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Awright, accepted. Now, I was going to have you wait until Nyla and co. arrives at Terauchi Temple but I have a scene in mind so I'll write you in on the next update.
Terauchi Temple


With the summoned mist following her, Io reached the part of the temple where the Varjan prisoners were kept. She was greeted by a sight she probably did not expect.

A pile of bodies on fire, the corpses burned black to be unrecognizable. Refugees slaughtered mercilessly by the Varjans... but there were no groups of hiding villagers near here. There was a small group of three Varjans watching the flames before noticing Io's arrival. Two of them wore the elite armors of the Varjan Elite and armed with halberds, while the last one wore blue armor with robes over it and held a staff with a golden beetle at the top end. His fancy helmet signifying him of importance, the Varjan Warlock leading this assault.

Unlike what Skarsneek said, this group of flanking Varjans didn't have the prisoners with them. Could it be... that the pile of burning bodies were the prisoners instead? "And what have we here? A lost, little Lich?" The Warlock remarked as he sized up Io. "Your magics may be formidable, but you will find mine to be more so. Kill her!"

The two Varjan Elites charged Io with their halberds, but two kunai flew from behind the Lich and hit the Varjans and stopped them in their tracks. Takeshi Oja then ran past Io to do battle with the Varjan Elites, but his appearance caught the Warlock's attention. "Takeshi Oja...? I will have his head!" The Warlock then channeled magic from his staff toward his gauntlet. Intending to blast Takeshi Oja with magic while the young lord was busy with the Elites.


~ @Restalaan (GRI & SKA) ~

Losia's diving attack was stopped with Skarsneek's club to the knee, throwing her momentum off. Then, Gringor recovered quick enough to deliver a swing from his axe to the interrupted World Hound.

The axe swing sent Losia flying towards a burning pagoda, crashing through a pillar. She tried to get up, but that section of the pagoda was badly-burnt and the support beams have been weakened. Losia's crash was the last straw and that section of the building collapsed on the World Hound. The amount of debris that landed on her was enough to completely bury her. Moments passed and there was no movement from the rubble, Losia was done for.

The battle was winding down, but was still raging somewhat. Skarsneek still knew that there was a Varjan detachment which Io left to handle. Meanwhile, catapult fire was still coming and hitting the magic barrier despite Kerry leaving to take care of it. Could something have happened to the Hornet?


~ @The Irish Tree (EUL) ~

Trying her best to defend and keep the dwindling warriors of Shizuyama alive, Eula continued to fight nonlethally but also take blows meant for her human allies.

But one blow was a little too much for Eula, an upward swing from a two-handed mace sent her to the ground. The Varjan Warrior was about to swing downward, but was slashed in the back by a white-haired warrior in white and red clothes. "You know, you confuse me, yokai." Kazenosuke remarked to the Automaton on the ground. "You know we hate you, yet you come here trying to keep us all alive. Is that how you won Takeshi over? I gotta say, it's pretty effective."

"Although, Takeshi's a softie so stuff like that will work on him. Not sure about the others, though." Kazenosuke gestured to a fighting Kikyo, who continued to dispatch her foes with lightning-like speed. "So why do you do it? You can spill to me. I won't tell anyone, I promise."


The Footmen were left dumbfounded when Kerry engaged them by flying and using their heads to hop towards the magic-nullifying obelisk. "Don't let her destroy the suppression device!"

Kerry reached the obelisk without trouble but when she swung Dusk at it, the obelisk's stone was chipped significantly but remained standing. It was sturdier than it looked and the Footmen arrived to drive off the Hornet. Kerry will need several hits at the obelisk to break it, and the catapults continued to launch burning boulders at Terauchi Temple.

Indeed, the catapult crew used some emplaced fire pits near the artillery pieces to set their catapult ammunition on fire. So perhaps, Kerry did not need her wind magic to stop the catapults. Just some clever thinking and maneuvers. Of course, it was ultimately her choice.


Lunatea managed to cut off the Varjan handler's whip, freeing Yuki who managed to stay on her feet. The handler then tried to charge Yuki with his knife, but a bolt of lightning from the allied spellcaster blasted him away. He then tried to get up, but his weakened state allowed the spellcaster to lift him up to the air and hurl him at the trees outside Terauchi Temple.

"Now, only the mutts remain..." The spellcaster remarked as he, Yuki and Lunatea faced the last of the Varjan Wardogs, whom gathered together to avenge their handler, ignoring and dropping everything else. They bared their teeth and growled, circling the trio and looking for an opening to strike.

Then they struck, several came at once. The spellcaster shot out his lightning bolts while three Wardogs attacked Lunatea and another three at Yuki. The hounds went for the legs, trying to immobilize the two monsters so they were more easily overwhelmed.

But as mentioned, these were the last Wardogs. Yuki and Lunatea can end this fight, here and now!

Varjan Ship


(Currently in collab)
Janus' Campsite

~ @AzureKnight (KIR & LAV), @Rune_Alchemist ~

"Ah, I miss her dearly."

Nyla's ramble was, surprisingly, useful to Takeshi. The young lord learned that this motley crew, or at least this Shoggoth, served a Ryu yokai named Lady Kyouko. Takeshi could care less what the Ryu looked like, more interested in her motivations. If he had to guess, this Lady Kyouko simply wanted to rescue this yokai-unfriendly island to make it friendly.

Takeshi would be among the first to object to this offer of "aid". But if they didn't, their island would fall to the ruthless Varjans...

"Ahem, apologize Sir Oja. I get...carried away sometimes. Back to your earlier question, however, no I did nothing to your blade..."

Takeshi was still suspicious, but slung the sword to his hip, deciding to trust Nyla. At least, for now.

"Ah, Lord Oja. You are awake." Janus returned, shortly after Vară's arrival. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel fine, but... you wear the armor of Varjans." Takeshi pointed out.

"Indeed, I do. But I assure you, milord, I am more an enemy to them than you are." The spellcaster replied before bowing his head. "Janus, at your service."

Takeshi raised an eyebrow at the declaration. "If you say so, Sir Janus. I assume you're part of this yokai group in the service of this Lady Kyouko as well?"

"Very correct, milord." Janus answered. "And now that you're up, we shouldn't waste any more time. We must make haste to Terauchi Temple. As the base of operations for Lady Kyouko's human spies in Shizuyama, there will be tools to contact her there."

"So the temple was a front for spies this entire time?"


As the taskforce tore down Janus' campsite, Takeshi joined Nyla in taking down one of the tents. For reasons more than just helping.

"Hey, uhh, Madam Nyla, right?" Takeshi approached the Shoggoth and began to help. "I... do believe you were the one who rescued me from the beach. I..." His face began to flush as the two continued to work, struggling to put his thoughts into words. He never thought he would consider so much talking to a yokai, but she did save his life. "I guess... I just wanted to say, thank you. And if... if you need anything, I can... Ugh, why is this so difficult...?"

He then released a deep sigh. "I just want you to know that, despite what could happen in the future, I'll always remember what you did. That you saved me." After an awkward and silent moment, Takeshi cleared his throat. "So, thanks... again."
It's not everyday we get to see high fantasy zombie apocalypse!
Update out!

Takeshi: "Y'all got some 'splaining to do!"
A Forest In Saikoten

~ @AzureKnight (VRA) ~

Vară managed to escape from the village, leaving Sidonus to his bleak fate. When she entered the forest adjacent to the campsite, she encountered a kneeling Janus whose eyes were closed. Not for long, though, as he immediately noticed Vară's presence. "Ah, Miss Vară. I'm glad you made it out unscathed like the others, but where is Sidonus?"

”Sidonus, he…he stayed behind back at the village. He was fighting…some weird masked man. I-I tried to help him, but all I could do was run away. I…don’t know if he made it or not… Forgive me.”
Vară Riemsianne

Janus was shocked. He closed his eyes again for several moments, sensing for Sidonus' energies, before releasing a deep sigh. "...Your duty ends, Colossonaire." He remarked quietly to the fallen warrior. "The rest of the taskforce are at the campsite. Join them for now and get some rest. I need to be alone for a few moments..."

The spellcaster said nothing more, taking the time to mourn the fallen Sidonus.

Janus' Campsite

~ @Vox Angelis, @AzureKnight (KIR & LAV), @Rune_Alchemist, @Xaltwind (COCO & GWN) ~

"We're not gonna hurt you. After all, our friends here did just save you from that beach you so valiantly tried to defend."
Coco Hapaptet

"Fear not, young lord! I assure you, you're safe as one could be, and your chastity has not been soiled!"

Takeshi was instantly suspicious when the Baphomet claimed he was not soiled. The Shoggoth had her tentacles all over him when he woke up. The young lord patted his body to make sure and found that his underwear was intact and he... felt well and good, but not that kind of 'good'. Perhaps the yokai told the truth... at least, this time.

When Nyla emerged from the tent, Takeshi turned his stick towards her.

"...As a show of good faith I will return this to you."

The Shoggoth offered, more or less, the same words as the other yokai. But for some reason, Takeshi was inclined to believe her. At least, more than the other yokai. His memory faintly remembered those black and luminescent eyes back at the beach. The Shoggoth then presented him his sword, the blade gifted to him at his coming-of-age. It was forged specifically for the young lord, and he has practiced with it ever since.

Still, Takeshi approached warily, trying to take a good look at the sword to make sure it was true and not a trap. Unfortunately, he did not have the skills required to spot that the blade was but a false construct from the Shoggoth's being.

”I agree with Ms. Nyla, some men don’t like aggressive women you know~ Worry not, Lord Oja, indeed we come in peace. We mean to assist you in driving back these invaders, if you’ll have us.”
Lavinia Isabella

”My name is Kannazuki Kirei, a warrior requested by a benefactor to Shizuyama to lead this force and assist the natives in the defense against the attacking Varjan brutes.”
Kirei Kannazuki

The human man named Kirei placed a hand on Takeshi's stick "weapon" and lowered it with the latter offering no resistance. He was still suspicious of the group, but he was sure they were not here to hurt him. They even claimed otherwise, they were here to help against the invasion. Why would some yokai would want to help Shizuyama? Takeshi could guess a few good reasons.

The young lord took Nyla's sword and unsheathed it from the scabbard. It seemed to be his sword, free from any alterations. It did seem pretty clean, though, considering the battle on the beach. But perhaps, the yokai cleaned it for him.

”Lord Oja. That sword is quite strong, but I would ask that you take care if you indeed decide to use it. It…may not be what you’re used to.”
Kirei Kannazuki

Takeshi raised an eyebrow at the remark, and looked directly at Nyla's eyes. This time, with not a hint of affection. "...Did you do something to my sword?"

Getting another glance at the entire taskforce, Takeshi slowly realized something. "...You're no ragtag group of monsters looking for adventure or whatnot. You're actually an organized force." He deduced correctly. "Who exactly are you? Who is this benefactor? We have no allies who would use yokai. At least, not anymore..." Noticing that Kirei was the only male present, he added. "And are you all his wives?"
I guess even with restraint, they were still coming onto Takeshi strongly. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Tak is still technically anti-monster, after all. XD

I didn't think shog would actually do it. XD
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