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~ Town Borders ~

Einer was pleasantly surprised that Ruecian Valeniquen was going with them. Apparently, the client wished for someone who fought in that one dangerous quest with the malfested. The bard was not surprised, the fighters and the hitters were always the ones getting all the attention and all the glory.

The three magi met with their client at the town's borders, where they were greeted by a carriage noble in design and adorned with crests. No horses were near the wagon, which meant that the carriage was driven with magic. Einer raised an eyebrow, impressed. Even in Flugell, only the top of the tops drove around with their horseless carriages. It appeared this Molnar person was someone pretty high up.

There were two people by the carriage, one was an elderly butler in his tux and the other, Einer guessed, was the client herself. She introduced herself as Imre Dorothea Molnar. Her beauty was simple, unblemished fair skin, brown of hair and eyes. Definitely a girl that Lanus would... gladly greet. Her attire was simple for nobility too, a pink top and a long, black skirt. She didn't even seem to have any jewelry on her. her butler was also named as Nathaniel.

”Referring to what you said earlier, I believe the Triad Witch, Rozemyne Levina, was with you during that mission. I…thought that she would be joining you. Um…not to be rude, but, who are you two exactly? You appear to be a magus as well, one that perhaps uses magical music notes? Tell me, what are your names? Please forgive me if I sounded rude earlier.”
Imre Dorothea Molnar

Oh, her eyes pierced Einer's heart like pins upon their cushion. Her judgmental gaze told the musician everything he needed to know about what she thought of him. He was not Ruecian nor was he Shavis, who was this lost boy amongst these avatars of combat? Was he even worth learning about?

"There's nothing to forgive, milady. I understand that my compatriots are... worthier than I am. Indeed, I have yet to measure up to them." Einer responded, professionally concealing his sorrow. "I am Einer Devaron, a son of House Devaron of Flugell. A pleasure to meet you." The bard formally bowed. "Yes, the music I play is magical. It soothes souls and wounds, lifts curses and banishes Miasma even. Unfortunately, 'tis magic that is non-offensive. I have to lean on others if I am to be effective." One could not miss the tinge of hatred in his tone for the last sentence.

"My music also makes trips less dull. Perfect for this situation, don't you think?"
Update out!

Sorry for the late update. The scenes became larger than I thought. Because of the lateness, next update will occur next weekend.
"...But now the tide has changed with your attack. Give us arms and let us eradicate these monsters before they become a really big problem."

"Fully agreed, Sir Telmar. It's just that... I sense the taint of the monsters on you."

"Me and the prisoners have spent days here, so I admit that we may have a stain of Demon Energy on us. But rest assured, we are not changed and this miniscule energy will dissipate in time."

"Very good points, I must say. Alas, I am under strict orders not to tolerate even a drop of Demon Energy. You know what it can do, Sir Telmar. Nothing personal..."

"Wait--! Gyaaaaarrrrrhhh!"

Terauchi Temple


“They’re freeing the prisoners! Mages too!”

After putting out the fires and protecting the buildings from any further flames with some summoned mists, Io would hear these words from Skarsneek as the male Goblin passed by.

He went to join Gringor in fighting the mad Losia while the other taskforce members and their Shizuyaman allies were still battling the Varjan attackers. However, Io noticed that the Varjans were beginning to be repelled, albeit with tremendous cost to the defenders. But according to Skarsneek, this was not the whole force, a detachment was behind the lines.

Skarsneek appeared to be helping Gringor to finish that fight so they could focus on the hidden Varjan detachment. However, Losia seemed far from being defeated yet. Should Io help them out? Or should she go confront the detachment before they do any more damage?

~ @Restalaan (GRI & SKA) ~

Gringor managed to tear away Losia's corpse-decorated shield from her but the World Hound narrowly sidestepped the High Orc's shoulder. She was about to retaliate with a sword strike when Skarsneek, with a surprise attack, hit her square in the knees with the male Goblin's staff.

But despite the successful maneuver, Losia was only hurt and was still far from falling down. "RRAAAAAAAUUGGGHHH!" She responded by grabbing hold of Skarsneek and hurling him at Gringor. The throw was powerful, but not enough to make the High Orc stumble back. But then Losia dropkicked the two male monsters to the ground.

Losia leapt to the air to bring down her sword on the two monsters.


~ @The Irish Tree (EUL) ~

After felling her two attackers, Eula grabbed hold of the Varjan Brigand's sword to use as a weapon but non-lethally.

She joined Takeshi in fighting off more of the Varjans but while Eula did not kill her opponents, the young lord showed absolute no mercy to the invaders of his island. Eula bore witness to Takeshi's mastery of his sword and of combat. She saw him parry one attack after another, evading spear thrusts by the thinnest margin and retaliating with one well-placed thrust of his blade. The way Takeshi fought seemed inhuman, but Eula noticed that he seemed to have a bit of trouble if he fought more than two enemies.

After finishing off his last enemy, some of the Varjans saw that their attack was being repulsed and decided not to fight another day. "Well fought, ma'am. Clumsy, but I can show you a few techniques to make you really amazing. Haha!" Takeshi patted Eula on the back, the two of them safe for now after clearing their area of hostiles.

There were still Varjans fighting, but their momentum was quickly turning. "No... that can't be it. I haven't even seen their leader yet." Takeshi remarked to Eula. "...There must be more. We need to check."

"You help the others finish off these Varjans, while I head back and see if everything's alright." Takeshi suggested to the Automaton. "Or, do you wanna switch places?"


"This is your only warning.... Get off the catapults and withdraw.....or else some of you won't be getting up....Period."
Kerry Maros

The Varjan Footmen smiled at Kerry ominously. "We wanna see you try, bug!" They taunted the Hornet.

Should Kerry summon her wind magic to show these fools who they were messing with, she would find her calls go unanswered. Try as she might, she could no longer command the winds nor cast any sort of magic. Kerry realized something was suppressing the magic, at least hers. And that was when she noticed the obelisk again, what else could it be? The catapults' protection just in case someone like Kerry showed up.

Destroying the obelisk would be the key. But it might not be easy, a whole group of eight Footmen with swords, spears and heater shields charged at Kerry. She could still feel her wings to fly, though. Whether to escape or use it as an advantage, it would be up to her.


“You picked the wrong time to challenge me…..I have little time for playing games little pups.....”
Yuki Akamata

The beasts after Yuki made audible whimpers when they were struck down by the Oni's lightning and sharp claws. They crashed into the ground, and made no moves to get up. They were finished. Meanwhile, Lunatea seem to be holding off her Wardog attackers pretty well with her wind magic so Yuki need not worry about her.

Some of the Wardogs were still harassing some fleeing refugees but before Yuki could go after them, a whole pack of the rabid canines blocked her way. Sauntering into view behind the snarling and growling Wardogs, a Varjan Warrior with animal pelts over his armor and armed with a large knife and a long whip laughed at Yuki. "Where do you think you're going, little monster? My little pups have yet to taste the flesh of monsters! Kill her!"

The Wardog pack all lunged at Yuki, but they were suddenly blasted away by a powerful bolt of lightning. From behind the Oni, a spellcaster with dark red armor similar to a Varjan Warlock's arrived. His head was bare and his face clean-shaven while his eyes glowed light blue with magic. His gauntlets crackled with lightning as he joined Yuki in the fight against the Varjans.

"That's the old armor of the Scarce Legion." The Wardog handler remarked. "A legionnaire fighting alongside monsters? You bring shame to your legion brothers here!"

"I may be of the Scarce Legion..." The newcomer caster replied. "...but I am no longer their brother!" He raised his arms to shoot more thunder at the Varjan handler's position, scattering him and his hounds. He shot more bolts at the evading Wardogs, displaying his arcane might.

Suddenly, Yuki found herself choking. A whip had circled on her neck, courtesy of the Varjan handler. He was trying to pull the Oni down for a stab from his knife.

Varjan Ship


(Currently in collab)
Update out!


I should've pointed this out but let's assume Nyla has Takeshi's sword. Now, whether she gives it to him or gives him one made from herself will be up to you. ^_^
"That was a good spar, my son. But before we eat, I have one last question...
For generations, our clan has lived by a code. Tell me the virtues that guide us."

"L-Loyalty to our lord, control over our emotions and...
Honor, to fight bravely and uphold the legacy of Clan Oja."

"Those are the words in inscriptions and banners. What does 'honor' mean to you?"

"I guess... protecting people. The ones who can't fight for themselves."

"You have a good heart. But first, we must show everyone that we serve our island with courage, integrity and self-control.
I know it's not easy, Takeshi. It's never easy, but we must set an example for our people. By remaining true to our code... and to ourselves.

"That, is the meaning of honor."

Janus' Campsite

~ @Vox Angelis, @Xaltwind (COCO & GWN) ~

Janus bowed his head at Nyla before she left. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Nyla. And I'm sure Lady Kyouko will be elated that her most faithful servant has saved Lord Oja."

"So, tell me Jan-Jan. How'd it go on the beach? Didja find some of those Owa-people and bring'em back? We did what we could in the town, your brother stayed behind to look for that Fire-Princess though, so I can't fill you in on anything about him. Sorry, hun'."
Coco Hapaptet

"I see." Janus replied, having a bad feeling for the others' fates. "You and the Baphomet have done well. I'm sure those you saved will remember you."

"But indeed, we have found the son of Lord Hideo Oja. The heir to this island. Thank the gods that we found him alive and is under the care of Miss Nyla. Although, I do hope the maid tries nothing strange..." He continued. "Anyway, to have him safe with us will be very instrumental in Lady Kyouko's plans. We must let her know immediately."

"Not that I question boss-lady's plans, but what good is the heir of the clan if the whole island falls to the Varjans? Prospect don't look too good, seein' how the defenses fell on the beach."
Stella Maria Esperanza

"A good question, Dragon." Janus responded. "As you know, the island of Shizuyama is unfriendly to monsters such as yourselves. However, for reasons unknown even to me, Lady Kyouko seeks to aid the island as much as she possibly could. I'm not sure if you've seen it but our Ryu employer has been amassing a force to take on the Varjan armada and save the island."

"However, that is only possible if the people of Shizuyama accept her help. Should Lady Kyouko attack recklessly, she fears that her daring rescue could be seen as an invasion too and drive the island's people to Varjo's embrace." Janus continued. "Lady Kyouko wishes for someone native to vouch for us. And who could be better than the future Island Lord?"

"So what's the plan now, cap'n? I'm not against fightin' off the invasion, if that's what we're here for, but I reckon we'll need to play our cards right for this."
Stella Maria Esperanza

"We will head first to Terauchi Temple in the Onrai region. The temple is the base of operations for Lady Kyouko's human spies in the island, me included. We also have the necessary items there to contact Lady Kyouko." Janus finished. "And we can also rest there. I'm sure everyone needs one after what just happened."

"But before we leave, let me look for Sidonus and the girl in red. I do not believe she's a Succubus as Sidonus claims..." Janus said. "I will focus my mind to sense their energy signatures in the village. I will need to be alone in the woods, and you all can take a moment to catch your breaths."

Takeshi was roused awake by a... ticklish feeling? A feeling he had not experienced for a long time. His instincts as a warrior forced him awake, his eyes flickering open to behold what exactly was tickling him.

He saw first the clearly inhuman, but also inhumanely beautiful, visage of Nyla. For a moment, Takeshi was entranced by the Shoggoth's eyes, subconsciously remembering his near-death in the beach, but his reason fully returned and he realized that he was lying upon a dangerous, eldritch Shoggoth's lap! And the tickling feelings were from her tentacles exploring his body!

Takeshi quickly stumbled up to get away from Nyla and her tentacles, wiping away the slime from his body if there were any. His eyes were wide and alert, but he said nothing to his savior. His thoughts were a mess with all sorts of questions. But now was not the time to be indecisive, a Shoggoth was before him! Right now, all he had was his broken armor and no sword. Even if he had his sword, to challenge a Shoggoth without much preparation was tantamount to surrender.

No, he had to flee. So flee, Takeshi did, exiting the tent...

~ @Vox Angelis, @AzureKnight (KIR & LAV), @Rune_Alchemist, @Xaltwind (COCO & GWN) ~

Several moments after Janus left for a secluded area in the adjacent forest, a young man stumbled out of the tent Nyla went in with the rescued Lord Oja. Since the young man was clearly not Nyla, the choices were narrowed down.

Takeshi stopped in his tracks upon seeing a woman with long, sea-blue hair, black trousers and a top that was open to show off just enough skin to clearly tease or seduce males. Bur her most notable features were her sea-blue horns, reptilian ears and hands, the latter of which were webbed. Clearly some sort of Dragon, Takeshi guessed. The reptilian yokai was loading gunpowder into her weapons.

And nearby, a half-naked and well-endowed woman with dark hair and the tail and ears of a cat was embracing and patting the head of an also half-naked and also well-endowed girl with white hair and the horns of a goat. Some sort of cat yokai and a Baphomet, Takeshi figured. Although, he was sure Baphomets do not... sport anything in their chest area.

The young lord realized he was in a camp of yokai, unarmed and practically defenseless, and he even sensed that there were more of them that he has not seen yet, the presences of Kirei and Lavinia. And the ones before him were not just any yokai, these races were powerful whose threat rivaled that of the Shoggoth back in the tent. What happened that he was captured by yokai? How did they even get to the island? And if he was captured, why was he not bound or caged?

He knew he had to escape. Escape to where, when the island is lost? That didn't matter right now. Grabbing a pretty large stick from the ground, the young lord pointed the barely-a-weapon at the yokai. "Stay back! I'm warning you!" He yelled at Stella, Coco and Gwen.
@Vox Angelis
You threw me so off with your name change. XD

I thought someone was posting in the IC without applying! lol
Profile visitors disappeared! Time to re-stalk all my players!

Oh, I forgot to add:

@Xaltwind @AzureKnight

If your characters aren't staying in Sanjo Town and retreating to the camp, you can post them arriving at the campsite.
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