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In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: 2pm
Location: Guarav Village
Interactions: @Alivefalling Dante; @FunnyGuy Darius; @samreaper Menzai; @Blizz Isolde
Mentions: n/a

The past four months had passed by in a blur, sometimes making her question if she was dreaming or not. Whenever she fell asleep and woke up in this wolf village, she was soon reminded it was indeed her reality. The first night flashed through her mind; robbing the bank with her gang, running away and then into Raven, coming to this world… Her stomach churned when she thought of Raven, but she was able to push it away. They weren’t friends anymore and the girl didn’t seem as if she’d ever accept her how she was now. Nonetheless, Addie was glad to be who she was although the guilt of her misdeeds did resurface occasionally. She still wasn’t sure how or why she’d been lucky enough to come here, but it was a blessing in disguise. She was free, as much as she could be, harnessed the element of fire, and had these strange creatures protecting her. It was an odd feeling, being protected, when she normally did the protecting. Over the four months, she'd cut her hair and also burned the evidence of her human life: her outfit from Earth, the wad of cash, and also her human mask. Doing so had made her feel relieved, sad, and also... liberated.

Whenever the sun rose, so did Dante and the others. At first she had been disgruntled her sleep had been interrupted, but the urgency of survival forced her to wake up. Soon, Aidan had found she began to enjoy the training. The physical fitness was something she was used to and had even shown the group her parkour skills. Being able to run and jump was one of her favorite things. Discovering that Dante also had fire had been fun as the two of them could bounce ideas off one another with their magic. Out of the group, she enjoyed Dante’s company the most. The two had become rather close which had been difficult for Addie. He’d begun helping her open up which she found made her … emotional, realizing how normal everyone’s lives had been compared to her’s. It could have been why Raven and her had clashed so horribly. While the others had known love, true friendship and all that soft shift, Addie had known drugs, alcohol, crime and delinquency. Gaia had told her from a young age how emotions “made you weak and would get your ass beat in jail”, so Aidan had become cold and mean as a defense mechanism. Saying this out loud or thinking it, had been rough, and she’d normally leave and find refuge in Menzai who didn’t try prying her open. Despite it, Addie had slowly opened up, becoming a bit happier and joking more frequently. Using opening up as a mechanism with her magic allowed her to tape deeper into it and become more lethal.

Where there was Dante was Darius. She enjoyed his company too, his carefree and easy going nature was refreshing. He was kind and sweet, something she wasn’t used to. At first she had joked too meanly with him, causing Dante to scold her. Afterwards, she had never done it again. Darius’ magic was there to tame the wild flames Dante and she created. Though she could see he wished to have cooler magic, she was grateful for his and how it suited him well. The combination of Darius and Isolde were a lethal mix. Having another female in the group made things easier. The two were able to connect and have their own girl talk when she needed a break from the men. Their lighting and fire combination was also quite fun. Menzai was another interesting addition to the group. He didn’t open up well and was there for her to sit and talk with. Neither of them forced the other to open up. She appreciated him being hands off and allowing them to practice and experiment with their magic and Avalia. Overall, Addie was glad she had joined their group and was thankful for them and had found herself thoroughly enjoying their company. Being alone meant thinking of her past and the wrongs she’d committed so she was rarely alone now.

During their time in Guarav Village, She’d purchased a black and gray horse she’d named Charcoal, nicknamed Coal for short. Her eye had been on the hoverboard, but after learning it didn’t go high or fast, she’d decided against it. Charcoal gave her something to learn and work on perfecting, which helped distract her from her mind. She had learned the basics of riding and had become intermediate in their short time here. Addie had grown to love the animal, something she hadn’t done much on Earth.

Now she stood with her reins in hand, leading Coal over to Menzai and Darius. She had often tried unsuccessfully to sneak up on the wolf. Doing so made her work hard on her stealth, though she knew she could never truly accomplish it; he had far superior senses than her. With a smirk as she led Coal over, she announced her presence with one of her most notable lines.

”How are you fuckers doing?”
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay


Time: Night
Location: North Pass
Interaction: @helo Bowyn, @FunnyGuy Kaleb
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, food, hygiene products, Old outfit
New purchases: Female outfit, Bow & quiver of Arrows

The door opened and Rue’s heart rate accelerated. Standing before her, handsome as ever, was Bowyn. Rue’s breath hitched momentarily until she quickly reminded herself to breathe. “Rue.” Bowyn offered a small smile which she returned. “Hey, I got you something, a gift, a small gift. I guess it’s not much, well, I thought it seemed nice.” Her eyes widened with surprise. He bought her a gift? Oh no, did he spend too much? She hoped not! Curiosity got the best of her, so she remained quiet to allow him time to finish. Rue held Bowyn’s gaze and realized she was blushing. She smiled nonetheless, because his voice was her favorite sound. She nodded in agreement with what he’d said, not wanting to interrupt. Her gaze looked down at his opened palm and gasped. The ring not only held her favorite colors, but it mimicked the night sky which she loved to gaze at. Rue squealed with delight and joy, practically bouncing on her feet. She quickly slipped it on and admired it on her hand. Its’ beauty was beyond comprehension. Her gaze flicked back to Bowyn as he continued to speak.

Rue’s face, split between blushing and grinning, split into a wide smile. ”Oh Bowyn, it’s perfect!” Rue exclaimed and threw her arms around him and pulled him into a tight hug. ”This is beautiful and perfect! Thank you so much!” She let go and grinned up at him now. ”I agree with everything you’re saying. Nothing could change me being here for you.” She looked back at the ring and grinned up at him. ”Thank you again! Dinner tonight is on me!”

She heard footsteps and looked over to see Kaleb walking past them on his way to Eris' door. “Adorable as always. Hashtag BoRue for the win, right?” Rue frowned at his snicker and watched him briefly before turning back to Bowyn. She ignored his response and looked at Bowyn.

”So! Where would you like to go? Your choice!” Rue beamed up at him as if he were the first snowfall of the year.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: 2pm
Location: Dugmaghord
Interactions: @13org Nuallán
Mentions: @FunnyGuy Slick

After the kidnapping scenario had ended, Rosaria, Nuallán, and Jomari had met up with Pash, Mika, Kuroi and Uzul. Pash proved to be an excellent ally. During their travel through the desert, she had stuck close to Nuallán's side and kept an eye on Jomari. When Nuallán had told her about him harnessing his magic and how he’d used it, she’d congratulated him joyously then fell silent. After the incident she had become short and concise with everyone due to being overly exhausted.

The next day, Annya called and reported the news of the demons and the human dying. Thus, the urgency to teleport the others to their destination had been her priority. The idea of anything happening to the sweet and gentle Sophie, the sassy Jomari, or the adventurous and extroverted Caelan, broke her heart. These were her humans, her priorities, and she’d die defending them with her last breath. Rose vowed to herself to be more careful and not allow herself to become kidnapped. That had been foolish and reckless, and she was relieved to know Mika had been saved and survived as well.

Once they arrived in Dugmaghord, Rosaria had asked everyone to stick to her side. She didn’t want anyone wandering off. Meeting with the orcs had been eye opening. She had never been to this location, only in passing. It took her time to become accustomed to the orcs way of life, but she knew they were safe. A pleasant surprise awaited her in Mika’s group: Slick, another human. Though she didn’t know him well, she was happy to make his acquaintance and help when possible. Additionally, she thoroughly enjoyed Leaf’s presence. He was loyal and pleasant to be around. Rose admired the way he got up after being knocked down by these huge orcs in the arena.

Furthermore, she enjoyed hanging with Mika and Kuroi, who was a warrior she was glad to have on board. Most of the time, she was with Nuallán, whom she noted, was not leaving her side. Rosaria knew he blamed himself and she wanted to find a way to lessen that burden for him. Thus, she took part in not only training the humans, but training herself when possible. Rose would spare alongside the orcs with weapons and magic, finding ways to use it creatively and on the spot. When she wasn’t putting in time for herself, Rosaria was training the humans. She was kind but firm with the humans and would push them more each day. Her training consisted of magic, weapons, and also hand to hand combat taught by Kuroi. She also taught them how to scavenge and utilize survival skills, should anything happen where they were separated. After eight hours of training for six days, Rosaria allowed them time to relax and gave them one day off. She would also allow Caelan to smoke zemak as a reward for the hard work he would put in.

Today was an exception to training: they would go hunting with Slick. Rosaria finished braiding her hair and wrapping it in a bun when Nuallán's voice broke her reverie. She turned with a soft smile at his jest and approached him. ”I am indeed going hunting. Try to keep up.” Rosaria smirked at him and softened again. He was always so sweet and willing to put himself last. Rosaria looked at him with sincerity in her green eyes. ”So is yours, Nuallán, do not forget it either. You may do as you wish, though I know you’ll stay with me. I am always happy to have your company, as it’s one of my favorites.” She patted his cheek gently, then left to join Slick. ”Good afternoon. Nuallán and I are joining. Do you know if anyone else is coming?”
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Night
Location: North Pass
Interaction: @helo Bowyn
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, food, hygiene products, Old outfit
New purchases: Female outfit, Bow & quiver of Arrows

The past four months had been one of the best times of Rue’s lifespan. She had met so many new Avalians and humans. Losing the human girl, Saoirse, had been upsetting. Her duty to watch the human had failed. There had been a heavy weight on her chest she hadn’t been able to shake. As a result, her mission had been to protect and keep track of the other humans: Bardulf and Ismael. In the back of her mind Rue knew this was fruitless to blame herself yet the guilt persisted. Rue had given Annya a hug and helped her search for Saoirse but they ultimately ended up leaving.

Before leaving Riverport, Rue had made sure to stock up on the honeytoast the next morning, forcing the shopkeeper yet again to close early. The light elf army that had surrounded their group was both surprising and filled her with dread. The war was here, she was with a princess and humans. The situation had felt much more real and caused Rue to sink into a bout of anxiety that caused her to disappear from the group at random. She didn’t want to worry anyone, so she’d kept it to herself and had surprisingly, shared some of Bowyn’s zemak when the opportunity arose. It helped being around him and she usually perked up when he was around.

Leaving Riverport and going to North Pass aided the young fairy’s mood. It was cold, snowy, and far away from the drama of the other areas. Rue had immediately felt at home. As though a match had been lit under her, her spirits had risen. The North Pass citizens had been sweet and accommodating. Meeting a Polar Bear had caused her to nearly cry as she was reminded of those at home. She wondered how her family - no, the village - was fairing. When the war was over, she’d have more than enough amas to help it survive far beyond their wildest dreams.

Over the past few months, she had kindled a few new friendships that she had forced herself to get out of her comfort zone. One particular human had been an easy match: Bardulf. He was quiet and shy like her, and his willingness to hang in the back of the group brought her much relief. The two were on the same page and had taken to training together. Helping him develop his magic had brought her pure joy. The success and combinations they created together were incredible. Having heard of the human’s magic had been a fairytale, a legend and something she thought she’d never see. They had fire and electricity in the group with Ismael, Kaleb, and Bardulf. It was an honor to Rue to be able to watch them practice and protect them. Whenever things went awry in training, she was there to help heal them.

Rue had also kindled a friendship with the new dwarf, Bron and enjoyed being around him. His knowledge filled Rue’s thirst for knowledge immensely. His grumpy spirit had not deterred Rue from getting to know him. Though she gave him space when he needed it, Rue also remained available in case he did decide to chat. Having spent time around Bowyn had helped. She considered herself lucky to befriend and become close with him. When she was in a tough spot with her magic, she’d pick his brain for help. Additionally, Rue enjoyed learning more about Ironhold. The Dwarf army had been fascinating for her.

The next acquaintance she’d enjoyed was Princess Annya. Rue couldn’t imagine having the burden that the princess had and sought to make her life easier. If she needed a break or favor, Rue was there to fill in and help out. Annya was a princess, but foremost, a warrior. The skill and training the princess acquired with various weapons stunned Rue. It motivated her to learn so she could defend and protect not only herself, but the others as well. She had sought to learn how to hold a sword and also become a more skilled archer. Additionally, Rue had also picked the princess’ brain on how to develop her cyrokinesis.

Finally, and surprising enough to Rue, the dragonborn had become her friend. His short and sweet responses, mixed with his intimidating outward appearance at first had Rue on edge. She had never met a dragonborn before and had been quiet around him. His combat and training methodologies had struck curiosity in the young fairy. The training between Annya and Kharne had begun to wipe Rue out. The training, both with weapons, magic and also Annya’s meditation, began to block out her worries about the war. Ismael and Kharne were usually seen together, so she’d managed to strike a friendship with him as well.

Eris and Kaleb, two entities rarely seen without the other, were unfamiliar with her. Though the rough exterior existed, Rue believed there had to be goodness in both of them. Nonetheless, she remained with her guard up around them. The gut feeling that something was awry rarely left her. She’d confided only in Bowyn however, not wanting to disturb the rest of the group. The way Eris could stealthily move around and appear out of thin air startled Rue. How could she do that so easily? How old was she? With elves, it was hard to tell their age. She had remained polite and kind with both of them, not wanting to offend or upset them.

Now she stood outside Bowyn’s door, paralleling the way he’d been outside of her’s in Riverport. With Bardulf’s note clutched in her hand, she knocked quietly. While waiting, Rue shifted from side to side and pulled at her ponytail. She had allowed her hair to grow out so she could keep it out of her face while fighting and training. Rue waited and adjusted her bow over her shoulder and shifted the quiver of arrows.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Night
Location: Desert
Interactions: @baraquiel Jomari & @13org Nuallán
The boisterous celebration from the demihuman bandits ended abruptly. Light magic surrounded the camp like a dome and left them without an escape route. Glowing in the midst stood Rosaria with the fury of a thousand suns. Their cheers faded into cries and screams while their once overjoyed expressions morphed into absolute terror. ”If you wanted to make sure I didn’t wake up or retaliate, you should have picked a stronger drug or a magic resistance cuff. I admire your dedication, but your actions speak of how amatuer you are. You best hope I don’t find your families.” She raised her hands and created chains of light magic that wrapped around each of the demihumans, halting them in their place and making it difficult for them to move. A quick slash with her hand with orbs of magic rendered them completely blind. They screamed and shouted with terror and dread but were unable to move. Silent and lethal, the blade quickly dispatched the demihumans around the once sleeping princess. With blood dripping from the sword, Rosaria moved forward with a dangerous expression, one that promised murder. Time was of the essence so unfortunately, she wasn’t able to savor their deaths.

Heaviness filled her eyes, so she slapped her cheeks to try waking herself up. Whatever the drug had been, it was efficient and had kept her asleep for who knew how long. Groaning, Rosaria pulled her darksight glasses out and put them on fast. She ignored the dark sky above her and focused on finding Jomari and Nuallán. For now, they were her priority; the others would have to wait. Mika and Kuroi were both skilled fighters and Uzul was capable of handling himself. Still, worry gnawed at her and she took several deep breaths to quell it.

Quiet as a mouse and as alert as a predator, Rosaria spun the sword in her hand while searching for the two. It didn’t take her long to find them. She halted to evaluate the situation and pulled her hood over her face. Pride and joy rushed through her, watching her most adorable and deadly butler dispatching the rhino. Her gaze flickered to Jomari and she watched as he manipulated the sand around him. Smirking, Rosaria waved her hand and soon became invisible. Rosaria crept towards the battle and sheathed her sword and took her bow out and strung an arrow. Carefully she aimed it towards the crocodile and allowed the arrow to fly. Not wasting any time, Rosaria strung the next one and aimed it at the scorpion and then finally, the Rhino. Each arrow had been imbued with light magic to increase damage. She then used light magic to shield Nuallán and Jomari, which they’d both be able to see, as Rosaria allowed herself to become visible once more and waved with a faint smile and murder in her eyes.

”Did you miss me?”
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Interaction: Barboda @Alivefalling, Helio @princess
Tesoro aka “Rat” @Infinite Cosmos, Nym @helo
Location: Aboard the Harem, Dining Hall

Tigerlily sat in the dining room with her legs over the table’s edge while leaning back in her chair. Her mane of blue hair laid around her. In one hand was a bottle of rum and the other a seashell she kept fiddling with. There were a few of them around her now as she seemed to be growing a collection. Her mind raced with the events of the day. Ardyn’s crew and the murderous rage and loathing she had for him, Lizzie dead, and finally, Bastian and Faye kidnapped. Helio’s desperate plea to save them only hurt worse. The idea of visiting Roshmi made her skin crawl and for her to push away long forgotten memories. Then, the guilt would creep in, and she’d take another sip of rum and before she knew it, she had a collection growing. Distantly, she heard her name and glanced up.

There was a pause, and then she registered the speaker's words. ”I’m fine,” she replied without thinking her words through. Yes, fine, but she hated lying. He wouldn’t understand... The mixed feelings inside of her threatened to explode, but she replaced it with a flirtatious smile. ”No I didn’t, thanks to the Rat. How are you?” She took another swig of her rum and set her seashell down absentmindedly, noticing that briefly, one of the edges was sharper than the rest.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Night.
Location: Inn By The Sea
Interactions: @Alivefalling Dante; @FunnyGuy Darius; @samreaper Menzai; @Blizz Isolde

As she sat on the rooftop observing the town below her, Shae noticed an unusual sight. There was a girl on the beach with what looked like sparks forming around her hands. She stood up with curiosity and watched as two men came over to her. There was a wolf-demihuman standing nearby guarding them as well. She gathered her belongings and stuffed her lighter deep in a pocket. Her curiosity piqued, she went to the edge of the roof and glanced around for the annoying fairy, but didn’t see her.

Noticing the roof nearby and not caring if she disturbed the peace, Saoirse ran to the edge of the roof and jumped off of it, throwing her arms behind her to catch the momentum and pulled her legs up. Once she was close enough, she somersaulted onto the roof and went in between the buildings to slide down. Keeping her arms and legs stretched out, Saoirse reached the ground quickly. She adjusted her hair and smirked at a few elven boys watching with awe and blew them a kiss. Tossing her hair behind her, she approached the group cautiously. Would this group be more interesting? Damn, she hoped so.

With a sigh of relief, she approached them. She kept her voice low, but her Irish accent was as noticeable as ever. ”You need to find disguises quickly. There was an… accident here earlier so I’m sure there will be trouble here soon. We have these fancy rings-” She flashed hers for them to see, ”And they can help hide your appearance if you get what I mean. Also I’m Aidan. You?” She leaned against a tree casually with her arms folded and her hands resting on her elbows.

Time: Evening
Location: Marek’s After Party
Attire: Evening Outfit & Mask
Interactions: None
Mentions:@princess Anastasia @Terrance420 Alden @Infinite Cosmos Munir @samreaper Kazumin

The scene before him that had been relaxing and working to his goal was soon shattered by the ridiculous cowlick blond going berserk. Of course he should have realized these morons would have drank these stupid things without realizing what was wrong with them. That wasn’t their problem; however, his problem now included the dumbass going on a rampage that resulted in his cupcakes being smashed. Fury didn’t describe the emotion he felt; if he could transform into a basilisk and murder the blond and everyone else save for his angel, he would have.

Unfortunately, he couldn’t, so Ezra decided to chalk it up for another day. It was albeit amusing to watch the imbecile beating up himself. He smirked though watching it play out. Anastasia, his angel, though, was distressed by the incident but wasn’t capable of reacting sanely. No, she had the right drink and was too loving and caring to do much else. How was his night working out so well in his favor? From the corner of his eye he saw a dark haired man join the scenario and sighed. How many people did he have to deal with in this goddamn establishment? No matter, they were all going to be too sick and drunk to care for anything soon.

To add to his dismay, the idiotic son of the duchess from Varian kingdom now started throwing his cupcakes. His eyes twitched as he remembered how long it had taken to get them right but brushed it aside. There were plenty more where that had come from and the princess had consumed one anyway. Turning his attention back to Leo, he noticed the edge in his tone and smirked. So that was a weak point. Sure, he didn’t know anything about Thea, but he knew he could fix that.

Taking this opportunity, he went to speak to her again when the Shahzade joined. Ezra remained stoic and quiet as he watched them and raised a brow. Why did the washed up and wannabe Shahzade want to be introduced to Callum? He looked as if he’d climbed out of a gutter and thrown on the first rags he’d seen. Did they not wear clothes in their kingdom? Disgusting. He turned away and stepped aside to watch the scenario play out. His smaller sister was engaged in conversation with Roman while the other sister flirted with Alden. What a bunch of imbeciles. Withholding a sigh of annoyance, he went over to the bar and ordered food and strictly water as he decided to watch the events play out. He slunk back and kept his gaze flickering around the room but mostly on Anastasia.
Time: Evening
Location: Caseonia Streets > The Tough Tavern
Attire: Here - Updated
Hair: Here - Updated

Persephone had stored Buttercup in an abandoned farmhouse nearby and given him plenty of carrots and apples. She had changed into a new outfit and pulled her hair back into a messy bun with loose strands hanging out and framing her face. She felt more at ease with this outfit and could move freely. How anyone stomached wearing that fancy shit was beyond her. She was glad she didn’t need to wear it more often. She had stashed most of her food in her hiding spot, but kept some of the bread on her. There were people she needed to distribute it too and would enjoy it more than these entitled nobles.

The conversation she’d eavesdropped on and had with Calbert though had her on edge. She hadn’t expected to get tangled up in this venomous web. Persephone sighed and shook her head as she headed towards the alleyways. With her hood up, the only thing visible were pieces of her hair and her bright green eyes. Armed with her bow and quiver of arrows, along with knives, bottle of perfume, small handgun, and her bag, she felt confident she could take care of herself. Still, seeing Count Calbert coming after her and hosting himself into the tree, made her stomach churn. Why was he so insistent on Lorenzo and Charlotte staying home? Why was he obsessed with them? It didn’t make any sense. Didn’t he have a family to worry about? Weirdo. It wasn’t her business though, and she didn’t quite care to investigate it.

Persephone stopped short upon seeing a body in a nearby alleyway and frowned. There was an ax in her face and she was sprawled out in a puddle of blood. Who had been murdered now? Glancing around, she didn’t see anyone, but it didn’t mean they weren’t hiding. She crept closer and jumped back with horror. It was Violet Damien! She turned and ran with wide eyes and slipped a bit from the puddle of blood she’d stepped in. A piece of bread had slipped out and fell near the body. In her haste and fear, she didn't notice. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!

She ran down an adjacent alleyway and furiously began to scuff her boots to get rid of the blood. Horrified, she turned and ran into the tavern. She ran to the back of the tavern and up the steps to the second floor. ”Seph, you’re back! Do you-“ Marceline, the bartender started to yell, but frowned as she raced upstairs. The sound of a door slamming followed. She shrugged it off and continued to attend to her patrons, not wanting anyone to know something was wrong.

Once upstairs, Persephone took the shoes off and grabbed a towel. She began to scrub at them furiously as tears streamed down her face. Her heart hammered unlike anything she’d felt before. She glanced around with terror and shoved the boots in a bag and threw it in the back of the closet. Then, she slid down the wall and buried her head in her hands and trembled with fear.
Time: Evening
Location: Marek’s After Party
Attire: Evening Outfit & Mask
Interactions: @princess Anastasia
Mentions: @ReusableSword Roman, @Helo Leo & Callum, @13org Mayet @Infinite Cosmos Munir, @Rodiak Nahir/Zarai, @samreaper Kazumin

Ezra scrutinized Anastasia’s response. At first he could see her fear and worry, then a split second later, it was replaced by admiration and gratitude. He smirked victoriously as he listened to her speak. Her voice was prettier than a piano and she was easier to play than a violin. Her smile lit up his world like the sunrise. If he were the moon, he’d cry every day. His grin went from ear to ear and noticed her tears. At first it puzzled him, but when she spoke, he feigned concern and sadness. ”Yes, my name is Ezra and you’re most welcome. I would accept any form of gratitude.” His voice became teasing at the end as he nodded to the cupcakes and returned her hug. He held on for a brief moment then let go. ”I enjoy baking and would be happy to make you whatever you'd like.”

Though it was going perfectly, it would not last. No, the stupid cowlick blond had joined. Ezra held back a sigh as he listened to his false accent. He turned away so he could roll his eyes and pretended to cough so nobody noticed. Once he returned to his normal posture, he was disappointed to find the idiot still speaking. Why did someone so annoying and stupid walk this Earth? ”Quite all right with me,” He replied as he observed the man and his demeanor. He was not worried in the slightest about him; he’d be an easy bug to squash.

The poor princess was babbling again and was under the influence of her drink. He glanced down at it and snickered. Oh my Darling? What a perfect choice. This would be too good to be true. Apparently the moron and her were friends which he found he could use to his advantage. When she turned to him with the puppy dog eyes, he found butterflies fluttering in his stomach and turned away. ”Go right ahead,” he waved to the cupcakes and glanced at Anastasia. ”As long as she doesn’t mind.”

Then, as if the Gods were taunting him, Lord Leo joined. Ezra’s eyes twitched for a moment and then a generous smile warmed over his face. Ezra knew Leo wanted to get under his skin so he’d have to return the favor. The music was making it difficult for them to be overheard thankfully, but Leo’s voice carried over it anyways. Why did such a pest exist? Didn’t he have a drunk and useless sister to watch over? Where was she anyway? ”It is good music.” He agreed as he leaned up against the wall with a grin. ”Something like that.” He replied as he watched him carefully like a lion seizing up a hyena. Ezra remained calm and collected, knowing if he showed any negative reaction it’d only push Leo farther. The slight hit on his shoulder made him roll his eyes. ”Thanks man. I have more treats back at my shop if you’re interested.” He wasn’t concerned with the others eating his cupcakes, as it only furthered his goals. Ezra smiled as he watched him bop to the music and nodded to his drink.

”I’m glad you could join us Leo. It begs the question though, where is your dear sister? She seems like she’d enjoy the party.” He returned the favor and scrutinized his expression in return. ”Aren’t Annie and her good friends?” Ezra glanced at Anastasia and smiled at her sweetly, ”Don’t want to be the last to eat the cupcake, right?” He smiled sweetly at her, ”Could do you some good.”
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