
Time: Nighttime
Location: German countryside ---> River Fairy Kingdom - West of River Port
Interactions: None other than NPCs
Mentions: None
Equipment: Bouquet of yellow daises, common smallclothes w/ Leather Armor layered over, tooth-laden necklace, and a halberd.
Bardulf had been walking for a short while, the walk to his cabin wasn't really that far, but with all that had happened he could feel his paces growing longer and slower. His eyes were in a haze, staring at the ground as he watched each foot heavily plop onto the ground. His mind was clearly elsewhere, not even noticing a shimmering yellow light begin to glow in front of him. Two lines slowly but surely connecting into an oval shape that seemed to fit his slouching stature perfectly. His hand lifted the bouquet in front of his hazy eyes, not even bothering to put in the effort to turn his head. As his focus shifted, he noticed the grass had turned much more vibrant than he was used to, and the sun that had been setting had suddenly fully hidden behind the landscape. Something was certainly off, and Bardulf finally broke out of his stupor to realize the shimmering doorway he had just walked through had already begun to close. His feet broke into a cold sprint, trying to catch the portal as it closed, but he had been just a hair too slow. He looked around in a panic when a calming voice rang out behind him.
"Well now, we almost lost you as soon as we had you. Don't be afraid, sir. We have summoned you with a purpose."Bardulf shot around, his hand moving to grab for his halberd. He stopped, however, once he saw who had been speaking. A group of six white-robed figures gathered in a semi-circle faced the man. His eyes began to dart to each one, trying to take in their features and differences. Their heights were about the same, but their bodies and faces were hidden well behind the baggy robes and hoods that hid behind their faces. The figure in the middle spoke, his voice containing a calming base that vibrated in the air, as if trying to sing to Bardulf as he spoke.
"Your weapon is not needed on us, friend. But you may have need of it later on. Allow us to explain ourselves, give us a few mere minutes."Another figure spoke, a female, speaking octaves above the previous person with a voice that seemed to ring even after she finished speaking.
"This is a strange land to you I'm sure. But we have need of your help, sir. Your kind are very special here. Capable of weaving great elemental magics that our kind are not readily able to defend against."Yet another voice spoke from the rightmost figure, containing a much deeper rumbling sound from his throat as he spoke.
"A Great War is upon us. Each side will need warriors. That is why we called you here. Once all is said and done, we can easily send you back."Bardulf raised his hand from grabbing the spear so that his palm faced them, ushering them to pause for the moment.
"Just a moment...please. I-What the hell is wrong with my voice?" He spoke in a tongue not his own, very much confused at how he knew and understood what everyone, even himself had been saying.
The female spoke once more.
"As part of the summoning, you've been...taught how to speak our tongue, but fret not. Once you return, your speaking will be entirely normal." She pauses, and in a faint whisper she lets out a few words, barely audible except to those immediately next to her.
"...I hope..."Bardulf lowers his hand, his stance remaining neutral. He had no real reason to trust these folks, but no reason to doubt them either. He looked back at the now empty space that once had the portal, and shook his head.
"Well, I'm going to need some time before I can just....leap into some "Great War". But...I know that what you say contains some truth. I don't know what it is but there is a heavy tension in this air. I won't ask much, but I do feel some questions are in order." He walked a few more paces forward to approach the group, still unable to discern anything distinguishing about any of them, and began to ask an array of questions. How the land was, what are the people like. The species of animals, plants, people. His "powers" that he had no idea how to bring forth just yet. Many many questions over the next hour were spilled forth, and the group of robed people answered with due diligence.
They told Bardulf of the land of Avalia, the events of the first Great War, as well as the executions of the beloved leaders. They explained the basic principles of his magic, and a basic idea of what the general races and kingdoms that populated Avalia. They spoke of the plan of the Sun Elves to summon humans to aid their side, and how they were specifically sent by the Royal Court in order to sprinkle the presence of humans across the land to further confuse the Dark Elves. After they had imparted as much general knowledge as they felt necessary, the middle figure took out a backpack, tossing it towards Bardulf with a heavy thud as it slapped against the ground.
"Take that rucksack, head eastward to the trade city of River Port. You will certainly find some friends there...and potentially enemies. But our time is up, the Royal Court has need of us elsewhere. For now, we wish you farewell." With a motion from the middle figure, all the robed mages began to walk deeper into the woods, their robes still hiding their feet as if they were gliding across the ground.
Bardulf could only watch as they left, still having so many questions. But he had grown tired of all the talking from them, already feeling drained from the days work back home, on top of the grieving he had been feeling. He looked again to the bouquet he had planned to lay at his late wife's grave. He sighed and placed the flowers at the base of a nearby tree, kneeling by the tree and speaking softly to himself.
"Oh my sweet Kristine...What have I gotten myself into now. Please, watch over me. I know you'd want to see me come out of this old shell. And I think it's about I....'Lived a little for once' as you would always tell me." He let out a soft chuckle, and stood up, oddly finding a compelling sense of wonder as he gazed about the new lands before him.
"I'll bring you back the most beautiful flower, just you watch." He picked up the bag and checked its contents. One bedroll, a mess kit, a tinderbox, a waterskin, and several strange coins he believe were called "amas". An assortment of silver, gold, and even a single platinum pieces amongst the midst, he counted around 300 amas in total. He secured the bag and slung it over his shoulder, giving the daisies he left by the tree one last look and nodding before heading eastward towards this "River Port" he had heard about, ready to explore the land of Avalia like a proper huntsman.