Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Lotus Hotel and Casino
Skills: N/A

Nancy wiped the grime off of her daggers on her jeans, observing the scene with disinterest. This wasn't where she needed to be - it wasn't where she wanted to go. She needed to go find Mads now - before it was too late, before something else terrible happened. The clarity of that goal was the only thing she could afford to think about, as her daggers vanished from her hands, the magic items ready to be recalled when needed. "Greek incompetency," Nancy deadpanned as an answer to Kristin, when she asked what happened.

Everyone seemed fine. The party was together. So Nancy marched on ahead, focused on her task, focused on finding Mads and rescuing her. Her father was working on a cure, they'd be able to bring Mads back to them, adminster it, and she'd be free - free of this curse, free of all of this bullshit that the gods made them go through. Maybe they'd run away together, her and Niah and Mads, and leave all of this behind them. They hadn't chosen to be demigods.

🌈👻 Leda Storm 👻🌈

Location: Tartarus
Skills: N/A

Leda raised an eyebrow, as Mads showed her the bite - a werewolf? It was a bit CW for her tastes, but she supposed it couldn't be helped. Some monsters had made it into the popular imagination, becoming a bit saturated - hell, there were even vampires that they had to contend with. "That really bloody sucks," Leda frowned. Out of their situations, Mads' one was admittedly worse - she was a monster, she'd be stuck in this vicious cycle of death and rebirth forever. At least Leda would get to kick back in Elysium for a little while, only going for rebirth when she felt like it.

But strangely, rebirth didn't... appeal to her the way she thought that it would. Maybe it was because she couldn't imagine being a baby right now when her girlfriend was an adult... Was Kiera still her girlfriend, now that she was dead? Did dying cancel out the relationship? She frowned. She had bigger problems to worry about, other things to do, but that still stung - the idea that it was over between them... That Kiera would move on and find someone else.

"Doors of Death, got it - and then a shower to get this stink off," Leda agreed. "Let's go."

9:00 PM - Sun. October 31st, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute

@Nallore@BlueSky44: "Right, I'll go with Diana - it's an archer thing," Kate volunteered immediately. She was having a real hard time with Zelda's vibes, and did not want to be in a group with her - besides, it made more sense to split up the teleporters. Cassie could be anywhere in this place, and they really needed to get back. Time moved differently in Otherworld apparently and Kate didn't want to age up to fifty or so before they could make their way back to the real world.

"Works for me," America said with a shrug, before punching a portal - this portal led directly into the palace itself, overlooking what must have been the throne room. "Come on, kid," she gestured to Zelda before hopping on through.

April Flynn & Percy Novikov

Location: Monster Mash - Cafeteria -> Stark Hall - Third Floor
Skills: N/A | Temporal Teleportation
Costume: Perfuma from She-Ra | the Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who

Everyone was talking to April, everyone was offering her solutions, ideas - threatening violence, telling stories, making decisions on her behalf. It was too much, all of it - and she could feel eyes on her, she knew that everyone was staring at her, that she was making a scene. She knew that others were in pain - that her girlfriends were in pain - and she wanted to be able to just suck it up, to pull herself together and shake this off, to help someone else. But she couldn't. She had shattered and every time she tried to grab a jagged piece of herself, the blood began to flow a little stronger, the cuts forming a little deeper. And that face, that mask - that villain - each time she closed her eyes, she saw them again - her again - him again? She saw Magneto and she saw herself and she was horrified. She saw the man that had once twirled missiles on his fingertips, who had threatened the world so he could feel safe - sure, he had been redeemed, or at least, that was what the papers said but April knew. She knew that people didn't change, that they couldn't change - that her grandfather was a sickness, that to be like him was to be like a god or death or maybe somewhere in between, and she didn't want that, she couldn't want that, she wanted nothing like that. She wanted to scream and run and cry and jump and disappear and melt and die all at once. She wanted to have never existed and to be somewhere outside of space and time. She wished that her adoptive grandparents were her real grandparents, that she didn't have him lurking inside of her - that the illness in her family tree that drove so many of her aunts and uncles to become supervillains wasn't inside of her. It was inside of her inside of her inside of her AND SHE WANTED IT OUT, SHE WANTED IT OUT, SHE WOULDN'T LET IT BE HER, NO, NO NO! SHE WANTED TO SCREAM AND RIP HER HAIR OUT, TO OFFER IT TO THE GODS, TO CURSE ATHENA AND WORSHIP HER AND ASK TO BE SPARED, TO HAVE THIS BLIGHT PASS HER BY. SHE WANTED TO SUFFER AND SHE WANTED RELEASE. SHE WANTED NOTHING AND EVERYTHING. SHE DIDN'T WANT TO BE IF THAT WAS WHAT FATE HAD PLANNED FOR HER - IF THAT WAS WHAT WAS HIDING INSIDE OF HER - BUT IT WAS TOO LATE, TOO LATE, TOO LATE. GODS IT WAS TOO FUCKING LATE.

Percy was privately wondering if perhaps they needed a professional. But it wouldn't be helpful to suggest that, not now at least. Instead, he considered what Dorian had asked of him - if he could teleport them back to April's room. He didn't have the same range that his sister did, often only able to do relatively shorter jumps. It'd take him a few jumps to get them from the cafeteria back to the dorm rooms, and the more people he was transporting, the harder it would become.

But Dorian had asked this of him, so he'd try.

"April, do you want to go back to your room?"

She didn't say anything coherent - just more mutterings, more ramblings, nothing that even he could understand. But he didn't need to be able to understand every language intuitively to know that she was in pain - that she was suffering. "I'm taking you out of here," Percy informed her, since it felt odd to him to do this sort of thing without someone's explicit permission, so at least he'd tell her and if she told him to stop, he would. But she didn't react, didn't response as he put a hand on her shoulder and concentrated.

There was a shimmering flash of blue light and Percy reappeared with April outside the cafeteria, in the hallway leading up to it. No one else had traveled with them, but even then, a bit of sweat had beaded up on his forehead. Another flash, another jump, and they were on the second floor of Stark Hall now. His knees felt a little shaky. He made another jump, getting the both of them onto the third floor now, before his head was spinning and his throat felt incredibly dry and dehydrated and Percy slumped up against the wall, spent.

Meanwhile back at the Monster Mash, Lady Nimue had approached the group. She wore an elegant gown crafted out of moss and stone, covering her shimmering water form. Ser Nemo and his husband, Darius, came up to the group as well, evidently concerned that a fight might break out.

"Princess," Lady Nimue greeted, bowing her head at Sabine. "My lady," she then said, addressing Leah. It was her magic, her design that powered that house/maze. They had asked to see who was responsible. Well. She was here, without a shed of remorse on her watery visage.

My name is Madelyne Pryor.

You may know me as the Goblin Queen.

On a night just like this, I tried to destroy the world. Reality denied me, the entire world telling me that I was fake, a nobody person in a nowhere place, just a placeholder for Jean Grey, nothing more. My husband abandoned me and our child. My child was kidnapped, I was attacked, almost killed. Every memory I have of my childhood is a lie, every romantic feeling that I felt for Scott was a lie - I was a brood mare, created to be used and discarded.

So I decided to discard the world. I made the bargain with Sym. I took the power, I bathed in Limbo's flames.

The X-Men defeated me.

I died.

Jean Grey took my son and claimed him as her own - took my future and made it hers. To my friends, I am nothing more than a bad memory, a horrible dream - not a person, but a thing, made to be used, made to be manipulated.

I reject that.

I reject this world.

Now Ananym is trying to finish what I started - now Ananym is taking my design and making it her own.

And still, I am nothing - not even a thought, not a mention, not a player in this drama, the sequel to the most horrific night in my life.

So I reject you too.

I reject you all.

@Nallore: "Aside from trying not to die?" Zelma deadpanned. "I know that there's a corrupting influence that happened on some people last time - but it was those closest to the Goblin Queen. Anyone who is emotionally close to this Ananym person is going to be in trouble." She then adjusted the crossbow, aiming and taking out a flying toaster demon that was getting suspiciously and worryingly close to them.

@Blizz: Covered from head to toe in Klara's pink glitter, you grab the mailbox with shadows and smash it over and over again into the pavement. It is a small and unsatisfying victory, but a victory nonetheless. The sky is thick with demons like clouds, the light filtering through a deep crimson. How long until you break - how long until you give in? This is not your realm. Go home, child of the Everdark. Leave this place.

Runa the Grey

Location: New York City
Skills: N/A
Spells: N/A

"You all best come inside," Zelma, arcane archivist of the Sanctum Santorum, beckoned. Runa felt something tiny and scratchy on her hand, and it took her a moment to realize that it covered her entire body - and it felt suspiciously like glitter. As she could not see, she was unaware that the entire party from the Everdark was covered in sparkling pink glitter - Klara's handiwork. She only knew that it seemed she had a fair amount on her and Runa debated casting a spell to incinerate each piece individually, but decided to let it be.

She had no eyes to see the shiny specks with anyways.

They put a hand on Klara's shoulder, using their younger cousin as a bit of a guide as they entered the Sanctum Santorum. To Runa, the space was a darkness with splotches of deep colors, the intense magic of this place made manifest. To the others, it was the quintessential decor of Stephen Strange - deep red curtains, ancient tomes and artifacts all around, an old yet well maintained hardwood floor that their heels clicked against as they walked. Candles burst to light as they entered, and some Halloween decor from Party City burst into song.

"Yikes, sorry, that's not the mood," Zelma muttered, hurrying to shut off the Frankenstein head that was singing the Monster Mash. The place was covered with red solo cups and other party supplies as well - someone had been playing King's Cup too. "Look, you're all somehow the Sorcerer Supreme. I don't know how that's fucking possible, but we need you to go fix this NOW. The veil's got maybe minutes left at best. One of you has to cast the renewal spell - well, all of you. Together."

Guin Stark

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Telepathy
~Fit Check~

Guin received Mary's message and her eyes widened. It was all for a game? There wasn't even a good reason behind it - it was just a game?! As repulsive and disgusting as that was, it then prompted another question - who was running the game? Who was awarding the points? And who else was playing? It sent a shiver down her spine, imagining people going around killing mutants for sport. There was something callous about it, something that made her want to wretch. She'd rather face off against the villains with convictions than ones like these.

They'd need to find that out - they'd need to find out who was running this. But for now, they had to save everyone they could. Finding this game master would have to wait.

"It's a game. They're killing everyone for points," Guin muttered to her companions, filling them in as they reached Anne Cortez.

The room was wrecked - Cortez's sister was blasting everything in sight, and the equipment was ruined, up in flames. Even Guin, with all of her talents when it came to technology, couldn't help but be nervous that they'd manage to salvage any of this. Bethany restrained Sister Cortez and Peregrine made a ghostly apparition ready to attack should she not comply. "I'll see if there's anything I can do. But we might... ugh... we might need Magneto on this."

Systems are trashed. Doing what I can. Magneto might need to fly the station to safety - maybe park on the moon?

Neil Spellman

Location: the Asteroid
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

The situation had gone from okay to worse. Everything in the room was destroyed, and they were having a hard time believing that any of it could be fixed. Even Guin and Mira probably couldn't do it. And then Cortez's sister, Bethany and Perry had her under control, but was it already too late? Was this station bound to explode, to crash into the Earth? How many were going to die?

And then there was what Guin said - that this was just a game to them, that their motivations were solely around winning points. It was horrifying. Neil had never fought against people like this before, people who had such a disregard for life that it was just a game, just something to pass the time with. Even the murderers in their family had more respect for life, honoring it in their own twisted ways.

They didn't know what they were going to do.

They didn't know how to fix this.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Lotus Hotel and Casino
Skills: N/A

Nancy tried to remind herself that they needed Cassian to come with them. It was a struggle.

He was clearly either under the Hotel's charms or under the sway of his own innate delusions, it was difficult to say. Or perhaps it was the influence of his friends - Empousai. Trivia's children. She tried not to look for traces of Mads in their faces, as one of them took Cassian hostage, backing away - the other then doing something to entrance Kristin. She tried not to have flashes of Mads' imagined death, of her resurrection in Tartarus as a monster, as her features morphed from her own until her hair was fire and her leg had shifted, until she looked exactly like the monsters before her. She really tried. She tried to only feel her anger, her rage, her hate - to shove aside all other emotions.

The fight had broken out quickly, everyone trading blows - and Janelle even managing to put some to sleep. Nancy called her imperial gold twin daggers to her hands, giving them a slight twirl before going in for blood.

🌈👻 Leda Storm 👻🌈

Location: Tartarus
Skills: N/A

Leda raised an eyebrow, appraising Mads' temporary outfit. Had this been Drag Race, she would've been lip syncing tonight in her opinion. But she kept that comment to herself, making a mental note to tell Kiera later - and then it occurred to her... There wouldn't be a later. Her shoulders slumped slightly, as the weight of loss made itself known. She was dead. She'd died a hero's death, the glory she always had wanted and yet... all she really wanted was to be back at camp with Kiera, to have her girlfriend in her arms, safe and sound. She realized in that moment that she had never wanted to be a demigod, not really.

"Gross," Leda muttered, giving the furs Mads had passed her a sniff. But she didn't want to find out what happened when a ghost died in Tartarus, so she slipped them around herself, even as it made her want to gag. "I think I died? Not sure why I ended up here, Mum's got some explaining to do." She said it all casually, like she was remarking on the weather, and not trying to explain why a non-monster had died and gone to Tartarus. But it was the only way Leda knew how to cope with this - to just breathe and flow. "What about you? Rabid dog bit ya?"

8:50 PM - Sun. October 31st, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute

@Nallore@BlueSky44: The guards uncrossed their weapons, and lowered the gate so that way the girls could enter Avalon. "Your friend came by a week ago. Perhaps she's still here." Now that the gate was lowered, they could see the bustling city beyond - it was like a real medieval marketplace, with criers hawking their wares. The castle-city was dominated by a grand palace nearby, likely where King Arthur and Queen Guinevere lived. As to where in the city Cassie was... well, they'd have to do some searching.

"A week ago?" Kate muttered, as they walked through the gates. "That's impossible. We just got here."

"Time works differently in other dimensions," America shrugged.

April Flynn

Location: Monster Mash - Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: Perfuma from She-Ra

Even the comfort of her friends and girlfriends was not enough to reach April, not enough to rouse her from her distress. The tears flowed as Mads embraced her, as Sabine squeezed her hand, as Leah asked what was wrong, as Danni came to the rescue. She wanted to scream at all of them to get away, to run from her and never look back, because he was inside her - Magneto was in her blood, in her DNA, just waiting to emerge. The helmet would be her tomb, her grave. Her body was not her own - it had never felt quite right, never making sense. And this must have been why.

To make things worse, she could feel the eyes of the school on her - sure, everyone had been leaving the Haunted House/Maze in tears and she hadn't been the first one to scream, but it felt like everyone was staring. She wanted to disintegrate in that moment, to disappear - to reload the universe so she could go back to the moment where everything had been perfect, when they'd made it to the Contest, when she and her girlfriends had been crowned School Royalty.

Amidst her sobs, she barely recognized the questions people were asking her, only managing to choke out - "I won't be like him. I-I won't."

Percy Novikov

Location: Monster Mash - Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: the Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who

Percy frowned slightly, considering Dorian's words carefully. He had always assumed that after graduation, he would simply wear clothing appropriate for whatever time period and culture he found himself in. He didn't plan to exclusively live in the twenty first century in America after all - all of time and space would be his to explore. Of course, Dorian was correct - he couldn't do that in his uniform. It would be out of place in most environments. As for after school extracurricular superheroism... the uniform seemed fine to him.

Dorian and Danni then started dancing, and Percy followed suit. His movements weren't as stiff and awkward as someone might have expected - but they weren't particularly modern either. His mothers had taken him for classical dancing classes since he was little, ever since he'd expressed an interest in ballet. So when he danced, he danced like it was a formal occasion - and not Nicki Minaj blasting through the speakers.

He froze though as he heard a crash, as someone flew into a wall - and more screams coming from the direction of the Haunted House. Danni took off quickly - it was their friend who seemed to be in trouble. Percy assumed Dorian would want to go there, so he followed suit.

Runa the Grey

Location: ??? -> Everdark
Skills: Intuition
Spells: Seidhr

Runa did not breathe, for she had no body. But she could see - could see where the current had carried her. She was at the heart of Yggradsil, simultaneously beholding and within the tree. The space around her was heavy and poisoned, noxious fumes permeating the air, stinging her skin even though she had none. There was a gigantic wound like a crevice before her, festering and bleeding a dark miasma. It was complete nonsense, but nonsense of the deadliest order. The world tree was both real and magical at the same time, an illusion that carried the power of belief. It represented the realms, and thus, the fabric that bound them. A sickness in the tree was the sickness in the veil - and it was not just Midgard that Ananym's forces were invading.

It was everywhere.









They were all burning, all of them with a horrific engine powered by the souls of the young. Infants arranged in pentagrams, placed there no doubt by Ananym's servants across the realms. It was then that the plot became clear to Runa - that this wasn't merely about Midgard, about invading that realm with Limbo's might.

It was about the Elder Gods - it was a ritual that would bring them back and see them take dominion. True Dominion. They would be brought back to this plane, and they would devour it - devour countless souls. They would then ascend and rule what remained - Ananym likely had struck a deal with them, that they would let her be Queen, ruling under their Divine Right.

Runa glanced upwards, sighing softly. Their sins had returned to haunt them.

And they needed to wake up.

So, with a gasp, they did - their spirit descending to the Everdark and inhabiting their worn old body once more. "Ananym's plan is far more terrible than we realized. She does not simply want to rule Midgard - she wants to devour all the realms for her masters so they might ascend to Dominionhood. We cannot allow this to pass." Dominions were invincible, undying gods beyond time and space. Once ascended, they had always been Dominion. Had always existed.

@Trainerblue192: As you step through your portal, you find that you are somewhere that you recognize. You had just been there not too long ago (how long ago was it, really?) for a party. You have landed on the doorstep of the Sanctum Santorum in New York City - and a mailbox with gnashing teeth is currently trying to rip off your head.

(Any others who step through the portal will find themselves here with you).

@Nallore: You aren't the only one flying up around the Empire State Building - a flock of demons are there to greet you. They shriek at you and curse you, calling you a traitor, a false one - and they attack. You can defend yourself from some of them, but not all - they dive at you, scratching and clawing at you with foul, poison tipped talons. Your body feels hot and heavy, your head spinning. You'll need a cure - or at the very least, a way to fight back. The cloak can only do so much.

@Nallore: Zelma did know how to stop this - as an arcane archivist, she had read through reports of the original Goblin Night. "The babies must be removed from the pentagram - and then the witch doing all of this has to be destroyed," Zelma explained. "That was Maddie Pryor last time... I don't know who is doing it this time, but I bet whoever it is, they're the one that killed Stephen."

Guin Stark

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Telepathy
~Fit Check~

A lot happened very quickly.

The tides of the battle had started to turn, only for Mary to voice an unsettling truth - that Cortez had wanted them here, distracted, so that way something else could happen. If his plan was to crash the asteroid into the Earth... assuming that it didn't all just burn up on reentry... the death toll would be catastrophic. "That won't happen. We won't let that happen. And even if we fail, there's other groups on the planet that'll destroy this hunk of junk before it would hit the surface." They'd die, of course. SHIELD or the Avengers or the Fantastic Four would have to kill them to save the world.

As for Cortez's sister... Guin pushed, doing a quick telepathic scan of the asteroid. She found her pretty quickly. "Got her." She was in one of the main computer hubs. Guin took off at a sprint, trusting that the others had Cortez handled - or at least, Lance certainly seemed to. It wasn't too far to the sister's location, and as Guin got near, she could hear the sound of computer equipment being smashed and destroyed. Great. If there was one thing she loved, it was fixing machinery on a deadline. She much preferred fixing up Pietro's computer so he could play Phasmaphobia. That was relaxing, low stakes.

This... this could be about saving millions - or at least, about saving everyone aboard the asteroid.

Neil Spellman

Location: the Asteroid
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

Too much was happening, Neil's brain unable to process all of it. It reminded him of some D&D games they'd played sometimes, where the DM just keeps on rolling die after die, rattling off an insane amount of damage and effects to the extent that Neil couldn't keep it all straight. That was part of what it was like being on the X-Men though - they fought in groups, often times against just a few opponents, meaning that everyone was sort of going all at once. But at least, it seemed to be working. Cortez was losing.

They paled though as the theory came out that it might have all been a trick, that Cortez was distracting them so someone else could enact their evil plan. Just as things had started to turn in their favor, they were right back where they'd started - and it might even be too late. Guin exclaimed that she knew where Cortez's ally was and took off at a sprint - and Neil decided to rush after her, to do what they could to help.

8:40 PM - Sun. October 31st, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute

@Nallore: Diana will notice a slight trail of glitter - this could possibly be from Cassie, as her costume had been covered in sparkles and whatnot. But also, it could be from something else entirely - this seemed like the sort of place where fairies and pixies would roam.

"I was here once," America explained with a grimace. "This asshole lady tried to put me on trial for punching holes through the Multiverse. Only stopped when Captain Britain turned up and made some sort of a weird deal with her."

"Yikes," Kate shook her head. "Oh, shit, sorry, I didn't realize you'd come along." Her eyes widened slightly as Zelda popped up behind them. Kate had been pretty certain that Zelda hadn't wanted anything to do with them, but maybe she was just painfully shy and had trouble making friends. Or maybe she had just latched onto Diana.

"No idea," America then said to Zelda's question. "I got a D- in Intro to Magic last year."

As an avid convention goer and nerd, Zelda would recognize the banners on the castle as they approached - this was the castle of King Arthur. The crests were of the Pendragons. It looked almost identical to how it had been depicted in Merlin in fandom spaces. The castle gate was closed with two guards on duty, neither of whom seemed surprised for a bunch of lost teens to be approaching.

"Halt! State your name and business in Camelot."

April Flynn

Location: Monster Mash - Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: Perfuma from She-Ra

April was riding a wave of bliss as the topic changed, Leah mentioning that she wanted to go and kick the ass of whatever lurked within Nimue's haunted house. Given her experiences in training, April was almost positive that it had to be some sort of horrible creature from Arthurian myth - or maybe a magic mirror that pointed out everyone's insecurities. But Leah was being so sweet, kissing their foreheads, proclaiming that once she was through with whatever was inside the house, it'd be safe. It made April swoon.

"I know..." April sighed contentedly. "She's always cute, but she's, like, extra cute right now."

She was the last one to enter the haunted house, her blissful, romantic mood evaporating once she stepped inside. Somehow, she was completely alone. "Leah? Sabine? Hello??? Guys, are you there? Can you hear me?" April called out.

Can you hear me me me me... her own voice echoed.

April swallowed, even as she tried to keep a smile on her face. "Okay, April, breathe. This is going to be totally fine and normal. Nimue wouldn't kill you, she wants to win the contest too. And it'd be, like, a total rude thing to do - it'd ruin the Monster Mash. So just breathe and don't think about the fact that you're in some sort of weird darkly light hallway and that everything feels so very very cold and you're wishing you were dressed as Frosta..."

Her breath appeared in front of her in tiny clouds and April hugged herself, rubbing the exposed skin on her upper arm for warmth.

Her surroundings her monotonous and unchanging, each turn around the hallway ending up the same. The fact that she had run into nothing only caused her anxiety to heighten, her heart pounding desperately with fear of the unknown - with dread that nothing had happened yet - that something was stalking her, toying with her - and that there was no way out.

"Leah? Sabine? Danni? Dori? Mads? Anyone?" April called out again. "Please, I don't like this - this isn't the vibe for tonight!! It's only fun getting scared if others are with you! And preferably all around me too, so I can't get stabbed in the back!!"

Maybe Leah really had killed whatever was in here.

"I wouldn't count on it."

She screamed, spinning around as she came face to face with Magneto.

"G-get away from me! I'm warning you, I'll..." April's eyes darted around frantically. There was no water in sight. She couldn't feel any either. Her spit maybe? But this place was metal, she was a trapped animal, prey for this madman, for her grandfather...

"You'll what? Use your tears as a weapon?"

Magneto glided forward, ethereally graceful. "I am going to kill you. But first, I need you to understand something." Magneto paused, removing the iconic helmet.

"You're not afraid of me. You're afraid of yourself." Magneto had long blonde hair, shaved on the side to a buzz. Magneto had blue eyes and a natural tan, and pierced ears. Magneto wore her face, just older. Magneto was her.

"No!" April screamed. "I won't - I won't be like you!"

Magneto shook their head. "It's too late. I'm already inside you... waiting to come out."

The metal walls caved in around her, and April felt herself die.

When she appeared at the exit to the Haunted House, she was screaming, her sight blinded by tears.

Percy Novikov

Location: Monster Mash - Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: the Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who

Percy frowned slightly. He felt comfortable in the school uniform. Yes, he could wear other things, but it was - well, it was reliable. He knew exactly how it would fit him, what angles would be best and what ones would be atrocious. It symbolized his commitment to a goal and helped him to distinguish his current life from the one he had lived before. "My uniform is fine," Percy argued. Zelda had even gone to the trouble of making a prototype that would shift to appear time-period correct when traveling, with its default state as the Academy uniform.

He knew that others hated the uniform, that they found it stifling and made it difficult to express themselves through fashion - and Percy liked fashion, he appreciated it. He owned nice clothes. But... the uniform was comfortable. It was safe. It gave him a sense of security. It was strange, how quickly he'd become attached to it.

"I've never planned a party," Percy said. "But I am excellent at organization and schedules. My mothers had me plan our family vacation to Greece."

@KazAlkemi: At first, the spell is easy to maintain - it is like breathing, a process done automatically. Yet as you change your form, shifting from human to wolf, your hold slips. The shadows you have expertly pulled around you have weakened partially, now dimming your presence rather than concealing it, muffling your words rather than silencing them.

Runa the Grey

Location: Everdark
Skills: Intuition
Spells: Seidhr

Runa was suspended in a sea of darkness, unable to see or hear. It was a special sort of isolation, a disconnection from the universe. Two of her senses had been lost. Yet she could still feel - feel a hand on her shoulder, likely not Klara's, the young girl wasn't tall enough. So one of the others. She was wise and bright and clever, but even some things eluded her without casting a spell - she didn't know whose hand steadied her, who reached out to her in the dark. Those Who Sit Above in Shadow must have been laughing down at her now, seeing the bill finally come due - or a portion of it.

The empty cavity where their heart once had been ached.

But then there was a new pressure - a hand gripping their own. It was small and soft, not yet ravaged by time. A child's hand. Klara's? They were meant to be here to protect Klara, not to be protected by her. They could not find their enemies, not trapped within this form, so Runa resolved to show their hand - to show the technique that had allowed them to end any sorcerer that had come to their realm, seeking vengeance or restoration.


Freya had taught them this ancient craft, using the guise of Gullveig. It was more than just astral projection, more than just leaving one's body. It was a means of seeing the push and pull of the universe, of knowing what was to pass. Runa's body stilled, as they retreated deep within themselves - and then their body crumpled, falling lifelessly to the ground, like a puppet with its ties severed.

But they were free - their spirit unmoored, unchained. They floated above the field of darkness like a ghost, seeing through magic - through a body that was made purely of the remnants of their soul. Perhaps the others could sense them, but they would not see them. Not like this. They were like a ghost.

She could see something, something coming over the horizon for them all - something horrific in its scale. Runa pressed forward to get a closer look, to identify the threat that was to be - what Ananym had brought for them... She had almost reached it, had almost gotten close enough, when a distortion in the fabric of reality rippled through them.

And they were gone.

@Nallore: Zelma snatched the letter from you, tracing a glyph above it. It glowed, indicating its veracity - and she lowered the crossbow, looking at you with horror, relief, and determination. "You just missed him - he's headed to the epicenter," Zelma explained. "I'm guessing you haven't seen the news?" She pulled out her phone, and quickly pulled up an image from a news article. At the top of the Empire State Building, there was a Satanic sigil, a flaming star. At each point of the star was... was a baby.

"It's like the last time - the Goblin Night's happening again."

@Nallore: You're lucky - the cloak responds to your command and you are whisked off of the ground, flying up into the sky. You go higher and higher until the cloak is certain you've found safety, giving you a moment to breathe and take in your surroundings. The city is in complete chaos, and as you peer outwards, two things catch your eye - 1) a sort of red veil surrounding the city, perhaps keeping people out... or others inside? and 2) a flaming pentagram in the sky above the Empire State Building. Neither of those things can be good.
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