Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

8:30 PM - Sun. October 31st, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute

@Nallore: "Where are we, America?" Kate asked, looking around suspiciously. It didn't look anything like the Maze/House, if anything, it was like a scene from a storybook. Their clothing and hairstyles had been magically changed too to match, like they were from D&D - Kate looked like a rogue, America like a cleric, and Diana like a ranger. "It's like we're in Baldur's Gate 10 or something," Kate added.

America nodded. "I think... we're in Otherworld," she frowned. "I guess that makes sense, Nimue's magic is from here - this place, it's where all those King Arthur stories are from, where they really happened."

"Love that for us," Kate sighed. "C'mon, if Cassie's here, she can't have gotten far."

And so they set off down the brick road in the direction of the castle.

April Flynn

Location: Monster Mash - Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: Perfuma from She-Ra

The moment ended, and April left the stage with her girlfriends. "Yes, we get to keep them!" she squealed. "Some people have, like, entire display cases and stuff dedicated to crowns they win - it's like in Dance Moms, if you've ever seen that, where Maddie has like a GAJILLION crowns and has to find places to put them all?" There was no way she was going to give up her magic flower crown either. She was already mentally debating where to put it in her dorm room - it was basically a hoop, maybe she could loop it around her bed post, letting her look at it and have it double as decor?

But then the conversation changed to the Contest of Champions, and April's thoughts tore away from the award. She was super excited that she'd finally qualified for the Contest, even if... even if it wasn't quite right. She did have her best friend on her team, yes, but her brothers were on a team together without her. And her girlfriends were also on other teams - everyone she cared about so deeply had qualified, they'd all have to fight each other...

If she were being honest though, she knew that they didn't stand a chance against the Young Avengers - that none of them would win.

"I'm really excited - it'll be so cool to get to compete in the actual contest this year, and it'll be huge for us in terms of exposure and opportunities!" April gushed. "And it'll be good for next year, when we'll not only qualify again but we'll also have the ultimate dream team - where we can all be together in one group!"

Percy Novikov

Location: Monster Mash - Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: the Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who

"People have been setting people on fire long before anyone had powers," Percy protested. "All you need is a little imagination - and science." The discovery of fire had happened eons ago - most superheroes were a relatively modern phenomena. They hadn't used any special powers or whatnot to burn the witches in the dark ages.

But before Percy could info dump about all the ways he could start a fire without powers, Dorian redirected his thoughts elsewhere. He licked his lips unconsciously, as Dorian spoke about other ways to relieve tension - and then as his boyfriend's eyes went down, Percy blushed furiously. He had always been a little bit, well, prudish - self-contained, not prone to displays of affection. But that was not for lack of desire, for lack of want. He wanted to kiss the daylights out of his boyfriend. He just preferred to do so privately.

All of this was running through his head, as muscular Dorian dragged him through the crowds, the noise from the party at an all time high and causing people to have to shout over each other. They made it to Danni, and Madalyne and a girl Percy wasn't familiar with were both there as well. Percy gave the stranger a curt nod in greeting.

He shot Danni a glare at his comment about his performance, but held his tongue - for Dorian's sake. "I'm sure they will," Percy said dryly, as Danni was going on about whether or not the teachers would allow them fireworks.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Lotus Hotel and Casino
Skills: N/A

Nancy frowned sharply, as the cat refused to help them. However, Sunshine was not the only animal they had at their disposal. She didn't particularly want to grab Cassian, but recognized that the rest of the group was keen on his retrieval. Fine. She'd never asked Joanie to do something like this before, but perhaps her tiny dragon had a hunter's instinct. So she turned to Joanie, looking at her with complete serious. "Can you smell him?" she asked. While she was very much attached to her dragon, she hadn't actually owned Joanie very long - she'd gotten her during the Fall of New Rome. So maybe she could hunt.

Joanie considered her for a moment, before flapping her wings slightly and taking off.

Nancy took that as a yes. She moved after her dragon, assuming that the others would follow - someone would need to guide Janelle, but Nancy wasn't in the right headspace to do that at the moment. Someone else would have to. Eventually, Joanie landed on Nancy's shoulder, as they made it to where Cassian was - some sort of laser tag area. Nancy didn't remember it from her time in the Lotus Hotel. It might've been there and she'd forgotten. There were a lot of things she'd forgotten - and a lot that she remembered.

"Cassian!" Nancy yelled sharply. "Snap out of it or I'll have Joanie set you on fire. We don't have time for this."

🌈👻 Leda Storm 👻🌈

Location: Tartarus
Skills: Rainbow Manipulation

The last thing Leda remembered was throwing Kiera and Sera to safety. She had prayed to every god that would listen to let those two survive, and her last thoughts had been of Kiera - how sorry she was that she'd have to leave her like that. But that was the way things went for demigods - the way that Leda had always known her story would end. She died a hero, and as she opened her eyes, she expected to be in the Underworld - mentally prepared to have to stand before the judges and ideally be granted a spot in Elysium.

But as she opened her eyes, she wasn't in the Underworld. The scene around her was gruesome, blood and bone littering a desolate landscape. The air burned, difficult to breathe. Monsters circled up ahead like birds of prey. And nearby, she could hear a scream - and a howl.

Physically, she felt fine. And she looked down at her hands, summoning up tiny balls of rainbow light. Her powers were still working. She was just extremely pale. Everything was pointing her in one direction, one answer. Tartarus. She gritted her teeth. This was where monsters went why they died - not demigods. Whatever had redirected her soul to this place had a messed up sense of humor.

But there had to be a way out of Tartarus - she knew that halfbloods had made it out before, so she'd do that. Maybe steal some more time with Kiera, before Hades dragged her to his domain.

She didn't have any weapons, just her wits, as Leda moved quickly in the direction of the scream - not at her full speed, though. She'd have to figure out a way to make herself smell more like a monster and not like a demigod - did demigod ghosts still have strong scents? She didn't know. Leda would have to deal with that later. She found the source of the scream quickly, finding a group of monsters attacking a wolf.

"Oi, pick on someone your own size!" Leda shouted, before throwing a ball of rainbow light at the attackers. She missed, but on her second throw she was able to hit one of them, the monster crumbling.

@Blizz: Your watch couldn't settle on a time. It kept changing wildly, fluctuating through hours and minutes faster and faster, never pausing. Whatever was happening to the veil, it wasn't good - space and time were intimately connected, two manifestations of the same thing. If time was behaving like this... what was happening to space, to reality?

@KazAlkemi: As you whisper to the cloak, asking if you were doing the right thing, a sense of connection would form in the back of your mind. There were not words expressed as much as there were feelings, images. Warmth and hope, mixed with the backdrop of a clear night's sky, the moon illuminating the terrain. As you let go of the cloak, the sensation fades.

The shadows slip through your fingers at first, as you attempt to grab them to veil you and your companions. This realm is strange and different, changing your spells and intentions. But the longer you stay here, the more you seem to find equilibrium, to become a little bit touched by this place. The shadows are yours to command, you and your companions cloaked and silent. You cannot hear each other; you can see each other.

@Trainerblue192: Your spells are powerful, but not as powerful as they should be without the weight of experience behind them. You incinerate fifty or so of the Green Eyed Ones, a small drop in the bucket. Slowly but surely, the threat is being dealt with - but how much time does Earth have while you wait?

Runa the Grey

Location: Everdark
Skills: Intuition
Spells: Kosmisk Ild

Runa inclined their head, more of a force of habit than anything else, as Max said that he did not know them. That was strange. Their memory was not what it had once been, but they were fairly certain they'd reintroduced each other. Had Max forgotten who she was, thrown off by her altered appearance? She supposed it had been quite some time and while she had not looked upon herself in ages, not in the traditional sense at least, she could feel the changes to her body, the weathering of her skin.

Yet they were silent, offering Max no explanation. There was little time to ponder that mystery, and Midgardians were so fragile, perhaps he had bumped his head or something of the sort in transit. Prudence signaled for them to attack, so Runa conjured up the magicks at their fingertips, whispering their word of power as they summoned up a gigantic ball of fire. They threw it in the direction that they had sensed the Green Eyed Ones, connecting briefly with them for a moment as the flames incinerated a quarter of the legion.

A slight smile graced their face, even as they felt tired, weakened.

But the smile soon faded, as Runa realized they could not hear their companions. For the first time in ages, fear trickled into their body.

@Nallore: The door to the Sanctum Santorum opened, but it wasn't Wong who greeted you. Instead, it was a woman in her early 30s with a stern disposition and chunky glasses - Zelma Stanton. Zelma was the librarian at Strange Academy and an arcane historian. She isn't exactly happy to see you, a crossbow in hand pointed at your chest. But luckily enough, she doesn't shoot. "You better have a good explanation for why you're here and Stephen isn't," Zelma warned. "You have thirty seconds." Behind her, you'd be able to see party decorations - although all of the party guests seem to be long gone.

@Nallore: Getting to the Sanctum on foot was not going to be easy. Especially since some benches with anti-homeless infrastructure have come to life, standing up straight like a rectangular being, sprouting teeth as they lunge for you, trying to rip your head off. To make matters worse, a fire hydrant has joined in on the fun, pointing at you and exploding a rush of water at you, slamming you back onto the hard pavement, soaking wet.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Lotus Hotel and Casino
Skills: N/A

If Nancy had a secondary fatal flaw, it was pride. And so when Demetri of all people offered that she could just leave - that she could abandon this quest and go back, escorted back really... Her nostrils flared. She clung to her shreds of dignity, even after breaking in front of all of these people. "Absolutely not," Nancy swore. "I'm not quitting." And when Alexios shared his idea - that she could rescue Mads' by simply walking through the Doors of Death, by going into Tartarus, her resolve crystalized. The Doors were here in the Casino - she couldn't leave, not when Mads was counting on her, was depending on her. If she could save Mads, then she had to at least try, even if it meant that she died as well. Apollo would keep his word at least, she hoped, and turn her shade into a tree.

Janelle then mentioned that the Doors were in the basement, and the plan solidified. All they needed to do was find Cassian then - and Nancy had to gather up her courage and her wits to keep everyone on task, away from the allure of the Lotus Eaters. She could do this. She repeated those words over and over again in her head like a mantra, like a shield. She had to do this. For Mads. For Mads. For Mads.

Guin Stark

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

They were getting nowhere fast - hardly anyone was even managing to land a hit on Cortez, and Magneto was still sending metal scraps rushing through the air in dangerous frenzies. Guin hadn't managed to get much of a hold of Cortez telepathically, and neither had Carolina it seemed. His powers weren't touch based, they seemed to be operating more on just a general proximity limitation, so Guin decided to do things somewhat differently. If she couldn't dive into his mind, she could sure as hell kick him in the head. After all, she'd been trained in self defense by Black Widow and then later as a SHIELD agent before ever becoming an X-Man.

Luckily, Guin didn't get too scraped up by the metal going around. She didn't notice the way metal pieces seemed to be dodging Pietro, as instead she was focusing on getting to Cortez. She didn't need her mutant powers to protect people and fight against assholes like him - she'd spent most of her life without them, being a late bloomer when it came to her mutation. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Bethany drag Max with shadows instead of Cortez. She winced. They weren't doing great.

Neil Spellman

Location: the Asteroid
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

Even as Neil tried to protect everyone, to use their powers as a shield, it just wasn't enough. It wasn't working. Cortez was hardly perturbed, acting like the cat who ate the canary. This was just a game to him - just some sick, twisted, messed up game. What was he getting out of this - did he have an agenda, a goal? Was this revenge on Magneto? Was there even a reason behind him doing this to people or was he just bored? Neil hated people like that. They had a few relatives who were like that, using their magic and rituals to behave cruelly and without remorse just because they could - because they had nothing else better to do.

So Neil decided to stop being a shield - they decided to be a sword. Instead of trying to use their telekinesis to redirect the shards and protect their friends, they decided to go on the offensive. They could grab the shards and fling them at Cortez, piercing him and gutting him like the asshole he was. It was what he deserved. And Neil always did like Cloud of Daggers.

8:20 PM - Sun. October 31st, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute

April Flynn

Location: Monster Mash - Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: Perfuma from She-Ra

"Oh my gods oh my gods oh my GODS!!!" April screamed, abandoning the remnants of her cupcake as she jumped up and down. They'd qualified for the Contest of Champions!! She wasn't thinking in that moment about how she'd have to maybe go up against Danni and Dorian in the tournament, no, all she was thinking about was how this was her year - that finally, she'd get the chance to compete and be scouted by major superhero teams and maybe even get her own line of makeup products that gave proceeds to saving the ocean. She was going to be famous, people were going to know Cascade - they were going to know April Flynn. And her friends, they were going to be famous too! And her girlfriends! They were all going and it was going to be fantastic!

Her excitement only amplified when the Savior results came out - SHE'D WON! And her girlfriends, too! Her heart was beating so quickly she could hardly feel it, the beats blurring together. She couldn't breathe either, an incoherent squeal her only response to when Leah asked what they'd won - and then people were congratulating her, Mads and Danni, and then Sabine was taking her and Leah by the hands and taking them to the front.

Coulson crowned the three of them - the crowns must've been magic or something, as they resized and restyled themselves immediately. April's crown transformed to be made out of flowers, perfectly matching her Perfuma cosplay. Sabine's similarly shifted into an upgraded, elevated version of She-Ra's crown. And then Leah's became red and spiky, perfect for Scorpia. It didn't even break when it touched her - definitely magic.

Percy Novikov

Location: Monster Mash - Cafeteria
Skills: Omnilingualism
Costume: the Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who

Percy's eyes widened, not because of Dorian detailing his torment at the hand of Kylo Ren, but because of the dinosaur he had. He blinked twice, trying to make sense of what he was seeing. Their world was full of strange things - it was populated with superheroes after all - but a dinosaur... He hadn't been expecting to see one tonight, and certainly not one so small and tiny. At least it couldn't breathe fire. Danni's dragon was already a liability. "Is he housebroken?" Percy asked.

He didn't want a tiny dinosaur peeing on his things if he came over.

But before Percy could get an answer, the announcements happened - and they'd qualified. Freshmen never qualified for the Contest of Champions, not since the Young Avengers team formed. He had wanted it, yes, but he hadn't expected it. The next thing he knew, Dorian had grabbed him and hoisted him up into the air, spinning him as Percy clung for dear life. His head was spinning by the time Dorian put him down, and he leaned into his boyfriend for stability. "May I attack the other teachers now?" Percy then asked with a smirk.

There was still no sign of Cassie Lang - traumatized, crying students continued to funnel out of the maze/haunted house, mumbling about how they'd faced horrific, demonized versions of themselves within. Lady Nimue must've been around there somewhere, so they could always go chat to her and see if she could help them get Cassie out... or they could make their own plans. Vicky wouldn't be able to hack into Cassie's phone, not for lack of trying - it was like Cassie's phone didn't exist. Maybe it was powered off. Maybe it was on another plane of reality. It was hard to say.

"That's it, I'm going in," America snapped, narrowing her eyes. She cracked her knuckles together, before throwing a punch into the air, and a star shaped portal appeared in front of her. Vicky and Diana wouldn't get a good glimpse of what was on the other end - if America had managed to open a portal to Cassie's exact location or not - but America and Kate jumped through without a thought.

@Nallore: You took a leap of faith, jumping through the stepping disc portal. Each other time that someone had attempted to shift their location in Limbo on this adventure, the results had been somewhat disastrous - it is difficult to control the native portals. But something now has changed, as you leap into the unknown. The veil that separates Limbo and Earth has torn, a gaping wound in the space of reality where it ought to have been.

You have your friends to thank for that - the circuit of Max, Madalyne, and Jack destroyed what was left of the veil.

You open your eyes, finding yourself in what looks like New York City, in Times Square even. The sky is blood-red and you see legions of demons swarming through it. These must be Ananym's forces, here to do her dark bidding. All around you, there is chaos. Hot-dog stands and mailboxes and selfie sticks have all become animated, gnashing teeth as they chase the tourists, out for blood. The ground is wet and damp, but there isn't a cloud in the sky.

You see someone's entrails slowly glide down the red river, unable to enter the storm drain.

The Goblin Night has begun.

@Nallore: You are alone, Madalyne. The others used the portal, stepping into the Everdark and leaving you behind. Limbo is as much your home as it is mine. You know its moods and its temper, how it reflects our worst qualities back at ourselves and amplifies them a thousand fold. But as the portal your friends' took closes, you notice something else. Limbo is bleeding. Stepping discs appear everywhere, gradually at first, before rapidly increasing in number and scope. Limbo's essence seems to be traveling through them, and demons take to the skies, before descending through them.

They're going somewhere.

Are you?

Runa the Grey

Location: Everdark
Skills: N/A
Spells: N/A

Runa was confused for a moment - not by Jack's suggestions, those were quite sound. No, they were perplexed by the sudden change in Max. His words did not make sense - rescuing him from the Purifiers? Runa supposed that would be one way to refer to Ananym and her servants, yet she vaguely recalled that the term had been relevant for those foul fiends who had hunted her husband and his kind in his life. Had they been hidden to her, unable to be sensed? Usually, her lack of sight was a problem for other people, and not particularly one for herself. (Not that she minded the perception of weakness - it made it easier to strike).

"Maximilian, are you well?" Runa asked, before straightening slightly. "I agree. If you would run support, the rest of us may attack," they said. A slight smile formed on their face. There was something else that their husband may have appreciated - and perhaps he did, if he was looking down on them now, part of the Many and no longer the Few. There was a spell from an archaic Midgardian game, one known to bring death and destruction - and Runa thought it would be quite appropriate here. Kosmisk Ild.

"I shall cast fireball at your signal," she said, inclining their head in the direction of Prudence's voice. "My lady."

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Lotus Hotel and Casino
Skills: N/A

Nancy was there, but at the same time, she wasn't. Her body was numbed by anger, her pain and sorrow and everything else that she felt locked away, repressed in a way that allowed her to function. But it wasn't really Nancy, it was more like she was puppeteering her own body, rising to her feet with a rage that burned cold. She looked her brother square in the eye, recognizing distantly that he was just concerned for her, but the part of Nancy that felt compassion and empathy was too overwhelmed to come to the surface, too traumatized and hurt to communicate. "The job," she said tightly. "And then I'm going to burn it all down to the ground."

Maybe some people would've assumed she meant the Lotus Hotel and Casino - that she was going to burn down the place that had wrecked her life, had given her deep wounds that had scarred, never fading. But she meant it all - the Lotus Hotel, the gods, the monsters, all of it. They were all just as guilty for Mads' death, guilty for taking the life of a third of Nancy's soul. And what little love she had for the immortals was dying, had died. She didn't care what happened to her, if she walked away from this or not. All she needed to do was make someone else suffer the way she had - to hold the true culprits accountable in Mads' name.

8:10 PM - Sun. October 31st, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute

@Nallore@Forsythe@BlueSky44: America and Kate looked more and more uneasy as time passes, and still, there's no sign of Cassie Lang leaving the haunted house/maze. Kate bit her lip, not letting her gaze leave the exit. "When you're in there, you're hunted until you die," Kate explained.

"By yourself," America added. "A fucked up evil version of yourself that stops at nothing to kill you."

The infected code was slowly leaving Vicky's system - within another ten minutes or so, it would likely all be gone.

"Maybe she's winning," Kate said. "Maybe she's kicking her double's ass and that's why she isn't out."

"Maybe," America said, fidgeting slightly. "If she's not out in the next five minutes, I'm going in after her."

April Flynn

Location: Monster Mash - Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: Perfuma from She-Ra

April was freed more or less from the bind, enough to move her hands and grab one of the mini cupcakes. Then Leah dropped the bomb - that she'd never actually seen She-Ra, despite being in a picture perfect Scorpia outfit. See, April even shipped Perfuma with Scorpia (although her first choice was Scorpia with Entrapta and Catra, she was a multishipper and able to support multiple lines). They were a throuple, She-Ra with Perfuma and Scorpia - the rarest of rare pairs! April didn't even know what the Perfuma/Scorpia/She-Ra ship name would be. Perscorra? Shefumpia? Plant-Lightning-Sword? She'd have to workshop it a bit - maybe consult some wiki pages, see if people already had coined a name for that ship.

"Oooo yes marathon time!!" April squealed, clapping her hands together somewhat awkwardly, given the tiny cupcake she was holding. "How cool would that be for you to watch She-Ra for the first time while you're dressed as Scorpia? I bet if we filmed some of your reactions to her best scenes, we could even go viral!! It'd be like Scorpia watching Scorpia!!" There were stars in her eyes. She wasn't upset that Leah had never seen She-Ra - there were so many iconic shows out there and only so much time to dedicate to them. If anything, her heart swelled even more, knowing that Leah had dressed up for something she didn't even know about - just because it was important to April and Sabine.

If that wasn't true love, what was?

Her cheeks reddened at the realization. Did Leah... love-love them? Like love with a capital L? Were they in lesbian love together, the three of them?

Percy Novikov

Location: Monster Mash - Cafeteria
Skills: Omnilingualism
Costume: the Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who

Percy blinked, still disoriented as he found himself pulled into a hug by his sister. It had all seemed so real, so vivid as Not-Nemo dug his fingers into Percy's eyes, undoubtedly about to crush his skull at the same time. He should have been dead. He should have been dead. His body was shaking, as he stiffly hugged his sister back. She was dressed as Annabeth Chase - the original flavor. "I'm fine," he said quietly. He was not fine.

But within seconds, the two of them were joined by Percy's boyfriend, Dorian - another addition to the hug. Percy was pretty awkward when it came to physical contact and affection, never quite knowing what to do with his hands, but he adjusted so that way he had one hand on his sister and one on his boyfriend. And the shakiness within him evaporated, as he saw how upset Dorian was. He didn't notice the tiny dinosaur at his ankle. "Are you okay?" Percy asked, sternly but not out of anger with Dorian - more out of anger with Nimue and her stupid tricks. "I'll burn her alive," he then vowed. "It won't even be hard, all these teachers think they're invincible anyways."

"Attention students!" Headmaster Coulson said, standing at the stage with a microphone. He was dressed as Captain America - the classic costume, from the WWII era. "It's time for the moment you've all been waiting for - we're going to start off with announcing the lucky teams that have qualified for the Contest of Champions... Please hold your applause for the end... The Young Avengers, led by the Vision! The Uncanny Avengers, led by Usagi! The Huntresses, led by Lady Nimue! And lastly, Excelsior, led by Ser Nemo!"

"Congratulations to everyone and good luck at the Contest!!" Coulson cheered, before continuing on. "And now, for our School Royalty... Our first Savior of Avengers Academy is.... APRIL FLYNN! And there was a tie for our second Savior of the school, so please join me in congratulating.... SABINE BASSARD and LEAH JORDAN! Come on up here to receive your crowns!!"

@Nallore: There are a few places in the library that might be a good hiding spot - plenty of bookshelves and dark corners, some tables that could be hidden underneath in a pinch, and maybe you could even try to climb up to the tops of the shelves. But beyond just hiding spots, something else will catch your eye - a stepping disc. Where does it lead to? There's no way to know for sure. But with Ananym hot on your heels, it might be your best chance to escape alive.

In terms of useful books, most of them are written in archaic, dead languages - and would take too much time for you to slow down and peruse them all. There are some heavy looking volumes though that you could maybe hit Ananym over the head with.

"...Two... One!" Ananym screamed, before rushing out of the room with Stephen's body. She chanted in a language you didn't understand, and suddenly, three tigers appeared, growling as they started to hunt you down.

Runa the Grey

Location: Limbo
Skills: Intuition
Spells: N/A

"No, child. It would not," Runa answered Annika. Limbo would not send her home once this was complete - that effort would have to be made under Annika's power, or the power of another. If anything, the realm would attempt to keep her - to corrupt her, twisting her into one of its monstrous creations. Whoever stayed behind may end up trapped in Limbo forever - or they may not. The Norns had yet to decide that thread.

While Runa had mentioned that it would be wise for one to remain behind, to keep to rules of threes, they truly did not care if no one did. The rule of three would enforce itself even if they ignored it. And they had no fear of death. If anything, they needed to leave to in order to ensure that Klara's soul was returned. They had sworn that they would see it done, and as Klara went through the portal, Runa was thus honor bound to follow.

So they did.

On the other side of the portal, they found themselves in a quiet dimension. According to Jack, this was the Everdark - the Twilight Pass. One of the rare dimensions that Runa had yet to visit - one that she had suspected in all truth she never would. While they could not see it, they could feel the texture of the dimension, its strange shadow self.

And they could feel the gods that Jack had trapped here - the ones who held Klara's soul - the Green Eyed Ones. "Hmm, these gods multiply when killed?" Runa murmured. "In my many years, I have found one way to stop such hydras - do not cut, do not tear, do not maim. Only complete disintegration, by flames or otherwise, will be sufficient."

"As to retrieving your soul, killing the one who holds it will suffice," Runa said. "The other option would be combat on the astral plane."

The Green Eyed Ones had yet to notice the group, but they were a swarm, a hive - having a strategy may be a good idea.

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