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I spit like awogarpa and I ain't afraid to step up to the plate. You'll see what happens next, Guillermo. You'll see.
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Those aren't laces. Those are my toe nails.
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I spit like awogarpa and I ain't afraid to step up to the plate. You'll see what happens next, Guillermo. You'll see.
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Turnless Posting Begins For the Guest House Dinner Guests!

ATTENDING GUESTS:@Rodiak Nahir, @13org Mayet, @Lava Alckon Farim, @Potter Layla, @Helo Leo @FunnyGuy Lorenzo @princess Charlotte @Inertia Auguste, @Tpartywithzombi Ariella @JJ Doe Riona


Location: Castle Guesthouse
Interactions: @FunnyGuy Lorenzo @Rodiak Nahir @13org Mayet @Potter Layla @Helo Leo @Inertia Auguste @JJ Doe Riona

The doors creaked loudly as the Grand Vizier stormed in, his elaborate outfit rustling against his skin with every step. He wore a soft, flowing tunic in a deep shade of blue that complemented his complexion. Gold thread embroidered the sleeves, depicting patterns that gleamed under the soft light of the chandeliers. His matching coat, adorned with ornate golden buttons, fell elegantly to his thighs, and his pants hugged his legs snugly. On his head, he wore a turban in a shade of gold. The jewels that adorned it sparkled brilliantly in the light, drawing attention to his piercing gaze.

As he entered the room, his eyes scanned the guests like an animal taking in what intruders were in his territory, the air growing tenser with every second. The anger simmered just beneath the surface, and he could feel the gazes of the other guests upon him, watching his every move. However, Hafiz found himself locked on one guest in particular in no time.

“Fine of you to join us, brother.” the Sultan greeted him warmly.

“Quite.” Hafiz agreed distractedly. Before anyone could react to the new presence in the room, he was already moving toward Lorenzo with a purpose. As he loomed over Lorenzo, Hafiz's voice was barely above a whisper, but it carried the weight of a shout of fury. "Duke Vikena. Move from that seat," he commanded with a chilling authority, his eyes boring into Lorenzo's with a look that could curdle blood. "You insolent fool." The words dripped with venom, though it was only loud enough for those close enough to Lorenzo to hear.

Charlotte & Lorenzo

Location:Vikena Estate → The Castle Guesthouse
Interactions: @Rodiak Nahir @13org Mayet @Potter Layla @Helo Leo @Inertia Auguste @JJ Doe Riona

Charlotte anticipated Lorenzo's arrival in the grand foyer by the stairs, leaning against the railing's finial. Her eyes lit up as she caught sight of Lorenzo descending the stairs, clad in a dashing red suit that was not far in color from her dress. "Well, it seems that great minds do indeed think alike," She commented with a smile.

“All the credit goes to Delilah,” Lorenzo said with a chuckle as he reached the base of the stairs. He had only taken four steps toward Charlotte when he truly took in her appearance. “Emina…” He spoke so softly that the name was nearly mouthed. There were times when Charlotte unintentionally caused Lorenzo to see the phantom of his late wife but this was so much more. The dress, the necklace, the way she wore her hair… and that smile gracing her lovely face. “You look stunning, Lottie. Absolutely stunning.” Lorenzo teared up as he kept up his smile.

“Aw Lorenzo…” Her own eyes had brimmed with tears and without a moment's hesitation, she closed the distance between them and embraced him tightly. Lorenzo, returning the hug, was again reminded of how precious she was to him. Reminded of how important tonight was.

Nathaniel descended down the stairs next, wearing a classic black tuxedo and a weary look on his face. He had been charged with organizing and the gifts and helping bring them into the Alidasht's guest house. He didn't mind looking presentable for the higher class but the foreign royalty would only see him for a few minutes. Benjamin is going to help whether he likes it or not.

“My lord, apologies for interrupting but I am going to begin loading the gifts back into the carriage.”

Lorenzo broke away from the hug but kept his hands on Charlotte's shoulders so as to not swiftly remove himself from her embrace. Turning to Nathaniel, he smiled.

“Good timing my friend. Once we get the first bit to the carriage, Benjamin can assist you with bringing in the rest.”

Thank the gods, yes! Nathaniel kept his composure and gave Lorenzo a single nod before grabbing a long case that appeared to also be quite heavy.

“My requested assistance will be completed in due haste.” Benjamin bowed and moved towards the exit.

“It was very smart of you to bring gifts.” Charlotte’s gaze followed the case as Nathaniel brought it outside. She was grateful that Lorenzo had thought to bring gifts, especially knowing that the Alidasht appreciated flattery. Though she was afraid to ask what exactly he had picked out.

“Of course. We may be guests to their dinner but they are still guests to our country.”

The gifts weren't the only subject on her mind. She had the urge to ask about something else, even though she knew it might not be wise to do so at the moment. Lorenzo's hands had left her shoulders, meaning he'd soon move on from her. It was now or never. “Umm… Lorenzo?” She looked at him with a thoughtful expression, briefly averting her eyes as if considering her words carefully.

“Yes?” He raised his brows with anticipation. Charlotte then rubbed her arm, her shoulders slacking as if she had let go of an idea that had crossed her mind. “I just wanted to ask if… If you would like to bake cookies with me later?”

“Cookies? Yes of course! We can do the hot cocoa too. It's warm outside but who cares! It'll be an excellent treat after this splendid dinner.” Lorenzo gave Charlotte a confident wink just before he moved around her and grabbed a large paper filled with miniature bouquets, “I hate to ask you to carry anything but this is the lightest load and they happen to be flowers almost as beautiful as you. Almost.” Lorenzo sighed looking at the other bags. “I just wish I paid attention to how heavy all these things were together.” He handed her the bag and grabbed two large sacks for himself.

Lorenzo’s words elicited a big smile from Charlotte,“Can’t wait!” She replied with genuine enthusiasm. She was pleasantly surprised by his joyous energy, especially hearing he had apparently been suicidal earlier. However, it truthfully made the story all more confusing; she supposed that was an issue to ponder later. “...It’s no problem. I can help carry whatever is needed.”


The carriage glided into the castle grounds and ascended the stone path toward the guest house. Once Benjamin had brought them as close as possible, Charlotte and Lorenzo got down from the carriage. They subsequently made their way inside, with Benjamin and Nathaniel following closely behind, their hands laden with gifts. Charlotte had offered to assist with carrying some of the presents, but her offer was quickly declined.

Once inside, a servant greeted them and offered to guide them to the dining room. The interior of the guest house exuded an air of elegance, though it was more subdued and simple, designed not to clash with anyone's decorative preferences. Charlotte found herself quite taken with the understated charm as she moved through the halls, her eyes observing her surroundings. The walls were made of marble and the floors were consistently covered in red carpeting. They eventually came to a halt before a room with large doors that were pulled open to reveal a rather small dining room. The walls were painted in a dark lime shade of green, and the room had a quaint aesthetic. Charlotte couldn't help but notice how intimate the setting was. This dining room, while not uncomfortably small, would certainly be an echo chamber where words could be heard by all.

Members of the dinner had already found their seats at the dinner table, and though Lorenzo would never voice it, he was glad he and Charlotte weren't the last to show up. He and Charlotte were the honored guests after all… Well, perhaps "mandatory guests" was more fitting. Lorenzo almost imagined himself as one of the horses from today's race as an imagined gunshot rang out to signify the start of a turbulent event.

“Ah, look at this! Good evening!” Lorenzo greeted all merrily as he, Charlotte, Nathaniel, and Benjamin entered the room. “Nathaniel and Benjamin, you can set those down on that table by the window and get going back home. And Benjamin, I think an hour from now will be good.” The two silently did as he instructed, trying to draw as little attention as possible as they moved a few bags and boxes onto the unoccupied table. Lorenzo used this time to properly greet the hosts and other guests of the dinner.

“Your highness, Sultan Raif Kadir. I am honored to have been invited to meet and dine with you and your family. I… I wish it were through better circumstances… BUT like a fuzzy dandelion, we have arrived in an unanticipated setting and will flourish through a time tougher than the hard cobblestone road. Peace be upon you.”

“Good evening, Your Majesty.” After placing the bouquets on the side table, Charlotte took a moment to add her own greeting and gave the sultan a proper curtsy. She also bowed toward each of his daughters. “Your Highnesses. We are grateful and honored to be amongst you.”

“Agreed! It's an absolute dream to see the three Shehzadis looking ever lovely. Women exemplifying both beauty and strength! One of whom was so prepared to help me in the park this morning by striking fear into a deranged scoundrel. Shehzadi Mayet Kadir, I didn't get the chance to give you and your furry friend a proper thank you, but just you wait!” Lorenzo shot her and Nala a wink followed by a smirk. “You and your tiger remind me so much of me and my ferret, Kier… Sadly he couldn't make it this evening.” Lorenzo frowned and lowered his eyes briefly after saying this before recomposing himself a looking at Layla.

“Shehzadi Layla, I must say you are not forgotten and neither is your grace on the ballroom floor. Oh, and that bowtie is wonderful! How do you- nevermind, we can discuss that later. I might be the better dancer but that snake of yours is giving me a run for my money in dress!” He kept up his smile despite the slight intimidation he felt from the woman he had toppled over the night prior. Before his smile could falter, he engaged the third Shehzadi.

“Shehzadi… N-Nahir.” Lorenzo surprisingly recollected. With the hard part of his greeting to her over, Lorenzo proceeded. “I'm afraid we haven't had the opportunity to be formally introduced but I could never forget the angel that wished to have my life spared in the face of many that would have enjoyed witnessing my final hours. Thank you, truly.” Lorenzo hadn't even realized he was taking way too long with these greetings. Nathaniel and Benjamin were taking their leave with Nathaniel giving Lorenzo a single pat on the shoulder as he hoped it would instill some level of competence into the duke.

Charlotte stood, awaiting him to finally finish speaking. Her eyes met the sultans. He hadn’t seemed annoyed quite yet but he didn’t seem overjoyed either. He hadn’t moved to speak yet, his hands folded on the table as he watched Lorenzo. “Should we sit now?” She whispered.

“Shh! We mustn't miss anyone,” Lorenzo hushed. His eyes searched for any of the Shahzade but he found none. There was also a daughter unaccounted for. He'd just make do.

“Again, thank you and your family.” He looked at each of them to include Farim, whom he hadn't met. He gave him a slight bow of the head, assuming he was of some importance. Keeping to the proper order of greeting, Lorenzo turned his attention toward the prince.

“Prince Auguste Danrose, a pleasant surprise. I had a splendid conversation with your older brother this afternoon. To have the honor to see two princes in such a short time.” Then there was Lord Smithwood. Lord Smithwood. You look more rugged every time I see you. Don't outdo me young man,” He chuckled. “A pleasure.” Lorenzo then finally returned his attention to Raif.

“Duke Lorenzo Vikena. Lady Charlotte Vikena.” Raif said slowly, as if tasting their names, his eyes moving between the duo. He finally nodded and ordered, “Sit.” He beckoned them forward with a brief wave. Lorenzo pulled out one of the chairs next to Leo, assuming she'd want to be closest to her childhood friend. “Charlotte.” He found himself still stunned by her appearance this evening. Lorenzo knew he could succeed and keep smiling if he kept her in mind.

Charlotte graciously sat down. “Thank you.” She had then glanced at Leo with a friendly smile in greeting, her eyes traveling to Auguste as well as she spoke, “Lord Leo, I’m happy you are attending with us this evening and It’s nice to see you, Prince Auguste, here too.” As intimidating as it all seemed, it was comforting to have the two of them present here.

Meanwhile, Lorenzo walked from behind Charlotte's chair toward the opposite direction of the Sultan's head of the table. The servant, Riona moved past the duke to get one of the seats pulled out for him but a gentle hand on her upper arm stopped her.

“Thank you, but no need to seat me. I already feel guilty about having my servants do so much today. I don't wish to use another for something I can do quite easily.” Moving past her, Lorenzo took his seat at the other head of the table, opposite to Sultan Raif Kadir.

What a power move.

Time: 5 → 5:45pm
Location: Vikena Estate
Mention:@FunnyGuy Lorenzo
Attire:Dress, Hair ribbonBun, Dress, Gold haircomb

The dark-haired girl in the white gown stood in Lorenzo’s room, her eyes fixated on the trio of objects laid out before her - a bullet, a flask, and a bottle. She reached for the bottle, cautiously unscrewing the cap and taking a whiff. The pungent herbal aroma of the gun reached her nostrils, and she recoiled slightly. Her gaze then turned to the flask of opium. She picked it up, studying it carefully, her mind swirling with concern. “Is he mixing these?” She whispered to herself in despair. As for the bullet, Charlotte could deduce that Count Fritz had discharged the pistol into the wall. She furrowed her brow, wondering why it had been loaded with only one bullet. Her anxiety surged as she heard the front doors of the house opening, and Nathaniel's voice echoed dimly in her ears. Time was running out.

With a sense of urgency, Charlotte approached the gun and retrieved the spent bullet, swiftly reloading it back into the chamber. Her eyes then fell upon the other two mysterious items in the room, the opium flask and the gin bottle. She racked her brain trying to figure out where they could have come from, but she had no time to dwell on it. Quickly, she moved over to the gun and took it back down, reloading the bullet inside. She mounted it back where it had been, her eyes thus falling on the other two items in question.

The problem at hand was certainly that Charlotte had absolutely no idea where they had come from. Alas, she had no time to think about it. It was possible Lorenzo would simply think he misplaced it when he was drunk. Hurrying over, she picked the two items up in each hand.

Not under the bed. I doubt he’d leave it somewhere it could roll out into sight. I am not sure it would fit in the night table… The closet or the chest?

Charlotte thought quickly, her eyes darting between her options. She decided to go for the closer option and picked up the two glass containers, placing them inside the chest and closing it quietly. As she rushed to her own bedroom, Charlotte pressed herself up against the door, her breathing heavy with a mix of adrenaline and apprehension. She closed her eyes tightly, trying to collect her thoughts amidst the chaos swirling in her mind.

"Prince Wulfric was right... About all of it," She whispered to herself, the weight of the situation sinking in. She knew she would have to confront Lorenzo, but doing so before the high-stakes dinner with the sultan was not the best timing. Charlotte let out a deep sigh.

As time ticked on, the preparation process had been another whirlwind of rushing. She had initially picked out a sweet feminine lilac dress with a matching lace bow, but then Delilah intervened and steered her in a more mature direction. Charlotte soon found herself now staring at her reflection in the mirror, adorned in a stunning dark-red velvety dress with intricate gold details at the waist and cuffs. The dress hugged her curves in all the right places yet remained appropriate by all means. Her hair was styled up in a neat bun, with a few stray strands framing her face, adding a touch of softness to her regal appearance.

“Spitting image of your mother, my Lady.” Delilah's voice came from over her shoulder, a note of warmth in her tone. “She was perhaps a lot of things, but beautiful was one of them.” Charlotte’s expression softened only slightly.

Delilah had long noticed her unusual behavior over the past hour, ever since they had begun preparing. She had barely been speaking and had even wanted to get ready alone. Delilah insisted, of course, as dolling up Lottie was one of her favorite activities.

“Oh, but it's missing something,” Delilah observed, moving behind Charlotte. Charlotte watched her reflection in the mirror with a perplexed look as Delilah worked on her hair. After a few moments, Delilah held up a hand-held mirror, and Charlotte saw that a subtle gold haircomb had been embedded into her bun. “...It was my mother’s,”

At first, Charlotte started to smile, impressed by the beautiful hair ornament. However, her smile quickly faltered as a wave of mixed emotions washed over her. “Delilah... I can't wear this,” she said softly, her voice filled with conflict.

The blonde maid grinned at Charlotte's reflection in the mirror, her eyes gleaming with a hint of chaos. She suddenly gripped Charlotte's arms and gave her a small shake, eliciting a surprised laugh from Charlotte. “Yes, you can, you silly girl! And yes, you will! I want you to, Delilah exclaimed with determination.

Charlotte tried to turn around, but Delilah quickly turned her back, refusing to let her see what she was up to. “Nope. Oneee mooore thing.” She informed her in a singsong voice and then moved to retrieve something off the dresser. “This one was your mother’s, right? ” Delilah pulled a gold chain around her neck and clasped it. A small heart-shaped locket hung off it. “Take her with you.”

Delilah rubbed Charlotte's arm affectionately as they both looked at her reflection in the mirror. “Now, you really look like her,” Delilah said with a smile.

Charlotte touched the locket gently, her heart swelling with emotion. She then gave her a small smile and nodded. “… Thank you, Delilah.” She finally was able to spin and face the maid. She took her hands. “I’m grateful for you.”

Delilah wiped away her own tears and looked at Charlotte with concern. “And I for you, Lottie... Now, are you going to tell me what's wrong before those tears ruin my makeup?”

Charlotte's gaze averted as she struggled to find the right words. “I... I'm scared, Delilah,” she finally admitted, her voice betraying her vulnerability.

Delilah frowned and quickly brushed away the tears brimming in her eyes. Delilah was struck by how much Charlotte sounded like the little girl who used to ask her to sit by her bedside after a nightmare; it was a tone she hadn't heard in a long time.

“Don’t be. You can handle this. I know my Lottie and she never gives up, ‘even in the face of danger’!” Delilah grinned at her and picked up a nearby book and wiggled it. “Finally read it. You’re right. It’s fun reading about female heroines for a change sometimes. Now hurry to meet your father before you’re late.”

Charlotte considered her words. Perhaps she had let her mind wander too negatively after a long day. It was a good thing she knew about Lorenzo after all, as now she could actually help him. Additionally, if they were going to get out of this dinner unscathed, she was going to need to bring all her focus. She nodded and smiled more genuinely this time. “You’re right. I can handle this.”

As Charlotte had moved out of her room and down the hall, Delilah called down, “Don’t forget to keep bringing pretty boys home for me to look at!”

Time: 5:30pm → 5:50pm
Location: Her bedroom

Anastasia's eyes fluttered open at the first sound of pecking against her window,and she initially dismissed it as a groggy dream. But as the tapping grew louder and more persistent, she jolted awake, her heart racing with surprise and curiosity. She sat up in bed, rubbing her eyes, and that's when she saw it - the falcon outside her window with beautiful feathers and sharp, piercing eyes.

Thara, Farim’s pet Falcon.

The memory of Thara's striking appearance and mysterious presence flooded her mind, and she couldn't believe that the falcon was now here, pecking at her window. With a rush of excitement, she hurried over to the window and opened it, and Thara hopped onto her arm with a caw, as if recognizing her.

“What are you doing here, silly?” Anastasia asked softly, running a hand gently over the bird's smooth feathers, a smile slowly spreading across her face. "Well, I know you're far from your master, but I'll take good care of you for now until I can bring you back home to him."

With that, she gave Thara a kiss on the head and carefully moved over to a T-shaped jewelry stand. She carefully removed some of the jewelry from it, creating a perfect perch for Thara. The falcon settled onto it comfortably. After that moment, Anastasia had left the room. She returned a bit later with some ground beef to feed Thara and spent the next thirty minutes with her. Though she still felt a little on the ill and tired side, the presence of the bird seemed to be distracting her for the time being.

It was almost 6 pm when her mother returned. “Anastasia…?” When she had heard no response, she had pressed her ear to the door. The sound of a cello could be heard. Concerned, she pressed her ear to Anastasia's bedroom door, and to her surprise, she heard the melodies of a cello playing from within. The music resonated through the door, filling the air with its enchanting notes. She slowly opened the door to the view of her daughter seated with her cello. This was a familiar sight certainly, but the presence of the falcon perched nearby watching with keen interest was strange. Despite the initial criticism that rose in her throat, Alibeth took a deep breath and swallowed it down with her willpower. She slowly shut the door behind her, stepping closer to her daughter and the falcon.

Pressing her hands together, Alibeth approached. “You’ve built a rather lovely skill for yourself, Anastasia.”

The music almost slowed to a halt. Anastasia clenched her jaw and decided to play louder in an attempt to drown out her voice.

Alibeth sighed, her eyes narrowing slightly as she noticed her daughter's resistance to her comment. The blonde met her mother's eyes defiantly as the volume of the cello music increased, drowning out any chance of conversation. "Sorry, I've reached a crescendo in the music, mother!" Anastasia called out bitterly, her fingers moving deftly across the cello strings, pouring her frustration into the instrument.

”Not cute.” Alibeth retorted lamely and moved over to finally grip the bow in her hand, halting her. Anastasia glared up at her initially. “Can we try again?”

This caught her off guard. “You mean you want to talk to me.”

Alibeth’s eye twitched slightly and she forced a smile, despite the strain in her voice as she asked, “What else would I mean, dear?” She then moved over to sit on her bed. She patted the spot beside her. “Come.”

Anastasia was hesitant. This behavior was unusual from Alibeth; it had to be that the queen wanted something from her. Nonetheless, she moved her cello aside and moved over to join her.

There was an uncomfortable silence before Alibeth asked, “Should I be concerned over the falcon?”

“No. She belongs to a friend I met today... I think he set the bird to cheer me up.“

“Ah. Well, I’d like you to return that thing before the night falls.”

“Planned on it.” Anastasia replied tersely. Thara pecking at some beef filled the air under the silence. After a moment, she turned on her mother. “You know. If you’re here to try to manipulate me into giving you information you want, it’s not going to work. I just had a decent nap and I’m-”

“I’m sorry.”

The princess looked at mother with wide eyes. “What?”

Alibeth sighed once more and looked at her daughter with a distant gaze. “I apologize...” Her words were measured, her tone subdued. “I know I haven’t been the mother you want, Ana... I can be harsh and strict. Frankly, I've struggled to understand you over the years. But perhaps, I haven't made enough effort to understand, and I haven't given you nor your brothers much room to understand me either.” She paused.

She then gave a small, tight-lipped smile, a rare display of vulnerability. “If there's one thing I know about you, it's your unwavering loyalty. So, if you would allow me, I'll share a little about myself, and I ask that you keep it between us.” Her voice softened slightly, revealing a glimpse of the woman behind the cold exterior.

Anastasia uncomfortably shifted before giving the queen a nod.

"My father, much like your brother Auguste, was consumed by his obsession with swordsmanship. He taught my twin sisters and me the ways of the blade from a young age, but it came with great expectations. We trained rigorously, honing our skills day in and day out. He would come to train us every morning, emphasizing the need to protect our siblings. But then he would leave, and we wouldn't see him until the next day." Pausing briefly, Alibeth’s gaze turned distant.

"As for my mother, she fell ill when I was just a child, and my sister and I had to care of her as well as our siblings. By the time I was no longer a child, I had become proficient with various weapons, able to use everything adequately from guns to swords. But by then, I had lost my sister, and my father had stopped returning as he had warned me he would."

“It’s very apparent even today that the best thing I’m good for is surviving. I may not know how to be the kind of mother you and Callum expect, Anastasia, but my only goal is to ensure your survival.. We live in an unforgiving world, Ana. People will turn on you and take advantage of you at your lowest. My hope is that you and your siblings will always have each other, no matter what challenges you face…” The queen’s gaze lowered. “You are fortunate in a way that you may not fully comprehend.”

Anastasia’s eyes narrowed thoughtfully. “This… I thought you were the daughter of some Varian nobles… Why would you be in such a situation when you’re…”

Alibeth met her eyes wordlessly.

“Oh.” She frowned. “So that’s not the truth…Am I the only one who knows?”

“No.” Alibeth’s eyes averted forward. “Your father knows….It’s not something that matters.” The brunette returned her gaze, “The point is I want you to understand I am on your side. All of yours. I have no wish to make any of you miserable in any way…However I did take notice that something else seemed to be making you feel in sorry spirits today. Maybe it’s your turn to trust me now.”

Anastasia found herself grappling with the weight of the conversation and Alibeth's unexpected change in behavior. She appreciated her mother's trust in confiding such a vulnerable secret, but it was a lot to process. She absently drummed her fingers against the bed before finally mustering the courage to ask softly, "...What would you do if you realized you might be a bad person?"

"Bad is a subjective concept, Anastasia. What truly matters is your own perception of yourself. If you are dissatisfied with who you are, you can change.”Her thoughts trailed back to their earlier conversation. It wasn’t all too difficult for her to piece together the puzzle. “Although, I personally disagree with your realization… First of all, Darryn is not who you think he is. While I may not have the full scope of the boy, I am certain he is inviting darkness into his life, and it is best for you not to understand more fully. As for Callum, I know you have the ability to mend whatever has transpired between you two."

“Even so, I don’t know if I have ever been sure what kind of person I am.”

Alibeth paused, her thoughts fleeting as she gazed at Anastasia. She had previously believed that she didn't understand her daughter either, but now she realized that perhaps she had always understood who Anastasia was, but had been misguided in comprehending the stark differences between them. Perhaps those differences did not have to matter.

She finally reached out to take Anastasia's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze, "You are a strong and compassionate woman who leads with her heart." For the first time since she could remember, her daughter smiled at her. A faint smile tugged at the queen’s lips as well. She then stood up, taking Anastasia's hands and urging her to rise from the bed. "Now, freshen up and put on something nice. I would like you to join us for dinner in the dining room. I've already invited Wulfric to join us though I have no inkling as to where Callum is.”

A chatter came from Thara and the two women immediately locked eyes. Anticipating her next words, Alibeth sharply ordered, “The bird remains in here.”

Time: 4pm
Location: Her bedroom

After stumbling back to her chambers, the princess practically collapsed onto her bed, her body crashing down onto the soft mattress with a heavy thud. Anastasia hadn’t even bothered to close the door behind her, too lost in her own turmoil to care about the world outside. Burying her face in her pillow, she had longed to cry, to release the pent-up emotions that threatened to overwhelm her.

The effects of the alcohol and whatever Darryn had given her were taking a negative toll on her at this point, leaving her feeling drained and depleted. Her body felt weak, her muscles ached, and her head throbbed with persistent pain. The haze that had clouded her judgment was lifting, and she was left with a stark realization of the consequences of her actions.

Servants were peering through the opening doorway. They had remained where they were, unsure of how to comfort the wayward princess. They had seen her in similar states before, but it never got any easier to witness. They exchanged worried glances, their hearts heavy with concern for her well-being.

Unfortunately, they hadn’t been the only ones to notice her tumultuous entrance.

Anastasia looked up at the sound of Alibeth's voice, her eyes red and puffy from crying. Alibeth's words hit her like a sharp slap, and she winced at the accusatory tone.

"Anastasia, what is going on?" Alibeth's voice echoed in the room as she entered the doorway, her expression a mix of concern and frustration. "Where have you been all day?" She demanded, her voice tinged with impatience.

Anastasia's voice was muffled as she spoke, her face still buried in her pillow. "... How could you have them hurt Darryn?" she asked, her words choked with emotion. "You knew it was my fault, so why not just have me tortured instead? Why did you blame him?" Her voice cracked, and she finally raised her head, tears streaming down her cheeks.

“Anastasia!” Alibeth's voice rose in pitch, a rare display of surprise from her. She waved off the servants who had gathered, dismissing them with a flick of her hand, and closed the door behind her as she approached Anastasia. “Do you honestly believe we’d consider having you tortured? When she did not answer, Alibeth clenched her fists. “I am growing weary of this behavior… I give you and Callum everything I can. Everything I do is for your benefit yet you act as if I am the evil storybook villain.”

Anastasia's anger flared, and she rose from the bed, wiping her tears away. "For our benefit?" she repeated incredulously, gripping her head in frustration. . "Dragging our friend scarred from the torture you ordered on him, out for Callum and me to see, was for our benefit? And then you told us you were going to kill him to appease some stupid sultan? How am I supposed to believe that you're prioritizing us?"

Alibeth's tone remained cold as she responded, "...It was never my intention to hurt you. I had to rectify the mess that you and Callum created and make sure no one called for your heads on a stick. Going to war with the Alidasht would not have been in our favor if perchance they had called for that, Anastasia. It may be difficult for you to believe, but needless loss of life is never my intent. As representatives of our kingdom, your actions reflect not only on yourselves but also on Wulfric, Auguste, and all of us. It is imperative that you conduct yourselves with decorum and maturity. This behavior must come to an end."

The queen then looked at Anastasia with a piercing gaze. "I urge you to understand the gravity of your actions and the consequences they may entail. It is not a matter of prioritizing one individual over another, but rather ensuring the well-being of our kingdom as a whole.”

” I know the fucking gravity of my actions! I’ve screwed everything up, okay! …I get it. But so did you, mother. Darryn is just somewhere out there alone and he has completely lost his mind and he hates me because I made him take the carriage there and Callum hates me-”

"Oh no. You didn’t make him do anything.” Anastasia stared at her with confusion. “...Darryn is working under Marek Delronzo. Anastasia, he’s a traitor. The queen watched her expression become that of disbelief. It wasn't difficult to see that her daughter had clearly recognized the name. Alibeth didn't have concrete proof that Darryn was working for Marek specifically, but she felt confident enough in her assumption to use it as a basis for seeking further confirmation of the name.

“I told you I do not just order the death without reason. He is an unfortunate puppet to this Marek… There’s a reason he came back with just a few scars, my dear, and I’m sure you can imagine.” Her tone was a bit icy now with the girl.

Anastasia remained unsure if she believed her mother's words, but she was fixated on the fact that her mother had confirmed Marek's name. “So… Darryn was the one who told you Marek’s name…? “

“No… We obtained the name through someone else, and it was not Callum either. Nonetheless, it matters not, you still must stay away from Marek and Darryn henceforth. ”

Anastasia's emotions boiled over with that remark. ”... Get out of my room. Alibeth scowled deeply at her, but when the queen did not move, Anastasia pressed on. “I said get out!”

Alibeth observed the tears streaming down her face. Her eyes were red and unfocused, her skin pale and clammy. It wasn’t hard to tell that the girl was also inebriated. She sighed. With that, her mother had turned on her feet and paused at the door. Anastasia had reburied herself and pulled the blanket over her head. The queen’s expression softened out of view.

Alibeth stood in the hall, her frustration palpable, mirroring the turmoil Anastasia had felt.

“Your Majesty, if I may offer some counsel?”

The voice didn't make her turn her head, but she did lift her eyes. For a fleeting moment, she felt the impulse to reprimand the maid for overstepping her bounds. How dare she eavesdrop!

Yet, as Alibeth reined in her temper, she realized she did want input, especially from someone who spent more time with her daughter than she did. “Very well.”

The woman came forward and told her somberly, “If you do not approach your daughter with more empathy, you are going to lose her.” Alibeth’s eyes flashed with indignation, but the maid continued, “It was only last night she returned in such a disarray you thought you might lose her yet here she is again already in a sorry state… It’s been every other night she disappears somewhere, seeking out types of comfort that she should not. If you push her further, I fear she might run away or worse. Try to see the world from her eyes instead of your own.”

She flinched, bracing herself for a stern reply. However, to her surprise, Alibeth gave her a nod and a wave. “You're dismissed.” The maid then left the woman to think about how she could possibly relate to such an emotional and childish princess.

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@13org Amazing job! Accepted. Please add to the character tab along with her stats.

Count Calbert Damian & Countess Liliane Damien & ???

Location: Damien Estate
Time: 6pm
Soundtrack:Click here

"Honey, I'm home."

Calbert had lifted his head sharply, unburying his face from his trembling palms. The voice of his beloved wife was unmistakable, but he felt as if he had been dreaming. He had been sitting on the piano bench of his foyer for an hour now. No one had dared to disturb him. She was one of the last voices he had expected to hear in the silence as he had thought she was taking a carriage back to Montauppe. With a pounding heart, he turned towards the massive doors that creaked open loudly, revealing two female silhouettes standing against the starry night sky. Their outlines were bathed in the gentle glow of moonlight, casting an ethereal aura around them. Calbert's breath caught as he strained to make out their features, his heart racing with anticipation and fear of the unknown.

His heart skipped a beat as his gaze remained locked on the haunting presence behind Liliane, even as she stepped forward, her smile a beacon of light in the darkness, her face finally exposed to the warm flicker of the nearby candlelight. For a moment, Calbert was momentarily distracted by the sight of his wife, but his eyes wandered back to the figure behind her.

It was then her beautiful face consumed his vision. A gentle hand fell on his cheek, tilting his face toward hers. “Calbert dear, “Liliane said softly. “Look at me.”

“Lily… Who’s with you?” His mouth felt dry as he had managed the question. The countess stroked his cheek, applying the slightest pressure to keep him from looking over her head.

“We’ll get to that.”She said with a smile, “Talk to me first. I’ve heard a lot has happened today…” Her head tilted with curiosity as she considered her thoughts, “For example, you have a son and he has returned to you.”

“Yes.”Calbert confessed with a sigh, “I had a wife before you as we had once discussed. She had borne us a son but I never had the pleasure of meeting him… Now his mother has passed and he’s come to find me... I hope this doesn’t alarm you.” But as he had gazed down with his wife, he realized she had seemed rather pleasant in her demeanor. Liliane was no longer torn by grief as she had been this morning. She was calm and composed. His eyes trailed to look behind her once again but a feeling of dread filled his gut.

Lily turned his face once more, “I think that’s wonderful. I always wanted a strong son that could protect our sweet girls. I do hope he’ll stay with us as I’m more than thrilled to meet him.” He found himself surprised, though he knew he shouldn’t have been. Liliane had rarely shown anger and she had always been on the understanding side.

“I’m glad… I suppose I’m curious to know him, but I wish that both of our…” His voice drew off softly and he could no longer ignore the presence in the doorway. This time, his wife moved her hand off his cheek. The being was motionless, their silhouette stark against the backdrop of the Damien home, reminiscent of a mannequin. Their fingers were interlocked in front of a black laced dress, and their pale skin reflected a ghostly sheen in the moonlight.

Calbert's mouth parted. His voice trembled as he spoke, barely able to form the words. "Is that... I-Is that-..." He took a hesitant step forward, desperate for a clearer view, but as he caught sight of her, his expression crumbled.

The figure shifted ever so slightly as Calbert approached. Not a single word was spoken, only the soft expulsion of air from their lungs.

The moon shifted slowly, exposing more of what stood in the doorframe. Their eyes opened slowly as they came into view, revealing a pair of red orbs that seemed to lock on his. The moonlight exposed the details of the gown, made of black silks with intricately stitched lace that overlaid the fabric. A black corset with red thread embordering the bodice with ravens that were so carefully stitched into the design.

"We arrived home later than expected, but I hope this would have been worth the wait." Lilane smiled at her husband before looking at the woman beside her. She reached up and put a comforting hand on the figure's back. “ Go on, you can say hello,” The countess encouraged her with a smile.

The figure moved in reaction to the touch, flinching as if they were in some kind of pain but not enough that anyone would likely take notice. As the light slowly crept more over the figure, a set of pale red lips spread softly showing her teeth in a forced smile. A soft voice, almost like a whisper, broke the silence.

“Good evening father,“ The voice was vacant of any emotion.

Her name subsequently left his lips in a breath. Calbert stepped forward with the expression of one who had seen a ghost. At that moment, the count thought he literally may have. He stepped forward and gradually moved his trembling hands toward her shoulders. There was hesitancy as if he were afraid she’d disintegrate underneath his fingertips. “...Is this real? … You’re really here?” He wore a countenance of mixed emotions, a smile tugging slowly at his lips.

Her face would be familiar but different. Her soft skin adorning a large gash that has scared over. The trail started from the top of her forehead down the bridge for her nose and fading out from under her eye. Her face seemed paled and empty, with her eyes void of any emotion or feeling. Her face was framed with long black locks that were curled loosely around her , laying over her shoulders and falling down the front of her bodice.

The eyes that had bore into his so steadily had been the eyes of a stranger. They stirred something deep within him, unsettling him like a worm wriggling in the dirt when she had spoken. When she had spoken, he had felt a surge of emotion that had driven him to pull her into a hug, a desperate attempt to hold on to the daughter he thought he had lost. His arms had wrapped around her in a gentle grip, but as he realized she wouldn’t crumble, the hug tightened.

“My little girl.” He whispered finally.

“It’s okay. It’s still her.” Liliane’s warm voice was close as her hand fell on her husband’s back.

Warm and long arms wrapped tightly around her thin frame, her body tensing at the touch as she stood still. Her arms pushed into her body more as he hugged her tighter, her breath being squeezed from her lungs. The touch was painful, like tiny needles being pricked all over her skin. She didn’t react or touch him back, she simply stood there.

“I am not feeling well,” She said, her voice raspy from the reaction to the pain. “Would it be alright If I retire to my room?”

“Not at all dear.”Liliane replied with a smile meanwhile Calbert’s arms fell to his sides.

She didn’t react or respond, she simply started to walk inside heading to where her feet were taking her, unsure if it was even the right direction. Her mind was so foggy her thoughts felt like distant memories that she could see but couldn’t reach. Her body seemed to know where to go, so she simply trusted in that fact.

“She doesn’t know.” She mouthed, positioned outside of her daughter's vision.

“Lily…”Calbert began then added softly, “...We need to talk about this.”

Reaching for the handle to her room, her fingers gripped around the cold steel she turned and pushed inwards opening the door to her bedroom.

Walking inside she simply continued towards a large chair, it had a high back with black fabrics and gold trim. A book was opened on the seat from the last page she had read. Lifting it up into her hands she sat in the chair and stared back at the door to her room.

LOCATION: Sorian Park
INVITED GUESTS:@Rodiak Matthias/Zarai, @ReusableSword Roman, @Conscripts John, @JJ Doe Count Fritz @Mole Prince Felix @Potter Sadie, @Helo Leo(technically invited)

During the hours of 4pm and 6pm, the lucky Varians in Sorian found themselves holding a delicate invitation adorned with pink flowers and written in sweet purple writing. It was unmistakable which Varian Princess had sent the letter even before it was read. As night descended upon Caesonia, the festival at the park came alive. Enchanting string lights and lanterns adorned the trees, casting a warm glow over the festivities The sizzle of hot oil greeted visitors as they approached a stall serving piping hot funnel cakes. The deep-fried dough was dusted with powdered sugar. The stall next to it boasted an assortment of freshly baked churros, coated in cinnamon sugar and served with a side of chocolate dipping sauce. For those craving something savory, there were options aplenty. A stall was serving piping hot corn dogs, where plump sausages were coated in a golden cornmeal batter and deep-fried to perfection. Another stall offered juicy turkey legs that could satisfy a hunger pang. Many patrons gathered food to bring back to their picnic blankets and tables, eagerly anticipating the upcoming fireworks show.

Game stalls were also still abuzz with excitement, filling the air with joy. Some of the games featured were balloon darts, a wheel of fortune, raffles, ring toss, a shooting gallery(using water squirters), and obstacle course challenges.

Princess Sadie's guests would have no trouble finding her, as she had assembled possibly the largest collection of picnic blankets in the park. They were laid out in a large square neatly on a small hill near the front of the park, to the side, creating a cozy and inviting seating area. Alongside the blankets, she had also brought an ample supply of plush pillows and an array of delicious food. Now, all that was left was for her guests to arrive. But would they show up?

ATTENDING GUESTS:@Rodiak Nahir, @13org Mayet, @Lava Alckon Farim, @Potter Layla, @Helo Leo @FunnyGuy Lorenzo @princess Charlotte @Inertia Auguste, Ariella@Tpartywithzombi. Grand Vizier Hafiz and Sultan Raif, @mantou Wystan

Posting Rules

Because there are so many of us, a collab would be hectic, and posting one by one would be too slow. So, for an extra level of sweet chaos, it is free real estate my friends. Anyone can post when the mood suits them. This begins once everyone is in the dining room. However, I have one rule.

You must allow two different people to post before you post again.

Hypothetical scenario: I post Charlotte now, and I wanna post Charlotte again, I must wait. Mayet gets posted the same day after I do and Farim is posted the next. Then would be the time I can post again.
If this is not clear, let me know.

As you enter the dining room, the air is filled with the aroma of Alidasht spices, instantly awakening your senses. The room is warmly lit, casting a soft glow over the scene before you. The centerpiece of the room is a long wooden table adorned with a vibrant red tablecloth that adds a touch of elegance and richness to the setting. The table is surrounded by twelve matching wooden seats, each one upholstered with comfortable fabric, ensuring a pleasurable dining experience for all.

Despite the room being on the smaller side, it creates an intimate setting that either adds to the charm of the occasion or possibly upsets you.

The Sultan has brought in his own personal cooks from his homeland, ensuring that his offspring can enjoy their favorite home-cooked meals just like they would back home. You can hear the bustling activity in the kitchen, as the servants prepare the food with utmost care and precision.

As you take your seat at the table, you can't help but admire the exquisite craftsmanship of the tableware, with well-designed expensive Alidasht plates, bowls, and silverware.

The Sultan can be found seated at the head of the table. Atop his head sat a majestic turban, adorned with jewels that sparkled in the light, adding a dazzling aura to his presence. The turban is intricately wrapped with layers of richly colored silk, embellished with precious gemstones that shimmered with every head movement. His robe is a work of art, crafted from the finest silk fabric; it drapes elegantly from his broad shoulders. To be quite frank, his entire outfit and accessories are on the excessive side.

As for the Grand Vizier, he seems to be running a little late...

But don't worry, he's still coming.

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