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Otomo Port

"You sure you need someone like me in your posse? A thief is kinda out of their element on a battlefield."
Zeka Willows

"On the contrary, I think thieves are invaluable in the battlefield." Lady Kyouko offered a counter opinion. "Swinging weapons and slinging spells are only half the battle, you know?"

"But I digress. My scouts have told me that while the Varjan armada are moving to surround the island, I haven't received any reports of an outright invasion or battle. At least, not yet." The Ryu continued. "Regardless, missions undertaken by the taskforce should be more covert in nature rather than direct fighting." She stated with confidence. Unfortunately, none of the people present right now knew the true situation in the island.

"Of course, you are free to decline if you are feeling apprehensive about all this." Lady Kyouko said. "Worry not, nothing will be held against you by doing so."

"I'm...Matsuri Okitsu, Ma'am. A little while ago, my Papa- I-I mean my father came to you about a sickness I had. I'm all better now and I wanted to ask a favor of you. Please, let me go to Shizuyama too! My father was born there, a-and I don't want to think about it being conquered by anyone,"
Matsuri Okitsu

"Oh my, a descendant of a Shizuyaman native." Lady Kyouko was genuinely surprised at Matsuri's words. "Hmm, I do recall someone coming to me for aid for their daughter but I was unable to help. Please forgive me, but I am glad that you gotten better." She bowed her head at the young Inari for a moment.

"But now that you have introduced yourself, I am now hesitant to actually send you to Shizuyama." Lady Kyouko frowned. "Your father has found a solution for your mortal sickness, so I doubt he'd want you in a potentially dangerous situation so soon. A sentiment I sympathize with. Where is your father anyway?"

Shizuyama Wilderness


"Lord Oja. As Lady Kyouko requested me to ensure your saftey...I will be tagging along."

”Make that three. I would much like to continue discussing the situation of the island with the young lord, captain-ly duties and all that. Plus, I feel that he'd benefit greatly having my blade at his side.”
Kirei Kannazuki

Takeshi nodded. "Very well. Let us be off immediately." Despite his words, the young lord still felt troubled about his decision. He realized he was probably too rash about it, and it would definitely be something his father and his colleagues would disapprove of. Thinking about his father, Takeshi remembered last seeing him surrounded by Varjans. He was probably dead, wasn't he?

Takeshi closed his eyes to bottle up the emotions. He can mourn later, Shizuyama still needed saving.


The trio trekked out of Terauchi Temple with Takeshi leading the group. They passed through the dirt roads of Onrai without incident, allowing them to take in the rural landscape of this fertile region. The Varjans probably have not reached this far yet, but it would only be a matter of time.

Takeshi was still quietly contemplating about deciding to request aid from the yokai taskforce. Was that really the right decision? If he didn't, then his home island was doomed. But perhaps, that was better than this...?

"So, Sir Kirei." Takeshi started to distract himself. "You said you wanted to know more about Shizuyama's situation. What do you want to know in particular?" The young lord asked the taskforce's sole human. "What about you, Miss Nyla? Curious about anything regarding your charge?" He also asked the Shoggoth.

Kazenosuke's House


~ @AzureKnight (VRA), @The Irish Tree (VIV) ~

Varã and Vivian followed the river per Takeshi's directions and soon found a humble peasant house nested in a depression in the forested land right beside the flowing river. The house was pretty unremarkable, but there were some simple fishing equipment laying about near the river. Although, what would catch the two taskforce members' eyes immediately was the group of men in front of the house.

A group of three Varjans, two were the typical Varjan Warrior kind while the third was unique... and familiar. He was the Varjan that Varã fought in Sanjo Beach. The one who killed Sidonus. Of course, this Varjan was unfamiliar to Vivian. But his apparel of an iron mask and armor of overlapping plates made him stand out as someone important.

There was a fourth individual standing in front of the masked Varjan. He was a young adult with silver hair wearing simple, but unique, clothes of white and red. This was probably Kazenosuke.


"Come now, there are already Shizuyamans joining us. Our peoples need not be enemies." The Varjan said. "We have confirmed reports that yokai have already reached and infiltrated the island. We should be together against them rather than each other, should we not?" After a few moments of silence, the Varjan continued. "Or maybe, you care little for those traditions. Perhaps, you covet Lord--"

"Leave. Please." Kazenosuke bluntly stated.

The Varjan snickered at the response. "I shall relay to my warriors not to cross you, so long as you do otherwise." He then turned to leave. "If you ever make up your mind, you know where to find me. Or Lord Serek'uar."

Kazenosuke was then left alone by the Varjan group. The warrior was deep in thought from the conversation with the Varjan, and could not sense the two monsters' presence hiding behind the trees.

Takamori's Dojo


~ @AzureKnight (LAV) ~

(Currently in collab)

Terauchi Temple

~ @Enkryption (UMI & RCD) ~

"Indeed! You are correct! We are newly minted members! We serve Boss Kyouko, and have come to repair, restore, and revolutionize this kitchen! Umu!"
Ripcord Claremont

"We're ready to work! Rice will more than do as payment! We'll take meat and veggies for raises!"
Umami Claremont

Janus had to cover his ears a bit from Umami's sonic chirping. "A shapeshifting monster? Like a Doppelganger, but the race cannot do it to this extent." The spellcaster remarked about Umami. "And the maid appears to be another Shoggoth. Two Abyssal monsters in one island. I wonder where this path will lead..."

"Anyway, you two needn't work to eat. Well, not exactly like that but..." Janus started again for better clarity. "You can help yourselves to any supplies we have. All that is asked in return is to help the people of Shizuyama from the Varjan invasion. As long as you do that, you can eat as much as you want."

Janus then surveyed the newly-cleaned kitchen. "I suppose cleaning the kitchen counts as helping. A pretty good job, but I'd wager that aesthetics is the least of our problems right now. Why don't you two go talk to some villagers out there? If you can help them out, then I assure you that Lady Kyouko will be most pleased."



"I read that the warriors of Shizuyama follow a path of honor."

"It is one of the many differences between us."

"Hmm. Then why do my men report that Takeshi Oja fights alongside yokai?"

"My son will never resort to such a thing."

"War brings out who we truly are."

"It has made you a dog."
"Unleashed by The Order, to rape and pillage at their command."

"...Your son strays from your island's sacred traditions. He will become what you hate."
"Unless you rejoin The Order, and their fight to restore peace to the world."

"You don't want allies. You want soldiers, to die in place of your own."

"Consider my offer. Help your son regain his honor, before his cowardice goes too far."
"...And before I bring you his head."

Komatsu Bay Outskirts


"Even I could fit in some of these containers, if it came to that. With the sake in it, if necessary to keep your cover. I do not need to breathe."

"No need to hide in the barrels. My cart's fully covered, you can all fit in there with the sake." The merchant Shizuka said to Io.

"As to going inside the barrel, I won't suggest it. Too risky, competent soldiers would check all of them, and sake barrels aren't that hard to open either. Not unless one of you could fuddle them during the check. But what I can do, is climb up those walls from another angle while they're inspecting Shizuka there."

"Don't worry, they won't search my cart." Shizuka then let out a devilish chuckle. "At least, not anymore."

"It's the same sake delivery I always sell them. They looove my sake!" The merchant then imitated the voice of a stereotypical Varjan. "Sake, good! Give sake now!"

"And the garrison is too big for an inspection to distract enough soldiers for an opening." Ayu added. "I won't stop you from trying to sneak in through another angle, Sir Skarsneek, but you might get spotted."

"Plus, I bet it'll work! If this Shizuka's as brave as our Shizuka, then his name isn't Shizukan't! ...Or...I guess that doesn't really work. Forget it. But pleaaaaase Mr. Shorter, more-fun-to-poke Shizuka? Won't you help us?"

"Hey, hey! Stop that! Only my mother gets to do that." The short merchant shooed Liliana away from his pudgy cheeks. "What's she talking about anyway?"

"Shizuka is also the name of the swordsman." Ayu reluctantly revealed.

"Ohhh!" The merchant then approached the swordsman and patted the latter on the arm. "Nice to meet a fellow Shizuka. I have a feeling this is going to be a beautiful friendship." The azure swordsman could already see schemes forming behind the swindler's eyes.

"If we were poisoning it, I could prepare a spell that could cause an outbreak of zombification from the sake, perhaps..."

"I don't mind spiking their drinks, but rather not to anything to poison the water supply here. If there are any innocents there, they'll be affect as well. I'd rather you not create a small army of undead, it doesn't paint a good picture."
Shizuka Kannazuki

"Yeah, there were a few people there who fought back." Shizuka remarked. "The ones left alive became prisoners... or slaves."

"What are you and they specifically supposed to do inside the fortress port anyway?" The merchant asked Ayu.

"The initial plan was to sneak inside and search for the garrison's commander and captains. Then we get rid of them, make a ruckus, and hope the Varjans get demoralized enough to leave on their own. Basically, a sudden, daring attack on their morale to break them." Ayu iterated the plan to everyone. "But as long as we get rid of the garrison, I can go with any plan the taskforce offers."

"But let's not waste any more time here. We can discuss the plan further as we move to Komatsu Bay." Ayu declared.

"Ah! Let's have a drink first!" The shorter Shizuka attempted to delay to try cancelling the plan. "Talk this through." He smiled sheepishly at Ayu and the taskforce.

But to no avail. "Now, Shizuka!"


The taskforce along with Shizuka and Ayu approached the merchant's cart: A surprisingly fancy cart with lanterns and gourd bottles strung on it and a single horse to pull it. Like what the shorter Shizuka said, all sides of the cart was covered with straw and was large enough to hold several barrels of sake. There were already two inside, and the rest of the space was for the taskforce.

"When we get close to the port, you all can hide in the cart with the sake." Merchant Shizuka said as he inspected his cart for a bit. "All set! You sure you wanna go through with this?"

"We can't hesitate now. Not with Terauchi Temple in danger." Ayu answered. "I'm with you, taskforce. Just say where I need to be."

Near Fort Tanabe


~ @AzureKnight (HIN & ATS), @Restalaan (GRI) ~

"Spider lady can climb those rocks?"

"If I can climb into the fort without being seen, I should be able to create an opening in which everyone else can enter. This plant I have on my person produces special petals that can induce drowsiness and delirium in people. With the guards incapacitated, I feel that should make it somewhat easier for you to enter and recuse the prisoners."
Atsuha Hangai

"Yep! Since my sister's a spider, she can climb on just about anything! Grin-san and I are pretty strong too, so um, maybewe could climb up too...?"
Hinami Hangai

Kikyo closed her eyes for a moment before pulling several paper talismans on her and checking them one by one.

With a satisfied nod, she replied to the taskforce. "Good plan, yokai. We can definitely do that. But don't use your special petals because if it goes wrong, the prisoners are dead." She then continued, speaking to Atsuha. "Instead, try to free the prisoners and arm them. Then launch a signal and attack the Varjan garrison. Me and your fellow yokai will attack once we see the signal. That way, we'll crush the Varjans between us."

She then handed Atsuha a paper talisman. "This ofuda will launch a ball of light to the air. That'll be the signal."

"Any objections to my plan?" Kikyo then surveyed their surroundings again. "Damn it, where's Takeshi? Should we wait?"

Terauchi Temple

Eula and Kerry would see magic from an unknown source repair the temple anew. Fires were put out, rubble rose to the air and reattached themselves to their buildings in an almost dance-like manner. Broken wooden beams were mended, the tiny splinters on the ground returning one by one to reform the wood. Refugees emerged from shelters and laborers stopped working to watch with awe and wonder as Terauchi Temple seemingly repaired itself.

Revuel had just finished lifting the last of the wreckage with telekinetic magic in his area to a suitable corner for salvage, only for the pile to float up and return to their original places in the buildings. The spellcaster was both glad that all was repaired anew and annoyed that his work was all for naught, leaving a neutral expression to his face.

"I'll take my tea, now."

Takeshi, too, was in awe at Alice's power. He whistled as the magic finished and approached the Mad Hatter lying flat on the ground. "Not bad. Is the jingle necessary?" He said before chuckling. A hand then extended from him for Alice to take. "You can't drink tea from there. Come on, time to enjoy the fruits of your labor."

The tea and tarts that seemingly appeared from thin air were approached cautiously by the refugee villagers. They looked enticing and scrumptious, but they didn't survive the Varjan invasion and made it to Terauchi Temple by being carefree. "Is... is this safe?" The villager closest to the tea party asked.

"Of course not." Sorae approached and looked at the tea and tarts with utmost disdain. "This is magic from Wonderland, one of the most terrifying ones out there. Partake, and you will be lost forever." The warrior woman warned the refugees.

Heeding the warning, some of the villagers began to back away.







Otomo Port

Zeka and Matsuri arrived at the location where they were told Lady Kyouko was currently residing, the port of Otomo in Akamagaseki island. The morning sun illuminated the port, which was very clearly preparing for battle if not outright war. Huge ships were docked while crates full of weapons and supplies littered the corners as sailors, soldiers and other staff took stock of them and loaded them to the vessels.

"Well, hello there." A gentle, female voice greeted the two monsters from behind. It was a beautiful Ryu with bluish hair and golden eyes: Lady Kyouko herself. "Ah, Miss Zeka Willows. I'm glad that you have arrived. A little late, if I am to be honest, but better late than never. My taskforce will need any help they can get."

"Hmm?" Lady Kyouko turned to Matsuri. "And who might you be, little one?"

Terauchi Temple

~ @Rune_Alchemist, @AzureKnight (KIR, VRA & LAV), @The Irish Tree (VIV) ~

When Umami and Ripcord took off in search of the kitchen without even responding to the greetings, Ayu pinched the bridge of her nose. "And I requested Lady Ayu not to send weirdoes..."

"Where are they going?" Takeshi watched the sisters leave. He would have chased after them to make sure they didn't cause trouble... if this was part of his clan's domain. The young lord remembered this temple was but a front for yokai spies.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but this place seems rather...ill-fit to be a base for a war,"

"That's because it's not a base for war." Ayu returned to her true, dry-witted self. "This is a base for Lady Kyouko's spies masquerading as a temple. So no, we don't have armories filled with weapons or tall walls and watchtowers." She finished. "Although, if what Lord Takeshi is true, that the Shizuyaman army was destroyed just recently, then we could certainly use those right about now."

"It goes against my code to do this but... I must ask for your aid, yokai." Takeshi reluctantly spoke up. "Without an ally nearby to help us, we all knew this Varjan invasion would be the end of us. But now that you're here, we can have a chance to drive the Varjans off Shizuyama. It's a big risk, but I'm choosing to put my trust in you. For now, at least."

"There are people I know who weren't on the beach. Strong, capable warriors. If they're still alive, we can gather them to our side then we'll have a force large enough to take on a Varjan warband." The young lord explained. "If they are being smart which I'm sure they are, they'll be hiding here in Onrai. We'll need to comb the region for their whereabouts, and perhaps we can establish a foothold somewhere in Shizuyama."

"I advise taking a major port, my lord." Ayu suggested. "With a friendly dock, Lady Kyouko can land some of her troops here to serve as our reinforcements. Not to mention, needed supplies like food and medicine." The spymaster said. "And don't worry about her fleet's power, my lord. I assure she and her forces are capable of taking on the Varjan armada. Not a big fan of any kind of losses, though..."

Takeshi sighed deeply. This was unraveling his world faster than he thought. "...Very well. We'll do that." The young lord replied. "Oh, I almost forgot..."

The young lord addressed the taskforce members present. "Almost all of you are yokai so at best, my friends won't listen to you and at worst, they'll try to kill you." Takeshi closed his eyes and cupped his chin for a moment before letting out a deep sigh. "...Tell them that I sent you and that I couldn't come because I was still dressed up as a miko. They'll know what that means and should be all ears... I hope."

"I, myself, will be looking for Kikyo. She's the last of the exiled Kinkakuji Clan." Takeshi finished. "And... she's someone special to me. I'd go alone, but I suppose any of you can tag along."

"And if I may add, yokai..." Ayu stepped in. "It'll also be a huge step if you helped the locals with their problems. This island doesn't trust you right now and we'll need their trust if we want to really help them."


~ @Enkryption (UMI & RCD) ~

The monks and refugees moved out of the way as Umami and Ripcord made their way to the temple's kitchen. Following the scent of rice, they find the temple's kitchen: A sizeable wooden shack with a cooking area that also functions as a storage space judging from the sacks and barrels of rice over to the side.

"You don't look like locals. Are you from the taskforce?" A male voice greeted the sisters from behind. "Hungry? I hope you like rice since I'm afraid recent events will limit the variety of dishes for the foreseeable future."

The man was bald with glowing light blue eyes. However, it likely stood out to Umami and Ripcord that he was wearing armor very reminiscent of their former Varjan masters.


~ Road --> Village ~

The pain burned like hell. Einer writhed in the ground, clutching his shoulder that had a bullet tear a clean hole through it. His hand was drenched in blood, crimson spread outward as more of his clothes absorbed it. He wanted to scream all sorts of profanities, but his voice got stuck in his throat due to the pain. The musician was blind and oblivious to everything that was happening. If it weren't for his allies, Einer would have been finished off moments ago.

"Be still, and try to observe around you. You're lucky the bullet went clean through,"
Hector Wyland

Einer's tear-filled eyes looked up to Hector. The latter's healing spell relieved some of the pain, but there was no relieving the hurt to his pride. Arguably, much more damaged than his shoulder was. As Hector guarded him, tears streaked Einer's cheeks. The musician wondered why was fate so unkind to him? He enjoyed himself in his previous quest, he supposed. This was fate's retribution for having a small moment of pride. It was too much to ask for, wasn't it?

The fight continued on, with Ruecian and Shavis and the latter's familiar battled the remaining bandits. Einer watched with unabashed envy as they made short work of their opponents. But then, three bandits correctly thought that he, Hector and the carriage were vulnerable targets. Einer lamented again. That if he was any stronger, he could have done something about this. Fighting's a no-go, and his Thaumaturgy repertoire was unable to help Hector unless the enemy cast a curse every swing of their weapon. Truly, the situation could not be worse...

Suddenly, however, a bright light shone from the carriage. A warrior from inside took down a bandit, moving like a blur. When the person stopped moving, the figure revealed herself to be... "Madam Imre?"

A ringing sound in the head drowned out all noise as Einer's mental functions ceased as he stared at Imre. His ears heard the words, but none made it to his mind. Einer's body obediently followed the group as they embarked back into the carriage and quickly drove to the village to treat Einer's wound.

”Milady, I will lead Sir Devaron to the town physician post haste.”

As Nathaniel escorted Einer to the local physician, it was only that time when the bard regained his faculties. "She... could fight... ALL THIS TIME?!" He practically bellowed.
Terauchi Temple

"...I feel this discussion is something, deeply personal." Revuel awkwardly observed the banter between Eula and Kerry. "I shall excuse myself."

The spellcaster moved to leave but had some parting words. "Oh, and you are very welcome, madam Automaton. Once we have some free time, I shall attempt to repair your eyes as well. Simply seek me out."


~ @Crowvette, @Restalaan (SKA & GRI), @AzureKnight (SHI, HIN & ATS), @The Irish Tree (LIL), @Hammerman, @Nakushita ~

"Would you care to have us tag along, my young lord? ...Kikyo-san, is there anything more you can tell us about the encampment that the prisoners are being held at? Warrior types, the surrounding layout?"
Atsuha Hangai

"Of course, Madam Atsuha." Takeshi quickly answered, the words almost getting stuck in his throat. "You're very much welcome to join us."

Kikyo glared at the Hangai sisters, making her contempt for the yokai clear. Takeshi wanted to intervene but he feared setting off his already fuming childhood friend and so, could only look on nervously. However, Kikyo closed her eyes and sighed before adopting a softer expression. "I suppose it's also a pleasure to meet you, Hangai sisters. I heard you also saved Lord Takeshi in Sanjo Beach. You have my gratitude for that."

"As for your question, the prisoners are held in Fort Tanabe. The fort is pretty small and the Varjan garrison is relatively light... but that's more than enough to defend the place. The fort is on top of a plateau, with only one road going in and out. The garrison only needs to guard and fortify that one opening." Kikyo explained. "The plateau is steep and rocky. Climbing it is nigh-impossible."

"Alice-san and Carroll-chan seem to have left the taskforce, I can confirm because I sensed their chi fading further from the vicinity. Where they plan to go, I don't know, but I felt that you all should know regardless."
Shizuka Kannazuki

"What...?" Takeshi did not wait for a response. He turned around and whistled for his horse, Kuro, who quickly answered his master's call and galloped to Takeshi's side.

"You're going to leave me with yokai?!" Kikyo demanded from her lord. "I thought you were going with me?"

"I am going with you." Takeshi assured as he embarked his horse. "Go on ahead to the watchtower at the bottom of the Fort Tanabe plateau. I'll either meet you or catch up with you there. Don't worry, this won't take long." The young lord then rode off in search of the rogue Alice and Carroll.

"...The yokai has thoroughly seduced him." Kikyo remarked as she watched Takeshi exit the temple grounds.

"He just considers them as his friends." Takamori said, in defense of the young lord. "He did the same thing for Kazenosuke, remember?"

"I thought we all agreed never to speak about that ever again." The aforementioned dancing swordsman complained.

Kikyo addressed the taskforce members going with her so far: Atsuha, Hinami and Gringor. "I shall hold my lord to his word. Let's go, yokai. I don't wanna find him already waiting for us there." The last Kinkakuji led the trio of yokai from the temple and toward Fort Tanabe, much to her consternation.

Ayu then spoke to the taskforce members going with her so far: Shizuka, Liliana, Io and Skarsneek. "Not gonna lie, this is going to be a huge undertaking. I advise taking a few hours of rest before heading out. I'll ride out first, though, to meet up with our contact and inform him about what's gonna happen. Here, I'll show you where his house is. We'll meet up there." The head spy then gave the taskforce members the directions.

= Several Hours Later =

Komatsu Bay Outskirts


The sun was setting, bathing the land with orange, when taskforce group found the solitary house some ways away from the Komatsu fortress. It seemed a simple wooden home of a typical peasant, albeit larger than most. The group also heard arguing inside with one of the voices belonging to Ayu.

"...keep everything quiet."

"You want quiet?!" A squeaky, male voice responded. "Don't ask me to rile up people who use blood as paint!"

"I wasn't asking." Ayu declared. "Not after Kirisame Shrine."

"That was a misunderstanding..."

"That was a scared Ronin warrior trying to wriggle out of trouble."

"And it worked! I offloaded that sour rice water and you--"

"--had to look over my shoulder, for a month!" Ayu finished. "You owe me, Shizuka."

When the taskforce entered the home, they found Ayu talking to a short but wide, youthful and innocent-looking man with dark brown hair wearing peasant clothes. "Shizuyama's counting on us." Ayu added.

"...I love this island as much as the next guy, but this is too dangerous. It'll never work." Noticing the taskforce that entered his house, he remarked to Ayu. "These the yokai?" He sounded unimpressed.

"You can call them 'Lady Kyouko's Taskforce'." Ayu replied.

The short man, apparently named Shizuka, gasped and quickly bowed his head. "Forgive me, my lords and ladies!" He then raised his head to introduce himself. "I am Shizuka! Upstanding merchant, renowned sake brewer."

"And the best swindler on the island!" Ayu interjected. "That's why he's going to help us sneak into Komatsu Bay."

"I keep telling you, that place is a fortress." The swindler Shizuka retorted. "You'll need an army to penetrate the walls."

"Or, a single delivery of sake."

The swindler let out a sarcastic chuckle before declaring. "It'll never work."

Near Fort Tanabe


~ @AzureKnight (HIN & ATS), @Restalaan (GRI) ~

Under a setting sun, Kikyo and the taskforce group arrived at the base of the plateau where Fort Tanabe was situated in. Indeed, there was a watchtower here although unoccupied. The Kinkakuji lady looked up to behold the steep and rocky plateau, stony terrain covered all sides save for one: The sole entrance and exit of the fort. The rocks formed such a natural barrier that one could not even see the fort from the bottom.

"...and the road's winding too." Kikyo remarked to herself before turning to the yokai taskforce. "We'll wait here for Lord Takeshi, but I doubt he would want us to wait long so we'll begin the rescue in a few minutes. Assuming, of course, we have a plan to break into the fort and free the prisoners. Whom the Varjans will likely kill once they realize what's going on."

"Got any bright ideas, yokai?"

Terauchi Temple

Lunatea had stayed in the temple to rest after exerting herself in the previous battle. She found herself in the company of Revuel Arvida, who was using telekinetic magic to lift rubble and debris into a neat pile to be cleaned later. "So if I am not mistaken, you are some sort of scholar? Neither seasoned fighter nor warrior?" Revuel spoke to the Wererabbit as he worked.

"I understand that the taskforce was formed to simply spy on the natives about their... deteriorating dealings with The Order. But as you can see, the situation has drastically changed. Combat is at the forefront of the taskforce." Revuel continued. "So why do you stay, Madam Lunatea? Out of pure kindness? I know some monsters who are like that. Or perhaps you fancy one of the locals?"

Before Lunatea could reply, however, a tired Takeshi arrived on his horse. "...I can't find them anywhere." He said to himself as he disembarked.

"No sign of this Alice--"


Bright, white light shone from the teleportation pagoda, someone had arrived. Takeshi looked to Revuel, both men realizing that the usual greeter, Ayu, was not present. "Go meet them, milord. I shall join you as soon as I'm done with this." Revuel said to which Takeshi nodded and went off. "Going to join him, Madam Lunatea?"


Alice awakened in a dim, wooden, unfamiliar room. It was thematically Far Eastern, likely somewhere in the Zipanguese Isles in one of their temples. Four pillars stood to support the chamber and on one side, there was a simple shrine with some unlit candles and a few statues. On the opposite side were a set of sliding doors, sunlight shining through them.

One of the sliding doors opened and a young human man with brown hair and red robes clothing entered the chamber. "Hey there! I am Lord Takeshi Oja and welcome to Shizuyama." The young lord greeted, unaware of who he was talking due to the difference in appearance. "Are you sent here by this Lady Kyouko to join the taskforce? Because if so, then you're in luck! You've been successfully teleported to their headquarters." He told Alice with names unknown to her.

"You know, you look a lot like someone I know."







I see no problems so far, so accepted!

I'll write you in on the next update.
Terauchi Temple

"And might I ask who you might be?"
Kerry Maros

"Peace, Hornet. I may look like the Varjans, but I assure you they consider me more an enemy than you are." The Warlock-looking fellow said, noticing Kerry's hand nearing her spear.

"I am Revuel Arvida from the Scarce Legion. My legion has forsaken their oaths to justice and has joined forces with the evil and wicked Varjo. I am here to make sure they don't harm anymore of the innocent and further besmirch the name." Revuel introduced himself. "When I heard that a sizeable force of Scarce Legion was invading Shizuyama, I immediately sought passage. That was how I met Lady Kyouko, and she graciously sent me here to fulfill my mission."

Revuel wanted to say more, but he kept quiet since it appeared that Kerry and Eula has an unfinished conversation. Although, his senses told him it was not a particularly pleasant one.


~ @Crowvette, @Restalaan (SKA & GRI), @AzureKnight (SHI, HIN & ATS), @The Irish Tree (LIL), @Hammerman, @Nakushita ~

“....Anyone can verify if we can repurpose those anti-magic obelisks, load them into a catapult and see if it shuts down their magic too?

"That sounds like a great idea! I think! I wasn't here, so I don't know if they even use magic. But if they do? Great idea,"

"Errm, I'm pretty sure those anti-magic obelisks need to be rooted in the ground to actually work. Breaking any part of the device will dispel the effect." Ayu was sheepish in her remark, not wanting to be the bearer of bad news. "I know portable ones can be built, but I don't have the slightest idea on how to build one. Nor do I even know if it's worth building one just to lob it at the enemy. Much less, en masse."

Takeshi nodded. "And the Varjans can probably destroy it before we can take advantage of its effects. The only way for us to use it is have it as a stationary device to neuter the enemy's magic. Problem with that is, our side also utilizes a lot of magic."

"I wonder how they achieve nullification."

"Since we're fighting the Scarce Legion, a legion full of spellcasters, I'm pretty sure they know half-a-dozen spells that can imbue an object with anti-magic properties." Ayu answered Io. "But as spellcasters themselves, we'll probably not see much of these in their ranks. I guess if a fort or encampment doesn't have a Warlock in it, then it's likely you'll see this."

"I can turn invisible! I can help with Komatsu!"

"I can help with any of these. Though perhaps the raid would be the best for me."

"So we have madams Liliana and Io for the sneak attack on Komatsu Bay. We can certainly use their abilities to really wallop the Varjan garrison there." Ayu noted cheerfully. "Anyone else? Lord Takeshi?"

"I... think I'm going with Kikyo in rescuing her men." The young lord replied, which prompted the aforementioned woman to raise an eyebrow.






Janus' Campsite

~ @Rune_Alchemist, @AzureKnight (KIR, VRA & LAV) ~

”Um, Sir Janus? I'm sorry, about Sidonus. He...he seemed like a good man. I...I promise to do everything I can to ensure that his death isn't in vain!”
Vară Riemsianne

Janus smiled at the Flame Demon. "I'm sure you will, madam."

"But please, do not beat yourself up too much about his death. He, as much as I, have sworn to uphold justice and to battle the enemies of mankind with our lives. Specifically your kind, madam." The spellcaster casually revealed. "But... complications happened and now those who we once called brothers are now our enemies, and those who we swore to be our eternal enemies are now our allies."

"All I'm saying is, Sidonus was ready to die. He, and I suppose I, had been ready to die for a very long time. So please, no need for regrets. Simply honor him by helping this beleaguered island." Janus finished.

"Thank you, young master though I assure you I can walk just fine."

"I'm sure you can, but we're on a tight schedule here so unless you're faster than my horse..." Takeshi pulled Nyla up with surprising strength and the Shoggoth was embarked on the horse behind his main rider. "Now, hold on tight."

"Well, thankfully I do. One of you ladies could ride with me, although that would still leave one of you having to ride in that wagon... Unless Janus doesn't mind having a riding partner?"
Kirei Kannazuki

"I'm afraid I'll need both horses to pull the cart, Sir Kirei." Janus replied. "Forgive me, but we have no time to bicker about this. We need to get to Terauchi Temple as soon as possible. So hop on and let's get moving."

The taskforce group then set out, finding a road to follow all the way to the Onrai region.

Act 1: Will Of The Oja


Lady Kyouko's Estate

~ @Enkryption (UMI & RCD), @The Irish Tree ~

"As long as you are trustworthy as our Boss, we have no issue with following your lead, That said, that courtesy only falls to you, Boss. This prissy walking ice cream cone is another matter."
Ripcord Claremont

"Grrr...Yeah! We follow you, Boss! But, anyone else... they ain't made no bones or broke bread with us yet..."
Umami Claremont

The Ryu sighed. "...As long as you serve the members of Clan Oja and don't cause trouble for them or the mission, then I suppose you need not like your teammates." Lady Kyouko then smiled at them.. "And never forget, keep yourselves alive in all this. Okay?"

"I should also mention, Lady Kyouko, we Glacies feed off of heat. Particularly, that of living things. Would you object to me "feeding" off of Varjans or bandits while I serve under you? I could just drain fire, but that's nowhere near as filling."

"I would be fine with it if your 'feeding' did not leave men with feelings of loneliness, feelings they might take out on the people of Shizuyama." Lady Kyouko responded. "If need be, there is a man amongst the taskforce whom I'm sure will be able you out in that regard. Although, the best scenario would be if you find a... special someone to help you." The Ryu had a serious look when she spoke, but finished with a wink.

"Well then, I guess we're all ready. Follow me." Lady Kyouko then led the trio atop the stone platform. "I will be teleporting you all to Terauchi Temple in Shizuyama. That's the base of operations of my human spies there. The head spy is named Ayu, a dependable girl if a bit irritable." The Ryu briefed the outgoing group. "Your job is to rendezvous with the rest of the taskforce. They are technically led by Kirei Kannazuki and should be joined by a spellcaster named Janus. Ayu can explain the finer details to you. Just ask."

The Claremont sisters and Vivian stood on the middle of the platform. Lady Kyouko then closed her eyes and clasped her hands together. The engraved markings on the platform began to glow, and the visions of the monsters were soon engulfed by a white light.

Terauchi Temple

~ @Rune_Alchemist, @AzureKnight (KIR, VRA & LAV), @Enkryption (UMI & RCD), @The Irish Tree ~

Takeshi and his group rode for Terauchi Temple in the Onrai region from Saikoten. The latter region's wide, urban roads soon gave way to the plain dirt roads of the former. They did not encounter anything of note in the road, merely peasant travelers who only caught a glimpse of the speeding taskforce. Some noticed that passing group wasn't local, but their minds were too occupied by the coming Varjan invasion to investigate further.

Soon, the taskforce finally reached Terauchi Temple: a sizeable temple consisting of multiple pagodas surrounded by trees with yellow leaves. A stone stairwell needed to be ascended to reach the temple grounds. "Here is where we must part temporarily, taskforce." Janus said, allowing the members on his cart a moment disembark. "I will go and hide this cart and join you later. Up the stairs is Terauchi Temple. Take Lord Takeshi and meet with a black-haired girl in green clothes. That would be Ayu."

After Janus left with the cart, the taskforce and Takeshi entered the temple grounds. Terauchi Temple seemed your normal temple but the monks inside were helping peasants unload their belongings in some of the corners. This place of peace clearly disturbed by outside forces.

"Hey, you! You're the taskforce, right? Must be. There hasn't been a yokai in Shizuyama until you guys." A woman with long, black hair and green clothes approached. "Hello, nice to meet you, I'm Ayu. Now then, peasants calling themselves refugees have been coming from Saikoten. What's the deal with that? Have the Varjans invaded or something?" Ayu then noticed the black-armored human amongst the taskforce. "L-Lord Takeshi Oja?"

"That would be me." Takeshi nodded. "And yes, the Varjans have invaded and defeated our army assembled in Sanjo Beach. The yokai taskforce rescued me from the battle... and I was told that Terauchi Temple was the base for humans spying for yokai. Do you mind telling me about that?"

"Oh, uhh..." Ayu scratched the back of her head, clearly thinking it was a bother by the son of the Island Lord red-handed. "Well, that's all true... but I assure you, Lord Takeshi, we are your allies. Especially against the Varjans." The head spy then wracked her brain for something else to tell the young lord. "We-We even have a way to get reinforcements to help us. Follow me!"

Ayu then showed Takeshi and the taskforce one of the seemingly unremarkable pagodas in the temple. "This pagoda has a magic circle that can teleport in people Lady Kyouko sends us. You know, reinforcements." A bright, white light then flashed inside the building. "Oh, speak of the devil..."

When the visions of Vivian and the Claremont sisters returned, they found themselves in an empty wooden chamber with four pillars supporting the ceiling. On one side of the room was a simple shrine with candles and nondescript statues. On the opposite side were a set of sliding doors that were the only exit of the chamber.

Exiting the room, the newcomer monsters were greeted by a sight of a Zipanguese temple grounds, presumably Terauchi Temple. In front of them were a group of monsters and humans with the latter being two males and one female. "Hey there! You all must be sent by Lady Kyouko. Welcome to Shizuyama and come say hello to Takeshi Oja, son and heir to the Island Lord, as well as the rest of the taskforce." Ayu greeted the newcomers with forced enthusiasm.

"Uhh, hi?" The young lord awkwardly waved.
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