Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Lotus Hotel and Casino
Skills: N/A

Bit by bit, piece by piece, Nancy came back to herself.

It started with small acts of rebellion - of breathing in deeply, feeling the rise and the fall of her own chest; of clenching her toes and unclenching them; of twitching each finger in turn. She then slowly uncurled herself, stretching out her limbs and leaning her back up against a bucket filled with cleaning supplies. "I'm okay," Nancy then whispered, finding her voice - still hoarse and sore, but hers and hers alone. "I'm okay," she murmured again, staring at the door. She registered the meowing of a cat and a paw underneath the door - Sunshine.

Nancy rose to her feet, shaking and unstable. With each blink, she could see it again so clearly - the men she had thought were her friends, the dizziness in her head, their hands on her, all over her, gripping and wanting and about to take, take, take - and then the blood, oh, there had been so much blood, as she stood over their bodies. She paused, a hand on the doorknob. Did she want to open the door, to let Sunshine in - to relive more of her trauma, and to watch it happen to others?

"I'm okay," she whispered, before opening the door.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Maleficent's Gates
Skills: N/A

Megan turned her head to the side, catching the voice of one of the irritating boys from earlier. But rather than being obnoxious, it seemed he shared an appreciation for a healthy amount of blood. So instead of giving him a scathing remark, Megan nodded her head in his direction to acknowledge his comment, before she continued onwards. Sierra then came into view, as did Arthur and Gabriella and was it... Briar? Elm? Juniper? Some sort of tree name, she couldn't quite recall. "I'm fine," she said, to reassure her father.

"The blood suits me, I think," she admitted. It was rather striking against her pale skin, and her armor prevented it from soaking her to the bone. She didn't have much appreciation for things that were clean and spotless anyways. There was something vibrant about blood and dirt, something that testified to having really lived. She paused, standing next to Gabriella as her infatuation raised the dead dragons, sending the deceased beasts off to menace the opposing army. Megan's eyes were filled with love and adoration. She had never seen someone so incredible before.

My name is Illyana Rasputina, but these days, I go by Magik. I'm the Sorceress Supreme of Limbo. I should be there now. But I'm not.

Ananym brings you to my library, Carolina. I have read every book on its many shelves at least a thousand times. There is not much to do in Limbo as a child that does not involve pain, so I read. You might be trapped here long enough to read them all too. Ananym looks up at you, adoration in her eyes. "You're in my library," Ananym says.

"Well, it used to my by dad's, until he got, like, exiled an' stuff - and then it was Magik's, buuuut she's not here right now and I kinda took over, so it's mine now. Do you still like art? I can get you paints, whatever you want," Ananym chirps. She avoids answering your other question, as to why you were brought here.

But I think that you know why, Carolina.

You know why it had to be you.

Runa the Grey

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells: Elder Futhark Runes, Kosmisk Ild

There was no time for Runa to answer little Klara's questions. They would have to wait until after this battle was won. Already, one of their number had departed. Runa had long since mourned the deaths of everyone they knew and cared for, so the familiar pangs of grief brought with them a sense of exhaustion and stillness. There were only so many tears that could be shed in one life, especially as she had no eyes.

They could feel the rush of flames, as Madalyne summoned fire to burn S'ym in vengeance. They heard the agony of those demons as they cried out, reduced to nothingness by Max's spell. She heard Jack's scream, beckoning for their party to focus on decapitation as a method to kill the demons. In Runa's experience, that tended to work on most creatures.

She could feel the infernal energies of remaining demons though, so Runa rose to her feet, pulling a rune from her bag - algiz. She whispered the rune's name and it glowed. To those with sight, the image of the rune would appear above all of their heads, pulsing with a faint pink glow. It was a protection spell, of course. In some ways, they were honoring Ed already. He had always loved a shield spell, she recalled.

They then went with a more intricate work, the art of Kosmisk Ild. She clasped her hands together and pulled them apart about shoulder width. She could feel the heat of the flames dancing between her fingertips, strangely flowing like taffy. And then, using those demonic energies as targets, Runa snapped her fingers. The flames flew out, connecting with a good portion of Ananym's forces remaining, their heads bursting into flames.

Runa smiled ever so slightly, hearing the demons' screams.

They were not dead yet, of course - just weakened. And none were as weak as S'ym, who had been thoroughly burned by Mads, and now looked at Max. He would never show fear, but he was afraid in that moment. And so, like the cowardly thing he was, S'ym ran - he burst through the doors to the throne room, attempting to flee the palace.

Prudence's enchanted beau was a skilled fighter, doing his best to destroy his demonic kin. He managed to rip an arm or two off of one of them, and then found himself embroiled in combat with another. No real victories were scored, but at the same time, those demons were then fighting amongst themselves and not a threat to the others.

Annika, in her form as the baby bear clinging to the ankle, would be roughly kicked by one of the demons - enough to hurt and bruise, but no serious injuries.

Klara, after her adorable attack, ended up attracting the attention of a particularly vicious demon, with a sword for a hand. He snuck up behind her and ran her through, somehow missing any important organs, but still, ouch. Fortunately for her, her lack of soul meant she would feel no pain.

Prudence would end up getting hit in the head with a brick one of the demons had thrown, before ducking down behind the table to hide itself from her. Where had it found a brick to throw? No one knew. But strangely, while she was bleeding from the impact sight, she wasn't unconscious or anything of the sorts - as if her new form was much more durable than the old one.

Max, as he stared down S'ym to put the fear of god in him, similarly would miss an attack from behind. A demon jumped onto him, and bit his throat, yanking their head back in an attempt to, well, rip his throat out. Max would be bleeding profusely, but alive - for now.

Lastly, Runa - for all of her subtle confidence and assuredness - could not intuit everything. She didn't sense a demon approach her with a whip. She didn't feel the whip pierce the air until it was too late, and it had wrapped itself around their throat, choking her to death. She gasped and struggled, reaching with her hands to grab it and try to pull it off, and she managed some relief, but not enough as she was blindly dragged backwards.

Neil Spellman

Location: the Asteroid
Skills: Telekinesis
~Fit Check~

Neil hadn't really been with anyone since Sera - their heart still throbbed just thinking about her, and how she had run away, terrified of them and their family. They didn't think they'd ever see her again, and that was fine, but at the same time... It had been hard for them to move on, to find closure. So they'd been alone, at least in the romantic and sexual sense, ever since. There had been moments where it seemed like something might happen - whether it was with Annie, Carolina, Mira, or Bethany, they weren't quite sure. They didn't want to rush into things.

But when Max called them cute, they were falling hopelessly head over heels. It was like gravity, dragging them down, with no chance of fighting it. They didn't know what Max would think though of their family - if he would find them cruel, immoral, sadistic monsters just like Sera had. But they could dream. When it came to men, their taste had always skewed older anyways.

They were ready to defend Carolina's body, when suddenly the wind stopped - but the tornado remained. Neil threw a hand out, concentrating on the winds, before they forced them to move in the reverse direction, dispelling it harmlessly. The way was clear now for them to catch up with the others.

Guin Stark

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Telepathy
~Fit Check~

Guin had made it down to the end of the hallway with Bethany and Pietro, thanks to her husband's super speed. The winds were still blasting away at them, but they could see the source of them now - an overwhelmed mutant, trying to bat away tornadoes that just wouldn't stop forming. Bethany leapt into action, teleporting them away somewhere, leaving Guin and Pietro to deal with the other issue they could see - an electrical mutant, spouting electricity.

"I'm on it," Guin declared, focusing on that mutant. She nearly had it on the first try, a quick dive into their mind to send them into peaceful unconsciousness, but they repelled her. She frowned, digging in and trying again, only to be buffeted out once more, the mutant's powers picking up more and more in the dangerous recklessness. "Okay, fucking work with me here, buddy," Guin muttered, before trying AGAIN and this time, she managed to get through. She disabled the out of control mutant, putting them into a blissful sleep. The powers ceased going haywire.

And then, in the distance down that hallway, she could see Mary and the others. Guin tentatively waved. "Hey girls."

7:10 PM - Sun. October 31st, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute

@Natsu In the cafeteria, the dance was underway as the students began to arrive, trickling in and mingling. Refreshments were grabbed, laughs were had, and inevitably, misunderstandings caused a few couples to have a bad start to their Halloween night. There were a few wall flowers like Mary Sue, standing off to themselves. However unlike them, Mary Sue was approached by one of the dance chaperones - a man she had never seen before.

He had dark skin and strangely liquid-like, flowing purple hair. His ears were pointed like an elf's and he had on a dramatic purple cape. On his left hand, he wore a wedding ring. "No costume?" he asked Mary Sue, raising an eyebrow.

@Nallore@Forsythe@BlueSky44: The three of you would end up running into each other, as you made your way from the dorms to the cafeteria. Whether or not you acknowledge each other is of course up to you - Zelda was dressed as Rogue, Vicky as a robotic Frankenstein, and Diana as a Greek demigod. A few other students are passing by you in the halls, as things get more and more crowded the closer you get to the cafeteria. Not too far up ahead, you'll spot some of the Young Avengers gang - namely Cassie Lang and America Chavez and Kate Bishop, dressed as the Powerpuff Girls.

April Flynn

Location: Stark Hall - Floor Six
Skills: N/A
Costume: Perfuma from She-Ra

April hadn't paid much attention at first when Dorian took out his phone and started scrolling - not until Danni screamed Princess got hacked. "What?!" Her eyes widened and she frantically pulled out her phone, about to check her accounts - Princess was the nickname Danni used routinely to refer to her, after all - but then, as Danni continued to ramble, he mentioned Beanie. And her blood went cold. Sabine had been the one to be hacked. She frantically went to her girlfriend's socials, looking in shock at the nasty comments flooding it.

In Danni's quick selfie, April's face was contorted into horror.

She then sprung into action, quickly typing out some (somewhat emotional) posts in defense of Sabine and posting them to her own socials. She didn't have nearly as many followers, but she wanted to do what she could. She then switched to the polycule group chat, firing off a message - OMG I AM SO SORRY ARE YOU OKAY??? Her hands were shaking and she started pacing back and forth, already coming up with worst case scenarios. Maybe she could ask her parents to use some S.H.I.E.L.D. resources to figure out who did the hack. Would her father be willing to send in a drone strike, maybe? Or would that be overkill?

Her pacing stopped though as Leah opened the door and stepped inside, an absolute vision in her Scorpia costume. She took April's breath away - she always did, of course, but now especially. She was mesmerized enough that her panic over what was happening to Sabine temporarily melted away, and April blushed deeply as Leah told her that she looked cool. "You look AMAZING!" April gushed. April stood on her toes and gave Leah a quick kiss on the lips, before flattening her feet back out. She left a hand lingering on Leah's arm, grinning at her.

But Leah wasn't the only one who had showed up. Dorian had run out the door to see his boyfriend - and Mads and Sabine were both in the hallway! April was relieved to see that Sabine was alright, as she took Leah by the hand and dragged her on into the hallway. She let go of Leah's hand and threw herself around Sabine in a huge hug, and then kissed her on the lips as well. "Whatever you need, I'll do it. I'll see if my dad can nuke that asshole, wherever they are," April vowed seriously.

"Oh, yes, picture picture!" April agreed. "Mads, you look absolutely wicked," she then giggled, her emotions all over the place. But that was normal for her.

Percy Novikov

Location: Stark Hall - Floor Six
Skills: N/A
Costume: the Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who

Percy gave Mads a curt nod. "I'm doing well, thank you," he said. He didn't know her very well, but he ran into her from time to time, given that they lived on the same floor. He didn't recognize what her costume was from, but it looked rather nice - she was definitely serving celestial witch realness. "You look nice," he then added, as two others came down the hallway - Leah and Sabine. He offered Sabine a slight wave, as Leah then just... opened up the door.

Percy frowned slightly. Wasn't that not acceptable?

His frown vanished as he spotted Dorian, looking incredibly dashing in his ascot - that did something to Percy, as he blushed furiously. And when Dorian rushed out and pulled him by his tie - well, he was doing his very best to remember that others were present. As it was, all he managed to get out at first was a strangled "ngk."

He swallowed thickly, doing his best to recover. His brain was very frazzled, and he had to replay the words Dorian had said to him in his brain quickly - roleplaying. That's what Dorian was doing right now. Otherwise, he'd know who he was. So, putting on his best imitation of the Tenth Doctor, Percy spoke in a somewhat botched British accent: "I'm the Doctor, nice to meet you. And who might you be?"

Percy vaguely heard people shouting about pictures, but he was too lost in Dorian's eyes to notice or care.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Lotus Hotel and Casino
Skills: N/A

Nancy was rocking back and forth, hugging her knees to her chest as she sobbed in the closet. No one had come after her, that she knew of. That was fine. Preferable, even. She had fallen to pieces, weak and vulnerable. She breathed in the scents of the cleaning products and once she could cry no more, she stared into the wood grain of the door. How had she thought she could do this - what had possessed her to leave behind the Legion, to travel to the place of her waking nightmares? They needed her, the Legion. These people didn't need her. She couldn't protect them. She was useless, worse than useless really.

Dimly, she was aware of Joanie's familiar weight on her shoulders. She turned her head, reaching out and touching Joanie with a shaking head. And when she turned her head away again, facing the door once more, she noticed something that hadn't been there moments before. Instinctively, she knew that it was from Apollo - from her father. It was a pair of headphones and an old cassette player, complete with a mixtape. She picked it up carefully, studying it and barely comprehending the words, as the letters danced around, but she picked out a few of her favorite songs.

She hugged it to her chest and she wept.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Maleficent's Gates
Skills: N/A

Fighting a dragon was easier said than done. It roared, dousing her in flames. She instinctively turned her head back, shielding her eyes, and even then burns appeared on her body. It was a delicious, searing pain. Somehow, she didn't die entirely. Her armor must have been enchanted. When she turned her eyes back to the beast, her father had engaged it, swinging at one of its legs with his sword. It was wounded, but now down.

Megan prepared herself to try again, perhaps targeting a weaker point on it, when the next thing she knew the dragon had swallowed her whole. Her reflexes were fast though, helped by the fact that she had excalibur drawn and ready. As she started to slide down its throat, she stabbed her sword and let it tear through the dragon's throat, both killing it and creating her exit strategy. She crawled out through the mouth, the dragon's blood staining her armor, as she emerged relatively unscathed.

Runa the Grey

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells: N/A

Runa did not answer Klara's question about her age. Some things were better figured out by oneself. It would be good for Klara's development to not just have everything given to her. However, they would answer the question about the staff. It was a trivial matter, and they were somewhat surprised no one had asked yet about it, but there were more pressing things on everyone's mind. "Mmm, thank you. It is made from the bones of my husband," Runa said. She gave the bones an affectionate squeeze. Even now, she could feel the prickles of his innate power in them. The faintest specter of his spirit remained, long after Runa had killed him.

They held their head still, as the others immediately were distrustful of the Lady Witchfire and her offer. Runa could not blame them. In their experience, everything had a price - there would always be a cost. However, they disagreed with their execution. Placing the Lady Witchfire immediately on the defensive was showing their hand. Over the eons, they had found that it was better to wait and to be still, rather than prompting a foe into escalation.

But the play was being made now - and so, Runa would play the next card.

"It is a kind offer, my Lady," Runa said, their old withered voice cutting through the conversation. "As my companions have alluded to, we do have business here in Limbo. Stephen Strange was murdered - in this realm, it would appear," Runa explained. "As you are the Queen of Limbo, surely you must be able to find out who is responsible and see that this is made right?" There was the matter of Witchfire's resurrection to settle as well, but Runa figured they could begin here.

The Lady Witchfire exchanged a look with Sym, before nodding. The purple demon stepped back and moved around the table, headed for the entrance they had all come through. Witchfire then rose from her chair, looking at the assembled group thoughtfully. "I see that there is significant distrust here," Witchfire began. "Perhaps that is my fault, for thinking that we could come to an understanding... But that was never going to happen."

Witchfire paused. "Was it, Jackass?" she asked.

Within the span of a few seconds, several things happened, in no particular order:

1. More demons entered the room, surrounding the table. There was a demon for every sorcerer.
2. Sym grabbed Edus' neck and twisted it with a snap, killing him instantly.
3. Witchfire's form flickered, and suddenly, she was not the older blonde woman. Instead, she was Ananym.

"We could've had so much fun together. Sucks that you have to die now," Ananym complained, still speaking with the voice of October Crypt. She then grabbed Carolina's shoulder and a bright light flashed - and the two of them were gone.

7:00 PM - Sun. October 31st, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute

It was the day of the school's Halloween dance - the Monster Mash. The cafeteria had been converted into a spooky wonderland, with a series of side rooms serving as the location for a Haunted House, graciously run by Lady Nimue. There were dancing and food and drinks (all non-alcoholic of course) and a DJ creating an intricate vibe. Halloween music, new and old, filled the cafeteria. Towards the end of the night, the costume contest would determine which two students would be crowned the Saviors of Avengers Academy, the school's version of Homecoming Royalty.

But more importantly, Headmaster Coulson would be announcing what four teams had qualified for the Contest of Champions. Everyone already knew that the Young Avengers were a shoe in - but the other three teams who had competed last year had all graduated. No one really knew who else would be tapped to compete in the Contest of Champions - and almost everyone at the school wanted it to be them. They were at a school to teach them to be heroes. Competing in the Contest was the easiest way to get recruited for a real superhero team, like the Avengers or the Fantastic Four. It was their ticket to fame and success.

April Flynn

Location: Stark Hall - Floor Six
Skills: N/A
Costume: Perfuma from She-Ra

The dance was at seven o'clock, so naturally, April had started getting ready for it hours in advance. She was part of a group costume with her friends and her girlfriends, as they were going as She-Ra and the Princesses of Power. She'd re-watched most of She-Ra in anticipation, particularly as she kept going back and forth on which princess she'd want to be. Sabine was going as She-Ra for obvious reasons. Leah was Scorpia. Gods, both of her girlfriends were so hot. April had waffled back and forth for a while - at one point she had been thinking Catra, as the Adora/Catra/Scorpia polycule was really interesting and endearing to her, but she wasn't sure she could pull off Catra. Mermista was an obvious choice, in terms of powers, but she found herself gravitating more and more towards Perfuma.

Besides, Perfuma didn't need a wig. She didn't super love wearing wigs, as they were scratchy and always getting out of place, and if they weren't high quality they tended to look terrible. So, Perfuma it was. Her sister had been gracious enough to make the costume for her. As much as Zelda was annoying and emo all the time, she was very talented when it came to costume construction. The costume was amazing. She had on a long pink dress and a light green cape/shawl. Flower petals had been clipped into her hair, along with Perfuma's crown. She had wrapped bands of pink on her wrists and ankles, and pink sandals.

All in all, April really felt like royalty. She beamed, checking herself out in the mirror in Danni and Dorian's room, where the group had gotten together to get ready. She did a little bit of a twirl, admiring the way the fabric moved. Her makeup was nearly flawless as well, pink shimmers that brought out the dominant color of her outfit in a way that would do Elle Woods proud. "Is everyone ready? We're going to be late and then we're going to miss out on all the cool stuff and the good gossip and what if we miss the announcement for the Contest? What if we get picked to go and we don't even know about it? What if we miss the costume contest, when we are all completely SLAYING right now???"

Of course, only two people could win the costume contest, but it had to be people from their group, right? No one else could look so fly! Zelda was a threat, but she tended to be pretty shy, so April was privately hoping her sister wouldn't enter.

Percy Novikov

Location: Stark Hall - Floor Six
Skills: N/A
Costume: the Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who

His boyfriend had offered to include him on his group's She-Ra cosplay, but Percy had almost negative interest in that. He knew that it was important to Dorian, so he had held his tongue, but he did not derive the same sort of joy from children's cartoons, even if they were queer. He didn't particularly want to attend the Monster Mash either, but Dorian had been so excited to go, and Percy hadn't wanted to break his heart. So, after creating a list of suitable costumes and narrowing them down by his ability to acquire the items, Percy had settled on the Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who.

He was dressed in a smart blue suit and red tie, with a brand new pair of red converse shoes - shoes that Percy ordinarily would not be caught dead wearing. In his pocket, he had a prop sonic screwdriver that Zelda had been kind enough to make for him. She probably would've made his entire costume if he had let her, but he had had some fun going and ordering the suit. He could wear it in other contexts as well, which was nice. And he had a feeling Dorian was going to be more than appreciative of the tie.

He was done and ready to go. His roommate was out of town that day, off training with the Beast. Percy was seeing less and less of him. Usagi had been irritated lately in their Combat 101 course, as her assistant was hardly ever there. Kate Bishop was filling in more and more for Teddy.

He grabbed the bouquet of flowers from his desk - red roses, a classic - and strode out of the room, locking the door behind him. He did not have to go far to reach the door to Dorian's room, and Percy knocked three times, before rocking back on his heels and waiting.

Neil Spellman

Location: the Asteroid
Skills: Necromancy
~Fit Check~

Neil didn't mind that Annie had grabbed onto them, or that her hand lingered on their chest. If they helped her to feel safe, they were glad. This situation was incredibly stressful, even by X-Men standards. The fragility of the space station was as great a threat as Magneto and Exodus were, if not more. They were still staring in shock at the spot where Max had been, and as they reached out with their necromantic senses, they couldn't feel the energy of a death. He was alive. Maybe. Neil had been wrong before - they had thought Lance had been dead earlier and he turned out to be fine.

"I'm okay," Neil said softly to Annie. Everyone else seemed to be more or less... indifferent? to whether Max had lived or died. Granted they all didn't really know Max, but still, Max was a living breathing person. They were X-Men, they were supposed to care about saving lives. The indifference was unsettling to them. The others were just moving along down the hallway, eventually running into a brunette that Neil didn't recognize.

The wind picked up, becoming more and more violent, and Neil squinted, holding out a hand to protect their eyes. The chaos and the trials seemed to be never ending in this place. Neil was less and less convinced that this station was fit to sustain life for very long at all. Before they could figure out the source of the wind though, a portal opened up in front of them and the ancient, wise wizard collapsed into their arms. They managed to catch him despite their surprise, as Neil studied Max's face. Relief filled his body. The mage was alive. But even his magnificent powers were no match for the tempest they were facing.

Neil couldn't take their eyes off of Max. They noticed in that moment how beautiful he was. "Are you okay?" they murmured.

Guin Stark

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Telepathy
~Fit Check~

Guin shook her head at Pietro's suggestion that they might get lucky and Max would just die. She didn't wish death on him - even if she had just told Pietro she did. It was a frustration response, her anger poking out. If anything, she'd rather scream at Max for being so reckless and stupid, and then convince Mary to kick him off the team. He'd barely been a member anyways. Maybe they could just make a clean break and fire all of the new people at once. They didn't need them - they were dead weight at best. And at worst, they were Max.

They pressed onwards, shortly running into Miranda - Pietro's adoptive / step-mom from the reality Wanda had created. Guin wasn't in the mood to watch Magneto have an awkward encounter with his ex, they had more important things going on - namely, Mary just so happened to contact her telepathically, whispering into her head.

Guin's eyes widened as Mary explained everything that was happening - that the strange failures and whatnot happening were somewhat due to the actions of this asshole Cortez, who was hyping everyone's powers up out of control. "It's someone named Cortez, he's amping up people's powers till they lose control," she explained. Right on queue, a huge gale broke out and Guin instantly assumed that it was also connected to this Cortez person. Max popped back up, thankfully not dead, and Guin was going to yell at him later - but they had a situation to deal with now.

Got it, can you shut him down? Guin asked Mary telepathically.

"I can go with you two, too," Guin offered. She somewhat partially assumed Pietro would want her to be one of the two anyways.
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