
Time: 10:00am
Interaction: @princess Helio @Benzaiten Elaine @Helo Nym
Location: Barboda's Ship
Interaction: @princess Helio @Benzaiten Elaine @Helo Nym
Location: Barboda's Ship

Tigerlily listened intently to Helio and remained impassive. She caught his irritation, though she pretended not to. When he stopped floating and landed on the deck, she tensed. What was he going to do? She bit her lip and watched. However, he started to explain his history. She made sure no judgement crossed her expression, especially remaining kind. She didn’t give off any tense or fearful vibes. However, part of her longed to dive into the ocean and escape, yet she had nowhere else to go. She was screaming on the inside and wanted to find rum. She hated to rely on it or drink, as it inevitably triggered her, yet it helped.
After he finished, she paused for a moment. His attempt at humor though was a coverup and she knew she had to go eat. But first… Then she took a step forward and shifted her cape and hat to one arm. Tigerlily sighed quietly and reached out to pat him on the shoulder gently, as she said, ”You are The Magnificent Helio. I know you can find your place again. I am not afraid of you and support you. Don’t let me being a siren deter you.” She took another deep breath and removed her arm to hold her items evenly and brushed blue strands of hair out of her eyes with annoyance. ”You can join me in the cabin if you’d like for food or company and don't suffer in the sun.” She moved forward then gave one last look at the island, flicked it off before heading into the hall.
”Yo.” She greeted Nym and Elaine who were both inside. With a charming smile on her face as if nothing happened, she went over to a table and set down her cape and hat. ”Awfully damn hot out there, Nym. Think I might need a swim partner so I don’t bake out there.” She winked and then set her backpack down and pulled out her other outfit and grinned. It was far more open and easier to transform in than this death trap of an outfit. ”I’m going to die of heat stroke before this war tries to kill me so excuse me.” She moved to a vacant area and quickly changed without worrying if anyone saw her. Lily laid her weapons out on the table in front of her. Sirens were open and she had learned to overcome modesty as a prisoner on Daka Island. She then re-strapped her swords and hid the sheathed daggers in her boots she kept on.
Once finished, she set her other clothes back in the backpack and moved over to join them at a table. Her scales were far more noticeable now and covered her body like armor. ”Dinner and a show, how lucky for you both and I’m not even charging amas.” She smirked as she grabbed a plate and began piling food onto it. She scanned for the rum and poured herself two glasses. With a grin, she turned to the others, and began eating and drinking. Her subconscious thought was somewhere else, however, as she began trying to push away the flashbacks. As long as she conversed, ate the food and drank the rum, she wouldn’t remember...