two of them left now. And it was sudden death. Leah against Zari. The winner would win... well, they didn't really know. Usagi hadn't really spelled out what she was looking for exactly with this exercise.

April Flynn

Location: Gym - Training Room A
Skills: N/A

April plastered a smile on her face. "Yeah, team bonding sounds great!" she exclaimed. She felt somewhat insane. She had been feeling totally fine, and then her thoughts pitched towards Danni and Dorian - who hadn't said a word to her - and the completely epic bonding sessions they were probably having with their new team without her. They still needed to talk about... well, the rather sudden update in April's love life. But in this moment, she wondered... would they even care? Maybe they had realized over the summer that they didn't need her anymore - that they were more interested in other people - that the trio was over.

The smile on her face turned to look slightly manic, a bit unhinged. "Where would you want to take them? Ooo maybe we could do an escape room, I love those. I did one with my family over the summer and it was soooo cool, my mom took it like SUPER seriously and it was so funny to see her get all spun up and mad, swear she was about to smite my dad for a second with the wrath of Athena. She had this long rant about how we were all being sub-optimal. Super funny. Have you done an escape room before - with your mom or sis?"

She then thought for a moment as to what their last trick could be, and April gasped. She was surprised this idea hadn't occurred to her before. "What if we make a magic water pool - like, how in the movies witches can look into water and see things that are happening elsewhere, I can move the water to hang up like a circle or something in front of us, and you can enchant it to show us somewhere else?"

"Alright, ladies, time is up. Whichever group would like to, please begin with your presentation," Lady Nimue said. She had conjured herself up a throne made of worn-stone, and she sat upon it, looking at them all with interest.

Percy Novikov

Location: Gym - Training Room B
Skills: N/A

Ser Nemo was hardly phased by Sabine's outburst. If anything, he seemed pleased by it. "I am holding you to that, young lady," he assured her. "I expect that you will demand it of everyone you surround yourself with - and not merely an old, tired man." He winked, as if the two of them had shared some sort of private joke.

Angelica was fuming however - even though her charges seemed okay. Danni was shaken up, mostly about his clothing rather than anything else. And she was wondering whether it was really okay to leave these students with Ser Nemo. "This conversation isn't over," Angelica warned Nemo. Zelda seemed to be in better shape than she had been, wheres Teddy was as silent as the grave.

Firestar sighed. "Teddy, let's go - Zelda, you can come or stay, it's up to you," she said, before leaving the room with the bear student. Teddy had been staring at Danni, and trying very hard to make it seem like he had NOT been staring at him.

Percy returned from the showers a moment later, dressed in a clean replacement uniform. He had discarded his soiled rags into the nearest trash can available, only mildly intrigued to see that the garments had burst into flames once the lid was closed. He supposed incineration was one way to reduce waste on campus. He held his head high, schooling his features into a mask of calm disinterest, but his eyes were red and puffy. But his pride demanded he act like everything was fine.

He raised an eyebrow, taking in Danni's appearance. That was certainly a look. He guessed they had had trouble with the bomb, too. Ser Nemo was crazy for that. Well, Percy was sure that the old man was crazy for a lot of reasons. That just happened to be one of them. "Are you alright?" he asked Zelda simply, pointedly ignoring Dorian and Nemo. Sabine was fine with him. His eyes darted over towards her, to try to see if she was going to attempt to murder him, but she seemed more concerned with Danni.

Ororo smiled knowingly at Jack. While most on Earth-616 - and really, most worlds - would remark that she was a member of the X-Men, she was also descended from a line of witches. She dabbled in worlds both mutant and magic. She was as comfortable here, in this form as a sorceress, as she would be riding the winds and summoning lightning from the heavens in combat with the X-Men. "I never said you must be an Avenger or an X-Men, Jack," Ororo chided, like gently admonishing a child.

"The universe isn't calling you," Ororo then said. This was false, of course, but she was poetic and dramatic. "I, Ororo, She Who Rides with the Acanti, charge you to protect Life wherever it dwells. I charge you to bear the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme and protect your dimension from whomever would threaten it."

A light glowed in her hand, and Ororo conjured up a small object. It was an act of creation magic, the purest one - the only one that Belasco could never perform. She produced an acorn. She extended her hand to Jack. "Take this. It is your sacred pact."

* * *

When you touched her arm, Madalyne, it felt like the demon child was burning up. Some demons in Limbo ran naturally hot. Perhaps this was just that. But then again, as a physician, this would also be expected for the bite of a venomous snake. You chanted your healing spell, hoping to heal the child's bite and withdraw the venom. What happened next reminded me very much of one of my more chaotic pupils.

The venom flowed out of the throbbing wound, drifting into the space between you and Ananym - and then suddenly, it flew into your mouth, forcing its way down your throat and into your body. It burned like whiskey. Your vision would blur and the world would seem to sway before you.

"Mads? What's wrong? What's happening?" Ananym asked, tilting her head to the side. "Are you dying?"

Those would be the last words you would hear for some time.

* * *

Max, you open up a portal behind the Green Eyed One - or rather, underneath them. They fall through and the portal closes, severing their arm. You are sent falling to the ground, Klara, but the skeletal grip remains strong. From around the room, the furniture and the decor begin to stir. They fly towards you, Klara, barely missing. The bits and pieces of long dead souls disassemble, before forming a new body - a new skeletal corpse of a giant, a new Green Eyed One.

"It's rude to cut someone's limbs off as well, dearie," the Green Eyed One said. The creature barely blinked an eye before Carolina chopped their leg off. And just as before, the bonework from the room sprung into action. Not only did the Green Eyed One grow a new leg, but the missing leg grew another Green Eyed One.

The Green Eyed Ones smiled, baring their razor sharp teeth. "I've always wondered what mutant tastes like," they said in unison. The Green Eyed Ones are a hive. The Green Eyed One not holding you, Klara, grabs Carolina and dangles her upside down, inspecting her. They opened their mouth wide, about to eat Carolina whole, when they suddenly paused, looking shocked.

They dropped Carolina gingerly, as if she were royalty. "Forgive me, I didn't know your soul was claimed by Witchfire," they breathed. "You are free to go. Tell her I didn't harm you."

They said nothing about your friends however. Whatever mysterious protection extended to you, it did not go to Klara and Max. From somewhere behind you, Max, strange organs like string came and wrapped all around you, constricting and squeezing. These would be the intestines.

Runa the Grey

Location: Limbo
Skills: Intuition
Spells: Elder Futhark Runes

The demons were terrified of the assembled might - of the Sorcerers Supreme. Runa could feel the emotions rolling off of them in waves. But in their bones, they felt that there was something else - something that these demons were even more petrified of. "Save your threats, child," Runa cautioned. "There is someone else they fear more than you." It was not any person present of their company. No, Runa was certain - certain that it must have been this Witchfire. Such was the way with demons. Loyalty was won by power and power won by fear.

To inspire a demonic hoard to clash with them, this Witchfire must be mighty powerful indeed.

It was a pity that Runa had never heard of them before. Had they eyes still, they might have glanced at Edus pointedly. He had never spoken to them about these events, and yet, they had been friends. Battle companions, at the very least. Perhaps he was doing his best to preserve the timeline. But at any right, mild irritation filled them. They hated not knowing something.

They were so used to having all the answers, leaving others in the dark.

The demons continued to fall upon them, wave after wave. One of them spewed strange black tar from their mouth, which would have doused Edus and turned him into a living man of wax, had it not been for his timely shield. But as soon as he would throw a shield up, it would fall against an attack. One demon attempted to suicide-bomb Prudence, exploding above her, but strangely she was unscathed. Her skin shimmered like the scales of a snake for a moment, and an aching pain exploded in her mouth.

Four demons grabbed Runa, forcing the elderly woman down to the ground. She could not see them. She could not see her bag of runes in her pocket. But they could feel its weight. They struggled, barely managing to grasp a rune in time, throwing it up to activate it - sōwilō - and the light of a small sun suddenly intensified around them. The demons atop of them burned to ash.

Annika was the one with poor luck. Instinctively, Runa turned her head in Annika's direction. It was like the old woman knew what was about to happen - as if somehow, they knew that a demon had managed to sneak up on Annika, a demon with knives for hands, and it sheathed its blades into Annika's side. The demon rotated its wrist and then pulled out, grinning madly.

To an ordinary person, it would have been a fatal blow.

Was Annika ordinary?

Guin Stark

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Telepathy, Telepathic Attacks, Problem Solving, Perception, Mechanics, Engineering Design
~Fit Check~

Guin really was not having a great day. She hadn't been able to switch with Exodus, but at least she had gotten to beat the shit out of him. That had been nice. It was probably the one real highlight. Going off into space had lost its appeal after their odyssey to find Lance's dad, so even being up on the asteroid was more annoying than exciting. And she was quickly finding herself annoyed with the newer members of the team. Gods, was she old now - was that the problem? She suddenly felt elderly, at the ripe age of twenty-two.

The main thing ruining her day at the moment? A sudden explosion of mutant power, courtesy of Of-All. An explosion that ripped a hole into the exterior wall. Her body slammed into the wall, and her head was ringing. She didn't register it at first, but her hair was sticky with her own blood, courtesy of a head wound. She heard Pietro's voice chiming in her head, but she didn't have time to think out a response. They were about to die, sucked into the cold vacuum of space. An image of what she was seeing was the only thing she conveyed to Pietro through the mental link.

Before she had time to come up with a plan though, Lance had sprung into action. "I didn't know this was space-proof!" she exclaimed, shocked to see that his light bubble was holding. Exodus' attempt to plug in the hole hadn't worked. But with him distracted, Guin saw an opportunity. And they needed that power to avoid dying here. She closed her eyes and concentrated. It was always harder without a physical anchor point.

When she opened them again, she was in Exodus' body. "It's me, by the way - ya gurl," she explained quickly. She didn't have much practice with telekinesis, but how hard could it be, right? It was just like the Force and Guin LOVED Star Wars. She focused on the bits of debris and whatnot, imagining it coming closer, pulling back in. She needed to reseal this. Her mind was zeroed in on the task at hand. But as she attempted to force a fuse of the broken bits to the exterior of the ship, the paneling ripped and teared, the hole becoming bigger and deadlier and more dangerous.

The bubble that contained her body, Lance, and Jaclyn ended up getting shot out the hole, into the cool, harsh expanse of space. Guin gasped - not for air, although she hadn't been thinking much about keeping Exodus' own TK bubble up. "Oh, come on! That's not fucking fair!" she cursed, gripping with Exodus' TK and doing her very best to drag the light bubble back into the ship. It was almost there, but not quite. Sorry, Mare, you're gonna have to take a number.

Her mind was racing. "Jaclyn, try to use the power to teleport or something - get to another portion of the ship, now!" The wizard had to be able to teleport, right? If he couldn't, then what was the point of being a wizard? Ironically, she was almost hopeful that Magneto would roll up and repair the damage. They could use someone with control over metal right now... "Lance, maybe it's time for you to do your thing?" She figured the Hulk could survive the vacuum of space. Even if they couldn't.

Neil Spellman

Location: the Asteroid
Skills: Necromancy
~Fit Check~

Neil almost skidded and fell to the ground, as the station rocked. His eyes widened. They were in space. He had never been to space before. But he had watched enough movies and read enough books to know that explosions and space were not an ideal combination. Especially if people wanted to keep on living. He had died before, and he had come back - and he didn't know if he could do it again. But more importantly, his friends would die - for real. And everyone on this station would die - also for real.

A part of him - not small, yet not big - felt... content at that idea.

The rest of him was filled with a deep sense of shame.

He had become attuned to death. He couldn't speak to ghosts and keep someone from dying, but he could raise their body. There was an energy to it, a force. And as he reached out with his senses, to see if anyone had been harmed in the explosion... His eyes widened again. He looked at his friends. He didn't know what to say. He didn't like Banner - but wishing this on him... "Lance is dead," he said hoarsely to the others. As he said it, he felt the weight of those words upon him. "I don't know how, but... He's gone. I'm sorry."

He knew some of the others here were friends with Lance. He had never really liked him - running around in a group with an out of control, over dramatic tiny Hulk? It wasn't his idea of a great time. Plus, Lance's temper had been a huge issue for Neil before he had learned to turn green.

Max's voice whispered in his head. Neil furrowed his eyebrows, trying to think hard, but instead... He just felt an emptiness. They had lost someone. Lance is dead.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Las Vegas
Skills: N/A

It had been a few days since they had arrived in Las Vegas. It was different than she remembered, but very much the same beast underneath. The hotel they were staying in reminded her of the Lotus Hotel. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the shadows of those men, stalking her like helpless prey. The laughter of hotel guests in the casino, in the restaurants, in the pools - it sounded like screams. In the middle of the night, she would wake up in a cold sweat, screaming her head off. She felt like she was losing her mind. And maybe she was. Each minute that passed in this place, she felt a little less like herself - a little more like some pitiful damsel in distress. She didn't eat much. She didn't know if Zeke noticed. She gave her food to Joanie.

If she didn't hate the scent of it, she probably would've spent the entire time smoking.

Instead, she chewed on ice chips. She filled cups with them and popped them into her mouth, grinding her teeth down against them, crunching them down. She didn't take showers. Her hair was a filthy, tangled mess of curls. She shoved it down under a bandana, a hasty method to keep her from looking insane.

On the second day, when she couldn't stand the hotel walls, she took Joanie and left. She went to where her mother had lived. She didn't know what to expect when seeing Betty again. But in the end, it ended up not mattering. She learned that her mother had died in the early 90's of an overdose. Just another soul claimed by the strip. Nancy didn't feel anything, when she learned the news. And that made her feel monstrous.

The night of the second day, Nancy had sat in the empty tub of the bathroom. Like a nervous tic, she shuffled her cards over and over again, never picking one out, just shuffling. She eyed the phone installed in the bathrooms. Most hotel rooms in Vegas had one there. Nancy always assumed it was so that way when you died on the toilet, you'd have a chance to phone someone right beforehand. She wished she could've called Mads and Niah. By the time morning had come, and dark shadows had permeated under her eyes, Nancy was sitting on the too soft bed. It was supposed to be the day - the day that they'd go to the Lotus Hotel.

She didn't think she could eat anything. The same had been true of the day before. And mostly the day before that. Water and ice chips were the only things she could get down.

"Yeah, I got you," Nancy said to Zeke, as he went into the bathroom. She had ordered room service for him a few times. She always insisted it was left outside the door. And when she would open the door to grab it, she had her Celestial Bronze daggers at the ready, just in case it happened again.

She moved to pick up the phone, only for a shimmering image to appear in front of her. The image was of Demetri. She scowled unconsciously. She would've rather done this entire mission without them. "Meet us outside of there in half an hour," Nancy said firmly. She was doing her best to look indifferent, to seem tough and invulnerable, but it only succeeded in making her more haunted. She waved her hand through the image, hoping that would dispel it. She felt sick to her stomach.

9:50 AM - Wed. Sep. 15th, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute

@Nallore: Usagi glowered a bit at the screen, seeing everyone working together. That was the opposite of what she wanted! How was she supposed to find out who was the strongest, who was worthy of leading this team, if they were all just being nice and helping each other out? It was so rude! At least the blonde psychotic one seemed to have the right idea - she beamed as Vicky said it was time to kill them all. "Why would I just KILL them all?" Usagi then asked Diana, confused. "If I wanted to do that, I could do it myself! No, I need to see how they THINK - how they ACT - and what they DO under the hardest of circumstances! If you can't kill your teammates, can you even lead them???"

@Blizz@Forsythe@BlueSky44: Nothing new had appeared in the terrain yet. With Calamity Ganon gone, there is somewhat of a tension in the air. The targets are each other. Everyone has one life left. And Arcade is many things - he is a coward. He doesn't want to die, not even in this video game simulation. Something occurs to him though, and he begins sprinting towards the fallen body of Calamity Ganon. Technology and whatnot is his specialty. And this world is a video game. He doesn't have any sort of an access terminal or anything, but he has faith...

And the knowledge of some cheat codes he had put into the Framework the other day, when everyone else was at the carnival. "Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start," Arcade chanted. He reached out his fingers as he reached the corpse of Ganon... And then something unbelievable happened. The corpse grabbed onto Arcade and yanked him, pulling him inside...

And it became a mech.

"You're all toast!" Arcade cackled, determined to win, as he fired off blasts at his teammates. The first blast slammed into Leah, knocking her backwards. The second one went for Vicky, but it went wide, missing her. And the last one went for Zari, a bit weaker than the other two blasts, but a miss as well.

April Flynn

Location: Gym - Training Room A
Skills: N/A

"Ten more minutes, girls," Lady Nimue called out. "Then I will see your presentations."

April snuck a peek over at what the others were doing - and it looked like Andy and Mary Sue had transformed themselves into Magical Girls! She was mildly jealous. She loved a costume change. That was one of her favorite things about superheroes - the outfits that they got to wear. In many ways, superheroes reminded her of drag queens - larger than life personas in glittering gowns. They were heightened and unreal. She daydreamed sometimes about what her costume might look like as a superhero - and with any luck, it would be designed by one of the best of the best. She wanted to slay as she slayed.

"Ooo, yes, how about we go this weekend?" April said. She adored surfing. That was one of the nice things about going to school in California, the beach was never too far away. Especially with the Academy Shuttle Service, which would fly them directly from the school to a secure beach. No need to sit in Los Angeles traffic for hours both ways. Plus, it was always kinda cool to see the chaperones at the beach. Some of them had the most ridiculous swimsuits.

Mads' mirror image spell was somewhat weak - potentially because of the great amounts of magic she had already channeled. She managed to produce one copy, and not any others.

Percy Novikov

Location: Gym - Training Room B
Skills: N/A

Underneath the hot steam of the shower, Percy was finally alone for a moment. He felt vulnerable and exposed. He felt violated. He decided that he hated it here, but he couldn't allow anyone to see him sweat. He closed his eyes, letting the water fall on his head. And then, despite his efforts not to, sobs escaped him. He wanted to go home. He wanted to go back to his old school. He wished that he had never met any of these people, that they had never met him. He wanted to escape.

Blue energy glowed around his hands, as if his body was reminding him that he had the option. But his pride was too great. The glow dissipated. The tears didn't stop though.

Back in the training room, Firestar was concerned. "C4?!?!" she screeched. Without a second's thought, she sprung into action. Waves of microwave radiation, looking like flames, surrounded her as she flew into the obstacle course. It didn't take her too long to find the pair of boys, one of them in tattered clothes, one embracing the other. Her pounding heart didn't slow down. It continued to skip beats. They were alive. "Oh, thank god..." Firestar said, powering off her microwaves as she landed in front of them. "Are you two okay? I'm going to take you to see Nurse Annie, right now - we need to have you looked at. And then, I want you to take the rest of the day off from class," Firestar insisted.

These boys were undoubtedly traumatized - and as a teacher, she felt honor bound to help. She couldn't help but be horrified. This had to be a mistake, Ser Nemo using actual C4 - not even her mentor, a despicable and horrible woman by the name of Emma Frost, had ever actually endangered Firestar's life like that. She clenched her fist. If this was the sort of person the Academy was hiring these days...

Ser Nemo appeared next to her - teleporting, she realized. "Oh, they are perfectly right, Angelica," Ser Nemo reassured her. "I knew that they would survive the blast."

"You... YOU KNEW?" Firestar snapped. "You get how that's worse, right! Right!"

"I do not," Ser Nemo said obtusely. "Now, Mr. Kingston, there are changes of clothes in the locker room. I suggest you take the moment to shower. If you do not wish to walk there, I can transport you," Ser Nemo offered. He felt that Danni was probably ashamed about the state of his appearance at the moment. Nemo had once had a friend who had been very similar.

"Oh, I am afraid I was not clear, my dears... This wasn't an offer." The Green Eyed one laughed, before drawing themselves up to their full height, revealing their true form. They looked like a child's stick figure, an odd combination of the Other Mother from Coraline and Slenderman. No skin covered their bones, and balls of green light gazed from their empty eye sockets.

That is part of the trouble with the Green Eyed One. It is not enough to simply refuse their offer. They would rather come by your soul willingly - its magical properties are improved in that state - but your flesh will suffice. They intend to make you into furniture. They have no intentions of letting you leave their domain and escape Limbo.

With bony fingers like tongs, they pick up Klara and hoist her up into the air. "My, my, aren't you pretty?" they cooed. "Won't you stay with me forever?"

* * *

You cast fireball, Mads. The resulting ball of flame is weak and small, but perhaps that is the best in this situation. It is not the pain or the burn that disturbs the serpent though. It is the light. It hisses, sinking its fangs into Ananym's arm. The girl screams. Foul, infernal words slip from her mouth - a voice that sounds unlike her own, as if it belonged to someone else, someone far older and more masculine. The serpent slithers away, disappearing into the shade.

Ananym's arm is throbbing, becoming a violent shade of purple. "Oh woah... So that's what that feels like, huh... It's like burning, but not the fun kind..." she mumbled, clearly woozy from the venom.

* * *

Ororo forced a smile, but there was sadness in her eyes. In her life, the X-Men had been drawn into Limbo to attempt to protect their young charge, Colossus' sister, Illyana. The girl had managed to escape, returning to Earth. The X-Men had remained. Over the years, they were either killed or corrupted by Belasco. Storm had been his apprentice. He had attempted to turn her into a demon, like himself. And now, her sanctuary was the one place of true goodness within Limbo - the only place where the light could shine.

"It does not do to dwell on what could have been, Jack," Ororo chided kindly. "This is where I am meant to be - where I am needed... Where Life needs me. If we will not protect the lost, who will?" she posed. It was a challenge of sorts, her question. Was Jack living up to that ideal - was he protecting those who could not protect themselves? Was he walking a righteous and noble path? Was he on the side of Life?

Runa the Grey

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells: Kosmisk Ild

Runa took in Annika's information with interest. She was not so much surprised that a demon would take the form of a young girl - many demons liked to hide as something innocent and defenseless. They would know, after all. It was a similar tactic to the one they currently employed. No one suspected the fragile elder, just as no one suspected the innocent babe. They felt the crack of lightning from Prudence's attack, and the vibration of energy as Ed constructed a shield. The heat of the flames from the demons' assault cause them to smile ever so slightly.

For some time now, the flame had been their domain. Runa did not to see in order to aim their spell. She could feel the demons. They were like buzzing wasps, swarming at the edge of their senses. Truthfully, the real reason they spent little attention to aim was because these demons were numerous. It was a legion. Throw a stone and it was bound to strike at least one.

Runa pointed their staff ahead of them, the familiar bones comfortable beneath their grip. "Kosmisk Ild," they whispered.

Perhaps they should have taken more care to aim. Fire reigned down from the heavens, striking into the field without focus or control. The flaming balls did not target just the demons - they targeted the Sorcerers Supreme as well. Had it not been for Edus' shield, they would have been incinerated on contact. Instead, it was his shield that fell.

This gave the demons an opening. They descended from above, hundreds of them, tiny things that swarmed. They tore Ed's clothing. They bit Runa's leg, attempting to tug away her staff. They tried to steal Prudence's amulet and Annika's cloak.

And instead, fire reigned down from above - whether it was Runa's or the demons', it was hard to say...

Megan Pendragon

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Well then. Megan hadn't expected her mother, Queen Guinevere, to catch a glimpse of this. She was completely naked, for one, and her mother definitely knew what had occurred in this room. She raised an eyebrow, having caught the smile on Guinevere's face before she closed the door. "Mmm," Megan agreed with Gabriella. She felt tired. Probably because she had hardly slept. But that was normal. Megan was perpetually tired. She got off of the bed, and quickly put on her clothes. If she was going to stay here long-term - which at the moment, she intended to - she was going to need to get some new clothing. Her wardrobe here was rather empty.

Once she was dressed and Gabriella seemed ready, Megan opened the door and headed down the stairs. She was mildly expecting her parents to shoot her an awkward thumbs up - either them or her brother. Jack was probably going to be relieved that his sister wasn't going to be forever alone, at least for one night. She hoped Gabriella would want a repeat. But she also did not expect it. She expected very little for herself, when it came to the romantic department.

Guin Stark

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Telepathy
~Fit Check~

"I don't need the running commentary, thanks," Guin said to Jaclyn, a little miffed. She hadn't just gotten her powers yesterday. And she wasn't stupid. She knew how to use them. If anyone needed suggestions, it was Jaclyn - that was the impression Guin had gotten from the girl on the Blackbird, at any rate. She made a mental note to complain to Mary when this was all over. People on this team needed some serious Danger Room sessions or they were going to get on her nerves. Well, more than they already were.

She had been thrown backwards from Exodus' attack, and Guin was pissed. He had already tried to kill her husband today. She just needed physical contact to make the switch easier - usually just a tap. But this time, Guin darted in and swung her fist, connecting with Exodus' stupid face. She swung again, harder, knocking the mutant back. And finally, she kicked him in the balls, sending the pink mutant into a great deal of pain. All of her attempts to switch with him came up empty though - he wasn't just telekinetic, he was telepathic as well. And his telepathy was creating a psychic barrier, keeping her out. So about staying far away from Exodus... I just kicked him in the nuts.

"Not so tough now, huh, asshole?" Guin jeered, before spitting on him.

Neil Spellman

Location: the Asteroid
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

Neil was very happy to see that the Scarlet Witch illusion Annie had conjured seemed to work. He also was glad that she seemed to have an idea of things that Wanda might say or do. Neil figured he could make a pretty convincing Pietro - just make an asshole with ADHD, basically - but he didn't know very much about the things Wanda might say or do. But then, it turned out that maybe Annie didn't know that well either. The loud noises coming from behind them pretty clearly indicated that they had been found out.

And they started to run. Magneto had put everyone on high alert, demanding that the people responsible for the fake Wanda be found. Part of him wondered if the punishment would be being sent back to Earth. If that was the case, then it wouldn't be so bad. It might even work out to everyone's advantage. But he doubted that would be it. Magneto and the X-Men were mortal enemies, destined to clash... Or at the very least, that was what Neil believed.

The wizard didn't seem to have any helpful advice. There weren't any voices inside of his head that weren't his own. He wished Max was here. They could really use an ancient mentor right now to save the day.

@Nallore: "Why are you apologizing??? Kill her again!!" Usagi screamed. She felt like pulling her eyeballs out in frustration. This kid was way too nice. That wasn't going to work. Usagi wasn't interested in nice kids. She was interested in ones who were cutthroat, bloodthirsty killers. Anything less and things were just going to be boring. This was taking too long, too, in her opinion. People had way too much HP.

Usagi then grabbed the microphone from Diana and yelled into the arena. "SUDDEN DEATH! YOU'RE TAKING TOO LONG!"

-Diana tells Usagi she knows she missed, apologizes to Zari, and then starts to target Diana

@Achronum@Trainerblue192: The bomb went off. Just as before, the C4 was very real. This wasn't a fake bomb, no confetti or whatnot went off. This explosion would have killed an ordinary person. Dorian fled into the astral plane, but even there he would be able to feel the immense vibrations, the heat given off, the destructive force. Danni, meanwhile, was caught in the thick of it. He would be able to run out of the range of most of the blast, but it still caught him.

It's a good thing he happens to be an omega level mutant. His body is naturally immune to fire. His clothing... not so much. But some cosmic force of the universe, invested in keeping teenagers clothed, causes his clothing to be smoking, tattered rags - rather than burning away completely to a crisp.


"Damn it!" Arcade cursed, as Zari grabbed the sword out from in front of him. He didn't see the attack Vicky had aimed at Zari coming. Ganon, as noted previously in the narrative, managed to kill Zari when she was caught unawares. So then Vicky's attack, rather than hitting Zari, hit Arcade and killed him instantly, forcing him to respawn too.

The voice of god, otherwise known as Usagi, suddenly interrupted them all. "SUDDEN DEATH! YOU'RE TAKING TOO LONG!" God shouted. And then, everyone would feel themselves lose lives. Everyone was down to one life. Well, everyone except for Calamity Ganon of course.

Leah's attack was successful, the ground beneath Ganon's MASSIVE feet turning to sand. A heavy and gigantic creature, he immediately started to sink in the sand, losing traction and mobility. Fortunately for Ganon, he doesn't need to grab you to kill you. He has some ranged attacks that are more than sufficient.

April Flynn

Location: Gym - Training Room A
Skills: Hydrokinesis

"Wait, hold the phone, I didn't think we were actually fighting them?" April asked Mads, confused. She thought Nimue had just asked for them to show an application of their combined powers. She did NOT want to fight her maybe-aunt-the-vampire. She would very much prefer to never be put up in a combat situation against her. All of her dad's bio siblings were CRAZY. She was pretty sure the same would hold for Andy. After all, the girl had already turned Mads into some sort of weird demon form and lost control of her powers.

April could fight Mary Sue though - but she knew she'd feel bad about it. Mary Sue seemed like such a shy sweetheart, April would pull her punches just to not feel guilty. It would be like trying to spar with a kitten or a puppy - a sad, lost puppy. April wasn't the sort of person who wanted to fight sad puppies.

"But, okay okay okay, we should try this! I've never surfed or like ice shredded - well, I mean, I've gone SURFING with like a board and all - I'm actually pretty epic at it - but I've never done it without a board. Or maybe I could make a board out of ice, and then we could shred on water around with that?" April rambled. "I like the Katara inspiration though - maybe next year I'll do a Katara based routine for the auditions. Could convince Danni or someone to pretend to be the boy in the Iceberg, Dori could be my brother..." Her mind was aflutter, going through logistics and getting distracted.

She shook her head and clapped her hands together. There was still plenty of water in the room from the fight. April grabbed Mads' hands, pulling her in close like they were about to slow dance. "Hold on!" The water began to pool beneath their feet, bubbling up and then pushing them up into the air. A wave formed and the girls hit it, April doing a slow turn as they surfed the wave, before hitting the ground. "How was that? Do you think you could do your magic stuff while I do that?"

Percy Novikov

Location: Gym - Training Room B
Skills: N/A

Percy blinked, as normality was slowly restored within his body. His ears flushed at Sabine's praise/threat. She was like a femme fatale come to life, the sort of character and television personality that he just couldn't help being obsessed with. He wanted to see her as the villain in a million different reality TV shows, beginning with the Real Housewives and ending with the Circle. She'd slay on Survivor too. Or Big Brother.

"If I throw up on you again, I might just end my life personally," Percy said dryly. He was feeling much better, thanks to Nemo's pills. Percy glanced at the pill bottle again, his eyes furrowing as he noticed that the patient's name had been crossed out. He could make out the beginning of a D, but not much else. He made a mental note to send one of the pills to his parents, to make sure he hadn't just been given roofies or something from Ser Nemo... but it was probably fine. He felt better. Almost suspiciously better.

He glanced over at Zelda, seeing how she was hanging in the back, seemingly afraid of her own shadow. And then... Percy swallowed thickly. Then there was the bear. He didn't recognize his own roommate. Teddy had always been relatively normal looking. But this... this was basically Cocaine Bear in an academy uniform. Percy gave Zelda an awkward wave, before hurrying off to the showers. He didn't want to spend another minute covered in his own vomit either.

"So, what do you want to do?" Firestar asked Zelda. "Do you want to give training another shot again?"

Not even Teddy looked particularly excited. Firestar couldn't help but feel like a failure - again. She had two students under her supervision right now, both of whom seemed to want nothing to do with the Contest of Champions. She didn't understand the entire thing. It was weird to her that the event was mandatory, but it was weirder to her that someone at the superhero school wouldn't want to, well, practice being a superhero.

"Teddy, are you up to this?" Firestar then added, looking at her other charge.

Ser Nemo was being strangely quiet.

"Erm, yeah, I can do this!" Teddy answered, trying to psyche himself up. "What... what is this again, exactly?" he asked, looking at the training course. He flinched at the sound of a massive explosion.

"Ah, that'll be the C4," Ser Nemo murmured, not looking concerned at all.

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