
Time: Dusk
Location: Inn by the Sea
Interaction: @Helo Bowyn & @Omni5876 Arn
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, hygiene products
Location: Inn by the Sea
Interaction: @Helo Bowyn & @Omni5876 Arn
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, hygiene products

It was as if someone had dumped a pile of snow over her and left her outside to freeze. Rue stood, blinking, at the spot Bowyn had last been in. She had known he left, but her gaze couldn’t be pulled to watch. His words repeated in her head and she found her gaze becoming blurry. Rue touched her eyes, discovering there were tears. She blinked rapidly to clear them and took several deep breaths. Grow up. She had been told that time and time again, from many winter fae and had found it difficult. She saw them burned and cold, and hadn’t been able to succumb to it herself. Softness startled her out of her reverie. She looked down to find Moonlight at her side, alert and ready to pounce on the first thing she instructed him too. Rue patted his head as she stared down at him. Their conversation would be difficult to understand for Arn, as he could only hear her words and not Moonlight’s.
”What happened? I sense tension and a great amount of it from you. Why has Bowyn left?”
”Arn just revealed to us he is royalty which he found out two days ago when the Twin-Headed Dragons assassinated the royals and light elf general. Bowyn’s unable to trust him now and left. I suggested fresh air and a good meal to help us. I just want us all to get along… I miss Bowyn.”
Moonlight glanced at Arn then back to her. ”Royalty is dangerous so I will keep an eye on him because it is my job to look after you. I promised your parents I would. Rue, Bowyn is not the same as he was in the village; he’s colder than the snow in our village and carries a heavy rage with him. He lost his wings and survived, that was not an easy feat. You do need to be more careful though. What if it was a trap?”
”I…I...” Rue began to stutter, but came up empty handed as her lip quivered. ”I know I can’t do this alone. I know Bowyn’s different but maybe I can help him… and Arn shouldn’t be alone. I mean, that has to be horrible to find out right? We should give him a chance. Fool me once, shame on you and then twice on me. Isn’t that the saying?”
”I appreciate your kindness and will support you, Rue, but remember this is a war and the Dark Elves will not hesitate to murder anyone they think is a rebel. You know how winter fae are extremely rare outside of the North. You are a healer and not a combative or offensive fighter. You have to protect yourself first.”
Rue wiped her eyes with her sleeve and took several deep breaths. Arn’s words replayed in her mind and she was quiet and contemplative. Staying here meant not knowing where Bowyn would go, or if Arn would return. What if they both left her alone? What if Arn was assassinated and she was sold off to the Black Market? Her thoughts began to race.
Rue nodded to herself and then turned to face Arn, but unable to look him in the eyes. She began fidgeting with her sleeves and the cloak. ”That would be kind of you. Thank you. I want to find Bowyn, but I don’t want to leave you alone… I don’t know what to do. What if he doesn't come back? I.. I don't think this is your fault.” The last line rolled off her tongue with ease, but deep down, she was conflicted on that. Had she lied? Rue bit her lip, her gaze traveling now to the door and Arn. When Bowyn returned, Arn had said, but what if he didn’t? That was possible. Bowyn was a wildcard, his personality was different, and something she’d tried ignoring. Moony was right; he was colder, and held a rage inside of him.
Going outside meant she could look for him, but what if he didn’t want to be found? What if that had been their final goodbye? Rue’s heart ached deeply, making her eyes blurry again, but she wiped them quickly. She nodded to Arn and beckoned Moonlight to accompany her. Her wings ached to take flight and Rue began to compulsively bite her nails and fidget with her cloak again ,unsure if she wanted it on or off. Moonlight stared at her questioningly, so she sighed and stopped fidgeting, unable to tear her gaze away from the Inn to look for Bowyn. "Do you mind if I fly?" Rue blurted out unexpectedly, her gaze turning to both her wolf and dwarf companion. Moonlight shook his head, knowing he could trail her no matter what transportation method she used. Her gaze returned to Arn as she struggled to keep her composure together.