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In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Avian City
Interactions: @Helo Orias, @CitrusArms Aiko, @princess Yuka, @FunnyGuy Augus
Xavier’s Equipment: His sword, and

Xavier noticed the smoke emanating from the carpet and glanced down. He noticed the holes and grimaced when he looked at Augus. He opened his mouth to apologize when an image of a horrifying monster and human appeared. He stared with horror and then found his view blocked. Yuka came up behind him and covered his eyes. Unfortunately he found it difficult to block out the screams and shivered. He’d heard men dying, but nothing quite like this.

Xavier tensed as he realized that could be him. He glanced at his companions with wide eyes. It couldn’t be only him, what about those who aided humans? He swallowed and pulled Yuka into a hug, worried she was traumatized from the horrible scene she must have seen. Not only that, but he felt it to be a duty to protect her and the other’s. He listened to both Prince Orias and Augus but remained silent. Xavier remained impassive with a fire in his eyes. That horrible monster would pay for what it had done. He wanted to make sure that other humans didn’t die either. The “Dark Elves” must be afraid of the humans otherwise they wouldn’t be hunting them down. What a bunch of cowards. He despised cowards. Xavier scowled as he waited for what came next and shook with anger at the injustice.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Beach
Mentions: @princess Annya @Tae Raven “Valerie”/Eris

Saoirse came running into the scene, huffing. She struggled to catch her breath. The tornado around Raven was diminishing before and she felt relief fill her. She ran forward and pushed through the crowd and didn’t care who she knocked down. All she cared about was getting to Raven. The horrified screams of the human chilled her spine. She had seen some fucked up shit but nothing like this. Violence didn’t faze her too much, but she knew Raven wouldn’t handle it well and had immediately changed and ran out, not needing to be told twice. What had been with the Hunger Games like presentation anyways? Fucking copycats.

Saoirse flipped over the ice barrier that diminished and passed the red eared elf she didn’t trust and then Annya. ”Raven!” Though her appearance was different, her voice was not. Saoirse skidded to a halt. Saoirse collapsed at her side, pulling her into a tight, protective hug. She rubbed her back and dried her tears with her shirt. ”It’s okay now little bird, it’s okay. I won’t let that happen to you. I swear on my life, you’ll be okay.” Saoirse then glanced up at Annya with a stony expression as if to say ‘you should cover us’ then turned back to Raven. The last thing they needed was anyone trying to come at Raven while she calmed down.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: The Inn
Interaction: @Omni5876Arn @Helo Bowyn
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, hygiene products, new outfit

The sensation of cold startled Rue. It was different from the blazing hot sun that blasted her with its unforgiving rays. Snow, something she coveted, was blanketing her. Loud voices, mixed with hysterical laughter, screams and yells, sobs and cries, were mixed together. She wasn’t sure what was going on, but the familiar cold was comforting. Another voice, this one panic stricken, reached her too. Rue tried to open her eyes and found it difficult. Why was her heart rate so high? The blazing sun, roaring wind, and the coldness all dissipated and she slammed onto a hard surface. She gasped with panic and pain and gazed around. Where did the beach go? Did they run her in here and drop her?

The chaos in the air was unmistakable. People were running, shouting about a demon, and a tornado? In the distance with blurry vision, Rue noticed a red haired elf gazing at her. She turned to see Arn and Bowyn at her side, looking concerned. ”Bowyn, Arn; what’s going on?” She touched the snow around her that began melting due to the heat and recognized its work. The soft pillow behind her was unfamiliar and she noticed the cold drinks under her armpits and next to her neck. She smiled up at the two; then watched with surprise and concern when a giant wolf leaped down the steps and bounded over to her. It instantly snuggled up against her legs and stared at her with big, worried eyes. ”What happened to you?”

Rue smiled and reached for his head, causing him to move forward so she could pat his head. ”Just a little fun in the sun, don’t worry.” Rue knew he wasn’t convinced and swallowed hard, turning to the other two for an explanation. Her skin felt cooler and she could feel her heartbeat relaxing.
John Layla

John did not have to enjoy the plain glass of water plainly alone for too long. He could see a couple of servants making their ways around the room with a bowl, and people were getting a slip of paper from it. Unfortunately, and perhaps because he didn’t look important enough appearance-wise, the servant casually ignored him and handed the bowl to a…more lavishly dressed older gentleman, apparently a duke in Caesonia as well, standing next to him. All of which made the doctor perch his lips and shrug his shoulders. After all, it was revealed to be for a dance, something he was fine with staying out cause he never was a good dancer.

However, the duke too wasn't a big fan of this ordeal either.

”Bah, humbug…I thought this was for some gift draws.” He muttered, and swung his head both ways, stopping as he noticed the doctor looking at him. ”Here. You look lively, you can dance right young man?” It wasn’t a question though, ”Take it.” as the duke drilled that slip of paper onto the doctor’s hand and quickly walked away.

”Wait, wha-” John couldn’t protest, as the duke was already out of sight. ’Oh man…out of all the occasions to have to do this.’ He thought, hoping his partner tonight was someone he knows, like Lady Mina, Lady Charlotte or…hell even Thea works. But no…

When his number was called, he approached the front of the room to find out that his partner, out of everyone, was one of the Alidasht’s Shehzadis instead. Her tanned beauty, her more revealing dresses, lavish jewelry and most importantly her steely gaze told him enough where the doctor stood in this hierarchy. She knew where she stood, and she was proud of it.

With some initial flusters, the Varian royal physician presented Layla with the same traditional bow she had known and expected all her life, but the posture was slightly off, especially the shaking hands from the unnatural pose.

”Your Royal Highness, peace be upon you.” John spoke, allowing a moment between them before standing up, but his pose led to him losing balance. He would have sprawled out to the floor, and potentially caused yet another Lorenzo situation, if he hadn’t quickly supported himself with his hand. As he stood up, he gave her another bow, but not as deep as the last one, with his hands crossed above his stomach. ”I sincerely apologize, I have not practiced enough.”

Layla sat at one of the tables with wine, water, and food brought to her. She was surrounded by guards and a few curious admirers, none of which she paid attention to. Zilal had uncurled from her and onto the table instead. She stroked his head gently as she watched the proceedings. Her ears still rang and she had glared in the Duke’s direction. Layla gritted her teeth. Dinner with these vermin would be the highlight of her week. That clumsy imbecile and his sickly-vampire daughter would not be left off easy.

She sighed as she watched people mill about with bowls and numbers. Eyebrows raised, she watched a nervous maid come toward her. The poor thing kept glancing at her snake as if it might attack her. She rolled her eyes and made sure the brat noticed. The woman flushed and averted her gaze and with shaky hands, handed the bowl to Layla. She stared down at the woman as she took her slip of paper. Unfortunately, she matched with one of these imbeciles for a dance. How ridiculous. What if she didn’t want to? Slowly she stood up and flipped her hair over her shoulder and didn’t notice it hit the same maid in the face. She continued forward and found a lowly looking man? Was this a joke? The music began playing rather loud and drowned out the ringing.

Layla looked down at the short man with raised eyebrows. Was he noble? Had this been pre-planned to match her with a non-noble looking vermin? She decided to smile instead with amusement. The poor bastard was fumbling and looked ready to take flight at the first provocation. She couldn’t help but smirk at his attempt to mirror the Alidasht customary bow and had been close to complimenting him, when the bastard nearly fell and took her down with him. Layla let out a hiss akin to her snake’s. She heard Zilal in the background mirroring her and knew the snake was likely staring him down as well. He tried again and this time was more fluent in his movements. She sighed as she flipped her hair and waited for the man to get his act together. She listened to him and replied with a sniff nod. Clearly these people weren’t spending their time well. Was being clumsy a norm here?

”What is your name?” Layla quizzed, glancing around at the other dancers, then back at him. ”And what is your title?” She placed her hands on his shoulders which amused her. She was taller than him.

John felt a little less stiff as soon as the toes were dipped, without them getting shredded, yet. ”I am John. Dr. John Harling Williamson.” He said, as he took her other hand and locked eyes with her. ”I’m a royal physician in the Varian court.”

”A Doctor, huh?” Layla replied as fell into step with him gracefully. Her movements were agile and quick, much like a predator stalking its prey. It was evident that dancing was not a stranger to her. She stared down at him and was less venomous in speaking. Like a hawk she watched his movements and mannerisms picking them apart one by one in her brain. ”I don’t think you know my name yet, which is a pity. I’m Shehzadi Layla.”

”I am honored to be your dance partner tonight.” John nodded his head slowly, trying his best to match her movement, but it seemed pretty clear he was pretty stiff and hadn’t really danced much. However, he did know his limits, so he let the Shehzadi take the lead, making few but complementary movements, allowing her to essentially wrap around him whenever she liked. ”I hope I am not tarnishing your elegant steps, your highness.”

”I’d be honored too.” Layla replied with a smirk crossing her face. Her voice was honest but teasing. She remained graceful and spun him like top and then caught him again. Amusement showed in her eyes and face though she was torn between scowling. As she assessed him, Layla let out the tiniest smile. ”Dancing is more fun when you allow yourself to be light and free. Ignore anyone or anything else going around you. All that counts is the time and space between you and your partner. And you’re not, actually, I’ve seen worse.” She grimaced at the memory and wiped it away as if shooing a fly. Her hand returned to its place on his shoulder. ”As a Varian physician, are you required to come to all these boring events?” She scanned the room and then looked down at him again. ”Your King and Queen - are they near King Edin? Point them out to me.”

”Thank you, and yes you are certainly right.” John had no objections. By allowing himself to be light, like any servant and physician, he continued to mirror her important movements, content with letting her have him at her will, like a snake entwined around a mythological staff. He briefly looked away for a bit and quickly spotted the Varian rulers with his keen eyes for details, then proactively took one step towards their direction. ”They’re over there.” He said, as they continued. ”And no, I’m not royalty, but they insisted. They said it would be like a vacation, but with our nobles, they probably think some old sod wouldn’t be able to take it. So here I am, a young upstart sod instead.” He was clearly joking, referring to himself a little self-deprecatingly.

Layla smirked in approval. She followed his gaze and assessed them. They were as pale and stuffy looking as the others which made her cringe. When he spoke, her expression became stony and the Shehzadi remained quiet in reflection. The ringing in her ears returned and she bit her tongue to not scowl. Then, the arrogant smirk returned. ”Lovely.” She rolled her eyes and turned to face the music. The waltz music was beginning to end and she wondered if there would be a second dance. Gross. She eyed John once more and noticed his stuffy suit and dropped her hands from his shoulders. ”It was nice meeting you, Dr. John.” Layla performed the Alidasht customary bow and had a ghost of a smile upon her face.

”Thank you, Shehzadi Layla. I hope to see you again.” John bowed with his hands once again crossed on his stomach. As both emerged from their bow, John gave Layla a wave and a bright smile before they broke eye contact and retreated back into the crowds.
Time: Early Evening
Location: Caesonia Kingdom Ball
Interaction: @samreaper Kazumin

Attire: Here
Hair: Here

Ridiculous. That was the only word Persephone would use to summarize her experience. The hair, dress, makeup, and the event were all ridiculous. The dress felt overbearing, but it hid all her burn marks. All the money being put into making this ballroom, the food, the dishes, and the music could have been used for the lower class. Instead, they were using it to pat each other on the back for the King and Queen’s “efforts”. The servants were overworked and stressed. One mistake and their families' lives would be on the line. How unfair was that for them? All the servants wanted was to make a better life for their families. It only added fuel to her fire and an excuse to find more reasons to hate the monarchy. She sighed as she recalled her horse Buttercup waiting for her outside.

Persephone sat in the back of the room with a satchel around her shoulder. She would sip her wine every time she felt an ounce of hatred in order to try relaxing herself. Though she had a dagger in her boots she would not use it. She watched the proceedings as everyone fawned over the nobles entering. She rolled her eyes when nobody was looking. Since she was a commoner and alone, nobody was paying her attention anyways. When the nobles finally entered and the Alidasht arrived, Persephone began to rise. She needed to bring some of this food to her home. It would all go to waste anyway. She was the sound of crashing and drama that followed as she brushed through the crowd easily. Eyes were glued to the center of the room. It was as if she were almost invisible. Once behind the food table, she began to pluck a piece here and there from each dish strategically to make sure no one would notice anything missing. Persephone also managed to pickpocket the nobles for any loose “items” she could sell. Once she acquired as much as she could, Persephone took her satchel out to the balcony. She hid it under a vase in a corner. She also made sure to plan her escape should things go south. Despite the dress, she had practiced climbing and running in it. Her hair was out of her way. All that was left was to take more food and some jewels as the nobles became more drunk and less balanced on their toes.

Persephone went back inside to find the commotion had ended, despite Duke Lorenzo and Lady Charlotte having a breakdown together. Persephone sighed as she sat down at a table. She noticed two of the Danrose sons missing and smirked. She couldn’t wait to see King Edin’s displeasure. She noticed the Alidasht children mingling about and didn’t have any desire to meet them. She decided while she was at it, to take some more food for the poor who lived on her street. Persephone began to collect some bread then went back onto the balcony to put in the pot. That’s when she noticed a blonde boy on the balcony, eating pudding.

She frowned: Was that…? No. He wouldn’t have become a noble, would he? Betrayal and dishonor! Her smile faded. A distant memory replayed in her mind of the boy who she had grown fond of over time. ”Err. Kazumin… Is that… Is that you?” She frowned as if someone had told her she’d spent the rest of her life as a maid. ”You’re a noble now…?” The bitterness in her voice was unmistakable and she found herself crossing her arms and glaring. In the back of her mind, she heard the farm animals, the clucking of the hens and roosters and other animals. Was it the distant voice of the ball or something else she heard now? She glanced around and then faced Kazu once more with disbelief written across her face.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Surfside Cafe > Beach
Interaction: @Helo Bowyn, Annya @princess, Raven/Eris @Tae
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, hygiene products, new outfit

Rue was delighted when the elf, Eris, called her wise. She listened to her speak with curiosity. Her attention was caught like a fisher on a hook. Her words melted like snow on the ground. It seemed as though they were sincere, yuet something felt off. Was she wrong? She decided to talk to Bowyn about it later. The elf girl, Raven, spoke up next.The conversation became more complex and her head began to ache. Such serious conversations only hurt her heart. Why couldn’t they all get along and have peace? Isn’t that what life was about? She sighed and didn’t respond back.

Weariness began to overcome her. The hot sun was baking her and she sweated more than she had in her life. She kept pressing her hand to her forehead while listening to their elven comrades. His comments were full of hypocrisy and flaws and Rue would ignore it. Wondering if Bowyn was hot also, she glanced at him. He had rested his head on her shoulder. A faint smile on her face, Rue rested her head against his and gently ran a hand through his hair. It was comforting and she knew he bore darkness inside of him but didn’t care. She’d do whatever it took to help him out of it. Rue stood up once he removed his head off her shoulder. ”I could go for some lunch and get away from the sun.”

Before they could depart, a blue creature was spotted nearby. She frowned as she watched him like a hawk watching its prey. What was that creature…? It was levitating which seemed like a demi human trait but was not one. She heard Annya speak and moved to reply, but the beach around her began to spin. Nausea overwhelmed her. The sound of the beachgoers, the slime festival ending, and the birds became background noise. Rushing in her head made her clasp her hands to her feet. Rue opened her mouth to cry for help when darkness overwhelmed her and she slammed backwards onto the sand. There was a thud as her backpack hit the sand and her seashells broke her fall for her head.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning, 9am
Location: Beach > Bathhouse
Interactions: @Th3King0fChaos Ismael, @Omni5876 Arn, @Kazemitsu Kharne, @FunnyGuy Kaleb
Mentions: n/a

The entire slime festival was a pain in the ass. Saoirse didn’t know why she volunteered for this stupid event, but it beat sitting on the beach doing nothing. How did those girls find it fun to sit around and talk? The idea made her want to slit her throat. The disgusting creatures splattered them all with some poisonous liquid they couldn’t ingest. Disgusting. More annoying than that were the creatures she shared the beach with. One overgrown reptile with a resemblance to a snake had knocked into her a few times. The man offered her his help but she rejected him and got up on her own. ”One more time and I might ask you for compensation for the bruises I’ll have.” With a scowl, she moved back to a quieter area. Keep to yourself, don’t get in trouble…

Fortunately, the event ended. Now she stood, covered in disgusting slime, awaiting her prize. Once it was given to her, she examined it and stuffed it in her backpack. The currency she held made her grin. Then, her attention turned to the ragtag group she’d been with. The overbearing dragonborn with his faithful human were here, the curious dwarf, and the egomaniac, Kaleb. Raven and he had spent the night together which made her wonder. She decided she might be grateful she’d end up with another human but didn’t care. She scrutinized his outfit and tried not to snort with laughter. She followed the actor anyways since she had nowhere else to go; his conversation with Ismael made her roll her eyes so hard they might fall out. Did he think he looked impressive? He looked like a clown in her mind. Ismael’s reply back caused her to raise her eyebrows. Their idle chit chat wasn’t enough to hurt her feelings, and turned her attention away. “R.B.F with the red boots”. She laughed and rolled her eyes again.

Saoirse sighed as she followed them to the bathhouse. Kaleb led the pack and announced his slime count. Were they going for fucking trophies now? Ridiculous. Her stomach rumbled and she hoped the food would be free as well. She would go on another’s dime if possible as saving money was important to her. Hopefully they could grab a bite to eat and some alcohol after the bathhouse. This ragtag group annoyed her and she found herself losing patience with them. Prior to entering her stall, Saoirse laid her equipment down and moved into her private area for females. She watched as the slime rolled off her skin and closed her eyes, wishing nothing more than to be left alone.

However, that wouldn’t occur for a long time, so she gritted her teeth and forced herself to speak. ”You all talk too much.” Her words weren’t soft or kind, but honest. ”And by the way Kaleb, I’m not a sidekick. Don't talk about me like that ever again. I'm a main character.” After showering with their bizarre products, Saoirse entered the pool. She sat next to Arn who seemed to be the most tolerable person in the group. Remaining silent, she studied the group with a sigh and awaited whatever conversation occurred next.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Interaction: Lizzie @Tae, Barboda @Alivefalling, Helio @princess
Tesoro aka “Rat” @Infinite Cosmos, Nym @helo, @FunnyGuy Ardyn’s Crew
Location: Aboard the Harem

Helio’s descent toward the enemy had distracted Tigerlily. Wide-eyed she watched as he began flying around the enemy and blasting them with dark magic. She knew he could defend himself, yet part of her heart ached. The dark elf met the challenge. Sighing, she turned away and decided to keep an eye on it. Ardyn’s crew began to board their ship, but their ties were cut off by Barboda. With his crossbow he shot at a few of their enemies while Tesoro dispatched the canine demi. Five of the enemies fell into the water and remained alive, which made Tigerlily grin. A swift drowning would be merciful but that wasn’t her. Their Captain seemed to fare well and wasn’t her priority either. Nym seemed safe and occupied by the cannon, so she trusted him to remain well. Tesoro’s comments played in the back of her mind. She had almost laughed. What was wrong with her?

Tigerlily glanced at Lizzie anyway and gestured to the water. Then, she ran over to the side and jumped over it into the water. The familiar sound of cracking and shifting bones filled the air as her legs swiftly morphed into a long, pink mermaid tail. She grinned at the enemies' fear. She grabbed a dark elf first by the leg and dragged him under. He beat her with fists but she wasn’t distracted. Being punched didn’t hurt her, but it did annoy her. She let go of his leg and smacked him with her tail and watched as he flew into the bottom of The Harem. The crunch of his body and neck splitting apart was music to her ears. As the light faded from his eyes, she blew him a kiss. Turning her attention back to others, Tigerlily swam at them next.

The lizard demi managed to stab her in the tail, despite being shot. This only infuriated the siren. The pain numbed as she focused on her prey. One by one they drowned and sank to the bottom of the ocean. She furiously whacked them both with her injured tail out of spite. The crunches were satisfactory enough. Tigerlily swam back to the surface and watched the scenario play out. She knew the rest of the crew was somewhere else and began scanning the surface for them, while watching out for any surprises. Her gaze kept flickering to Helio’s battle. She swore if that dark elf hurt him, he’d get the worst death imaginable.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Avian City
Interactions: @helo Orias, @CitrusArms Aiko, @princess Yuka, @FunnyGuy Augus
Xavier’s Equipment: His sword, and

Relief flooded through Xavier once their goal had been accomplished. He glanced at Orias when he spoke to him and nodded. Now wasn’t the time for questions. He swallowed hard. This was so fanatical that he had difficulty comprehending it. Soon enough they were in the captain’s estate where there were sky guards everywhere. It reminded him of back home and a pang of homesickness hit him. He brushed it aside, reminding himself he had to focus. Yuka's voice interrupted his reverie and he tried not to show his amusement. It proved difficult and started chuckling.

The briskness from the captain, Argus, made Xavier almost grin. He could see King Victor staring at him and ordering him to protect Jessamine. How funny was it that they were so alike? He took several deep breaths as the challenge was ordered. He had to use his lightning again, but how did he do it without hurting Yuka? He set her down and smirked in amusement at her call to Caelestis. ”Please stand back.” Xavier reminded her and made sure she was safe. A glance at Aiko came off as a warning. He stepped forward and dressed Argus firmly, ”Yes sir.”

Xavier studied his hands. He realized his power had been activated upon being spooked by Yuka. The frustration had also helped. He didn’t want to harm the others and glanced around to make sure he was far enough alone. Then, shutting his eyes, focused once more on those emotions. How he hated to be tickled; Reese had teased him often. He took a deep breath as he focused hard and felt warmth in his hands. He opened his eyes to find wisps of lightning forming, but nothing concrete. His heart began hammering like it would prior to a battle. What if he couldn’t do it again? What would they do with Yuka and the others? He couldn’t let anything happen to them!

With difficulty he concentrated hard and allowed the anger to fill him. Crackling filled the silence, followed by two bolts of lightning that dented the ground on either side of him, far enough away from Orias. Xavier grinned as he stared at his creation and then at Argus with hope in his eyes. Had that been satisfactory, he wondered? He moved his hands and watched as the sparks flickered and died. Xavier bit his lip and awaited further orders from Augus while glancing at Orias and raising his eyebrows.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Desert
Interactions: @baraquiel Jomari, @Alivefalling Caelan, @13org Nuallán
Mentions: @Helo Leaf, @Alivefalling Caelan, @FunnyGuy Slick, @princess Sophie, @mole Aurora

The harsh desert sun reminded Rosaria of how much she hated the desert. The sand dunes were tricky until Uzul began explaining how to find them. The orc was impressive, tall and intimidating, yet had a kind heart. Rosaria had been amused that Jomari took an interest in him but had said nothing. She gave him his space although she was ready to defend him if necessary. Rose appreciated Nuallán's parasol although she felt guilty for the others; Mika, feeling likewise, had done the same, so Rose didn’t bother commenting on it. While the others chatted, she kept to herself and focused on not falling.

The hot sun was unbearable for her and she refused to show it. This was all for the greater good, she kept reminding herself repeatedly. However, she did envy Annya at the moment for being in Riverport. She hoped that Aurora, Sophie and Caelan were all right. She didn't trust Slick or Leaf, but they proved to be allies. If anything happened to them.....

As Uzul explained some of the dangers they’d face, Rosaria bit her lip in order not to comment. Fighting in the desert would be difficult and not something she wanted to do. Nuallán's proposition that they flee and stay behind caused her to glance sharply at him. Her eyes, which were the only thing visible, reflected her inner thoughts. She didn’t need to speak to voice her opinion on the matter. To her relief, the conversation ended and Mika approached Kuroi. How fortunate they were to have Kuroi. Rosaria had smiled upon meeting him and given him her gratitude for protecting Mikazuki. Nuallán's words, now gentle and sweet, melted her expression like a cookie in milk. ”And the same goes for you, my friend.”

She patted his shoulder and continued onward until Jomari’s voice broke her reverie. A frown creased her forehead as she faced the grumpy human. ”Jomari, your life is far more valuable than you think. I will protect you with my own life if need be.” She knew he didn’t need to be sugar coated, although she felt the need to defend him anyways. His next words caused another crease to form at her forehead and this time, she had difficulty maintaining her cool. Her voice held an edge to it, combined with exasperation. ”There isn’t any need to speak to Nuallán like that. Please save your energy and breath. We don't want you dead."

When she glanced at him, she noticed how the sand was moving aside for him. At first she wondered if it was a coincidence, but then caught on. Rosaria grinned. ”You're a geomancer, Jomari. I’m sure you’ve noticed the sand moving for you and how you haven’t lost your balance. Although the desert is harsh, this is your element."

Rosaria fell silent to allow him to converse with Uzul and let out a deep sigh. His request for a cool bath caused her to nearly spit out the water. She didn't care to continue speaking as she needed to save herself for this journey. With her eyes peeled, Rosaria took a water bottle and removed her scarf. She took a few deep gulps then covered her face and set it back in the bag. Her body felt as if it were oozing sweat and her hair was sticking to her scalp.

This desert trip couldn’t end any faster.
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