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Time: 11:00am
Location: Princes’ Court > Festival At the Park
Attire: Her outfit & hair
Interactions: @Rodiak Nahir
Mention: @Rodiak Zarai ★ @Inertia Auguste ★ @helo Callum ★ @SausagePat Ruby ★

After leaving the Princes Court, Layla glanced at the other princes and their prospective future wives. She noticed the odd-looking multi-colored peasant speaking with Callum on God only knew what; then the noblewoman covered in bruises speaking with Auguste. She paused to admire the lady’s hair, then turned away as she had better things to do than hang with the rabble.

Layla briefly retired to her room to check if it’d been cleaned properly and was proud to find the maid wasn’t as stupid as she looked. There was chocolate waiting for her that she smirked at and quickly devoured. Layla then looked at the newspaper once more. Out of all the events, The Festival at the Park sounded decent. She wasn’t in the mood to hunt, nor watch an execution, despite how delightful they might be. Besides, the sun would be enriching for Zilal who’d been cooped up in the buildings. She changed into lighter clothing and pulled her hair out of her face. Next, she grabbed a parasol and spun it around gleefully before turning to her snake. ”Fancy some sunlight, Zilal?” He flicked his tongue and began slithering towards the door. Layla giggled and followed him out.

”Ali!” She called, seeing the familiar tall and slender frame and dark hair of her favorite servant, Ali. He spun around and nodded to her, waiting for her orders. ”We’re going to the Festival; fetch my palanquin will you?” He nodded and quickly left. When he returned, he escorted her out of the guest house and towards her palanquin where several servants waited. During the journey on her palanquin, Layla used a mirror to fix her hair to ensure it was perfect, while another servant fanned her.

After arriving, Layla surveyed the scenery before her while Zilal wrapped himself back around her shoulders so he wasn’t lost. It was an odd sight, seeing all the tacky booths and hopeful workers vying for attention and money. The sweet, savory, and salty aromas piqued her interest, but she wasn't sure what to try first. Towards the back, she noticed the games and watched with curiosity. How interesting, she thought, watching the duck tank while people screamed with laughter and delight. There were a few people she would love to dunk… permanently.

The amount of people here caused her stomach to churn. It was filled with rabble and nobles alike, something she disagreed with. Her gaze traveled to a trio near the bench and then away. What could she do here, she wondered? Could she let loose and be herself? Her gaze moved to her guards and Ali then let a thought die before it could form.

Layla continued walking forward when she noticed her dear sister, Nahir. A sigh of relief escaped her and she strode towards her purposefully. The crowd parted to make room for her which she admired. At least they had the sense to get out of her way! ”Sister Nahir. What a delightful surprise.” Layla greeted and smiled genuinely at her. ”This is quite different from home, isn’t it?” She offered her arm to her to link through if she wanted. ”Shall we continue the festivities together?"
Wulfric & Layla

Interaction: @Terrance420 Alden

Alden approached him, but as soon as the man dared call him ‘my boy’, Wulfric gave him a frosty warning glare. “Do take care of your forms of address, advisor. One in your current position should not forget themselves so.” Lest it be taken away from you was the abundantly clear implication. At his ‘advice’, he huffed an unamused breath. “Oh, please. Don’t tell me you have been away long enough to have forgotten this, too.” He didn’t clarify what ‘this’ was, however; that he disliked uselessness, that such a woman would clearly be of no interest to him, or something else. “Go take care of that instead,” he motioned with his head to the foreign warrior-man who wished to speak to the king.


The women were led closer, and Wulfric met the gaze of one Layla Kadir. He stood up and gave her a just-polite-enough Caesonian bow, but retained the eye contact, small, sharp smile in place. “What an unexpected yet welcomed surprise, Shehzadi.”

Layla ignored the other two ladies and instead, focused on Wulfric. His bow caused her to smirk, though she didn’t return one to him. Would he be able to earn a customary Alidasht bow by the end of their chat? It would certainly be exciting to find out. “I’m full of surprises, Wulfric. At least you can pronounce our titles right.” Layla’s voice carried proudly and smugly while she and Zilal neared the table. Her gaze was locked onto Wulfric; she hadn’t moved to glance anyone elses’ way. The eyes of the waiting peasants were like daggers in her back, but she didn’t turn to address them. A whisper had broken out amongst the foul; namely, they were not thrilled she had cut before them and was now seated with the eldest prince. Her guards stayed a fair distance behind, but were near enough to strike if necessary.

The prince leaned a hip against his table, waiting for her approach. Once close enough, and if she wished to sit, he would do the gentlemanly thing, and hold out the guest-designated chair for her. A simple task that he’d indeed perform with perfection and no mischief, even though he’d decided to subtly needle her with his words.

“But truly, there is hardly any need for someone of your status to come line up with the rest of this lot,” he smiled in a way that he knew flattered him, and impressed company. Yet there was the barest hint of a smirk bleeding through when he next spoke. “Though of course, if you wished to proclaim your intention to marry one of us, this would make for a prime opportunity,” he teased.

When Layla approached the table, she eyed the chair. That was enough for Wulfric to pull out the chair and for her to sit in. Once she was seated, Zilal slowly began to wind himself around the chair until he was at shoulder height. His gaze locked on Wulfric and he didn’t back down from staring him down. Layla petted his head softly while she eyed him with a cold and amused expression. The prince reciprocated Zilal’s stare, then sat down, faint smile playing about his lips.

His subtle jab made her eyebrows raise and her lips curl into a smirk. “Sitting with your kingdom’s constituents was not a punishment I’d hope to endure for long. To be fair, they are amusing, thinking they have a chance.” She then continued after his next statement and pretended as if he’d flattered her and batted her eyelashes. While doing so, she continued to gaze at him without hinting that she was studying him.

Wulfric took on a slightly more somber countenance, and for a short moment, his intent seemed entirely serious. “Whether a chat, or something more, I do feel that I have to apologize that Your Highness has been made to wait.” A blink, and then followed a change in tune if not in tone. “Especially when you’ve not only had to comingle with such rabble, but come behind them,” he shook his head, and touched a palm to his chest, as if saddened and pained. However, it secretly amused him that she might feel slighted by this minor inconvenience, especially since it was one of her own making.

The range of emotion and body language from the eldest son revealed many things. First, he was well groomed and trained. The responsibilities and demands of being next in line weren’t lost on Wulfric. While his other brothers may lack the grace and professionalism he had, Wulfric excelled. With the king sitting behind them a fair distance away, she knew the pressure was on him and not her. Second, he was challenging her and he seemed to adapt to doing so. He was on the same intellectual level and it was a relief to find someone who was. Third… Mayet had also danced with him, and the two seemed to get on fair. This wasn’t something Layla would forget. She continued studying and listening to him with a cold amusement.

After a quick, slyly assessing look from under his lashes, Wulfric added, “Such an unfortunate occasion when commoners advance ahead of royalty, wouldn’t you say?” He paused for effect, then continued. “Well, since you were looking forward to this so much, you could have the unique opportunity to be the first – and only one – to have your pick of one of us, if you so wish.” The prince looked at her, subtly challenging, and wondered if she’d simply leave, or choose to snub him and go to one of his brothers instead.

“It is a tragedy to be amongst the rabble, you are correct. Had I needed to wait more, I might have fed them to Zilal. These poor commoners came with their hopes and dreams, only to have them crushed beneath their feet.” Layla feigned sympathy and mockingly frowned as if she’d cared. Then, she let it drop, and focused intently on Wulfric, and her cold amusement returned once more. His challenge delighted her and she took her time pondering it. She placed a hand on her cheek and glanced up as if it were an intense decision.

“And to leave you to mingle with the rabble and to have to wait? We all know you won’t find another diamond amongst the rough.” Layla stared at him as if he’d upset her now, though there was a smirk hidden beneath it. Though she didn’t look back, she indiciated it with a tilt of her head. She waved her hand away as if the idea were a bothersome fly and now allowed the hint of a sly smirk poke through. “Wulfric, you wound me.”

Wulfric found himself watched, and returned it with keen, yet indirect observation of his own. His challenge was being met, which pleased him. Here, then, was the kind of opponent he might look forward to matching wits with. Superficially, Layla was similar to him in a few ways. Watchful, crafty, seeking to be entertained…He wondered idly what he’d find if he dug deeper. Humiliation would be one weapon to use against her, for she did not suffer it easily. He recalled how she and Mayet both had reacted with outrage during the fiasco at the ball. For that thoughtless behavior, they had been scolded by their father. The way they reacted to indignity was alike to the Vizier’s. The trio was similarly sensitive – or perhaps, volatile was the better descriptor. They all were far too self-important, as well. It was curious then, that while Wulfric felt only dismissive disdain for their uncle, he was willing to be more tolerant of the Shehzadis’ quirks.

“Should I consider myself fortunate, then, that I needn’t have bothered with any sifting, and you sought me out instead?” He offered her a little grin, as if in shared understanding of how obviously the answer was ‘yes’. All while poking her with the idea that she was just so very interested in him, something they both knew to be untrue.

At her last remark, he smiled with fake sweetness. “Ah, my apologies, Layla.” Though it sounded convincing enough, the concession was a false one. All part of their little game, of course. More to the point, he’d used her given name. He generally preferred to include titles, but since she’d taken her own permission to be so familiar with him, he had no issue reciprocating. “I am glad that you are so eager,” he allowed his lips to curl just like hers had.

Layla could feel his gaze burning into her and decided not to acknowledge it. They had one another’s attention and it would not easily be torn apart. A haughty smirk remained painted over her lips. They matched wits and tendencies, though their differences were overcast. While the eldest Prince continued to speak, Layla listened intently. Unfortunately, a ringing in her ears began and thus, she clutched the edge of the chair out of Wulfric’s line of vision. His statement, though lightly troublesome to hear, caused her to snicker. She didn’t bother responding to it.

Though she wouldn’t admit it out loud, she was impressed. The fake sweetness was as if she’d been staring in a mirror. Layla knew she’d met her match and managed a quick grin, then it disappeared. “Well, Wulfric,” Her voice dripped with similar sweetness, mixed with venom, “would have been a shame for you to sit here all by yourself, no?”

At that, an incredulous laugh escaped the prince’s lips. “Oh…Layla.” He had almost called her by her title again, but his lingering chuckle gave him enough leave to correct to her given name. “What a marvelous sense of humour you have,” he stated dryly. He couldn’t help slowly shaking his head in disbelief at the ridiculousness of her sentence. He laid his head upon his palm, surveying her with amusement. “Have you any idea how many want me? Think they can have me?” Dead or alive, he mused to himself darkly as he watched her with a glint in his eye. Though his question had been rhetorical, Wulfric nonetheless provided the answer. “Far, far too many.”

Languidly, he continued with the previous line of conversation. “Speaking of diamonds in the rough,” he said, ignoring that the Shehzadi had altered the conventional phrasing of the idiom to suit her own purposes. “You do, I note, give yourself far too little credit,” he lied smoothly. “What use would someone with your shine have for a backdrop like that?” The prince mimicked Layla’s head tilt with a brief glance towards the crowd behind her.

“I would like to know if there is someone who would claim that you lack polish.” He had considered adding how it might be futile to appeal to someone like that, to tease at the idea of how she was trying so hard to be noticed. However, he stopped as he saw her stare, and picked up his head from where he’d put it on his hand before. Tilting his chin, he wondered if he’d unexpectedly hit the mark, or if it was something else.

The ringing began growing with intensity, so she continued to focus harder on the conversation. Her heart began racing. Whether he sensed it or not, Zilal rested his head on her shoulder, a similar act he would do when he could tell she was becoming unwell. Layla focused more intently, perhaps her gaze became more intense. The familiar throbbing in her head caused her a quick scowl before it, too, disappeared behind the veil of arrogance and superiority.

Wulfric played with the idea of engaging in a silent staring match, but his focus shifted on Zilal, who had moved. He eyed the king cobra, curled as it was around the chair and the woman’s shoulders. “A wonderful companion that you have, as well. Potently venomous, hm?” He smiled faintly, and redirected his gaze to Layla. “Could he really swallow a human whole?” he asked, doubtful, yet with genuine interest. “I would have thought you might have to chop them up first. For ease of digestion,” he said with easy viciousness. Partly, because he was somewhat curious. And partly, because he wished to gauge her level of inclination towards violence.

Finally, the Prince redirected his attention to her esteemed serpent. A genuine smile was hidden and she gazed down at her serpent. Despite this, Wulfric’s words forced her to focus harder on staying present. “He is venomous, yes. A King Cobra bite will kill a human in thirty minutes and an elephant in a few hours.” Layla responded with a faint smile of her own once she met his gaze. The viciousness of his statements caused Layla to blink with surprise. He was charming, cunning and also colder than she had anticipated. Layla recovered quickly though, as not to allow her guard to drop too long.

“It would be a shame to give that away, Wulfric.” Venom dripped from her voice, while wickedness entered her eyes. Whether it was savage pleasure at a memory, or the idea of it, she hadn’t given it away. “Watching him hunt and kill his prey is quite entertaining though, especially when I give the command.” Layla finished and smirked at him. There was confidence in her voice and a gleam in her eyes. She hadn’t indicated his type of prey, or preferred diet, though she felt comfortable enough sharing about his venom and how lethal it was. It was clear that while he seemed docile in public, she had been successful in training him… and may not have been afraid of using him, either, should the situation call for it.

“How promising,” he flashed her a quick, small grin. “Perhaps, a demonstration sometime?” Something almost anticipatory shone in that crystalline gaze, but disappeared as soon as it’d appeared, gone with his next blink. “I am certainly more appreciative of the idea of a close animal companion such as Zilal…Or Nala,” he mused. “Is it a tradition of your royal family?” he questioned.

Layla smirked at this quick small grin, but didn’t interrupt. His anticipatory gleam wasn’t lost on her, despite how quick it’d appeared. At his commentary of a close animal companion, she chuckled. The ringing and headache intensified, so she kept her comments short. “Perhaps I could invite you to his next feeding,” Layla mused as she straightened up and continued. “As for animal companions being tradition, it is indeed. We all have our own. Perhaps you should find yourself one - as charming and vicious as you. ” She winked at him, though with a false sense of flirtation. The effort not to chuckle was becoming difficult, so she turned away and replaced it with her haughty smile.

Once standing, Layla turned back to Wulfric and bowed in the traditional Alidasht bow, though she didn’t dip far enough. ”It was an honor and pleasure meeting you, Wulfric.” She straightened up and moved away, thus allowing a new desperate noblewoman or peasant to come sit with the male viper.

Mentions: @13org Mayet, @Infinite Cosmos Munir, & @ReusableSword Roman
Location: Entrance to the forest near the shooting range
Time: 11am

Hanna surveyed the newcomers, particularly the Alidasht. Hanna couldn’t decide what to focus on first: the tiger, her ring blades, or the small but mighty Shehzadi. The Varian blacksmith cuaght her eye as well. This would be entertaining for sure! With a smirk, she turned to the others and gave them a warning glance. ”If you have any shred of common sense, you will stay out of their way.” Hanna indicted Mayet, Munir, and Roman with a quick flick of her hand.

”Allow me to explain the rules to you.” Hanna cleared her throat and gathered everyone’s attention, then continued. “There are animals ranging from small to very large in these woods. The size of the game you bring back will determine how many points you receive. The hunter with the most points will get to bring the best game home while the rest will get to select one each. The rest will be used for a grand feast tomorrow.” She smiled and waved them forward. ”Good luck!”

Time: Morning
Location: Archery Range -> Festival at the Park
Interactions: @Aerandir Verrick & @Blizz Lyra
Sadie’s Dress, Shoes & Hair

A sigh of relief almost escaped Sadie. The stranger didn't mind her company, and even scooted over for her. With a broad smile, Sadie tucked her hands under her dress and sat down. There, she unclasped her hands over her lap and faced her. While the woman spoke, Sadie analyzed her mannerisms and dialect. She seemed genuine and relieved to have company, which also made Sadie glow inside.

”Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mj. General,” Sadie bowed her head respectfully, then returned to her normal posture; seated up straight, hands folded, and her attention entirely focused on her. ”The fortune is all mine.” Sadie continued speaking and tried to hide her excitement at meeting someone new. ”So you’re not from here I take it? Where are you from? Your outfit is great!” Sadie gestured to her and then refolded her hands. ”What do you think of the food and Caesonia yet? Any opinions, even bad ones?” Her tone became teasing and a smirk painted across her lips.

Playfully, Sadie leaned over to her and lowered her voice: ”The Varian Kingdom’s kinder - but you didn’t hear it from me!” With a giggle, Sadie leaned away and looked over to watch some of the guests playing games or buying food. Though her mouth watered inside and her stomach yearned to try them, she ignored it.

Time: Morning
Location: Archery Range -> Festival at the Park
Interactions: @Aerandir Verrick & @Blizz Lyra
Mentions: @princess Annie and Charlotte, @helo Leo, @Lava Alckon Farim
Sadie’s Dress, Shoes & Hair

As Sadie watched Verrick’s internal dialogue, she glanced around. There were many families and couples heading to the Festival. She noticed Princess Annie colliding with an exotic looking gentleman she guessed was from Alidasht. Sadie smirked and decided to store it in the back of her mind for later. Her attention was brought back to Verrick with his low voice. Her gaze fixated on him with intensity and fought back a sigh. The protectiveness he held over her was endearing, given what had occurred in her life; yet she hoped she could have more flexibility coming to Caesonia.

Once he’d examined his options and reached his conclusion, she was on the edge of her seat. His proposal caused her to chew her lip. If there was trouble like there had been with the waffles and poor Charlotte, she wasn’t sure she could stand back. The other alternative though reminded her of the trouble she’d been in the past. The idea of a bad incident occurring made Sadie wonder if perhaps she shouldn’t go. If she could have chewed her fingernails off, she would have. The sweet and salty aromas from the festival wafted over and made her turn her head to stare longingly after them. If there was trouble, would she be helpful anyways? What if she made things worse…?

”I don’t think you need anymore though, Princess.”

”You sure you want that buffet, Sade? You’re not very ladylike, are you? All your inventions - I mean toys - you're a child... That’s what he keeps telling me, anyway....”

“No need to further bore you with my thoughts, I should clean up a bit and head out. Enjoy your morning Your Highness.”

Further bore you with my thoughts…. More like I bored you.....

Was she boring Verrick, was he following her because he had too? She realized she’d been silent for longer than necessary and turned around with a smile on her face. ”Of coooourse! Let’s go!” She beamed at him and took his hand and began leading him. Her smile masqueraded her true inner feelings, and for now, she’d ride that wave for as long as she could.

Once they arrived at the festival, her eyes widened. There was so much to see and do! And the aroma of the food? She almost began to salivate at the mouth. Her gaze moved everywhere and tried to take everything in at once. Though she mostly saw couples, families, and friends, there was one woman sitting alone. From her attire, posture, and vibe, it seemed as though she wasn't a simple commoner. Was she alone on purpose or was something wrong? Either way, it would be upsetting if she remained alone with so many fun things to do! Sadie knew the ache of feeling alone, and didn’t want this woman to contend with it longer than she had too.

While in her reverie, she had moved towards her at a calm but purposeful pace and stopped once she was close enough. Sadie blinked in surprise, then mustered a gracious smile and waved, whilst knowing Verrick would have her head. She remained cautious, but polite and friendly, and greeted her.

”Hi! I’m Sadie - Princess Sadie of Varian Kingdom-” She giggled and corrected herself and continued. ”I see you’re sitting alone and wanted to know if you’d like some company? It’s okay if not! I just… I just know what it’s like to be.. To be alone…I can just go away too if you’d prefer?” Oh no. Had she said too much? Would she annoy her like she annoyed Leo? Would Verrick be disappointed in her? The questions raced through Sadie’s mind, but not as fast her own heart was.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: 2pm
Location: Guarav Village
Interactions: @Alivefalling Dante; @FunnyGuy Darius; @samreaper Menzai; @Blizz Isolde
Mentions: n/a

Running for her life wasn’t new to Aidan. There had been plenty of times she’d run from the law and other gangs. All of those times gave her adrenaline and had been an addictive feeling. This demon creature, however, was one of the most terrifying moments in her young life. She’d finally stumbled out of the minutes after the others and started to wheeze. She doubled over and set her hands on her knees and focused on catching her breath. It took a while, but once she had, she rounded on Menzai with a fierce glare. Though she felt enraged and panic-stricken, Menzai’s reaction told her that he hadn’t expected it. He held more knowledge than all of them, so she addressed him now.

”What the hell was that?” Then she added, as her mind began to whirl from the last incident. ”And is it going to follow us? We have to warn the village!”
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: 2pm
Location: Dugmaghord
Interactions: @13org NuallĂĄn, @FunnyGuy Slick
Mentions: n/a

The success of their hunt was quickly interrupted. A large, winged beast with a tail and face of a man had appeared out of nowhere. The Oasis was currently occupied. It didn’t surprise Rosaria to watch Slick retreat and was glad he had. That human had enough instinct and personality to survive Avalia. Fear gripped her and her heart skipped a few beats. Her magic wasn’t helping anything so she undid the invisibility on them.

Frowning, Rosaria took a half step back while glancing at Nuallán and nodding or letting him know she’d retreat too, and that they had to be careful not to upset this beast and allow Slick enough time to retreat so he wasn’t harmed. ”We’re terribly sorry, Sir.” Rosaria addressed the beast with a calm, measured voice. ”We’ll happily leave you to it, okay?” She smiled kindly, hoping it was enough to appease the monster.

Time: Morning
Location: Archery Range -> Festival at the Park
Interactions: @Aerandir Verrick
Mentions: Too many to name, you know who you are
Sadie’s Dress, Shoes & Hair

The Archery competition, despite the unruly man Ezra, was not tarnished. Here she was reunited with Anastasia, Zarai, Felix, Lukas, and Roman! Sadie had been thrilled to see all of them, but due to the business of the competition and the passerby coming and going with various guards, had not been able to chat much with them. That was okay, there was always later! Poor Zarai looked horrible. What cruel jerk had beat up such a sweetheart? She’d have to give them a talking to.

Seeing Verrick win brought a smile to Sadie’s face. It had been sad watching Leo, Thea, and Matthias lose, but at least someone from Varian had won. The wonders of the Damien bastard son piqued her interest. Was it true, or was he a wannabe? She itched to question him but now isn't the time. Everyone who competed were impressive archers. Sadie glowed with pride watching everyone and had bounced on the balls of her feet during the last match with Verrick and Cassius.

Once Verrick approached her, she smiled brighter than ever. Her mouth opened for her to congratulate him, but quickly fell silent. His words made her frown because it indicated he’d known about whatever Ezra had done. She didn’t want to remember his words which still cut through her like a knife. Still, there wasn’t a need for drama or unruliness, so she smiled as though nothing were wrong.

”No need! Thank you.” Sadie examined his shoulder with a slight frown. Would he be okay? ”Congratulations on winning! You did great! I see your shoulder is hurting; would you like to go treat it back at the castle?” Sadie paused and knew he’d likely reject.

Before she could continue, her attention was caught when a loose newspaper someone had tossed out came flying by. She gasped with excitement and quickly snatched it with surprising reflexes and speed. Sadie began to scan it and turned to Verrick with excitement and wonder. ”Verrick! There’s a festival at the park! Isn’t that great? Maybe we can later?” Sadie glanced up at him and eyed his shoulder, before facing him again.

Time: Morning
Location: Her bedroom > Princes’ Court
Attire: Her dress
Interactions: @SausagePat Ruby & @Rodiak Zarai
Mention: @Silverpaw Wulfric @Inertia August @helo Callum @Terrance420 Alden

Despite the subpar food and her cousin’s departure, Layla picked the newspaper back up. She scanned the list of events.. There was an execution which made her raise her brows. They had these as daily events? What a pit of vipers. She glanced down at the play and smirked when she read the title and knew who it was for. Layla giggled when she thought of dinner and the mouse she’d be playing with. Oh, how she looked forward to it….

As she read the title of the festival, she remembered her cousin muttering about it. Rolling her eyes, she continued reading, and debated between the Prince’s Court and the Hunting. She knew immediately where Mayet would be. Though she missed her dear sister, she decided against hunting. It wasn’t as if she, Layla, was in any shape to do so anyways, and besides, it wasn’t only animals who needed to be hunted.

”A Prince’s Court? Desperate.” Zilal picked his head up and looked over at her. ”We’ve got some Princes to meet, my dear Zilal.” He flicked his tongue when she stood up and came over to him. She patted his head affectionately in which he returned the gesture with a head boop of his own. Layla laughed genuinely, and watched as the maid came in to take care of the food. She froze, seeing Zilal, but then forced a recovery. Layla stared at her coldly, eyebrows raised and arms folded.

”You will not make any comment on Zilal, nor act like such a coward in his presence. Got it? Her voice was commanding and offered no response to the comment other than a curt nod. ”You will take all this trash out of my room and clean it. I want it spotless when we-” Layla gestured to Zilal and herself slowly, making sure the woman could understand. A scarlet flush rose to the lady’s face, but Layla only smirked and continued. ”-return, I would like chocolate dishes from the kitchen upon my return, not too hot or cold and don’t go through my belongings.” Layla beckoned Zilal and he began slithering after her. The maid quickly moved out of the way and watched wide-eyed, but a curt glare from Layla forced her to continue working.

When Layla arrived with guards in tow to the Prince’s Court, she scowled at the line of raggedy peasants. She watched ten girls get called in, then come running back out and chuckled. Her presence was not yet noticed, which bothered her. Scoffing, she clicked her tongue and made a few girls jump from surprise which morphed into fear when they saw Zilal. This line would not do; she was not waiting behind all these hopeless romantics. Scoffing, Layla flipped her hair and almost burst from laughing; the maid she’d terrorized yesterday was again hit by her hair. Laughter boiled from her, but not as loudly as usual because she was busy trying to remain standing. She gestured towards Zilal to follow her and began making her way to the front. Girls moved out of her way, terrified by the snake and also mesmerized. Either combination worked, because she was soon near the front. There, she noticed a few odd girls and studied them with amusement.

There was a girl with short white hair and monochrome eyes. Weirdo. Layla thought to herself and admired the girl’s attempt at dressing up. Still, she looked like she was trying too hard. Her gaze moved to a girl in a wheelchair and raised her eyebrows. The makeup on her face tried to conceal her bruises unsuccessfully. The girl looked miserable enough and Layla wondered if she needed to be put out of her misery. Layla shrugged and turned to the front, smirking as she waited for her turn in line.

This is all entertainment. Layla thought with amusement and watched the girls inside getting drilled by the king. What a scumbag. This country’s a joke.

Location: Entrance Hall of Sorian Castle
Time: 11am
Interactions: @Helo Callum, @Inertia Auguste, @Silverpaw Wulfric

By the time the clock struck eleven, there was a very long line of women and even a few men outside the castle doors. The women giggled in groups, while some nervously twirled parasols and others fanned themselves. As expected, the girls were all quite excited: many imagined that they had a fair chance to win the heart of a prince. Though most were already quite wealthy, some were starry-eyed in the hopes of obtaining more riches and power while others were hopelessly romantic. They were all well-dressed in large gowns with bows and lace while some wore matching hats and bonnets.

At eleven, the gates to the castle were opened and the front of the line was able to move inside the glittering gold entrance hall. They were halted at the stairs as a man explained that ten women would be brought into the ballroom at a time for the princes to look upon. Three tables were set up for the princes to sit. Each table was separated enough from the other so that they could have private conversations. Gasps and whispers echoed through the entrance hall at the sight of the princes but no one was allowed to approach them yet.

Some of the staff then directed the three princes into the ballroom and to each of their seats. Once the King would also arrive, then they’d begin.
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