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Time: Evening
Location: Marek’s After Party
Attire: Evening Outfit & Mask
Interactions: @princess Anastasia
Mentions: @ReusableSword Roman ★ @Helo Leo/Callum ★ @13org Mayet ★ @Infinite Cosmos Munir ★ @Rodiak Nahir/Zarai ★ @samreaper Kazumin ★ @mantou Wystan

The ball had ended and Ezra had slid out unnoticed. The princes and princesses had been busy with their noble friends. He didn’t need to stay and introduce himself yet. He was a nobody among the sea of nobles. His cakes though hadn’t gone untouched which was the satisfaction he needed. The seeds were planted. He had grinned as he slipped out after watching. Anastasia, the queen and angel she was, had eaten enough of them. The silly, foolish girl was not the sharpest tool in the shed but he didn’t mind. In fact, he enjoyed it. The princes and watchdog had failed and didn’t know it yet. The giddiness was barely containable as he left the palace, grinning from ear to ear.

Now he sat in a carriage with a box on his lap. The invitation had been stolen by Victoire from an unwatchful noble. Ezra had changed into a new outfit [picture coming]. Besides him stood Torie, who had agreed to watch from a distance. If things went south, he had backup. Ezra slicked his hair back and glanced out the window. Finally, after what seemed like hours, he had arrived at Marek’s after-party. He nodded to the driver cloaked in black and hooded as to hide their identity. Then his door was opened and he stepped out, nodding to the people at the side. ”Keep an eye out. The watchdog might be close.” The girl nodded and disappeared along with Torie. Ezra grabbed the box and headed into the party and took the mask that was offered.

With a grin hidden by his mask, he scoped out the room. The Alidasht party, save for the oldest, was here; Roman, a blacksmith he wasn’t concerned with; Prince Leo- a groan nearly escaped him; Prince Callum, the world’s failure and disappointment; the stupid blonde that danced with his angel; and then finally, a noblewoman he didn’t recognize. He sized up the party and kept an eye on the Alidasht, who were the unknown and unfamiliar people. His facial muscles twitched briefly, but he let a smile cover his face as he approached the bar. With a sweet smile, he ordered The Noble’s Venom.

She emerged from a backroom with Marek not too far behind. He quickly approached Anastasia with the box cradled in his arms and the drink in the other. ”Good evening Princess.” He greeted in a low undertone. ”I baked these for you.” If she took the box and opened it, she’d see nine cupcakes, each adorned with pink and white frosting. In the middle of each cupcake was a letter, all of them lined up neatly to spell “Anastasia”. Ezra grinned and pressed the drink into her hand. ”Oh and a drink to wash it down. I thought you’d enjoy it.” Ezra smiled sweetly with a glint in his eyes.

Time: Early Evening
Location: Castle > Stables

Attire: Her dress
Interactions: @13org Mayet ☟ @Infinite Cosmos Munir ☟ @Rodiak Nahir ☟ @princess Anastasia

After the dreadful ball ended, Layla had retired to her room with Zilal. She glanced around her quarters and let out a sigh. She rolled her eyes and turned to find Zilal curling up on the bed next to her. Smirking, Layla started stroking his head in deep thought. She had been given an invitation to an after party and wondered if it was worth her time. The room was bland. She had seen peasant rooms like that looked more exciting. On top of that, the person who had designed it had the fashion sense of an infant. She thought she was back in the nursery room.

Layla sighed and glared at the boring room when the voice of Princess Anastasia filled the corridor. She listened to the girl’s obnoxious voice and sighed. Did that girl know anything about the word ‘secret’? Was she another bubblehead bimbo? Rolling her eyes, Layla stood up and moved over to the closet without a word. Layla grabbed a small purse and hid some perfume and dagger inside and draped it over her shoulder. Next she combed her hair quickly and blew a kiss to her reflection, then went back to her bed. Layla patted Zilal’s head and whispered to him, ”I will be back, love.”

She patted his head once and then went over to her bedroom door. She cracked it open to see her dad peeking out and waited for him to disappear. After a few minutes, she slipped out silently and nodded to the others quietly. After a few minutes, she had led her siblings to a large stable nearby.

Groaning, Layla sauntered inside and gazed at the others with an eye roll. "We’re riding horses there?” She scoffed and chose a horse at random and began taking it up. ”Tacky,” she whispered to Mayet, Nahir, and Munir under her breath so the others wouldn't overhear.

Time: 9pm
Location: Castle Wall
Attire: Here
Hair: Here

“Kill yourself.”

Halfway up the staircase to go look at her loot, Persephone halted with shock. What the hell? She frowned and pressed herself against the wall as she crept up slowly. Was that... Was that Count Calbert? As she listened more, the man soon announced he had been joking? What kind of sick joke was that? Puzzled, torn, and now curious, Persephone listened to this disturbing conversation in shock. Questions raced through her mind. The more she listened, the more disturbed she became. Her heart began racing a mile a minute. If she left now, she wouldn’t have anything to use against him. She needed to leave… She shouldn’t be here, yet the idea of doing what she shouldn't was too appealing to ignore.

Soon enough her questions were answered. He was mad at her for leaving her house with Lorenzo and coming to the ball? What was the problem with Lorenzo leaving his house? Why was he obsessed with these two? Shouldn’t he be worried about his daughters? This man needed to sort out his priorities! Persephone flinched at his phrase, “he’s not your father,” and felt secondhand embarrassment. She grimaced and tiptoed down the steps backwards. The way he twisted Charlotte’s words and gaslighted her made her cheeks flush. How dare he say that? How sick was this man? It didn’t seem as if he had any limits. She shook her head, bit her lip, and forced herself to continue moving down the staircase.

Persephone was halfway down the steps and aware of the conversation when it came to a disturbing end. His gentle tone, mixed with the malice from earlier, sickened her. How dare he try to be kind and sweet now? Disgusting. These nobles were roaches. His power went to his head and she briefly wondered how he had a wife. Did his wife have the same sickening attitude? No wonder his one daughter never left her stupid home until now.

Persephone went to take out a piece of bread to munch on while she listened when she heard loud footsteps. Horror crashed over her like a wave and she abruptly ran down the steps, her bread stuffed safely in her mouth. No, not the bread! This was too delicious to lose. She raced over the steps, tripping slightly in this disgusting dress, and over to a tree. Persephone abruptly began climbing it and hid inside of it. She quietly munched on her bread as she waited to see if she had been spotted. She hadn’t been as quiet as she normally was, but at least she had her speed. Persephone held her breath and began to quietly tear at the ends of her dress to make it easier for her to run and climb in. Then she stuffed some of the bread back into her bag while awaiting the next set of events.

After a moment, the sound of moving branches filled the air. Then the sound of munching. ”You know,” Count Calbert said in between bites as he seated himself more comfortably on the thick, sturdy branch behind her, ”I wasn’t certain I could climb a tree like I used to, but it was almost muscle memory. Used to love this as a boy.”

The sudden noises nearly caused Persephone to fall out of the tree. She jumped and rolled sideways and quickly grabbed onto the next branch and hung onto it for dear life. She pulled herself up onto it and stared with bewilderment and astonishment. Then her gaze slowly moved to the bread he had stolen from her. Her gaze moved back to him and for a moment, felt fury rise inside of her. Never had she wanted a man dead so much in her life. Voices began to fill the air but she didn’t see any. For a moment she was silent, then a nasty smile crossed her face.

”I didn’t know you were smart enough to climb trees. I think you surpassed expectations. Shouldn’t you have a cane? A big one to stick up your old ass.” She knocked the bread out of his mouth and stood upon the branch. With precise agility and grace, she jumped onto a higher branch and stared down at him.

Calbert rose on the branch, his height managing to bring them eye to eye. ”You have a lot of gusto, young lady.” At first his tone sounded complementary and he even displayed his winning smile. ” Especially for one so impoverished she has to steal food.”His eyes narrowed but the smile remained as he mused,”I wonder what the punishment for stealing from a royal castle would be. Certainly death, yes?”

Perspehone watched him rise to her level and raised an eyebrow. His tone went from flattery to cruelty in one fell swoop. She narrowed her gaze at his comments and felt her heart skip a beat. A brief pause and then she started laughing to cover it up. Death for stealing food? He did have King Dumbass on his side. She scowled at him but didn’t let her gaze falter from him. ”Egotistical and unhinged,” She started to giggle, ”I haven’t done anything but exist and you’re threatening me like you’re threatening poor Lady Vikena. You’re on a roll to make enemies tonight aren’t you?” As her anger began to rise, so did the noise behind her. She glanced around as if being spoken to and kept an eye on him while also listening.

He smirked at her as she giggled, letting her ramble on. Calbert inspected her actions, noting every single one mentally like a hawk. If he thought anything of them, it wasn’t visible in his expression. Unhinged, indeed.

“Stealing from the King is a crime punishable by death by law. No threats here as long as we can come to an agreement.” Calbert said smoothly. “Nonetheless you have opened the door to the reason I am here. “He leaned in and grabbed her by the scruff as he sneered through gritted teeth, “I am not a fan of those who eavesdrop. Not that someone of your pathetic status would know the law nor any manners.”

His smirk at her giggle only made her regret her actions. She felt him studying her like a hawk, so she mirrored it. His comments irked her though and she began to scowl deeper and deeper. However, she didn’t look as scared as he might expect her to feel. She opened her mouth to respond when he grabbed her by the scruff. Wide-eyed, she inhaled and nearly lost her footing, and listened to him threaten her now. It was possible he could push like he threatened Lady Vikena, and nobody would know or care. Persephone glanced at the ground and noticed they were at least ten feet into the air and she wasn’t exactly a cat. There was a pause, and then she spat in his face so he’d release her as she quickly climbed down without a word.

Calbert angrily wiped his face and said down to her in a low voice: ”You’ll keep your mouth shut. I’ll find out if you say anything. If you do, I will not rest until you hang from a noose along with that wretched fool Kazumin.” He knew she was a meaningless nobody, but he liked to take extra precautions. Even rats needed to be trapped.

The anger in his face was enough for her to smirk at. Unfortunately, the smirk fell when he called out Kazumin’s name. She paused, mid branch, her eyes wide with surprise and terror, but ignored him as she climbed down. Not giving him a response was the best thing she could do and would hopefully piss him off even more. She jumped once she was close enough and moved to hide behind the castle walls in a bush and waited for him to pass by. He eventually climbed down the tree and disappeared from view. Persephone waited for him to leave to let out a shaky breath and wipe a tear from her eyes. How had she landed herself in this position? Anger and fear rushed through her and she gritted her teeth.

Kazumin is not wretched or a fool.

Persephone waited a few moments, which felt like an eternity to her. Making sure he was gone, she slowly began to head back to her horse, Buttercup, to go back home.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Night
Location: Inn By The Sea
Interaction: @helo Bowyn, @Tae Raven, @Kazemitsu Kharne, @Th3King0fChaos Ismael
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, food, hygiene products, new outfit

Rue sat cross legend on a bed with her backpack and Moony beside her. They had joined up with Kharne who happened to have three humans with him; Ismael, Raven, and Shae. She wasn’t sure if she trusted them entirely, but it felt better knowing the princess had been adventuring with them. The mysterious blond elf had gone up to the roof to sit by herself, much to their dismay and protests. The girl looked bored to tears and ready to move on. After much protesting, they had allowed her to go up to the roof since it was nearby. Besides, Rue could fly out and check on her, which she had been doing anyway, not to the girl’s knowledge. Each time Rue returned from her flight, she had saluted Kharne and given what she called “her status report” of the human.

Prior to meeting up with the others, Rue had bought food for Bowyn and her and had taken extras. Now she was enjoying the honey toast for what might have been, the 20th time that day. She had difficulty stopping herself from going back to buy more, so much that the stall owner had closed for the day after she returned the last time. Rue had told Bowyn and Moony, who had been shaking his head, that they couldn’t be too sure where they’d go after Riverport or where their next meal would be. Although the port town was cute and Rue enjoyed it, she was happy to leave the warm climate.

Rue sighed as she finished rearranging her bag. She looked up at their comrades and smiled. ”So! How are you gentlemen and lady feeling tonight?” Rue knew the human gal had been terrified and the cause of the tornado and she wanted to put her at ease. ”I might have told you already but I’m Rue. This is my adorable and well trained wolf, Moonlight but he goes by Moony. Isn’t he handsome?” She scratched his head and he looked at her sleepily. ”Moony took on the brave and selfless act of protecting me. He’s the best!” Rue hugged him and kissed his head, so he licked her arm and she let go of him. She turned to the humans now as curiosity piqued her expression. ”Do you have wolves in your homeland and are they friendly too?” Rue leaned forward with wide eyes, eager to learn about Earth, and hopefully make more friends.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Night.
Location: Inn By The Sea
Interactions: N/A
Mentions: @Tae Raven/Eris, @Kazemitsu Kharne, @Th3King0fChaos Ismael, @princess Annya, @FunnyGuy Kaleb, @helo Bowyn

Saoirse sat on the roof of the Inn by the Sea, with her arms back and staring at the ocean. She had left Raven with Kharne and Ismael and met up with the two winter fairies. She had never seen fairies before, so she had been a little mesmerized by them. She had found Kharne and Ismael trustworthy enough to watch Raven. She still doubted their intelligence, but couldn’t deny they weren't entirely incomptent. She sighed as she leaned back with her arms behind her and laid back on the roof. The soothing ocean waves and the dimming cries of the seagulls were relaxing. After the turbulent day she’d experienced, all she wanted to do was kick back with a bottle and some weed, but unfortunately, she didn’t have the means to do so.


Saoirse gritted her teeth as she pushed the thought of her head. She didn’t want to think of seeing the Little Bird so upset and scared. It was after all, Shae’s own fault she was here. She kept repeating it to herself and only made her feel worse inside. She sat back up and began to play with her lighter absentmindedly to focus on something else….


If she was home, she’d be facing jail time and likely a life sentence….. If she was home, she’d be with her fallen comrades, facing trial for God only knew how many crimes…..


If they weren't, they’d be home, Raven likely scared to death anyways, due to facing the cops and those bastard K9s. God she was afraid of those furry little shits. Saoirse briefly recalled the way she’d fallen while parkouring away from the cops and being attacked by one of those stupid mutts after falling from the wall…. That had been after smashing and robbing a convenience store for bullying James’ little sister who had tried to apply, but with her speech impairment and shy demeanor, had been rejected…. A small smile crossed her face, before getting replaced by a frown.


James, Gaia, and the others were likely sitting in a jail cell with people they - she - had helped put there…. She scowled as she contemplated her presence. Better here than there, she knew, but what of her friends? She couldn’t do anything for them. Now she was in this strange world with magical fucking powers to fight some war, with her ex-best friend. How much more ironic could this become? Saoirse groaned audibly and set the lighter beside her and watched the weird citizens below milling about.

Where the fuck was Annya? She kept watching out for the warrior princess, but couldn’t find it. There was worry of course, because Annya was protecting and helping them. What had that red haired bitch and wannabe shit actor had with her? She wished she could have done more, but needed to protect Raven. She had contemplated leaving the Inn to go search, but had promised Ismael and Kharne that she wouldn’t leave them and make them look for another person. She scowled as she recalled having to argue her way out of sitting in the room, bored as fuck, and being allowed to venture out to the roof. She scowled at the lock of freedom she had and wished she could wander about but nope, she was stuck in this shit Inn, with a fucking walking and talking dragon, a semi-competent mercenary, and these two strange looking fairies.

Saoirse scowled and put the lighter back into her pocket. Could this night be any more boring, or get any worse?
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Avian City
Interactions: @Helo Orias, @CitrusArms Aiko, @princess Yuka, @FunnyGuy Augus
Xavier’s Equipment: His sword, and

Xavier listened to Aiko and noticed the glare. He sighed and shook his head. Glaring at the general’s kids would not win them any more favors. Even he knew the danger they were in. When the word ‘terrestrial’ came up, Xavier furrowed his brow. What… What did that mean? He glanced at the outfits and picked the male outfit #103. Xavier then glanced at Aiko and nodded in agreement. ”I don’t think I need another one right now. I also think I’ll buy the outfit for Yuka.” While it was not his style or something he’d normally buy, he felt her owed the feline for her help and guidance. Once he paid for the items he turned to the other two. ”Shall we meet up with the others now?” He was anxious to find Koldar/Orias, Yuka, and Augie.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Late Morning
Location: The Inn
Interaction: @Helo Bowyn
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, hygiene products, new outfit

Moonlight had given Bowyn a look that said “really?” while nudging his hand to let him know he appreciated the headpats. He stared at him and tried to smile, although it only showed off his teeth. It was his attempt to connect with Bowyn without the zoolinguilism. Meanwhile, Rue glanced around the stalls, her face lighting up. She had never seen such a beautiful array of food and clothing stalls. She tapped her chin in deep concentration and then noticed a bakery stall. Her eyes widened when she noticed the delicious looking honey toasts and excitedly ran over to it, forgetting her comrades for a brief moment. Rue quickly took out a few amas as she prepared to pay for the items, then glanced back with guilt. Rue excitedly gestured to the food stall with the honey toast while nearly bouncing up and down.

The stall owner, a female forest fairy, watched with raised eyebrows, but accepted the moment in return for amas. ”Bowyn! Honey toast!” She paid for the food after buying four of them for the road. Her expression melted into bliss as she gobbled up the honey toast and opened her eyes to look at Bowyn. ”I … I can’t resist.” Rue giggled, although the honey was all over her mouth. She began to wipe her mouth with a napkin while Moony stared at her with concern.

”You are by far, the most childish person I have ever met and would be easily poisoned.”

”Shush it!” She turned to the wolf with a giggle and rubbed his ears again in which he returned a big sigh.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Beach
Mentions: @Tae Raven, @Kazemitsu Kharne & @Th3King0fChaos Ismael

Saoirse was surprised to hear something intelligent come out of their companions mouths. She remained silent however and glanced at Raven. She didn’t want to speak and give away their position. Instead, she grabbed Raven’s hand gently then held onto it firmly. There wasn’t much she could say or do at the moment, but letting her friend know she was there would be enough. She allowed some slack in case Raven wanted to move her hand away. The two of them hadn't been together like this in quite a while and it felt... awkward. It was her fault Raven was here in the first place and thus, it was her duty to protect her. She knew she would until her dying breath so she wasn’t too worried. As they left the scene, Saoirse's mind continued to race.

The video of the random human chilled her to the core and even her fire magic could not warm her up. How sadistic were these creatures? She had seen fucked up things, but nothing quite like that. She had committed her fair share of sins but nothing comparable to that. What the hell had these elves gotten them into? She wondered what other insanity existed in this world. She wanted to ask Annya later what the fuck they had unwillingly signed up for, but now was not the time. Their position was compromised now and there would likely be their enemies coming soon. Shae scowled momentarily, then let it disappear, and focused on the Little Bird next to her.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Late Morning
Location: The Inn
Interaction: @Helo Bowyn
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, hygiene products, new outfit

Rue nodded in agreement. She didn’t trust anyone, save for possibly Annya. She respected the princess. She didn't know the others well. However, Eris had accepted her seashells and been kind. She had only met them when she was upset so perhaps she misjudged them. Rue sighed and rubbed her head. ”I don’t know who else, but we’re vulnerable. Let’s think about it.” She nodded in agreement regarding the food stalls and grinned at the thought of the food. ”Let’s go find some food.” Rue led the way out with Moony at her side protectively and sighed when the sun hit her in the face. ”I need a big fluffy hat! What do you think?” Rue grinned at him and fell into step beside him.
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