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In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Avian City
Interactions: @helo Orias, @CitrusArms Aiko, @princess Yuka, @FunnyGuy Caelestis
Xavier’s Equipment: His sword, and

Xavier froze in shock as the sequence of events played out. For some reason, lightning exploded from him and hurt Yuka. Before he could aid her, Aiko had beaten him to the punch. The look from Aiko stung Xavier as he turned away. His chest felt as if there was someone stepping on it and had twisted his ribcage. The guilt poured from inside of him and was threatening to drown him. Why had he done that, especially to a kind woman like her?

As if matters couldn’t worsen, Yuka began her theatrics. For a moment he saw a tall curly-haired blonde with blue eyes and the voice of an angel; she, too, began theatrical as she despaired over what dress she should buy. It brought him some comfort, but Yuka’s voice overruled it and he scowled as she turned back to the blonde-haired maiden. His heart ached as she carried on and only made him feel worse. Then her request at the end caused him to do a double-take and he stared at her. Concern was evident in his eyes. Why did she enjoy pain…? Wait, did she ask me to zap her again? What in the world?

There was not much time for Xavier to answer the bizarre question she had posed as Koldar had dropped a bomb on them. So he was in the presence of a long-lost elven prince, a fashion designer, and a fox. Xavier stared at Orias with the utmost respect mixed with awe. It was now his duty not to only aid Yuka and protect her, but to help guard this prince. He didn’t see a reason for it to be a lie either. He looked stern and honest. Xavier swallowed as he was mentioned now. He clenched his fists in worry and concern as he supported Yuka from Aiko and began to rub her head gently and soothingly.

The Avian seemed incredulous, which only helped soothe Xavier’s mind. He presented a potion with a mysterious red liquid meant for Yuka. He watched with curiosity as it was distributed to her and watched to make sure it wasn’t poisonous. God must have been on their side because the Avian now directed the other three to inform their General. He let out a sigh of relief he hadn’t realized he had been holding. Fortunate kissed them now as they were no longer giving up their weapons.

Furthermore, Yuka had recovered and was back to her lunatic self. He sighed in exasperation again and smiled down at her. ”Are you okay? You seemed as though you recovered. I’ll help you as I owe you an apology. I am so very sorry and will not do that to you again, despite your bizarre request.” He scooped her up easily in his arms and brushed hair out of her eyes. His voice became light and teasing. ”I know for a fact you won’t mind this at all but please let me know if it’s too much. Can’t have our fair miaden falling apart on us, can we? I need a fashion designer to create me a better disguise.” Xavier then began following the Avian guard into their city, making sure to not trip or stumble with Yuka in his arms.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Surfside Cafe > Beach
Interaction: @Helo Bowyn, Annya @princess, Raven/Eris @Tae
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, hygiene products, new outfit

Rue sat and listened while her companions discussed recent events. She continued to play with the sand and collect seashells to occupy herself. It was hot and becoming uncomfortable for her, but the cool sea air breeze brought much needed relief. Once the conversation turned to the war, Rue cleared her throat and began to fidget. Bowyn’s words came off rough with truth within them. Her heart ached to see him struggling with his anger as he spoke. Losing his wings had likely been brought by the dark elves which explained his animosity. Rue scooted closer to him and wrapped an arm around his shoulder and continued to listen. His words brought a chill to her spine. Why did there need to be hate or evil anyway? Didn’t they all want to live their lives in peace and quiet? He sounded so pained that it was hard to fault him for his extreme opinion. However, it was also hard for the others to understand without more context. Losing your wings was horrible when you were meant to fly.

She was grateful Bowyn tried to soften things with his last statement. He truly was a good man at heart and she was sure the group would see that. He just wanted to stop the death like they all did. Respectfully, she held her tongue to listen to Annya’s reply. The princess seemed like she also suffered with the death and pain, therefore she was quick to correct Bowyn. The poor general had been her friend too? How awful. She couldn’t imagine what it would have been like if they had murdered one of her siblings like Helio and the rest.

There was truth in her words as well. War did not just mean death of the dark elves; it also meant the other races were at stake too. She now understood that Annya laid out why the elven King and Queen might be attempting a peace talk, even if it was fruitless. Rue also appreciated there was kindness and understanding in Annya’s words. It became clear that the issue was that they needed to know more about each other before debating these things so that neither of them made assumptions.

”Um… You both sound as though you’ve endured suffering and loss, and for that I commend you both for continuing to move forward. I’m also sorry for your losses. You both have valid points so I’m grateful we can agree on the main points which are peace and to stop the suffering. However I think both sides jumped without attempting to know each other. It was cruel for the dark elves to be banished because of their race. It’s as if the winter fae were banished because we enjoy the cold and thrive in it, or because we control ice. It wouldn’t make sense and I can see why they’d be upset. Now I believe they let that become their scapegoat and be their undoing, while the light elves let their fear guide them and kill their poor Twins' father. I do understand this was all centuries ago and it doesn’t excuse the dark elves’ current behavior, but this all started because of hatred. Hate isn't going to win this mess, because as long as someone sees the other side or race as the other enemy we won’t have peace. No, there’s been too much bad blood. Peace is a resolution we’ll never have and genocide of the dark elves isn’t the answer either. No, I think we need more meditation and talks because we can’t resolve hate with more hate.” She took a deep breath and continued.

“I think if we had tried to talk it out and incorporate them into our lives, we might have been able to avoid this war. Innocent lives will be lost and I as a healer and a member of the resistance sent to help in the war, will be there to help prevent as much of it as I can.” Rue finished speaking and stretched her wings. She didn’t realize for a moment her secret had slipped and blanched. As she glanced at Bowyn, she offered a reassuring smile and allowed him to decide if he wanted her arm to remain there or not.

Time: Early Evening
Location: Ballroom of Danrose Castle

Attire: Her dress
Interactions: @Infinite Cosmos Munir, @13org Mayet, @Omni5876 Amir, @Rodiak Nahir
Mentions: @princess Charlotte

Layla’s head snapped in the direction of the loud nuisance coming from behind her. ”Who the hell is that?”She questioned as the man rambled on about them being performers. Was he serious? What was this man on? Layla’s smile faltered as he came closer to them. Zilal hissed and faced the direction of this man. His words did not comfort her in the least, nor him being this close. A tiger and snake charmer? She struggled to withhold laughter as she wobbled on her guard’s shoulders.

A quick glance toward Ali told her enough. He stood in front of her now with his sword drawn. Layla scowled and drew in a gasp as the guard rushed forward. The next sequence of events unfolded quickly. The palanquin swayed as the guards tried to resolve the situation. Concern for her dear father and dearest uncle rose. She began to wiggle free, but before she could, both men fell. ”Father!” She exclaimed, both guards stumbling backward out of the way. Now it was her turn to feel the humiliation as both guards lost their grip on her legs and she tumbled to the floor. Zilal fell and let out a furious hiss and recoiled into a ball. She reached for the snake as he came to her side and booped her arm to see if she was all right. She stroked his head gently while recovered. The pain radiating through her body took her a moment to process. A memory tugged at her mind and she furiously pushed it back. Her cheeks were red and fury was in his eyes like flames.

”Shehzadi Layla! Are Zilal and you alright?” Ali was at her side, along with her other two guards. Ali pulled her up gently and held her until she came to her senses. Ringing in her ears blocked out all other noise and she watched as the room spun around her. Layla gritted her teeth and shook her head to clear it. ”Do you want to leave for a moment?” His voice was so quiet that Layla almost didn’t hear him. She shook her head and glanced toward her siblings. With a scowl, she eyed the idiotic duke next and Ali released her. She went to look for Zilal, but Ali had him in his arms and into hers next. The snake flicked its’ tongue and wrapped around her protectively and furiously. The next round of voices didn’t soother her at all as she looked in the direction. Her ears rang and she gritted her teeth once more. This moron had a ferret and was allowed a pet? Unbelievable.

Layla barely heard the conversation through the ringing. The clapping became a dim annoyance as she recovered. However, she could see the smugness in King Danrose’s eyes. His amusement only infuriated her more and she wished to wipe it over his ugly and sweaty face. She couldn’t stand hearing the angered tone in her Uncle and Father’s voices when they had spoken. However, finally, some black-haired sun-deprived woman came over to them and she only felt more annoyance. What do you want, you sickly looking vampire? The girl had a doll-face despite her nasty pale skin. What a pity.

As the new brat started her speech, she felt her attention drawn to this… sun-deprived doll. She, too, thought they were performers? Was everyone in this kingdom dense? Layla narrowed her gaze as she moved forward with Ali behind her who had sheath the sword. He was ready to pull it back in case of emergencies. Her sob story didn’t resonate with her. Layla’s expression became impassive as she studied this prey. She’d be easy and fun to toy with for the night.

Her offer to the Sultan made her smirk as she caught her father’s eye. Before the others could speak, Layla spoke up and glanced at her siblings and back to her prey. ”Father, I’d be happy to take this beautiful doll under my wing. I would hate to have her night ruined. I think we should allow her to stay with us during our visit. ” She moved over to stand in front of Charlotte and lifted her chin up with a warm, radiant smile. It read of peace and serenity, one of Layla's many talents.

”The floor is no place for a Lady, now is it? Stand up, Lady Charlotte. We can have fun now that the … situation is over. I say we let her enjoy the ball tonight.” She helped her to her feet and wrapped an arm around her firmly and asserted it to her siblings she wanted this girl without saying it aloud. One of their many talents was reading each other’s thoughts and feelings without speaking. Zilal flicked his tongue as he studied the menace and let out a dignified hiss as he wound himself back onto her shoulder and rested his head on it. As soon as Charlotte would meet her eyes, she would see a piercing glare that could kill. Layla nodded to Ali, came to her side, effectively blocking the guests from seeing. She turned to grin wickedly as fire entered her eyes and expression. ”How’s a king cobra for you tonight, love? You’re going to regret being born.” She hissed in her ear. In all of her fury and might, she still had the ringing in her ears and pain coursing through her as if she’d been shot.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Avian City
Interactions: @helo Orias, @CitrusArms Aiko, @princess Yuka, @FunnyGuy Caelestis
Xavier’s Equipment: His sword, and

Xavier had been trying to focus on the meeting, yet Yuka was wild and unpredictable. He stiffened when he felt arms wrap around him and her voice in his ears. Being leaned back by her was uncomfortable and he wasn’t in control which frustrated him. Why was she surprised he’d protected her? Did this girl never know chivalry? Before he could reply, he was assaulted by tickles from behind and he yelped in surprise. What was she doing! Did she not understand the seriousness of their situation? They were on a land in the sky and he knew nothing about this world! Xavier felt sparks rise around him unlike anything he’d felt in his life. He looked down at his hands to see wisps of silver gleaming around them. What was this, he wondered?

Through the chaos, he barely heard these strange creatures conversing. The sun stopped shining over him but he did not look up to see why they had been cast into shadows. All he knew was he wanted to get back down to the ground now. Still, he had a duty to this crazy woman. He knew in their home she’d likely be cast out which only upset him. He wasn’t sure why she acted this way and knew there would be a good reason. All he needed was patien….

As he started to reflect on this thought, Yuka spoke and it was the last straw. She was calling their weapons, their means of protection, junk? She wanted them to surrender their weapons? What did that word junk mean? Xavier felt heat rise in his face and eyes. The sword had been a gift from his father that would have been presented to princess Jessamine and King Viktor as a gift. The sword had been used in the last war he’d been in and was the prize of their victory. Also, how would he defend himself from these winged beings? He burst free from Yuka’s grip finally but as he did, lightning flashed from his body towards her. He felt the power burst from him and turned in bewilderment to watch it strike her. The energy cracked around him as the silver wisps returned around his hands.

”What on earth was that!” He cried as it cracked around him and panic rose in his eyes. ”Are you okay? I’m so sorry… I don’t know what happened.” His heart sank. He’d hurt an innocent but crazy woman and now it was his debt to repay her. Xavier turned to eye the rest of their party with wide eyes.
Time: Early Evening
Location: Ballroom of Danrose Castle

Attire: Her dress
Interactions: @Infinite Cosmos Munir, @13org Mayet, @Omni5876 Amir, @Rodiak Nahir
Mentions: @Tae Thea

The grand hall of the Caseonia kingdom would be considered beautiful, yet Layla had seen grander architecture at her castle. She sighed as she nodded approval. She held her head up high without glancing at anyone. These royals were not impressive. The servant beside her was Ali and one of her closest confidants. She glanced sideways to see him rolling his eyes and snickered. He caught her eye and winked and the two of them looked away from each other. She petted the head of her king cobra’s head, named Zilal. He was wrapped around her waist and shoulders with his head resting on it. She had given him a little suit she’d ordered one of her servants to create and he wore it proudly. She flicked his tongue a few times and she stroked her head absentmindedly to calm her.

She didn’t let her gaze stray as she turned to her Mayet speaking to Nala. ”It would be rude indeed, but it’ll be even ruder if they don’t all take a moment to bask in our beauty. I doubt any of them have ever seen gorgeous people before.” While they entered the hall, Layla withheld a sigh and gazed around with pleasure: all eyes were on them which is how she liked it.

As expected, the Caesonian people were rather sickly in appearance and seemed to cover up so much skin. She wondered if they were sweating under those huge puffy skirts and grimaced, shuddering in disgust. Even the men were covered in so much fabric. Layla hoped they did not expect her to actually touch them. Compared to these roaches, she was dressed much more exposed. Her outfit was airy and she didn’t feel the least bit hot. Her hair was wrapped in an elegant bun with a few stray pieces framing her face. She had added a gold piece to her hair, ears. She wrinkled her nose and then returned to a more pleasant expression as if all her dreams had come true right before her eyes. Then a tragic thought hit her: what if their wine was disgusting too? How tortuous.

As if Munir had been reading her thoughts, he chuckled and told her that she should be nice. She rolled her eyes and scoffed at him. ”Munir, next you’re going to be asking to sprout wings and fly. No one is entitled to me being nice to them.” As the second tallest, she towered over the siblings and was more noticeable than the rest. Still, it wasn’t enough; she wanted all these roaches to see her. Before she could make her move, Mayet ordered Nala to announce their arrival and chuckled. The roar was impressive, and she looked over to nod in approval to Mayet and Nala. ”Nicely done, you two.” Abrupt noise started her. She swiveled around to find a bubblehead blonde applauding them and stifled laughter. Was this girl serious? Had she never seen a tiger? Poor thing.

Layla smirked as she watched her brother Munir settle for walking and gave him a wink as she moved ahead from her spot to the left of the sultan to tap the shoulder of two guards consecutively, ”Lift me up on each of your shoulders. And don’t you dare drop me.” She commanded them. Hastily, not wanting to upset Layla as that often resulted in utter disaster, the two guards aided in picking her up, holding each of her legs as she sat both on one’s left shoulder and the other’s right shoulder. Layla held her head up high, not waving, and simply allowing all to bask in her glory. Instead, she gave them a smile that she had practiced. She knew it was the winning smile that would make their hearts flutter since it often made her appear sweet and warmer than the sun’s rays. Zilal flicked his tongue in pleasure from his head’s place on her shoulder.

Layla grinned at the king and queen of Caseonia, allowing a wink and sweet smile to cover her face as she made eye contact. The king looked dismayed which made her grin inside. Once eye contact had been achieved, she dipped her head in an honorable bow but didn’t let it drop too far. After all, these people were below her family and herself, so why lower herself to their standards? Her mother never would have done so.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Interaction: Lizzie @Tae, Barboda @Alivefalling, Helio @princess
Tesoro aka “Rat” @Infinite Cosmos, Nym @helo, @FunnyGuy Ardyn’s Crew
Location: Aboard the Harem

Tigerlily’s attention had been focused on Helio when he had joined. For a moment she felt a surge of irritation rise and took slow deep breaths, remembering who he was. Then Captain Lizzie's order to drown the other crew if they fell in the ocean had drawn a wicked smile upon her face. She had gasped with shock at the tidal wave the Captain had created. Moments after, several shots rang out. She didn’t have enough time to look for where the shots were aimed. The voice of the assailant reached her too late and then the owner of it slammed into her. She cried out with shock and hit the deck hard with Tesoro leaning over her. His arm had wrapped around her waist to help brace for their fall. Wide-eyed, Lily stared up at him.

For a second, she wasn’t staring into Tesoro’s crimson red eyes, she was staring into cold, dead silver ones. His hair was similarly black, but longer and pulled into a ponytail and his skin darker and more ashy. Instead of him bracing for their fall, there was a knife being held to her throat. The blood spouting from Tesoro’s injury splashed across her as she lay frozen with terror. While Tesoro’s reassuring voice inquired if she was okay, the voice in her head spoke in a more menacing and cruel way. Tigerlily fought back the memory as her heart rate quickened and adrenaline surged through her.

”I… I’m fine..” Her voice came out shaky as she watched him stand up and crudely begin bandaging his wound. She sighed as sudden anger rushed through her. For fuck sakes, she owed him now. The bastard went from yelling at her, then stealing her dagger and now saving her life? What kind of trip was he on? Still, she frowned as she watched him and sighed. Being shot hurt like hell, but he was lucky it wasn't anything critical. ”You can’t fight with a bandage like that. Here.”

Shakily she pulled him down and made sure they had enough cover. She took it from him and gingerly began to create a tourniquet around his shoulder. She made sure to apply pressure in between to staunch the bleeding and ignored the blood squirting onto her face and stood up. ”Let me handle this.” She turned around to smile slyly at him. ”Cover your ears. Now.” Her pupils dilated as she ordered the last word as compulsion. Turning to face Helio, Nym and Captain Lizzie, she barked the same order at them with more compulsion. After giving them a moment to react, Tigerlily took a deep breath and released a powerful sonic scream at the other crew. Once finished, Tigerlily moved behind cover once more near Tesoro and took several deep breaths. Despite the chaos she was grinning like a madwoman as she prepared another scream.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Avian City
Interactions: Orias @helo, Aiko @CitrusArms, Yuka @princess, @FunnyGuy Caelestis
Xavier’s Equipment: His sword, and

Xavier stared around the city with awe in his eyes, though he remained neutral. It spoke of grandeur and fancier than his own home. He felt his breathing quicken and his hands become clammy. One wrong step and he’d fall off. He swallowed and took a deep breath to calm himself.

His gaze turned as a winged figure approached them and he immediately tensed. After Captain Verencia finished his speech, taking care to note their weapons should be handed over, Xavier scowled. No way would he listen; after all, what was he supposed to do if things turned for the worst?

His heart skipped a beat as Yuka stepped forward and spoke in an unlady-like manner to the gentleman. His scowl intensified. Xavier pulled her behind his back and addressed the man calmly but firmly, ”There will be no need for that. I’m also not interested in handing over my weapon, but I come in peace.” Xavier held a hand over Yuka’s arm to keep her there while he glanced at Aiko and Koldar. ”What about you?”
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