Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Guin Stark

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

Guin was glad that she didn't have to listen to a longwinded rebuttal from Robert, and she was additionally pleased that everyone seemed to be agreeing with her plan. Good. Mary hammered out some of the finer points of it, none of which raised any alarm for Guin. She could work to possess Cortez's body, or even serve as additional hands for working the illusion, diving into his mind and altering his perception of reality. Either of those were fine and achievable.

If I never see him again, it'll be too soon, Guin agreed, echoing Pietro's sentiments. She often formed strong opinions of people and she had formed an entirely negative one of Bobby so far.

But before they could enact their plan, the metal walls around them shook. Guin's stomach dropped, her palms sweating as her nerves skyrocketed. Immediately, her head swiveled in the direction of Magneto, ready to see that the villain had finally reverted to type, and that they would be kicking his ass after all - that somehow he had been deceiving her, even when she examined his mind, that he had locked away his true intentions and only now would they be revealed. But rather than seeing Magneto having a meltdown, there was Max - a rainbow aura of flames pushing off of him, and Guin blinked as the flames them shot off, and she was grabbed by Pietro, moving at speeds faster than her mind could process.

Neil Spellman

Location: the Asteroid
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

Neil smiled, grateful for the support from those who had overheard their declaration. The nerves in their body settled a little bit, even if they hadn't intended to come out to everyone in that moment - that they had only meant for their explanation to be for Max's wise old years. Ironically, Max hadn't even said anything. It would have hurt Neil, but they assumed that only meant that Max was so ancient that he hailed from a time when gender was not even a construct yet, that Max couldn't understand the significance of that act to someone from the modern world.

They were hurt, however, when Max took a selfie with Perry... and not with them. Green envy twisted and curdled within them.

But the unhappy jealousness could not last for long, as in rapid succession horrible things happened. The metal all around them began to shake and distort, causing Neil's anxiety to skyrocket. And then Max, wise old Max, burst into cosmic flames, angelic colors from every portion of the visible spectrum radiating off of him - and then violently pushing out, crashing into Neil and the others. Neil was flung against the wall, knocked to the ground, covered in burns and their head spinning in confusion.

"Was that..." Neil trailed off, the sense of foreboding hitting them suddenly and strongly. Was that Cortez?

7:40 PM - Sun. October 31st, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute

@Nallore@Forsythe@BlueSky44: Vicky would manage to successfully hack her sister's phone. Cassie's phone usage over the past few weeks seems to have been somewhat limited, typically occurring during the school day and during training hours. She had sent messages to the family group chat (Hope, Scott, and Vicky), to a Young Avengers group chat, and to a group chat with America and Kate. She hadn't placed any calls. Her music listening habits have been focused on soft, somewhat sad, indie songs.

"Yeah, super busy," Cassie admitted. "We were just mentioning to Diana - Vis has really been putting us through it. Way harder than last year."

Kate raised a slight eyebrow at Zelda and her obvious shyness, but she didn't say anything. It seemed to her that Zelda would prefer if Kate didn't say anything to her at all - or acknowledge her existence.

"Yeah, let's do the haunted house! It's gotta be freaky," America agreed, before the group shifted towards heading in that direction, getting into the line for the house/maze. "What d'you think Nimue's got in there? People seem pretty shaken..." she then observed, seeing as a group exited, most of them in tears.

April Flynn

Location: Monster Mash - Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: Perfuma from She-Ra

They made it to the dance, and it was everything April could've hoped for - and thankfully not a complete repeat of last year's Monster Mash. They had all linked arms on the way there, which was interesting when it came to getting their large group through the entrance to the cafeteria, and required a lot of maneuvering around like they were playing Tetris. But still, they were there. Practically everyone in the school was there too, dressed up in different costumes - April spotted Diana nearby talking with the PowerPuff Girls.

"Ooo, honestly I'm down to start with anything - it doesn't look like they've made the announcements yet, which is good. But maybe we start with dancing then, and let the lovebirds go off to Nimue's House of Nightmares or whatever it's called? I thought it was a maze? I'm confused. But whatever! It's time to party!! And pre-celebrate our wins!!" April gushed.

She nodded at what Sabine said to Leah, reaching out and giving Leah a gentle squeeze on the arm, careful not to mess up the costume. "Yeah, it's so so so so cool that you're here! So what do you wanna do first? Or anything at all? Like what's your top ten bucket list must-dos for tonight?" They were only juniors once after all - and it was their first dance as a polycule. April didn't even know how polycules danced together, but she was trying not to stress out about it too too much.

"What about you, Mads? Did you wanna dance first with us?" April then added, grinning at her roommie.

Percy Novikov

Location: Monster Mash - Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: the Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who

Percy was not a fan of everyone linking arms to head to the dance together. It felt ridiculous and silly, like something he had already outgrown by the age of three. And furthermore, he had wanted to escort Dorian himself - he didn't imagine that Danni would be on the other side, linking arms. He tried his best not to scowl too much or look upset, but he wasn't always the best when it came to schooling his facial features, so it came out looking more or less like a slight grimace.

He was no happier when they made it to the Monster Mash, either. Percy was an old man at heart - he wasn't into loud music or crazy decorations or any of those things. He liked to be curled up in bed with a good cup of coffee, reading some archaic text. He wasn't particularly fond of having to scream over music in order to be heard, or drinking punch that - according to the movies at least - was doubtlessly spiked. He preferred to consume alcohol knowingly, once again in the private of his own room. It was easy to steal those sort of things as a teleporter.

So when Dorian suggested they go to the haunted house/maze, Percy nodded. "Of course," he said. He wasn't really into haunted houses/mazes - to be honest, he'd never even done one before, so he had no idea what to expect. It had just never seemed like his thing. But he would grin and bear it - or at least just bear it - for Dorian's sake.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Maleficent's Gates
Skills: N/A

"I would be so lucky," Megan said earnestly. Perhaps it was too fast - perhaps she was playing into a lesbian stereotype, U-hauling with Gabriella - but the idea of the necromancer raising her corpse sent a welcome chill throughout her body. She would gladly serve Gabriella in life and she would gladly do the same in death. There was a pressing need within her, to show Gabriella the full extent of her worship, her ability to be the most faithful disciple. She would bear Gabriella's marks, let Gabriella unravel her and hold her blood in her hands, and she would thank her for it. Death would be the ultimate expression of her dizzying love.

But she could not just think of sacrilege and devotion - the drawbridge had lowered, her brother on the other side of it. They could access Maleficent's castle itself now, no longer engaged in siege-like warfare. The others inside should probably have made good work so far with their efforts, ideally having Maleficent handled, but some reinforcements likely could not hurt - as long as everyone kept focused and on task rather than yelling at each other. So Megan crossed the drawbridge, ready for what would come.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Lotus Hotel and Casino
Skills: N/A

Nancy still felt somewhat out of her body, as the cat was pestering her, weaving in and around her legs and nearly making her trip. Joanie at least had the good sense to never really get underfoot like that, the small dragon instead usually perching on her shoulder like a parrot. Zeke's cat seemed to want her to follow it - which made sense, given what Apo-her father had mentioned earlier. What didn't make too much sense was that as she glanced out into the casino proper, she didn't spot any of her companions. Guilt and dread bubbled together in her stomach.

But those emotions were soon displaced by surprise, as a grainy, staticky image of Niah appeared in front of her. Niah's voice was distant and out-of-focus, almost distorted really, but she could hear her. She didn't get enough detail to make out the expression on her face. "What's wrong?" Nancy asked instantly, the dread coming back with a vengeance. Instantly, her mind came up with a list of possible reasons Niah could be calling her, and telling her that she loved her, that - "I love you too" - that someone was dying or hurt. That something terrible had happened. That Mads or Niah was dying or hurt. That Mads was dead. That Niah was about to sacrifice herself. That her world was crumbling apart. "N-Niah, you're scaring me, what's the damage?"

@Nallore: Ananym's eyebrows were furrowed in confusion, her forked tail thrashing about somewhat anxiously. "You don't wanna?" she asked, although it was more of a statement than a question. You could practically see the gears turning in her head, as the demon stared at you for a moment longer. "I don't understand, 'Ro. I always talked about this. And now, now I can do it. I can crush the veil and rule Limbo and Earth with you. It's why I made sure you'd be Sorcerer Supreme... So we could do it together."

"But you don't wanna," Ananym then snapped, sniffling slightly and wiping a stray tear away. The tear was made of blood. "And you're ruining everything!" Her pupils narrowed, contracting into slits. She curled her hands into fists. Now might be a good time to think about your survival, Carolina.

Demons express love in a way similar to hate.

Runa the Grey

Location: Limbo
Skills: Intuition
Spells: N/A

Runa listened to each turn in the conversation, their face carefully neutral and guarded. It was not so much that it took them great effort to suppress those telltale emotions, but that they had sacrificed such things on the altar long ago. If they smiled, it was minimal and slight. Any tears were brief and dry. Frowns were unneeded, particularly because the wrinkles on their face already gave them a slight frown - not that they knew, of course. They could feel the texture of their skin under their hands, but habitually checking felt much like vanity. They had been vain, once.

"I agree. The veil must be renewed or Midgard will be subjected to a multitude of threats," Runa said, weighing her opinion in accordance with Jack's. She inclined her head in the direction of Klara, staring at the girl with empty sockets. "Klara Thordattir, apologize, now," she chided. "You know better than to speak to another like that." Particularly when Jack was right.

And the information he was giving was important and necessary.

The Stepping Discs were wild and unpredictable, and not an option. It would be leaving things up to chance, and given the hell dimension they were trapped within, it was entirely possible that matters would only become worse. Jack's plan that they attempt to contact the Sorceress Supreme of Limbo was sound. Perhaps she might be able to transport them to Midgard, where they can cast the spell necessary to repair the veil...

But at the same time, unease filled Runa. Ananym had not seemed to particularly try to kill them - and had even offered to help send them back to Midgard. They were missing something, a piece of the puzzle that did not quite connect... But what could it be?

What was Witchfire's play?

Annika posed a suitable follow-up question - how they might find the Sorceress. And moments later, Runa felt a low growl vibrate into her body, hitting their empty chest cavity. Their heart was long since gone. And that was not a metaphor. "Are you attempting to tell us something, Maximilian?" Runa asked. "I do not suppose any of you are well versed in telepathy?"

Guin Stark

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: S.H.I.E.L.D. protocols and Information, Battle Strategy, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
~Fit Check~

Edus wasn't the only one craving a cigarette. Guin desperately wanted one after listening to Bobby talk. A veritable tsunami came gushing from Bobby's mouth, bouncing from one point to the next. He was dismissive, he was rude, he was arrogant. And Guin just didn't have the patience for it. Maybe on another day, she would have. But not today. Too much was happening and she didn't have the time to combat him point by point, to reiterate that the best way to deal with someone like Cortez was to shut them down quickly with multiple simultaneous strikes. That had been the protocol at SHIELD for dealing with similar individuals, and it was the only one that made sense. Any argument otherwise, suggesting an individual, was simply ridiculous.

Her last nerve was shot when he mentioned CHCl3. "Are you fucking serious?" Guin asked, her eyes wide. "Do you have any idea how much CHCl3 you'd have to put into the life support system to knock someone out, especially in a station of this size? And it doesn't instantly vaporize either, it takes hours to just take care of a 4L drum! You'd need to find a way to vaporize quickly TONS - like thousands of liters - in order to make enough in that space to knock them out. It doesn't work like in the movies. When someone spills CHCl3 you get a headache, and if you're real fucking unlucky, cancer in a few decades."

She pinched her nose, wishing desperately again for a cigarette.

"The coordinated, simultaneous attack is our best bet. There won't be a plan that removes risk. And the more time we spend here talking about it, the worse our chances become. Max is right - Annie can create illusions to cover us, while the rest of us attack all at once. It'll be quick and efficient. And Bobby? Your vibes are fucking rancid, man. Try not be such an asshole if you want to be part of this."

Neil Spellman

Location: the Asteroid
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

Neil hesitated for a moment, as Max asked them what was going on - that they didn't have to share with everyone else, that they could share with just him. Ordinarily, they wouldn't have shared this sort of information with someone they had just met. But Max was old and wise - an ancient being, someone so far removed from being human as to be eldritch. It was like confessing something about themself to a myth - it wasn't as scary as confessing it to someone else, like Annie or Carolina... Not that they were afraid to share with them, or with Mira even or Bethany. It just seemed easier.

"I'm a they," Neil said simply.

And then they continued on with the others, making it to where the rest of their group was assembled. Arguments were happening, as per usual, but thankfully Edus was able to heal Jaclyn so she'd be in better shape. Neil didn't know what would happen if Cortez amplified their powers, but they agreed with the plan Max came up with. A singular foe would go down quicker if the entire party contributed, after all - that was basic D&D 101.

7:30 PM - Sun. October 31st, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute

@Natsu: Darius nodded, considering her argument. "Are you learning right now?" he asked her simply. It was one thing to be dedicated to one's studies and purpose - it was another to forsaken everything else entirely because of it. He came from a land of stories, and no heroes were made in complete isolation - no heroes were untouched by trial and hardship. "I'd wager that things are best in moderation. If you let yourself enjoy simple pleasures, you'll be closer to that best self, youngling."

An elderly man - one of the judges from the auditions, Ser Nemo - approached. He was dressed like the Knives Out detective, and he snuck an arm around Darius' waist. "Are you bothering this poor girl, dear?" Ser Nemo asked, shaking his head in disapproval.

"Not at all, love," Darius insisted.

@Nallore@Forsythe@BlueSky44: "Of course!" Cassie gushed. "The more the merrier," she said, before trying to catch Vicky's eye. She hadn't seen her sister very much over the past few weeks - she'd been so slammed with training, and if she was to be honest with herself, she had felt something shift between them. There was a gulf that hadn't been there before, a distance growing. Did Vicky need her anymore? Cassie didn't know.

"You're not intruding at all, c'mon," America insisted, heading into the cafeteria after Zelda, as they had finally made it to the front of the line.

Inside, the place had been transformed into a spooky wonderland - there was music, drinks, dancing, and even a little haunted house/maze experience off to the side. Kate slung her arm around America's shoulder. "What's your name?" she then asked Zelda.

"It's kinda funny you mention Usagi, actually - I had thought she wasn't going to come back this year," Cassie mentioned to Diana.

@BlueSky44@Kirah: The two of you will make it to the dance entrance, and the line has thankfully thinned out by now. Just about everyone is inside, with only ten or so people waiting to be let in. The chaperones at the door are mostly just making sure everyone is actually a student, and no rogue supervillains are showing up to crash the dance. Or possessed dolls.

April Flynn

Location: Stark Hall - Floor Six
Skills: N/A
Costume: Perfuma from She-Ra

"Oh, it's just a name we came up with, there's no real big story behind it," April admitted, blushing slightly. It was one thing to explain Star Whores to a friend - but it felt different, explaining that to a girlfriend. Especially since she hadn't been intimate with either Sabine or Leah yet. It wasn't that she didn't want to, it was more of... she didn't feel ready for it. Maybe she was a little old fashioned. Or maybe she was just scared. But she wanted to take things somewhat slow. They had jumped into this new thing and April was having so much fun, but adding more to it - it was scary. What if it ruined it - what if the magic faded? And what if April didn't like it?

They got through all of the pictures - click, click, click - with Danni working his magic when it came to lighting and poses. April flashed him a thousand hearts or so with her hands throughout the process, incredibly grateful for his insights. Without him, the pictures might've been bad - and if anything would've been a terrible omen for their night, that would be it. Even Dorian's stiff boyfriend didn't look half bad with Danni's posing, and April grinned.

"These photos are killer!!" she squealed. Not that she was done, of course. They had to take photos at the dance itself too. And after the dance. Click click click.

She glanced at her phone, her eyes widening at the time. They were half an hour late! "Sabine's right, we gotta go!!! It's already 7:30!!!" she agreed, ready to drag everyone there. They needed time to do all of the activities and look fashionably cool for the announcements, where hopefully they'd all have qualified for the Contest of Champions - or at least one of their teams had. April secretly hoped that it would be her own team, but if asked she'd claim she wanted it for anyone, but she wanted it so so so bad. And she couldn't bear the idea of her friends going without her, to live that dream without her - not that she wanted to live it without them!

Percy Novikov

Location: Stark Hall - Floor Six
Skills: N/A
Costume: the Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who

Percy's arms were trembling by the time they were done with the photo session, and he had almost dropped Dorian - and probably would have, had Dorian not slipped and phased, ended up on the ground. He felt like he was made out of noodles, but he offered Dorian a hand to get up anyways, as he was a gentleman. "Thank you for not setting us on fire," Percy then said, mostly sincerely, to Danni. Danni had done a nice job with the photo session, and Percy was impressed that Danni's control over the flames seemed to have improved.

That or he had gotten lucky.

At any rate though, it seemed they had gotten all of the extra photos that they required. Percy noted that Mads hadn't been put in any of the additional sessions, and he made a private note to check in on her later. That had to sting somewhat. Or perhaps she was fine - he didn't know her well enough to make the call. Once Dorian was back up on his feet, Percy gave him a polite peck on the cheek. "May I escort you?" he then asked, offering Dorian his arm.

@Nallore: Ananym looks at you with almost a hurt expression. "'Course it's me," Ananym insisted. "Can't you tell?" she asked, before reaching out and taking your hand. Suddenly, your mind is plagued with visions once more - of when you first met, of the day you lost her, and then her body, consumed by flames, a clawed hand reaching for her. Maybe you know what it all means. But does it even matter?

"You can't go back to them," Ananym adds. "'Cause they kinda need to die for this entire plan to work. You're gonna love what we do with Earth. It'll be like we always talked about - going to war for the forces of darkness. And we can rule it all, together." She looks at you like you're the princess of a fairytale - like you're the only other person in the world who is real.

It's a child's love, platonic and pure.

Maybe it's the only pure thing about her.

@Nallore: You chase Sym out into the hallway, out for his blood. I don't blame you. I had almost killed him myself years ago, but I thought he would be useful as a pet. I was wrong about that too. He's a coward. One of Limbo's stepping discs, a random series of portals that wax and wane, appears in the hallway. He jumps on through.

Do you follow him into the unknown, Madalyne?

How powerful is your rage - your grief? How blinding?

Runa the Grey

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells: N/A

Runa felt the life force fade away of the demon that had attacked them, as Jack used his scythe and decapitated them. "Oh, I can heal him, lad, but he won't like it," Runa warned. Their healing came with a price. It was growth through change, renewal through death. The more extensive the injury, the more of the person that was lost. She healed the way a forest did - through fire, burning away what no longer served and creating something new from the ashes.

But they began the ritual anyways. They took in flames through their breath, and prepared to breathe them back out, to heal what no longer served Max... and the spell died, fading away. There was no wound for them to heal. He was not dead. He was already changed. His energy felt much the same, but twisted and golden.

Annika was similarly transformed, turning into a ten foot tall bear, and managing to slaughter the remaining demons. The room then fell into silence, chaos and disaster and blood and gore all over it. That being said, it was the throne room of Limbo - this was appropriate decor. Runa could not see it, but Klara still had a sword inside of her, the blood slowly oozing and pain eluding her.

"Oh, poor Edus..." Runa murmured. "It never gets easier to witness your death, even if it were not at my hand."

Guin Stark

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Telepathy, Telepathic Attacks
~Fit Check~

Guin was glad to see that everyone was in one piece, more or less. Mary explained where she thought Cortez had gone off to, and Guin was about to do a quick psychic sweep to confirm his location (and ideally take him out remotely, if at all possible) when the stranger with Mary and the rest opened his mouth - and began with pointing at her husband and calling him by the name of his abuser. He then pointed at Guin and Bethany, before explaining that he didn't know them, and then introduced himself like they were at the board meeting of some investment firm. Why the full name? Why the class year at Xavier's? It reeked to her of desperation and had it been a better day, maybe Guin would've been more mature.

But Bob had insulted her husband. And she had been having a bad day. A very bad day.

So without even thinking about it, Guin breeched Bob's defenses. It wasn't hard. She made a simple edit to his mind, not bothering to look through his memories or anything like that. No, she installed a simple trigger, with a simple punishment - every time Bob'd say Magneto, he'd be compelled to do ten jumping jacks. He seemed old - his knees were probably shit, anyways. "You can go fuck yourself, just an FYI, Bob," Guin said, before turning her attention to the other's questions. "The others aren't too far behind us. But I think we should sort this mess out anyways. I'm in the mood to take out some anger on someone else and Cortez sounds like a fucking exceptional candidate."

The new asshole taken care of, Guin then returned to the task she had at mind - scouting ahead telepathically. Mary was correct - Cortez was indeed down that hallway, not too far from where they were now. "Alright, once we've all caught up, let's go nail his ass. I think the easiest strategy is if we all hit him at once, y'know, gang shit. If we all use our powers at the same time, he probably can't fuck with all of us, and he'll go down easy."

Neil Spellman

Location: the Asteroid
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

Neil gave Carolina a grateful smile, as she patted them on the shoulder, telling them that they had done a good job. From others, it would have felt patronizing - but from Carolina, it was heartfelt. And perhaps they were a bit swept up in the moment, but Neil put their hand on hers, and gave her an affectionate squeeze. They weren't the only ones doing good right now. Before they could say as much, they received more praise, this time coming from Max. Their face burned in embarrassment, but it felt good. A centuries old mage was impressed with them. For now, at least.

The looming shadow of their family still hovered over them - what would Max think?

Would Max try to hunt their family down, to make them pay for their immoral ways?

They were lost in thought for a moment, as Max headed over to Jaclyn and the others, checking in on her and her injuries. Neil didn't want to press forward without the entire group, and they noted that Magneto was having an odd conversation with Miranda, but it wasn't any of their business. "Are you good to move forward?" they asked Jaclyn.

7:20 PM - Sun. October 31st, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute

@Natsu: Darius raised an eyebrow, looking at her skeptically, as if she had just told him that she was currently dating Iron Man. "There's more to life than studies and duty," he offered, somewhat chidingly. He took a sip of his drink. "How old are you - eight, nine? You should be off playing with the other younglings, not... wasting away on the sidelines." He then glanced around, as if expecting someone else to show up at any moment, before returning his gaze to Mary Sue.

@Nallore: Cassie, Kate, and America glanced back, seeing Diana. "Aww, thanks - you look great, Dianne!" Cassie said. She was dressed as Bubbles, her blonde hair back in two small pigtails and blue shimmer sparkled across her face. America was Blossom, a giant pink bow on and matching red sparkles for her makeup. Kate was then Buttercup - she had either cut her hair or was wearing a wig, as her hair was now short and cropped, and she had green sparkles across her nose.

"We've been really needing this, Vis has been training us so hard lately," Kate commiserated. She was holding America's hand. Were they...?

They then made it to the front of the line, entering the cafeteria. "Did you want to hang with us?" America asked Diana.

April Flynn

Location: Stark Hall - Floor Six
Skills: N/A
Costume: Perfuma from She-Ra

Sabine was a better person than April, dismissing the idea of nuking her hackers. Still, April kept the idea on the back burner - if it happened again, then they'd have to do something about it, otherwise it would be showing that they were weak and vulnerable. They couldn't have that, especially with their future careers as superheroes. No one dared to hack Captain America - the same should apply here!

But it was group photo time - and thankfully, Danny was a pro when it came to arrangements. Sabine was in the middle (naturally, she was She-Ra!) and April was right next to her, with Dorian (as Seahawk!) on the other side of her. For another moment, she wondered if maybe she should have done Mermista instead - but she loved Perfuma's aesthetic and matched her personality (and her hair color). Everyone else mostly made sense with their placement, although April wished (just a lil bit) that there was a version without Percy in it. He kinda ruined the entire She-Ra aesthetic... Maybe they could crop him out... Was that too mean?

"Wait wait wait wait wait!" April insisted, after the group photos had been taken and people were getting ready to go. "I need a photo with my brothers - just us star whores - and then I would looove to get one with my girls. Dori, Percy, do you two want a photo together too - before our makeup and everything gets kinda ruined from the sweat of dancing and stuff?" April asked.

She had gotten photos with just Danni and Dorian every Monster Mash so far - and she wasn't about to stop now. "Plus we can be a lil bit late and it's okay, and the photos are honestly part of the most critical bit of the entire dance experience!" April argued. She wanted to do one of those photos where Leah and her were on either side of Sabine, kissing her on the cheek. And for her boys, she wanted an action-y pose one.

Percy Novikov

Location: Stark Hall - Floor Six
Skills: N/A
Costume: the Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who

Percy didn't pick up on the hint Dorian was dropping with the happy to see me line. He was, in fact, happy to see his boyfriend. That was the entire point of dating someone, wasn't it? He had gone to being infuriated with Dorian to infatuated with him - of course he was in a good mood when Dorian was around. "The greatest adventurer ever?" Percy instead teased. He was about to follow it up with another question, when he heard others commenting on the two of them, and his face flushed an even deeper red.

Danni in particular had to ruin the moment, comparing Percy's impression of the Tenth Doctor to Ser Nemo. He gagged. [color=ed1c24]"I'd sooner impale myself on an iron fence than be anything like him,"[//color] he snapped, the fury not directed at Danni but rather at Nemo. He had abandoned the accent. It was somewhat horrifying though, playing it back in his mind, to realize he could see where Danni was coming from. It was bad enough he had the same powerset as Nemo - he didn't need more things in common between the two of them, the old man was the most infuriating person he had ever met (and he was dating Dorian Gray).

That was probably why there was some awkwardness to Dorian, as Dorian dragged him on over for the group photo. He didn't really want to be in it. But he figured he had little chance arguing about it. And he knew that his mothers would likely want to see him and his boyfriend together in a photo. Percy hadn't set them any pictures of him and Dorian yet - he actually hadn't even really mentioned much about Dorian at all to them. He didn't want to make a big deal out of it, since it was new and fragile and fun but scary too.

Danni directed him to cross his arms and look grumpy, and Percy scowled at him in response. He did, however, fish his sonic screwdriver out of his pocket. He might as well use his only prop. The photo session felt like it lasted for years, and he was relieved when it seemed like they were done, only for April to insist that she needed more photos - and then ask him and Dorian if they needed one together.

"If you want one, we can," he said, looking to his boyfriend. He had a feeling the answer would be yes.
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