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Time: Early Evening
Location: Caesonia Kingdom Ball
Interaction: @Infinite Cosmos Munir

Attire: Here
Hair: Here

The Shehzadi was offering her a napkin? What was going on? Shocked, she stood there momentarily; then took the napkin from him. She began dabbing at her nose and found it helped more. When he asked a servant to grab more, she bit her lip. Another noble was being nice? Persephone struggled then smiled sweetly. ”Thank you. I’m Persephone.” Her voice was normal now as she began wiping away the blood. Her gaze flickered over to King Edin and she rolled her eyes and gagged.

”And yours, Prince?” She accepted the wine and took a few sips. She glanced at the dancefloor to see people beginning to meet up with others. She sighed and shook her head. ”Wouldn’t be a ball without these stupid dances.” She sighed and gave him a quick curtsy though she didn’t lean over too much so she didn’t interrupt her blood flow. ”Hope we can chat more as the week goes on, Prince.” Persephone winked at him and moved off to find Kazumin.

In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Avian City
Interactions: @Helo Orias, @CitrusArms Aiko, @princess Yuka, @FunnyGuy Augus
Xavier’s Equipment: His sword, and

Xavier remained silent as the proceedings played out. He wasn’t sure what to say or do. Everything was so bizarre. He followed the others with raised eyebrows and a stony expression. It didn’t take long to meet Augus’ kids, and a smile formed on his face. As he watched the interaction, he couldn’t help but glance around. Since the weird monster and the human being tortured to death, his skin crawled. He frowned and folded his arms until he was asked for his name.

”Xavier.” He replied tiredly and pinched the bridge of his nose. Yuka’s joke made him smile for a moment before it disappeared. He would be extra vigilant for their group and the kids sake. He wasn’t sure where they were going but it seemed they’d be splitting up with each of the children. He watched Yuka go to Orias and turned to look at Aiko. ”Looks like it’s just us. Ready? I think I’d like to go somewhere with clothes and weapons.” He told both Aiko and the boys.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Late Morning
Location: The Inn
Interaction: @Omni5876Arn @Helo Bowyn
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, hygiene products, new outfit

Rue beamed when he told her that he was good. Relief swam through her like the ocean nearby. His next statement made her eyes lit up like the sun. ”Food! Food is the solution to everything!” Rue took his hand and rose to her feet. Moonlight had slid off her legs and hopped up too, alert and ready. ”Do you want to leave with anyone else?” She started walking towards the door slowly so Bowyn could fall into place. She set her glasses down on the counter and strode outside.

It was calm, but there was tension in the air. It wouldn’t take a genius to figure out what had occurred here. Word would spread fast due to transmission bracelets and soon the twin headed dragons’ goons would be swooping in like vultures. She bit her lip and her voice softened so only he could hear. ”I think the Dark Elves will arrive here by tonight.” She glanced at him while sadness filled her eyes. ”And two winter fae will be unusual here, too.” The idea of something happening to Bowyn caused her chest to tighten and her breath to hitch. She took slow, deep breaths to calm herself. ”Where would you like to eat?” She allowed him to pick their destination, knowing she’d be fine anywhere, as long as she was with him and Moony.
Hafiz & Layla

Interaction @13org Mayet @Rodiak Nahir

The music had ended for the icebreaker dance and Hafiz stood lurking off the side of the ballroom like a snake waiting for its prey. He eyed Layla with intensity as he slowly started stalking towards her. On silent feet, he slid up next to her and linked his arm with hers. ”Hello niece. I think it’s time… we talked.” He told her smoothly, leading her off the dance floor and to the sideline.

After finishing the ridiculous dance, Layla had gone over to grab food. She knew Zilal was in good hands, but still wanted to check on him. Munir’s voice interrupted her reverie and she looked over at him. "Sister Layla, it looked like you got paired with a rather stuffy dance partner... He wasn't wearing something that really screamed 'I'm a noble, look at me and my finest plumage~'. I'd bet that you had tons of fun there..." He said, giving her a quick, brotherly peck on the cheek before sauntering over to the next sister.

She grinned at him and nodded. ”You bet I did.” She replied and smiled softly at the quick gesture. As soon as she found the food she liked, an arm linked with her’s, followed by that voice. Layla froze for a moment, then remained impassive as she was forced to follow him. Every muscle was taut and she felt her heartbeat quicken. What did he want? Her expression remained unreadable, and she kept her back to the others so they couldn’t see her reactions. Without looking at him or speaking, she raised her eyebrows questioningly.

Hafiz remained silent for the time he led her away from the crowds of people, smiling at some who greeted them, before pulling Layla out into an empty hallway. ”You’ve been quite the failure this afternoon, Layla.” He began, now giving her a disapproving look and clicked his tongue. ”How could you allow your younger siblings to outshine you like that? Then you went on to do something to have your father scold you, how utterly shameful.” He shook his head as his grip on her arm grew tighter. ”I thought we agreed that you weren’t going to be this pathetic, weak girl anymore.”

Layla remained silent too while he led her out. Dread rose inside of her and she clenched her teeth. What did he want? She could have growled, but she knew better than to show displeasure around him. When they finally stopped, she didn’t meet his gaze. Layla felt a knife pierce her in the heart while he spoke. His grip on her arm tightened and she bit her lip and averted her gaze. There was a pause as she mustered the courage to reply.

”Please let go of my arm.” She requested finally, still refusing to meet his gaze. ”I’m not pathetic or weak anymore. It… It was an accident… It won’t… It won’t happen again.” The ringing in her ears grew louder and she wanted to cover her ears but couldn’t with his grip on her arm. Sweat started forming on her forehead.

Hafiz grimaced as he took the sight in before him, his grip on her arm tightening,“You’re not pathetic?” He repeated venomously and low. “Let me point out the sweat droplets falling down your face… Are you a coward, girl?” He was practically sneering at his niece. She knew her role very well. Though it had gotten off to a decent start as Layla had shown that Vikena girl the wrath of the Alidasht, things had progressed as the others had grown soft. Layla had done nothing to stop it all. Had his brother had no shame for what they had become? He was sure the Caesonia Kingdom would never respect them now. If only…

Layla continued to avert her gaze. Her breath hitched as he tightened his grip on her arm. What did she say? Her heart rate elevated and she felt the room beginning to spin. She bit her lip and shook her head. ”N-no.” Her voice shook for a moment while she collected herself and took several deep breaths. ”I’m not a coward and it won’t happen again. I promise.” She paused for thought and added, ”There might be another dance so I c- will do better.”

“N-n-n-n-no.” Hafiz mimicked her stammering but there was no humor in his tone. ”Layla. Do not stutter. Speak with firm assurance. Get yourself together and show me how serious you are. You are not a child.” He angrily freed her arm, but glared her down. He was thoughtful for a moment before he grinned deviously, his anger remaining but moving to a different target, ”Dance with that Lorenzo and instill fear into him. Show him that he won’t be getting away so easily…”

Layla’s cheeks reddened with anger and humiliation. She glared at him as a small fire formed in her eyes. She sighed with relief when he released her arm and then pulled them behind her back. His anger made her shrink back into the wall and continue to avert her gaze. His proposition made her clench her fists. ”Why would I want to dance with that vermin?” Layla wrinkled her nose and shook her head. ”I’m sure dinner with us will be enough.” She glanced back towards the ballroom and sighed. ”I want to leave.” Her voice shook, but held firm as she finally decided to meet his gaze now, however uncomfortable it made her feel.

Hafiz knocked on her head as if it were a door, “Hello? Anyone in there?” He scoffed in annoyance, rolling his eyes as he withdrew his hand. ”Have you ever heard of keeping your enemies closer than your friends…? I want you to intimidate him. Punish him. How do you expect to be the Sultana if you are so soft.” He spat the last word as if it were poison in his mouth. Though he cared for his niece, he knew she would never be able to fill in the shoes of her father unless she was to toughen up. After all these years, she still showed weakness and it frustrated him to the point of pulling hair out. If this was all for nothing, he was sure he could not die in peace.

Layla flinched when he knocked on her head. Each motion felt more intense than the last and as if her head might split open. Her stomach clenched and felt bile rise in her throat. She pushed back any emotion she felt. Any emotion she felt would be ignored. Layla scowled at him and folded her arms. Though her mind raced, she showed none of it outwardly. ”Fine.” She replied coldly, ”I’ll dance with that disgusting vermin. And at dinner I’ll make sure to terrorize the girl. Happy?” Her voice became dry at the end as she averted her gaze and focused on the ugly wallpaper beside her. Why did everyone in this country have such awful taste?

”Ecstatic.” Hafiz sighed in relief upon hearing Layla’s voice grow cold. He still felt angry but there was hope. There’s my girl. As venomous as the snake she holds… He put a hand on her shoulder gently now. ”Layla. You’ll thank me one day. …You know that right? This is for the good of the Alidasht Kingdom. Remember that.”

”Oh of course.” Layla replied dryly, not allowing herself to roll her eyes. She thought they might burn from the effort of not doing so. She glanced at his hand and put her’s over it comfortingly in return. ”Alidasht is the most important thing to me. You know that too.” She glanced over at the ballroom and bit her lip. ”Can I go feed Zilal? He had a long journey.”

”...We’ve worked so hard.” Hafiz expressed, genuinely venting. ”I know I am harsh with you, but we have a dream to fulfill, Layla.” Inner rage swam in his eyes and he clenched his fists. Alidasht was doomed if they continued under such soft leadership. Certainly another country would overtake it any time soon. Maybe even the one they stood in would take a bite now knowing how they caved so easily. He grimaced at the thought. ”You may. Just remember your destiny, Layla…”

Layla nodded and waited for him to remove his hand first. Once he had, she turned on her heels and went back into the ballroom. On her way there a maid bumped into her; the same from earlier. Layla gave her the deepest, most scathing look and whispered to her, ”Touch me again and your loved ones will be my snake’s appetizers.” The woman’s eyes widened and she scurried off like the rat she’d feed to Zilal. Smirking, she entered the ballroom and saw her siblings gathered together.

Tossing her hair over her head again and smacking another person in the face, she sauntered over to her sisters. She glanced over at Ali and her guards and whistled. Zilal slid off the table and over to her, scaring the hell out of anyone in his way. Laughing, She picked up Zilal and wrapped him around her shoulders while taking a tray of food from a maid and offering it to her siblings. The woman stared with indignation, but under Layla’s cold glare, relented, and then ran off. Snickering, she began eating the food and offered it to her siblings.

Mayet had spoken to her. She gave her full attention while offering some of the chicken to Zilal. “He was a doctor. Only thing he’s worth for though,” She snickered as she continued to eat and sat down. ”Sister Nahir and Mayet, come join me.”
Time: Early Evening
Location: Caesonia Kingdom Ball
Interaction: @Infinite Cosmos Munir

Attire: Here
Hair: Here

Persephone had taken plenty of food again, although this time with plates. Her stomach rumbled and she felt like screaming. It felt as if she’d been stabbed in the stomach. Fatigue was beginning to settle in as she downed her water quickly. As she watched the nobles, anger rose inside of her. They would never experience hunger or pain like the commoners endured. She slept anywhere she could now, sometimes in homes or otherwise, outside. Finding food was rare but she’d been lucky to find a roll of bread for herself. She kept most of her good food for Buttercup. Her heart broke at the thought of her horse. Luck had been given to some while the rest struggled. It disgusted her. She clenched her fists and turned to face the food so she wasn’t glaring daggers at these obnoxious, no good nobles.

It was then she felt the heat in her nose and groaned. Again? She grabbed a napkin and held it to her nose and dabbed at it quickly. No, no, no,. This was not the time and place for it! Panic shot through her. The napkin was stained with red now as she held it to her nose. She hardly heard a male voice speaking to her and turned around in confusion. Standing behind her, for whatever shit reason, stood the Shehzadi of Alidasht. Persephone stared at him and would have laughed at the circumstances if she wasn’t dabbing at her nose. Her voice came out a little nasally when she responded cheerfully, ”Never better. How about you?” A devilish grin crossed her face while she kept the rag to her nose. Scaring the noble would be the highlight of her evening.

In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Interaction: Lizzie @Tae, Barboda @Alivefalling, Helio @princess
Tesoro aka “Rat” @Infinite Cosmos, Nym @helo,
Location: Aboard the Harem

Tigerlily watched the crew descend into Ardyn’s schooner and sighed. There wasn’t any need to join them and they could all take care of themselves. She waited in the water until she heard Tesoro. With surprise she listened to him and smirked. With a quick flick of her tail, she swam back to the schooner. Her long, iridescent pink tail glistened in the sunlight. ”Not leaving me to the sharks, huh?” She grabbed the rope as she waited for him to pull her up.

Once on deck, Tigerlily’s tail transformed back into legs with sickening crunches and pops while her bones returned to their proper positions. She stood up and shook her head. A grin crossed her face to continue teasing him instead of facing the fact he had been nice to her… again. ”Going soft on me?” She shook her head finally and replied, ”No I’m not injured, takes more than that." She paused as she realized she should be grateful. Her skin crawled as she added "Thank.. you...” Tigerlily struggled to find the words but managed to do it. She grabbed her braid and began ringing it out to distract herself. Then, her attention was drawn due to commotion over at the schooner.

The sight that soon laid before her confused her. Lizzie was… dying? Wide-eyed she faced the Captain and dropped to her side. ”What happened?” Her heart hammered as she searched for Helio. She grabbed her cape and tore more of it off to begin creating a tourniquet for Lizzie’s abdomen. Tigerlily wasn’t sure if she’d be able to help or not but it was worth a try. Sympathy filled her: poor Lizzie was a human, and shouldn’t have been here in the first place. That meant light elves were on Port Vanarosa and had summoned her. The shock radiated through her as she stared down at her. ”That bastard’s going to pay.” She clenched her fists and shook her head.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: The Inn
Interaction: @Omni5876Arn @Helo Bowyn
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, hygiene products, new outfit

Rue could have laughed at how Bowyn choked out his thank you. When he told her about the demon, she frowned. She was thankful she had missed it. How were the others feeling though? Was he upset by it? She needed to find out. ”That’s terrible.. The poor humans didn’t ask to come here.” The story about Valerie made her realize she was a human and pondered the thought; how many more were hiding here?

Motion behind her made her glance up. Arn massaged her shoulders and wasn’t wearing a shirt. Her cheeks flushed as she sat up slowly, while the dwarf went and found her another drink and a makeshift shirt using the tablecloth. Rue giggled and thanked him, and went to reply to Bowyn, when another dwarf came over. He whispered urgently in his ear and beckoned for Arn to leave. Her frown increased when Arn explained he had to leave urgently. ”Be safe, Arn, thank you for your help!” She called as he left.

Rue sighed and turned to Bowyn. He looked worried and worn, and it tugged at her heartstrings. ”I feel okay, a bit lightheaded but much better, thanks to you both. How are you?” Her voice was gentle as she looked at him. A sudden idea came to her. She held both glasses over her eyes and giggled. The cold felt refreshing and rejuvenating to her. ”Should I walk around like this?” Her voice was light and teasing, and she turned to Moonlight who huffed and set his head down on her legs. The wolf had enough of her antics and was recovering from being worried and afraid to deal with it.
Ezra Turner
Time: Evening
Location: Caesonia Castle Ballroom
Mentions: @Silverpaw Wulfric @Mantou Wystan @princess Anastasia @Inertia Auguste @Helo Callum, @samreaper Kazumin

The grand ballroom was spectacular and beautiful and not admitting it was downright silly. The cakes and pies he’d created were laying on an elegant display. Ezra had researched every recipe he could find for this occasion. It was of the utmost importance that everything was perfect. He knew he had to greet King Edin and Queen Alibeth to announce his arrival and bakery. He didn’t care for politics but had to tonight for his goal to work out.

The display of drama with the all too haughty Alidasht Kingdom was something he’d remember for years to come. He had sit and ate his food, some he’d stolen from a few nobles nearby who were too stupid to notice. He tapped his foot and folded his arms, unsure why he hadn’t seen her yet. Ezra was halfway to his feet to go find her when the angel graced the ballroom with her presence. However, the sight beside her made him growl under his breath like a wild dog. That mutt was with her. He relaxed his posture after realizing he looked too intimidating and sighed. It would be a cat and mouse game, but he’d be the one to win the cheese.

With the brothers and the entire continent in view, he couldn’t do anything. Ezra moved over to grab some food, noticing the Varian and Caesonia nobles conversing nearby. Keeping to himself, Ezra grabbed more food and went back to his table. Unexpectedly he noticed the servants and maids going around with a bowl and papers inside of them. Panic rose inside. Was his dream dancing with anyone? To his relief he noticed no she wasn’t, and he decided now might be the appropriate time.

Standing up tall with his chest forward and a charming smile upon his face, he started forward when some blonde boy intervened. Ezra frowned as he watched the scenario play out which resulted in them both twirling like tops and finding themselves upon the floor. How dare he let her fall? What an absolute moron! He’d never allow that to happen! Before he could approach, Wulfric and Auguste’s pet were at their side and were likely scolding them. What a duo of idiots. They were nothing compared to him. The images of her brothers, Wulfric, Augsute, and Callum, mangled and lifeless, was music to his ears. He sighed and shook his head. Such misfortune, but he’d wait and play the long game.

Just like a cat would catch a mouse in its trap, so would he.
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