Time: Morning
Location: Archery Range -> Festival at the Park
Interactions: @Aerandir Verrick & @Blizz Lyra
Mentions: @princess Annie and Charlotte, @helo Leo, @Lava Alckon Farim
Sadie’s Dress, Shoes & Hair
As Sadie watched Verrick’s internal dialogue, she glanced around. There were many families and couples heading to the Festival. She noticed Princess Annie colliding with an exotic looking gentleman she guessed was from Alidasht. Sadie smirked and decided to store it in the back of her mind for later. Her attention was brought back to Verrick with his low voice. Her gaze fixated on him with intensity and fought back a sigh. The protectiveness he held over her was endearing, given what had occurred in her life; yet she hoped she could have more flexibility coming to Caesonia.
Once he’d examined his options and reached his conclusion, she was on the edge of her seat. His proposal caused her to chew her lip. If there was trouble like there had been with the waffles and poor Charlotte, she wasn’t sure she could stand back. The other alternative though reminded her of the trouble she’d been in the past. The idea of a bad incident occurring made Sadie wonder if perhaps she shouldn’t go. If she could have chewed her fingernails off, she would have. The sweet and salty aromas from the festival wafted over and made her turn her head to stare longingly after them. If there was trouble, would she be helpful anyways? What if she made things worse…?
”I don’t think you need anymore though, Princess.”
”You sure you want that buffet, Sade? You’re not very ladylike, are you? All your inventions - I mean toys - you're a child... That’s what he keeps telling me, anyway....”
“No need to further bore you with my thoughts, I should clean up a bit and head out. Enjoy your morning Your Highness.”
Further bore you with my thoughts…. More like I bored you.....
Was she boring Verrick, was he following her because he had too? She realized she’d been silent for longer than necessary and turned around with a smile on her face. ”Of coooourse! Let’s go!” She beamed at him and took his hand and began leading him. Her smile masqueraded her true inner feelings, and for now, she’d ride that wave for as long as she could.
Once they arrived at the festival, her eyes widened. There was so much to see and do! And the aroma of the food? She almost began to salivate at the mouth. Her gaze moved everywhere and tried to take everything in at once. Though she mostly saw couples, families, and friends, there was one woman sitting alone. From her attire, posture, and vibe, it seemed as though she wasn't a simple commoner. Was she alone on purpose or was something wrong? Either way, it would be upsetting if she remained alone with so many fun things to do! Sadie knew the ache of feeling alone, and didn’t want this woman to contend with it longer than she had too.
While in her reverie, she had moved towards her at a calm but purposeful pace and stopped once she was close enough. Sadie blinked in surprise, then mustered a gracious smile and waved, whilst knowing Verrick would have her head. She remained cautious, but polite and friendly, and greeted her.
”Hi! I’m Sadie - Princess Sadie of Varian Kingdom-” She giggled and corrected herself and continued. ”I see you’re sitting alone and wanted to know if you’d like some company? It’s okay if not! I just… I just know what it’s like to be.. To be alone…I can just go away too if you’d prefer?” Oh no. Had she said too much? Would she annoy her like she annoyed Leo? Would Verrick be disappointed in her? The questions raced through Sadie’s mind, but not as fast her own heart was.