
Time: Morning
Location: Avian City
Interactions: @Helo Orias, @CitrusArms Aiko, @princess Yuka, @FunnyGuy Augus
Xavier’s Equipment: His sword, and outfit

Xavier noticed the smoke emanating from the carpet and glanced down. He noticed the holes and grimaced when he looked at Augus. He opened his mouth to apologize when an image of a horrifying monster and human appeared. He stared with horror and then found his view blocked. Yuka came up behind him and covered his eyes. Unfortunately he found it difficult to block out the screams and shivered. He’d heard men dying, but nothing quite like this.
Xavier tensed as he realized that could be him. He glanced at his companions with wide eyes. It couldn’t be only him, what about those who aided humans? He swallowed and pulled Yuka into a hug, worried she was traumatized from the horrible scene she must have seen. Not only that, but he felt it to be a duty to protect her and the other’s. He listened to both Prince Orias and Augus but remained silent. Xavier remained impassive with a fire in his eyes. That horrible monster would pay for what it had done. He wanted to make sure that other humans didn’t die either. The “Dark Elves” must be afraid of the humans otherwise they wouldn’t be hunting them down. What a bunch of cowards. He despised cowards. Xavier scowled as he waited for what came next and shook with anger at the injustice.