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In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: North Pass
Interaction: @helo Bowyn

”I think we can use our magic and Moony could help out a bit too. Maybe… Maybe others could help?” Rue’s voice trailed off. In her mind’s eye, she pictured the winter fae village and how desperately hungry they had become. She couldn’t let him or the others down! They were counting on her. With a frown, she turned away from Bowyn. Then, she began lining up her shot for the moose.

Bowyn’s voice broke her reverie. It sounded familiar and warm, much like his old self. Rue aimed her bow at the moose. It was a large target but a good distance away. With nervous concentration, Rue pulled the string back and released her arrow. Unfortunately, it hit a squirrel who had been in the wrong place at the wrong time. A frown crossed her face and she lowered her bow. She paused and looked back at Bowyn.

”Oh no… I’m sorry.” Her voice was softer and lighter than the breeze. Now she felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment. How could she miss such a big target? ”I’ll….” Rue’s voice trailed off momentarily. If she missed again, then what? Moony glanced back at her and Rue felt embarrassment wash over her. ”...Try again.” Rue aimed her bow once more and fired the next shot, hoping against hope that she’d been more successful.

Time: Morning
Location: Danrose Palace Outside
Interactions: @Helo Leo, @Aerandir Verrick, @JJ Doe Riona
Aesthetic: Sadie’s Dress, Shoes & Hair

Sadie smiled at Leo and nodded eagerly. ”There’s a horse race? Awesome! Maybe we can go together later. I do think you’re good company!” She exclaimed and watched him bow again. Her scrutiny of him gave away three things; he was uncomfortable, there was tension, and he looked ready to jump out of his skin. The corners of her mouth fell slightly, though she repainted the same smile on her face. You fucked up again Sadie. Can’t you stop doing that? You are so annoying! She pretended not to notice though and nodded to him. ”You can go, Leo. You don’t need to wait for permission again but thanks!” During this time, Riona had left.

The familiar voice of Verrick distracted Sadie from her thoughts. She whirled around and the radiant smile returned to her expression. Her eyes lit up like a puppy and she nearly bounced on her feet. Verrick, her favorite guard! His grumpiness would not perturb ”You’ll be guarding me? Awesome!!!” Sadie wanted to hug him, but refrained from doing so. ”Oh the events are near each other? That’s great! I think some food while watching the archery competition would be great! Let’s go now! Time is of the essence!” Riona had soon come back with a cloth to clean her hands. After Riona washed her hand for her, Sadie smiled wide. ”It’s good to see you too! I’d love to hangout with you later.”

Now it left Verrick and her alone. She relaxed more now and smiled at him pleasantly and clasped her hands behind her back. “Are you ready to go? I am. I am so excited to spend summer with you!” The traces of her anxiety were beneath the surface, but as long as she focused elsewhere, it would be fine…

Time: Morning
Location: Archery Competition
Attire: Outfit
Interactions: None
Mentions: @Tae Thea @Rodiak Matthias @Alivefalling Tsuki

The night had been a blur for Ezra. He remembered walking into the party and seeing his princess; knew he had bought her an extra drink, and then it was hazy. It infuriated him that he had been so close and had not taken her yet. Torie had told him that the Queen, Wystan and the others had shown up to bring their imbecile nobles home. Knowing he had been dragged home by his friends without the princes had caused him a restless night's sleep.

However, his night hadn’t been in vain. While the castle had been emptied after the party, he’d asked Faith to search Anastasia’s room. It was there she had found her diary and taken it home with her. Ezra had read some of it over, but it was still a work in process. The next move he had taken was to dye his hair black, and also cut it short. It was an extra precaution to avoid being recognized for any mayhem he had been involved in the night prior… and also for another reason.

The fury of the night events, though punctured with his momentary gratitude for Faith’s stealth, drove him to the archery competition. He needed to blow off steam and this would be a perfect opportunity to embarrass these ridiculous nobles. He saw Matthias and Thea, along with some man with long hair he had never seen. Ezra didn’t care who he was and thought of him as a freak. Seeing the Varian nobles only incensed him further while tension boiled under the surface. All of them were insignificant yet so self-obsessed. They were just like everyone he had met growing up, especially the cruel man who had killed Louis. They had everything, yet they acted childish and irresponsible. They acted as though they were above the peasant who were the backbone of this disgusting country. They had it all but it was never enough.

His mind raced as he paced back and forth like a caged tiger. He remembered her speaking so sweetly and reaching her hand across the table to console him…. Her voice sounded as angelic as it had that night…. If he didn’t win this…. If he didn’t take what was rightfully his…. Ezra clenched his fists.

All he could see was red. He strung another arrow on his bow as he pondered his method; he had already signed up for the skilled category and now waited to hear the announcement. His gaze slid to Thea. Wasn’t that alcoholic brat the princess’ friend? He stored it in the back of his mind while a sly grin crossed his face. Maybe his luck would start improving….

His mind flashed back to Anna feeding Wystan cake. A surge of hatred flowed through him so powerfully he thought he might faint from it. He glared at the announcer as if he could intimidate him into starting the competition any sooner. Where were these slow fuckers at?
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Interaction: Barboda @Alivefalling, Helio @princess
Tesoro aka “Rat” @Infinite Cosmos, Nym @helo
Location: Roshmi City Streets -> Tavern

Tigerlily knew pain, both physical and psychological, and had endured over a decade of both. Life offered escapes through self harm, drinking, and drugs. She could both compel and forget memories through her magic. She could busy herself and work so hard her hands bled. She could be around Helio as a form of punishment towards herself. Lily could swim in the coldest water and come aboard the Harem freezing cold. At times she could get into fights and allow the numbness to overwhelm her. Being in Roshmi City brought all of these methodologies to a halt. Her mind had raced and recoiled as she was brought closer and closer to the shores of the city that brought her world tumbling down and forever changing her and many others lives. Needing to stay sane and aware had caused her to fill up more and more with anxiety and tension that she thought she could explode from.

Strolling through the streets and seeing the many merchants mingling with the Dark Elves made her want to scream. Her heart hasn't stopped racing for over a month. Tigerlily twirled the seashell she’d found over in her hands. The sharpness of it reminded her to stay present and not to drown in the memories she was holding back. With her hood over her face and her hair tied back into a net bun, Tigerlily surveyed the area. There weren’t any hints or whispers of the missing duo.

There was nothing but cruelty around her. Demihumans cowered in fear and ran their shops and nervously eyed everything around them. Light elves were hustling around to avoid the Dark Elves. A few of them were so nervous they’d knocked over someone’s drink and caused a fight to break out. Tigerlily didn’t look back to confirm the yelps and cries she heard and knew the dark elves had intervened. Her heart would ache, if only she could feel anything other than her own terror for the others.

Sighing, Tigerlily glanced up for the tavern her crew would be in and ducked into it. She arrived to find Helio on the ground and Barboda next to him. It didn’t take much to deduce he was drugged and acting like a fool, while Nym sat nearby. The Rat was absent, but she knew he was safe. Tigerlily kept her hood on as she strode through the patrons and over to Nym.

”Nothing,” she told him quietly. The mystery of what the subject was would confuse anyone listening. Nym though, would understand her message. Tigerlily let out a sigh. Pain was reflected in her eyes, though her expression was unreadable. ”And it’s getting worse by the day.”
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: 2pm
Location: Guarav Village
Interactions: @Alivefalling Dante; @FunnyGuy Darius; @samreaper Menzai; @Blizz Isolde
Mentions: n/a

Listening to Menzai’s addition of the rules caught her attention. His seriousness was opposite from his careless indifference. Despite it though, she was rather sad about having to run away if they couldn’t beat this mysterious fog beast. Whatever the hell it was, had to be serious enough for this wolf to act this way. She sighed and nodded her agreement, unable to reply without being a smartass. Isolde and Darius further backed up the replies.

”I agree with the others.” Her voice sounded slightly painful, but she was ignoring what her old self would have done over the new one.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: 2pm
Location: Dugmaghord
Interactions: @13org Nuallán, @FunnyGuy Slick
Mentions: n/a

Rosaria slowed to a light trot next to Slick and turned to face him. She ignored the lovebird's comment in order to focus, but her cheeks reddened. There wasn’t any time to think of that now….

Rose halted her horse and patted her neck while replying, ”I agree. I think we’re more than capable of handling whatever is ahead of us.” Her voice was lighter and softer than the breeze in Dugmaghord. ”I can make us invisible until we get closer. Do you want me to?” She glanced at Nuallan for his commentary as well.

While waiting for a reply, she dismounted from Sugar then tied her up next to Champ so the two could graze together.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: River Fairy Kingdom
Interactions: @Helo Orias, @CitrusArms Aiko, @princess Yuka,

Rolling out of bed earlier than the others throughout the four months, Xavier had busied himself with training. He had focused mostly on magic, but also perfecting the art of the sword and bow. Learning the Avalian customs, specifically the fairies, had been a challenge. He knew how to take care of things his way which sometimes clashed with the fairies. The way they hunted, prayed and even existed were completely foreign to him. Xavier respected it and had started participating in the kingdom’s daily routines and rituals. Some of the fairies had inquired about his world and thus, began explaining how it worked in his world. He’d managed to befriend a group of fairy kids who hung out with him at night to listen to his stories.

When he’d learned about the execution of the fairy prince Echo and the plight of his older brother Helio, he’d found himself boiling with anger. Hearing the pain in the King and Queen’s eyes had caused his heartstrings to pull. What was wrong with these Dark Elves? He was extremely grateful only he had been brought here instead of Rose, Grace, or Jessamine. He didn’t know if they could handle the tragedies this world was experiencing. Xavier was somewhat bitter about being brought here due to worrying about his home life. However, there were a few light elves that lived here that reassured him no harm would come to his world and would be back within a minute’s time of disappearing. This had helped ease his worries and allowed him to relax more.

Today was a holiday for Avalia, one he couldn’t quite remember, but one he respected. Hunting had been on the agenda that day and thus, he had allowed himself to sleep in to conserve his energy. It had been his kryptonite though; his dreams were mixed from his world and Avalia’s. Some of his dreams were pleasant while others twisted into a nightmare and kept him up while the others slept. He looked around and found Yuka’s bed empty and knew the lioness was up. His heart hammered as he quickly got out of bed and readied himself for the day. Finally, he was ready to join the others and greeted them with a radiant smile.

Yuka had been a pleasant surprise for him. Though she had her antics and … quirks, as he’d prefer to call them, he’d patiently adjusted to her. She reminded him of Jessamine, but was also quite different. He’d been patient and kind, only occasionally losing his temper which drew out his dry and sarcastic humor. Xavier could tell she’d been through traumatic experiences by her actions and words, and he’d informed her that he was there for her unconditionally. The two had grown quite close eventually and he thoroughly enjoyed her company. There wasn’t much she could do to surprise him now, and he’d found that she had rubbed off on him with her humor. ”Looking as fierce as ever.” He greeted her and looked at the other two.

Orias had been hiding his secret and once he’d discovered why, couldn’t blame him. He was a valuable ally, with hundreds of years of knowledge and experience. Training with him had been a blessing and he looked forward to doing so. Since he’d been wary of Aiko earlier, he’d been tense upon learning he was a demon. Despite it, he’d learned to overcome his initial fear and befriend him. The dreamwalking demon had been knowledgeable and useful with helping him learn the darkness of Avalia.

”Sorry for being late.” He finally commented and tried not to show his tiredness by grinning even more. ”Are we ready to go?”
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: North Pass
Interaction: @helo Bowyn

“As beautiful and fierce as the apex of winter, even Alysia herself trembles with envy.”

Bowyn’s words caused a fierce blush over Rue’s porcelain skin. For a moment she was speechless and instead, ducked her head and smiled fiercely. The compliment warmed her heart like the honeytoast she’d found in Riverport. Once it had finally passed, Rue giggled at what he’d said next. “That noisy bunch? Surely they’re going to scare off anything worth hunting in an instant. We’ll get a head start, show ‘em how it’s done.”

”They definitely will.” Rue agreed and headed off in the opposite direction of the group. It was cold, her favorite wolf and Avalian were with her, and it reminded her of old times. Times where they didn’t worry about a war or fighting for their land and the Twin-Headed Morons weren’t threatening their world’s existence. Times were easier than, sure the community struggled at times, but they’d all make it through whatever obstacle came their way. Bowyn’s next words pulled her out of her reverie and caused another fierce blush to cover her face.

“And there is no company I’d prefer to yours.”

”I agree, Bowyn,” Rue replied and managed a shy glance his way with an ear-to-ear smile. Moonlight moved ahead and began sniffing around for the scent of nearby prey. His head perked up and he trotted ahead of them into the woods. Momentarily confused, Rue hesitated, then quickly followed the wolf. Ahead of them was a moose. Moony squatted to the ground near a bush for cover, then looked back at them to see if they'd noticed. ”Good boy,” Rue whispered and patted his head affectionately. She took her bow out and quietly strung an arrow, then glanced at Bowyn. ”Do you want first dibs?”

Time: 9:30am
Location: Danrose Palace Outside
Interactions: @Helo Leo & @JJ Doe Riona
Aesthetic: Sadie’s Dress & Hair

The doors to a carriage shut loudly; striding forward with guards lingering behind her stood Princess Sadie. She grinned as she glanced around the familiar castle. It was as beautiful as ever! Sadie began thinking of the Danrose children, specifically, Annie, who she said was her sister from another life. She was beyond excited to see her friend again. Her suitcases were in her hand because she refused to let the servants carry her belongings. It was her stuff so why should they? She hated to make them do needless work. ”Princess SAADDIIEE has arrived!” She called to the few watching Caesonian servants and guards who simply raised their eyebrows at her with confusion and curiosity.

Sadie’s gaze, filled with wonder and excitement while surveying the outside of the castle, soon exploded with joy once she saw Riona and Leo standing together. Like an excited puppy, she turned to face them and strutted over to them quickly. ”Oh dear Leo! It’s been AGES since I’ve seen you!” Truthfully, it had been perhaps a week, but to her, it had been too long. She hugged him and then noticed the scent on his shoes. Curiously, Sadie bent down, took out a cloth from her pocket, and began to scrub at it. ”Were you helping in the stables? Aren’t horses the best!” Sadie stood up and grinned at him.

Then, turning to face Riona, she smiled pleasantly at her. ”And Miss Riona! It’s good to see you too. How are you?” She attempted to take her hands and squeeze them gently. There, Sadie also noticed the peculiar smell and leaned closer to her to sniff her hair and then let go of her hands. ”You also smell like horses and manure. Do you need to take a shower? You could use the one in my room!" She put her hands on her hips. ”A pretty lady like you deserves it!”

Sadie then looked down at her dirty hands and frowned. Huh. That hadn’t been there before! She shrugged and looked at the two of them. Seeing as they were all equally dirty now, wrapped her arms around them and pulled them both into a hug, so they were all in close quarters. ”I am so glad to spend the summer with you two. We should all hang out later!” Sadie giggled and let go of them both, and nodded to her guards to bring her belongings to her room. Her mind reeled with the events listed for the day. One of her guards had detailed them to her during the journey.

”I heard there are pancakes in the park! How exciting! And the Alidasht kingdom is here too? And they have the taste of Alidasht? So cool! Who wants to go with me? Oh, and isn’t there an archery competition? Amazing!” Sadie bounced on the balls of her feet while waiting for their replies.

Banjo Music
Shooting Range

"Welcome to the hundred and eighth Sorian Summer Archery tournament! I am your host Harry Morgan, and I will be here all summer. Though the competition started at 9 am, we will accept new players until 10 am. Please come one and all if you think you have what it takes to be the champion of Caesonia!”

The archery competition sat in a large open field with neatly cut grass. The sun illuminated the field and basked it in its warm rays. There were chairs and refreshments set up for viewers a safe distance away from the field. An old man is peacefully playing the banjo as he sits upon a tree stump. Ahead of them stood a white dotted line box for competitors. In the practice area, targets are lined according to skill level and varying distances to allow players to warm up. The targets were well kept and, thus, easily readable. There was a post at each section with two hooks to allow the archers to hang up their bows, while the next hook held a quiver filled with the allotted amount of arrows. For the competition, there were a few targets all at the same distance to ensure fair play. These were positioned closer to some seating stands, where an audience was already gathered. Since the competition had started thirty minutes ago, players were already lined up and shooting away.

All those who enter the competition will be pitted against another tournament style in brackets. Whoever obtains the most points is declared the winner and allowed to move forward in the tournament to their next opponent. Once your character enters, have them shoot an arrow at the target. The NPC will randomly generate where the arrow hits and how many points you receive. If your character has in their skill set that they have prior archery knowledge, there will be a higher chance of your character receiving higher points. No editing this in!

You will each get three turns with four arrows each turn.
The higher you go in the competition, the more distance will be set between your character and the target. This means the chances will lessen.
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