Avatar of MrSkimobile


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*where we're going we won't need eyes*
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Be the ride you want the amusement park to have


About me

Hi! MrSkimobile here. I've been RP'ing and occasionally GM'ing for close to a decade now.
I like RP's that are on the Casual+/Tabletop side, that are preferably original settings. No genre preferences.
This thread holds the full archive of my antics on this site.
Always feel free to contact me. See you around!


DELTΔ HYPER (Scifi F1 Slice of Life) - Kais Zenix, Supersoldier-turned-Racer


(currently not GMing any games)

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Fate: Accelerated (Play-By-Post) Edition

Most Recent Posts

I love the larger-than-life feel of JRPGs, but the endless grinding for levels often turns me off. So as long as it wouldn't be too grind-y, then consider me interested. :)
@Tortoise @apheline @Dragonfly 9 @Hawlin

This sounds so fun! I'd be interested in joining! Any ideas for what sorts of crew members these intrepid adventurers might needs on their journeys?

Not at all. That's all up to your (collective) creativity. In the end, it's all about creating a fun story together. So whether you are an escaped convict running from the law, or a wide-eyed incognito princess wanting to get in on the action: lightheartedness, drama, all are welcome, as long as it fits the theme/premise/setting in a plausible way, and you are excited to play. In fact, I'm thinking of opening it up so many players and characters can jump in and out of the story as needed or wanted, think like the Canterbury tales. The only thing I want to limit is magic: in this setting, I imagine magic/aether to be very much wild and a force of nature, about as developed as electricity was in the late 1800s, so you may play a ('realistically' limited) aether engineer, or enthusiast, sure, but a fireball slinging wizard? This is not the place for that.

I'll start up an actual RP thread + Discord in the weekend. Glad to see so many people are interested :)

Kais Zenix @ASZenix:
"The battle is on!"
[Video clip: Kais sits forward at the pre-race party, watching his opponent make their move]
#AlSaqrRacing #DeltaHyper #FormulaAG #LetsGO

Sounds like you have your approach down, Kais. We look forward to seeing you charging hard! How about the others on the grid? What have you got to say for the other racers you'll be going toe to toe with?

“Hmm.. There are quite a few of those, … Glance at the nametag. ”... Aurora... so let’s stick to the new ones, shall we; if I burn all bridges we’ll be talking all day and I have a busy schedule, not to mention jetlag.” Kais said as he started a count on his fingers.

“MadBea and Nora. Reckless, loud, and proud--sounds familiar. But being a loose cannon only works until someone out-guns you. They’ll learn that soon enough. Ulrich: solid defense, but you can’t be afraid to fight, eh. Also I don’t know how he does it, all that smiling. Hurts my face just to look at him sometimes. I’m scared for Paul Mulder, honestly--I’d rather see him dance with girls, than with death. And Han Hyeon-Ae? I’ve gotten more down the nose stares from her than from anyone, and we haven’t even raced each other yet. But we’ll see how she handles being taken out of her comfort zone.”

In the distance, Kais saw the team principal wince.

“So what I’m saying is I’m sure we’ll get along fine.”

Pre-Race Party

“You any good at social stuff?” Kais asked Nadia during a small break from signing their way through the night. These were possibly some of his most dreaded events, and he welcomed any emotional support animal he could get. And today, Nadia drew the shortest straw.

“If I was, my security clearance would’ve probably been in by now. Those background interviews were pure hell.” Nadia responded. “Shame. That impatient to get inside our brains, huh?” Kais quipped back. Nadia smiled. With a lot of antigrav ship interfacing being a direct connection between their neurons and the ship's AI, an important part of optimization was the development of ultra low-level electrical circuitry fine-tuned to not only the ship, but also to the driver, their mods, and even to the peculiarities of each individual track. There were some other avenues where neural control was important, but AG Racing was one of the most dynamic ones. Defense and space agencies did research in cooperation with constructors for exactly this reason. And with that came strict security clearances, even for their electrical engineering interns eager to get into their brains.

“Wouldn’t worry about it too much, Nadia, they’ll take just about anyone these days…” Layla said with a wink, then a quick glance towards Kais, testing the waters with how much she could get away with with him. But yes, their Anti-Arabic League supersoldier turned Arabic League AG racer was living proof of that, indeed. “Did he tell you about that time in the war he pulled someone’s arm off yet?” Nadia looked aghast. Kais shrugged.

Later that night, a short video clip of a group of fans intensely staring at Kais and another celeb playing a game of holo-chess would come to circulate the internet. They shook hands, and no arms were torn off.

Grid Photo

There they all were, dressed to the nines, with Layla and Kais wearing Al-Saqr’s signature racing suits. Just shy of skin-tight, with its weave of dark green, silver linings and joints, and a gold falcon in flight splayed across the chest and back, one might almost mistake them for old-school superheroes, if not for the flanking names of sponsors and collaborators and the scowl with which Kais wore it. Hidden in various folds across the suit were all the bio-amps and bioplasm-pumps, the various sensor, interface and power ports, and the entire length of the neck was hugged by a bulky silver safety and neural-connector collar onto which their custom-fitted gold helmet would be fastened. But possibly the most impressive feat of engineering was that it was almost comfortable. Shifting awkwardly sandwiched in between the others, hurled at them by one of their competitors, Kais heard a compliment.

“Smile Kais,” Layla elbowed him, “MadBea thinks you’re pretty!”

“I am smiling.”
@Dragonfly 9 @Tortoise That's great! Then I'll eagerly await your first character sheets. If you have any other players you'd like to join, feel free to forward this RP to them. :)

“Hmmm, it’s a fast one, Captain. Sloop, about 70 feet, and I think I see spells on the mast. I don’t think we’ll make it back to port in time with this one.” Phazmun said to his captain, a burly man with a moustache any sailor would be jealous of, curled up and down in an almost S-like shape. It was only most fitting for the captain of the Sea Serpent, as he himself said. “I wasn’t planning on it, Chief. We have no man-at-arms, there’s no way we’d fare well in a full-frontal attack. And even if we'd make it back to port, the harbor’s defenses haven’t been the best since the last time pirates got to her.”

“So what is your plan? Make a break for it, safety in numbers?” The captain shook his head. “No, we meet them headlong. We draw them away, give 'em the biggest challenge we can, and the others a chance to get away...”

Phazmun snickered. “Never saw you for a hero.”

“... then we give ourselves up for ransom.”


“No arguing, Chief Mate Phazmun. And look alive, we’ve got some pirates to outsmart!”

“Fine,” the Dragonborn grumbled as the captain ordered the alarm bells to be tolled in a pattern coding a message to the other boats. Turning to the rest of the crew, Phazmun started barking orders. “Crew! Offload our valuables to the rowboats and head for the other ships! Helm! Make sail and turn to starboard, hard! We’ll meet them headlong, and give the others a chance to escape!” He paused for a moment, and stroked the graying scales on the underside of his maw. “And shave some of the mahogany into tinder and stuff them with the rum! If the Serpent's gonna be captured, the least we can do is give them a fiery surprise…”

The captain smiled. “Now we’re talking.”
To any and all who still dwell here: I unfortunately have decided to pull the plug on the game.

Kais Zenix @ASZenix:
"I'm excited about the season and looking forward to work with Layla and show our fans and opponents what The Falcons can do.
#AlSaqrRacing #DeltaHyper #FormulaAG #LetsGO"

Hello Kais, welcome to Delta Hyper! how are you feeling about the season, and what's your thoughts on working with Layla?

Kais squinted his eyes when the spotlight shifted over to him. The lights were always too bright. You’d almost think they did it on purpose just to make him look even more annoyed than he already was with this whole circus. Every time“Hello…” he quickly glanced over at the holographic title-card next to his interviewer. “... Aurora.” He wondered if she even was a real person or if they just cranked up the happy-go-lucky AI settings since last time.

“The season is shaping up to be a damn interesting one. I’m happy to see some of my favorites back in the lineup. Wadi Rum, Istanbul, Dubai Sky, Mare Austral on Luna. Veeerrry challenging tracks, just as I like them. And with Luna, we have the home-field advantage. I swear, if I hear Layla brag one more time about how many times she’s already looped that thing I’m gonna…" Kais stopped his train of thought just in time. That was close. Come to think of it, what was he supposed to say again? Whatever…

"Layla and I, we're two different kinds of beasts. She’s a strong racer, I don't think anyone can deny that. Impossible not to be when you’ve got mods all the way up your [CENSORED - To view, turn off PG13 settings]. But the heart and soul of racing isn’t about how much of your body shines gold when you stand in the spotlight."

Kais paused to wait at Aurora's nodding animation to stop, a tiny hint of a smirk curling his lips. "Tech means nothing when you cap your energy management at just 100%, and let me tell you, I will fight at least twice as hard as that for every single millisecond. That’s how I'm going to win." He said as he glanced off-camera slightly. "And sure, some are gonna feel stepped on their toes about that, so be it. Reaction time in antigrav’s too short to take each others’ feelings into account. It's a battlefield, after all." He shrugged. It was as cut and clear as that.

Then he leant forward with a glint in his eye. His gaze locked tight with the camera. "Layla brings the shine. I bring the fire. And together, we're gonna make something very special happen. It’s gonna be one hell of a ride."

“Did you have to go so hard again, Kais? Omar's not gonna be too happy about it.” Layla said as the two met up off-stage. Somehow she managed to look elegant even with her feet propped up on the table, her striking gold bionic eyes following Kais as he walked by. “Oh, when is he ever?” Kais answered. “You reckon he’s gonna last longer than the last one? I don’t think I’ve ever seen him smile even once.” Layla laughed. “I know, right? Is that why the two of you get along so well?” “Very funny, Layla. Why don’t you tell me about the moon again?”

Group chat: Al-Saqr PR

Omar (Team Principal):
“Damnit Kais.”
“Is this how you treat all our interns? Making them clean up the messaging after your mess?”
“The audience loves a good show. Who am I to keep it from them?"
"Besides, gotta give Nadia something to do, how else is she gonna learn things?”

Omar (Team Principal):
“She’s studying *electrical engineering*, Kais.”
“Yeah, and my job’s driving in circles. Welcome to the real world, Nadia.”

Nadia (Intern):
“The vacancy didn’t say anything about this lol.”
“But will do my best.” (Kais 👍'ed this)

Omar (Manager):
“Thanks, Nadia. Let’s try to keep our messaging at least semi-professional.”
“Gotta admit though, Fire and Shine has a nice ring to it…”


Episode One: Finding their Feet

Team Radio: Al-Saqr Racing

“Kais, look out on the bay. Layla reported wind and water turbulence.”

“Then we better get through that part fast.”

“Wouldn’t advise it.”

“Tell her I’ll wait for her at the finish.”

(some time later)

“This thing steers like a drunk cow.”

“Told you to be careful.”

“What pos we in tomorrow?”

“You’re on P11. Layla's on 5.”

*tsk* Damn. Ah well. Nice run. Rematch tomorrow.”

“Rematch tomorrow.”

"You're stark barking mad, sir!" "Oh please, miss, I know you read The Aetherial just as well as I do. With the latest innovations in travel, it's entirely feasible. Airships, steam trains, the occasional skimobile, submarine and aether jumper. Why, it's practically a stroll through the park. If I didn't know any better I'd say you were trying to discourage me so you could take all the credit for yourself."

"And if I didn't know any better, I would say you were challenging me. And what, pray tell, would be the purpose of such a journey? Beyond the sheer thrill of it, of course." "To prove it can be done! To push the boundaries of human ingenuity and showcase the marvels of modern science. Imagine the headlines! Intrepid Duo Travels Around The World In 80 Days!"

"It is an absolutely ludicrous proposal, sir, and if I didn't know any better, I'd say you knew me too well." "Then we have an accord?"
"Indeed we have. Cheers, Mister Wellington. To 80 days of adventure, wonder, and discovery!" "To making history!"

"To trains that run on time!" "To meeting all manner of fascinating characters!"
"To impeccable fashion, even in the jungle!" "To never running out of tea!"
"To not encountering rogue automatons!" "To always remembering where we parked our airship!"

"To keeping our wits about us during whirlwind romances!" "Let's not get too ahead of ourselves, Miss Hawthorne..."
"Oh alright, then; to always finding our way home, no matter how far we go!"

Welcome to Around the World in 80 Days. This RPG is inspired by the video game 80 Days (which, in turn is inspired by the classic Jules Verne adventure novel from which I stole the title, cough), but with a twist, namely that it is set in an pseudo-Victorian-era Aetherpunk fantasy world, and that it will feature 2 teams competing to travel the globe... within 80 days, of course

This will be a very loosely GM-ed RPG. It will rely on the players' imagination to get themselves into interesting situations and make up just as much of the worldbuilding and story, especially as this will be very much a slice of life and character- and interactions-driven RPG. GMing will mostly be done through setting up a region travel guide-style (defining feel, culture, landmarks, interesting events, and transportation methods), and by loosely keeping track of each team's progress with a semi-random system that I won't bore you with (distance travelled, money, challenges, etc.). There will be a discord group in which to discuss about what fun and interesting things could happen. And yes, there will be a world map that will be updated as the journey progresses.

The code of conduct:
  • Standard board rules apply.
  • Don’t be a d*ck (but don't be too easily slighted either).
  • We will post at least once every 2 weeks.
  • Though roleplay may involve mature themes, there will be no explicit 18+ roleplay.
  • Anything else can be discussed and determined by the group in OOC.
  • The GM decides on matters that can’t be resolved by the group, and can always be consulted.
  • Keep real-life politics, religion, and drama 'off the table'.
  • Most importantly: Have fun!

If you are interested, let me know! See below for the Character Sheet template. Feel free to format and prettify it. I imagine the game to be more of a jump aboard kind of deal, in which characters can weave in and out of the story and be as short lived as you'd like, but do please post in OOC/PM for approval first. If you wish to play as Miss Hawthorne or Mister Wellington (the 'team leads', if you will), please contact me.

And, as always, feel free to give suggestions and ideas. :)

On a ship not too far away, there stood a grayish-blue Dragonborn on watch with his looking glass, billowing a puff of smoke from the pipe leisurely hanging from his mouth. Around Phazmun was the usual bustle of their ship’s operation - deck being cleaned and tarred after their loading at port, some were eating some of the fresh apples, can’t let those go to waste, and then there were those few brave but unlucky new souls turning their stomachs inside out at the edge of the ship in between curses and pleas to whatever deity they fancied most at the moment.

The morning had a favorable breeze in store for them, and they had set off well on schedule to the next port of trade. And a good trade it would be - cacao and tobacco, mahogany and pelts, salted pork, and peas and plums in excess, even some silver. And of course the rum, can't forget the rum. Yes, they’d get more than enough profits from it that he’d be able to send some back to his family. That'd be a good day.

And there, in the distance, coming out of the morning dew, he saw a flag. It was one he knew well from all his time at sea. The black flag never bode anything but misfortune, and this one would bode even less judging by the ship's mangled figurehead. He bared his teeth as a grimace came over his face. "Captain! Two points off the starboard bow, in the fogbank, pirates!"

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