
Time: Morning, 9am
Location: Inn By the Sea > Boardwalk
Interactions: @princess Annya & @Th3King0fChaos Ismael
Mentions: @Kazemitsu Kharne & @Tae Raven

Saoirse had spent the night frantically searching for Raven. How could a stranger such as she vanish into seemingly thin air? Shae was fighting to keep her emotions at bay. Her stomach felt as if she'd ridden the Top Thrill Dragster nine times. She didn’t know who she was more furious at, and she didn’t know what she’d do if they found Raven. At least all the endless walking had given her an overview of this town. It was larger than she’d anticipated which only made her skin crawl. After hours of hopeless wandering around, Annya forced her to retire to the Inn By the Sea. Frustrated beyond belief, Saoirse had gone to bed. She’d wanted to protest, but the gut in her stomach warned her otherwise. The weight on her shoulders was becoming difficult to handle. The walking, fretting, and rollercoaster of emotions and memories she’d blocked out for years were enough to fatigue her to sleep, though her dreams were restless.
The next morning Saoirse was woken up by voices. Groggy and wiping the sleep from her eyes, it took her a moment to pinpoint not only where she was, but who was speaking. Familiar voices filled the hallway and it made her leap up in anticipation. Was Raven back? As the voices registered and the conversation dragged on, she scowled and laid back down. No, it wasn’t Raven, but the dragon creature, electricity man, and the warrior princess. Sighing, she laid there as she listened. She stuffed the pillow over her face and tried to block it out to no avail. Groaning, she sat back up and swung her legs over the edge of the bed.
She crossed to the mirror and glanced at her ring. Knowing the guards would likely want to apprehend the assailant from the previous night, she twisted the ring on her finger. Her appearance changed. Her hair wasn’t as long and had become a light dirty blonde that hung in waves around her shoulder. Her eyes were blue instead of green and her face was kinder. She wished for red hair, but thought it might be too close to her previous appearance. Satisfied mostly, Saoirse changed into her new outfit and instantly felt relief flood through her. No more annoying looseness. She ditched the cape however, as she felt it’d only get in her way. Next, she began organizing her backpack and left her human ensemble behind along with the wad of cash hidden under a loose floorboard. Her heart ached, but the shit was useless to carry with her. Maybe she could burn the shit once she learned her element. Annya’s voice made her jump a mile and whip out a knife as if they were under attack.
When she realized she was being summoned to leave she relaxed and set the knife back into her boot. Outside her room, she joined Annya and Ismael, following them both to the boardwalk in silence. The sunlight assaulted her eyes and she blinked rapidly to clear the sunspots in her vision. Sighing, she kept her gaze downcast onto the boardwalk. Only when they halted did she brace herself for what was to come: the truth. She sighed and looked up at them both, then out to the sea. Her voice was quiet.
”No, it’s illegal on Earth too. The reason I reacted that way was ‘cause he reminded me of my mother (if you can call that bitch that) back on Earth. She was a drug and alcohol addict and often went into rages.” She paused as she folded her arms and stared distantly out to sea. Her voice was calm and her gaze cold. ”The damn bitch, once I’d beg and plead for her to quit her shit, would come at me with whatever she could grab, whether it was a bat or knife or gun, screamin’ and threatenin’ me where I’d have to leave the house. So I saw him like her so I wanted to teach him to leave us alone, cause I had no idea if he’d continue harassing us or get more violent.”
She didn’t glance at them and sat down on the boardwalk with her back to them and focused on the sunrise. Scowling, she gripped the edge of the boardwalk and glared. There wasn’t anything to be ashamed of, she told herself, but Annya’s cold gaze and Raven’s words stubbornly stuck to her mind. Frustrated now and hungry, she wished she had something to smoke or drink. Finally, she risked a glance up at Annya and waited with anticipation.