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Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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Died laughing maybe :)


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Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Hesphestus Manor Art show ending to The Pit Night Club . Saturday Evening to Tuesday Evening . Sol city mixed locations .

Saturday Evening


Victoria was rather exhausted when Ethan snuck into her suite and curled up under a thick quilt to fend off the Northern weather at times. The evening had been left her feeling drained and slept deeply ernough to not notice Ethan unless he brought a full marching band with him. His particular brand of waking her up was... Creative to say the least but somehow he appealed to her little impulsive corners of her mind where the darker aspects dwelled and well, he did relise the sisters had to share the balcony? Still she was soon losing her self control and nearly hid that they where doing rather badly. OK Victoria had to admit, that was rather fun and the risk was a certain excitement.

Victoria fell asleep rather instantly and contently, she had a quick talk with Maria before she had retired to bed that night but they planned to meet Sunday afternoon and knew her body would be, well haywire and abit crazy thanks to a gak ton of hormones. Naturally gravitating to warmest part of the bed, she ended up close to Ethan, that morning she was not sure why be it be the potential pregnancy or just her feeling cold after there escapades on the balcony.


Sunday morning and lunch


That trip Maria very few questions for very good reasons... She was old ernough to know, and smart ernough to know when not knowing anything more than strictly required was a very good thing.


That Sunday, was anothet intense day, though her thoughts about the painting where a alittle mixed till its meaning was explained and was won over. The ruined church had a rather... Well it was compelling. Darker, unknown, but Beuterful. Yep, despite everything, Victoria did like the painting. Waking up with Ethan, well least they used protection that time! She really was not up for doubling down on the odds. She still was not sure, well suspected heavily but the hospital would be the deciding vote. There still was a chance, and that needed to be answered sooner rather than later.

Maria had to leave in a day or two but kept a eye on things. She left it to Victoria and Ethan to decide what they wanted to do about it and merely remained a medicalise translator and made sure Victoria was not fobbed off. The test was quick, but also a tad complicated but very Acurate and soon a rather overcome and still processing the information Victoria was leaning somewhat against the snow flake cane with a bunch of information and appointment letters tucked under her arm in a folder. Thankfully she had the foresight to being her own as not to make it so easy a toddler could guess with the standard hospital pack. Her unique medical history, size and fact it was her first. Well she would be seeing this place fairly regularly and Maria was posting over a few things to help Victoria and Marinalia whom when she had met later that afternoon was rather protective of her half sister when she was more vulnerable processing the life changing events that had gone on. Ethan, well she hoped he would not leave her knocked up, broken and having to face things alone and afraid. It would be tough ernough without making things even worse for Victoria.


Sunday morning to Tuesday approx


A very happy Marinalia left Xia's apartment having woken up a alittle blushingly next to her girlfriend after there nights activities very much just wearing a necklace and her ring, rather less clad than she arrived at the apartment. Waking up, well she had no real desire to get out of bed, though least she had somthing to wear other than he dress for the trip home. She had learned that lesson and it paid to plan ahead.

A few... Well alot of little moments later and so eventually she had breakfast and so late, heading out with a extended goodbye on the doorstep to catch a uber home and meet Maria and Victoria in the afternoon. The text message she got.. Well that was ernough to let her know what they suspected. But still, Victoria. Her entire life just got changed in one day, it was not exactly the way you thought you'd find out about such news than a party and gossips...

Sunday was definitely a rather dramatic day for the sisters, a while with Maria later that night was... Detailed in ways to help Victoria with the events. She definitely would need a alittle support. Hopefully just that Ethan stuck about because Victoria really desite her ice princess moments was genuinely scared by the coming uncertainty. That week was busy, she managed to see Xia a alittle bit, and kept in touch by messages often though and a few pictures mostly like her selfie on a ridge near the lake at the mountains. She had finally started abit of her new flight training and spent Monday evening riding after work. Marinalia just needed time to clear her head and the atlas mountain trails in moonlight where ideal for that.

Maria left Tuesday, she had a wedding to plan and commitments back home to honour. She had done her best to try and help, with a few things to send over like a copy of what the other Olympus women had found helped. A old little tradition her daughters namesake grandmother had started, between two doctors and so the latest copy of the hand written book had definitely evolved and got alot safer though!

Supporting her sister was not quite easy, she had been rather busy and distracting sledf, calling consulates, home and work.. There was no hiding it and she was frustrated as they told her take a few days off while they did a health and saftey check, especially given she had to disclose she was at a alittle more risk than the norm. If she did not tell, they would find out and that would be even worse ways of handling it. She kept in touch with Ethan when possible and had not really left the house much, still taking in events somewhat, and trying to work out how on earth she was going to handle things. The call to her dad was short... But so very awkward, the circumstances where far from ideal and after that a rather dazed Victoria had spent the morning napping andncatching up on her sleep she missed worrying the previous night about telling her dad.


Tuesday Afternoon


Tuesday was a fairly quiet day as Marinalia finished her flight training early that lunch, they where not flying that afternoon and things where rather random as her schedule was split in two between training on the L100 J, teaching new pilots to fly helicopters. She was a teacher and student at the exact same time!

True to there word the art gallery team had rather left the place spotless and Markless, the ornate plaster work was undamaged thanks to rather fancy screw less fixinibgs and so. The floors where unmarked and drive. Siobhan was not a friend but they where true to claims. The Ball room was quiet again as she sat on a windowsill drinking a cup of tea. One, no two of those paintings now resided in there rooms which would be quite the annoyence? Or perhaps bad bad joke for her. Her works where lovely though, one reminded Marinalia of home, the second was pure Victoria. A dark ruined cathedral but so very Beuterful painting.

Marinalia was happy just felt a alittle lost, job was going well, so was her relationship and things. Things where almost going too well for her. Things always turned bad and was almost watching for the next storm coming. Xia had her a work cut out a alittle, she Marinalia was still more posetive just well, that little aide of her was hard to break. It seemed the uniform picture had gone down well she sent over though, she did look rather good in the slightly vintage fitted uniform. Granted she had let a few buttons slip and a so just because it felt a alittle daring to tease her abit hinting at few suggestive places. She was not quite comfortable going much more via pictures. In person, well she had nothing to hide but she knew too well from Victoria how easily compromised things could be. All on all despite being practically outed and more, nothing to prevent it and merely treated any media with a icey disdain ranking them about as much as a cockroaches at present. Might not win friends but her private life was going to remain private as much as possible. Victoria had been forced to deal with press by circumstances , she was not so obliged.

Victoria had spent quite a while at home, she was rather still getting used to the idea, well of everythong that happened in past few days and rested upstairs with a mug of peppermint tea and a her laptop. The tea was claiming and no caffine so atleast one pleasure was not denied. She was still waiting to return to work so was sat reading a paper on some new rotating encryption tech or so they claimed anyway. The paper was not thr most well written of explanations of the concept. Curling a arm round her stomach, no one would notice for months, she a good month before most people tended to find out, still, she was... Well the report she read about 1000 times over was plain black and white. Worse still the gossips knew and she had to confirm to avoid the downright stupid rumeurs. Not that she reallt regretted anything, Victoria would make the best of it, readonly googling names, Viatrix, she who brings happyness, and close enough to her own for the silly little family tradition of letters seeming to follow. That was a matter she had 9 or so months to solve...

The gossips would get bored... Eventually. The gates where locked tight and powerful flood lights made the entire perimeter brighter than daylight during the night, from every angle the unblinking eyes of the camera system always watching and perimiter alarms fully set. It probbly looked like overkill but she felt safe, a feeling the vultures and carrion feeding press rather where the opposite. It was mostly just to make it clear unwanted guests where not welcome. Peaking out the upper windows, they seemed to still be odd lingered... Granted they likely where changing tactic and merely would wait for her to surface behind her walls and high gates.

She had tried to ignore them much as possible and merely gave a cool, polite statement along the lines of we are working things out or so and left it there. How long did it take them to get bored of Ethans Pregnant girlfriend. Not that they had really talked that part but she let the media assume to some degree. Ot was far easier than fighting them pointlessly. if they kept it up for 9 months or longer. Sol city may have less journalists though.... And true to Milos claims... The sword stick he made was both a Beuterful pattern of almost snow flakes and very sharp practical steel. You really did not want to be on wrong end when she saw what it did to a large steak they had with very little effort.


Tuesday evening


Victoria was being somewhat forced out by Marinalia, she thought she needed to stop hiding from the world, it was a bad example to set and start. There was a half price night on at many places.... Mocktails. She could not drink but she was not helpless and so fragile she would break leaving the house just had not wnated to... There was a clear difference. The Pit... Well she not been but hered of it, a little more up market than Club Rather but they definitely where on good odds of not being welcome there.

Messaging Ethan to say she was going out that night, she knew he would wither worry or be glad... Which ever was a guess. Thry had kept in touch over past few days but where still really not knowing each other quite that well yet to tell how he reacted to things. going out with Marinalia to the Pit for a quiet night out, Don, t worry I'm not drinking. Before you ask and no Caffeine... Mornings really are a drag! Have fun tonight wherever you be.
Vika x
sending the text Victoria found a simple cut but detailed and rather embellished dress that glittered away in her wardrobe. She might as well have fun while possible. Maybe a tad much, OK or was a tad much but hey, it was fun.

Checking it out in a long mirror, leaving her long back hair down and rather alot of flawless pale skin exposed. Teamed with a pair of embellished dark flats. Urgh.. The weather was cool so she grabbed a warm longer coat to wear until thry got to the place that went to her knee and could show off her far less practical outfit. Her phone bozzed a second about a comment on the Sol city submarine article, that was plain silly but fun almost.. Where rhey planning to torpedo Godzilla?

Sending a picture to Ethan, Marinalia and Dira, yep she definitely found her outfit. Part for fun, also showing Ethan she was not going to give up looking nice just because she had a passenger. On a plus point, thry somehow agreed on a few things, it was a difficult route but they probbly could make it just about work.


Marinalia sighed, not sure what to do about the evening and so. She definitely wnated to go out but we'll... This was her. The last few times she had gone anywhere... And she meant anywhere drama llamas where roving in vast herds following. Reading a article on Ipad urgh. The gossips where using them for there latest 30 pieces of silver. Of course Siobhan was coming out smelling of roses. Joel well she never saw him at the party, at least she could not possibly think she was still after the man? Had they hooked up at the gala? Because that red dress definitely was a Im definitely after more than freindship sign the size of a semi truck covered in neon lights.

Her sister was arguing with someone over a submarine... Oh Vika, lol. That story was silly. Did police need a submarine?

What to wear, a short walk to her closer from the bathroom, kinda famous now for providing the little spark to Xia's and her start. They had kinda got intimate rather quickly but crazy worked and Marinalia was rather happy with how things went, especially if Saturday night was any idea what she could expect.old memories where quickly brought back and old doubts as she saw a candy box, the fancy ones joel had bought her back from Japan what felt like a age ago. A surge of annoyence she regretted after as she crushed it under her fist... OT was a pretty box and her vanity was rathe solid. Why was things so damned complicated.

Changing into a simple outfit, it was too cold for her nice dresses really, and not like she was a stairway from bed. Grabbing a simple skirt, top, and dressing it up with a diamond necklace, knee high boots and throw over knit to keep warm. She could wear or not depending on the temperature. It looked OK for a night out and it was not like she was actively after attracting a gu... Girl... That still took a little time to correct after years. Sure a few probbly doubted her choice or thought it was a whim or so... But genuinely, for once she was happy with her chosen partner, Xia had been extremly good to thr rather broken English woman. She somehow did not mind her seeing her, scars, tears and all.

Heading down stairs she was mindful not to tease her sister too much and had a glass of lemon chello or 4 to warm up a alittle before getting a uber to the Pit. Sending a picture to Xia, the outfit was a alittle diffrent how she was used to, but it was a alittle different, and she was trying different things. Took your suggestion. Mixed it up abit. Off to the Pit with Vika.

Have fun my caribian cutie tonight. Ps got a few fun things for our caribian adventure I'm sure youl like... No spoilers!

Miss you.
Mali x

Smiling as she sent the message, Xia was probbly only person who opened her up quite like this , she had been Bikini shopping among a few other little things for a private moment or two. It was a suprise for there holiday, she had been so patient, so supportive at times. It was her cheeky little reward. If she was lucky and there was a rather private beech to be found, well Marinalia might avoid a few tan lines. That side of her might be a rather fun suprise to keep to herself until the holiday. Frankly very few did, most seemed to assume reserved tame English woman and take it as the whole truth. The real truth was far more complicated...


Passing the drive way, she blanked a lurking media person and just walked to there waiting ride. A it was cold, B she has nothing to say, C lurking outside there home for a story was plain low. She had already seen them on cameras so it was not a suprise how many of the cretins where about.


Tuesday Evening. The Pit.


Pulling up outside the old night club, some said its bullet holes above the DJ booth where when it was a booze warehouse for the Mafia in the prohabition. Others just a drunk person firing off a few rounds as they hated the song. Helping Vika out the car, she had the ice cane as she had taken to using her balence was slowly recovering again after the shock and Marlin had to admit. Victoria did least look far more stylish than the plain metal one she used before. The arm thing had taken a alittle practice thanks to height differences but they eventually got the hang of it.

Heading in after a short wait hooking her arm into her sisters as they did sometimes and smiling to the bouncer who let them in early for a smile and a quick kiss on cheek. It was a too damned cold and anyway, Marlin was swinging the other way so that was safe as houses!

Making there way into the plush club, sofas, areas and bars where it was quieter and more lively dance floors. It catered to many diffrent clientele and had a alittle bit of a few things with a good mix of music pimping out though the speakers. Hopefully tonight would be far less dangerous than there last attempt! Her change of style had one advantage, well both there choices, the pictures and press sightings all had her in various gowns and so, or work uniform, not in a more casual but also going out look. It would not hold to any real scrutiny but would act as a thin layer of subtafuge to keep a few of the vultures off them. Victoria was the same, both actively trying to throw a few hunters off the scent.

Getting a pair of sofas and a small table before the main rush. Came, a fruity Mocktail for Victoria, not drinking but not wanting to scream look at me, and a lemon liqiur based drink for Marinalia. Chatting abit they did not know what to expect but maybe freinds would come by, there Boyfriend or Girlfriend respectively or just a sisters night out? Relaxing, they both where still alittle frsutared by the gossip article. Marinalia especially as she wondered how much Siobhan had Rita in her pocket, she was oh so friendly in her past 2 or 3 articles... "cheers. Least Rita was wishing you luck. Tiny feet, Auntie can play then hand back to Mum for hard parts. Or messy ones.

Knowing That my luck we gonna meet Joel and Siobhan on a date! That dress was so not freinds."
Victoria laughed, oh she definitely would need help but oh Auntie would not be entirely escape baby sitting. OK that was scary, she was gonna have to plan so much stuff she had no idea on! Maria, Marla or Rachel where getting alot of Skype calls. "oh auntie will be helping! Il need it... Really, Ethan.... I Don, t know, but I know I can rely on you.

She was, probbly wants a exclusive from me or somthing. Yeah right. If I ever did there would have a few terms and conditions... Yep. We looked better though. Of course. "
Sitting back, Victoria was still uncomfortable being so known, she knew it might happen with Ethan just did not expect things to blow up or grow complicated so quickly. She already was far too deep in to turn back so just had to make the best of the situation. Plus if Saturday was a regular thing she not be unhappy for a while. Both the sisters had a definite reasons to be happy at times at least.

Sat back hoping fate was feeling in a OK mood. Hopefully they could break the mould they had set. Victoria cast a rather icey glare at someone she thought was a fangirl from before who kept looking at her , she had a few issues with them and really was not in a mood to be bothered tonight. Or at all. Ethan had said not said she had to be nice to them. Just not to hurt them.

@Pilatus@Almalthia@King Tai
Tipsy Tuesday


"Alright brain, you don't like me and I don't like you, but let's just do this and I can get back to killing you with beer." Homer Simpsom


So.. well its time to be foot loose and fancy free. Across the city for one special night all drinks are half price! Be it beer or bourbon. Wine or Whiskey and more. Bring your best, maybe you could get lucky tonight or just get hungover for half the price. either way its better than normal!

Have fun, interact, have a laugh maybe cause some drama, romance, or just get hammered and see what drunken adventures you can get into.

So, pretty simple. A roving herd of Drama Llama have been spotted from our Art adventures so please do give them a pet, and maybe a bottle of wine and book.

All Locations are open as normal.

Please be clear where you are posting from etc, but you all know the drill :) Any questions, musings or problems feel free to message, PM, Discord or Post and we will do bet to help.


SOL source of News since 1895



Special Report by Rita, An artful Drama

Hello Readers!! Rita from Sol Spills here and boy do I have a treat for you. So this reporter got a press interview at the show for Siobhan Murphy. If you recall a few episodes ago we debated who was dating whom. Well if you can believe Maria Olympus her daughter was dating Mr. Nicolosi. Here is a direct quote from Olympus herself. “As for the current rumors it seems we have a classic situation, one person sees things differently to the other and had a different idea what the relationship was…” Sounds to me like she’s calling Nicolosi out that he was dating her daughter and that her daughter is the innocent in this tale.

But that’s not all she went on to say “Things failed as many do and what one saw as a friend the other a boyfriend. And well. Misunderstanding has escalated quite badly. Sorry folks. No love triangles today.”

That seems rather misleading does it not? Why not give a firm yes or no? She goes on to give particulars about either her daughter’s relationship with her current girlfriend. “No they met recently, but both have my approval and wish them well as a couple. And no, I just want to see my daughter happy with a supportive partner.”

Wow talk about harsh. If she claims that they were in a relationship then says he wasn’t supportive isn’t that confirming that they were. On top of all this the impression that was given in the press conference, tiny as it was, was that we were not to take comments from Olympus’ daughter. So naturally we all asked Siobhan Murphy. To which we were told. “Mr. Nicolosi has not dated anyone prior to myself for quite some time, meaning more than a few years. If you were told otherwise it is a complete fabrication and you need to consider the source. I have had nothing but support from him even before we started dating. He isn’t here tonight due to commitments that were made prior to this event.”

All this juicy news but I left the kicker for last, an unplanned pregnancy is in the offing for Ethan Aster. His new girlfriend will hopefully they will be enjoying the little patter of tiny feet. That's all for now in Sol Spills.


Sol City PD Fights Crime Underwater With Sneaky Submarine

Sol city Police have anounced their latest acquisition in the fight against crime that has blighted the city in recent months. Police Captain Marko Ramius of the proudly revealed the military-surplus diesel powered underwater crime fighter to a large crowd at the Sol City docks. “I want to emphasize that this submersible craft came at no cost to taxpayers,” Ramius explained. “With the blessing of the City Council, we requested such a watercraft last year under a federal program to outfit local police departments with surplus military equipment.”

“While the craft reached the end of its usefulness for the U.S. Navy, the civilian applications of this submersible are numerous,” Ramius continued. “You never know what’s out there and we’re here to protect the citizenry from the worst case scenario,” he added in a phone call Tuesday. “Imagine the horror people would experience if a large military craft passed beneath their boat or emerged from depths within view of the beach—we’re here to stop that from happening. This sub will make a strong statement about our power and might,” Hirsch continued. “The people want to know their police will do whatever it takes—whatever it takes—to maintain order and control,” he said. “They want to see us as an unstoppable force beyond the reach of sleazy criminals’ lawyers and legal loopholes.”

Named Jaws VIII by SCPD, the submarine will be deployed to patrol the shoreline on weekends only leading up to Fourth of July, when patrols will be stepped up to seven days a week through Labor Day.

SCPD marine patrol officers will be on the lookout for swimmers, surfers and boaters in distress, and will issue tickets to unlicensed operators of motorboats and to operators of all boats that are not carrying personal flotation devices. “We could even depth charge a large shark, should the need arise,” Ramius said.

Along with the submarine, SCPD has recently acquired a “whole slew” of military equipment, Ramius revealed. “As we speak, my men are doing various drills and practice engagements, including Free-for-All, Team Deathmatch, Mercenary Team Deathmatch, Headquarters, Capture the Flag, Team Tactical, Kill Confirmed and Search and Destroy scenarios,” he said.

Special report on Sunday evening at 9PM, Sol City News Network, when our reporter is joining the submarines first trial patrol and duties.



SOL CITY is has a cool but very clear winter evening, no chances of rain and not a cloud in the sky. Temperatures are not high so wrap up and make sure you have a coat or a good beer jacket. Take care and make sure to dress for the weather.

For a more detailed and up to date report on the go, download our app, SOL CITY WEATHER 24/7 on most popular app stores.

Tipsy Tuesday


"Alright brain, you don't like me and I don't like you, but let's just do this and I can get back to killing you with beer." Homer Simpsom


So.. well its time to be foot loose and fancy free. Across the city for one special night all drinks are half price! Be it beer or bourbon. Wine or Whiskey and more. Bring your best, maybe you could get lucky tonight or just get hungover for half the price. either way its better than normal!

Have fun, interact, have a laugh maybe cause some drama, romance, or just get hammered and see what drunken adventures you can get into.

So, pretty simple. A roving herd of Drama Llama have been spotted from our Art adventures so please do give them a pet, and maybe a bottle of wine and book.

All Locations are open as normal.

Please be clear where you are posting from etc, but you all know the drill :) Any questions, musings or problems feel free to message, PM, Discord or Post and we will do bet to help.


SOL source of News since 1895



Special Report by Rita, An artful Drama

Hello Readers!! Rita from Sol Spills here and boy do I have a treat for you. So this reporter got a press interview at the show for Siobhan Murphy. If you recall a few episodes ago we debated who was dating whom. Well if you can believe Maria Olympus her daughter was dating Mr. Nicolosi. Here is a direct quote from Olympus herself. “As for the current rumors it seems we have a classic situation, one person sees things differently to the other and had a different idea what the relationship was…” Sounds to me like she’s calling Nicolosi out that he was dating her daughter and that her daughter is the innocent in this tale.

But that’s not all she went on to say “Things failed as many do and what one saw as a friend the other a boyfriend. And well. Misunderstanding has escalated quite badly. Sorry folks. No love triangles today.”

That seems rather misleading does it not? Why not give a firm yes or no? She goes on to give particulars about either her daughter’s relationship with her current girlfriend. “No they met recently, but both have my approval and wish them well as a couple. And no, I just want to see my daughter happy with a supportive partner.”

Wow talk about harsh. If she claims that they were in a relationship then says he wasn’t supportive isn’t that confirming that they were. On top of all this the impression that was given in the press conference, tiny as it was, was that we were not to take comments from Olympus’ daughter. So naturally we all asked Siobhan Murphy. To which we were told. “Mr. Nicolosi has not dated anyone prior to myself for quite some time, meaning more than a few years. If you were told otherwise it is a complete fabrication and you need to consider the source. I have had nothing but support from him even before we started dating. He isn’t here tonight due to commitments that were made prior to this event.”

All this juicy news but I left the kicker for last, an unplanned pregnancy is in the offing for Ethan Aster. His new girlfriend will hopefully they will be enjoying the little patter of tiny feet. That's all for now in Sol Spills.


Sol City PD Fights Crime Underwater With Sneaky Submarine

Sol city Police have anounced their latest acquisition in the fight against crime that has blighted the city in recent months. Police Captain Marko Ramius of the proudly revealed the military-surplus diesel powered underwater crime fighter to a large crowd at the Sol City docks. “I want to emphasize that this submersible craft came at no cost to taxpayers,” Ramius explained. “With the blessing of the City Council, we requested such a watercraft last year under a federal program to outfit local police departments with surplus military equipment.”

“While the craft reached the end of its usefulness for the U.S. Navy, the civilian applications of this submersible are numerous,” Ramius continued. “You never know what’s out there and we’re here to protect the citizenry from the worst case scenario,” he added in a phone call Tuesday. “Imagine the horror people would experience if a large military craft passed beneath their boat or emerged from depths within view of the beach—we’re here to stop that from happening. This sub will make a strong statement about our power and might,” Hirsch continued. “The people want to know their police will do whatever it takes—whatever it takes—to maintain order and control,” he said. “They want to see us as an unstoppable force beyond the reach of sleazy criminals’ lawyers and legal loopholes.”

Named Jaws VIII by SCPD, the submarine will be deployed to patrol the shoreline on weekends only leading up to Fourth of July, when patrols will be stepped up to seven days a week through Labor Day.

SCPD marine patrol officers will be on the lookout for swimmers, surfers and boaters in distress, and will issue tickets to unlicensed operators of motorboats and to operators of all boats that are not carrying personal flotation devices. “We could even depth charge a large shark, should the need arise,” Ramius said.

Along with the submarine, SCPD has recently acquired a “whole slew” of military equipment, Ramius revealed. “As we speak, my men are doing various drills and practice engagements, including Free-for-All, Team Deathmatch, Mercenary Team Deathmatch, Headquarters, Capture the Flag, Team Tactical, Kill Confirmed and Search and Destroy scenarios,” he said.

Special report on Sunday evening at 9PM, Sol City News Network, when our reporter is joining the submarines first trial patrol and duties.



SOL CITY is has a cool but very clear winter evening, no chances of rain and not a cloud in the sky. Temperatures are not high so wrap up and make sure you have a coat or a good beer jacket. Take care and make sure to dress for the weather.

For a more detailed and up to date report on the go, download our app, SOL CITY WEATHER 24/7 on most popular app stores.

@Conscripts@Rodiak@Almalthia@PrinceAlexus@Alex_The_Great@King Tai@PrinceAlexus@Almalthia@Majoras End@Zaxter996@CaptainSully@Silver Fox@LostBrotherGrimm@Tenma Tendo@Pilatus@MissCapnCrunch@Rodiak@Pilatus@RoccanIronclad@LunarMist@GarlandDaHero
Jim Bob attempts to dart to D7 and fire on spiders.

If not he attempts to introduce these over grown arachnids to a boot!

>>Growls about creatures with too many limbs to be natural


Pastor Jimmy his brother on his other adventure.

Move up to C4
>> heal anyone injuried if anyone is.
>>call upon the loss blessings for luciel to protect her as front won... Deamon? And then self if still some faith left.

>> mutters abit being hotter than hell here, and it seems they have someone who knows how hot!
24 Hour Time Skip Warning

Temporal jump to Tipsy Tuesday (Tuesday Evening). ALL DRINKS 50% OFF! . Free Skip . Temporal drives to 88MPH!

Consider what your character(s) may have been doing in the course of the weekend and start of week.

Any questions please let us know.

As always, if you feel that you are not ready to skip. PLEASE speak up!
Sorry. Been distract d by my own RP.. Skip posts plus 18k setting post!

Il be posting my stuff later today :)
And a classic short post lol :)

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Swan songs to Hesphestus Manor Art show . Saturday Evening . Park View district .

Marinalia was a alittle Suprised how ewaily she was starting to handle things, well alot... She expected to ne a nurotic of confused mess but hey. It all was working? What was up with that? That was a question she really needed less cocktails to answer. The whole sunburn... Oh that was just nna be a trip to chemist for some factor 50 or higher... Did they sell higher? She would find out. The only other little worry was well... Carabian. Bikini... No real choice Thete. Skirt shopping it was... There where a few fun ways she s could be comfortable, pretty and a alittle desirable too. Oh and hats, sandals, some lighter tops and so... Shopping trip was definitely planned in a day off. Northern living had greatly depleted her hot weather options. "Nothing a alittle shopping day cannot fix, and some SPF 50 I may need help with my caribian cutie. Kinda silly, but beech riding... I can teach you, just you me and the ocean. A girl can dream." joking slightly with a mirthfyl expression , for some reason she had a natural ease trusting Xia, recently barred and locked gates opened up again, and least there was a alittle light at the tunnels end. A few cocktails where definitely influencing her thinking.

Marlin explained, yeah they tended to follow each other into trouble, but that was normal for sisters? Eh, they gave up on normal, life just had thrown too much at time to seem normal. Thr only regret she had was that Xia was effected. It was her fight not Xia's. If she wanted to be friends. That was fine, well if they let her anyway. Depended how militant they where feeling tonight it seemed.

Marinalia was a alittle confused what to do... She might want to calm it or so but in the same night that Victoria had turned out maybe pregnant, argued with Mill. She had a fake... Or real momment with Siobhan and Maria had exchanged words.... Tonight was insane. At least Xia was sticking by her, god knows what kinda wreck she would be of she got dumped on the same night that would be extreme even by there families rediculous drama standards. "your free to do as you like, Paige was... Intresting and I think she... Well put someone away who hurt me. Told you my life was never boring.

Il see, I still have to deal with her abit, she is basically using my house. So some things might be unavoidable. Things like the tear down and so."
Marinalia really just did not quite know the right course of action, she knew Xia was supporting her, but she also felt bad her choices where impacting her girlfriends. She was free to go and do what she wnated, she did not have to be bound to fall under the Olympus banner of the feud.

Letting go of her hand, she had forgotten when she was holding it or so, just another mystery for her and so, though after that snowy winter weekend... Well her idea of awkward with Xia was rather much changed very quickly. Add the... Unsure if true mentions from Ethan. Plus Siobhan and all... Hiding was a total fail. Might as well have fun and enjoy life! Vanilla, cliche as it was white Choclate... She loved white Choclate ice cream! "See you soon. White Choclate ice cream more like! cliche as it sounds, I love it. Good luck, what fate decides my curvaceous cutey" smiling, she did not mind others seeing them Happy, it was strange but it worked and well fuck... Ifnit worked it worked! Touching her cheek a alittle where she had been Kissed, it was somthing that should be the same surely, but it was and not. Oh wow, her internal voices where going like a bunch of crazy people tonight.

Anyway, how could Siobhan see her as a threat to Joel, she would have to bloody paranoid to think that now. The evidence she was well... It was obvious. Plus she was clearly taken and happy with someone. Why would she risk this for a guy who dating someone else... Marinalia would have to be stupid as they thought she was. One thing she was not...misguided at times. But never stupid. She was being trained to fly the new civilian C130 for fucks sake. Try that. Probably not even turn on thr radio... Yet alone start up the engines. Thr little comments she was not sure where that began. It was fun though, even of they had drawn the odd glance. As before. Well they where happy, not tying to bother anyone too much actively, people where strange... So very strange.


OK that was strange. Xia was doing fine over there, well not Xia had a away with people Marlin lacked abit but still... Calm... There was not huge upswell of drama, dramatics and fury. Could tonight stop with the suprises?

Siobhan, Xia, sio, Vika, Milo... Everyone was linked somehow though, and she could see how this had become such a web of a mess. The bridge between milo and Victoria was raised to its foundations though. Not that was a bad thing she thought slightly darkly. If she was pregnant then she had to stick with Ethan, even if they fell out of love, a child was forever not for Christmas. Oh. How batting for thr other team, getting a girlfreind, she could not end up pregnant acidiantly whatever she did.

Keeping a protective eye on Xia, she could not help but worry for her, she was definitely doing OK but even then she was tied to Marinalia. Feud ot no feud, and cold as some thought she was. She did care deeply for her family, and Xia was in the care category... If this kept up, she really wondered how it was possible she was falling to care for her so quickly. It was a alittle scary bit also amazing.

The art... Art was amazing, she had wandered a while but kept being drawn to a winter scene that reminded her of home. A few others like the city hall or views where intresting but none got her imagination like the snowy scene. Hopefully her bid via Maria was not "lost". She would enjoy thr painting even if the artist was not on freindly terms.


Marinalia saw Xia aproach and her waiting cocktails, hers with rum and more fruit than should be possible and Marlins a lemony one, she liked Lemonchello, somehow the bar staff where very creative and seemed to like a challenge. That red dress really really suited her, it was definitely cheeky, almost literally again lol. Marinalia was not exactly entirely coservetive split to the upper thigh, backless and so, Xia's least showed off one thing, her rather enviable legs...to great effect.

Smiling at her girlfriends return from the group, somehow she had been rather tense about it all... Marinalia was not looking to see a Xia hurt and dragged into the trouble. Much as they had only recently met, they rather had connected none the less."Blunt... But rather Acurate. That's her choice, her loss if not work out how swesome you are.

Cheers hon! Fruity, colourful and fun like you"
laughing, yes she really had a silly side, though somthing about the endless up beat Caribian woman seemed to make it present. She really needed to quit with the internal soul monologues. Her brain was really doing strange things tonight. Though she was feeling a tad... Well protective of what she had and who with, keeping a careful eye on Xia while she was over there.

A warm hand found hers, Marlin could get used to that. She had not had someone close like this for a while. It was nice. Till she felt a alittle blush as a hand found her thigh under the table where the dress split, and felt a gentle motion. A few other whispers had her trying to hide her reactions and failing if it was not for her makeup she would be blushing worse... Xia really was... Full flavoured like her choice in cocktails. With a cheeky smile out of sight, she did not bother moving Xia's hand, it felt pleasant. "i could lie... But you present a good case.

Tell your cousin there's a decent bottle of rum if he returns after 10.30 to 11.00 and does not call me white girl. Let me grab a bag and coat and some shoes not torturing me and I'm yours! "
OK Marinalia was not normally this decisive but well, Xia had... Changed somthing. Downing thr last of her drunk she gave her a kiss, a few quiet flirty words of her own and got up, heading upstairs to pack a bag, grab her boots and a coat.

Before leaving she bid Ethan and others goodnight. Part smiling watching the two at the music night, well. Definitely together and Vokas friend had somewhat charming her brother. Fairly polite, she was kinda rather distracted by her girlfriend and her ways. Shaking her head at the teasing and comments. They where just jealous she thought and vanished off with a click of heels and a alittle bounce to her step though careful not to let her dress expose herself. It already had tape in the odd place to keep exactly where it should be.


Returning quickly, she had swapped her heals for a pair of shiny dark leather taller boots as she grabbed first she could find, her warm and lined flight jacket, a small bag over one shoulder and her hand bag. It was not most stylish but it was a way to have somthing less obvious to go home with. Heals, a gown and so... Yeah... Nope. She had a change, plus her feet where cursing her birth. Mixed up as was it still looked cute. A quick word to Maria and a hug which even Xia got from her mum for being first person in years to crack her shell in months who decided to "forget" exactly what she up to and merely told her to meet her and Victoria in the afternoon. "oh, Don, t worry, we will work out a plan and help Victoria, me, Marla and Rachel all have been there. You just have fun, Xia, well... You Don,t need my permission, but you can have my approval. " leaving them a alittle later to talk to someone regarding closing the event, she was next closest to owner, Victoria was resting and Marlin was off to... Well she would not ask questions she did not want answers for.

The art evening had been.... Intense to say the least, making her way for a quick word, she had other places to be she would much rather enjoy in many ways. She was nervous about well, this was a new thing but was a good thing right. She really hoped Xia would stick around, she definitely was coming to rely on Xia.

Reaching Sios table, a alittle nervous, but as Xia had said, she had her back regardless. She was not going alone this time. The leather jacket and boots where a alittle strange with the dress but she was headed out. It was obvious why... The cute blue haired girl and Marcus... Adorable couple. She really hoped they made it. Siobhan, Piage made her nervous, even Milo he was... A outlier. The other two she had a good handle on, but Milo was a wild card. "Intresting would be a word to describe tonight... Siobhan, Alexandria... Maria will be in charge of the house regards to locking up etc. I'm headed out with Xia, and Victoria is likely sleeping by now.

Much as you hate me, your work was excellent. Take down begins as planned, 11.00 am Sunday if your still on schedule. Have a wonderful evening. Now i have a waiting Uber and a very pretty date to attend to. "
keeping her tone pretty calm, cooler but not icey. She stuck strictly to the point. She glanced over at Paige and Milo struggling to hide a few nerves. They where wild cards. Giving the others a friendly wave and bidding the group goodnight including the twins, Marcus and Vika, s somewhat flirty Russian friend. Dira was rather pretty and her internal voice teasing her on how she could not of missed things.

Leaving with a friendly wave, she found Xia's hand, and trusted Maria to handle things. Her mum was rather experienced in planning and orgonisation. Everything was safely in hand. She could use the guest room on third floor tonight. She reallt had ernough drinks to not drive in any sane country plus Victoria would have someone on hand for advice if she needed it. They already had a long afternoon to catch up on things and work out what to do and how best to help Vika.

Leaving for a waiting Uber, she cuddled close to Xia and could not resit her hand wandering to her thigh as they traveled over ignorinf a few glances from the driver who she left a decent tip, so very glad her cousin was busy. Well she needed a alittle help and took things a alittle slower to start with, but soon it certainly would a night she was not gonna forget, or fail to look back on with a smile and a abit of a blush. Xia was patient but Marlin was a quick learner, much to Xia's benefit.

*that's all folks... Much fun later*


Curled up utterly peacefully asleep next to her girlfriend a extremely content, and happy Marinalia had forgotten the nights drama and merely felt safe next to the Caribian Cutey who somehow had fallen into her life, bed and was worming her way slowly but surely to her heart. After a rather intense night in more than one way, Marinalia would definitely not be waking up early. She reallt did not want to have to leave this bed and her girlfriends comforting prescense in a rush. Her cousin definitely could delay... Plus the girl he was seeing.. Well some things definitely where not best being first to finish! If he played his cards right he would not be in such a bad mood as last time she met the man.

@Almalthia@King Tai@Zaxter996@Pilatus@Majoras End@RoccanIronclad

*that's all folks. A classic Prince short post lol*

Cool i will try to send you my character sheet hopefully tomorrow after work.

Post it to wall please.
Get two approvals and post it on up to CS tab.

As always, questions. Just ask away.
Hello i was wondering if you had room for one more?

That we do.. However this chapter is coming to a close.

Fear not however. We have a 3rd planned :)

Your welcome to make a charceter though and get a early start.

Any questions just ask a GM, PM, or post on here!
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