PhazmunRace: Azure Dragonborn
Physical Description: Phazmun stands well over 8 feet tall, maw to tail. His sturdy build is accustomed to life on the sea, and is beset by scales that the centuries may have dulled, but swirling throughout one can still see the deep blue patterns of his people. His white slitted eyes may seem intimidating considering his tendency to barely blink, but usually he is just thinking about food, the stars, or the latest tune - it takes a lot to get under someone's skin when they've looked an angry seagod in the eye, after all.
General Backstory: Phazmun is a skilled but gruff navigator. His most valued possessions ever since he was a little hatchling were maps and journals and compasses, a result of a lifetime of travel. First with his merchant parents, then in various sailing crews, and now, captured by pirates. Throughout it all, his heart was aimed stoically at the greatest prize of his people: the Azure Heart. The Azure Dragonborn are a people from the sunken island of Drokkaris. Once a magical volcano-island that freely travelled the seven seas, Drokkaris was powered by a collossal magical flame known as the Azure Heart. It gifted its people long and healthy lives, and the power to forge magical artifacts that were renowned the world over. But it was also a beacon, attracting terrible forces from the abyss. One fateful night a massive leviathan creature attacked, a vengeful seagod that doomed Drokkaris to the deep dark locker, and the Azure Heart was extinguished. What few Dragonborn survived have built up a new life in the centuries since, roaming the oceans and isles and harbors as artisans, guards, merchants, labor hands, and,
occasionally, as pirates. A scattered and wistful people, but never aimless. For the whispers of their Azure Heart can yet be heard...
Special Abilities: Heightened strength, amphibious, navigation, sparkly mist breath attack, knowledge of recent history.
Personal Goal: Phazmun wants to uncover the
truth behind the Sinking of Drokkaris and the Azure Heart. He eagerly awaits the coming Remembrance Festival, held each century at the last remembered location of Drokkaris at sea.
Speech color:
7FFFD4Theme song:
Echoes (Sunken Treasures DLC) | Anno 1800 (OST) | Steffen Brinkmann, Orchestra: HSSO (Ubisoft Music, YouTube)