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I spit like awogarpa and I ain't afraid to step up to the plate. You'll see what happens next, Guillermo. You'll see.
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In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Accepted! Please add to the character tab along with the below stats. @Lava Alckon

Charlotte & Leo & △△△

Part 3

Leo’s words had been wise.

Charlotte had thought so as she had listened, but it was then she knew deep down she was a little different from Leo. For better or worse, she wasn’t sure she could let this go. Nevertheless, she returned his hug warmly, comforting him with a gentle back rub.

“You always have my help.” She assured him. Once they had broken away from the hug, she then added, “ You’re right. We need to protect the people we care about who are here now… Maybe we don’t have what it takes to solve what happened to our parents yet.” If at all. ”...But we could start somewhere and at least help other people before it’s too late. Maybe also pick up the skills we’ll need down the line this way.”

“An excellent idea, we focus on what’s happening now, and maybe that will help us uncover what has happened in the past.” Leo agreed, and the present had to matter more, because losing anyone else was not an option. He grabbed the list Charlotte had made from the other side of the table. “So what’s this for?” He asked as he looked over the list of names.

“This is a list of everyone who attended the party. I figure maybe we split them up between us and see if we can get any information from them… I think perhaps we can both go to dinner with the Alidasht tonight and see if we can find time to talk to them.” Before Leo could remark on that proposal, another voice filled the air.

“Pardon the intrusion, Lady Charlotte, Lord Smithwood.” △△△ announced as he slipped into the dining room with a tray in hand. His dark eyes scanned the table. “If there are any empty plates, I’ll take them.”

Charlotte smiled in greeting, “Hello Count Fritz. No intrusion at all. Please join us… There’s plenty of food and I can clean up after; please don’t trouble yourself.” She then gestured to Leo. “I’m assuming you two have met before?”

Leo’s eyes moved from Charlotte to Count Hendrix and back to Charlotte in a brief moment of confusion. Right the count who was here looking for a rooster. Leo wondered if that was some sort of euphemism but Lottie had asked him not to ask and it wasn’t really his business.

“Actually, I’ve never had the opportunity.” Leo spoke, his tone friendly, but he looked at Count Hendrix in much the same way he would if a rat had just scurried into a dining room. Fresh nobility was really scraping the bottom of the social barrel but Hendrix had helped Charlotte last night so, for her sake, he tried his best to stay friendly. “Collecting plates is hardly a job for a Count. Congratulations on your success.” He offered an empty smile to the man, who really should know better than to go around offering to do servant work. “And dinner with the Alidasht guests sounds perfect.” He agreed, much of the questioning could be done in a relatively short amount of time.

“Shall we say, it’s penance for failing to evict our feathered guest?” △△△ pointed to the ceiling as he circled around the table. “I was able to get Mr. Rooster off the closet, but then we had a little scuffle. He’s now taken up residence under His Grace’s bed and I ended up having to tidy up extra mess.” When he reached Lady Vikena, he whispered into her ear so that only she could hear, “There are three items on the table, in his room, I think you should be aware of.” The bullet, one of the opium flasks, and the bottle of gin. “What you do with them is up to you but… the fact that your father has them is concerning.” △△△ pulled away from her and placed an empty plate onto the tray before he continued circling the table.

“Since nothing else worked, I decided to set a trap, lure him out with food. However, I felt hesitant to just take food from the kitchen, so I offered to help Chef Gilbert. Now here I am.” He picked up another plate closer to Lord Smithwood. He returned the smile with greater affability than what the lord offered.

“My thanks, Lord Smithwood.” It was not as if △△△ did not recognize the hollow compliment or the absolute contempt in the young lord’s eyes. He simply was used to all of that. Lord Smithwood was not the first, nor would he be the last, person to be offended by ◆◆◆◆◆ ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆’s unworthiness. He wondered if Duke Vikena ever received the same treatment from his daughter’s friend.

After picking up the last empty plate, △△△ placed the tray aside and took a seat right next to the lord. His gaze pointed at the list on the table. “I see the investigation is officially afoot. Can I be of any help?”

Charlotte let out a deep sigh. "I don't understand how the rooster even got in here," She muttered under her breath. As if on cue, a whisper tickled her ear, causing her to furrow her brow in perplexity. Despite her curiosity, she refrained from mentioning it aloud.

After a moment, she turned to Count Fritz beside her, a faint smile appearing on her lips. "Ah, yes. We were just discussing our plan to approach the party guests and see if we can obtain any information," She stated. "I'm glad you're here because I wanted to ask you something… How exactly did you hear about the party anyway?" Charlotte inquired. She couldn’t help but wonder why everyone else had seemed to hear about it, with the exception of her, last night.

“The first time I heard of a party was at the library, when we were searching for His Grace. I wasn’t aware that it was the afterparty until later.” It still perplexed him how random people in the library knew about it, but only select members of the upper echelons were aware of its existence. △△△ rubbed his chin, “Although… I suppose I suspected something of the like when I saw envelopes being passed out during the ball.”

Charlotte frowned a little. How come I wasn’t invited? … Maybe I seem too dull.

Again, Leo wondered why a rooster was running loose in the house, but that mystery made even less sense than why a Count was playing housekeeper. Did Hendrix really have nothing better to do? Leo might’ve let his eyes roll a bit as the other man made a show of picking up plates. Did Hendrix really think catching roosters and doing servants' work would gain him favor? But he said nothing, only focused on controlling his reactions and on the conversation. He was entirely too relaxed in Lottie’s home and such fresh nobility was too unpredictable to be relaxed around.

As Count Fritz decided to seat himself right next to Leo, the air around them both just felt off. Leo briefly wondered if their colognes simply clashed or if he truly had some sort of allergy to men not worth his time. Both seemed equally plausible.

“Gossip in Sorian spreads like wildfire. Certainly aids in gathering information.” Leo spoke up. “And this party's orchestrator seems to lack discretion which can only work in our favor as well.” He then forced himself to again look at the Count with a dreadful haircut and offer a quick update on their plans. “We’ve decided to use tonight's dinner with the Alidasht to see if we can get any more information about last night.”

“...Certainly does.” Charlotte's eyes briefly flicked between them, her gaze tinged with curiosity. Does Leo not like him? She wondered, but quickly dismissed the thought as she realized she might be overthinking the situation.

"If you are willing to assist, perhaps you could try to find individuals who are not attending the dinner. This way, we can complete the list in one evening," Charlotte suggested, picking up the list. She then scanned through the names. "...May I suggest Roman and Zarai? Both are Varians whom you may already be acquainted with and could perhaps easily come across. We’d like to see if anyone remembers any details at all."

“Someone will also need to speak to Prince Callum, and he might be a bit difficult to get ahold of at the right time. And by the right time Leo mostly meant sober enough to hold a conversation. “If you find yourself with the opportunity and feel up to the task, it would be quite helpful. I could check in on Princess Ana.” Leo offered, taking the opportunity to subtly reference his rapport with one of Caesonia’s royals. But he certainly had no desire to speak with Callum, and he found some humor in the idea of Count Fritz going on a fool’s errand.

As the intensity of Lord Smithwood’s disdain radiated off his being, △△△ fixed his gaze on Lady Vikena. He gave her a sly wink before turning his head away, concealing his expression from both of them. When called, △△△ whipped his head around, his cheeks flushed, and his eyes darted around Lord Smithwood’s face as if too embarrassed to meet his gaze directly. “Pardon me. Your forwardness and boldness caught me by surprise.” He cleared his throat. “While I’m flattered to receive such fervid attention from someone as dashing as yourself, My Lord, you must understand that it may give people the wrong impression that you’re interested in me.” He batted his eyelashes.

Charlotte raised a brow, perplexed by his change in behavior. She had indeed caught the wink, but the motive underlying this act was unknown to her.

“And to refer to Her Royal Highness as ‘Ana’ and not by her proper name!” △△△ said in a theatrical voice. He leaned closer to the lord. “How daring!” His pale fingers lightly grazed below his own nose, as he stared at remnants of the adhesive on Lord Smithwood. “...And humorous.”

“I see why you want him to be your plus one, Lady Charlotte. You two make a lovely pair.” A playful smile danced on his lips as △△△ observed their reactions. “While you both enjoy your dinner date, I’ll make an effort to talk to the other guests. Might there be anyone else you would like me to question, apart from the aforementioned three?”

"Oh, um..." Charlotte's voice trailed off. She quickly regained her composure and added, "Perhaps 'top secret mission' is the better description. We do have a little detective club forming here, after all." She flashed them both a smile, her gaze slightly averted.

Leo was briefly confused by the sudden change in the Count but quickly settled on an explanation, Count Fritz was a ham squealing for attention. While Leo could admit that the man might hold some appeal if only seen in a portrait, in the flesh, there was little to find desirable. Unsurprising, for a ham was a creature who loved to roll about in filth and Leo had already had more than enough of filth-riddled creatures lurking about Sorian. He glanced at Charlotte who seemed equally confused.

“Humorous? Interesting wording, but having known her royal highness for a number of years and I can assure you she would not mind and already knows she has my deepest respect.” Leo simply informed the Count with complete confidence. Respect and trust were entirely different concerns for Leo. “Apologizes if there’s been some sort of misunderstanding, what impression do you feel I’ve given you." Leo asked, his tone calm, giving the Count the attention he so clearly wanted. Hoping the answer would offer more insight as to what sort of game the other man was playing.

“No apology is necessary, My Lord, for there’s no misunderstanding. You’ve made your antipathy towards me very clear. Ever since I entered this room, I noticed it in your demeanor.” △△△ glanced at Lady Vikena. “As you also noticed.”

“The question is why. Where did this distaste stem from? I initially assumed that my status as a newcomer to the court with a commoner background was what disturbed you. I am aware that there are nobles who feel threatened by people like me and despise us for it.” His gaze drifted to Lady Vikena as the thought of her two fathers crossed his mind. “However, I don’t believe this applies entirely to you, Lord Smithwood. You appeared unsettled when I performed a task typically designated for a servant, so you do believe in hierarchical roles. Despite my previous status as a commoner, now that I hold the title of count, such tasks ‘should be beneath me.’” Why didn’t he respond when Lady Vikena said that she’d clean up? “By calling the princess by her nickname, you’ve shown that you don’t strictly adhere to the hierarchical boundaries.” Or perhaps he’s the exception to his own rules.

“Then I wondered if the animosity was jealousy in disguise. It seems unlikely. Lady Charlotte appeared more fazed by my remark about you two making a lovely pair than you were.”

△△△ pointed at the lord’s face, then tapped below his nose where the fake mustache would have been. “It’s clear that you have a sense of humor. Yet here you are staring daggers at me as if I rolled in the pigsty and ruined your good shoes. Why?” The count turned so that his entire body was facing the lord.

“If you dislike me because I’m an upstart, I apologize, but I cannot change my lineage no more than you can change your noble birth. We play the cards we’re dealt. I am well aware that I’m ill-equipped to rule over people, I wasn’t raised with the appropriate education or training for it. All I can do is serve my subjects to the best of my capability.”

“If it’s jealousy, then be reassured.” He gestured towards Lady Vikena. “You were the very first person she wanted on her side, and her laughter was unrestrained with you. My Lord has nothing to be worried about.”

“Regardless of what the cause may be, if it's within reason, I will endeavor to make myself more tolerable in your presence. However, if that is something that cannot be changed, respectively, set your feelings aside. We cannot allow this antipathy you harbor against me to negatively impact the investigation. As much as you may not like it, Lord Smithwood, there must be a modicum of trust if we are to work together. As equals.”

Charlotte blinked in surprise as he initially began speaking. She felt as if she had missed something leading up to this. Though he was right, Leo had been acting strange, but she also had found Count Fritz’s earlier behavior to be bizarre as well. There did seem to be some tension potentially at the end of the day and it needed to be pushed aside if they were going to get anywhere as a team.

After thinking through her words, she commented, “Any hesitation to trust others fully may just be due to the political climate both of us grew up in… It could take some time to get to know you and feel comfortable with your intentions for Lord Smithwood.” Her gaze slid to Leo. “If Count Fritz has perhaps given a poor impression for any reason, then I think maybe you should consider giving the count a fair chance. He’s shown me nothing but kindness thus far and It never hurts to have more allies.”

Once again Count Fritz’s choice of words bothered Leo. The comment about shoes was far too on the nose to be entirely random. It only added suspicion and a fresh taste of destain. Leo was grateful that Charlotte spoke up next to allow him a moment to better hide it, even though he couldn’t stop heat from rising to his ears.

“Do you believe that everyone you meet will like you? Have you not ever encountered someone who you found to be generally irksome for no other reason than perhaps your personalities simply clashed? Or it could be that in addition to discussing last night's strange party, we had also been discussing deeply personal matters just before you entered. Grief can put one in a strange mood." Leo’s voice was calm, but his eyes were not as he kept them focused on the Count before him.

If Fritz was going to be playing the card of a slighted man new to the world of nobility, then Leo could certainly play cards of his own. Leo had no rational explanation for why he disliked Fritz other than the man seemed to be an amalgamation of traits he’d found irritating in others and paired with none he found desirable to be around. “Demeanor is often outside one’s control, but I don’t believe I have chosen to express any dislike towards you.” He added, and he paused for a second to remind himself of all questions Fritz had brought up.

“As for Her Royal Highness Princess Anastasia, well that full title is quite the mouthful when not necessary, and I have never found her to be attached to strict formality. So in a casual setting, simply Princess Ana suffices, and I believe nicknames and terms of endearment do more to show her that she is thought of as a dear friend rather than a valuable ally in political games.” Leo offered an entirely honest opinion on this subject; he did not entirely trust Ana, but that did not make him dislike her. Ana was someone who exuded infectious joy, and that made her an incredible presence to be around. He enjoyed bragging about who his friends were but that did not mean he did not value them as well.

“As for Charlotte, I have no desire to attempt to influence or control who she wishes to spend her time with. Nor am I bothered by your thoughts on the nature of our relationship. And I find it abundantly clear that anyone standing near Lottie would be stunning even if only from their proximity to her.” Feeling that he had answered Fritz’s questions, Leo then looked towards Charlotte with a softer expression.

“I’m sure you know that I am careful with whom I extend my trust, but it has never hindered my ability to work with others. Clearly, your new friend is capable of leading an interrogation, if you want his help, I entirely trust your judgment." Leo offered, but he saw no value in accepting Fritz as an ally or even in forcing himself to like the other man. If Fritz could be useful that was reason enough to work with him.

△△△ briefly turned his head in Lady Vikena’s direction. “I understand how uncomfortable this is, but we must acknowledge the problem instead of brushing it aside if we want to work together effectively. Ignoring a problem does not mean it no longer exists. We cannot allow it to fester or we might find ourselves in a very different kind of trouble.” He saw firsthand how neglecting to promptly tend to problems of this variety allowed them to insidiously take root and weave through people’s hearts like a noxious weed, eroding trust and sowing discord.

The raven-haired man returned his gaze to the lord. He chose not to address the topic of the princess or Lady Vikena, as he shared the same opinion as Lord Smithwood. “Based on how you answered the question… not even you know why you dislike me. That’s fine, I do not mind that you don’t like me ‘because you simply don’t.” He truly did not. He could barely summon the fervor to hate those who sought to ruin him and his family. The very thought of it was wearisome, a burden too heavy to bear. The toll it must exact on one’s body, mind, and soul to carry such a weight of animosity for years was beyond his imagination. “However, if that is the case, then you agree to set your feelings aside? So that your emotions don’t get the better of you and cloud your judgment.”

Abyssal spheres fixed their gaze upon Lord Smithwood, their dark depths seeming to peer into his very soul. Yet, they revealed nothing, only reflecting back the visage of the other man. “We work together as equals.” △△△ extended his hand toward the redhead and waited to hear the words from his mouth. A promise made, with Lady Vikena as their witness.

Leo found the other man’s dark eyes to be unsettling, and even that seemed not a strong enough word but the right word didn’t come to him. Instead, he thought of darkened waters that masked their danger by only reflecting back that which gazed upon them and revealed little about what lurked beneath the surface.

Instinct told him it would be a mistake to lie as he looked into such dark eyes. His upbringing and deeply held ideals prevented him from making a gentleman’s agreement without looking into the other man’s eyes. “For me, trust only comes with time. What I can offer is that few of my opinions are set in stone, and I will not allow them to interfere with our investigations. What I can promise you, is that I only harbor true ill will toward those who have brought it to my door first and I am willing to allow you the space to show your worth.” He extend his hand and shook the hand Fritz had extended.

He could not look Fritz in the eye and tell him he saw him as an equal but that was not because he disliked him. Leo knew very little about the man across from him, only the shallowest of impressions and nothing of the sort of character that lay within. It mattered to Leo that nobility held some traits that were admirable, that there was something noble in their character. He’d seen nothing of the sort as of yet, he had only felt a bad feeling deep within his gut, but Charlotte’s assurances were enough to agree to keep looking.

If the count noticed that the lord avoided calling them equals, he made no indication of it. Warmth returned to his countenance as he enveloped the man’s hand with both hands. “Thank you.” △△△ gently pulled Lord Smithwood closer and leaned forward to whisper, “I didn’t want to say this out loud, Detective, but there’s still some adhesive left and a strand of hair stuck on your face.”
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Accepted, sister! Please add to the character tab along with the below stats. @13org

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Hi everyone! I've been eyeing this RP for the years I've seen it running now and since it just restarted, I wonder if there's any space to join? I see it's listed as full so just peeking in if there's some flexibility. No worries if not, let me know :)

Hi Pink! Pmed you. @Pink Khione
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Accepted, best friend Menzai!! Please add to the character tab along with the below stats. @Samreaper

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Accepted, brother! Please add to the character tab along with the below stats. @Helo

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Lava Alckon Here are your stats:

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Hi @Tae ! :) Accepted. Although, I'd recommend making some of the habits less like hobbies and more like quirks such as nailbiting, etc.
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