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In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Tavern
Interactions: Orias @helo, Aiko @CitrusArms, Yuka @princess
Xavier’s Equipment: His sword, and

Xavier listened to Yuka’s friends and she conversed. He was quiet and eying the scenery with interest. It looked much like home to him, although the occupants were strange. There were the pointy-eared folk apparently called elves, and more animal-human hybrids and some people with wings. He saw a few tall green beasts too. Knowing his starring might catch attention, he turned back to the others. He noted the creatures and reminded himself to ask Yuka about them later.

When Koldar mentioned the Black Market, his eyes widened. What? A black market and dragons? This is crazy... What else does this world have? Panic settled in his eyes and he glanced at Yuka. Fortunately the conversation moved quickly. Someone named “Nabbarra” had disappeared which he found cumbersome and mysterious. Did people disappear often here? He frowned and folded his arms, feeling hot in the weird cloak but not complaining as he was grateful for Yuka’s help. The locations “Ironhold” and “River Kingdom,” both sounded fascinating places with more interesting creatures. He watched Yuka figuratively weigh the decisions and started chuckling to himself. What was an Amora, he wondered? He cleared his throat and nodded as if he understood what was going on. ”Alright. Let’s go.” He glanced at the others with a charming smile. ”Before the dark elves take all the good seats.”
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Dusk
Interaction: Lizzie @Tae, Barboda @Alivefalling, Helio @princess
Tesoro aka “Rat” @Infinite Cosmos, Nym @helo, @FunnyGuy “Two Lesser Known Twins” & Liliana
Location: Barboda's Ship - Living Quarters

Tigerlily waited much like Nym with her arms folded. Captain Lizie’s soft words to Tesoro made her raise her eyebrows. She viewed them as a family, and her vulnerability surprised even Tigerlily. She was quiet for a moment. Was this it? After a few long, miserable years…? She bit her lip and pushed it out of her mind for now. She needed to focus. When Ardyn’s crew spoke up, proposing a tax, she began laughing loudly in the background. A tax to sail the seas? How dare they think they could claim it? Fury grew inside of her and she resisted the urge to murder these roaches right now. This crew was out of their damned minds. However she stopped laughing to allow Lizzie to speak while the roaches’ attention was spared by Tesoro. She nodded in agreement as she began surveying their surroundings. The ocean was quite agitated. Lily glanced at the Captain with furrowed brows and turned away with a smirk. If it was true…

The Rat spoke up and she regrettably decided to listen to him. She stared at him with disbelief and rolled her eyes. ”I don’t think I need to explain myself. You’d best put those plugs if this turns to a fight as you will lose your hearing temporarily, if the other crew doesn’t have them already...” Tigerlily noted his soft tone and decided not to comment further so as not to upset him or Lizzie. She glanced at the schooner and knew it’d be possible they had their own defense mechanism for handling sirens, and knew she’d have to find another way to fight.

She moved over to the edge, but not close enough to be in danger of falling over. She examined the water and glanced back at the schooner. There was a chance the bastard had a siren. She glanced over the crew quickly and noted the mixed races. Thus far, they didn’t seem to recognize her, and she was quite glad she’d changed her appearance. She moved back to Lizzie’s side and spoke softly. Her mind raced as she began thinking of how to find the main roach. ”He’ll have a siren, whether on the main ship or in the waters where I can assist ye. I’ve had my fair share of siren fights. You’re right that his main ship could be cloaked in light or dark magic. He may even be on the ship already while invisible.. A light elf as old as the Bastard is, will have mastered the art of light magic.” She glanced at Nym with her voice as quiet as possible, though knowing it’d only be safe for one to possibly leave. Also, she'd have to watch out for nets. How she hated them and caused her fury to grow.”What do you say on checking out the se-”

Tigerlily’s sentence was cut short. Barbuda had moved forward and murdered the forest fairy. Shocked, she turned to stare at him. ”Barboda, what the fuck?” She cried as she glanced around. Furious, she looked to Lizzie for orders, frustrated now by their situation. She didn’t want to die fighting some stupid battle caused by a helmeted weirdo. Her gaze locked onto Tesoro who was staring at her and she frowned. What the hell did he want? She inhaled sharply as he came at her abruptly and took a few steps back with fear. It reflected in her eyes as her mind replaced him with a dark elf. She tensed up as his feathery light touch brushed her side as a slight rattle told her he’d swiped her dagger.

Frozen and speechless, she stood there unable to move. His words replayed in her mind as her heart rate increased. She couldn’t help but smirk though at his wink and reined in her anger over having it stolen. Her smile was much less friendly than it was wicked. If looks could have killed… ”You’d best give me the dagger back or you’ll find out what I can do later.” She noted his position would be the first person the other crew would meet if they came aboard. With that taken care of, she glanced at Lizzie. ”Captain, would you like me to stay aboard or go underwater? I’ll bet Ardyn’s going to appear now. They’ll likely have another fairy aboard their main ship since they can heal." Whether or not she knew it, she decided to state it anyways. Her suspicion was growing more over the captain as the sea remained agitated and rocked their ship. Her instincts told her to abandon ship, yet she remained steadfast and glanced at Nym then studying their surroundings.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Surfside Cafe > Beach
Interaction: @Helo Bowyn, Annya @princess, Raven/Eris @Tae
Mention: Arn @Omni5876, Trio - Shade, Katanna, Rocco
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, hygiene products, new outfit

Rue had given Bowyn a frown upon his comment toward Arn, but kept her comments to herself. Arn had looked taken aback and upset and her heart ached for him. She had eaten her breakfast quietly, a little overwhelmed from all the company they had. She wasn’t used to dining with so many, however it was interesting to listen to the conversation. When the meal was complete, the decision was to go to the beach for slime day. She decided to stay amongst those enjoying the beach as she had never had the chance to do so before. Moonlight had returned to her room for the event. It would be too hot for him and she didn’t want him to suffer. She’d left plenty of water and food for him as well. While on her way to the beach, she passed the strange trio again. The orc looked rather happier than he’d earlier, and she could assume they were on their way to the blacksmith. The light elf winked at her and after telling her to enjoy the beach while the feline remained stoic.

Rue soon found herself with the girls and Bowyn sitting on blankets in the sand, a little ways away from all the slime fighting. It had intrigued her to join them but she decided against it. She was not sure what to say to anyone else, so she picked up a pretty seashell and handed one to the white-haired girl named “Valerie” with a soft smile. Rue then found another one and gave it to Bowyn. ”Look! Seashells. Aren’t they so pretty?” Rue pulled over a few more and began handing them to everyone as an offering of friendship and conversation. She pulled over a few and began to make a small seashell castle by their towel. The sunlight reflected off her wings and she made sure not to stretch them again in front of Bowyn. She’d remembered his expression after doing so after leaving the amora, so she ignored them and tried enjoying the sun.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Dusk
Interaction: Lizzie @Tae, Barboda @Alivefalling, Helio @princess
Tesoro aka “Rat” @Infinite Cosmos, Nym @helo, @FunnyGuy “Two Lesser Known Twins” & Liliana
Location: Barboda's Ship - Living Quarters

After drinking and partying, Tigerlily had filled a tub with water to rest in. She had drunk a decent amount, though to her it was never enough. Having to be in the same vicinity as him, seeing him, hearing him, all drove her up a wall. She had kept her distance from the others when possible that night and had turned in rather early after finding a tub and filling it with water. It was large enough to accompany her in her mermaid form, though her tail did hang out the edge. She had feigned sleep for a while, as the memories returned whenever she drank or hung in the back of her mind. Finally, after what felt like hours, she finally fell asleep.

The next morning she awoke early and had eaten before the others. She had wrapped her cape around herself and masked most of her scales and donned the hat to shield her from the sun’s overbearing rays. It was then she noticed the schooner and the pirate ship floating to the east. Anger had ignited in her when recognized it as Captain Ardyn’s. Tigerlily growled to herself lowly as she folded her arms and stared at it. Captain Lizzie had pointed it out to her and explained who it was. Tigerlily paced up and down the ship, glancing every so often at the ship, and fantasizing about slicing the bastard’s throat. She wanted to do worse; maybe string him up to the mast as he did his siren and allow the birds to finish him off in the hot sun after being whipped. She watched as the schooner approached their ship with two dark elves and a fairy. How she wished to rip the dark elves' throats out. First however, fairy would have to be dealt with first seeing as the overgrown pixies could heal.

Tigerlily hung back, not wanting to be seen quite yet and interested in seeing how Lizzie handled it. She was not disappointed and let out a harsh, dark laugh, but wasn’t visible to the crew on the schooner. She caught Lizzie’s eye once she turned to them and winked. However the Rat spoke up and Tigerlily started laughing rather rudely again. ”Aye Rat, that’s exactly what we were hoping for.” She replied as she faced him with a wicked smile and eyeroll. ”One Rat for the price of everyone else's safety? Count me in. Let’s definitely give the ship someone who knows all about us. Her gaze flicked to Lizzie with a smile to let her know she was only half joking, and wasn’t entirely serious. Tigerlily remained neutral, ready to go on the offensive at a moment’s notice. She was itching, like the Rat, to fight, although her’s was more personal.


Time: Morning
Location: Surfside Cafe, Riverport
Interaction: @Helo Bowyn
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, hygiene products, new outfit

The discussion of the princess returned and Rue felt a mixture of eagerness mixed with anxiety. Meeting the princess would be an honor mixed with her job becoming more realistic. Hanging with Arn would help them find her and it was then that Rue could reveal the nature of her position. He was a combat medic and Rue honestly didn’t know enough about war or fighting to be entirely effective. Her mind raced again to Bowyn. How would he react to finding out about her job? A rebel group of Elves had ventured to the winter fairy village looking for volunteers. She didn’t pause to contemplate this further; she realized too late how Bowyn was giving her an out from the war if she wanted it. Rue remained quiet as she finally replied while avoiding the topic of Arn. ”No. I want to find the princess. I have something to talk to her about.” She knew leaving it at that was mysterious, and that she had her own, independent mission, one without the bloodlust.

They passed buildings and Rue scowled at the bright sunshine. How people lived with the bright sun and didn’t cringe from it she didn’t know. She glanced at the posters on their way with confusion. Was Smile native to the rest of Avalia? She glanced at Bowyn and giggled. ”Guess we did. Maybe we should help?” She looked up at the restaurant as her cheery smile returned. ”Well breakfast’s calling! Moonlight, I’ll give you my scraps.” She moved back however as the group from the previous night walked by; a hulking dragonborn she gaped at; the red haired light elf, male light elf in purple, and then a demihuman. Rue realized how much conversation might have to be expected and glanced at Bowyn uneasily. Healing people with gruesome injuries and the like was something she could do, but the upcoming conversation? Rue nervously pushed open the door and tried reminding herself that it was likely not going to be as problematic as it was.

That was short lived. Rue opened the door and walked in after Bowyn. The moment they were inside, they were greeted with the fruit of their discussion: Arn, princess Annya, a blonde female elf in a black ensemble, a demi-canine and the quartet from earlier. Her heart sank and then began racing and her palms became clammy. Holy cow. Was this the only open cafe? Rue turned to Bowyn with astonishment then turned back and realized she was standing there awkwardly like a lost dog. She cleared her throat nervously and stammered out, while nervously petting Moonlight’s head, ”Oh - pardon me. I’m Rue, and it’s an honor to meet you, Princess.” She gave a quick curtsy and then glanced at Arn and offered a small smile and then glanced at Bowyn quickly. ”Um - do you want to grab a seat nearby or…?” Her voice trailed off and she continued petting Moonlight, aware of the people gawking at him now, and trying to ignore her nerves.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Xavier & Yuka

Time: Morning
Location: Near Roshmi Square → Hanami Designs -> Tavern
Interactions:@Helo Orias & @CitrusArms Aiko
Xavier’s Equipment: His sword, and outfit

Daybreak shone over the black-haired man as his head laid against the stone wall. Xavier was hidden in an alleyway, his arms crossed and his body in an awkward position. He had struggled for comfort all night, but he could not go back out into the square where those strange people would see him again. He had been hiding here for hours even before he had finally fallen asleep.

He was sitting up against the wall, slumped over, looking as if he’d been prepared earlier to defend himself. His sword was laying across his body and was within hand’s reach. He had pulled his cape over himself as a makeshift blanket. He was quiet and asleep. However the sunlight and the city's noise soon began to bother him and he started to stir. He hoped when he’d wake up, that he’d be back home, and it was all a terrible dream. However as he opened his eyes, instead of his comfortable, luxurious bed and the love of his life now next to him, he was greeted with the dark and uncomfortable alleyway.

Xavier grunted as he opened his eyes and closed them in denial. He was still dreaming, and he was not being carted off to the asylum to join Grace, losing his knighthood and Jessamine. His rumbling stomach interrupted his sleep and so did the birds chirping. Frustrated, he opened his eyes and looked around once more at the dreaded scenery, only to see a pair of magenta-colored eyes blinking in front of him. He soon found that a girl’s face was hanging upside down in front of him, her blonde hair falling to the floor. Looking upward, he’d find she had her boots locked around a pipe.

“Wow! You’re really still here!”

Xavier inhaled and jumped up. He scrambled to his feet and moved away with wide eyes. ”What -” He could barely reply as he began taking in the woman’s appearance. She was one of those strange people with animal ears. ”What are you?”

She jumped down gracefully and hopped to her feet, her eyes sparkling with amusement. Tilting her head, she looked him up and down before moving up to him slowly and gently moved his hair to look at his ear. ”Oooh… So I see.” Yuka took a step back and returned his space, ”I am Yuka. You are a human that has been summoned to fight a war for elves. They probably won’t send you back if they find you though if that’s what you’re hoping for.”

Xavier studied the girl in front of him warily. He held a hand near his sword, though he didn’t enjoy the idea of hurting a female. She was beautiful, he noticed, but it wasn’t enough to sway his decision to be apprehensive. He took a step forward when the stranger moved up to him. He was about to push her away when she moved back and started speaking. War? Elves? Summoned? What was she talking about? He was certain he was dreaming now but couldn’t wake up from this nightmare. None of this was real, he was convinced.

”Do you know what elves are?”

Xavier scowled as he moved away a safe distance and kept a hand near his sword, ready to pull it out of its sheath. ”No. I don’t care. Find someone to return me home or wake me up from whatever this strange world is.”

”Well at least you understand you’re not in your world anymore… Did they tell you anything when they brought you here? Guessing not!” Yuka glanced over her shoulder as she spoke. Soon, the square would populate with the townsfolk and possibly even dark elven patrol.

”No, they did not; I didn’t stay with them. I ran as soon as I could and ended up in this… place.” He remained scowling as he considered her. Xavier bit his lip and then suddenly froze. Had Rose or Jessamine ended up here too? He hadn’t seen them, but what if they were? Then he suddenly relaxed as he remembered only he’d walked through his door into that blinding light. But then he recalled promising Rose he’d teach her how to ride his horse after proposing to Jessamine the next day. Heaviness in his chest unrelated to his battle armor began to crush him. He frowned as he considered perhaps he’d never see her again - but they had sent him here, they could put him back, right? They had too; his heart began hammering as he angrily put his head in his hand then moved them away so he could keep this strange cat-woman thing in his sight. Grace… he’d promised to visit her… His heart ached even more.

Yuka could tell he was drifting off in his thoughts, but time was of the essence. She wasn’t sure how cooperative this guy was going to be. Well dressed, handsome and with an attitude, she knew she was meeting her match here. If he was anything like her, then he liked getting his way just as much as she did. Her eyes followed his every movement like a hawk. He was stressed and possibly more malleable at the moment. ”Come. I will take you somewhere safe so we can talk and I can disguise you better.”

”I suppose I don’t have a choice.” He mumbled to himself more than to her as he sighed. ”Fine then.” He moved his hand away from the sword as he scrutinized her. She didn’t appear malicious, and he did need help.

Yuka offered her hand out to him and smiled. ”Bet you hold a lot of girl’s hands. Might make you feel more at home!”

Xavier stared at her warily and rolled his eyes. He looked at her hand and stuffed his hands in his pant pocket instead. ”Whether or not I have is not your business and it won’t make me feel more at home.” He bit his lip as he thought more of Jessamine. Would she be safe without him? What if the kingdom was attacked? He scowled as he pushed it out of his mind’s eye.

She gasped and giggled. ”But I’m so cute! Well stay close, okay? Things are kind of tense here today.”

”Fine.” He replied shortly as he glanced around with uncertainty. This world was strange, but he was talking to a female with cat ears so what more could he say? She was cute though and he tried to ignore it.

She moved out of the alleyway and quickly out of the square into the smaller streets. She led him for a few blocks as the buildings started to become nicer and larger in quality. The people nearby became more well dressed as well. They stopped in front of a quaint shop named “Hanami Designs.”

Xavier followed Yuka, keeping his head down and his jacket up over his ears. He’d noticed his type wasn't common. He marveled at the grand architecture before him. It was something out of a book he’d read to Rose. He glanced at the shop and the name of it and shrugged as he entered. He hoped this wasn't some kind of sick trap.

She opened the door and leaned in, balancing on one foot as she called, ”Auntie! I’m home!” Looking back, she beckoned the man with her head, ”What’s your name?” Yuka asked as she moved into the well-lit space. Clothes were neatly hung everywhere, but no customers were present. The shop was clearly not open for business yet. The decor and ambience was luxurious. A woman with a tight bun of blonde hair and small feline ears came down the marble stairs gracefully. She was dressed conservatively yet elegantly. She paused and stared at the two of them.

”Yuka! It’s been days…Where have you been?” She approached the two, going on sternly,”You knew business would be slow with all this political nonsense occurring… Wait, who is this?”

Xavier followed Yuka into the shop with hesitation. He stared around the store with interest. Everything looked so neat and orderly. Then he jumped as she called for her ‘auntie’ and then addressed him. ”Xavier.” He replied as he moved into the shop more and watched as the ‘auntie’ came into view. He remained quiet as they spoke and studied them both. Political nonsense, war, tension. He furrowed his brows and crossed his arms and glanced at Yuka. ”Xavier.” He repeated again dryly.

”Oh Aunt Hina…You know how I can be! You have plenty of girls who come to work for you. You don’t need little ol me!” Yuka said in an attempt to smooth her over and even ran up and hugged her.

The woman scowled and did not return the hug. ”Yuka, your behavior is so tiresome.
It must cease. Settle down with a husband and stop acting like a-”
She broke off and focused again on Xavier. ”Oh he looks like he’s quite wealthy? Is this what you’ve been up to?”

Xavier’s scowl began to dissipate as he considered their conversation. It seemed as though this girl was wild. He watched as she tried to smooth things over unsuccessfully. With a raised eyebrow, he managed to chuckle and roll his eyes.

”Yes auntie. I am picking out my handsome lover a new cloak. You know the noble elven family that lives down the street. This is Eula’s son Xavier. He’s so head over the heels for me and treats me like a princess!” Yuka told her with excitement. She pointed at the necklace. ”He gave me this beautiful necklace that must have cost him so much, so I wanted to return the favor and give him something from our shop.”

Hina moved over to eye the necklace and then glanced back at him. ”That is quite beautiful… Yuka I’m…” She looked up at Yuka and smiled after a moment. ”Yuka I’m so happy to see you spending your time meaningfully. Any son of Eula is welcome here. Please, take what you need Xavier.”

Yuka smirked at Xavier as she moved over to look through the cloaks. Her aunt moved after her, whispering in her ear. ”His ears… They’re so short for an elf?”

”Oh he doesn’t like to talk about that. Tragic birth defect. It’s why Eula had to move here from the Sun Elf Kingdom. Remember she’d never say why and you’d never ask… Well that’s one of the reasons why. They didn’t accept him..” Yuka whispered back.

”Oh dear…”

Xavier did a double take mentally, but decided to go with it and nodded. He shot her a quick glare out of Hina’s eyesight but remained inconspicuous. Stunned didn’t begin to explain how he felt. Lying was against the code he followed. However he kept quiet and let the scene play out, seeing as it benefitted him staying alive. When the word ‘birth defect’ came up, he bit down hard on his lip. Though he knew she meant well, he was quite agitated and now frustrated by the events. ”Yes, it’s quite sad to think about. Thank you for understanding.” He decided to keep it short so as not to give away this annoyance. This Yuka irl was quite cunning and quick on her feet. He noted it in the back of his mind.

Yuka came over and wrapped a hooded black cloak around him. ”There you go my darling.” She kissed his cheek gently and turned to Hina, ”Auntie! Doesn’t he look so dashing in it! I am going to go change my clothes and I’ll be back down.” She moved up the stairs, confident that chivalrous. Hina had bought it and Xavier could hold his own for a moment.

Xavier remained still as she approached him although his mind wanted him to run. He gave her another quick glare and then smiled as she wrapped it around him. He adjusted the cloak around himself more comfortably and stared with surprise as she kissed him. He reacted quick enough to pat her head gently. His eyes widened as she announced her quick departure and glanced at Hina. He smiled charmingly for her and swallowed. How would one act like an elf? What was an elf anyway?

He decided to remain quiet so as not to say anything that might mess up their ruse or reveal his frustration. He allowed himself to gaze over the clothes and marvel at their unique and stunning designs. Silently he prayed that Yuka would return quickly and this “auntie” would not ask about his homelife. His stomach rumbled and he managed a weak smile. ”My apologies, ma’am.” He then added reluctantly, ”your shop is quite beautiful.”

”Oh Xavier you must be hungry. Please help yourself to some cooked meat buns I made.” Hina moved out of the room and came back with a plate of steaming buns.

Xavier took the food and cautiously examined it. Deciding it would be rude and unwise to linger on it, he took a small bite. The flavor of it was unlike anything he’d ever tried, and soon found himself eating more. He was hungry and this was rather delicious so he wasn’t sure what to think or say. He quickly glanced at “auntie” Hina and smiled after swallowing his food. ”Thank you. This is delicious.” He kept the surprise out of his tone.

Yuka soon returned in different clothes and took a bun for herself, munching into it happily. ”I love meat!” Yuka hopped up and sat on the counter to give her full attention to her food. She seemingly blocked out the existence of everything as she ate. Once she was finished she glanced up while licking her lips. ”Okay. Xavier. When you’re ready, I think that cloak should do the trick and we can go to meet my companions.”

Xavier watched Yuka return and forgot for a moment he didn’t know her. She had a way of acting like they had known each other all their life. She was quicker on her feet than a fox and sharper than an ax. He quickly looked away and watched as she ignored everything to eat. How peculiar but he didn’t blame her since the food was good but strange. Her friends? How many more people would he meet now? Dreading this, however, he kept a smile on his face and pulled his cloak up over his face. ”Sure m’lady.” He gave a quick bow and extended his arm to her as he would Jessamine. ”Let me get the door for you.” He opened the door and held it open for her.

Yuka squealed as she hopped to her feet,”Oh my gosh! Such a gentleman!” She moved to the door and gracefully danced into the street outside. Hina sighed from inside the shop.

Xavier bit his lip to stop himself from commenting and shut the door behind himself quickly. He watched with amusement however as she danced into the street. He sighed and quickly followed her. ”Lead the way and if these.. If more creatures talk to us, please don’t engage in more conversation. Lying is against my code.” He told her quietly once out of earshot as he frowned. He hoped these “friends” were moral people.

”Is lying bad if it’s for a good reason?” Yuka challenged as she shut the shop door. ”Don’t you think the ends justify the means?” She smirked and began walking back down towards where they came.

”Lying is wrong no matter what. You can get through life by being honest and chivalrous. Please do not make me lie again, m’lady.” He looked away with a sigh and wiped his scowl off his face to give a more friendly expression for the townsfolk.

”Chival-wha…? What a big word!” Yuka put her hands to her cheeks as she considered it, ”What’s it mean… I bet it means… BORING!” She laughed and skipped over to his side, ”Come on Xavvy! Be real. Being honest and nice just gets you taken advantage of.”

Xaveir turned to her as the peaceful air was now shattered by her rudeness. He narrowed his gaze at her and halted, wounded and affronted and not afraid of showing it. ”I think,” he began in a low voice as these strange animal-people passed by, ”that we have two very different views of the world and morality and decency. Take me to your friends and I can hopefully find more like minded people, or people to send me home.” He sighed, his frustration now rising, but not daring to be rude to her.

”I am taking you to my friends, but wait! I am super moral and cute. I can be moral and shivering… For example… It was really nice of me to give you that cloak.” Yuka gestured to the cloak and waved her arms as if she was showing off, ”Taadaaa!”

Xavier looked down at her with the same coldness. ”It’s chivalrous, not shivering, and yes you were kind enough to help me with this cloak. But I am not a fool, Yuka, and can see that you’re as cunning as a fox and sharper than my sword. “ He gestured for her to continue leading him and stuffed his hands back in his jacket. ”I think your ‘auntie’ had a point in there, m’lady. I am not going to lie. Please accept it as it is.”

”I know, I know. I’m very kind. I’m very smart. It’s all very intimidating to take in sometimes, but hey! Maybe you can give me some morality lessons. If you can think of a way to get out of a situation like that without lying, be my guest. “ Yuka stopped in front of the tavern and opened the door for him this time with a cheeky smile,”Look! I’m chivalrous!”

Xavier sighed as he rubbed his temples and resisted burying his head in his hands. He took several deep breaths. It was not worth their time to argue over the point. He looked at the tavern with interest and then looked back down at her. He managed a snort and laugh mixed together. ”Good start. I’ll tell you more about it later.” He then lowered his voice so only she could hear. ”Do you have a church here so I can pray for patience?”

Yuka held in a laugh, her cheeks blowing up with the force of air. He definitely wasn’t going to like it in the tavern. It was not the most moral place to take him at all. ”Uh yeah. Think so. I’d think you can pray anywhere though right?”She moved in and glanced around, quickly catching sight of Orias, ”Oh hi!” She led Xavier over to him. ”Look Koldar. I made a friend!”

Xavier sighed heavily and shook his head. ”No. We pray in churches at home. It’s the house of God.” He followed her into the tavern and glanced around with uncertainty. His gut feeling told him he would not like this one bit. What kind of friend hung out at a tavern in the morning? Good lord. He kept his comments to himself and followed Yuka reluctantly. He stared at the elf and nodded to him. ”Hello.” He glanced at Yuka then back to the elf “Orias” while analyzing him and his every move.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning, 9am
Location: Boardwalk > Surfside Cafe
Interactions: @princess Annya, @Th3King0fChaos Ismael, @Omni5876 Arn
Mentions: @Kazemitsu Kharne & @Tae Raven

Annya met her gaze once she finished talking. She waited quietly and then stared with surprise. The princess understood her and wasn’t scolding her? She was offering to help her? Saoirse turned away and stared at the ocean so as to hide her shock. Was it a ruse? No, it didn’t seem like it, and her gut told her otherwise. Remaining impassive, Shae nodded to her and stood up. The warm smile on her face made her avert her gaze. Unaware of having held her breath, she finally let it out as her lungs began pleading for air.

Friends…? They were friends? This woman wasn’t scolding or judging her...? She remained silent as she interacted with Ismael and followed them to the Surfside cafe. He didn’t say too much to her but she didn’t quite care. Her mind was whirring from the previous interaction. A warmth had filled her, unrelated to her element, and only increased her confusion. Saoirse fell into step beside Annya and swallowed hard. She passed by a window and noticed a small smile on her face and quickly became impassive once more.

Once they reached the cafe, they found the dwarf from the previous night and Annya introduced herself. She then allowed them to speak on their own behalf. However as she went to speak, Annya’s transmission bracelet rang and she answered it. She turned to watch the hologram of Kharne speak and indicate he’d found Raven with some friends. Her brows furrowed as she crossed her arms and her normal scowl returned. What friends? Chewing her lip, she let herself relax some so as not to intimidate the dwarf. She remained silent as Annya spoke once more and glanced around. There was a tall green creature that she wondered if it was a hulk. Next to it was a red haired elf with the longest hair Saoirse had ever seen, then a feline demi next to it who looked dark and sinister. She studied the rest of the inhabitants, a mix of fairies, elves, demis and other creatures names she didn't quite know.

Turning back, she finally glanced at the dwarf and introduced herself after a moment. "I'm Shae.” She glanced sideways at the door then back to the group.


Time: Morning
Location: Inn by the Sea -> Surfside Cafe
Interaction: @Helo Bowyn
Interaction: @Omni5876 Arn
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, hygiene products, new outfit

Rue watched with surprise as Bowyn had moved out from in front of her just a step. She noticed how cold he’d become and the tension he’d held. Even Moonlight hadn’t relaxed yet, and the peace they had together was now shattered. She wanted to regain it, but the air was stifled by the odd interaction. Every fiber of her being screamed danger and to avoid them all costs. Why? What was wrong with them? She couldn’t understand it, but the way that Elf had spoken to the orc, and the wya the feline ahd glared at him to shut up, made her curiosity spiral more into anxiety. The elf seemed almost familiar to her but why? She racked her brains for the solution. However Bowyn’s voice interrupted her reverie. She giggled and nodded in agreement. ”I wonder why that groups together. They’re an odd bunch.”

His comment on Arn made her hesitate and glance at him with fear. While his tone remained neutral, she knew how he felt. His unease with the dwarf made her consider her response. Prior to the trio’s odd and foreboding encounter, it had started seeming peaceful between them and didn’t want to ruin it. Arn and her had been on better terms, and he seemed genuinely upset with the whole ordeal. She also remembered the blonde Elf had said the previous night, how he’d ogled someone. That didn’t sit right with her seeing as the two of them could barely look at one another, and would only sneak glances at each other. On the other hand, Bowyn wasn’t fond of him. Frowning, she remained silent for a while as she considered her words. Then her stomach clenched and she bit her lip. ”No.. I.. I think maybe we should try hanging out today.” The word’s left her mouth before she’d processed them. ”I was thinking we could catch up during breakfast.”

”Why did you say that?” Moonlight asked as he tilted his head to one side.

Rue ignored him and the pang in her chest.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Myriamor Bed & Breakfast
Interactions: @baraquiel Jomari, @Alivefalling Caelan, @13org Nuallán, @princess Sophie, & @Mole Aurora
Mentions: @Helo Leaf on the Wind, @FunnyGuy Slick, @Tae Mikazuki

Rosaria watched the group and kept her gaze directed on the entrance. While the room provided them with semi privacy, she was watchful for any potential enemies. Though her brown was just a flick away, it would not bode well to point it out. She distantly heard Nuallán question the humans on what they thought of the city, then their answers dimly. After inspecting the occupants thoroughly, did she turn back to the others. She turned in time to catch Caelan’s answer and smirked. He had taken Sophie’s hand by accident. Smirking, she glanced at Nuallán before letting it dissipate so as not to bring too much attention to it.

Rosaria frowned at Sophie resting her head on the table. The poor dear was still so tired and so was she, honestly. She ignored her own queries and patted Sophie’s head gently. She then folded her hands together on her lap. ”We’ll make sure to rest well tonight, Sophie. If we can go back earlier then I’ll make sure you can rest better. I’m sorry that you didn’t get enough sleep. I’ll make sure to do better for everyone in the future.” Rosaria turned to glance at Caelan. ”Great choice! I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. I adore that fruit dish.”

She turned away and smiled at Aurora. ”Yes it does. What would you like to eat? Do you need help?” While she waited for an answer, she faced Jomari and listened with raised eyebrows. ”We won’t be here for too long, and if the heat bothers you too much, please let me know. Your comfort is my priority.” Then her expression hardened with her eyes narrowed; then it disappeared as quickly as it had come. ” We are meeting the demihuman princess of Roshmi -a city filled with mostly demihumans-, Princess Mikazuki, a lupine-demihuman. She is a near and dear friend of mine. We had to leave the kingdom as quickly as possible because the dark elf army was invading it. By the way Jomari, I have enough amas for your attitude and a thousand years of patience. I am not troubled by you." She winked at him then turned to the others, though she kept him in her peripheral vision.

The entry of a light elf and demihuman cheetah she’d seen earlier arrived. Though they sat farther away, she kept an eye on them next. While she doubted they were trouble she needed to be certain. A sudden chime made her jump with surprise and look down to see her transmission bracelet dinging. She read the message from Mika and smiled broadly. ”Yes that will be fine. We’re in the back room.” She replied and then began to read her menu. Once the waiter took their drinks, Rosaria asked him to bring up another chair which he obliged.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Inn by the Sea, Riverport
Interaction: @Helo Bowyn, Shadow- Light Elf, Rocco- Orc, and Katanna- feline-demi
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, hygiene products, new outfit

Rue beamed at Bowyn when he replied, but a part of her inside her ached. There had been a pause in which he seemed to choose his words carefully. Was he upset by her venue choice? However she let it go as she feared irritating him. The awkwardness, she hoped, would begin to dissipate as they spent more time together. He was colder than the winter at their village and distant. She didn’t know the finer details of what trauma he’d gone through but she didn’t need to know. He was here now, and if she didn't find out, she would live with that. She knew in her heart she’d help him if he wanted it and would stick by his side no matter what. In light of her fear and anxiety over the war and her job, being with Bowyn made everything less scary and brighter.

Rue forced a smile onto her face. ”Thanks, Bowyn. I’ll have your back too.” She clasped her hands together and risked a quick glance at him. ”So, breakfast. Let’s go before all the good seats are taken.” She started to walk and moved slowly so he’d be able to fall into place beside her. Moonlight strode beside her and for a while, it was quiet.

Then a deep, grumbling voice made her jump and stop in her tracks.”Rocco does not want to eat. Rocco wants to go to the blacksmith.” The trio she’d seen earlier was striding out of a nearby room up ahead. The female red haired elf’s hair was in a thick plait down her back, the feline demihuman looked cold as she had yesterday, and the orc towering over them both, was filled with an array of weaponry. He was huge! All she could do was stare, mesmerized by the orc’s height and huge build.

“And as I told you, Rocco, we need sustenance. A quick meal and then we’ll pursue the damn blacksmith.” The light elf told him dryly as she sized him up and he nodded with a quick glance to the floor.

”Yes boss.” The orc muttered under his breath to which the light elf looked ready to snap, but thought better of it when she noticed Bowyn, Rue, and Moonlight. Her gaze moved over to the wolf then back onto the two fairies.

”Good morning.” She greeted and smirked with amusement at her comrades. The feline remained silent yet gave the orc a warning glance. She then turned to face them impassively, though with a slight scowl to her face. ”You can take an orc of it’s village, but can’t take the orc out of them. Rocco here doesn’t think he needs food.” She chuckled as she patted his enormous arm as he nodded jerkily. Rue managed a sweet smile and glanced at Bowyn, not realizing she’d grabbed his hand out of apprehension. She let go quickly and the elf chuckled. ”We’ll leave you two cutie-pies alone now. Let’s go.”

The trio departed quickly and Rue turned to Bowyn, wide-eyed. ”Orcs are huge.” Her voice was hushed as she feared they might hear her. Her skin was clammy and she found herself trembling. Something deep inside of her had felt unnerved, but she tried to hide it. They hadn’t done anything wrong, so what was the problem? Confused, she decided to push past it. ”I…wow.... Okay!” She forced a cheery smile on her face and was still blushing from having grabbed his hand. She patted Moony’s head to relax him some and waited for Bowyn.
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