Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Megan Pendragon

Location: Maleficent's Castle
Skills: N/A

"We all die," Megan told Maleficent with a hint of a smile. She was slow to block Maleficent's next attack though, resulting in a nasty gash on her arm. It stung, but the adrenaline coursed through her veins - she only felt more and more alive. The pain was a blessing, a screaming symphony. She went for another attack, hoping to continue the deadly duel between the two of them, but instead something else happened - something unexpected, yet magical and strange. Maleficent was gone, sucked into the packages of a notebook - and then, trapped inside an enchanted lamp.

It was the first time one of her duels had ended like that, in what was more or less a draw. It smarted slightly. But that was fine. It was more important that Maleficent had been defeated, that they could now liberate these lands. Megan didn't imagine that it would be a final victory - she expected there would be some battles to go, some remnants and loyalists to handle, but that was fine. They had cut off the head of the beast after all.

Merlin confirmed that it was all over, and that they were free to return where they wished. Megan had no intention of going back to Kansas - no intention of trading her sword for a scalpel. Instead, she knelt to the ground. She lacked a ring to offer. "Gabriella, I offer you my blood, my body, my flesh, my spirit," Megan murmured. She held a hand to her bleeding wound on her opposite arm, and then extended those bloodied fingertips to Gabriella. "Your enemies will be mine. Your dreams and fantasies, I shall strive to make true. My penumbral mistress... my Gabriella... will you marry me?"

Guin Stark

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Telepathy, Telepathic Attacks
~Fit Check~

Things were escalating more and more by the moment. And this wasn't the team that Guin would have picked, but it was the one she had. Well, there were only a few people on it that she would have deleted from the roster. A hurricane of schrapnel was spinning its way through them, Guin reflexively shielding her eyes somewhat with her hand. Magneto wasn't monologuing, so it probably was Cortez causing things to go haywire. "Stick to the plan!" Guin called out, hoping to be heard over the chaos.

She didn't think screaming in Magneto's face was helpful, but whatever. If that kept the newbie out of her hair, then that was fine with her. She struggled to concentrate, to dive into Cortez's mind and take control of his body away from him. Between her and Carolina, at least one of them had to be able to take hold - hopefully their efforts would work together in tandem, rather than cancelling each other out. It was difficult and challenging - Cortez had clearly done some anti-psychic work before, his walls were up and strong. She redoubled her efforts, trying to push out the fear from her mind - the fear of being shredded by metal scraps, burned alive by wild flames, or otherwise killed while she focused on fighting on a plane that very few people could perceive.

For a brief second, Guin had him - well, some of him. She had broken through some of his defenses, gaining a foothold in his mind. But it wasn't enough. She pushed and she pushed, concentrating more and more, drawing on all of her training and experience - only to fail, to open her eyes, blood flowing from her nose. "Fucking hell," she muttered under her breath, before readying herself to go again.

Neil Spellman

Location: the Asteroid
Skills: Telekinesis
~Fit Check~

"Um, handsome is fine?" Neil said, although they hadn't really given it deep thoughts. They were a little confused as to the middle aged man who jumped in on the conversation to give advice, purely because Neil didn't really know who he was. But at least at the moment, handsome was okay. They had just come to terms with the fact that they had been using the wrong pronouns for themself their entire life - they hadn't really thought through what descriptors were okay and what ones would never be. They hadn't even thought about what name would work - did Neil still describe them? Or was that the name for someone else, someone they could never be?

They did their best to protect the others, as the schrapnel started flying, a hail of deadly metal implements. Their original mutant power allowed them to move objects with their mind (and sometimes cause them to explode, although Neil practiced that less and less these days). It was difficult to grasp onto the flying pieces, there was such a haze of them, it was like trying to catch flies with their hands. They tried again and again, until finally they managed to provide a small amount of protection - to push the metal away from their friends, their hands trembling as they were like a shield.

Even as their eyes were on Max.

8:00 PM - Sun. October 31st, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute

@Nallore@Forsythe@BlueSky44: Diana and Zelda hadn't emerged yet from the maze - Kate and America were out, both of them looking shaken, but neither was Cassie. She had seemed worried when Vicky mentioned she had had problems with magic, but Kate and America had dragged her into the maze with them before she could really respond.

"Damn, that shit was crazy," Kate said, shaking her head slightly.

"I know!" America agreed. "I'm a little surprised they let her do that..."

"They're taking a while," Kate then noticed, glancing back towards the exit. A boy who had gone in after them that she didn't recognize, dressed as the Doctor from Doctor Who, had come out. Kate's eyebrows furrowed. She had a bad feeling about this...

April Flynn

Location: Monster Mash - Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: Perfuma from She-Ra

April flushed, feeling secure as Leah put a gigantic muscular (and clawed) arm around her and Sabine, pulling them in close. Her nerves settled down a little bit, the spiral ending somewhat - maybe it was just the physical connection, maybe it was the fact that Leah was talking about her own emotions and it was easier to focus on those than April's abstract worries - but she started to feel better. It was like taking a painkiller and feeling the tension of a headache fade away gradually. "Awww," April said softly, moved by Leah's words. "You're such a softie, Leah Jordan," April teased with a big grin. She then gave her a kiss on the cheek.
She would have grabbed one of the drinks from Mads, but her hands were a little full at the moment.

And then Sabine set the agenda for beginning the best night ever - food. April wasn't incredibly hungry, but she knew that she would be. Honestly, her main interest would be in getting a tiny snack - maybe a chocolate covered strawberry or something if they had it - but she really didn't want to mess up her makeup too bad. And with the announcement imminent, her nerves would doubtlessly come back and she didn't want to vom in front of everyone.

Sabine and confided in her and Leah about her eating disorder, so April had no intention of doing anything like playfully feeding her girlfriends. Nor was she going to make either of them eat. If Sabine ever asked for her to help, she'd do what she could - but she wasn't going to make things worse by pushing on it. Besides, Sabine was the one saying to go get food, so that had to count for something, right?

Danni was whining a bit about it, his arm slinked around hers and she giggled a bit - and then Sabine took her other hand, grabbing Leah's too. And Leah's arm was still around her. "Eeep, you guuuuys, there's just one of me!!" April protested, even as she couldn't stop smiling so much her cheeks felt like they were going to explode. "I'm going to fall!" she then added - it was somewhat hard to be walked along by three people at once, even in flats. "Oh, darn! We should've asked around and seen if anyone had a pegasus, can you imagine if we had flown in here on Swift Wind? That would've been soooo iconic..."

The food table would've made Princess Entrapta's heart soar, as it was mostly full of mini versions of food items - tiny cupcakes, tiny cookies, etc etc. Even the pizza was present in the form of what looked like pizza bagel bites. But while all the foods were individually tiny, there were huge quantities available, and no teachers really limiting what people took. Additionally, there was a bowl of candy that seemed to be neverending, featuring sweets from around the world.

"Your paint is holding up super well, by the way," April added, impressed that Danni was still pretty green - and that he wasn't getting green all over anyone else.

She didn't have any free hands, so she still couldn't accept a drink from Mads - or grab one of the mini cupcakes catching her eye.

Percy Novikov

Location: Monster Mash - Cafeteria
Skills: Omnilingualism
Costume: the Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who

Percy nodded - Dorian's instructions made sense. While this wasn't his scene, he could make a few educated guesses about it. Visibility was likely to be poor, and combined with the heightened emotions due to the intense fear, he could imagine it would be easy to get separated. A physical connection - an anchor, if you would - between the two of them would prevent that from happening. He hoped that he might provide a source of comfort for Dorian, if he were to be frightened terribly. It was his understanding that that was the type of thing romantic partners did for each other, and he didn't want Dorian to be shortchanged, just because Percy was different than everyone else.

Not that anything had ever been officially diagnosed, of course, but Percy knew. He had always known.

He held onto Dorian, following him in through the maze entrance. And while he was certain that he hadn't let go, he blinked and Dorian was gone. He was entirely alone. Percy frowned, narrowing his eyes. It was too hard to see, too dark, and he felt breath on the back of his neck.

"Беги, мальчик, беги!"

Percy spun around, reflexively pulling the closest thing he had to a weapon - his sonic screwdriver - out of his pocket. And he came face to face with Ser Nemo. Or at least, it looked somewhat like Ser Nemo - a version of him in his 40s, rather than his late 1000s or however old he was. His hair was still dark and his eyes were uncannily familiar to Percy. He wore a smart suit with a logo on it - the TVA logo - and there was a sword sheathed to his side.

"Беги!" Not-Nemo screamed again.

Something in Percy's gut told him to listen, and he took off in a sprint, choosing turns within the maze at random in an attempt to lose his pursuer. He tried to teleport, but something was blocking him - the blue energy formed around his hands, but he couldn't jump. Something was blocking him.

And the next thing he knew, he had run straight into Not-Nemo - and Not-Nemo's hands were grasped onto Percy's head, digging into his eyes, as Percy screamed and screamed and --

-- found himself sweating, standing at the exit to the maze.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Maleficent's Gates -> Maleficent
Skills: Fencing

The way was clear, so they pressed onwards, entering the castle itself. Smoke filled the air from the burning fires and Megan breathed in deeply. She adored the scent. As a child, she used to intentionally sit in front of a fire in the direction where the smoke would blow the most, basking in it. And she still went weak in the knees for a lovely woman with a cigarette. But as much as she appreciated the atmosphere, her father was right - they needed to keep on going. The job was not done yet - the day was not yet won.

It wasn't long until they came across the others. Maleficent was armed with a sword, and didn't seem to be using her magic. Megan's blade was already drawn, and she felt an eager pulse through Excalibur, as she then engaged Maleficent. "Hello, dark one," she murmured. She could appreciate Maleficent on an aesthetic level, if nothing else. The first strike of her blade, Maleficent managed to block - the second, Megan missed - but on the third, she left a nasty gash across her chest. "First blood is mine, then. Will you yield?" she asked, fully anticipating the answer was no.

She was looking forward to a duel to the death.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Lotus Hotel and Casino
Skills: Audiokinesis, Latin

Something inside of her had broken - or maybe it had broken a long time ago.

It was like she was a ghost, hovering outside of her own body, watching things transpire from a third person perspective. Some of the Greeks were there - not all, but some. Her brother. His boyfriend. Janelle. Kristin. Niah's staticky image, conveyed across space by the rainbow goddess. And then her, kneeling on the ground, her face cracked with pain, grief pouring out from her silently as she enforced a bubble, removing every single bit of sound. The gift her father had sent her was already forgotten. All she knew, all she felt was pain. She saw the light that Zeke offered her - saw the gaze in Demetri's eyes - and she turned away from them.

What light could exist in a world without Mads?

What light would Nancy want to have exist in a world without Mads?

She rejected that world. She rejected its gods.

The bubble snapped, a shockwave of pure sound rushing outwards from her, slamming into the other demigods and knocking them back. Images from her life happened all at once - the assault, near death moments on quests, her mother's abuse. It all swirled together in a confusing cacophony of pain and violence. Nancy wanted nothing more than to burn it all down - to hurt others the way she had been hurt.

She rejected this reality.

"Pedicabo deos," Nancy whispered, reverting to Latin even as her eyes were unseeing, her soul clearly detached from her actual surroundings.


"You don't like it," Ananym said, frowning deeply. Her pointed tail twitched. She paced back and forth for a moment, staring at you like she wasn't quite sure what to do next - as if she hadn't planned for this possibility, that you wouldn't be the person she wanted you to be. And then, the sparkle in her eyes dimmed slightly, as Ananym made a choice.

"Fine," she huffed. "I don't need you to like it. My new friends, they're going to love it." She pulled the dagger from Stephen's heart, licking some of the blood from the blade. Her eyes pulsed a faint shade of green. "I'll give you a head start, because it's what I would've done - when I was 'Tober. Five... four... three..."

It was time for you to run - or to fight.

Runa the Grey

Location: Limbo
Skills: Intuition
Spells: N/A

"Painfully," Runa answered, when Klara asked them how it would work, taking another's soul. And they left their words at that. Their attention was better focused on the plan coalescing in front of them all, which included an excursion to the Everdark. Runa had to admit, their curiosity was piqued. It was one of the few realms they had yet to visit. They had been to many places, as conquerer and foe, as warrior and rival, and yet, they had never been to the Everdark. There were whispers about it of course, tales meant to frighten young Asgardian children - that it was the realm of the forsaken, cut off from Yggdrasil.

She wondered what its magic might taste like.

"You are the Sorcerer Supreme of Midgard, as are we all," Runa said to Prudence. "I do not care if you help us to preserve the veil or if you choose to seek your own fortunes. All I care is that you do what drives you. Apathy is death, child."

It was proposed that Madalyne, Max, and Jack form a coven, casting their spell as a triple headed god in order to transport them - and yet, some ought to remain behind in Limbo to deal with the deceiver, to deal with Ananym. "Two have remained behind already," Runa mused, considering the kidnapped Carolina and the murdered Ed. "One more should stay."

"Only three should go with the coven to the Everdark."

7:50 PM - Sun. October 31st, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute


Kate rolled her eyes at Diana. "What? Of course I'm being nice. When am I not nice?" she asked. She had just asked Zelda for her name, and the kid decided to be deathly quiet and shy. She got the feeling it would've been like pulling teeth to continue trying to talk to her. Some people were just like that. And it was Halloween night, it was the Monster Mash - Kate didn't see a reason to engage with someone who didn't want to engage.

Cassie relaxed slightly, feeling a bit of the tension dissipating, unaware that Vicky had hacked her phone. She giggled a bit at Vicky's offer to make Vision's life hell for a little while, so they could have a break. "No, no, don't do that, but thanks. Umm I'll have to check and see if we have a field exercise on Saturday, but as long as my homework is done then... sure, that'd be nice to see Dad and Hope."

It was their turn in line, now, and the group went on through. The space was instantly transformed, wider and more expansive than anticipated, but also crowded from narrow turns and steep walls. The lighting was low, almost pitch black. At first, the scares were pretty standard - vents bursting with gas, pops that sounded like bullets, jump scares from possessed dolls. But about halfway through the maze, something happened - the group was separated, each going down a different path. They were being pursued, chased by....

[Check your DMs]

April Flynn

Location: Monster Mash - Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: Perfuma from She-Ra

April's face fell slightly as Mads said she wanted to go off and get some drinks, that she'd catch up with them later. They had been training together with Nimue, of course, and they were roommates and lived together, but they hadn't really managed to hang out much. It was just work and school - and then in her free time, April was with her brothers or her girlfriends. It felt like a lifetime ago that she had gotten to spend some good time with Mads. So she wanted Mads here tonight - she wanted everyone here tonight, selfishly. She wanted to see them all.

"Oh, okay!!" April said brightly.

Dorian took Percy off and April bit back a wait, nooooo - and then Sabine (rightfully) pointed out that Leah didn't even really want to be there. Why was everything falling apart? Why wasn't the night perfect? Why weren't they all sticking together? Well, she knew why Leah didn't want to be there. She didn't like this sort of stuff - she was just here because Sabine and April liked it. But Mads... Mads April didn't know about. And Dorian wanted to go spend time with his boyfriend...

... Was that all they'd have left, in the future - photos, and then everyone going their separate ways?

Panic rose up in her throat. It was too much change. It was too much change.

"Food and drinks sounds good - that way, we can all go! Well, almost all of us. Maybe we can grab some extras for Dori and Percy if they want them, they might be out of the haunted house pretty soon. Or we could not. It's not like they'll run out, right? Does food and drinks sound good to you Leah, Danni?"

Percy Novikov

Location: Monster Mash - Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: the Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who

Had Dorian not pulled him away, Percy very well may have murdered Danni. As it was, he glared at Danni, mentally plotting his demise. His current plan involved moving every item Danni owned two inches to the left - something that would drive him mad, as he would never be able to feel comfortable again... but then upon reflection, Percy considered that that would work on him, but perhaps not Danni. Maybe it was time to take out the axe again. It had been good enough for Nemo, so it was good enough for Danni. He wouldn't kill him. Dorian would be upset with him.

They ended up in line for the haunted house/maze situation, the line was somewhat long but still moving quickly. Percy noted that the majority of people exiting seemed to be in tears. He was about to make a comment to that effect, that he thought people at this school ought to have been braver, when Dorian pulled on his tie and Percy's mind went blank again. "Ngk," Percy murmured into the kiss, tasting Dorian with his tongue, his ears fuzzy as the world seemed to melt away. He still felt dazed and confused as Dorian pulled away, saying something about the inside of the house and that he was there. Percy just nodded dumbly, as parts of his body other than his brain were awake.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Maleficent's Gates
Skills: Fencing

Megan was not too interested in how her brother had gotten to the other side of the drawbridge, given that he was magical now. She was moderately curious about the sudden appearance of the staff, however. She would have to ask about it later - perhaps her brother had a magical weapon of his own now, although she doubted he would be able to do much damage with the staff physically. If it didn't have any sort of an enchantment, then he may as well drop it.

The battle raged onwards, as Megan engaged with the enemy. One of Maleficent's soldiers got in a lucky shot, nicking her in one of the gaps of her armor, her blood flowing freely. But Megan liked pain. A small wound would not be enough to deter her - if anything, it spurred her on. Gabriella healed it up quickly - too quickly, Megan would have liked to fill a vial with her blood and offer it to her love as a present, as a token of her devotion. And she returned to combat, missing first, but her next swing was true and she took out her attacker, before following suit with another soldier.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Lotus Hotel and Casino
Skills: Audiokinesis

Nancy's ears began to ring, her head feeling stuffy as she struggled to process what Niah had just said - that the impossible had happened, that a part of their soul was missing, that what had been three was now just two. Somehow, she didn't even register the pain from the cat biting her - it was like it was happening to someone else. And she didn't hear the meows, the cries. She didn't hear anything, nothing beyond the ringing in her ears, as her world shattered. The most traumatic moments of her life had both happened within these walls. What resilience and courage she had managed to conjure up was gone.

Unknowingly to her, she had created a small bubble around herself - one that muffled out all sound, dissipating it into nothingness. So as she opened her mouth to speak, only silence reached Niah - and Nancy herself only heard silence, only heard the ringing, only felt the ruins of her world gather around her.

She was barely aware of Zeke as he came up - and his words were snuffed out in her bubble, dying before they could reach her ears.

She just wanted everything to stop.

She wanted to trade places with Mads.

She should have been the one who died.


Ananym beamed, giving your hands a squeeze. Nice work, Carolina - she believes you. For now. But lies are a demon's native tongue. Tread carefully.

"I've got something extra special I can show you," Ananym then admits, a wide grin on her face. She drags you deeper into the library, wandering past gigantic teetering stacks of books and decrepit statues, and chains attached to the walls, covered in rust. Portraits seem to follow you, their eyes moving as you do. Candles are everywhere you turn, somehow able to be left unattended without every bit of parchment burning to a crisp.

Most of the books are admittedly made from human flesh. It's less of a fire hazard that way.

And it's plentiful, here in Limbo.

"Close your eyes," Ananym then commands, once you stand in front of an old wooden door, pentagrams and spells scratched into it, bits of nail still attached. Once your eyes are closed, she guides you on inside, giggling. "Okay, now you can open...."

Once you open your eyes, you see the corpse of my mentor, his eyes gouged out, a ritual dagger in his heart.

You see the corpse of Stephen Strange.

Runa the Grey

Location: Limbo
Skills: Intuition
Spells: N/A

Runa considered the proposal carefully. There was some merit to it - if they were able to escape this realm, even if they ended up in some far-flung galaxy, it would be easier to control teleportation once they were outside of Limbo. They could likely band together and jump to a more advantageous location - assuming, of course, their initial jump didn't drop them into the heart of a star. Not that Runa expected that would kill her. For a person without a heart or eyes, she was quite sturdily built.

But she wished to hear from Maximilian, before they made a further decision. Annika told them that they could try to communicate with him, that they could breach through the draconic form. They smiled ever so slightly, laughing somewhat. Everything that could go wrong always seemed to go wrong for Max. Some things never changed. "Oh, I wish I could behold you now, friend," they said to Max. "These things always seem to happen to you, aye?"

Jack was correct, too - it was unstable, the office of Sorcerer Supreme so divided - into nine, now eight. They frowned sharply. It had not occurred to them yet - but in matters of magic, all things must come in threes. Any other configuration was unstable. Two more of their number would have to perish - potentially as many as five.

They could share this information. But what good would it do the others, to know that the hangman's noose was closing in around their necks?

Then there was also the matter of Klara - that a monster had eaten her soul? And somehow Max and Jack were to blame? Runa recalled no such things happening from the histories. But she was but a babe now, hardly able to form memories. This all happened before her time - was happening - would happen. "Then he owes you a life-debt, cousin," Runa corrected. "Or rather, a soul-debt. An eye for an eye. A soul for a soul. If yours cannot be retrieved, then I shall harvest theirs, and give it to you."
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