Terauchi Temple
~ @Hammerman, @Nakushita ~
“Maybe if you did a better job defending the line, then the enemy would have never been able to infiltrate it in the first place, you are lucky Lunatea was back here as well, it cuts two ways you know…”
“She’s right, Someone had to stay here to guard these people from any stray enemies that you failed to exterminate. And it wasn’t easy. I had to exert myself quite gravely in order to handle all those dogs. I'll be stuck with terrible cramps for the next few days.
Takamori and Sorae were about to retort even more fiercely if it weren't for Ayu stepping in between the two groups, deciding to do something before the situation escalates. "R-Regardless, the Varjans have been beaten back and most of the refugees have been protected. That's all that matters, right?" She raised her hands to divert as much attention to her as she could.
"Oh, look! Lord Takeshi seem to be planning something with the others! Why don't we go join them?" Ayu shifted the topic to something more important than this feud, leading the group towards Takeshi and the others. Sorae and Takamori gave a look at the yokai, but ultimately said nothing and followed Ayu.
With one mighty swing, Gringor broke the obelisk. The splitting the body from the base, its glowing runes losing its light. Kerry felt magic slowly wash over her, indicating it was returning and she could cast spells again.
As she fought the Elite, Shizuka arrived to make short work of the remaining Varjans. It was fortunate that the obelisk was already broken when he arrived, or else he would have been in quite a surprise. Perhaps Kerry should break the news to everyone that the Varjans possessed such devices in their arsenal.
But after getting a short beatdown from Alice, it appeared Kerry has other things to worry about.
Regardless, Shizuka's attacks would be the last swings of this battle. The Varjan assault had been repelled and Terauchi Temple stood victorious, albeit heavily-damaged.
~ @Crowvette, @Restalaan (SKA & GRI), @AzureKnight (SHI, HIN & ATS), @The Irish Tree (LIL), @Rezod92, @Hammerman, @Nakushita ~
"Is everyone alright? I pray there weren't any casualties among the refugees. How did this happen, the Varjans shouldn't have known about this place!"
"Indeed, how did those barbarians find out about this place? It seems highly unlikely…"
"On the contrary, Sir Shizuka and Madam Atsuha, this place isn't exactly hidden. No invisibility spells or anything like that. I'm guessing that once word got out that Terauchi Temple was a safe haven for refugees fleeing from the invasion, the Varjans immediately caught wind of it. This attack was, I suppose, inevitable." Ayu spoke up as she approached along with Yuki and Lunatea as well as Sorae and Takamori with Nobutada and Kageho close behind. "I guess they only needed a bit of time to prepare the assault."
Most of the taskforce had assembled along with the warriors that Takeshi had asked the former to gather. The battle for the temple was over, with the villagers and refugees emerging to clean up bodies and the debris.
“We’ll need to move the villagers. They know our position, and can keep the pressure on us now. There’s the fishing village we cleared, but that’s a temporary one. You don’t happen to know another hiding place? Like some hidden cave, harbor or mountains?”
"No." Takeshi bluntly declared. "There's too many refugees here to move into something smaller. Not only that, moving them will expend resources and time and put them in even higher risk." He explained. "We can only fortify this position... but we are in dire need for reinforcements." Takeshi then glanced at the line of Shizuyaman warriors who fell in the battle.
"If I may, Lord Takeshi..." Ayu spoke up. "Me and other taskforce members have been discussing earlier about an attack on Komatsu Bay. We understand that the place is a fortress taken over by the Varjans, but a sneak attack from the inside can catch the Varjan occupiers unaware." The head spy explained. "Lady Kyouko has a mighty fleet that can punch through the Varjan blockade. She only needs a port to dock her ships and Komatsu Bay can be that port. Once we liberate the fortress, Lady Kyouko can send us as many reinforcements and supplies as we want."
"Invite more yokai to our island?! I will not allow it!" Kikyo protested before approaching Takeshi. "Lord Takeshi, I have recently learned that a whole regiment of our warriors are imprisoned in a Varjan outpost not far from here. They can be our needed reinforcements. We have no need to rely on the yokai." Kikyo was close to begging her lord.
However, Takeshi thought for a moment. His eyes were closed and his gaze downwards. "Why not... why not both? Why choose one over the other? We desperately need supplies to defend and support the refugees, and the rescued warriors can help keep an eye on the yokai. Make sure they don't do anything... suspicious." The young lord decided, a confident smile on his face as if he had made a brilliant move. "We and the taskforce are strong enough that we can split up to do both tasks. Or barring that, we're strong enough that we can do both tasks in a short period of time. Short enough that the Varjans won't have time to prepare another attack."
The young lord looked to Kikyo's reaction, hoping he said the right words. Unfortunately, he only found a frowning face and narrowed eyes, making his confident smile disappear. "Sounds like a plan to me." Sorae remarked. "But some of us will need to stay here to ward off any more attackers. While a full assault isn't likely to happen anytime soon, small bands of raiders might think this is a prime opportunity."
"Fully agreed. I can be part of the home guard since I have... personal businesses to attend to too." Takamori said.
Breaking eye contact from Kikyo, Takeshi turned to Ayu. "How do you plan on sneaking into Komatsu Bay?"
"Long story short, I know a guy who can infiltrate the Varjan garrison there." Ayu answered. "I can explain the details later, milord."
Then, Takeshi turned to the taskforce. "Well, what do you guys think?"