
Time: Dusk
Location: Riverport -> Inn by the Sea
Interaction: @Helo Bowyn & @Omni5876 Arn
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, hygiene products
Location: Riverport -> Inn by the Sea
Interaction: @Helo Bowyn & @Omni5876 Arn
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, hygiene products

Rue was delighted when Bowyn picked out an outfit. She nodded to the shopkeeper to bring her the items. Once the purchases were made, Rue turned to Bowyn and handed him the outfit. Arn’s question made her hesitate for a brief second before a wide smile split across her face. ”Not at all, Arn. You can go to a tailor if you prefer a cloak.” Rue moved away from the Odds and Ends shop so others could buy their items.
She turned to face the Inn By the Sea and studied it inquisitively. The building was far from what she was used to; but so was everything else. Rue heard Arn and kept it in the back of her mind for now. She was eager to hear what he had to say, and the Inn was the best placed to have private conversations. She knew Bowyn wouldn’t want Arn to buy the rooms, and she wanted to cheer them up anyways. Thus, Rue ended up buying them two rooms and turned to smile at them. Rue then followed the Innkeeper to their rooms and waited for the men to catch up.

Time: Dusk
Location: Inn by the Sea
Interactions:@Tae Raven @Kazemitsu Kharne, @Th3King0fChaos Ismael, @princess Annya

Once the trolls were dead, the group had moved on. She’d watched Annya spring up and was surprised. Then again, she was probably used to way more damage. Saoirse had remained quiet after the attack. She’d been impressed with Ismael and Raven’s magic; they had lightning, wind, and also her fire. What a lethal combination they were. Finally they left the god forsaken troll-infested jungle and had reached Riverport. Shae tried not to look as if it was her first time there. The seagulls crying and the general hustle of the port town assaulted her senses and caused her to tense. All of the noise became overwhelming fast and the sea in her nostrils was unusual. Saoirse had rarely seen seagulls in her lifetime on Earth, so each time one cried, she flinched. She gritted her teeth and was thankful once they headed into the Inn. Saoirse sat down on a bed and kept a distance from the others. Her adrenaline had been high and finally she was coming down from it. How had the professional nerd handled it, she wondered, but didn't ask. She observed Kharne cleaning his sword's blade. How fascinating; although she referred to it as "glorified knife."
The warrior princess left and returned with an interesting looking bracelet that she called a “Transmission bracelet.” Saoirse imagined it similar to a phone. Next, Saoirse listened to Annya speak: a little shopping wouldn’t hurt, and Saoirse hoped to find different clothes. Being cooped up in the room to relax had grown old fast and Shae kept bouncing her legs to help rid herself of excess energy. When the dragonborn mentioned work before play, she found it incredibly difficult to withhold rolling her eyes and was lucky she achieved it. However, the idea of having equipment sparked an interest in her and her smile returned albeit faintly. More weapons made her feel more comfortable until she had control of her power. Saoirse was eager to learn how to use it better but a Port town was not the place suited for it. She glanced outside while she waited and then turned back moments later.