Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: the Gym
Skills: N/A

Nancy raised an eyebrow at Zeke's noncommittal answer. That was interesting. From what she could tell, Zeke was hopelessly in love with the idiot. She hadn't actually had a bad opinion of Demi - she didn't realize it, but it had unfortunately been a self-fulfilling prophecy on Demi's part. He was chaotic and foolish and a danger to everyone around him. She didn't see what her brother saw in him. But then again, she never saw what anyone saw in anyone when it came to romance. Maybe she had always been like this. Maybe it was a trauma response. Nancy didn't care. She liked herself the way she was. She wouldn't change it. If she was given a choice, she'd choose to be like this without a doubt.

"I'm not an expert on things like this, but isn't he going to be, like, totally pissed?" Nancy asked, somewhat dryly. She was having a hard time wrapping her head around what this could mean for Zeke. It was just such a foreign concept to her. The closest she could think of would be how she'd feel if Mads and Niah abandoned her to go help one of their siblings... It would hurt and ache, but she would be fine. Would she?

She flinched, feeling something brush up against her legs. It was a cat. Or at least, it looked like a cat. Nancy couldn't help but be immediately suspicious. Maybe it was a monster disguised as a cat. "If you're a monster, I swear to the gods, I'm going to lose my shit," Nancy muttered to the cat. She was glad to have Joanie with her.

You were still thick and hazy with the urge to sleep, Carolina. Each time your eyes shutter close, you wish nothing more than to rest them forever. But instead of being greeted with warm darkness, strange visions flicker before you - visions of the past, the present, the future. It is hard to sort it all out. You see your lover, October Crypt, die in Coventry. You see her dressed in darkness and flames, sitting on a demonic throne. You see a small child with a curious, haunting grim. The child's name is a taste on your mouth, familiar and bitter, a pseudonym in reverse...

These are not the visions you were looking for, I understand. As you focus, attempting to hone in more on the Green Eyed One, you see a great white nothingness. The future is blank. A void, a hole. It is missing.

Max, your unconventional approach appears to have merit. The caffeine lifts the veil of sleep from your eyes. The Green Eyed one frowned slightly, but then resumed a smile.

"Oh, you have nothing on you. Hmm..." they sniffed the air, and then a look of bewilderment came across them. "What happened to your soul, luv? Bits of it are missing. Messing around with the dark magicks now, are we?" They sniffed again, this time looking at Klara and Carolina. "But you two poppets, yours are nice and complete. You give me a sliver of your immortal soul, and I'll get you out of Limbo. How's that sound?"

They then laughed slightly, the sound like a tinkling bell, at Klara's question on the bones. "These old things? You have a good eye, dear. They're everyones - everyone who offs themselves in Limbo, or gets offed, at least. Maybe yours will be here one day. Wouldn't that be nice? You'd make a nice lampshade. Good skin texture. The couch you're on, it's one of my favorite pieces, it's made from a human called Cat."

* * *

Ananym, truth be told, found your life story to be very boring and dull, Mads. She shrugged her little shoulders and spun around, her back now to you. "What's an Agatha?" Ananym asked. She then paused for a moment, looking like a child who was debating sharing a dark and terrible secret to an adult, before she continued. "I'm not human. Like, at all. But I think I used to be. Before I was born, I mean. And I think at another time, I was a turtle or something."

The sounds of hissing and howling grew closer, as suddenly, a twenty foot long snake shot out of the darkness, its fangs dripping with venom as it pounced upon you!

* * *

A mixture of hope and sadness crossed Ororo's face. "You are from far in the future indeed, my friend," she explained softly. The subject of killing Belasco was a sensitive one for her. She had tried to eliminate him once before, only to find herself transformed into a demonic entity and enthralled to him. It had taken all of her willpower to escape and reclaim herself, body and soul. This sanctuary, this garden, had been born of that act of defiance.

It was always difficult to pinpoint a year in Limbo, so Ororo was unable to answer that question of yours. "The last time I spoke to you, I was still his apprentice in dark sorcery," she said, answering the second question. Ororo turned her gaze upwards, towards the sky. "I hope this Magik is at peace with their choice, whomever they are."

Runa the Grey

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells: N/A

Midgardian lifespans were always so fickle. It was incredibly odd to Runa that one from 1812 would not know someone from the twenty-first century. Hardly any time had passed between those two dates, but entire Midgardian lifetimes had expired. They were all so fragile, children who were hardly able to form words before their life was snuffed out. When they were younger, she had seen a sense of nobility to such a short life - and now, they found it merely tragic.

Their hand tightened on the bone staff they walked with a little tighter. It did not provide as much comfort as the living flesh had, but it was enough. It was what they had.

They would have offered to heal the newcomer, but they imagined they would not care for Runa's means of healing. Runa healed through change. Edus' methods would be more stagnant, forcing no internal reckoning. "Yes, let us be--" Runa began to say, only to be interrupted by a loud screech. To those who could see, a small legion of demons had amassed in the sky, swooping down to face them with bloodthirsty battle cries.


Fireballs, glowing green and screaming like tormented lost souls, reigned down upon the group. But these demons had poor aim, and they missed. Runa felt the ground shake from each impact, the pops of heat. They let go of Edus' hand. "Do not worry about me, old friend," she requested simply. "I have not lived so long by being feeble and helpless."

Megan Pendragon

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Megan had not slept much that night. That was not uncommon for her. She had always been an insomniac. A night where she had five hours of uninterrupted sleep was a good one. Of course, the main reason for her lack of sleep that evening was one Gabriella de la Cruz. They had explored each and every inch of their bodies methodically, analytically, and comprehensively. And when they had finished, Megan had held Gabriella as the other girl drifted off to sleep. Megan instead remained mostly awake, keeping her own sort of unholy vigil. Her eyes moved suddenly, as if possessed by a demon, as Gabriella's Hand poked her.

Gabriella, after the Hand tried to wake her, then threw it across the room. Megan smiled crookedly.

How had she gotten here? She had no idea. But she was not going to question this. She was filled with the horrible, awful, suffocating feeling of being wanted. It was cruel torture. And she wanted more. "The succubus wakes," Megan whispered in Gabriella's ear, nipping at it for a moment. "Did you have any pleasant nightmares?" She was not going to tell Gabriella that she had watched her sleep - not yet.

Guin Stark

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Telepathy, Telepathic Attacks
~Fit Check~

Guin's eyes narrowed, as she spotted Exodus coming down the hallway. She hated everything about him, from his stupid hair to his stupid cape. He had almost murdered Pietro. Her breath hitched at the very thought. In front of her, she saw it all happening again - Muscles, gunned down, dying at an OMEN base. Pietro, crucified by a religious fanatic, dying in a shopping mall. No more. If there was ever a time where Guin wanted to scratch someone's brains out with her nails, it was now. But instead, she nodded at Jaclyn's suggestion. She wouldn't voice it, but she felt skeptical they'd be able to defeat Exodus. He didn't need to be one of Magneto's puppets - he could be a supervillain all on his own.

She concentrated, reaching out to Exodus' mind. She didn't pick up any surface thoughts from him - though she imagined he was probably thinking about whether he could convince Magneto to let him crucify more people. He seemed like a sick bastard. The suggestion she planted into his mind took hold almost immediately - whenever Exodus looked in their direction, his eyes would glaze over, just missing them. Guin put a finger to her lips and then walked quickly down the hallway, passing Exodus like two ships passing in the night.

Heads up, guys. We just passed Exodus, the fucking piece of shit. He's alone. Giving you all a mental impression of where he is. Has anyone else run into anyone interesting? Guin whispered into the minds of all the X-Men. They were making good progress on reaching Mary's location. So far, so good. No one had died yet.

She dug the fingers of her right hand into the back of her left hand.

Neil Spellman

Location: the Asteroid
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

Neil froze in place for a moment, as they neared a gigantic room. It wasn't the size of the room that scared him however - it was the voices coming from it. Well, one voice in particular. Magneto. He gulped. Magneto was the X-Men's deadliest foe, and Neil had enjoyed the brief respite they had from fighting him. But before Neil could even properly panic about that, the ancient wizard's voice sounded inside of his head, and Neil almost screamed in fright.

Erm, we're on our way there now... your ancientfulness, sir, Neil thought. He always felt awkward when telepaths and people were doing inside-the-mind communication. He didn't usually think in full sentences - more in abstract ideas. It felt silly to think a sentence, especially as he had to think about the one he wanted to say before he said it - and the old wizard probably found that very stupid of him. But there's one problem, there's, well, Magneto's here.

And then, as if Neil's head wasn't full enough already, he heard Guin's voice ring through - it sounded like she was using the conference call line of telepathy more or less, telling everyone her group had run into Exodus. Magneto's here, Neil thought again, not sure how to aim that reply at Guin and not at Max, but, well... What was he supposed to do? He wasn't a telepath. He was barely a necromancer.

He looked on in awe as Annie summoned the Scarlet Witch - and he hoped that Magneto couldn't see them behind the illusion. But he trusted that she had done things right. And hopefully Magneto wouldn't be too suspicious to see one of his kids on the asteroid.


"You missed her," Usagi said pointedly. The cat seemed disappointed, but also pleased at the same time? When Diana wasn't giving active instructions, she'd notice that Calamity Ganon seemed to move on his own as well - the great flaming axe was swung at Leah, but it was a direct miss. "If you want to scream at them to not be losers, there's an intercomm button here," Usagi added, pointing towards a big red button.


Arcade was silent in his hiding place at the edge of the arena, considering that Vicky said. She was right though - Zari was a god in this arena. And that wasn't fair. They needed some sort of way to disconnect her from her powers... but what sort of cocktail worked on a demigod? He made a mental note to look more into Thor's weaknesses later - maybe there was some sort of Asgardian kryptonite they could use.

Finally, Arcade spoke. He didn't move from his hiding spot, knowing Vicky was well aware of where he was and could hear him too from this distance. "I do, yeah - but I need your suit to interface with the Framework. I don't have any tech on me," Arcade admitted. "I know this place better than anyone else... Spent all summer sneaking up here to use it... But I'm useless without a way to interface."

There was, of course, another problem with Vicky's goal to take over the Master Hand. The Master Hand was gone, glitching out of existence. A strange entity took its place. Calamity Ganon, from the popular Legend of Zelda game series. Arcade loved that game. But to defeat Ganon, they needed... there!

Jammed into the ground in a forgotten portion of the arena, like a sword in the stone, was the Master Sword. The Sword that seals the Darkness. If they didn't get that, they'd be toast. He hesitated, looking at the others, before Arcade made a sprint for the sword. There were a bunch of koroks as well on the battlefield, floating and bopping around, as Calamity Ganon swung its fiery axe at Leah this time. Its aim was wide and it missed terribly.

April Flynn

Location: Gym - Training Room A
Skills: N/A

April beamed, returning Mads' hug. Tears pricked in the corners of her eyes. She hadn't realized how much she needed that. Her love language was physical touch - and in that moment, she felt loved. Platonically, of course. She blinked back her tears, letting go of Mads. And while she was excited to see Mads performing magic, April couldn't help but feel... disappointed. It wasn't really flashy. More fine tuning of her control was great and all, but where was the pizazz? The flare? The drama?

"Hmm, I feel like we should try to spice things up a bit - like, this is totally cool, and you're totally wicked cool, but like... I think we could put on more of a show?" April suggested, hoping Mads wasn't too pissed. "Like... Like we should have an Elsa in her ice castle sort of moment. Ooo, wait! Do you think we could make clothes out of water together, combining your powers with mine? Our own runway couture?" April added, her eyes sparkling. Maybe Mads' spell was enough to give her the fine control to make that happen, but April didn't think she could make the water turn to actual threads.

She snuck a glance over at Andy and Mary Sue. It didn't seem like they had anything to show for yet. April couldn't help but smile a bit smugly. She loved to win. She didn't often admit it, but she was competitive. She wanted to crush them in this not-contest.

Percy Novikov

Location: Gym - Training Room B
Skills: N/A

Percy found himself suddenly dragged up to his feet, by virtue of Sabine standing up. Those ropes were really starting to get frustrating. The movement made him feel dizzy and dazed, the world rotating rapidly around him. Usually, he felt better after he had puked. But right now.... he felt sorta the same. He nodded though, trying to focus on Sabine's voice even though she felt so distant.

"The fucking assholes threw us back after we already finished!" Percy shouted. It wasn't a lie. They had finished all of the obstacles. Dorian Gray had just made sure to force them majorly behind, and in the process, had clearly done something to make Percy violently ill. There was silence for a moment, before the next thing he knew, a door in the wall opened up. Ser Nemo stood behind it in. In the distance, Percy could see Firestar and his roommate. What were they doing here?

Ser Nemo wrinkled his nose. "Oh, my..." he said, taking in the state of the two of them. "Perhaps the reward should have been a visit to the dry cleaner's - rather than pizza," Nemo commented. "At any rate, congratulations are in order. And a trip to the shower. There should be spare uniforms for both of you to change into."

Ser Nemo cut the rope connecting the two of them, and Percy collapsed to the ground, his knees giving out.

"Oh! Dear me, I almost forgot. I am sorry, Mr. Novikov. My presence can have this sort of effect on those with similar powers to mine. Here, take these," he said producing a pill bottle from his pocket, and handing them to Percy. The pills looked completely ordinary. There was a label on the bottle indicating it was approved by the TVA. "One a day, taken with or without food."

Percy caught the bottle. He barely had the focus in him to glare at Ser Nemo. Or really the conscious mind to protest to being given a pill by a basically a stranger. His fingers mechanically opened up the bottle, and he downed a pill. Like most meds, there weren't any immediate effects.

Instead, Percy laid his head back and closed his eyes. "We fucking won. Yay," he mumbled.

"I'm here to make a deal with you, poppet," the Green Eyed One said. The area around them seemed to distort, lengthening oddly before suddenly snapping back into focus. They were in a sitting room now, sitting on couches made out of a strange leather. All of the furniture seemed to be made of bone, including the table in front of them, where an elaborate tea was laid out. Mercymorn and Butter Rum, humorously, were inside the sitting room with them.

"You can rest your eyes, it's quite alright," the Green Eyed One said. I must recommend that you do not do this. Keep your wits about you. Your soul may very well be forfeit. "I must imagine it's been quite a taxing journey. Now, we can make a deal and I can send you on your way, but that sort of magic... It's pricey. You'll have to give me something of equal value."

They stared expectantly at you three. "What do you have to offer me then, loves?"

* * *

Oh dear. This does not bode well. Madalyne, you are alone with Ananym in the strange woods. Your companions have abandoned you. You are in grave danger. Ananym tossed a glance back, noticing that it was just you, and a strangely pleased smile appeared on her face. "Woah, we left those slowpokes so far behind!!" Ananym cackled. "Jackass needs to do more cardio. He's getting squishy. I bet he can't run for ten minutes now," she added.

She was walking backwards now, not making a real effort to run. Jack and Annika were so far behind that it wasn't any fun anymore. And quickly, they were deep into the woods. It looked like a wood you would see on Earth, most likely in a horror film. Strange creatures hissed and howled as they walked. "So, like, what's your deal then?" Ananym asked Mads curiously. "Demon girl to demon girl."

* * *

Your eyes meet Ororo's, Jack, as she looks up from her plants. She was tending to her garden - the only place in Limbo where life, love, and beauty can flourish. Everywhere else in this realm was far too tainted for such things to take root. Ororo may no longer be an X-Men here, this version of her at least, but the same quiet majesty shines through her eyes. You do not know this, but Ororo died the same day Illyana stole the throne of Limbo from Belasco. She died by Illyana's hand.

"It is I, shadow-walker," Ororo said gently, standing up to her feet. "It is good to see you again." She paused for a moment. "Red is not your color," she then added, eyeing the cloak on your shoulders.

* * *

Within the liminal space you have created within your mind, Prudence, you speak with the Devil. To everyone else, it is as if you have simply fallen silent and still, locked in some sort of a trance. Your hellish master has felt the change of the tides as well, and they are not to his liking. There is only ever one being who has proved to be more powerful than he. He will not tolerate another one.

"Do not forget yourself, girl," he first snarls in warning. He stamps forward, his hooves clanging on the liquid ground strangely. "The Sorcerer Supreme is nothing. They are agents of the light. The power I have given you eclipses theirs."

Runa the Grey

Location: Limbo
Skills: Intuition
Spells: N/A

Whereas Edus did not speak the newcomer's tongue, Runa did. They were of Asgard, raised on the All-Tongue, able to communicate with any being instinctively. Runa could not name the language she replied in to the stranger, but she spoke it fluently all the same. "Kwehkwe1," Runa greeted. "Gullveig ióntiats. Ok ní:se2," they paused for a moment, before continuing. Onkwatén:ro né:'e3," she added. She did not gesture towards Prudence and Ed. She could feel Ed's arm, but she did not know where Prudence was, so it did not matter.

It was curious though to know that this woman was also wearing Strange's cloak. A thought occurred to them and they laughed slightly. If that were the case, well, the entire universe would be doomed from the outcome. They decided to keep that thought to themselves. There was no telling how many Sorcerers Supreme they would meet - how horribly divided that mantle had become. Three was already so many, but now four? And Runa's many years had taught them that the rule of three would be chief, there were likely to be more... at least nine, they expected.

They then translated Ed's question into the language the stranger spoke - asking them if they were acquainted with a wizard by the name of Stephen Strange.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: the Gym
Skills: N/A

Nancy followed her brother around to the side of the building. He broke one of the windows, and offered her a hand for a boost up. "Nah, I've got it - I used to scale the side of my mom's house to sneak back in," Nancy offered. She got herself up and through the window with ease, landing inside of the gym - and thanks to Zeke's careful attention, there weren't any glass shards cutting into her skin or otherwise hurting her. She scanned the room, looking for something that could be used to block the window.

There didn't seem to be much at all. When Zeke came back from sweeping the area, Nancy then looked around as well. No signs of a monster lair. No signs still of anything they could use to block the window. "Lots of room and barely any equipment," Nancy noted. She expected they'd be able to find a mat or something to put up against the window, but nope. Nancy chuckled slightly at Zeke's mention of sparring. Being in a separate environment, with a firm plan, and not talking about anything... It made it a little easier to push it all down.

But there was something that they did need to talk about, something that hadn't even really occurred to Nancy yet.

"What about your boyfriend?" she asked Zeke.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: Medical Science

"No need to thank me. I made an oath," Megan told her patient simply. She studied the wound for a second. It didn't need a bandage. It was fine the way it was, with the stitching. But perhaps a bandage would be good, simply because of the sort of environment they were running around in. Megan placed one on it quickly. "You do not technically need one, no. If you adjust the bandage, be careful not to pull the stitches." She figured the bandage might make Cassiopeia feel better as well. She did not state that part of her reasoning though. She didn't like it when people babied their patients.

Her eyes flickered up towards the stairs, as Gabriella smiled at her. She didn't recognize the name from any fairytales or fables. But in that moment, Megan knew what Gabriella was asking her. She had never thought she'd be the sort to go for someone who could have been her twin - slightly different skin tones, but twins nonetheless. The severed hand on Gabriella's shoulder interested her.

And Megan had to confess other things interested her as well.

She put down her medical supplies. "If it turns green, tell me immediately - unless you wish to die of blood poisoning, in which case, do nothing," she told Cassiopeia sharply. She then paused for a moment, before heading up the stairs after Gabriella. She had had one night stands before. But this felt like the start of something different.

Guin Stark

Location: Blackbird - Asteroid M Docking Bay
Skills: Telepathy
~Fit Check~

"Hold that thought, Mary's coming on through cleanly now," Guin said, putting a finger to the side of her head. It was much easier to hear Mary's thoughts than it had been before - Guin wouldn't have been surprised if the metal exterior of the base was made out of a similar material to Magneto's helmets. Thoughts were cleanly received inside of it, but going from the interior to the exterior had been a static nightmare. This was much more like what Guin was used to when she was hanging around the Mansion - a constant underlying chatter of thoughts, worries, anxieties, hopes, and dreams. It was enough to drive someone mad if they let it.

"Where would a good meetup point be..." she pursed her lips, thinking for a moment. Let me put you on hold for a quick sec, she said to Mary telepathically. Her powers were working well, so Guin figured the easiest way to find a meet-up point - as well as just get a general lay of the land - would be to telepathically dive into the minds of others.

"Looks like we're still a bit away from everyone else. But there's a large room - seems like a computer room of sorts, a main console sort of area - that's in the middle. I think we should rendez vous there," Guin told Jaclyn and Lance. She then relayed the same information to Mary. Okay, there's a giant computer control room sorta thingy, can you find it? Scan my mind for an image of it, I grabbed it off of a rando...

Guin then started heading in the rough direction of that room.

Neil Spellman

Location: the Asteroid
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

A little bit of tension left Neil's body as they teleported, appearing in a quiet hallway. But some part of him had almost wished that they would've run into others. It felt somewhat like a horror movie, knowing that the murderer was lurking around some corner. It wasn't that he wished that they'd run into a fight - it was more that he wanted to get the inevitable fight over with. He couldn't think of a single time when the X-Men had faced Magneto and it hadn't come to blows. Maybe at Quicksilver and Iron Star's wedding? Although, from what he remembered, things had been pretty tense even then...

He hoped the others were okay.

"Maybe Annie, you could try to disguise us as other people as we walk about?" Neil suggested. "As Magneto, or... Just as some random people that don't matter. Not X-Men at least," he added. Annie's illusion power he figured ought to be perfect for this sort of application. If they ran into other people but they weren't interesting, then they could just pass them by like ships in the night without a fight. Hopefully though, they'd be able to make it to the others - Mira was guiding them at the moment, and it sounded like they were getting somewhat close.


Firestar offered Teddy a supportive smile. She then motioned for the students to follow her, leading them into Training Room B. Ser Nemo, an elderly gentlemen that both of her charges had already met, was sitting on a lounge chair, sipping a cup of tea. He had a plain notebook in front of him, and he twisted a ring on his ring finger as he sat in contemplative silence. There was a gigantic obstacle course of sorts, two of them, set up in most of the room. The ground shook from an explosion going off. Firestar winced.

"Ser Nemo, I know that your team is full but I was--" Firestar began.

"Yes, I will take Mr. Thompson," Ser Nemo said somewhat absentmindedly, a bit lost in thought clearly at the moment.

"How did you know I was..."

"Going to ask that? Knowing things is my business. Should Miss Flynn feel comfortable returning to class, I will pair her with Mr. Thompson for the rest of this exercise. If not, I hope she enjoys her time with you. Perhaps you will inspire her to stay at this institution."

Firestar blinked. She knew that Ser Nemo was one of those time travel types, so it wasn't too crazy for him to know all of this, but it made her uncomfortable. She liked free will. She didn't like the idea that she was fated to do things, even things like advocating for one of her students.

@Nallore: Next to the tanks, Usagi was sitting in front of the monitors, where they could see all of the Framework actions. She was cackling to herself - on one monitor, she had a looped replay of every death happening. "Not so tough now, huh, girlie?" Usagi baited Diana. "If this had been the real thing, you'd be dead. Triple dead. Not just sleeping dead. Dead as in years later, you don't even turn up at the big event dead."

Usagi then turned her little cat head, giving Diana her full attention. "You've got homework. 1000 words on how you fucked up. But for now, you're in charge of this thing. You get to try to kill your friends. For every friend you kill successfully with this, I'll knock off 200 words. I've got loads of things programmed into this, so... What do you want to throw at them next?" Usagi asked. The Magic Hand was still on the board - although currently he was missing a thumb.


The Master Hand this time decided to go after Leah. Without a thumb, grabbing things was going to be VERY challenging. But there were still things a giant floating hand could do. The hand flattened itself out and slammed itself down onto Leah, hoping to flatten her like a pancake. Instead, a Leah-shaped hole emerged in the Hand. The Hand writhed, as if it were screaming. The giant hole was in the middle of the hand and pixelated blood floated off of it into the air.

Arcade was beginning to sweat nervously. What if those three couldn't defeat the Master Hand? Did he have to beat the Hand in order to win? Knowing Usagi, he'd have to. He hated that stupid cat rabbit.

April Flynn

Location: Gym - Training Room A
Skills: N/A

April hated these sort of reflection assignments - mostly because her preferred time to think about everything horrible about herself was late at night, in bed, staring up at the ceiling and wondering what the point of it all was. Everyone took all the low hanging fruit too - that they needed to work together, that they needed to listen, that they needed to learn about each other. What was there left for April to say? She bit the inside of her cheek, knowing that there'd be a sore spot there later on, but she didn't care.

"Um, well, I obvi agree with what everyone else said - that we don't really know how to work together or how to listen or really what everyone is capable of but... I don't even know if I know what I'm capable of, you know? Like you can look at me and go, oh, that girl can move water - but can I heal with it? I have no idea. Can I blood bend? No clue. Could I make a fancy dress out of water and spin and twirl like a Disney movie? Who knows, so, like... I think that's what I need to do, on top of the other things, is just... What am I capable of? What are the limits of my power?" April rambled.

Lady Nimue seemed to be satisfied - April was slowly getting better at studying her watery face. "Very good. For your next exercise, this is one in teamwork. April and Madalyne, you two will work together. Diana and Mary Sue, you will form the other pair. I would like for you to demonstrate an application of your combined powers. Please begin now, and keep in mind these reflections."

A twinge of excitement went through April. She didn't say it, but what Lady Nimue was asking of them was similar to a concept popular in the mutant community - the power circuit. Using two or more powers together to create something those powers could not achieve on their own. And here she was, paired up with her bestie. Her bestie the teenage witch. With magic and water, there ought to be no issue at all coming up with a cool application, right?

April quickly moved next to Mads, whispering in her ear. "What if we, like, had you brew a potion that does something when it touches things and I, then, like, use my water powers to throw it around everywhere? Or maybe we could do something like where I make shapes out of water and then you use your magic to change them into fire or earth or air or something or like even cotton candy? What do you think?"

Percy Novikov

Location: Gym - Training Room B
Skills: N/A

There was one unfortunate effect of Sabine sucker punching Percy - they were tied together, so as he fell to the ground, so did she. From their position in front of the second obstacle, the thorn wall, they'd be able to feel the explosive go off at the fourth obstacle. If there had been any doubts about Ser Nemo being willing to risk their lives, they would be quickly dispelled now. Sabine's attempts to rouse Percy hadn't worked.

Sabine and Percy had been moments away from victory, about to win the coveted pizza, when everything had gone pear shaped - or really Dorian shaped.

Dorian's grip on Percy's soul had loosened, and while it seemed uncertain at first, Percy struggled to open his eyes. If he had felt ill before, he felt terrible now. There was the strange illness, combined with Dorian's assault on his bodily autonomy, and now his head was ringing. His vision was blurring and doubling as he looked at Sabine on the ground next to him, and his skin looked green. If his thoughts had been more with it, he'd have realized he had a concussion.

"He... fucking... sucks," Percy mumbled. His ears were ringing. He couldn't stop it anymore. Like an uncontrollable avalanche launching from his mouth, he vomited. He vomited up all of the coffee he had had that morning. He vomited up the bits of food he had eaten as well. It covered him and Sabine. It was not cool. When he finished vomiting, Percy lay there weakly. His ears were burning. "I... sorry," he muttered, feeling ashamed, as he then vomited again.

He tried to teleport them back to where they had been, but he couldn't do it. The blue distortions appeared around his hand, but nothing happened. There was no jump through space-time. He was dead weight - figuratively and almost literally.

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