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Huh, when I asked just after the hunt, you said it was 2 Silver.

I'll adjust her sheet.

EDIT- Fixed

Dana couldn’t help but grin when Nicole continued to play up Penny’s awesomeness. However, her grin soon dissolved into a frown as the bespectacled blonde (who’s name was apparently Amanda) made another snide remark at Penny’s expense. Dana glared daggers at the girl, and was about to tell her exactly what she thought of condescending jerks, but before she could say anything, Amanda’s roommate spoke up and hastily defused the situation. Priya, the roommate in question, went on to apologize for Amanda’s rudeness, while Cara helped her get the conversation onto a more positive track. Dana’s smile returned at this display of kindness and camaraderie, and even Amanda’s final muttered retort did nothing to diminish her joy at the sight of so many people being excited about the same thing she was- finally becoming an Ars Magi and transforming for the first time.

Before their conversation could proceed much farther, a chime sounded, alerting them to their mealtime’s imminent end. Penny chose to use her last few minutes in the cafeteria to chat with Cara, so Dana decided to try and get to know Amanda’s far more personable roommate a little better.

“So, Priya, what do ya think your gladius’ll be?!” Dana asked eagerly. “Melee, ranged, or a mix of both?! Ya know,” she continued with an excited gleam in her eyes, “I’ve even heard rumors that some Ars Magi use staves as weapons, to help ‘em channel their magic better! Don’t know if it’s true or not, but wouldn’t that be pretty cool if it was?!”

Arriving at Dan’s portal, MDP watched as Mayra took Mariette through. The whimsical magical girl was about to follow her when an item of no small importance managed to find its way into her ADHD addled brain. “Golly wolly~! Magical Dream Princess forgot all about Connie Wonnie and Gaia Waia~! Like, pretty please hold your portal wortal thingie open for just a little wittle bit longer, Dany Wany~!” MDP asked the dolphin. “Magical Dream Princess has to rescue her new friends~!”

Conjuring a sparkling cloud (which was now possible thanks to the dissolution of Leena’s Null Field, something MDP, unsurprisingly, hadn’t even been aware of), the cheerful magical girl raced off to find her friends. It wasn’t long before she found them, along with someone she didn’t expect, but was still incredibly happy to see.

“Wowie zowie~!” MDP squealed at the sight of her best friend. “Pastel-chan~! Like, what are you doing heresie~?! Magical Dream Princess thought you couldn’t come helpy welpy Samurai-chan cause you were busy wizy~! Is all that stuffy wuffy finished winished nowie~?! Are you heresie weresie to helpy welpy Samurai-chan too~?!” the hyperactive magical girl asked in rapid succession, her eyes gleaming with excitement. “Like, that would be soooo super duper cool~! (giggle!) Magical Dream Princess has been having sooo much fun, and met sooo many people weple, like this one girl with these totally wotally awesome wasome metal wetal armsie warmsies~! (giggle!) She, like, even invited Magical Dream Princess to a tea party~! (giggle!) But, like, everythingie wingie will be even better now that Magical Dream Princess and Pastel-chan are together wether~! (giggle!)” she cheered, giving the bespectacled magician a big hug. “And, like, don’t you worry, Pastel-chan~! Magical Dream Princess has kept Samurai-chan safey wafey, just like you asked her too~! First, she saved her from this nasty wasty tentacle wentacle thingie wingie in a super dark and creepy weepy placey wacey, and then she turned a bunch of lava wava into yummy wummy candy wandy, and then she met this super duper cool dragony wagony person worson named Mayra Wayra~! Oh~!” she gasped as something important occurred to her. “But, like, Magical Dream Princess can’t explainy wainey anymoresie, cause, like, this whole placey wacey is gonna collapsey wapsey any moment woment, so we gotta go right nowie~!”

Not wasting another second, she pulled Connie, Gaia, and Amanda onto her cloud and shot off at top speed in the direction of Dan’s portal. The dimension’s rate of collapse had greatly accelerated by this point, which, coupled with a certain individual’s horrific luck, caused a minor disruption just as the quartet was about to leave the crumbling dimension behind. Before anyone knew what was happening, a small monster girl had crashed into Gaia, knocking her off the cloud. Connie gasped as she watched her friend tumble thorough the portal with the monster girl, and quickly raced after her, MDP’s cloud having been dissolved by some strange interplay of luck and magic. Thankfully, the cloud had been close enough to the ground so that its passengers avoided any injury, and shortly after Connie had passed through the portal, MDP skipped through it as well, pulling Amanda along with her.

“Wowie zowie~!” MDP exclaimed, upon seeing where they’d ended up. “It’s like a tropical wopical beachy weachy placey wacey~! (giggle!) And, like, everybodywody is wearing such super duper cute swimsuits~! (giggle!) Is this, like, your homey womey, Dany Wany~?!” the overly excited magical girl asked the dolphin.

Meanwhile, Gaia was in the process of disentangling herself from Taihei.

“I must say, that was quite the tumble,” the verdant magical girl observed as she gracefully rose to her feet. “Are you all right?” she asked Taihei as she helped the smaller girl up. Noticing their new surroundings, Gaia’s lips formed a pleased smile. “Goodness me… This is certainly a welcome change.” Although she wasn’t exactly wearing a swimsuit, Gaia’s usual non-winter outfit was basically a bikini anyway, and closing her eyes, she basked in the sun’s warmth as its rays caressed her body. “Don’t you agree, little sister?” she asked serenely.

For her part, Connie simply stood in shock. To go from such an awful place to a tropical paradise was a little too much for the poor girl to take in, and her mind was having trouble keeping up. The sound of her friend’s voice finally brought her back to reality.

“O-Oh…! Y-Yes…! I-It r-really is!”

Gaia was right, this place was beautiful, to an almost unnatural degree. Did the fact that they were here mean that everything had worked out? Connie dearly hoped so, but a part of her was worried that maybe this was all too good to be true, that there was some horrible aspect to all this that wasn’t immediately apparent. It was about then that she finally noticed she was wearing a swimsuit. Gasping in alarm, she tried to cover herself with her hands as a blush colored her cheeks. She had very rarely worn swimsuits before, and was quite uncomfortable in them. One reason was, of course, her nervous and easily embarrassed nature. The other was because of what swimsuits implied…

You see, Connie can’t swim…

“Eeep!” Connie yelped, as she was startled out of her worried musings by the touch of Dan’s flipper. The cheerful dolphin proceeded to introduce himself and welcome them to his island. “O-Oh, h-hello again. I-It’s v-very n-nice to m-meet y-you,” Connie told him, shaking his flipper while trying to muster up a small smile.

“It is indeed,” Gaia agreed. “From what I have seen so far, this dimension of yours is truly a thing of profound beauty. Thank you for allowing us to make use of it,” she added with a graceful curtsy.

“Yeah~!” MDP cheered. “Like super duper thankie wankies, Dany Wany~! (giggle!) Like, Magical Dream Princess just knows she’s gonna have, like, the most super duper fun heresie~! (giggle!)”

“Like, totally wotally~! (giggle!)” MDP replied after Mayra asked if she was coming along. Releasing her hold on the draconic monster girl, she struck a cute pose and gave Mayra a playful peace sign salute. She was just about to bounce after her new friend, when an interesting development in Samurai-chan’s little “duel” caught her attention. “Like, wowie zowies~!” she squealed in delight, her eyes sparkling and a brilliant smile spreading from ear to ear. “Samurai-chan and that cute little wittle slimy wimy girl really are sister wisters~! (giggle!)” Then the two siblings hugged, and MDP became even more starry-eyed (if such a thing were possible). “Awww~! That’s, like, sooo super duper adorable worable~! (giggle!)”

MDP was so captivated by the heartwarming scene that she simply bounced up and down and clapped her hands together, completely oblivious to everything else going on around her. Hydras? Collapsing mansion? Collapsing dimension? All went unnoticed by the whimsical magical girl. It was only when Samurai-chan’s slimy sister had been safety teleported away that a giggling MDP bounced over to Dan’s portal, her heart filled with feelings of warmth and love.

Before Penny could reply to Dana’s question, another girl spoke up, noting how she used to watch Gunslinger Alexis all the time. Dana was happy to hear that, but before she could say anything (indeed, before the other girl had even finished speaking), a grumpy looking bespectacled blonde cut in with several snide remarks. Penny was the first to address them, but Dana wasn’t about to be left out.

“You know it!” she confirmed with a grin after her roommate remarked on her “youthfully optimistic” attitude. “And, like, why wouldn’t I be?! I’m gonna be an Ars Magi! It’s like a dream come true!”

Penny then went on to talk about how similar their favorite shows were to Self Defense Force recruitment videos. And then about the unpleasant mundanities of military life…

“Wow, Penny,” Dana giggled as she elbowed her roommate playfully. “Ya sure do like to take conversations to some pretty awful places! But I know watcha mean,” she added. “And, yeah, I know those shows ain’t real,” she noted a bit more pointedly as she glared at the bespectacled blonde. “But even if somethin’s imaginary, that doesn’t mean it can’t inspire ya!”

At that point, they were joined by a redheaded girl, who soon introduced herself as Cara, Vanna’s new roommate. She also asked why they had arrived so late, at which point Penny had made up a story about heavy turbulence, which Dana supposed wasn’t entirely untrue… She hated to lie to their new friends, but she also remembered Victoria’s stern instructions not to reveal what had transpired during their flight, and so Dana found herself confirming her roommate’s tale.

“Yeah, we were havin’ a meal when it happened,” Dana explained. “One minute, everything was calm and peaceful as can be, and the next, everything went totally crazy! We all got thrown around the room like we were in a pinball machine, or somethin! Oh, and I’m Dana Noel!” she added with a grin after realizing that she’d forgotten to introduce herself. “I’m from Norba, and I’m currently roomin’ with Penny, here. She’s pretty awesome! You guys should have seen her when the turbulence hit!” Dana continued to gush. “She punched this piece of furniture that was about to hit me and broke it clean in half! It was the coolest thing!”

Maybe it wasn’t exactly what had happened, Dana reflected, but it was close enough. And, after all, what Penny had really done was even more awesome by far…

The mouth of Connie’s mask drooped into a frown as Amanda explained that there really wasn’t much they could do about the whole “imminent dimensional collapse” thing, although the bespectacled magician did seem to be making some sort of portal, so perhaps that could be used as a means of escape. Then Connie gasped. “O-Oh my gosh! I-I c-completely f-forgot about her! Y-You m-mean M-Magical D-Dream Princess, r-right?! S-She was w-with us in the m-mansion, a-and she was r-really s-sweet and adorable, b-but s-she d-didn’t come t-through the p-portal w-with us, s-so s-she m-must s-still b-be i-inside!” Connie rambled nervously as the reality of MDP’s situation fully dawned on her. “M-Mia!” she cried, clinging to her friend. “W-We h-have to go b-back and s-save her!”

“Be at peace, little sister,” Gaia told her soothingly. “Despite her peculiarities, if what we have seen of her power is any indication, our childish friend is more than capable of handling herself. So, I take it you are acquainted with her Highness, the Princess of Dreams, as well?” she asked Amanda. “Was your concern for her safety what brought you to this desolate place?”

It made a certain kind of sense that two magical girls of the same rare specialization would know each other, but Gaia still found it interesting that these two particular girls were acquainted, perhaps even friends. They were just so different from each other, with Amanda seeming like something of a quiet bookworm type, and MDP being, well, MDP… Then again, the same was true of her and Connie, and the verdant magical girl couldn’t help but smile at the thought that two such incredibly different people would end up becoming best friends, despite how unlikely it seemed.

MDP watched with childish wonder as Mayra used her magic to rocket over and catch Mariette before the stunned girl could fall to the ground (or into the clutches of an enemy, although MDP was having a hard time differentiating friend from foe at the moment…). Conjuring a pair of pink pompoms, the innocent magical girl began an energetic cheer routine.

“Mayra Wayra~! Mayra Wayra~! Go~! Go~! Goooo~! (giggle!) Yaaay~! Mayra Wayra saved Mariettey Wetty~!” MDP cheered as she cartwheeled over to where Mayra was standing and gave the draconic monster girl a big hug. “Wowie zowie~!” she exclaimed a moment later as something new caught her attention. “Samurai-chan is here too~! (giggle!) But, like, Mariettey Wetty is over heresie, silly willy~! (giggle!)” she added, tilting her head in slight confusion.

Why was the tiny Samurai heading over to apparently do battle with that cute little slime harpy? Wait… Now that she focused more carefully (not the easiest thing for MDP, but she can sometimes manage), the two girls actually looked a bit alike… They were both rather small, and they appeared quite similar in other areas as well… Could the two be related somehow?! Was this going to be some climactic confrontation in some epic family feud?!!

MDP had no idea, but she couldn’t wait to find out!

The day following their arrival at Nova Lux was a whirlwind of events. It seemed like Dana had just climbed out of bed, and, before she even knew it, she was sitting down for dinner in the academy’s cafeteria. Despite all that, she was still in high spirits and full of her characteristic energy.

“I can’t wait to use real magic, it’s going to be awesome!” one of the other cadets was saying.

“You bet it is!” Dana agreed with a happy giggle. “My heart’s racing just imagining it!”

Penny swiftly brought Dana back down to earth with a rather gloomy idea.

“That’s kinda depressing,” Dana observed with a nervous giggle. “But I don’t think it’s anything to worry about,” she hastened to add. “I mean, we went through a buncha prelim tests back home, and I doubt they’d go through all the hassle of bringin’ us here, if there was any chance we’d just have to be sent home again.”

“What do you think you’ll look like after you transform?” Another girl asked.

“Probably just like my normal awesome self, only even more badass,” her friend replied with a confident grin.

“Yeah!” Dana added. “From what I’ve heard, ya don’t really change all that much. Ya just get a super cool outfit, based on your personality and your mental image of your ideal magical self! So, like, I’ll probably look a lot like Beautiful Guardian Gunslinger Alexis! And my Gladius’ll probably be some kinda super cool magitech pistol, or somethin’! Whadya think, Penny?!” she asked her roommate excitedly. “Wouldn’t it be awesome if ya looked like Magical Maid Altea?!”

“Hmmm… I believe it may very well be, little sister,” Gaia noted thoughtfully after Connie said she might have seen Amanda, of all people, arrive with two other figures.

Although the other two had sprung off into battle, the bespectacled magician seemed to be staying put. She also seemed a bit nervous…

A possible reason for that presented itself a moment later, when a twin tailed girl poked her head out of one of the mansion’s windows and shouted a warning that the whole dimension was starting to collapse.

“T-The d-dimension is c-collapsing?!” Connie exclaimed, the masked girl’s terror clearly evident in her voice. “W-What s-should we d-do, Mia?!”

“First, we should make our way beyond the bounds of this Null Field,” Gaia advised. “We can do virtually nothing, while trapped within its confines.”

“O-Okay,” Connie agreed. “A-And, l-like, m-maybe Amanda can h-help…”

As they made their way over to where the lavender-haired girl was standing, the two friends felt their connection to their magic slowly begin to return, a good sign that they were leaving the bounds of Leena’s Null Field.

“H-Hi, Amanda!” Connie called to the bespectacled magician, giving her a hesitant wave and a nervous smile. “D-Do you k-know a-anything about -w-what’s h-happening?! D-Do y-you k-know of a-any w-way to s-stop it?!”

“Weeeee~! (giggle!)” MDP cheered as Mayra tossed her up through the hole in the ceiling and onto the mansion’s roof. “Like, super duper thankie wankies, Mayra Wayra~! (giggle!)” she told her new friend, while giving the draconic monster girl a big smile of appreciation.

Taking note of the situation, her eyes widened in excitement.

“Wowie zowie~! There’s, like, soooo many people weple up heresie~! (giggle!) Golly wolly~!” she exclaimed upon catching sight of a particular cat girl. “Like, is that Dina Wina~?! She looks so super duper edgy wedgy and stuff~! (giggle!) So, like, what does Mayra Wayra thinkie winkie we should do nowie~?! Does Mayra Wayra have some kinda winda super duper awsome wosome plany wany thingie wingie~?! Does she~?! Does she~?! Does she~?!” MDP asked with innocent glee. This was all just so exciting! She had no idea what was going to happen next!

Connie’s head was spinning. Before she had even known what was happening, she had been scooped up and carried through a portal. She had also been shot by an enchanted wind blast. This last item had resulted in an excruciatingly painful wound to her shoulder. Indeed, the pain was so intense that the masked girl was barely cognizant of the chaotic events transpiring around her, at least until Ronin appeared at her side and applied some healing magic to her wound.

“T-Thanks, Ronin,” she managed to tell the small samurai in a shaky voice as the pain gradually subsided.

“Connie!” Gaia exclaimed in relief as she rushed over to kneel down beside her friend. “Thank goodness you’re all right! And my sincerest thanks to you as well,” she added, turning to Ronin. “I am truly in your debt.”

Before the small samurai could respond, Leena gave voice to an incantation that manifested an enormous magical nullification field. Although it was somewhat shocking to have the link to their magic severed so abruptly, Ronin seemed to see it as an opportunity. Gaia, however, was far less optimistic.

“I am sorry to say that neither Connie, nor I are particularly capable, when it comes to physical combat,” the verdant magical girl replied to Ronin’s inquiry about their non-magical capabilities. “Since we both rely so heavily on our mystical prowess, I fear we are essentially useless, as long as this nullification field remains in effect.”

If she was being honest, Gaia supposed she could have kept up with Ronin using her rather impressive agility, but, as she’d said, she had little practice with hand to hand combat, and there was no way she would ever leave Connie alone in a situation like this.

At this point, Ronin noticed that Alicia was heading for Mariette, and, not wasting a second, darted off after her.

“I-I r-really w-wish we c-could h-help her…” Connie said as Gaia helped her up, her mask displaying an exceptionally sullen visage.

“There is nothing we can do about it, little sister,” Gaia replied, while gently running her fingers through her friend’s hair. “Besides, after seeing you in such agony, I must admit I am exceedingly reluctant to place you in yet another dangerous situation so soon.”

As if to emphasize that point, they heard Ronin call out in alarm. Turning to face the source of her cry, the two friends were met with the sight of Sakura sprawled on the ground, blood pouring from a nasty wound in her chest.

“M-Miss Sakura!” Connie gasped.

Thankfully, just as Ronin reached the pink-haired girl, the Beacon magical boy from back at the meeting showed up and began mending her wounds. This left Ronin free to continue her mission, and would also hopefully ensure Sakura’s survival. Everywhere Connie looked, everyone seemed to be doing something productive, everyone, except her and Gaia. She desperately wanted to be of use, but she had no idea how. There had to be something she and Gaia could do, but what? It was then that Connie noticed three figures materialize a short distance away, one of whom was a bespectacled girl with lavender hair…

“O-Oh my g-gosh…” Connie whispered in stunned surprise. “I-Is t-that Amanda?!”

(Note- I am working under the assumption that this all takes place before Josefin pokes her head out the window.)

Sooo, Mayra’s fire was being turned into glitter and a whole lot of other things were happening… but in the midst of it all that one pink Magical Girl called out to Mayra, asking if her name was, well, her name. Mayra looked astonished for a second, where the dragon-girl was sitting crouched on the railing, then she laughed.

‘You fought yourself into the mansion to talk to me!? I like your guts! Guys, this one’s mine! Don’t shoot her! We gonna talk~!’

Still, during the time that Mayra shouted this, Tenebra managed to throw a portal open and everyone was leaving, FanFan very specifically trying to pick up the same MDP that Mayra was focused on. Mayra reached out a desperate hand. ‘Wait, don’t go-!’

“Oh, goody woodie~!” MDP cheered upon getting confirmation on the draconic monster girl’s identity. “Magical Dream Princess was super duper hoping that’s who you were~! (giggle!)”

Unfortunately, before MDP could say anything further, FanFan scooped her up and carried her towards a massive rift in the dimensional fabric. However, while FanFan may have certainly believed that she was carrying MDP with her through Tenebra’s rift, if she looked closely at what she was holding, the Ascendancy girl would discover a body pillow with an image of MDP printed on it, a pillow that would wink out of existence the moment Leena activated her Null Field. Meanwhile, MDP herself was still in the foyer, giggling at Mayra’s alarmed reaction to FanFan apparently whisking her away.

“Like, Magical Dream Princess is right here, silly willy~! (giggle!) Don’t worry, she’s not going anywheresie, cause she’s got a super duper important wortant chatty watty she wants to have with you~!”(giggle!)

Mayra blinked as MDP showed that she hadn’t gone anywhere, and Mayra laughed again. ‘You’re a tricky one, ain’t ya?’ she said, and then jumped, making a summersault before landing on the floor of the foyer, bending her knees before MDP. ‘So, what’ya wanna talk about?’ she asked, but her companion (who just used 21 Agi and a non-corporeal body to dodge a seed attack but couldn’t pursue as a result) had a different opinion.

‘… If you’re going to have a chat, do it elsewhere,’ an annoyed Lea who’d just watched her prey get away through a portal told them pretty sternly, and MDP was probably getting not-too-favourable looks from other directions, too, albeit a couple curious ones as well.

‘Right, sure, over here!’ Mayra called, and could lead them to a room two doors east of here that was the common room, which looked like the average break area of an office except placed in a gothic mansion, tables and chairs, couches and a refrigerator, a TV and a few other things that don’t belong in an ancient mansion for the inhabitants to take it easy… if MDP followed there, of course. Relocation was sort-of-important so the rest of the forces could make tactical conversation without a possible enemy there. Mayra was the one of them that was most capable of taking care of herself, anyway.

“Okie dokie~! (giggle!)” MDP acknowledged with a happy smile, as she skipped after Mayra into the common room. “Like, if Magical Dream Princess is being perfectly werfectly honest, she kinda winda wanted to have this conversation wasion in private wivate anywaysie~” Taking a deep breath, and trying her best to remember what she wanted to say (and what she didn’t want to say), MDP began to explain the reason she wanted to have this chat. “So, like, a super duper secret wecret placey wacey that belongs to Magical Dream Princess’s most favorite wavorite person worson in the whole wide worldsie got all trashy washied a few days ago, and Magical Dream Princess was told that you were the meanie weanie responsible wonsible.” Putting her hands on her hips, she glared indignantly at the draconic monster girl. Or, at least she tried to… It probably looked more adorable than anything even remotely intimidating. Then her eyes softened a bit, her gaze now holding a mixture of sadness and confusion, rather than anger. “So, like, she just wants to know why Mayra Wayra did it…” MDP added in a slightly plaintive voice.

Mayra looked around the room a bit as she listened to MDP, looking incredibly not-bothered about what she was hearing. ‘Oh, is this a revenge-story? I’m cool with that. Hey, can we bust up this room for the fun of it and then claim we had an epic battle? Or do you want to actually have an epic battle?’ Mayra started, grinning a little, not necessarily entirely serious.

‘Remind me a bit. What place was this? I don’t remember busting up anything that reminds me of you, heh. Did the place have unicorns? Were they tasty?’

“Battle wattle~?” MDP asked, tilting her head in slight confusion. “Weeeell, Magical Dream Princess guesses we could do something like that later water, but, like, why would Mayra Wayra want to trashy washy this placey wacey~? Oh~! And the placey wacey Mayra Wayra trashy washied didn’t have any unicorns, silly willy~! (giggle!) It looked kinda winda like a city wity, but it was just a fakey wakey one, and there were also some super duper cool robot thingie wingies there, too~! (giggle!) Does Mayra Wayra remember wember any of that~?”

‘Why wouldn’t you!?’ Mayra asked, excitedly. ‘This place that everyone would usually get mad at me if I wrecked. We could totally utterly tear it asunder and have a perfectly viable explanation why! Doesn’t that sound exciting!? Mayra said, eyes glimmering almost innocent-looking compared to the brutality she was suggesting. Anyways, then MDP went on to talk about cities and robots, and-

‘OH, YEAH, THAT, THAT WAS AWESOME!!’ Mayra shouted and looked super-excited. ‘You should have seen it! One of the battle robots came overhead like WEEEEEEE, but I dodged aside like WOOOOOO, and then I shot it down like PAM, but then the elites surrounded me like-!’ Mayra called as she waved around her hands letting them play the roles of herself and the robots as they depicted a probably inaccurate version of what had actually happened. ‘Ah, those belonged to your friend. Um. I’m sorry. Uh, well, our information girls found the place and the robots, and I couldn’t contain myself and just HAD to go fight them! IT WAS AWESOME! THEY WERE AWESOME! Can I fight them again!? Will they be upgraded!? Even harder!!?? Ooooh, please!’ Mayra continued, emotions flaring a bit of everywhere.

MDP’s initial look of plaintive confusion began to quickly change into one of overwhelming glee with each new word Mayra spoke, until the childish magical girl was smiling from ear to ear.

“Wowie zowie~! So, like, Mayra Wayra just wanted to play with the droney woneies because she thought it would be fun~?! Not because she hates Magical Dream Princess’s most special wecial person worsen~?! Yaaaay~!” she cheered happily, while clapping her hands and jumping up and down. “That makes Magical Dream Princess sooo happy wappy~! (giggle!) And she’s also super duper happy wappy that Mayra Wayra had so much fun playing with the droney woneies, too~! (giggle!) Does Mayra Wayra wanna know a super duper secret wecret~?! Magical Dream Princess, like, totally helped designy winey those droney woney thingie wingies~! Oh~! And Mayra Wayra can totally wotally play with them again~! (giggle!) Magical Dream Princess made lots of upgradey wadeies to them, so they’re, like, super duper nasty wasty nowie~! (giggle!) Magical Dream Princess would just wuv to see how Mayra Wayra handle wandles them~! And, like, Magical Dream Princess even has her own super duper cool droney woney thingie too~! (giggle!)” she added, becoming even more excited, if that were possible. “But it’s, like, a super duper surprisey wisey, so she’s, like, not gonna talky walky about it any moresie~! (giggle!)”

Mayra looked a bit surprised at MDP even suspecting it could have been an act of hatred, though then she got excited again as… ‘YOU designed them? Woah, you’re good!’ And then that she could play with them again… ‘For real? I’m invited? Invited to bust up your stuff!? OH, MAN, THANKS!’

Mayra says so and then very suddenly attempted to possibly kind of harshly hug around MDP which probably was pretty uncomfortable because dragon-scales hard. ‘You’re my bestest friend! Don’t you worry; I’ll bust up your droney woney thingies hard so you can get to upgrade them again!’ Mayra told in sheer joy.

‘Also, you are INCREDIBLY weird to listen to!’ Mayra added with so honest a tone and wide a smile that it probably wasn’t meant as an insult.

Even though the crushing embrace Mayra was giving her would be exceedingly uncomfortable for a normal person, it did nothing to dampen MDP’s spirits. She had made a new friend, and an exceptionally fun one at that! Giggling with glee, she hugged Mayra back just as tightly.

“Like, of coursey worsey you can~! (giggle!)” the cheerful magical girl told Mayra after the draconic monster girl had asked if MDP was sure she would allow her to fight the drones again. “Like, you’re a super duper toughie wuffy, so Magical Dream Princess thinks you’d be the perfect werfect person worsen to testy westy the brand new droney woneies, and she’s, like, sooo super duper excited to see what you think of them~! (giggle!)” Then Mayra told her that she was her new best friend, causing the childish magical girl to squeal with delight. “Wowie zowie~! (giggle!) Magical Dream Princess is making sooo many wany new friendsie wendsies today~! She really hopes she can remember wember all of their namey waymies…” she added, sounding a bit uncertain, before quickly brightening again. “But, like, Mayra Wayra shouldn’t worry~! There’s, like, no way Magical Dream Princess could forget your namey waymie~! (giggle!)”

She paused a moment when Mayra told her how weird she was to listen too, as if not quite understanding what the monster girl meant. Then she giggled sweetly, as if an idea had suddenly occurred to her.

“Like, super duper thankie wankies~! (giggle!) Magical Dream Princess talky walkies the way she does because she thinks it makes her sound super duper cute and kawaii~! (giggle!) She really, really wuvs that kinda winda stuffy wuffy, but, like, she has to keep it a super duper secret wecret when she’s her normal wormal selfie welfie… That’s why she wuvs being Magical Dream Princess~! (giggle!) When she’s a magical wagical girl, she can act all adorable worable and have so much fun, and nobodywody will ever know that Magical Dream Princess and her super duper boring woring and gloomy woomy normal selfie welfie are really the same person worson~! (giggle!)”

‘Ooooh, man, I can’t wait to bust some more robots…!’ Mayra said, excitedly. Then the part with the name, and Mayra released the hug to point to herself with a wide happy face. ‘Yeah! I’m Mayra McCullough, the Flame Demon of Asengav, dragon turned Magical Girl! Speaking of, I don’t think I got your name? Just “Magical Dream Princess”, hah,’ she then asked, looking to MDP.

‘Huh. Right. Alright, then,’ Mayra simply replied with kind of a happy shrug about how MDP acts. ‘Right, listen, it seems there’s an anti-magic field about, and behind Freya I’m Mariette’s strongest physical girl, so I think they might kinda need me, and I’m not about to turn down being the star of the show. Defending our mistress from crazy vampire and all that. What are you going to do?’ Mayra asked, looking curious.

“Yep yep~!” MDP confirmed when Mayra asked about her name. “Magical Dream Princess is Magical Dream Princess~! (giggle!)” When the subject of what she was planning to do next came up, the cheerful magical girl seemed to get even more excited. “Magical Dream Princess is gonna do what she came here for~! (giggle!) She’s gonna help Samurai-chan save Mariettey Wetty, and the rest of you girls, from some super duper meanie weanie heads~!”

‘Alright, then!’ Guess Mayra just had to show up to the high-tech facility and ask for the magical princess to find her. She could work with that! Okay, and now the girl was going to- ‘Huh?’ Mayra looked a bit confused. But, uh… … …

Possibilities arose in Mayra’s mind. Possibilities of why exactly someone would be joining an attack on Mariette’s mansion to “save” the girls within. Just as a thought occurred to her, a sad uninvited mind-bent thought showed up alongside it that she-

- Nope.

- You know what?

- That’s no fun.

Mayra grabbed MDP’s arm in a tight grip and grinned.

‘Let’s go.’

“Huh~?” MDP wondered with a slightly confused smile.

‘Let’s go save Mariette!’ she called so happily, before pulling on MDP to start running with her already! The less I know, the better~!

“Okie dokie~! (giggle!)”

This was going to be so much fun!
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