Avatar of PrinceAlexus


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
1 like
4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Most Recent Posts

Victoria Darya Romus “vika”

Name: “Lady” Victoria Darya Romus “vika” "Lady De Winter" or "Lady Corvus" Professionally

Marinalia (Romus), Olympus

(double barreled)


Retro Slice of Life

Welcome to our newest Slice of Life RP in set in hot DELTA CITY, loosely based on Tampa/St. Petersburg, FL in the late 1980's.

If you enjoy Slice of Life and want a COMMITTED and PROVEN to last roleplay, then this is the game you have been looking for. We have a vested group of players and GM staff that genuinely enjoy the genre that would love to welcome you into the world we have created. We have plans for new regular events and for an over-arching plot line that will allow players freedom to grow and expand with us and our fun environment. You will find again, that our game is unlike any other that you have encountered here on the Guild.

Players here are encouraged to suggest an idea or submit a new location for our MAP. We invite players to add to the world their own ideas and concepts so that we continually expand. We were so fortunate in our original Slice of Life game, SOL CITY to capture enough hearts and imaginations over the course of three chapters, that we are setting off on a new and unique journey for our FOURTH SLICE OF LIFE game which will be the best one yet; learning from what worked well in over 2000 posts of Slice of Life role play.

Fear not! You needn’t have read a single page of SOL CITY to freely participate in this current game. DELTA CITY is an entirely new concept taking place far before the events of Sol City. Some returning players might recognize a blurb or catch a casual reference here or there, but this game is meant to be a fresh and separate experience for all players.


DELTA CITY is the largest city on the US Gulf Coast in our fictitious universe, taking the place of the Tampa Bay area, the surrounding geography and parts west western Florida during the latter 1980's. Neon light, pastel pallets and sun-soaked clearwater beaches await the young and bold alike. The "Peculiar Paradise" is a mix of Spanish architecture, South-American influences, Native-American culture and southern hospitality.

So explore enjoy, start anew and make your mark. The city awaits…

The Rules

Not scary don't worry


1. Observe standard RPing rules. No godmoding, no-metagaming, stay in character, and stay within the storyline. If you want to make any major changes to the story, ask us first. Be polite to the other members. You know the drill.

2. Write in third person, past tense. Try to make your writing coherent and legible. Although there's no official word requirement, avoid one-liners when possible.
2b. Move the plot when you post! This is a “slice-of-life” RP, but please try and focus on forwarding the story with every post you make. We don’t want every other post here to be your characters leisurely having tea or monotonously deciding on what clothes to wear. We have a very dynamic world here that you can use to develop your characters.
2c. Interacting solely with your own NPC or secondary PC is not allowed. It's far more fun writing with someone than yourself for you and all the other players.

3. You are not your character. Your character is not you. Please don't be offended because someone else's character was mean to yours. Likewise, please do not carry real-life arguments into the RPG world. This applies to RPG Guild, Discord and any other platforms that may be used.

4. Primary character images need to be in an anime-style. Also no crossovers and no Mary/Gary Sue, please.

5. Try not to let anyone get left behind. If you and another person have posted back and forth several times, take a break and let the other players catch up. Of course, there may be times when only a few characters need to be involved in a particular scene; just don't get two days ahead of someone without giving them the chance to respond.

6. Stay active! Everyone gets busy from time to time, but if you’re going to be absent for a while just let us know. There’s no set amount of time allowed for before we start working around dormant players, but if you leave and stay gone without telling us, we’ll move on as we see fit and the plot will roll on without you. If you wish to come back after being naughty, we’ll talk.
6b. I'm waiting for the next skip!. This is rather unhelpful and it saps momentum from the game. If possible, ask in the OOC, Discord or PM and try not to just be stuck waiting for a time or event that suits your tastes, particularly when there are other players around who might enjoy writing with you. Of course we understand some situations do resolve faster than others, but the goal here is for maximum player interaction and FUN.

7. This game is rated PG-13+, so just about anything goes as far as language, violence, sex, etc. However, you will need to observe standard Guild rules should you feel that your posting is headed in this direction. Please read the Moderator posts concerning these topics.

8. Second characters are allowed. You have to be an active player and both male and female are allowed. You cannot RP with yourself, PERIOD. Please PM or Tag a GM or Co GM to confirm things if you have any questions regarding this and genders allowed at the time. WE WILL BE WATCHING THIS CLOSELY.

9. If you want to use our setting to carry on a 1x1 with another player, then we need to know about it. This is so other players don't waste time trying to pointlessly engage your characters. We are going to be very discerning in allowing this and if you and another player appear to be pursuing this route without letting the staff and other players know, both will be kindly asked to leave.

10. Anachronisms- The setting for this time period is in the 1980s. Cellphones are rare, computers perform basic functions and are very expensive- people's lives were much more localized in general. There is no way we could name and moderate every aspect of the setting, however you will definitely need to keep this in the forefront of your writing as the social landscape during this time was much different. If you wanted to talk to someone, you had to meet them face to face and get a phone number or go visit. No texting, no internet, no next-day delivery and television stations typically “signed-off” programming after the late night news. We’re not going to shake the fist at every little thing, but glaring inaccuracies will kill the setting and bring about other continuity problems. The purpose of doing this game in this time period was that it would be a different and fun experience.

11. Obviously this isn’t going to cover everything, so the GM and Co-GM’s reserve the right to make decisions as situations arise.

In general the RP is using a permissive rule system, as long as events are not too likely to effect other players or alter the dynamics of the RP heavily. These actions do not require permission.

Events are rough backdrops and scenes and open to player interpretation within reason. If you are unsure about the application, PM a GM or Co GM to make sure, and consult with those player or players who may be effected before hand. If a secret or surprise action this is permissible via PM or discord etc.

This is to maximize creative options and make it open and easy to join and take part in RP.

Thank you for reading the rules! Hope you have fun RPing with us!

Current gender balance

0 male : 0 female

Please consider this when planning a new character.

CS Sheet

Name: (First & Last, middle if you like)
Age: (needs to be between 18-35)
Appearance: (anime-style picture please, you can also include a description if you like)
Zodiac Sign: (His/Her personality doesn't have to be a perfect fit for their sign)
Special Talent: (Any particular thing your character is good at?)
Profession: (What you do and where you work)
Bio/Personality: (one paragraph minimum, more is fine)
Your character's favorite song: (We just think this would be interesting. Keep in mind the time period! Their favorite song couldn't be something that hasn't been recorded yet.)
Recent History: What has your character been up to the last month or year? Did they just move to Delta or are they local? A paragraph is fine, but put as much as you want.
Actor or Actress/Public Figure who would play your Character in a movie (Optional, we just think it can better help get an idea of your Character. We have found that players often "combine" the actor image with their header image to get a good mental picture of your character. *This does not have to be restricted by time period, you can choose a modern actor*. )

(Reference images to plot elements, or for helping to describe a character are allowed. Please make these in hiders, real life, anime or drawn etc are allowed in this case.)

The following personal bio is not required (though CS Section 2 IS required), but we strongly encourage you to at least put a little something. In the past we have found that when players get to know each other as real people, not just as names on a screen, it helps the longevity of the game. Seriously, please get to know your fellow players.

Tell us about yourself:

*Your age:
*What part of the world are you from?
*How many years have you been writing/roleplaying: (if you're on your first year, that's totally fine too)
*How often do you have time to post? (this is just a general, honest question, no judgment)
*Anything else you want to mention? What you do for a living? How much do you work a week? What do you enjoy doing besides writing? Put as much as you want.

"These are the things that make a good story great and good writers even greater."

CS section 2 - Player Interaction Scale

Very Simple: Are you, as a PLAYER more a solo/small group poster or would you consider yourself a social butterfly open for anything?

Choose a number from 1-5 telling us where you would rate yourself in the above criteria. ONE being the least interactive and FIVE being the most.

There is no wrong answer so please be honest. It helps us as GM Staff work out the best way to support our players and plan events that will appeal to everyone.


City & Governmental

Food, Drink and Entertainment

Residential & Commercial Areas

Landmarks & Tourism

Resources and Notes

This section is just a short collection of links and thoughts that we think might be helpful and are not required viewing/reading. The point of the game is to embrace the era and have fun. In many ways the world was a better place during the time. Here's a few links to get you started and we'll add to this as we go:

Really good, short summary video:

VH1's year by year (very detailed pop culture focus)

To get the most out of the decade without too much influence from the 70's or the burgeoning 90's. We have chosen the current setting to be SUMMER, 1988- more details on that to follow in posting prompts.
Map and key in hider below


Modern Slice of Life

Welcome to our Slice of Life RP in set in SOL CITY, very roughly based on Seattle, the Northwestern US Coast and Canada

If you enjoy Slice of Life and want a COMMITTED and PROVEN to last roleplay, then this is the game you have been looking for. We have a vested group of players and GM staff that genuinely enjoy the genre that would love to welcome you into the world we have created. We have plans for continued regular events and for an over-arching plot line that will allow players freedom to grow and expand with us and our fun environment. You will find that this game is unlike any other that you have encountered here on the Guild and that is why we think it is special.

Players here are encouraged to suggest an idea or submit a new location for our MAP. We invite players to add to the world their own ideas and concepts so that we continually expand. We were so fortunate in our FIRST CHAPTER to capture enough hearts and imaginations that we are setting off on a second journey for CHAPTER TWO which is where you find yourself now.

Fear not! You needn’t read a single page of CHAPTER ONE to freely participate in this current game. However, if you would like, the link to our first game can be found HERE. You will find that it was planned out and completed successfully.


SOL CITY is the largest city in the Northwestern US in our fictitious universe, taking the place of Seattle, the surrounding geography and even parts of British Columbia. Bright light and shining Sol City gained its name from being a beacon to early travelers and to this day, still draws the young and adventurous alike.

So explore enjoy, start anew and make your mark. The city awaits…

The Rules

Not scary don't worry


1. Observe standard RPing rules. No godmoding, no-metagaming, stay in character, and stay within the storyline. If you want to make any major changes to the story, ask us first. Be polite to the other members. You know the drill.

2. Write in third person, past tense. Try to make your writing coherent and legible. Although there's no official word requirement, avoid one-liners when possible.
2b. Move the plot when you post! This is a “slice-of-life” RP, but please try and focus on forwarding the story with every post you make. We don’t want every other post here to be your characters leisurely having tea or monotonously deciding on what clothes to wear. We have a very dynamic world here that you can use to develop your characters.

3. You are not your character. Your character is not you. Please don't be offended because someone else's character was mean to yours. Likewise, please do not carry real-life arguments into the RPG world. This applies to RPG Guild, Discord and any other platforms that may be used.

4. Primary character images need to be in an anime-style. Also no crossovers and no Mary/Gary Sue, please.

5. Try not to let anyone get left behind. If you and another person have posted back and forth several times, take a break and let the other players catch up. Of course, there may be times when only a few characters need to be involved in a particular scene; just don't get two days ahead of someone without giving them the chance to respond.

6. Stay active! Everyone gets busy from time to time, but if you’re going to be absent for a while just let us know. There’s no set amount of time allowed for before we start working around dormant players, but if you leave and stay gone without telling us, we’ll move on as we see fit and the plot will roll on without you. If you wish to come back after being naughty, we’ll talk.

7. This game is rated PG-13+, so just about anything goes as far as language, violence, sex, etc. However, you will need to observe standard guild rules should you feel that your posting is headed in this direction. Please read the Moderator posts concerning these topics.

8. Second characters are allowed. You have to be an active player and both male and female are allowed. You cannot RP with yourself, PERIOD. Please PM or Tag a GM or Co GM to confirm things if you have any questions regarding this and genders allowed at the time. WE WILL BE WATCHING THIS CLOSELY.
9b. Some characters may be "grandfathered-in" from Chapter One as the GMs see fit. Again, we will be watching this closely, particularly if you seem to post heavily with NPCs and not other players.

9. Obviously this isn’t going to cover everything, so the GM and Co-GM’s reserve the right to make decisions as situations arise.

In general the RP is using a permissive rule system, as long as events are not too likely to effect other players or alter the dynamics of the RP heavily. These actions do not require permission.

Events are rough backdrops and scenes and open to player interpretation within reason. If you are unsure about the application, PM a GM or Co GM to make sure, and consult with those player or players who may be effected before hand. If a secret or suprise action this is permissable via PM or discord etc.

This is to maximise creative options and make it open and easy to join and take part in RP.

Thank you for reading the rules! Hope you have fun RPing with us!

Current gender balance

16 male : 16 female

Please consider this when planning a new character.
Genders Balanced

CS Sheet

Name: (First & Last, middle if you like)
Age: (needs to be between 18-35)
Appearance: (anime-style picture please, you can also include a description if you like)
Zodiac Sign: (His/Her personality doesn't have to be a perfect fit for their sign)
Special Talent: (Any particular thing your character is good at?)
Profession: (What you do and where you work)
Bio/Personality: (one paragraph minimum, more is fine) (If in chapter one, what were you doing)
Your character's favorite song: (We just think this would be interesting)
Actor or Actress who would play your Character in a movie (Optional, we just think it can better help get an idea of your Character)

(Refrence images to plot elaments, or for helping to describe a charecter are allowed. Please make these in hiders, real life, anime or drawn etc are allowed in this case.)

The following is not required, but we strongly encourage you to at least put a little something. In the past we have found that when players get to know each other as real people, not just as names on a screen, it helps the longevity of the game. Seriously, please get to know your fellow players.

Tell us about yourself:

*Your age:
*What part of the world are you from?
*How many years have you been writing/roleplaying: (if you're on your first year, that's totally fine too)
*How often do you have time to post? (this is just a general, honest question, no judgment)
*Anything else you want to mention? What you do for a living? How much do you work a week? What do you enjoy doing besides writing? Put as much as you want.

"These are the things that make a good story great and good writers even greater."


Public, Education and Attractions

Food, Drink and Entertainment

Residential Areas, Streets and Roads

Transport, Travel and Tracks

Media & Radio


Rescue Services

GM Post . Full OOC in Zeroth .
I sure am doling out a lot of likes and thanks in this interest check. Like Thanos, I prefer my Likes, Thanks and Laughs to be perfectly balanced.


I'm afraid I replaced the infinity stones with some jellied pickles.

I needed them to power my kettle...

Balence.. Alas the universe is chaos.
@BuriedComic7looks good.

@Pilatus always double checks sheets, it's how we do things.
Drives through wall



OOC is live Saturday, IC sunday.

Got a question just give me a tag

CS sheet if you want to get a start early. Feel free to decorate. Just need the headings. Certain parts optinal, some for fun..

And enjoy our adventure :)


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