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In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: 10:00am
Interaction: @princess Helio @Benzaiten Elaine @Helo Nym
Location: Barboda's Ship

Tigerlily listened intently to Helio and remained impassive. She caught his irritation, though she pretended not to. When he stopped floating and landed on the deck, she tensed. What was he going to do? She bit her lip and watched. However, he started to explain his history. She made sure no judgement crossed her expression, especially remaining kind. She didn’t give off any tense or fearful vibes. However, part of her longed to dive into the ocean and escape, yet she had nowhere else to go. She was screaming on the inside and wanted to find rum. She hated to rely on it or drink, as it inevitably triggered her, yet it helped.

After he finished, she paused for a moment. His attempt at humor though was a coverup and she knew she had to go eat. But first… Then she took a step forward and shifted her cape and hat to one arm. Tigerlily sighed quietly and reached out to pat him on the shoulder gently, as she said, ”You are The Magnificent Helio. I know you can find your place again. I am not afraid of you and support you. Don’t let me being a siren deter you.” She took another deep breath and removed her arm to hold her items evenly and brushed blue strands of hair out of her eyes with annoyance. ”You can join me in the cabin if you’d like for food or company and don't suffer in the sun.” She moved forward then gave one last look at the island, flicked it off before heading into the hall.

”Yo.” She greeted Nym and Elaine who were both inside. With a charming smile on her face as if nothing happened, she went over to a table and set down her cape and hat. ”Awfully damn hot out there, Nym. Think I might need a swim partner so I don’t bake out there.” She winked and then set her backpack down and pulled out her other outfit and grinned. It was far more open and easier to transform in than this death trap of an outfit. ”I’m going to die of heat stroke before this war tries to kill me so excuse me.” She moved to a vacant area and quickly changed without worrying if anyone saw her. Lily laid her weapons out on the table in front of her. Sirens were open and she had learned to overcome modesty as a prisoner on Daka Island. She then re-strapped her swords and hid the sheathed daggers in her boots she kept on.

Once finished, she set her other clothes back in the backpack and moved over to join them at a table. Her scales were far more noticeable now and covered her body like armor. ”Dinner and a show, how lucky for you both and I’m not even charging amas.” She smirked as she grabbed a plate and began piling food onto it. She scanned for the rum and poured herself two glasses. With a grin, she turned to the others, and began eating and drinking. Her subconscious thought was somewhere else, however, as she began trying to push away the flashbacks. As long as she conversed, ate the food and drank the rum, she wouldn’t remember...

In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: 10:00 am
Location: Jungle near Sun Elf Kingdom ---> Jungle
Interactions: @baraquiel Jomari @Alivefalling Caelan @13org Nuallán @princess Sophie @chrysocoma Aurora

Jomari’s question reached Rosaria’s ears although she was more focused on keeping track of the jungle. She paused as she contemplated answering him. There were many creatures and plants, but she didn’t want to scare them and not also soften the danger. The less she said the better too with him. She sighed and glanced at him briefly, ”Yes, although the venomous creatures I will warn you ahead of time. I am going to need quietness in order to study for any danger. As for the destination we are going to Roshmi, a city filled with Demihumans, which are half animal and half human, for lack of a better word. We are meeting the Roshmi princess, Mikazuki, who is a dear friend of mine.” She then fell silent and guided the group forward.

Rosaria watched Sophie pause and bend down, quickly falling behind the group. She nodded to Nuallán to watch Jomari for her and then Aurora to keep an eye on Caelan and his aura. Rosa watched as Sophie interacted with a pixie. She smirked at the pixie’s sass, but Sophie handled it well. She stayed out of the line of vision from the pixie and allowed Sophie to have this moment. However, sudden, loud footsteps caused her to tense and glance around. She raised her hands and was prepared to summon light. Was it a troll? She hoped so; they weren’t as bad. Then her jaw dropped as a Vuothoran appeared out of the jungle, roaring and stomping its feet. The ground quacked with each stomp. Horror washed over her as it picked up a boulder and thrust it near the group, narrowly missing them. Rose quickly shot up a barrier of light between Sophie and her and half shielded the others. Rose let it stay up a moment longer to catch any debris, then dropped it. She ran over to Sophie and pulled her up to her feet. Once she had a grip on her, she then sprinted forward, quickly catching up to the others. There wasn’t any need to state the obvious; they had company.

What they needed was the order and to follow it. ”RUN! Do NOT stop and look back! Nuallán, Jomari’s your responsibility; Caelan will follow me and Aurora - watch our auras! Keep up!” Rosaria felt apologetic for pulling Sophie so roughly but she hadn’t wanted to waste time. She knew Caelan would follow, she figured, but especially if she had Sophie. She had a firm grip on the girl’s arm. She gave Nuallán an apologetic look for ordering him to watch Jomari, but she had her hands full. ”This is too powerful and strong for us elves to fight off so please run!”
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: 10:00am
Interaction: @princess Helio
Location: Barboda's Ship

Tigerlily snickered at Helio and when he had guessed what she was. How intuitive still. However, the conversation was beginning to wear on her nerves. Still, she’d deal with it swiftly then move onto the more pressing matters. Her voice became terse as her expression hardened. Lily gently moved his arm from pointing at her. ”You are partially correct. I am a mermaid and a siren, but not a sea succubi. Don’t ever call me that again.” As her mind began revisiting her imprisonment on Daka Island, she felt her panic rise inside. It had been months since she had been triggered and she couldn’t understand why this was frustrating her so much.

Tigerlily took a deep breath then settled her gaze on him, becoming impassive. ”I heard your conversation with your mother. What happened? Why aren’t you with your kingdom?” From the sound of the discussion, it seemed as if it had been Helio’s decision to leave. Why? She hated to speculate, but deep down, she had a strong guess. The guilt rose inside and threatened to overwhelm her and she found herself becoming less enthused about the whole ordeal. Her expression remained unrevealing of the storm inside. Her mind raced; She had to distract herself or else she’d find herself slipping back into her old habits. Lily picked up her cape and hat. The heat was beginning to wear on her and her stomach growled. For now, she ignored it.

In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Outside Gakhumi’s Tavern - Ironhold Helius Landing Dock
Interaction: @Helo Bowyn & @Omni5876 Arn
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, hygiene products

Rue broke out of her reverie when Bowyn spoke and looked at him. Rue nodded in agreement and smiled. ”I hope so. Maybe they’ll have snow on them!” She then added with a bit of homesickness, ”I really miss the snow.” When they approached the Helius, Rue felt excitement rise. They were on their way to River Port to meet up with Princess Annya. Her mission was finally starting to come to light. She couldn’t wait to arrive and find the other rebels and humans! Although she was excited, she didn’t enjoy feeling trapped and unable to escape with Moony and also Bowyn. Plus, the Helius was crowded too and she felt awkward amongst the dwarves. She wanted to try not to worry, so Rue distracted herself. ”I'm excited to get to the Port. Should be exciting to meet the others. I want to talk to you alone as well." Rue whispered to Bowyn and shot him an enthusiastic smile.

Next Arn offered to pay their tickets, which Bowyn quickly rejected. His mocking response made her giggle on the inside although she hid it from Arn. After a moment, Rue replied, "Wow, that’s really nice of you, but I will buy my own.” Her intuition told her to think about this. She had an uncomfortable feeling about it. Kindness was great until it was used for nefarious reasons. Was there an ulterior motive? Rue decided to ask Bowyn later.

After the tickets were bought, Arn mentioned being uncertain if Moony could come. Rue blanched at the idea of not having her wolf with her. Being separated from Moony would be devastating. It hadn’t crossed her mind that she may not be allowed to have him with her. She quickly gripped Moonlight to her side like a vice grip as her hands dug into his fur. This begged the question: would they deny Moonlight? Since she had arrived in Ironhold, the dwarves had been polite and considerate. Rue couldn’t understand the issue. ”They didn’t have a problem when I arrived here. Why would they have a problem now?” She frowned at the idea and shook her head at the blasphemous idea. Rue held her ticket up as evidence, ”As long as I bought one of these, we should be fine. Like Bowyn said, he’s well behaved. There isn't any need to freeze parts of the Helius, either.” Rue then waited for their responses and kept a tight grip on Moonlight as an indication they would not be separated.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: 10:00am
Interaction: @princess Helio
Location: Barboda's Ship

Tigerlily listened to Helio with amusement. She knew he was faking it, but she ignored it. Bubbles of laughter escaped her as he reminisced about the dolphin. They were quite intelligent creatures and fun to swim alongside. Her heart began aching for the deep sea. She dug her nails into her hands to ignore it. ”Dolphins do make great companions; they are funny and intelligent.” Lily let a grin tug at her lips. ”Captain Reggie is a fine name.” When he called her Lily, a cheeky, almost shy, smile crossed her face. Stay present. She waited until she gathered her emotions and grinned. ”Thank you, Magnificent Helio.” Her voice was calm and confident.

Lily scowled as the sun beat down and sweat began to form on her head. She needed to change and yet she didn’t want to leave the moment. Lily sighed and tugged off her cape and hat, and set them on the ground. As he looked her up and down, Tigerlily couldn’t help but be reminded of their first meeting. She pulled off a charming and flirty grin and eyed him. It was frustrating to be so close and yet so far. Despite it, he was as handsome as ever and it was making her heart flutter. He had called her enchanting as he had in the past. She rested her hands on her sides. Damn it.

”Looking for trouble. A girl can never have too much fun.” She teased and then added "I am looking for a place to be; Roshmi is too crowded. Also, I think being on a fine vessel such as this is a wise choice.” She watched him hover in mid air with amusement. Her voice became playful and light with amusement.
”Can you guess what I am, Mr. Magnificent Helio?”
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: 10am
Location: Jungle
Interactions:@Tae Raven @Kazemitsu Kharne @Th3King0fChaos Ismael @princess Annya

Saoirse remained silent when Ismael inquired about the dangers in the jungle. While Annya replied to him, Shae had glanced around to watch various creatures scuttling about. She didn’t know how well a knife would hold up in battle and wished she had her gun. It would make life much easier but she recalled dropping it in the bank heist. She groaned. More evidence that would be used against her if she ever returned. The thought scared her and she pushed it out of her mind. She pulled her hair into a messy bun in case anything happened. She hated her hair being in her way.

Next, Raven began describing her job. While the Avalians wouldn’t have any idea, Shae was vaguely familiar with it. She only half listened though; the idea of it bored her. Why pretend to be something you weren’t? She supposed money made a big difference. She couldn’t help but wonder how much easier Raven’s life was compared to her’s. It was definitely more relaxed. She tuned the girl's voice out and tried not to think about what her life would have been like if she hadn’t turned into a criminal.

After she introduced herself, the warrior princess gave her an encouraging smile. Shae tried to return it, but wasn’t sure how, so she simply nodded in return. Her eyes widened at the mention of ‘lighting the trees on fire’. Was having fire an option? Shae felt a rush of excitement. What if she didn’t have it though - could she get a refund? She couldn’t help but feel anger at the idea of not having fire at her fingertips. She scowled. In the background, Annya and Raven discussed Chicago and she rolled her eyes. The only fun she had was with her gang. The city could rot in hell for all she cared. The idea of that was stupid to her and she wouldn’t waste her energy on nonsense. It wasn’t as if she could go back in time to fix it.

Though Annya told them not to worry, the jungle mocked her. Branches breaking and the sound of breathing caught her attention. Saoirse froze and reached into her bag for her knife. Even if it wasn’t useful, she felt safer holding it. Suddenly, two horrible, ugly trolls emerged from the depth of the jungle. Shae stared with shock and awe, not knowing what they were. One of them charged Kharne which made her feel better; at least the dragon… born could handle himself. Then her heart plunged when the second troll knocked Raven off her feet and grabbed her. Its’ words sent chills down her spine, and then went to take a bite. The scenario took Raven a moment to respond; after screaming, she produced a gust of wind that knocked Shae backwards and the troll as well. Annya had tripped as well but regained her footing enough to attack the creature. She watched as it released Raven and threw her into Annya. The two girls collided and fell, but Annya rolled Raven off of her quickly and jumped back to her feet. She watched as the princess threw her axes at the troll and said ‘return’. With shock, Shae watched as the axe returned back to her hand. When Annya told them to stay back and hide, Shae didn’t need to be told twice. No way in hell was she fighting this ugly creature. She would live to fight another day. The idea of Raven nearby it though...

Saoirse hastily sheathed her knife and turned to Raven, then picked the girl up under her arms and dragged her backwards. Shae let go of her and turned back to the trolls and saw Kharne fighting off the other. ”You okay?” She inquired and hadn’t noticed the ring of sparks around her wrists yet. Shae glanced at the tree above her and to Raven. ”Can you climb at all?” She glanced at the foliage and then down. They would be safe higher up and away from these creatures' grasp… right? Her heart was hammering harder than it had during the heist. For once, she didn’t know what to do or know how to defend herself and she hated the feeling. Whatever her power was, she had to rely on it for safety.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Ironhold Tavern
Interaction: @Helo Bowyn & @Omni5876 Arn
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, hygiene products

Rue remained quiet while the other two spoke amongst each other. She watched the dwarves with fascination. How cool would it be to tell her parents about Ironhold? The thought made her giddy with excitement then nauseated with homesickness. She sighed and pushed it out of her mind. With Moony at her side, she felt more relaxed. On top of having Bowyn’s company, she wanted to enjoy the adventure for what it was.

A sudden voice broke her out of her reverie, but she found herself more confused. Who was speaking and what had they said? ”Huh?” she initially replied, and then Bowyn’s words registered in her mind. Her eyes widened and she bit her lip. Rue glanced around as if anyone could read her mind and turned back to Bowyn. ”Oh umm, now isn’t the right time for that. I’ll tell you when it’s less crowded.” She smiled at him apologetically. ”I promise it’s for a good reason.” Rue looked away and then eyed Arn curiously, then back to Bowyn.

At least I think so…. Rue turned away and began to admire the buildings around her. Their structure was so different and of course, Rue felt tall amongst them. She glanced up at the sun and flinched. It was unflatteringly warmer here and much too bright. Rue pulled her hood closer to her face. She missed the cold village and scowled.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: 10:00am
Interaction: @Helo Nym @Alivefalling Barboda @Benzaiten Éliane @Tae Lizzie @princess Helio
Location: Barboda's Ship

Tigerlily couldn’t help the cheeky smile that flashed across her face. It was one of her first, genuine smiles in over a year. Her heart fluttered and she glanced away quickly. ”I’ll keep that in mind.” She then turned to face Éliane and raised an eyebrow. Knuckles was the name she had chosen to call it…?

Lily stared at her impassively and folded her arms. She watched the woman fawn over the parrot and glanced around the Port. She had been listening to seagulls crying hysterically for over an hour, but she remembered she had heard distant cries as well, that of another bird which she hadn’t at first noticed. As she tuned out the elven woman, she saw a flash of red nearby the trees over the tavern by Odds and Ends. Her suspicions were confirmed, yet she’d have to wait until it was quiet and she was alone.

Her gaze settled next on Lizzie as she realized she was talking to her. She listened attentively and allowed a sweet yet apologetic smile to dance across her face. ”Aye aye, Captain. My sincerest apologies.” She nodded and waited until she was standing alone to roll her eyes. Then, Tigerlily boarded the ship and listened as Captain Lizzie laid down the laws. While they were fair, she couldn’t help but stifle a smile. The woman didn’t know what she was and how marooning her wouldn’t be an issue. The ocean was her playground. She didn’t blame her though, as the la - no, captain seemed clueless regarding everything.

Tigerlily nodded in agreement with the others and then smiled cheerfully. ”Aye, Captain. I hear ye loud and clear. I have almost five years of experience; and I have faced some of the nasty creatures lurking in the water’s here.” She smiled pleasantly and let her arms fall to her side. And I have been a danger to them too… A dark smile crept its way up her expression then disappeared. She glanced at Nym and smirked. Forty years of experience, huh? She’d have to ask him about it later.

The smell of food wafted through her nose. Tigerlily’s stomach growled in agreement, but she knew she would have to wait. When everyone had gone downstairs to the feast, Tigerlily hung back. She turned to the parrot perched on her shoulder. ”You have a home, don't you?” She inquired softly and the parrot chirped as it glanced at a tree. It ruffled its feathers and she noticed the stress on the parrot’s face. ”I saw them. It’s your family, right? Go on.” She moved her arm out to the side for the parrot to climb down onto. The parrot obeyed, but she frowned as she noticed its wings were clipped and sighed.

”You poor thing. I know what it’s like to live in a cage and you don’t deserve it. Freedom is yours, love, and I know you can’t understand me, but at least you know the tone is nice.” She then held her hand out and the parrot hopped onto it and stared at her intently. She began to clip its wings gently, which the parrot began chirping excitedly for. She smiled at the parrot, genuinely, and nodded. ”Go on.” The parrot didn’t waste any time and quickly took flight off to the tree. Tigerlily turned to watch it and smiled as the parrot joined its’ family, the rest of them now revealing themselves. They circled each other happily, then took off across the island. She smiled and felt warmth fill her, which felt unfamiliar and made her cringe.

Now her attention turned to the feast and started to head down when Helio came back up. She blinked and moved out of the way quickly, then hesitated. She could see the feast from her spot, yet she decided to wait. Being hungry wasn’t something that was new to her nor did she care. It wasn’t as if everyone would finish the food either. The less crowded it was, the better anyways.

She hung out in the shadows and listened to the conversation. Sadness filled her and she eyed the deck as she shuffled her feet. Guilt rose inside of her and she clenched her fists. Avalia was cruel and unfair, and she felt herself wanting to drink rum to help forget her sorrows. A few tears filled her eyes which she quickly wiped away. Helio was lost, wandering around on his own, and trying to find a purpose. Echo had died the previous night, and she couldn’t imagine how he must be feeling inside. It was heartbreaking, and she swore to herself she’d do better this time. It was the least she could do.

As she listened, her eyes widened at the news of King Kasai. That rotten bastard was giving up Roshmi? Elyna was right that the army would be loyal to their king. The poor demihumans were going to be trapped in Roshmi…. She gritted her teeth. What a piece of shit! Rage swept through her, and she had to take deep breaths. With concentration, her breathing became normal. She hesitated a few more beats after the call had ended. She then swaggered up the steps and over to Helio’s side after composing herself. ”Are you alright, mate?” Her voice was calm and inquisitive, and her expression comforting. She waited and was unsure of how he would respond, then glanced at the feast. ”Do you need a moment, or would you like to come eat?”

While she waited, Tigerlily thought of her parents. Pain filled her as the memories began filling her head. She took several deep breaths. A mix of emotions filled her. It was unlikely they were worried, or cared. Their last meeting had been tense and unwelcoming. It was also clear that she knew her family wouldn’t bow down to the Dark Elves any time soon either… hopefully. She sighed as she glanced at the sea and knew there wasn't any way she could return. The ocean was her playground, but not her home anymore. She then glanced up at Helio, unafraid of the emotions that had flashed across her expression.

In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: 10:00 am
Location: Outside Sun Elf Kingdom → Jungle
Interactions: @baraquiel Jomari @Alivefalling Caelan @13org Nuallán @princess Sophie @chrysocoma Aurora

Rosaria’s cheeks reddened and she quickly ducked her head so Nuallán wouldn't notice. She grinned at him and playfully wrapped an arm around his shoulders. She turned her head up to stare at him. ”I could say the same thing about your chuckle.” She let go of him and turned to face Aurora. She beamed at her and nodded. ”Your kind words are appreciated and cherished. I thank you for joining us on this adventure. I wish for you to protect the humans with all your might.”

Rosaria turned to the troublemaker and remained friendly. She frowned as he spoke, but noticed he seemed nonchalant. This poor boy was only twenty-four years old and had suffered quite intensely. Her heart ached for him. She didn’t react when he announced his orientation. IT didn’t bother her and she accepted him for who he was. ”You certainly have gone through a lot for your age. I want you to know I am here for you. The Spanish bastards are unlikely to be here. I also accept your orientation and want you to know that it’s normal here.” She then eyed him as he examined the Odds and Ends store. As he picked up the poison, Rose glanced at Nuallán. Her eyebrows furrowed, and she quickly turned back to Jomari when he quizzed her on what the contents were. She remained calm, but her heart rate picked up slightly. What do you need that for…?

”Yes, that is poison and no, you cannot have it. We don’t need it. I can find poison on the road if needed.” Rosaria glanced at the storekeeper and nodded to her for her to hide it, to which the woman thankfully followed suit. ”This way, everyone.” She ushered them forward through the city for a few minutes until they reached its edge, and then brought them into the jungle. Then, she glanced backward to make sure everyone was joining and kept an eye on Jomari. She tapped Nuallán's wrist, a signal she had given to him to let her know she was becoming nervous when surrounded by others. ”That one needs an eye on him at all times.” Her voice was soft for only him to hear as her eyes narrowed into slits. ” The other two humans I can worry about much less, but this one needs more precautions.”

She turned to face the group now and beckoned them forward. She remained vigilant as they moved into the brush of the jungle with all sorts of animal noises surroundings them.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: 10am
Location: Jungle
Interactions:@Tae Raven @Kazemitsu Kharne @Th3King0fChaos Ismael @princess Annya

Saoirse listened as Annya cued them all to introduce themselves. The dark-haired male was named Ismael and the dragon was named Kharne. She, of course, already knew Raven’s name and story. She caught Raven’s glance after she spoke. Saoirse thought about asking her about it but decided not to do it right now. It wasn’t as if they were friends still, and were more like acquaintances. She wondered if they would ever return to their old friendship, but she doubted it. She was a criminal and the girl was a professional nerd. They had nothing in common other than then being here together, but then realized if she hadn’t jumped off the roof onto Raven, she wouldn't be here, and Raven wouldn’t have been dragged into this fantasy world. Saoirse sighed and rubbed her temples. Was it a good thing? She realized if the others had been with her, perhaps they could have lived and come here with her. But would they treat the world the same? It was unlikely.

When Annya spoke to Ismael and repeated his name, she snickered. So he was German; was he from their time frame? She shrugged it off. Who cared? Though, she supposed that getting to know who she was traveling with would be smart. Saoirse glanced over at the others finally and took in Ismael and Kharne’s appearances. She scrutinized them momentarily then looked forward again. She listened to the warrior princess speak and raised her eyebrows. They were going somewhere named Riverport. Cute. She rolled her eyes.

Then their kingdom might get attacked but they weren’t worried? Interesting - and they had a strong enough army to protect it. This was truly a fascinating world. However, once Annya returned her attention to Raven and began asking her about her life, she couldn’t help but snicker again. What was Chicago? She pressed a hand to their mouth. Then her attention was pulled to the fox. She didn’t know what the fuck it meant, but she was excited and had apparently one as a pet. Saoirse saw it and blinked with surprise. It was actually quite … adorable. She grimaced at the word adorable and wrinkled her nose. Oh God. If Declan had heard her say that… She sighed and pushed it out of her mind and continued walking.

Once Kharne began to talk, Saoirse turned to glance at him, realizing she was head of the group now, lost in thought. Tension ran through her head. Saoirse ran a hand through her messy red hair and took it out of the ponytail. She let it hang loosely around her face in messy waves and turned to face the group. She kept the hairband around her wrist.

”My name is… Shae.” She decided to go with the nickname she had gone with for a large part of her life. Her gaze moved over to Raven, who she hoped would understand and go along with the ruse. Once upon a time, she had asked Raven to call her the same thing. Saoirse, as much as she liked her name, was a big hint to who she was. She had no idea what other humans were here, and if she had screwed them over or not. Saoirse bit her lip. Had the portals taken in or appeared near the rest of her gang? She wasn’t sure if she wanted to know.

”I’m twenty two years old. I know how to use a gun and a bow to an extent, and I was trained in martial arts and parkour. I also know hand-to-hand combat but I’m no expert in it. I also am Irish, which is a nationality on Earth, so I have an accent.” She paused and shuffled her shoes and avoided everyone’s gaze and looked forward more. She did not elaborate on her job or history and glanced at Raven to warn her not to divulge it. To help prevent this, she changed the subject. ”When or how do we find out what our powers are? What are our options and is it random?” She leaned against a tree and gazed at the scenery around them.

This world was truly something. She wondered how long she could hide what she was and if it was revealed, what they would do to her if anything? It wasn’t as if she could return to earth and not get sent to jail. She shuddered at the thought of it and knew it was perhaps a miracle she was in this weird world. Saoirse bit her lip and glanced at Raven again with a side-eye warning her to keep her mouth shut.
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