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In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: North Pass
Interaction: @helo Bowyn
Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, Honey Toasts, hygiene products, Gorestria Gem Ring
Female outfit, Light Bow & quiver of ArrowsOld outfit

Rue beamed at Bowyn’s response and turned to face her room. The door was cracked open and Moony was staring out at her. ”We’re going hunting. Want to come-” Rue began to inquire, but the wolf wasted no time. He bounded out of the room and over to her, unable to contain his excitement. He looked between them and began to head to the door, before halting and stopping to glance at them as if to say ‘well’?

Rue giggled and looked at Bowyn. ”I think he’s ready!” She paused and contemplated her ensemble. She tapped her chin thoughtfully, then raised her hand as if to immediate a lightbulb going off. ”Let me grab something - hold on.” Rue dashed off and left the wolf staring after her with confusion. Once she returned, she’d grabbed her lance and also her Mithiril Studded Leather Armor. She adjusted it and glanced at it and then back at Bowyn. ”Uh, how does it look?” She glanced at herself with wonder and then up at Bowyn shyly.

The wolf wagged his tail and nudged her arm in the direction of the door. ”Battle ready. I am proud of you. Now can we go please?”

Her gaze turned to her wolf and beamed at him. ”Lead the way my friend!” Moony huffed and bounded out of the building quickly. Rue followed and had made sure to walk slowly so Bowyn could join beside her. When they were outside, she saw the large group. There was strength in numbers, for sure, but.... She bit her lip and made a surprising choice. ”I say we take the day to ourselves for nostalgia.” She glanced at him, her choice surprising. She enjoyed his company and right now, it reminded her so much of home that she didn’t want to let go of it. ”...Will that be okay?”

The Sorian park was one of many gems of the kingdom. It was bathed in warm, golden rays from above. Birds chirped in the neatly-trimmed trees nearby while a few squirrels scurried around looking for food. If you were lucky, you might have spotted a few of the wild rabbits jumping around. The abundance of grass allowed for picnic benches adorned with ribbon. Nearby was an open field where families and couples had set up picnic blankets while others lounged under trees. Some even brought their own hammocks. In the middle of the park stood a grand fountain where water gleefully twinkled down. A few birds were taking a morning bath, undisturbed by the park’s events. People were tossing coins in it hoping naively, that their wildest dreams might come true. Several paths led from this to various areas of the park. The majority of it was fenced in, though it was opened around the entryways to allow ease of walking. A few families rode their bicycles together and were hungrily eyeing the delicious event. Others were playing croquet in the designated area.

Several iron benches were situated either by trees while a few not, allowing people to choose to sit in the shade or the sun. Near the benches were a few swings where a few kids were happily swinging and trying to see who could jump the highest. Their parents chatted idly while walking down a path that led around the park. Dog barks filled the air as people walked their canine friends. Lamp posts lined the path and would beautifully light up the area once the sun had set.

On the other side of the park was a gazebo. Wrapping around the gazebo sides like a blanket were flowers; passerby would discover the roses, daisies, petunias, and even tulips. The colors blended in together nicely like butter on a pancake. Speaking of, the pancake event was near the front of the park while the mysterious waffle man had set up camp across from it. The sweet smells seemed to lure in people from every direction.

The park, with the glee of children playing on the swings, parents walking and others awaiting their delicious breakfast, was little short of perfection.

Time: Morning
Location: Her bedroom

Attire: Her dress

When the light penetrated the underwhelming curtains, Layla’s eyes opened. She looked around and discovered she was on the floor but why? Hadn’t she gone to the party with her siblings and dreadful cousin? Did she drink passed her limit? Layla scowled and moved her hand and felt the cool scales of Zilal. With a faint smile, she pet him gently and then rolled over to stare at the ceiling. Why had she been on the floor? What happened last night? Groaning, she squeezed her eyes shut once more only to hear a disturbing noise. Her gaze flickered over to the doorway being pried open.

Scowling, Layla stood up too quickly and pressed a hand to her mouth and rushed to the bathroom. A few stumbles followed her and caused her to slam the door loudly. She clutched the sink and held onto it and squeezed her eyes shut. Why was the room spinning? The quiet movements of her guard, Ali, were heard but she ignored him. Repeated questions only bothered her more. He had to leave now, but if she didn’t respond, it only made it more suspicious.

Scowling, she turned to the door and called out authoritatively, ”Don’t you know not to bother me in the mornings? Get out!” It crushed her heart to yell at her servant, but she wanted him to leave. There was a pause, perhaps a moment of understanding and surprise, but finally, her wish was granted. Layla waited an additional ten minutes until she finally was able to sit down against the bathroom wall. She stared blankly ahead of her, not recognizing anything. Tears swelled up in her eyes and she blinked them away stubbornly. God she hated doing this. Why did humans have to cry like infants?

Finally, Layla stood up and quickly threw herself together. Once she returned to her room, she found Zilal curled up on the bed with a note beside him. Layla sauntered over to it, read it over then rolled her eyes. Their presence was required in the entrance hall. ”No thanks.” Layla tore the paper into shreds and then swept the remnants into the garbage bin beside her bed. A fragrance caught her attention and she whirled around to find that Ali had left her a single rose with some chocolate dessert beside her. Her eyes widened with glee and she excitedly pulled it over. ”Oh you know me so well, my dear Ali.” She grinned and began to eat, though guilt settled in once more. Her gaze flickered to the doorway. Once finished she found a maid and gave the dish back to them. Layla then returned back to her room.

In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: 2pm
Location: Guarav Village
Interactions: @Alivefalling Dante; @FunnyGuy Darius; @samreaper Menzai; @Blizz Isolde
Mentions: n/a

Aidan’s smile didn’t falter upon Dante’s “big reveal”. She had half expected him to pop out of the dirt like a daisy. She admired his skills, but his words made her roll her eyes. Fortunately, Menzai saved Dante from her snark as he began talking. Though she found it difficult to sit still and listen, she’d learned patience over the past four months. Some might call it discipline, but that word bugged her. His sharp gaze at her for her crude intro had caused her to grin with amusement.

The game, Menzai proposed, was finally something that sounded fun and intriguing. Once he finished explaining things, Isolde proposed they teamed up to fight the fog beast together. Months ago, she’d scoff at teamwork since hyper independence was her thing. Competition was fun to her and she always loved winning, even if she had to break some rules… or laws. However, Darius also made some excellent points, until he mentioned Dante her and running off together. This was enough to cause her to laugh mockingly at him. ”Oh, you and miss lightning would win, huh Want to put it to the test?” Her voice was teasing, yet there was a glint in her eyes. ”Though I wouldn’t mind being with Dante solo, I do think we should stick together… as much as it hurts me to say it.” Addie smirked and joined Dante’s side to spite them, though she angled her feet towards the others.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: 2pm
Location: Dugmaghord
Interactions: @13org Nuallán, @FunnyGuy Slick
Mentions: n/a

Rosaria listened to Nuallán and sighed. Trying to place herself in the world had been tough. At times she felt superior to others, yet others she felt inferior. It was incredibly awkward for her to interact with Avalians at times. He was right, she knew, but she didn’t want to think of others as less than her. For her, being born into the royal family granted her special privileges and access to magic, learning and defense that others did not. For that, she was grateful, and knew it bolstered her amongst her peers. She remained silent so she didn’t interrupt him. However, she did notice his rigidity and sought to soothe him. She turned and patted him on the shoulder comfortingly, letting him know it was all right before turning back around.

Unfortunately, Slick was feeling third wheeled and rightfully voiced his opinion. His words… took a different turn, and Rosaria nearly choked on air. He’d misunderstood what she had meant, but of course would have because he didn’t know Nuallán. Her cheeks flushed redder than the flames back at the camp. ”Oh my goodness, Slick that’s not - “ Rosaria protested, but he’d transitioned into a gallop. Sighing, the princess clicked her tongue and gave a quick squeeze of her calf and the horse quickly caught up. This time though, she didn’t reply, as her mind was racing too much with the last interaction.

They don’t call him Slick for nothing, that’s for sure…
Time: Morning
Location: Caseonia Streets
Attire: Here
Hair: Here

After reuniting with Buttercup, Persephone had sat against a wall in the barn and sobbed. A good night had turned into a disaster. From stealing the Ball’s food, reuniting with Kaz and dancing with Prince Auguste, her night had been going well. It seemed as if nothing would go wrong. However, it was fate that it would not end well and her luck would run out. After hearing the conversation with Count Asshole and Charlotte Vikena, her night had deteriorated quickly. After discovering Violet’s deceased and gory body, she’d met Charlotte in person now and a ragtag girl named Ruby. As her mind replayed the event’s, Persephone hugged her horse and cried the entire night. Then guilt would wash over her when she realized he’d be interrogated by Count Dipshit the next morning, and it would repeat. Sleep had become thus an option, and only when she’d exhausted herself emotionally, did it finally welcome her.

The following morning delivered more bad news to Persephone. Wanted posters of her face were pinned to every establishment. The reward was handsome. To her surprise, she was wanted alive. How they had managed to draw her so correctly stunned the vigilante. As Persephone laid on the ground and stared at the barn’s ceiling, contemplating how to end herself, it dawned on her again: Kazumin would be interrogated by Count Damien for something he hadn’t ever done. Rage boiled under the surface and she shot up at the cruel injustice. She wiped her eyes and sniffled, then looked at Buttercup who had woken up earlier and was munching on her hay.

Allowing her time to graze, Seph cleaned up in a nearby river and changed into some clothes she had…. acquired a few weeks ago. Whether or not it had been legal was up in the air. She pulled her hair into a low bun tightly and pulled her hood over her face to help conceal her face. Prior to leaving, she fixed herself a delicious breakfast and relished in the delight of it being stolen from the ball. Once full, she discarded the evidence quickly with a fire she also put out. Her gaze would become stony and impassive whenever she looked at fire. It felt as if she were being mauled alive by ants. Nothing else mattered in the moment until the flames were extinguished and the last pillows of smoke had faded. Once out of the trance, Persephone assessed her surroundings. Her horse had moved away from the fire to graze.

”Buttercup, are you up for a ride, girl?” Her horse looked up and knickered. With a soft smile, Persephone went over to her and tacked her up quickly. Once mounted, Persephone picked up the reins and urged her into a quick walk and eventually transitioned into a gallop. With her bow over her shoulder, quiver of arrows around her waist, and miscellaneous weapons, she was ready. As a wanted rebel or not, there was a rescue mission for a cowlicked blonde with an obsession with pudding waiting for her. While the young rebel rode, a plan formulated in her mind.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon
Location: North Pass
Interaction: @helo Bowyn
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, food, hygiene products, Old outfit
New purchases: Female outfit, Bow & quiver of Arrows (*I will edit this after I give it more thought.*)

Rue beamed at his response. Not only had he said yes which made her heart flutter, but she loved Utada’s. That had been one of her favorite places in North Pass. He’d said yes… Was this more than just friends going to dinner? His words had teetered on the edge of friendship and dating. This was something she'd put aside for now and focus on enjoying Bowyn's company. In her eyes, his company was her favorite's and something she'd never tire of either. Blushing now, and taking time to think, Rue glanced at the paper in her hand and felt his gaze upon it also. Did he want to go hunting or relax? She’d have to find out.

”I have Bardulf’s paper to go hunting. Would you like to join him? I don’t think the duckling and its mother are going.” Rue commented quietly, knowing they were out of earshot and enjoyed poking fun at Kaleb and Eris. She paused, and folded her hands behind her back and added, ”Or we could enjoy the beautiful snow! Up to you.”
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: 2pm
Location: Dugmaghord
Interactions: @13org Nuallán, @FunnyGuy Slick &
Mentions: @Mole Aurora

Nuallán's embarrassment caused Rosaria to blush furiously. She ducked her head and pretended to be adjusting the stirrups. Fortunately, Slick was busy conversing with Aurora, so she doubted he’d seen. When it faded, she straightened up after seeing Nuallán's hand patting Sugar and knew he was on the horse. His presence behind her was… comforting, but awkward, since she wasn’t used to it. Still, she didn’t mind his company, and found herself enjoying being… closer to him. She knew he could have kept up on his own, yet having him part of the conversation and nearby, was also enjoyable.

Nonetheless, she leaned forward and picked up the reins. With a click of her tongue and squeeze of her legs, Sugar joined Champ by transitioning into a light trot and kept pace with him. She smirked at his question and shook her head lightly. A crease formed over her eyebrows as she glanced at him. ”I did have times where I was arrogant and my parents humbled me by showing me the dangers and horrors of Avalia. I’ll never forget those memories.” Rosaria continued speaking, far more than she was used to with strangers.”I grew up and matured quicker than most of my peers because of that. When you take away my title, I’m just another light elf. I'm expendable.” She paused, then turned to face forward to keep her eyes on the trail. ”I learned to take pride in being who I am and in the family, because I am in the position to help make Avalia a better place.”

She paused, before adding quietly, ”I was too buried in training, magic, and studies to make friends and the ones I had weren’t interested in doing what I was doing. Some Avalians looked down on me for my status and made it awkward to interact with others.” She realized she may have dampened the mood and added brightly, ”But I have my wonderful sister, and the greatest butler in the world now.”

Speaking of her butler... Rosaria grinned and glanced over her shoulder at him. ”Too bad we missed the opportunity to see you unleashed. Maybe on the way back?” With a wink, she turned to face forward once more.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: 2pm
Location: Dugmaghord
Interactions: @13org Nuallán, @FunnyGuy Slick & @Mole Aurora

”No need to dilly dally, Slick.” Rosaria turned to him with a gentle smile. ”I don’t want to make others do what they don’t want to.” Gratitude filled her when she saw the small group. This could help her to get to know Slick better, but she wouldn’t force it either. Her gaze moved to Aurora and her conversation with Slick. If anything, Rosaria was thankful those two had become friends. It had been interesting to watch them together, yet Rosaria was glad her advisor had made more friends. ”Aurora, I enjoy your company. Please know you’re always welcome.”

She let out a relieved sigh and turned to Sugar who was grazing nearby. Rosaria whistled and the horse turned her head to face her. ”You up for hunting, sweetheart?” Sugar snorted in response. ”I’ll take that as a yes.” She snickered, then mounted Sugar and turned to Nuallán. ”Do you want to sit up here with me? Keep lookout?” She grinned as she held her hand out to him. The past four months with the humans and the orcs had forced her to keep her guard up. Though she could relax, she most often didn’t when training. When she was around Nuallán and Aurora, Rosaria found it easiest to relax the most around him. Therefore, her less serious attitude came out around Nuallán. She didn’t mind joking with the humans, but it was slightly difficult when she had a thousand years of life over them. Rosaria turned to Slick. ”Ready?”
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