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In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Dusk
Location: Riverport -> Inn by the Sea
Interaction: @Helo Bowyn & @Omni5876 Arn
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, hygiene products

Rue was delighted when Bowyn picked out an outfit. She nodded to the shopkeeper to bring her the items. Once the purchases were made, Rue turned to Bowyn and handed him the outfit. Arn’s question made her hesitate for a brief second before a wide smile split across her face. ”Not at all, Arn. You can go to a tailor if you prefer a cloak.” Rue moved away from the Odds and Ends shop so others could buy their items.

She turned to face the Inn By the Sea and studied it inquisitively. The building was far from what she was used to; but so was everything else. Rue heard Arn and kept it in the back of her mind for now. She was eager to hear what he had to say, and the Inn was the best placed to have private conversations. She knew Bowyn wouldn’t want Arn to buy the rooms, and she wanted to cheer them up anyways. Thus, Rue ended up buying them two rooms and turned to smile at them. Rue then followed the Innkeeper to their rooms and waited for the men to catch up.


Time: Dusk
Location: Inn by the Sea
Interactions:@Tae Raven @Kazemitsu Kharne, @Th3King0fChaos Ismael, @princess Annya

Once the trolls were dead, the group had moved on. She’d watched Annya spring up and was surprised. Then again, she was probably used to way more damage. Saoirse had remained quiet after the attack. She’d been impressed with Ismael and Raven’s magic; they had lightning, wind, and also her fire. What a lethal combination they were. Finally they left the god forsaken troll-infested jungle and had reached Riverport. Shae tried not to look as if it was her first time there. The seagulls crying and the general hustle of the port town assaulted her senses and caused her to tense. All of the noise became overwhelming fast and the sea in her nostrils was unusual. Saoirse had rarely seen seagulls in her lifetime on Earth, so each time one cried, she flinched. She gritted her teeth and was thankful once they headed into the Inn. Saoirse sat down on a bed and kept a distance from the others. Her adrenaline had been high and finally she was coming down from it. How had the professional nerd handled it, she wondered, but didn't ask. She observed Kharne cleaning his sword's blade. How fascinating; although she referred to it as "glorified knife."

The warrior princess left and returned with an interesting looking bracelet that she called a “Transmission bracelet.” Saoirse imagined it similar to a phone. Next, Saoirse listened to Annya speak: a little shopping wouldn’t hurt, and Saoirse hoped to find different clothes. Being cooped up in the room to relax had grown old fast and Shae kept bouncing her legs to help rid herself of excess energy. When the dragonborn mentioned work before play, she found it incredibly difficult to withhold rolling her eyes and was lucky she achieved it. However, the idea of having equipment sparked an interest in her and her smile returned albeit faintly. More weapons made her feel more comfortable until she had control of her power. Saoirse was eager to learn how to use it better but a Port town was not the place suited for it. She glanced outside while she waited and then turned back moments later.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Dusk
Location: Carriage in the woods
Interactions: @baraquiel Jomari @Alivefalling Caelan @13org Nuallán @princess Sophie @chrysocoma Aurora
Mentions: @Tae Mikazuki

The rest of the day had been quiet. Rose had prepared them food and allowed them free time to relax. She knew they needed to leave the jungle. One more terror and the group would lose it. While she had wanted to comfort and help Jomari, she kept her distance from him and allowed Sophie to tend to him. The closer the humans became, the better anyways. She hadn’t been sure if he’d lash out at her, so she kept her distance and allowed Nuallán to worry about him. Rosaria hadn’t said much after the whole event, lost in her own thoughts. Jomari’s words kept ringing through her head which she tried to ignore. The light elf trio’s sacrifice kept replaying in her mind and a deep pang filled her chest. Briefly she had clenched her fists and then had to force herself to take deep breaths to steady herself.

To distract herself she had called Princess Mikazuki. The news she shared had worsened her mood and had only temporarily shown her irritation and shock. Sighing, she agreed to meet them in Myriamor and had let her know she had three humans with her. Rose had given her words of encouragement and comfort. She knew this had to be incredibly difficult for her. Afterwards, Rosaria left the jungle with her group in tow and found a carriage ride through the woods. Once she verified the driver was not a threat, she ushered the others to join her on it. When they were settled, they took off toward Myriamor.

Now Rosaria sat with her hands folded. She had chosen a seat across from Jomari and had quietly asked Nuallán when they were alone, to remain close to him. She kept vigilant, but not excessively so she didn’t worry her humans. After a long pause, Rosaria finally spoke up. ”Caelan, Sophie and Jomari; are you feeling any better?” She eyed them each and inspected their reactions closely. Her gaze didn’t linger on Jomari so she didn’t make him feel alienated. ”Can you tell me a bit about your home and yourselves? Jomari, I know about your contempt for the ‘Spanish bastards’. Was there anything happy about your old home?” She paused and allowed them time to answer while she adjusted her bow and remained calm and collected. Rosaria did not dare to allow herself to relax, though she knew nobody could tell but Nuallán.


Time: Dusk
Location: Riverport
Interaction: @Helo Bowyn & @Omni5876 Arn
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, hygiene products

Once the group arrived in Riverport, Rue was a mixture of hungry, excited, fatigued, and also nervous. As soon as she was off the Helius, she moved to a secluded area and stretched her wings. Moony had stood beside her and ignored the curious glances. She grinned and turned to the gentlemen whom she had not forgotten about. Their melancholy moods, specifically Bowyn’s, were something she wanted to change. Her tone was light and graceful, but inside she was trying not to stumble over her words. There were so many people here…. ”So! Time to explore and also find food and shelter. I think I heard a dwarf say on the Helius there was an Inn here right? Well we should go find it!” She grinned at them both and turned to face the ocean. Wide-eyed, she stared at the sea and moved to the edge of the dock to stare down at the fish. Hot breath on her skin made her turn to find Moonlight staring down curiously too. ”An ocean, huh, Moony? Cool right!” She stood up and didn’t notice the Riverport citizens watching her with a mixture of curiosity and bewilderment. What were the winter fae doing here, they wondered?

She began to glance around until spotting a nearby store. Without a word, she strode over to the store and began to glance around a few light elves' shoulders. Rue waited patiently, then once it was her turn, grinned at the shopkeeper. ”Err, hi there….” She trailed off as she surveyed the items and glanced over at the others. She bit her lip, then pointed at the clothing. ”The Female dress please, a male outfit, and also the dwarf outfit, please… Bowyn, which male outfit do you like?”
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: 10am
Location: Jungle
Interactions:@Tae Raven @Kazemitsu Kharne @Th3King0fChaos Ismael @princess Annya

The voice of Ismael reached Saoirse’s ears and she rolled her eyes. She reframed from visibly groaning, especially when Raven agreed with him. Nerd. ”That sentence was long enough to wipe my ass with,” Even if he was right, he didn’t know her, nor did he understand her plan. Don’t tell me what to do. Despite it being half baked, it was better than standing around waiting for their possible imminent death. She had not escaped jail only to die at the hands of these dumbass trolls. She watched as Annya and Kharne fought valiantly but wondered how long they could keep it up. Raven’s question made her stare at her with confusion and look down at her wrists. Wide-eyed, she stared at the sparks and brought her hands up to her face, but a safe distance away. She moved her wrists around and then beamed from ear-to-ear with excitement and joy.

”Do I…have fire…?” It took her a moment to comprehend it and then gasped. The unmistakable flames around her wrist and the smell of it were indeed fire. It wasn’t burning her either and almost tickled. Shae couldn’t stop grinning as she quickly pieced it together. ”Ohhh you’re kidding me!! I have FIRE?” She glanced at Raven with amusement. The world of Avalia blessed her with her pyromaniac tendencies; she couldn't believe it. She then turned to find Annya and Kharne now getting their asses handed to them. With every thud Annya took into the ground, Saoirse mentally cringed. The dragon...born seemed to be fairing slightly better but wasn’t out of the woods.

Saoirse growled and assessed the situation. If they were knocked unconscious, they were dead. She hated sitting on the sideline, but she hated getting involved as well. She didn’t know shit about these ugly creatures. The only experience she had with trolls were the few cops she’d dealt with and trolling people online in her free time. However, they had magic, although they weren’t sure how to use them. Shae glanced at the other two and then back to the battle at hand. She had her matches and knives too to help as well. Her expression was inquisitive and calm as she studied the situation and was silent for what felt like hours for the others most likely.

It was now or never. She brought her arms down roughly and shook them like a bird almost to rid herself of the flames, so she didn’t set anything on fire. It took her a few clumsy tries but finally she succeeded. Shae moved back as if ready to bolt, then turned and ran to the side towards a tree. At first it looked like she might ram it and get a concussion; but at the last second she approached it, she kicked off the tree and gained momentum. She then reached her arms up and grabbed the tree branch and lifted herself up as if doing a pull up. She then jumped upwards quickly while keeping an eye on the belligerent trolls and pulled herself back up, moving quickly like a squirrel. She felt safer with the higher vantage point and was a safe distance away from the creatures, and not in the path of Raven or Ismael. Shae moved back up and glanced down at the scene as she took two knives out. She had to succeed. The group’s life depended on it and if the two Avalians died, they were screwed, and she was troll meat. What a terrible way to die, she thought as she twirled a knife in her hand and focused, allowing her anxiety, fear, and anger to flow through her. Gaia didn’t raise no coward.

Saoirse turned to look down at the troll beating Annya into a pulp and watched for an opening, so she didn’t hurt the warrior princess. She then took a deep breath and did the unthinkable: ”HEY!” She yelled and waved to it. ”Come and get your human!” As soon as she gained its attention, Saoirse threw her knives and aimed for its eyeballs. In her state of adrenaline, the knives lit up into flames as they left her hands, but she did not notice right away. As soon she threw the knives, she jumped from her tree branch and onto another one, this one much farther back. Knowing that she was in a dangerous spot, Shae jumped to the next tree branch and then waited a few seconds and moved onto another tree branch. Her movements were fast and precise, and it was difficult to spot her as she continuously moved to confuse the trolls. She jumped onto the ground a safe distance away and stood diagonal of the other two.

”Raven and Ismael, find your magic and help us!” Saoirse called to them. As she waited to see what happened, she grabbed a stick and lit a match and tipped the end of it into the flames. She glared at the trolls if they came near her.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: 10:00am
Interaction: Éliane @Benzaiten, Tesoro @Infinite Cosmos, Nym @helo
Mentions: Lizze @Tae, Barboda @Alivefalling & Helio @princess
Location: Barboda's Ship - Living Quarters

Tigerlily glanced over when Nym gave orders and nodded as he left. She glanced at her time teller and noted the time for reference. Next, she turned to Éliane and smiled at the woman gently. ”Time to find your inner pirate, lass. If you need fresh clothes, let me know and I’ll find you some. We don’t want you getting sunburned out there.” She winked at the women and turned to face the newcomer, Tesoro.

As he investigated the room and his gaze landed on her, Tigerlily felt a bad vibe. It didn’t take long to figure out why either, as the manic light elf suddenly shouted at her. His words didn’t surprise her though she was surprised. Eyebrows raised, she sipped her rum with curiosity and a smirk. So this is how he wanted to play, huh? Tigerlily watched his movements carefully and angled her chair away from the table in case he lunged at her across it like a deranged, wild animal or the gutter rat he indeed was proving to be. Did he have rabies? The thought made her want to laugh but she concealed it. Her body language remained poised yet calm as the smirk never left her face. Radiating serenity, Tigerlily leaned over as if to fix her outfit and slipped a dagger out of her boot and hid it in a front pocket inconspicuously. Despite her outlook, she felt fury rising inside and took slow, deep breaths so she didn’t lose it. Normally, she’d mind her business with a sarcastic remark, though she knew she had to deal with this if she wanted to have peace on the ship.

The gutter rat continued to converse with Nym and she sipped her rum. His words brought amusement to her though she didn’t show it. When she thought the street rat would finally shut his trap, he continued lamenting over her. Tigerlily giggled this time, unable to help herself. The absurdity of it was something she was sadly used to and didn’t bother her quite as much anymore. ”Aww, and here I was thinking we could be best friends, rat.” Her voice was sweet as sugar, but her gaze was cold. ”Too bad you choose otherwise. See Él, we have our typical light elf. Thank the Goddess Cari you turned out differently.” She stood up in case he did try to kill her and folded her arms as her expression became a combination of seriousness. Her one arm was slightly lower toward her belt should she need a weapon. She didn’t care what happened; if this man was posing a threat, she’d do whatever it took to survive. In a hand to hand fight or weapon, she would lose; although thankfully, the man wasn't aware of her powers, which were her secret weapons.

”Listen up rat, you stand there shouting at me without knowing me. You don’t know if I’m friends with the captain or anyone else here, do you? I have nothing to gain from being a threat to this ship. Sailing a ship alone in this war would likely be tough as shit. If I wanted to kill everyone on this ship, the lot would be dead already. Sorry, love.” The last bit of her comment was toward her friend. She moved forward at an angle from Tesoro, making it harder to close any attempted gaps as she continued.

”You can’t look past your racist outlook to discover how much of an asset I am to this ship rather than a threat. Typical light elf, thinking you know everything.” She rolled her eyes and continued. ”A mermaid who was born and raised in the sea will know it better than any gutter rat would. You sail the sea, but haven’t lived in it. Tell me, who would you have scout ahead in the water and warn of incoming danger below sea? Dangers difficult to spot to a landwalker? Lure potential ships to loot, or even force an enemy ship away should we need to run? Should you fall over and be in danger of drowning in a storm which I can survive, should I not come save you? I’ve watched many people drown, though without a choice, and won’t blink an eye if a rat like you does. Who needs one anyways?" Tigerlily picked her rum up from nearby, took another swig, and then set the empty bottle down with a grin. She checked her time teller and knew it was about time to head back to the deck. It was a shame how awful Tes’ attitude was, because he seemed useful.

”Besides, I don’t need to use my beauty to woo anyone, especially not a friend like Nym. I can do it quite naturally.” She glanced at him up and down and fixated on his face with a wicked grin. ”Looks like that’s something you need help with, rat.” She gave him a mock bow and left the living quarters onto the deck. She fixed her hat over her face to shield it from the sun. She noticed the captain beckoning Helio and Barboda with her to her cabin and raised her brows. What’s that about?

Impassive, she turned back to Nym and raised her eyebrows at him with a stormy expression on her face for him to see briefly as she let it dissipate. There wasn’t enough rum to get her through this damn day. She addressed Nym with a slight scowl and angled herself away from the living quarters and a hand near her belt in case she had to defend herself. The chances were likely, and she was prepared to defend herself. ”What should I be doin, mate?” She kept an eye on the doorway, poised to move out of the way quickly.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Helius above Ironhold
Interaction: @Helo Bowyn & @Omni5876 Arn
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, hygiene products

While Arn was being bashful, Rue was preoccupied with petting Moony to distract herself from the tension. She hadn’t noticed it yet and was trying to remain calm. Her adventure was taking an important turn and she didn’t know how to feel. Could she trust Arn with her knowledge? She already trusted and believed in Bowyn. Her mother had warned her to wary of strangers and not to do anything stupid. Her father had advised her to only speak when unnecessary. She sighed and looked up in time to see the bashfulness in Arn and went red in her cheeks. Was there food on her face? She hoped not. Nobody had said anything, but she wiped her face off with her sleeve in case.

So far, her impression of Arn was neutral. He had been kind thus far, but secretive and mysterious, and Rue wasn’t sure if she liked that. To be fair, though, so was she. Rue looked down, not catching the rest of the interaction while she was lost in thought. How would Bowyn react to finding out her job? She had a feeling he’d react negatively. Being a healer for the war meant she’d be in the midst of the action. She wasn’t even sure if she liked her job. It wasn't as if she was the best at fighting; healing and zoolinguilism were her strong suit. Her offense was lacking. Rue honestly didn’t know if she’d survive. The idea though, of her village being attacked by the dark elves and her home burned to the ground was enough to spring her into action. Losing her parents, after losing everyone else, paralyzed her with fear and grief.

Arn and Bowyn’s voices interrupted her reverie. She looked up to hear the end of Arn’s sentence, which had been directed at them both: what was their village like? Before she could answer, Bowyn did, so Rue listened quietly and nodded in agreement. As he spoke, Rue envisioned the cold winter settlements and sniffled. Her eyebrows rose curiously when Bowyn spoke of not risking his neck for Arn, which made Rue wonder if she would have to as well. Rue knew she’d do everything possible to save someone, but she had a job, and the Resistance group was counting on her to help heal and keep the humans safe. How could she tell Arn that? What would happen if she did? Would Arn leave them both and leave them on their own. Would Bowyn leave her too? That thought scared her; of being alone again and not knowing what to do. She wanted to return home with enough money and supplies for their village to thrive in. Though he spoke of not wanting to make new friends, did that mean they wouldn’t be either? She analyzed his response. He mentioned his plans now, to find a place where he could fight and take out as many enemies as possible and if Arn couldn’t help him, he’d search on his own. Bowyn didn’t relay his plans for after the war, which made Rue wonder if he thought he wouldn’t survive either. What a pair they were. She decided to ask him about it later.

Rue wanted to comment on the life saving, though she wasn't sure if she could stick to her word. Would she save him if she had too, or would she run? Time would only tell. Dying wasn't on her agenda and she wasn’t interested in being a captive of the dark elves either. She sighed and commented quietly while glancing pointedly outside to distract herself from her shyness. ”You are a good dwarf Arn; I sure hope the others have your kindness and selflessness. The world could use more of it than the cruelty we saw yesterday.”

She then contemplated Bowyn’s last question and nodded in agreement. ”Bowyn’s right. Why are you trying to hide so much?” The royals and the light elf general having their necks slit was a foreboding message. Only those related to the monarchy or higher ups would be in danger more than the rest of the citizens. With a sigh, she glanced outside quickly to see if they were approaching Riverport and couldn’t help but wait to get off the Helius now too. When she didn’t see anything resembling a port, she turned back to her companions and sighed. Being cramped on this Helius together and having the conversation they were, didn’t make for a relaxing trip, and she wondered if they would be likely to part ways. Rue started to fidget in her seat and glanced at Bowyn with nervousness.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: 10:00 am
Location: Jungle
Interactions: @baraquiel Jomari @Alivefalling Caelan @13org Nuallán @princess Sophie @chrysocoma Aurora

The events happened so quickly, Rosaria barely had time to process them. One moment Sophie was beside her, but Caelan quickly swept her up. The duo fell behind, but were quickly accompanied by Nuallán. Next, the Vouthoran nearly killed them, which made Rosaria skit to a halt and run forward when Sophie’s power revealed itself with unmistakable bolts of lighting. Impressed, Rose watched as the Vouthoran slowed down and was stunned. Rosaria quickly caught up with Caelan, Sophie, and Nuallán and continued to run when voices reached her ears.

“Go princess, we will distract the creature!” She glanced over her shoulder to see three light elves coming to her aid. Rosaria inhaled as the familiar voice of Julian, one of her friends from the light elf army, rang out. They had been friends for well over a few centuries and had been trained by her. Briefly she began to wonder if Ember and Jean, his best friends, were there and watched with a mixture of horror and panic as they appeared. Clearly, the roars had reached the kingdom and they had sent reinforcements. Her mind raced briefly as she froze up, watching her friends. Was Annya and her group safe? Did they run into any of their own danger? No. She couldn’t think of them now. Rose gasped when the Vouthoran grabbed him and devoured him. Tears threatened but she turned and continued to run, not wanting their sacrifice to be in vain. The sound of light magic behind her was enough to let her know that two of them had lived so far. Rose gritted her teeth.

Not wanting to appear weak or distracted, she led them for another ten minutes until they were finally far enough. The group would stop near a clearing with a nearby river and a canopy of trees surrounding them. She stopped, wiped the sweat off her brow, and looked at the group. ”Is everyone okay?” She began to take a head count and her gaze rested on the humans. Guilt panged inside as she felt sorry for them having to experience something so menacing and dangerous so quickly. Were they terrified? Who wouldn’t be? Jomari’s screams had caused her heart to ache with each vocalization. They deserved an explanation.

”Vuothoran,” she said as she began to steady her breathing forcefully, ”very territorial and powerful. Won’t come after us again; I did not know we were that close to its territory so I do apologize. We are in a safe area now, so you all can catch your breath. I’ll stand guard. By the way, Sophie, congratulations on finding your power; you have electrokinesis if you didn’t know yet.” She had remained impressive and calm until she turned her back to them and walked a few feet away. Stringing a bow to her arrow, she briefly allowed a brief, pained expression wash over her face before becoming impassive again.

Your deaths will not be in vain.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Helius above Ironhold
Interaction: @Helo Bowyn & @Omni5876 Arn
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, hygiene products

Rue remained quiet while Bowyn and Arn conversed. She wasn’t sure what to make of the situation. It was likely that Arn was telling the truth. The fact that Arn felt he needed to coax someone into being his companion caused Rue’s heart to ache. Was he lonely? Did he not have friends? She was curious to find out but now wasn’t the time aboard a crowded Helius. Maybe he needed a friend and if so, Rue wanted to be there for him. She also understood the hesitancy regarding Moonlight.

Prior to boarding, she noticed Bowyn’s hesitancy and paused beside him. She offered him a reassuring smile and patted his back gently. She knew there wasn’t anything she could say to comfort him, so instead she wanted to distract him. Rue sat down in an empty spot and made sure there was room for Bowyn and Arn. Moonlight curled up into a ball at her feet and tucked his tail, making sure nobody could trip over it. She glanced at Bowyn and commented quietly, ”I am happy to see you again and that we’re reunited. Better to have strength in numbers, right?” Rue glanced at Arn and frowned. Why was he becoming emotional? Was he saddened by the ticket exchange? She decided to find out and kept her voice quiet and calm. ”Are you okay, Arn?” She glanced at them both, then outside to see if the mountains had snow on them. Gosh she missed the village. No. She didn't need to think of that: she needed to focus on Arn and Bowyn, and not her homesickness. I wish I could cheer them both up.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: 10:00am
Interaction: @Benzaiten Éliane @Helo Nym
Location: Barboda's Ship

Tigerlily glanced down at her new outfit and admired her scales briefly. There were scars and lash marks along her body but her scales shined brighter. She sighed, pushed it out of her mind, and then glanced at Éliane. True, she wanted to swim, but with Nym instead since they both were expert swimmers. What was she doing, standing there in her underclothes? How could one work on the ship or fight like that? Tigerlily looked away and started eating quickly. After a moment, she commented in-between bites of food, "Girl, you need to find yourself some dry clothes. Do you have any?" Then, she turned to face the shark and her voice became light and teasing. Amusement shown in her dark brown eyes. "Want to race later? I bet I'm faster." She smirked at him. Tigerlily was glad to have the company of another aquatic demihuman.

Footsteps made Tigerlily look in the direction of the stairs to find a tall light elf joining them. She recalled that it had been stated that there had been someone in the bottom of the ship. She had no idea what kind of person this man was, so she watched him like a hawk. Tigerlily took a moment to contemplate whether or not she knew him, eventually surmising eventually that she didn’t. She continued to keep her eyes on him and assessed him quietly. Until she knew more, she wasn't going to comment. What had he done to be imprisoned here? Lizzie introduced the man as Tesoro then proceeded to go to her quarters. Barboda quickly followed, and she wondered what he had to tell her privately. She shrugged and continued to eat since she knew she would need her energy. Who knew what the captain would have them do later?
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: 10:00am
Interaction: @princess Helio @Benzaiten Elaine @Helo Nym
Location: Barboda's Ship

Tigerlily listened intently to Helio and remained impassive. She caught his irritation, though she pretended not to. When he stopped floating and landed on the deck, she tensed. What was he going to do? She bit her lip and watched. However, he started to explain his history. She made sure no judgement crossed her expression, especially remaining kind. She didn’t give off any tense or fearful vibes. However, part of her longed to dive into the ocean and escape, yet she had nowhere else to go. She was screaming on the inside and wanted to find rum. She hated to rely on it or drink, as it inevitably triggered her, yet it helped.

After he finished, she paused for a moment. His attempt at humor though was a coverup and she knew she had to go eat. But first… Then she took a step forward and shifted her cape and hat to one arm. Tigerlily sighed quietly and reached out to pat him on the shoulder gently, as she said, ”You are The Magnificent Helio. I know you can find your place again. I am not afraid of you and support you. Don’t let me being a siren deter you.” She took another deep breath and removed her arm to hold her items evenly and brushed blue strands of hair out of her eyes with annoyance. ”You can join me in the cabin if you’d like for food or company and don't suffer in the sun.” She moved forward then gave one last look at the island, flicked it off before heading into the hall.

”Yo.” She greeted Nym and Elaine who were both inside. With a charming smile on her face as if nothing happened, she went over to a table and set down her cape and hat. ”Awfully damn hot out there, Nym. Think I might need a swim partner so I don’t bake out there.” She winked and then set her backpack down and pulled out her other outfit and grinned. It was far more open and easier to transform in than this death trap of an outfit. ”I’m going to die of heat stroke before this war tries to kill me so excuse me.” She moved to a vacant area and quickly changed without worrying if anyone saw her. Lily laid her weapons out on the table in front of her. Sirens were open and she had learned to overcome modesty as a prisoner on Daka Island. She then re-strapped her swords and hid the sheathed daggers in her boots she kept on.

Once finished, she set her other clothes back in the backpack and moved over to join them at a table. Her scales were far more noticeable now and covered her body like armor. ”Dinner and a show, how lucky for you both and I’m not even charging amas.” She smirked as she grabbed a plate and began piling food onto it. She scanned for the rum and poured herself two glasses. With a grin, she turned to the others, and began eating and drinking. Her subconscious thought was somewhere else, however, as she began trying to push away the flashbacks. As long as she conversed, ate the food and drank the rum, she wouldn’t remember...

In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: 10:00 am
Location: Jungle near Sun Elf Kingdom ---> Jungle
Interactions: @baraquiel Jomari @Alivefalling Caelan @13org Nuallán @princess Sophie @chrysocoma Aurora

Jomari’s question reached Rosaria’s ears although she was more focused on keeping track of the jungle. She paused as she contemplated answering him. There were many creatures and plants, but she didn’t want to scare them and not also soften the danger. The less she said the better too with him. She sighed and glanced at him briefly, ”Yes, although the venomous creatures I will warn you ahead of time. I am going to need quietness in order to study for any danger. As for the destination we are going to Roshmi, a city filled with Demihumans, which are half animal and half human, for lack of a better word. We are meeting the Roshmi princess, Mikazuki, who is a dear friend of mine.” She then fell silent and guided the group forward.

Rosaria watched Sophie pause and bend down, quickly falling behind the group. She nodded to Nuallán to watch Jomari for her and then Aurora to keep an eye on Caelan and his aura. Rosa watched as Sophie interacted with a pixie. She smirked at the pixie’s sass, but Sophie handled it well. She stayed out of the line of vision from the pixie and allowed Sophie to have this moment. However, sudden, loud footsteps caused her to tense and glance around. She raised her hands and was prepared to summon light. Was it a troll? She hoped so; they weren’t as bad. Then her jaw dropped as a Vuothoran appeared out of the jungle, roaring and stomping its feet. The ground quacked with each stomp. Horror washed over her as it picked up a boulder and thrust it near the group, narrowly missing them. Rose quickly shot up a barrier of light between Sophie and her and half shielded the others. Rose let it stay up a moment longer to catch any debris, then dropped it. She ran over to Sophie and pulled her up to her feet. Once she had a grip on her, she then sprinted forward, quickly catching up to the others. There wasn’t any need to state the obvious; they had company.

What they needed was the order and to follow it. ”RUN! Do NOT stop and look back! Nuallán, Jomari’s your responsibility; Caelan will follow me and Aurora - watch our auras! Keep up!” Rosaria felt apologetic for pulling Sophie so roughly but she hadn’t wanted to waste time. She knew Caelan would follow, she figured, but especially if she had Sophie. She had a firm grip on the girl’s arm. She gave Nuallán an apologetic look for ordering him to watch Jomari, but she had her hands full. ”This is too powerful and strong for us elves to fight off so please run!”
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