Azer Emerick Danrose | 26 | Male
Height: 6'2 (188cm)
Weight: 177lbs (80kg)
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Length/Texture: Short and thick
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Skin Color: Fair
Facial details(freckles, moles, etc): Smooth skinned.
Distinguishing features: He keeps a short trimmed beard.
Clothing Preferences: In formal settings, he wears the traditional Causonia Military Officer's uniform.

In more casual settings, he keeps it simple. He doesn't like to flaunt his wealth or status.
Ale, women, pissing off his older brother, pissing off his Father, His Mother
Mornings, Family Gatherings, white wine
Sexuality: Straight, though has dabbled into Bisexuality
Hobbies: Dressing up like a peasant and sneaking out to the taverns and brothels in town. Drinking with the foot soldiers.
Life Goals/Dreams: “Live fast, die young, have a beautiful corpse,”
Personality Summary: A neglected boy, turned rebellious teenager, turned drunk soldier.
Current occupation: Assistant to Royal Military Advisor, Second Prince.
Any past occupations?: Foot Soldier. He also made some money in the underground fight clubs before his Father caught wind.
Father – Edin Danrose
Mother – Alibeth Danrose
Older Brother - Wulfric Adelard Danrose
Skills: Fencing, Tavern Brawling, Swordsmanship, most bar games, magic.
History Summary: Azer Danrose disdained his life for as long as he could remember. He was never good enough. In the early years he tried to be better. Find a way to live up to his brother, but as he grew, he became more bitter and jealous. After one incident, where his older brother had ruined one of his friendships, he snapped, and started a fight. A fight he was was winning until their Father came in and broke it up. Azer was beaten by his Father worse then he had before. The next day he was given to the Militery to "teach him some respect." Being only twelve at the time, made the training basically torture. He remained at the training camp for several years. Ordered that he was not to deploy until he reached the age of eighteen. Azer would fall in with some of the more seedy recruits and became a bit of a trouble maker for his Father. When he was eighteen, he was granted an Officer's Rank, mainly because he was a royal, and tasked with leading a small crusade. Something about magic users in the South. He was well liked by his foot soldiers, as he lacked the pompous attitude of the other officers. During this trip, he found a tome, and secreted it away. Some part of him wanted to use it to hurt his Father and Brother. So he learned in secret. Over the years, Azer became a good military commander, but remained a terrible prince.
Optional(in POV of your character)
Did you grow up nurtured or neglected?: The only time my father showed my nay attention was when he was beating me.
When you were upset, where was your sanctuary?: When I was younger, I had a little hideaway in the bottom of my wardobe, but now its taverns and brothels.
What were you like in your teenage years?: A shithead. Could have been better, but I would never have been good enough.
How close are you to your parents?: Close to my mother, but my Father can suck my dick.
Do you have any trauma that haunts you?: Who doesn't. I was a neglected and abused child. I watched people die in my tenure as a knight. You don't run a dagger through someone's brain stem without developing a little trauma.
What advice would you give your younger self?: Don't get caught.
Were you an obedient child or defiant?: Defiant. It was the only way my Father would notice me.
What is your biggest regret?: I don't regret a single thing.
Have you ever been in love?: Once. I was young and stupid. My Brother got in the way, and now she hates me.
What is most important in a partner to you? Describe your dream partner.: My dream partner? I grew up thinking I would never be good enough for anyone. I haven't given it much thought.
How do you display affection? What is your love language?: Physical touch.
Have you had your first kiss? What was it like?: I have, it could have gone better. Neither of us knew what we were doing.
Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not?: No.
What does marriage mean to you?: Not a damn thing. No one would ever want to marry me, so what's the point in settling down.
Are you currently crushing on anyone?: no.
Do you ever consider having children in the future?: I'd be a terrible father, so I hope not.
Describe your ideal Sunday morning: Ideal? Not waking before noon. Having a beer, and going back to sleep. It's not realistic, as I've got soldiers to wake, and men to train.
What kind of person do you aspire to be?: I want to leave this life behind me.
What bad habits do you have?: What bad habits don't I have at this stage? I drink, I sleep around, I get in fights.
If you could go back in time and change anything in your past, what would it be?: Not a damn thing. Sure having finished the fight when I was boy would have made me heir to the throne, but it would be more trouble than its worth.
What is your greatest fear?: I've stared death in the face. There isn't much I fear now. I would prefer a few of my secrets remain secret though.
What are your pet peeves?: Royals acting like they above it all. Your not better, just born lucky.
When you are in a sour mood, do you like to be alone or with others?: There's a reason I'm on first name basis with most of the whores in town.
Are you more likely to fight with your fists or your tongue?: Words haven't solved a conflict. If you have a problem, solve it with action.