Otomo Port
~ @Rezod92, @The Irish Tree (MAT) ~
"You sure you need someone like me in your posse? A thief is kinda out of their element on a battlefield."
"On the contrary, I think thieves are invaluable in the battlefield." Lady Kyouko offered a counter opinion. "Swinging weapons and slinging spells are only half the battle, you know?"
"But I digress. My scouts have told me that while the Varjan armada are moving to surround the island, I haven't received any reports of an outright invasion or battle. At least, not yet." The Ryu continued. "Regardless, missions undertaken by the taskforce should be more covert in nature rather than direct fighting." She stated with confidence. Unfortunately, none of the people present right now knew the true situation in the island.
"Of course, you are free to decline if you are feeling apprehensive about all this." Lady Kyouko said. "Worry not, nothing will be held against you by doing so."
"I'm...Matsuri Okitsu, Ma'am. A little while ago, my Papa- I-I mean my father came to you about a sickness I had. I'm all better now and I wanted to ask a favor of you. Please, let me go to Shizuyama too! My father was born there, a-and I don't want to think about it being conquered by anyone,"
"Oh my, a descendant of a Shizuyaman native." Lady Kyouko was genuinely surprised at Matsuri's words. "Hmm, I do recall someone coming to me for aid for their daughter but I was unable to help. Please forgive me, but I am glad that you gotten better." She bowed her head at the young Inari for a moment.
"But now that you have introduced yourself, I am now hesitant to actually send you to Shizuyama." Lady Kyouko frowned. "Your father has found a solution for your mortal sickness, so I doubt he'd want you in a potentially dangerous situation so soon. A sentiment I sympathize with. Where is your father anyway?"
Shizuyama Wilderness
~ @Rune_Alchemist, @AzureKnight (KIR) ~
"Lord Oja. As Lady Kyouko requested me to ensure your saftey...I will be tagging along."
”Make that three. I would much like to continue discussing the situation of the island with the young lord, captain-ly duties and all that. Plus, I feel that he'd benefit greatly having my blade at his side.”
Takeshi nodded. "Very well. Let us be off immediately." Despite his words, the young lord still felt troubled about his decision. He realized he was probably too rash about it, and it would definitely be something his father and his colleagues would disapprove of. Thinking about his father, Takeshi remembered last seeing him surrounded by Varjans. He was probably dead, wasn't he?
Takeshi closed his eyes to bottle up the emotions. He can mourn later, Shizuyama still needed saving.
The trio trekked out of Terauchi Temple with Takeshi leading the group. They passed through the dirt roads of Onrai without incident, allowing them to take in the rural landscape of this fertile region. The Varjans probably have not reached this far yet, but it would only be a matter of time.
Takeshi was still quietly contemplating about deciding to request aid from the yokai taskforce. Was that really the right decision? If he didn't, then his home island was doomed. But perhaps, that was better than this...?
"So, Sir Kirei." Takeshi started to distract himself. "You said you wanted to know more about Shizuyama's situation. What do you want to know in particular?" The young lord asked the taskforce's sole human. "What about you, Miss Nyla? Curious about anything regarding your charge?" He also asked the Shoggoth.
Kazenosuke's House
~ @AzureKnight (VRA), @The Irish Tree (VIV) ~
Varã and Vivian followed the river per Takeshi's directions and soon found a humble peasant house nested in a depression in the forested land right beside the flowing river. The house was pretty unremarkable, but there were some simple fishing equipment laying about near the river. Although, what would catch the two taskforce members' eyes immediately was the group of men in front of the house.
A group of three Varjans, two were the typical Varjan Warrior kind while the third was unique... and familiar. He was the Varjan that Varã fought in Sanjo Beach. The one who killed Sidonus. Of course, this Varjan was unfamiliar to Vivian. But his apparel of an iron mask and armor of overlapping plates made him stand out as someone important.
There was a fourth individual standing in front of the masked Varjan. He was a young adult with silver hair wearing simple, but unique, clothes of white and red. This was probably Kazenosuke.
"Come now, there are already Shizuyamans joining us. Our peoples need not be enemies." The Varjan said. "We have confirmed reports that yokai have already reached and infiltrated the island. We should be together against them rather than each other, should we not?" After a few moments of silence, the Varjan continued. "Or maybe, you care little for those traditions. Perhaps, you covet Lord--"
"Leave. Please." Kazenosuke bluntly stated.
The Varjan snickered at the response. "I shall relay to my warriors not to cross you, so long as you do otherwise." He then turned to leave. "If you ever make up your mind, you know where to find me. Or Lord Serek'uar."
Kazenosuke was then left alone by the Varjan group. The warrior was deep in thought from the conversation with the Varjan, and could not sense the two monsters' presence hiding behind the trees.
Takamori's Dojo
~ @AzureKnight (LAV) ~
(Currently in collab)
Terauchi Temple
~ @Enkryption (UMI & RCD) ~
"Indeed! You are correct! We are newly minted members! We serve Boss Kyouko, and have come to repair, restore, and revolutionize this kitchen! Umu!"
"We're ready to work! Rice will more than do as payment! We'll take meat and veggies for raises!"
Janus had to cover his ears a bit from Umami's sonic chirping. "A shapeshifting monster? Like a Doppelganger, but the race cannot do it to this extent." The spellcaster remarked about Umami. "And the maid appears to be another Shoggoth. Two Abyssal monsters in one island. I wonder where this path will lead..."
"Anyway, you two needn't work to eat. Well, not exactly like that but..." Janus started again for better clarity. "You can help yourselves to any supplies we have. All that is asked in return is to help the people of Shizuyama from the Varjan invasion. As long as you do that, you can eat as much as you want."
Janus then surveyed the newly-cleaned kitchen. "I suppose cleaning the kitchen counts as helping. A pretty good job, but I'd wager that aesthetics is the least of our problems right now. Why don't you two go talk to some villagers out there? If you can help them out, then I assure you that Lady Kyouko will be most pleased."