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In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning, 9am
Location: Inn By the Sea > Boardwalk
Interactions: @princess Annya & @Th3King0fChaos Ismael
Mentions: @Kazemitsu Kharne & @Tae Raven

Saoirse had spent the night frantically searching for Raven. How could a stranger such as she vanish into seemingly thin air? Shae was fighting to keep her emotions at bay. Her stomach felt as if she'd ridden the Top Thrill Dragster nine times. She didn’t know who she was more furious at, and she didn’t know what she’d do if they found Raven. At least all the endless walking had given her an overview of this town. It was larger than she’d anticipated which only made her skin crawl. After hours of hopeless wandering around, Annya forced her to retire to the Inn By the Sea. Frustrated beyond belief, Saoirse had gone to bed. She’d wanted to protest, but the gut in her stomach warned her otherwise. The weight on her shoulders was becoming difficult to handle. The walking, fretting, and rollercoaster of emotions and memories she’d blocked out for years were enough to fatigue her to sleep, though her dreams were restless.

The next morning Saoirse was woken up by voices. Groggy and wiping the sleep from her eyes, it took her a moment to pinpoint not only where she was, but who was speaking. Familiar voices filled the hallway and it made her leap up in anticipation. Was Raven back? As the voices registered and the conversation dragged on, she scowled and laid back down. No, it wasn’t Raven, but the dragon creature, electricity man, and the warrior princess. Sighing, she laid there as she listened. She stuffed the pillow over her face and tried to block it out to no avail. Groaning, she sat back up and swung her legs over the edge of the bed.

She crossed to the mirror and glanced at her ring. Knowing the guards would likely want to apprehend the assailant from the previous night, she twisted the ring on her finger. Her appearance changed. Her hair wasn’t as long and had become a light dirty blonde that hung in waves around her shoulder. Her eyes were blue instead of green and her face was kinder. She wished for red hair, but thought it might be too close to her previous appearance. Satisfied mostly, Saoirse changed into her new outfit and instantly felt relief flood through her. No more annoying looseness. She ditched the cape however, as she felt it’d only get in her way. Next, she began organizing her backpack and left her human ensemble behind along with the wad of cash hidden under a loose floorboard. Her heart ached, but the shit was useless to carry with her. Maybe she could burn the shit once she learned her element. Annya’s voice made her jump a mile and whip out a knife as if they were under attack.

When she realized she was being summoned to leave she relaxed and set the knife back into her boot. Outside her room, she joined Annya and Ismael, following them both to the boardwalk in silence. The sunlight assaulted her eyes and she blinked rapidly to clear the sunspots in her vision. Sighing, she kept her gaze downcast onto the boardwalk. Only when they halted did she brace herself for what was to come: the truth. She sighed and looked up at them both, then out to the sea. Her voice was quiet.

”No, it’s illegal on Earth too. The reason I reacted that way was ‘cause he reminded me of my mother (if you can call that bitch that) back on Earth. She was a drug and alcohol addict and often went into rages.” She paused as she folded her arms and stared distantly out to sea. Her voice was calm and her gaze cold. ”The damn bitch, once I’d beg and plead for her to quit her shit, would come at me with whatever she could grab, whether it was a bat or knife or gun, screamin’ and threatenin’ me where I’d have to leave the house. So I saw him like her so I wanted to teach him to leave us alone, cause I had no idea if he’d continue harassing us or get more violent.”

She didn’t glance at them and sat down on the boardwalk with her back to them and focused on the sunrise. Scowling, she gripped the edge of the boardwalk and glared. There wasn’t anything to be ashamed of, she told herself, but Annya’s cold gaze and Raven’s words stubbornly stuck to her mind. Frustrated now and hungry, she wished she had something to smoke or drink. Finally, she risked a glance up at Annya and waited with anticipation.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Inn by the Sea, Riverport
Interaction: @Helo Bowyn
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, hygiene products, new outfit

Rue studied Bowyn and remained quiet as he spoke. The awkwardness filled the air and threatened to suffocate them both. She took a deep breath to settle herself. He was here in front of her, talking to her, and wanting her company. It made a warmth rise inside of her unassociated with the Riverport weather. As he stuttered out an apology, she felt a pang of guilt. She was too naive and trusting; it was one of her weakest traits. Still, Rue couldn’t help but believe there was goodness inside of everyone and they deserved a chance. If they proved her wrong, then it was on them and not her. The world was tethering on the edge of war and would be more dangerous as time went on. She wondered if maybe the light elves had been kinder to the dark elves in the past, would they be in this position?

She listened as he spoke and did not interrupt him. During his apology he was frozen and staring at the floor; then risked a glance at her. Once he had, he’d notice a kind smile on her face and understanding. A moment of silence; then he returned to breakfast. She moved a step closer to him and placed hand on his shoulder with the same warm smile she’d expressed earlier. ”Your apology is accepted, but unneeded.” She told him quietly, glancing around to make sure they were alone, then settled on staring over the top of his head nervously. ”You were right on the amas with your words. I’m sorry, too. I just.. I just think if there was more good in the world, then maybe there wouldn’t be a war on the horizon." She paused and took a deep breathe, then continued. ”I think you're an exceptional company too. I know you’re not the same but I accept you.” Then she removed her hand and turned away shyly, unable to comment further.

Her stomach rumbled and she giggled. ”So yes. Breakfast.” Rue tapped her fingers on her arm and then grinned. ”What about the Surfside Cafe? Oh it’d be nice to eat by the sea wouldn’t it!” Rue turned to him, excitement flushing through her face.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Dawn > Morning
Location: Inn by the Sea, Riverport
Interaction: @Helo Bowyn
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, hygiene products, new outfit

Rue had slept until dawn and stared at the ceiling once she had. The sun was beginning to rise and sunlight poured through the curtains, bathing her room in its glory. She sighed as memories of the sun on the snow in the village raced through her mind. Seagulls cries and the regular port noise startled her out of her reverie. Frowning, she sat up in bed and recalled where she was once more. Her mind raced with the previous night events and she bit her lip. Were Bowyn and Arn okay? Had the dwarf felt abandoned? Would Bowyn accept her after she left him with strangers? Oh no, what if he was mad at her? Groaning, she glanced around and over the edge of her bed. Moony was dozing on the floor beside her, though she knew he was still alert.

Deciding to allow him sleep, Rue swung her legs over the bed and quietly stood up. She went and tidied herself up in the bathroom and changed into her new outfit once finished. She glanced down at herself and frowned. It was more open than she would have preferred, but the cloaked ensemble would be too heavy for this weather. At least it had inside shorts so flying wouldn't be a problem. Her heart ached for the colder, snowy mountains. You have a job to do, Rue. You can go back sooner than you think! Won't your village be proud? She scrunched her wet hair so it hung in messy waves and then swiftly exited the room with her backpack and knives.

Outside in the market square, it was beginning to become busy with activity. She bought some meat for Moonlight, paid for it; next, she brought a bowl and used the sink to fill it. Once she returned, she found a glowering and anxious Moonlight pacing back and forth. She swallowed and shuffled her feet, then shut the door. ”I went and bought you food and water. I wasn’t gone that long.”

”Any time you spend out of my sight is too much. Please don’t do that again.” He replied as she readied his breakfast on a mat in her room. She sighed and brushed hair as he gave her a reproachful look and began eating. Rue cleaned her hands quickly and skeptically looked around the room, as if blaming it for their fight last night.

”Okay. You’re right, I’m sorry.” He nodded in agreement, accepting, and continued eating. Rue glanced again in the mirror with a frown as her wolf looked up, now finished eating. ”Is this too much?”

”Considering you’re used to the snow, yes.” He drank water and then after finishing, added, ”You’ll melt in that other one.”

Rue sighed in agreement. He was one wise wolf, her mother had always said. She strode over to the window and glanced outside as she noticed the hustle and bustle of the Riverport town. Rue deliberated a bit longer before her stomach protested and she could no longer ignore it. ”Time to go, Moon. Let’s see if we can find Bowyn and Arn. But maybe just Bowyn for now would be best. I don’t think they’ll be friendly yet. But I’m hoping we can fix it!” She smiled at the idea and went to the door as Moonlight joined her.

He sniffed the air and glanced at her. ”Bowyn is outside. He smells like alcohol so I don’t know what state he’s in.”

Rue bit her lip, adding the information together and sighed. She took a deep breath and opened the door with a cheerful smile. ”Good morning!” She greeted, ”Ready for breakfast? I am!” She managed a playful giggle as she leaned against the doorway. Then, she added with a grin, unable to help herself, ”I’m as hungry as a wolf.”

In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Carriage in the Desert > Myriamor Bed & Breakfast
Interactions: @baraquiel Jomari, @Alivefalling Caelan, @13org Nuallán, @princess Sophie, & @Mole Aurora
Mentions: @Helo Leaf on the Wind and Star that Shines The Brightest

The group had traveled silently throughout the night into Myriamor. Rosaria slept for a few hours then awoke quite suddenly. She felt something soft and tucked under her and glanced over. The carriage curtain had been moved under her like a pillow. A small smile crept over her face as she recognized the work. Her gaze darted to Nuallán as she nodded her appreciation. The poor dear had been awake the whole time. After checking on everyone, she ordered him to rest. She knew how seriously he was concerned and cared for her, and she returned the gesture. She stood up quietly so as not to wake anyone and asked him to trade places so he could rest his head like she had. This meant she was next to the still sleeping Jomari, whom she was giving him his space. She turned her back ever so slightly to him and commenced sharpening her arrows.

Once they arrived in Myriamor, Rosaria gently woke everyone. She was kind to Jomari by allowing him to move out ahead of her before joining him out of the carriage. Next she graciously thanked the driver and paid him a total of 250 amas for his help. It was dawn now, but she knew shops weren’t yet so she was allowing them to explore. Rosaria had a pep to her step while her eagerness to meet Mikazuki was noticeable. She glanced around as they passed by stalls and moved slowly so the humans could immerse themselves. Rose noted a few of them she’d later buy from. Sudden running made her heart skip a beat and pulled the humans aside as two demi-cheetahs sprinted passed at maximum speed. For a moment she watched them with shock and then started laughing. She whispered to the humans with amusement shining in her eyes, ”This is a town rich with demihuman felines. You’ll find more snakes and scorpion demis here, among others. It’s a very friendly town where freedom is highly valued so you’ll find this happening occasionally. Stay close to me please,”

Rosaria glanced around until her gaze rested on Myriamor’s Bed & Breakfast and ushered them forward. Once inside she found rooms where they were able to drop off their extra luggage; then proceeded down to the dining area and found them a private dining area with extra space for Mika and her group. She helped the humans order their food and glanced around at everyone. ”What do you think of Myriamor?” She remained relaxed and attentive, though once or twice her gaze settled on the doorway.

In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Dusk
Location: River Port
Interaction: @Helo Bowyn, @Tae Eris, & @FunnyGuy Kaleb
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, hygiene products

Rue remained silent while the group spoke. She didn’t confirm or deny Bowyn’s comments about taming wild beasts. Truth to be told, she had befriended many of the animals in the village. The light elf, Kaleb, seemingly knew Arn and they spent time discussing it. She didn’t interject, as the prospect of speaking more in front of him was causing her to blanche. Moony kept close to her side as she fell into place next to Bowyn. Her wolf suddenly tensed and gave her a stern look, which Rue returned questioningly. She didn't have to wait too long to figure out why; there was commotion up ahead which she couldn’t see.

A red-haired light elf joined, linking her arm with Kaleb’s and offering food. Her explanation caused Rue to furrow her brows. Sighing, she turned away and remained quiet. The unknown was making her nervous. What did she believe? Her temple began to throb as she contemplated everything. She bit her lip as a wave of dizziness swept over her and felt her forehead which was clammy. Knowing the inevitable had happened, she turned from the group and paused, trying to collect herself to no avail. ”I do apologize, but I don’t feel well and must return to the Inn. It was lovely meeting you all. I hope to talk to you soon.” Rue shot Bowyn an apologetic look as she quickly moved ahead and was lost to the crowd. Within a few minutes she made it back to her room, shut and locked the door, then collapsed on the bed, with Moonlight standing guard.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Dusk
Location: Dock by the Sea
Interactions: @princess Annya

Saoirse laughed at Annya’s comment. She had eyed the third outfit with a grimace. What poor soul would buy it? After Annya thrust the amas down onto the counter and gave the man a snappy retort, he responded with one of his own. Shae raised her eyebrows and folded her arms. Did he not know who he was talking to? What a sad piece of shit. She opened her mouth to speak, but Annya handled it herself. She took Raven and her hands and Shae nodded in reply to her question.

”Yeah that would be - “ she began to reply and was interrupted by the sound of shattering glass. She whirled around to find the shopkeeper had smashed a bottle of alcohol and was picking up a club. She would have been able to let it go, except a memory was tugging at the back of her mind. Fire dashed through Saoirse's eyes as an unusually cold and callous glare spread across her face. She clenched her fists, set her outfit down and advanced on the shopkeeper. She utilized self control over her element, knowing that if she used it, there would be more trouble. She looked to be trembling, whether from anger or fear, it was hard to tell, yet it was unmistakable that he had crossed a line in her eyes.

Without a word, Saoirse smacked him across the face then quickly pinned both his arms against the wall behind him. She kept her foot over his and kneed him in the groin hard. ”You won’t be needing that anymore.” She watched as he would double over in pain and then grabbed him around the middle and slammed him onto the concrete. She quickly jumped on his back, grabbing the club and tossing it to Annya to catch so he wouldn’t use it against them. Saoirse quickly pinned him to the ground, using a combination of feet, knees, and her arms, while one arm held a knife out the back of his throat. The cool metal would be against his throat and unmistakable.

”Let’s get something straight, you little bastard.” Her voice was calm, but it sounded more menacing than if she had shouted. ”You will never catcall or harass another one of your buyers or even speak to my friends and I again. You will not throw alcohol at anyone else again, or I’m going to make you wish you hadn’t been born which by the looks of it, maybe you already wish that. I could always make it come true. Your name is handy, is it? I’m handy with a knife - do you want to see the cool tricks I have?” She twisted his one arm back painfully, but not enough to sprain or fracture it and pressed the cool metal against his skin, but not enough to puncture it. She glanced up at Annya and Raven with venom in her eyes and a cold fury she was clearly struggling to contain.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Dusk
Location: Inn by the Sea
Interaction: @Helo Bowyn, @Omni5876 Arn, & @FunnyGuy Kaleb
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, hygiene products

Rue floated over Riverport, attracting far too much attention then she preferred. She instead focused on finding Bowyn. It wasn’t easy; there were people everywhere - demis, elves, orcs, dwarves, and forest fairies. She had never seen some of these species until her recent adventure. Slightly curious, she perched on the side of a roof to watch the passerby. Her gaze flickered over a rather unusual trio; a red haired elf woman with waist length firebrick red hair, a towering green orc assembled with various weapons, and a tall, slender feline demihuman with a rather punk but interesting ensemble. As though feeling her gaze, the feline turned and stared at her. Rue quickly looked away and down to find Moonlight waiting at the edge of the shop patiently. She smiled at him to assure him there wasn’t any harm. She didn't care glance in their direction again; something about that glare had sent shivers down her spine....

Then, Arn’s voice reached her as he began to separate himself. Thoroughly confused, Rue watched him point to himself and the street. She frowned and silently understood. With a sigh, she watched him depart and felt a twinge of relief; at least Bowyn wouldn’t run away now when she approached. However the sight of him leaving tug at her heartstrings. Poor Arn. She had a gut feeling he meant good; but what Bowyn said made her flinch as she recalled it. Maybe she did trust too easily… Maybe the letter she had wasn’t so noble after all either. Maybe she was just an average little winter fairy being sent off to die. She gritted her teeth and pushed the thoughts out of her head. No. She didn’t have any reason to distrust him or the letter. Rue let out an irritated sigh and growl that caused Moony and one passerby of Elves to glance upwards with curiosity. She managed a mixture of a scowl and a smile which sent them running. She frowned more and stood back up. The longer she sat up here, the farther he could be.

Rue took a few steps back and then hurtled into the air, catching Moony by surprise. He jogged easily to keep up with her and followed. Passerby made room for the odd duo until she spotted him… with a light elf? She frowned; did Bowyn know him? The two talked rather animatedly, as if they had known another. She’d have to find out wouldn’t she? And if he didn’t, wouldn’t his words come back to haunt him? No, it was Bowyn, and she trusted him; but the wound was still fresh. She gritted her teeth as her temples began to throb. She glanced at Moony and descended to land gracefully beside him in a rather deserted spot. Making sure her wings didn’t disrupt anyone’s space, she folded them against her back. Forcing a smile onto her face, she approached the duo as people parted to allow the wolf by with curious glances.

”Hey there!” she greeted as she forced cheeriness into her voice. She forced a smile and clasped her hands together. Her wings poked out over her shoulder despite being folded. Think Rue! Say something else! But she was caught off guard at the newcomer and wasn’t sure what to make of him, so she glanced in Bowyn's direction. Hurt still reflected in her eyes, but her cheeriness and forced smile was making up for it. Unbeknownst to her, her eyes were still red. She turned to Moony and patted his head as she glanced in the light elf’s direction, unable to meet his gaze. ”He’s safe, don’t worry. He won’t - err - attack you.” She stroked his head as she thought to herself, Unless I asked him too. Darn it, why did I say that? It was so stupid! Her insides squirmed and her gaze flickered between the fae and the light elf, awaiting whatever came next.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Dusk
Location: Dock by the Sea
Interactions: @princess Annya
Mentions: @FunnyGuy Kaleb

Saoirse followed Annya up to the shop stand and raised her eyebrows. Vivacious Vixens was the name? She rolled her eyes as he began trying to flirt and offer them a side deal. Saoirse had dealt with people like this before and it took all of her willpower not to bite back. Fortunately, Annya wasn’t putting up with his shit either. She snickered as the man relented and Annya turned to apologize to them both. She waved off her apologies and eyed the outfits. Her gaze flickered between the first and the second outfit.

Chewing her lip, she finally pointed at the first outfit. It looked like something she could run, fight, and climb in. She turned to Annya and replied, ”Outfit one please. It looks like something I could fight or run in better than anything else. And don't worry, I'm used to idiots like these.” Her voice was quiet as she gestured in the direction of the shopkeeper. Saoirse turned to watch a brown haired male with blonde hair at the top walk by and vaguely recognized him; although his ears didn’t seem like a human’s. However, that was what disguises were for. Shrugging, she turned back to Annya. ”Next up, food and alcohol, right?” She couldn't help but let out a grin at the last statement. She glanced at the man and thought about stealing his stock, but that would only make a scene. Sighing, she resorted to waiting for Annya’s response and turned her back to him as to give him the cold shoulder. Nothing pissed off creeps like ignoring them.


Time: Dusk
Location: Carriage in the desert
Interactions: @baraquiel Jomari, @Alivefalling Caelan, @13org Nuallán, @princess Sophie, & @Mole Aurora

When Nuallán offered her some of the pocky-stick, Rosaria gingerly took it. She examined it and then sniffed it. Judging by his reaction, it tasted delicious. She took a bite and eagerly continued to eat the rest of it until it was gone. ”Wow, that was delicious. Thanks Sophie!” She then nodded in agreement to Nuallán. She turned to Sophie and then shook her head. ”I am not as good as you, Sophie. You have a talent in art.” She listened to her explanation of the substance Caelan was smoking with raised eyebrows. ”Oh that’s interesting. Thank you for sharing.”

She then let out a yawn and scowled at herself. How could she act tired in front of them? How rude of her! She began to carefully take out her arrows and a knife where she began to sharpen the tip of the arrow, turning it away from others so she wouldn’t hurt them. However, her vision was blurred by her tiredness. Scowling, she set her items away and glanced at Nuallán intensely. Rosaria knew in her heart she could trust him and everyone, besides Jomari, would be safe. ”Clearly I need some rest. I trust you to look after everyone. Remember, the humans come first,” She tiredly rested her head against the curtain on the window and succumbed to sleep.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Dusk
Location: Dock by the Sea
Interactions:@Tae Raven & @princess Annya
Mentions: @Th3King0fChaos Ismael & @Kazemitsu Kharne

Saoirse turned her attention from the seagulls to the fairy who’d flown out the window. Curiously she watched as Annya’s explanation summarized their existence. How fascinating, thought Shae who had only briefly read fantasy books. With her chaotic childhood, she hadn’t been able to keep up with her peers. She turned her attention to Raven and raised her eyebrows at the word ‘alcohol’. Finally something they could agree on, she smirked to herself and ignored the pang in her chest.

However her reasoning for it was not what she had hoped. Shae didn’t know what to say, as the nerd had likely never faced true danger. She didn’t know what to say or do, so she nodded in agreement. After Annya detailed the plan, Shae nodded. ”Good plan,” she replied and then avoided eye contact with Raven. Kharne called Annya using the transmission bracelet, or knockoff telephone as Shae called it. Saoirse couldn’t wait to head to the Blacksmith but first, a new outfit and alcohol, the latter being her favorite.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Dusk
Location: Inn by the Sea
Interaction: @Omni5876 Arn
Mentions: @helo Bowyn
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, hygiene products

When Arn announced they could search for Bowyn together, Rue was delighted. She grinned at him with a lopsided smile half filled with tears she forced back. After saying he didn’t mind her flying, Rue nodded and set her cape in the room as the weight would hinder her flight. Arn’s words saying he had a part in the mess rang true., but she was too afraid to admit it. She glanced at him quickly then away as she commented, ”Moonlight is his name, but I call him Moony. I’ll make sure not to fly too fast.” She took steps back into the room, then raced forward and unfurled her wings and flapped them for momentum. She noticed a few of the residents staring at her with awe and surprise, but Rue ignored them.

Moonlight hustled down the steps, taking a few at a time, until he ran out the open door. Rue mimicked him, but instead of going through the door, Rue flew through an open window instead. She would have gone down the steps but she hated to waste anymore time. Besides, her wings ached for flight after being cramped up in the Helius.

Once airborne, Rue felt a chill against her face which instantly helped relax her. She instantly began searching for Bowyn’s white hair amongst the crowd; and then glanced down to find Moonlight right underneath her and staring at her for her next command. ”Keep searching,” She called to Moonlight, who nodded, and then she glanced back for Arn.


Time: Dusk
Location: Carriage in the woods
Interactions: Jomari @baraquiel, Caelan @Alivefalling, Nuallán @13org, Sophie @princess, Aurora @chrysocoma

Rosaria smiled as Nuallán spoke. His dedication and commitment to the royal family was something she always admired. However she treated him as a friend more than a butler; she did not want him ever feeling uncomfortable. Her attention was caught by Jomari, whose mumble she barely heard. She raised an eyebrow but didn’t comment. He would be difficult to contend with, but she knew patience was a virtue. She knew he had a tough life and was now asking him to do even more difficult things. Perhaps it’d be easier to loosen the leash a bit. Today had been an awful first day, and she planned on making the rest of them better. She sighed as she turned away from him and allowed him to rest. These humans were fragile and unpredictable, and Rosaria knew it was likely she’d deal with a few unwitting participants. She rubbed her temple momentarily and then stopped so the others didn’t question it.

Her attention was turned to Sophie and the pixie. When the pixie introduced herself, she smiled at her kindly. ”Nice to meet you Alette,” she replied to the pixie prior to her going to sleep on a bear hanging from Sophie’s bag. She listened with interest as Sophie explained the food item. ”That sounds really good. I’ve always enjoyed strawberries. We have some of your food back on Earth, but most are native to Avalia.” Her cheeks flushed when Sophie patted her hand after she spoke of Orias. What a sweet girl she was; Rosaria adored her.

Though Sophie didn’t have an adventurous life, she appreciated a similar soul who enjoyed art. ”That sounds great, Sophie, I enjoy art too. I would paint and draw in my free time. I wasn’t ever that good at it, but it was for fun, really. I’m glad you shared it with us and let me know if you need anything, sweetie.” She reached over and took her hand to squeeze it then let go. Rosaria knew the day had to be the hardest for her. The poor dear had been frozen in terror.

She then noticed Caelan waking up and smiled, but then stared in confusion as he took out an object and lit in fire. Curiously she watched, before the scent reached her nostrils. Wrinkling her nose, she ignored it as she accepted his response. It looked like it was similar to zemak. Caelan was an interesting boy himself, and she was curious to hear more about his life but not now. Hounding them and forcing conversation wouldn’t do. ”No worries, Caelan, I understand. I assume it’s something that makes you relax, right? What do you call it on Earth? We call it Zemak here.” She then leaned back and rested her arms as she glanced out the carriage window.

”Nearly there, everyone.” Her voice perked up at the thought of seeing her longtime friend, someone she knew, who would be bearing immense pressure herself. Rosaria swallowed and began peering for signs of any danger. After determining there was none, she relaxed and pulled the curtain back.
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