During the hours of 4pm and 6pm, the lucky Varians in Sorian found themselves holding a delicate invitation adorned with pink flowers and written in sweet purple writing. It was unmistakable which Varian Princess had sent the letter even before it was read. As night descended upon Caesonia, the festival at the park came alive. Enchanting string lights and lanterns adorned the trees, casting a warm glow over the festivities The sizzle of hot oil greeted visitors as they approached a stall serving piping hot funnel cakes. The deep-fried dough was dusted with powdered sugar. The stall next to it boasted an assortment of freshly baked churros, coated in cinnamon sugar and served with a side of chocolate dipping sauce. For those craving something savory, there were options aplenty. A stall was serving piping hot corn dogs, where plump sausages were coated in a golden cornmeal batter and deep-fried to perfection. Another stall offered juicy turkey legs that could satisfy a hunger pang. Many patrons gathered food to bring back to their picnic blankets and tables, eagerly anticipating the upcoming fireworks show.
Game stalls were also still abuzz with excitement, filling the air with joy. Some of the games featured were balloon darts, a wheel of fortune, raffles, ring toss, a shooting gallery(using water squirters), and obstacle course challenges.
Princess Sadie's guests would have no trouble finding her, as she had assembled possibly the largest collection of picnic blankets in the park. They were laid out in a large square neatly on a small hill near the front of the park, to the side, creating a cozy and inviting seating area. Alongside the blankets, she had also brought an ample supply of plush pillows and an array of delicious food. Now, all that was left was for her guests to arrive. But would they show up?