Avatar of MrSkimobile


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Current A soothsayer bids you beware the ides of March.
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*where we're going we won't need eyes*
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Be the ride you want the amusement park to have


About me

Hi! MrSkimobile here. I've been RP'ing and occasionally GM'ing for close to a decade now.
I like RP's that are on the Casual+/Tabletop side, that are preferably original settings. No genre preferences.
This thread holds the full archive of my antics on this site.
Always feel free to contact me. See you around!


DELTΔ HYPER (Scifi F1 Slice of Life) - Kais Zenix, Supersoldier-turned-Racer


(currently not GMing any games)

Contributed Articles

Fate: Accelerated (Play-By-Post) Edition

Most Recent Posts

@Izurich Then feel free to join once more, as you can see there are no CS yet. What kind of RP experience are you looking for, out of curiosity?

@AwesomeZero5 Up to you, it really depends on how it's RP'ed. I'd say if it's (mostly) done by sheer force of performance (seductiveness, Wolf of Wall Street) it's Flashy, if it's done via logical reasoning or problem solving (Sherlock Holmes) it's Clever, thuggish intimidation (Godfather) is Forceful, (ab)using cognitive patterns/biases or hypnosis (Dune's Bene Gesserit) could even be Sneaky. But again, note that as we play and reach 'milestones' in the story, you will have the opportunity to swap approaches if you want. Nothing's set in stone in the Fate system, if during play you discover you like another playstyle more or want to develop the character in some other way, you can.

@Eviledd1984 Glad to have you aboard! Looking forward to it.

@KazAlkemi Feel free to join. We're all going to be creating a story together, and nothing's on rails, so don't worry about your freshness. :) Also, in terms of the Fate system, I'll try to incorporate a small 'tutorial' when we start so we can get comfortable with the ideas of compels, rolling, etc. I'll setup a Discord for rolling and ooc discussions in due time as well.
Brorin Foul

Brorin had spent his time behind the giant's frame, praying it would all be over soon... And then it was. Blink, and you'd have missed it. One moment, the thundering riders of Sulfrey clamoring their war cries. The next, a wyvern with a flattened skull, horses and riders gasping their last breaths, and whatever remained disappeared into the earth. The poison miasma, dirt, and burnt flakes of their once-enemies, all slowly settled onto the ground, and silence dawned upon the scene once more. In the distant forest, the birds sang again. And that was that.

Drawing the holy 'X' into the dead with his thumbs, Brorin went to work. First, the wyvern. A quick drain of its stinger of potent venom, perfect for bomb-making. Then, the soldiers of Sulfrey. Not much of value to be gained from them, human matter never did work well for mutagens, but at least they were redeemed now. They may have followed their king bravely, but there was only One God, and this Ael-Gol was not it.

Looking upon their leader, he remembered. The strange shining amulet...! Brorin turned to find it was held by the hulk who had shaken him from his unconsciousness, and his eye widened in his realization. "No, Ogre! Stay away from that thing!" He called out as he hastened back as fast as he could, trying to hook the amulet from her massive hands with his cane, the empty eyes of Ael-Gol's likeness staring into his soul. "Temper your greed! This unholy relic was not meant for us. It will bring us nothing but trouble!"

His mind flashed to the lightning on the ridgetop when the Sulfreyans began their charge. Yes, it could've meant only one thing. "That flash! It was a signal! They must know we are here now! We must make haste, friends! We must leave, prepare for... whatever we will find, or comes for us next!"

@Eviledd1984 @Drifting Pollen @BigPapaBelial @Abstract Proxy @Vertigo @Chrys @Lurking Shadow @Thunder999999
For relationships, should we just put TBD?
It seems you want it for character connection, but that may take a bit-.

You put whatever you want to actively RP. ;)

Usually, the Relationship aspect is used to connect you to another player character right at the start of the game like you said, so you immediately have a connection to RP with. But it's really not a hard rule. If you have another kind of relationship you want to explore for your character, feel free! Else, you can leave it 'TBD', and then later if we have enough people, we can match up.

Also, do note that this doesn't need to be romantic, or even a positive relationship. It could also be about a friend, rival, family, your favorite barmaid, whatever.

And don't forget that Aspects can change in Fate during play, so don't feel like you have to get it perfect immediately, or even be bound to it for the long run.

@Glep @wikkit @AwesomeZero5, @CERO76, @Izurich, @Red Wizard

Updated the main post for your pleasure. Feel free to create a CS, ask any questions (e.g. about the setting or the Fate system), or drop out if you don't feel like it anymore ;).
Fate: Accelerated (Play-By-Post) Edition

Hello there! This wall of text is a guide to the Fate: Accelerated Roleplaying system, and how you can adapt it to Play-By-Post. I aim to update it now and then based on experiences using it in play. Please contact me if you have questions or suggestions. Enjoy! :)

Fate: Accelerated, by Evil Hat Productions is a minimalistic roleplaying system. As a fiction-first system, play will not be very different from your usual RPG on this site, but it adds a controlled randomness and reward system that you can use in PBP to help guide your storytelling. It is not as free-form as some games, nor as specific or defined as DND or wargames. Rather, it is generic and customizable, so that you can apply it to any setting, and decide on-the-fly which gameplay mechanics to focus on, change or even drop.

The Guide is structured as follows:
  • Summary: a one-page Quick Reference sheet and the essence of the system in just five (!) bulletpoints.
  • Playing Fate: containing explanations and examples on how to play using the Fate System.
  • GMing Fate: containing explanations and examples on how to GM using the Fate System.
  • Resources: useful resources you can use for your games, including character sheet and post templates.
  • Acknowledgments: further references like the System Reference Document and example Let’s Plays.

So, without further ado...


Click here for the One-Page Quickref Cheatsheet.

The Essence of the Fate System in 5 Bulletpoints:
  • Play as you normally would. Don’t focus on the rules, but let them inspire and guide your storytelling.
  • Roll Checks if success or failure both would be interesting outcomes.
  • Compel Aspects that you think would make for interesting complications to the scene.
  • Introduce new Facts that you think are fitting and interesting to the scene.
  • Reward yourselves for both the Ups and the Downs in the story.

That’s it. That’s all. The rest are implementation details that you can refer back to through the cheatsheet above, this guide, or through custom rules you agree on between GM and players. The rest of this guide will give you a good enough understanding of the default Fate: Accelerated system to play and GM using it. And on that note: Happy playing!

Playing Fate

GMing Fate


I'm gonna skip this round I think. That said:

How are you all doing so far? What do you like or dislike about the game? I'm anxious to hear your feedback!
Red Wizard

I'm enjoying it so far. Nice mix of personalities, nice action and drive in the story, little bit of intrigue and mystery here and there. Thumbs up from me ;)
@BigPapaBelial wikipedia says quarterlife crisis applies up to your mid-thirties (cope), so don't worry, we can still do walker races.
<Snipped quote by MrSkimobile>

Former friend and I used to RP through short post on YIM back in the day.

Forum RPINg was big back in the early 00s. And before IRC went the way of the dodo you could find 1000s of RP boards there...

Have I just Dated myself?

Just call yourself a veteran, that's how I try to keep the quarter life crisis at bay ;p
Brorin Foul

The darkness rung out to him, swallowed him, the world tumbling within his mind. No place to stand, only falling. And in the haze... those voices! Always those voices!

"Get away from him!" Wasn't the first time. Wouldn't be the last.
"Why do they keep doing this to me, father?" - "Keep faith, my son. This is a trial for them, too." So, he kept faith.
"Someone wake up that plague-ridden wretch." How often had he heard that one before?
"Wake up!" The dark voice said in his dreams. Yes, soon it would be time...

Suddenly the ringing in his ears was split by a roar just as deafening. A "Wake up, little man. No time to sleep." was belted into his face. But it wasn't as much the Ogre's screaming that brought him back. It was the smell. For a moment Brorin wondered what they fed this creature back at the Maw. He rubbed his head - mask still in place - as he scrambled up once more.

The return to reality was slow, but every bit as nightmarish as his dreams. It didn't take long for Brorin to find out what the stench actually was. By the time his senses returned to him there was little more left than... madness. The wind wafted with stinking ash. Bodies crushed. Bodies burnt. Bodies unfleshed. Red and black, blood and soot. And there was fire! In the far distance of his mind, he heard a bell toll, and for a moment, he couldn't tell if he was back at his Parish being clasped in chains, or... Ah. Right. Two days away from Sulfrey. And he had a purpose to fulfill now.

He took one last look at the carnage, then at his... companions. And then he started chanting, just barely. A hidden prayer sung under his breath. Brorin crossed his heart again. It wasn't much, but it was all he could offer for now. Some people live. Some people die. Some people are taken to the Maw. All deserve at least some decency on their way to that Great Night. Brorin looked down onto his hands, ash-stained once more. Don't they?

There seemed to be a lull in the fight. The reavers had fallen for the most part, and what part of them remained had scattered, but in the distance the horned knights of Sulfrey came galloping. Shuffling into cover behind the ice giant, Brorin waited and watched, his eyes set upon that all-too familiar distance.
What is this Discord? Is it like AIM? I can offer my AIM if needed.

do you reckon they used to play by post via carrier pidgeons back in the day?
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