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In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Morning
Location: Forest outside Roshmi
Interaction: @helo Cade - @Tae Elsea - @FunnyGuy Umber
Mention n/a

Cora watched Linnet and surrounded herself with fire. The flames danced and flickered amongst the shadowy forest. The canopy of leaves above was illuminated by the flames. She snarled at Linnet’s words. Rat breath? Who was she to talk to? The woman was as ratty as they came! Cora gasped with shock as Linnet walked through the flames. She took a step back and bristled with anger. Growls emitted from her as she glowered with hatred and rage. How had she done that? Is it something Cora herself was capable of doing? She didn’t understand. However, she also didn’t have time to waste as the bitch herself threw a line of flames at her. Flashbacks of the dracolich filled her mind’s eye. She hesitated as the line of flames fired at her; then reacted quickly. Cora counted the flames with her own, but a few managed to singe her dress. She scowled and let out a yelp of surprise and pain. She raised her hand and removed the flames with her magic and scowled. Then….

Cora cried out as Linnet’s hand smacked into her face unexpectedly. Alarmed, she pulled her arms over her face to shield it. Her words cut through her like a knife. Each punch made her grit her teeth. Cora didn’t want to hurt her yet… No, she wanted to defend. Still, the idea that she could hurt, or even maybe seriously injure Linnet, crossed her mind. The woman had ruined her life, her self-esteem and worth, her mind…. Cora stumbled, trying to withhold her fury and hatred, though it was becoming unbearable. She scowled as the bitch backed away and continued speaking.

Glaring, Cora lowered her arms from her face but kept them up in case of another attack. Dumpster baby? No. Cora studied her next move. Her jaw dropped as Linnet had set herself safely on fire without harming herself. How was this possible? Did this woman get taught by the Lich or something? Her mind reeled from the insults. Then suddenly, Cora couldn’t help but start laughing. The woman could only insult her birth status, nothing more. It was clear who was truly the superior sibling.

”You sound like a broken record, Linnet. You can’t insult anything other than my birth status. You’re nothing more than a backstabbing jealous slut, who achieved nothing on your own. You’re a lowlife scumbag with a heart of coal. I wonder if if the shoe had been on the other foot, what would become of you? It’s a shame really that all you’re good for is your pretty face. I wonder though if it got carved up, what else would you have? Nothing. You’re a selfish, arrogant, worthless, good-for-nothing bitch. I feel sorry for you. I recall that you were the lonely one in school, and didn’t have many friends, longingly chasing after Gale, till I came around. Sad for you, Linnet, but it ends here.”

Cora then focused on the flames. She could use fireballs, but risked burning the forest. She glared. She wouldn’t burn down this forest like Ayita’s home had been. She had to be better than that. Instead, Cora glanced at her body and stared at Linnet. ”You’ll never be better than me Linnet.” Cora tried to focus on the flames surrounding her to begin pulling them away from her foe. She began making a protective shield form around herself and concentrated hard. Cora stared at her and shook her head with disappointment. She braced herself and did her best to control her anger.

”You’re nothing but a shame, Linnet. I think Mom and Dad once told me you were a whoopsie.” Cora then took a few steps forward and formed fireballs in her hand. If she hit the trees, she’d focus on putting them out. ”But you’re nothing without me.” Cora stepped forward and reached through the flames herself. She then shot fireballs at her accurately and set the ground beneath her on fire. The flames burned brighter than Linnet’s and were hotter. She scowled as she began throwing fireballs repeatedly and didn’t relent her attacks. Each one came faster than the next and stronger as well. A wall of fire encircled the two as Cora began allowing her rage and grief to fuel her flames. The clearing around her was illuminated by flames and may have been visible. Their shadows danced across the trees, briefly illuminating a figure she couldn't quite focus on, nor was able to truly see.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Forest near Roshmi
Interaction: @princess Malachi | @13org Myra | @helo Valok | @Eviledd1984 O'ner

Once safely away, the trio stopped. Belle quieted her panting and wiped sweat from her forehead. She felt 14 again and on the run from the police. She fought the urge to snicker. Malachi and the creature shared discourse over the sea. Belle couldn’t help but find it surprising she could smell it already. To Bell’s surprise, she watched as the creature spoke. Blinking, Belle stared at her for a moment and then smirked. Her tone was less icy than usual. The creature seemed to be trustworthy, yet Belle wasn't letting her guard down. "Nice to meet you." She provided a curt nod and faint smile.

Then she watched as Myra became alert and semi hostile. Thinking it may have been Terneus, Belle remained alert and poised. Then, as the figure came into view, she hissed under her breath. There stood a Dark Elf, one of the last things they needed. His reasoning was innocent enough yet she didn’t trust him. Belle cursed herself for speaking her name and glanced at Malachi, then stepped behind him. If this Dark Elf was a soldier hunting rebels in the forest, they were screwed. While out of view, Belle tucked her hair nonchalantly over her ears. Next, she watched as the wizard rejoined and remained impassive. She remained silent and allowed Malachi to reply to him instead.

”Now what?” she whispered under her breath to Malachi. It was only audible for Malachi and Myra. Belle remained poised and on her toes. Her fight or flight was kicking in once more. Belle couldn't wait to leave this godforsaken forest. Her skin was crawling, and she felt her stomach rumble. If she didn't eat soon, she'd cut a bitch.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Afternoon
Location: Forests near River Kingdom
Interaction: n/a. Is alone and remains alone until further notice.

The noises of the forest were music to Artemis’ ears. The chirping of the birds and scurrying of the animals made her smile. The forest fauna was colorful as usual. It was a stark contrast to their hellish world. She sat on the edge of the river with fish in her hands and berries lying next to her. Artemis had found a stick and sharpened the tip to become a makeshift spear. As a result of the near decade of enslavement, her stamina was lower. She needed more breaks than Risa and was farther behind. She had her short indigo hair tied back into a seashell clip. Her tail was wagging back and forth idly in the stream. She hadn’t felt the need to keep her legs. God, she missed this; being able to hangout in the forest and be on her own. Her dress was beginning to soak up the sun too and dry. She hated swimming in wet clothing.

”Well well well, boys. What do we have here?” A gruff voice caused Artemis to jump. She turned around to find four Dark Elves soldiers staring at her ten feet away, armed to the teeth. The one speaking had an array of knives and swords, and she could see blood dripping from one of them. Her stomach became queasy as worry filled her for Risa. She began recalling his name - it was Cadmus. He had been in the black markets, she recalled, torturing fairies. ”A mermaid, so far south. So unusual and alone.” Artemis dropped the food and pushed herself into the stream. Once safely in the water, she whirled around to face them. Scowling, she bared her teeth and glowered vehemently. Her temper was high now. How dare they interrupt her?

”Whoa, this one is feisty.” The balding one next to him said. He was armed with swords and a bow. If Artemis recalled correctly, his name was Cherish. What a particular name for a Dark Elf. Artemis scowled and eyed as the four of them began spreading out. Next to him were female Dark Elf twins, Jetta, and Harmony. These two were particularly brutal and treated other species horribly.

”Well well well,” Artemis finally spoke, mocking them as she watched them. Four against one; she liked those odds. Still, she was weakened. No matter, it would be considered training for her. Why were there so many soldiers and who had sent them? Was it River and Shade? What the hell would Shade care? That left River being the culprit or even Aklenroth. Was he on her trail? Would he really send them after her? Maybe... ”All of this for me? I am flattered." Her stomach churned. Was Risa safe? Had she made it to the fairy kingdom? She had to stall and fight them off to figure it out. She gritted her teeth. True fear was beginning to rise. What would happen if she lost? Her mind was racing as she assessed the situation. She'd have to be precise, quick and unpredictable. ”Can’t let a girl eat, huh? Shame for you. I’m rather vicious when I’m hungry.”

”I think we have enough for you, Artemis.” Cadmus spoke with a grin as he twirled his sword. Artemis knew she could win in the water as well, but they would be smart enough to stay away. This meant it would have to be on land until she could. There were too many for her to compel, too. She’d need to pick them off one by one. Artemis flashed a malevolent grin and pushed herself up onto the land. The cracking of her bones was audible as she adjusted her bra. She smoothed her dress down and watched them take a step back, stunned. She had to capitalize on this.

”You should have sent more.” Without wasting a beat, she let out a powerful sonic scream. The four Elves jumped in surprise and covered their ears. Hastily, Artemis grabbed a fallen branch and hurtled it at the nearest Elves, Jetta, and Harmony. Jetta made it out of the way in time however, her sister had not. The force of the branch knocked her backwards. The clumsy ox fell into a bush and became entangled, judging by her muffled grunts. Jetta glared and ran at her. Artemis picked up her spear and blocked her oncoming attack with it. She glowered and knew she couldn't fight too much on land, or else she’d become too fatigued. It seemed the Dark Elves were allowing one on one, thinking she was easy prey. Little did they know that wasn’t the truth.

Jetta grinned, thinking she had the upper hand. Artemis wasn’t completely defenseless on land. She pulled the stick away and caused Jetta to lean forward from the momentum. She moved out of the swords’ way and maintained her safety. Using this to her advantage, Artemis twirled the stick and stabbed her in the stomach. Jetta's’ screams echoed, although she managed to punch Artemis in the face. Tears blinded her but she didn’t allow it to slow herself down. She stumbled, but quickly regained her balance. Her face began aching tremendously. It would definitely bruise over. She felt as if her nose had been broken from the pain. Artemis yanked the sword from her grip and smacked her in the head with it, causing the woman to topple over. Artemis jumped on her and pinned her down easily. She focused and stared her down. The stick was next to her and she viciously pulled it out. The woman's screams were palpable. To the siren, it was music to her ears. ”You will quit fighting.” Artemis compelled while Jetta tried to kick her off but Artemis wouldn’t budge. Jetta stared at her and finally stopped fighting. With a grin, Artemis leaned forward and ripped her throat out. Jetta’s guttural scream rang throughout the forest.

At the same time, Harmony had entangled herself from the bushes. She watched as her sister’s throat was ripped out and the mermaid stood up. There wasn’t a sound to describe her grief and fury. The noise she created was music to Artemis’ ears. Blood dripped from her face as she kicked Jetta aside roughly after taking her weapons. She grinned, twirling the sword in her hand. ”I just love the way Dark Elves blood tastes.” Artemis taunted Harmony and glanced at the weapons floating down stream. She would collect them later. Her gaze snapped back to the trio. The Elves were staring with horror and shock. Their reactions only fueled her fire. She was enraged she was being attacked. This slowed her travel to the kingdom. Risa needed her.”It’s not as good as the prey I’ve had in the past, but it will do.” The blood from her mouth was running down her body and dress, staining her. Good - it was a warning to others if more came. More likely would, as this was a squad of Dark Elves. She had to prepare for that.

The three Elves rallied and now began to circle her. Not wasting anymore time, she let out another sonic scream. ”You stupid bitch!” Cherish roared out as blood began trickling from his ears. His comrades were in an equal state but not giving up. She saw dark energy beginning to foam and knew it was time to jump in the river. She took several steps back and was unexpectedly blasted into the stream. She cried out and lost control of the sword as it clattered into the river. She landed in the river as her legs didn't have time to transform. She fell to the bottom of the river, winded. She heard their muffled speeches and watched them stare at her. She grinned at them, despite her situation, and focused on her tail transforming.

As it did, she took several deep breaths and clutched the sword. She swam quickly out of the spot and to the right, further into the forest. She stayed right under the surface and watched as the trio tried to find her. Drunken almost from the sonic screams she’d produced, they were stumbling. She watched as Cadmus fell into the stream by mistake and capitalized on it. His friends tried to grab at him, but they were stunned from the screams. Artemis swam towards him. Once in reach, she smacked him with her tail repeatedly. The Dark Elf cried out in fear and pain, trying to reach the surface. Her tail bashing caused him to hit the river’s edge, repeatedly banging his head. Blood pooled as she smiled maliciously. Cadmus’s eyes were wide with terror as he tried conjuring magic. It didn’t work though, as his brain was too stunned. Artemis grinned as she grabbed him by the scruff and began shaking him. He was terrified now and unable to react well. On top of that, he was drowning. It didn’t take long for the scurrying of the man to suddenly loosen. She watched the light leave his filthy, dark eyes and grinned with amusement.

Artemis released his body to float up to the surface. His comrades screams of fury and anguish only made her grin widely. The river was now filled with blood. She stayed under the water and watched as her opponents' fury only increased. Their expressions only caused her glee. They hadn't expected this fight out of her. Artemis broke the surface and smiled broadly. ”Like I said,” Artemis wiped the blood from her face and twirled her hand in the bloodied water. Her other hand held the sword, despite not truly being a swordsman. She’d have to figure it out. ”You should have brought more.”

The Dark Elves stared with fury, hatred, and fear. They glanced at one another and then took an offensive stance. Dizzy herself and filled with adrenaline, Artemis let out a third, powerful sonic scream and caused the two Dark Elves to collapse. She stuck the sword in the ground and pushed herself out of the water. With pure hatred, Artemis stepped towards them and halted a safe distance away. She studied their expressions and began concentrating, allowing a near decades worth of anger and devastation to rejuvenate her. Harmony was livid but didn’t move to attack her. She glanced at Cherish and maintained eye contact with them both. Her head began aching from the adrenaline, fight and concentration. She was able to compel them both to feel grief. This would aid her in her next move. Their expressions began to fill with grief and sadness, mixed with confusion. They hadn’t known she could compel them to feel certain emotions.

”You will both climb into the water and stay there until you can't breathe. You will not fight. You will not hesitate. You will hand over your weapons.” The duo tried to fight it, unsuccessfully, and began walking towards the water. They dropped their weapons in the grass, looking horrified that they had done so. She watched them enter the water and angrily watched their slow movements. It was too slow for her and her patience wore thin. ”Oh hurry UP!” She yelled and pushed them both into the stream. Harmony lost her footing and smacked her head on the ground and face. She yelped as she landed in the water. Cherish on the other hand, managed to take a brief escape and stab her in the side. Artemis yelled out in pain. She savagely picked the sword up and stabbed him in the back. She allowed the pain to settle and then ripped it out of him. She kicked him into the water and began watching the blood pool from both corpses. He had been too shocked to scream.

Panting, she sank to the ground and gripped the grass. She sank onto it and rested her head on the ground. Shaking with fury and adrenaline, the fatigue began settling in as she watched the two drown helplessly. Artemis glared at them both and wiped the blood from her face and chest. Once the two had stopped struggling, Artemis pushed herself up onto all fours. She collected their weapons, including the ones in the stream, and glanced around for her food. Sadly, it had not survived the fight too well. Scowling, she turned and glanced at the stream. Fish were attempting to flee, but the blood-stained river made it difficult to navigate. Smiling, she snatched a fish from the river and set it on the grass. It flopped helplessly, though she ignored it. Artemis crawled over to a bush containing berries and began picking them. Once the fish stopped flopping, she began to eat it.

Artemis started to sing quietly as she continued to eat, unfazed by the scenery around her. There was a nasty grin plastered all over her face. "As I said," Artemis glanced at the Dark Elves corpses with a smirk. "You should have sent more." Then, her gaze fixated on the direction of the River Kingdom. This had wasted precious time she needed. She gritted her teeth and bit into the fish with a vengeance.

In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Morning
Location: Forest outside Roshmi
Interaction: @helo Cade - @Tae Elsea - @FunnyGuy Umber
Mention n/a

Cora watched with confusion as Cade stood up. His sudden demeanor change had her on edge. What was wrong? She glanced around but didn’t have time to investigate. A familiar voice she hoped she’d never hear again was filling the air. Cora turned and felt the blood run cold. Standing by the tree casually, was Linnet. She didn’t have time to process the logistics of how she’d suddenly appeared. Instead, the words cut through her like a knife. Orphan - the one word that would set her off like nothing else. Then, rage burned inside of her and threatened to begin a wildfire. The damn inside of her was breaking. She clenched her fists and focused on keeping her flames in check. She didn’t want to lose control and accidentally hurt the Avalian forests, or worse: her comrades. Cade shouted something at them, but his words didn’t make sense. How were Ayita and Linnet here? Elsea seemed preoccupied with something else too. What was happening?

”Better than me?” Cora let out a derisive laugh. She didn’t sound like her kind self she’d shown moments ago. No; her eyes were burning like the flame in her hand. Her expression was hardened with hatred. Her words came out with their own venom. ”They picked me to live there, unlike being stuck with a bitch like you. You had to get your scores changed because you were too dumb and into your own self to have studied properly.” The alcoholism comment made her feel as if she'd been dipped ice. How did Linnet know about that? She bit her lip as the memories threatened to overwhelm her. When Linnet ran off, Cora hesitated momentarily. She didn't want to leave the others; yet, Linnet was a threat. With a scowl, Cora chased after her. ”You coward - quit running!”

She felt adrenaline pulsing through her. Her mind was too focused on confusion, anger, hurt and betrayal. Her focus had left her comrades. She began turning and glancing around for Linnet. As she did so, she formed a protective ring of fire around herself. ”Come out and face me.” She glanced around as tears threatened. She blinked them away. Instead, she summoned two fireballs into her hand.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Forest near Roshmi
Interaction: @princess Malachi | @13org Myra | @Dezuel Terneus |

Belle didn't think twice about retreating. She was screwed if she attacked and the governor recognized it. Without her magic, she couldn't protect herself from the venom. She gritted her teeth and made her decision. Hastily, she threw the firesticks down in the pit and then grabbed the robin eggs. Next, Belle gripped Malachi's hand tightly and ran with him. She glanced at him with concern and then became impassive. If the governor followed them.... Her worry began morphing into a grin. Once Myra had stopped, she did as well and turned to the others. Turning to Malachi, she let go of his hand and quietly gave him the robin eggs with her other hand.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Morning
Location: Forest outside Roshmi
Interaction: @helo Cade & @Tae Elsea
Mention Ayita & Rei

While Cade spoke, Cora kept silent and glanced around. It was peacefully quiet, and she was enjoying it. The past two week had taught her not to let her guard down though. She glanced at the flame on her hand and beckoned it to stay alive. The concentration though was beginning to bog her down. She sighed and closed her hand over the flame to extinguish it. Her eyes widened as he spoke about Ayita. Shock wasn’t enough to describe it. The land, the tribe, and the white men…. Cora was left speechless. Had the DROMS ripped through various timelines? She blinked, her jaw agape. Then, remembering her mouth, quickly shut it to purse her lips. Her heart skipped a beat, then fell. Ayita… Ayita was a Native American, and her people had been wiped out by Cora’s ancestors. She didn’t react to Cade preparing her breakfast. Finally, after what seemed like hours, Cora finally spoke.

“Thank you Cade,” she replied. Cora took the lettuce wrap and hid the vermin inside of it. If she could trick her mind that it wasn’t a rodent, perhaps she could maybe digest it. She sighed and took a deep breath before finally biting into it. Grimacing, unsuccessfully. She tried to hide it from Cade, and forced herself to chew and swallow it. Then she forced out a smile. ”I believe I would take this over bugs.” In case he was offended, she continued to eat. She began thinking of how to respond to Cade in a way he might understand to distract her from her food. ”I… I am from a different timeline of Ayita. See, I come from her future. The white men are my ancestors. I condone what happened to her tribe and the many others that existed." Cora paused to allow the differences sink it and continued.

"Also, my family isn't noble. My family was - never mind. I lived alone on Earth for quite some time before I got pulled here," Cora avoided delving deeper into her history. A noble - as if. She was an orphan for most of her life until the Kings adopted her, only to throw her out in the end. How ironic was that? Alone... That's where she had been when she was pulled until she found Rei. He was all she had from home, and she desperately wished he was safe. She couldn't wait to see him again and tell him about Ayita. Cora couldn't help but wonder if she would end up alone on Avalia as well. It seamed as if life had her out to be alone. Perhaps this was her chance to turn the page and make a new fate for herself. She smiled faintly, thinking of her friends here. At first it had been Rei, Kenia and Malachi; now she had Elsea and Cade.

In reverie, she paused and forced herself to chew and swallow the food. She would kill right now for Taco Bell or Panera. Even a hamburger and milkshake. Cora turned to watch Elsea join them and offered her a sweet smile, in between her bites. She stared at her now too, frozen. Was Elsea from a different timeline as well? Her voice held an Irish accent as well. What timeline was she from? Taking a deep breath, she replied, ”The patch of land that Christopher Columbus thought was India, became the United States of America. It’s by Canada and Mexico.” Her jade green eyes were wide with shock and awe. Realizing this might not help, she pushed further. "Where and what year are you from?” Cora watched her friend eat the rat as if it were normal and knew this girl was from a vastly different time as well. Cora was stunned into silence and turned her attention to her lettuce wrap while glancing at Elsea for a response.

Time: Late Afternoon
Location: Streets of Ember Grove
Interaction: @Pink Khione

The streets of Ember Grove were unnaturally busy and bustling with people. The small child stood out amongst them and hid in her hoodie. She clutched her care bear to her chest. Next, she moved up against a wall. There were too many people for her to be able to handle. It felt like there was an elephant on her chest. She wasn’t sure if the restaurant nearby her specialized in making onions, but her eyes kept tearing. She had to keep rubbing them with her hands and she was tired of it. Alice stared at the ground as she watched a family walk by, laughing about something. There was hope, even happiness in their eyes and she envied it. It made her blood boil and heat to rise in her face. She lowered her hands and clenched them into fists.

Her stomach would not stop rumbling. She reached into her pockets as if money might appear. To her disappointment, none had magically materialized. Would she have to steal? What happened to girls who tried stealing? She bit her lip as she stared at Starbucks. Her mother had loved going there and always let her pick out pastries. Her eyes filled with tears but she was determined not to let anymore fall. She was so hungry. She gripped the backpack over her shoulder and shuffled her feet. Nervousness filled her. This isn't right. What else could she do though? Go back home and get yelled at? Sent to an orphanage or in jail? She didn’t want that. Alice couldn’t help but crave blood. Her parents couldn’t understand the sudden, weird transformation. She wished she could be normal.

She began walking toward the store as if in a trance. She bumped into a few people on her way. Mumbling apologies, Alice made her way into the store. She glanced around. She saw a couple sitting together by the window, and an older woman reading and sipping her latte. The store was busy, not overwhelming though. She wished there were more people in it. Alice inhaled the scents of the store. She smelled vanilla, cinnamon, pumpkin spice… Her gaze moved over the pastries. She saw the muffins, cake, and the scones. Right next to them were the cake pops decorated like animals. Her mouth watered even more. She needed the fox pop right now. She wouldn’t mind a croissant either. The cheese danish next to it looked yummy, too. She glanced at the chips, fruit cups, and the granola bars. Though she was ten feet away, she could read all the labels clearly. Why had her eyesight become so sharp?

Her eyes glanced at the cold sandwiches and salad. They were easier to steal. Alice cleared her throat and moved inside the store. As she waited, she began to evaluate her moves. She wanted to grab as much as she could. Her mind wandered. If her heart was beating, it’d jump out of her chest. Alice hesitated and allowed a few older college looking students in front of her and moved to the counter. Slowly, and glancing around, Alice began to grab the items one at a time and stick them in her bag.

Adrenaline rushing, she stuck her items in her bag and jumped when a clerk snapped, ”Hey, kid! What are you doing?” Alice inhaled and jumped. She turned to find people staring and watching her. Frozen like a deer in headlights, she remained silent. Her mind began cooking up a reply but went blank. She stared, eyes wide and gripped the orange juice bottle in her hand.

”Just um, looking at your food….” Alice bit her lip and let out a bashful smile. She batted her eyelashes sweetly. ”I.. um, my mom’s outside. She’s going to pay for it.” She glanced outside as if beckoning someone to join her, but nobody came. No one stood up for her, either. The clerk came over as did the manager to stare at her accusingly. The looks on their faces reminded her of her parent's disdainful horrified expressions when she'd tasted the blood. She tensed up and felt her mouth run dry. What did she do?

”Young lady, you need to put that food back.” The woman glared at her and tried to block her path. Alice knew she was caught and needed to escape now. The cops would identify her, then call her parents and she’d be back in that horrible place. She glanced around and then darted for the doorway. She moved quicker than expected and took them off guard. She bolted for the door and kicked a chair into her pathway to help stall them. Once at the door she burst through it and nearly took it off its hinges. People yelled at her to come back and tried stopping her, but the young girl was too fast for them. She raced down the street and down an empty alleyway. The hall was too high to just scale, but the dumpster was nearby enough that she figured she could climb it. Panicking and seeing no other escape, Alice thrust her bag over her shoulders and climbed the dumpster. She began to climb it when the voices came closer. She gasped with fear and tried to make it over the wall. Instead, she twisted her ankle and fell into the dumpster. The lid sealed over her. Plunged into darkness, Alice curled up into a ball and awaited whatever doom would come next. Tears streamed down her face as she held her breath.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Forest near Roshmi
Interaction: @princess Malachi | @13org Myra | @Dezuel Terneus |

The scene that unfolded before Belladonna was a mixture of horror and shock. She had never expected to see spiders attacking. Where there were babies, would be a mother spider. Her eyes scanned the forest. For now, she couldn’t see anything. It would be likely soon that it would appear. Spiders weren’t something she feared however the blue oozing from there would be clearly poisonous. Malachi confirmed it s well. Her expression morphed into annoyance. She was hungry; the bastards couldn’t wait? She sighed and turned to watch Malachi take out his bow and quickly begin shooting spiders.

Soon after, the Wizard ran off on a horse with the creature named Myra. Malachi's comment made her chuckle and she nodded in agreement. To her surprise, the creature returned. She took a defensive stance in front of them and Belle stared with surprise. Her tail rose into the air, reminding her of a skunk or cat. Amused briefly, Belle kept her expression stony so nobody saw. She had started to summon her magic when another visitor arrived. Sadly. it was the governor; one of the last Avalians she wished to encounter. How had he found them? Was it possible they were being followed? If so, who else knew they were here? As she watched, she noticed he was being useful by he beginning to attack the spiders. She pushed it to the back of her mind. Right now, he would be the last threat on her mind. Still, his presence would not bode well for her.

Her expression didn’t change. She eyed the scene before her and bit her lip. Now what did she do? With the pompous governor here, she wasn’t sure if she should use her magic. She glanced at Malachi questioningly with a frown. Had the Govt seen her as a human? There was a possibility of lying her way out of it too. Malachi already assumed the role of being her father. She was also small enough to be an elven adolescent as much as she despised it right now.

She watched as the spiders came closer and shot off her feet like a rocket into the air. Belle landed a few steps away and into a defensive stance. She quickly rose back up and hopped out of the way of an oncoming spider. Belle grabbed the stick from the fire and began waving it at them. They hissed and moved away. Once it was safe, Belle moved back towards the group. Belle grabbed another stick and touched the flames. The stick quickly burst into flames at the end of it. She grinned as the spiders scuttled backwards. She wished she had fire right now, so she could create a ring of it around the spiders and light them up. Unfortunately, she had fire’s nemesis: water. She glanced around. There had to be a stream nearby she could summon water from…. But how could she use it with the governor here?

She gritted her teeth and glanced at Malachi silently asking for answers. She eyed his bow and raised her eyebrows, hoping he understood that she wanted it. Her eyes wandered to the governor and back to the bow. Belle kept attacking the spiders and forcing them to retreat. While waiting for Malachi's decision, Belle took a step forward and glared at the spiders.

Time: Morning to Late Afternoon
Location: Diner > Hotel > Ember Grove
Interactions: NPC Iris
Mentions: @princess Angel

After being dropped off at the Hotel Inn did she realize she had forgotten her painting. Cursing at herself, she had entered the hotel. No matter, she’d contact Angel again. That woman would use it as leverage over her and Shay was certain she'd know. She felt a pit in her stomach form. She was risking her life by revealing it to her; yet, the devil was forming a plan so ghastly that it would wipe out the human race. She looked down at the floor. She had to choose between what was right, and what was easy. What would be easy would be running away. She gritted her teeth. She wanted to run away but to where? She couldn’t hide forever.

On the other note, there was also the Holy Saviors she’d have to worry about. Would they recognize her? They would be everywhere. After all, Father Asshole had his cult in this town. It had been a year already. Did those bastards retain that knowledge? She shrugged it off. There were only so many problems she could worry about now. Perhaps she could finish what they had started. Besides, they wouldn’t expect her to be in the lion’s den, so close to their base. She felt a surge rush through her.

The screams of her family filled her mind’s eyes. Helplessly, Shay had watched her seven year old nephew, Peter, get shot in the head. There had been over a dozen Holy Assholes, far too many for a witch with her skill level to fight. The rage in her eyes was visible as she glanced up at the hotel clerk who had been beckoning her forward. Shay had been in a reverie and hadn’t noticed. The woman blinked with surprise at her expression. Shay moved forward with a scowl. The Dark Magic she was using only fueled her anger, and she took several deep breaths to calm down.

”Welcome to the Holiday Inn! Do you have a reservation?” Shay stared at the blue-eyed brown hair girl with a sigh. Her name tag read “Iris”.

”I’d like a room.” She shook her head and sighed. She hoped there was room and if not, she would go outside and hack inside the system. There was no way she would return to the campsite. There was a great possibility the residents would notice a few things missing...

”Thank you ma’am, do you have any preferences?”

”Between the third and fifth floor, no balcony, and in the middle of the hall. Also I want to rent a car preferably with tinted windows.” She began taking out her card before the woman could start talking. ”Book them both for a week.” The clerk began punching in the information into her computer to find an available room. She kept glancing at Shay with curiosity, in which she sternly glowered at her. Shay glanced around, keeping one eye on the clerk and the rest on the hotel. Nobody looked suspicious or out of sorts. She didn’t spot any bloodsuckers or Holy Saviors. She glanced back at the clerk and huffed to show her annoyance at waiting.

When the dumb ordeal was finally finished, Iris called out, ”All set ma’am, enjoy your stay at the Holiday Inn!”

Shay had begun sauntering away and managed a sly grin. ”Don’t you worry ma’am, I certainly will.”

Once settled in her room, Shay had ordered room service. She lounged on the bed, thankful for the comfort of it. She had become used to cold concrete, park benches, foliage and even Angel’s care. This bed though meant the world to her. Shay had turned the TV to watch cartoons but her mind wasn’t focused on it. She was stuck in her reverie. Her mind kept replaying that horrible day and her escape from Drake’s camp. She clenched her hands into fists and jumped like a cat when room service knocked on the door. She examined the perpetrator through the keyhole then swiftly took the food without a word. She began to examine the food for any traces of poison or tampering. When she discovered it was normal, she began chowing down quickly. She had ate at the diner but had more room left. She hadn’t been eating well.

Shay sighed as she stretched out the bed once finished. For now, it was peaceful, yet she couldn’t let her guard down. She needed to blend it and her rugged outfit wouldn’t cut it. She looked fresh out of Survivor. There was a mall nearby she could go to, but that risked exposure. She sighed and decided a makeover would help as well. It wouldn’t help against the bloodsuckers, yet it would impede the Holy Saviors. Their name made her sick inside and she forced it out of her mind. Saviors; what a joke.

When the text finally arrived her car was ready, Shay secured her room and turned off the TV. She grabbed her bag and pulled her hair back into a braid. Then, she pulled her hood up and exited the room. Within fifteen minutes, she was on her way to the salon and mall. Shay glanced around the car with a grin. The windows were tinted enough to conceal her, yet not so lavish that she looked suspicious. She grinned for now, allowing herself to feel the joy of a small win.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Morning
Location: Forest outside Roshmi
Interaction: @helo Cade
Mention n/a

As Cora listened to Cade, sympathy rose inside of her. She found herself frowning as she listened. She didn’t dare interrupt him though. Her eyes widened when he mentioned the dragolich. Was that the skeletal dragon she had encountered her first night? She shuddered at the thought of it. While he spoke, Cora was able to admire his bravery and honor. She smiled faintly. The world had given ehr one of the best Avalians she could have asked for. However the mention of his brother dying had given her sorrow and sympathy now. It was terrible that the Lich’s rule had brought so much terror and strife. Cora shook her head and sighed. She was going to do whatever she could do help Cade and avenge all the fallen. T

The injustice of this world was hitting close to home. She felt anger fill her veins and pump through her like adrenaline. She glanced at him when he mentioned death, then quickly changed the subject. Her life having a price on it only fueled her rage more. She hadn’t been asked to be here. Instead, life had chosen her. She had a purpose, a mission. It was to help defeat the Lich, whatever it took.

”You don’t sound crazy, Cade,” Cora began to say as she stared at him earnestly. The fire she possessed in her palms was in her eyes. ”You’re better off dying for what you believe in, than dying on the sidelines watching. We’re going to avenge Shadow, Cade, I promise you.” She managed a wry smile. If she had to die, she hoped it was in battle fighting the Lich’s forces. She would make sure if she were kidnapped, she wouldn’t go down easy. Humans were a threat, and they had power the Avalians had not. Cora allowed it to pulse through her and the flame on her hand intensified. Still, she maintained control.

”Dying in glory of battle rather cowardice is what I believe in. You didn’t upset or scare me. I’ve already faced my share of horror here. I’m aware that at any moment, I could be killed. I trust you know that, and won’t let it happen if you can help it. I am not afraid. Should worst come to worst, I wouldn't go down easy. I plan on that." Cora then turned the conversation to Earth with a grin. Then, as Cade finished, her smile dropped.

Tribe? As in Native American tribes? She stared with shock and tilted her head to one side. ”Tribe?” she repeated and scratched her head. ”I.. Can you tell me more?” Was it possible that it was a modern tribe? Obviously Native Americans still existed. Cora’s gut feeling however doubted her notions as her mind buzzed. She wasn’t going to allow herself to think the impossible yet though.

She then recovered after the silence to add, ”Earth is similar to Avalia. Where I came from is called the United States of America. It has a government, and freedom mostly. It’s had its share of wars and tyranny, too. I wasn’t around for those times. The logistics of Avalia are very familiar to me though.” Her expression darkened. She thought of her childhood growing up happy, then having it come raining down. The years after it had brought her down into a dark, dark place. She bit her lip. She decided to move onto something happier. She glanced at the food and felt nauseated, though she kept it to herself. ”I think the food is done.”
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