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Current I wanna be a cowboy, baby
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I spit like awogarpa and I ain't afraid to step up to the plate. You'll see what happens next, Guillermo. You'll see.
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I love PapaOso
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Those aren't laces. Those are my toe nails.
10 mos ago
I spit like awogarpa and I ain't afraid to step up to the plate. You'll see what happens next, Guillermo. You'll see.
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In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Near Guavav Village
Interactions: N/A
Mentions:@Samreaper Menzai @FunnyGuy Darius @Alivefalling Dante
Equipment: Staff with unbreaking and shift enchantment(shifts into dagger), Her bag, Water Purifier, Flask, some shiny pebbles
Attire:Dress, which she decorated with flowers and hung little charms off the ropes, A small antler headdress with flowers and jewels, amulet with Millinia Crest, wooden butterfly earrings, various bracelets

As the graceful fairy flitted through the lush trees, her wings shimmered in the dappled sunlight. With each step, she tapped her toes silently from branch to branch, effortlessly navigating the forest canopy. She couldn't help but smirk to herself as she followed Menzai, feeling almost mischievous in her stealthy pursuit.

Finally, she came to a stop, looping herself around the trunk of a towering tree. From this vantage point, she watched as Menzai approached the two humans and Ulyses. The shadows of the branches and leaves of the thick canopy seemed to dance over the fairy's face as the sun broke through the cracks. Her long hair, magenta like the brightest blooms of a spring garden, flowed down her back in loose waves as she leaned forward to get a better view. Her amber eyes locked on the blue-haired demihuman.

He has no idea I'm here... How fun.

Her light pink dress flowed in the breeze as she watched with curiosity. It was a rare occasion for her to wear a dress, but she knew Menzai didn't approve of her usual clothing choices. After spending a long week looking after the two boys, she figured she could make an effort to not add stress onto Menzai's plate. And besides, the dress was undeniably pretty, adorned with delicate flowers she had added on herself. She wanted to look her best while hanging out with the two handsome human men, after all. The light pink hue of the dress complemented her skin and gave her a soft, feminine appearance.

"Phia... " came a soft voice in her ear. "Why are you stalking the males? ...Mating time?"

"Hey Flint." Phia said softly as she turned her head slightly to see a small little bluebird on her shoulder. She gave him a smile and ran her finger over his soft little head. "Well. I wanna go over there, but Menzai doesn't want me to." She informed the bird.

"Why not?"

"Apparently I'm distracting." Phia said with a pout that was not all that serious.

"Distracting? You? Nooo, never!" The bird began sarcastically. After a smirk from Phia, he relented, "You like to talk and you have a lot of shiny stuff." The bird replied, its beady eyes rapidly moving from each piece of jewelry with fascination. After a pause, he then added, a gleam in the bird's eye as he beckoned for chaos, "Go anyway."

"....Hmm maybe I should." Phia initially agreed. But it was at that moment she noticed Menzai striking Ulyses, and her expression turned serious. "Oh no. I think something bad happened..." She said, concern etched on her face. "Maybe I should help him out."

Phia clutched the tree trunk a little tighter. There were many who always misunderstood Menzai, who wasn't the most emotional of individuals to meet. However, she knew he had a wonderful heart that others just needed to take the time out to see. "It must be a lot of pressure for him to protect those humans while always wanting to keep me safe too... Maybe..." As she considered what could help Menzai the most, a mischievous grin suddenly stretched across her face. Phia let go of the trunk. She subsequently held out her hands and the bluebird hopped into her palms.

"Maybe I can get out of his hair for the day. I'm very annoying and shiny like you said sooo... I think it's high time for an adventure!" It wasn't often that she got to venture off alone for an extended period without Menzai tracking her down, so maybe this would be a win-win for both of them.

"Oh yes. He definitely hates you...Run while you can. Before he sees you!"

Phia beamed with excitement and nodded fervently. "We flee, Flint, we flee!" She then took off into the dense forest, her wings flapping furiously as she weaved in and out of the trees. The freedom was exhilarating and she was completely caught up in the feeling.

After a few minutes, she felt she was enough out of range and began to slow down. However, in her enthusiasm, she had been going a little too fast and had gone just a little too far. As she turned to check on Flint, she noticed she had way outflew him. Suddenly, she crashed headfirst into a tree trunk and tumbled down through the dense foliage.

As Phia crashed into the tree trunk, her body jolted and her wings flapped wildly in an attempt to regain her balance. The impact sent a shockwave through her body, and she felt a sharp pain shoot up her spine. She let out a small cry of pain as she tumbled through the air, her hair and clothes getting caught on branches and twigs as she fell. She fluttered her wings in time to get enough air to not hit the ground too hard.

Phia crash-landed with a thud all the same, the wind knocked out of her. Her wings fluttered weakly as she tried to catch her breath and get back on her feet. She groaned as she slowly sat up, wincing at the pain in her back. She brushed off the dirt and leaves from her clothes and hair, trying to regain some composure. As she leaned against the trunk, she looked around at her surroundings, trying to get her bearings and figure out where she had landed. It was clear she had flown further than she had intended, and now she was lost in an unfamiliar part of the forest.

Phia was concerned about this ordeal for perhaps a minute at most before she began to giggle.

I wanna do that again.

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Riverport
Interactions: @GingerBobOh Enstille @JJ Doe Jun @Helo Zion
Equipment: Bow and quiver of arrows, Hygiene supplies, spray bottle, short sword, backpack, a few pieces of jerky, 1000 amas, transmission bracelet, Portable Solar Box, location sender
Attire: His outfit

River Port

See Wiki Page for establishments and shops

Malachi had not been too entirely surprised that Vaeril had entrusted him with the aerokinetic. Having done some reading, he knew air magic could be tricky and Vaeril tended to challenge Malachi. However, he had not foreseen how much of a nuisance the human would be. Without fail, daily the young human tried to escape. In Malachi's opinion, he was unwilling to accept reality to the point of idiocy. River Port thankfully had been a short trip from their origin. One of his companions was Enstille, a light elf similar to him in nature, Malachi was initially grateful to have a quiet companion. But soon, Malachi found himself taking issue with Enstille's tendency to stare at things too long or get lost in a book too often.

The second issue was the worst part about Enstille: It was as if Enstille had never gone outside in his life. Malachi had even accused him of such after noticing his struggle with long-distance walking. He was one of the most out-of-shape individuals he had seen in his life, next to Jun, which was a whole other can of worms. Luckily enough with some questioning, Malachi found out Enstille was at least decent in terms of magical skill, especially with his shielding skill. As a result, he assigned Enstille guarding duty, especially when they were out and about, knowing he needed to be ready to shield Jun at any given moment.

Lastly, there was Zion, a towering lion demihuman with a disposition as warm as his frame. He had a love for hugs and an outgoing personality that was sometimes too much for Malachi. However, Malachi decided to ignore his drawbacks as it was important they had someone with athletic ability to aid him in a battle if the situation called for it. Malachi had no doubt Zion could hold his own just from the look of him.

Then there was Jun. Malachi couldn't help but roll his eyes whenever he thought of Jun. The guy was completely delusional and, to make matters worse, he had the physical fortitude of a twelve-year-old girl. There had been attempts over the week to start teaching Jun how to control his magic, but it wasn't the most productive considering he was mostly attempting to run away half the time. Thanks to Jun's antics, it took a day and a half to reach River Port when normally the travel time would have simply been a day.

As they arrived in River Port, the briny aroma of the sea and the dampness in the air filled their nostrils. he high-pitched cries of seagulls resonated through the busy port town, adding to the bustling atmosphere. The humble buildings that lined the cobbled streets appeared to be mainly residential, with families and individuals of various species coming and going. The architecture was simple, but with a charm that spoke to the town's seaside culture. Malachi did treat them to lunch on the boardwalk at the beach, but then immediately took them back to a small summer home that belonged to Malachi's mother. Luckily enough, she was not currently using it.

The cozy and quaint interior of the house accommodated each of them with their own bedroom. Malachi, being who he was, wasted no time in requesting everyone's assistance in cleaning up the place. He noticed the obvious neglect of the house and his mother's absence in maintaining it. He figured she must not have traversed down here in a while. With a stern look, he delegated tasks to each member of the group, including Jun, who had a habit of running away. Malachi resorted to spraying him with water, like a disobedient cat, whenever he misbehaved. To his credit, Zion remained patient and calm despite his youth, and Malachi tasked him with trying to reason with the strange human.

It was a spring morning in Apurel, a week later from when the four had begun their travel, that Malachi had knocked his fist on the wall by the staircase. "All of you. Up!" He called up the stairs unceremoniously. Malachi listened intently, waiting for the sound of movement from upstairs, then he knocked again impatiently. "I swear if they're still in bed.." He grumbled to himself.

"Come on, we have a long day ahead of us," he called out, his voice a mix of impatience and determination. He waited a few moments longer, his foot tapping on the hardwood floor as he grew more and more irritated by the second. It was then he felt his wrist start to vibrate. With a groan, he then answered the call and glared at the hologram of Drosis with a judgmental grimace.

He hung up before Drosis could even finish talking.

Of course the degenerate pirates took their human to the most lawless island there is.

Location: Castle Guesthouse
Interactions: @FunnyGuy Lorenzo @Rodiak Nahir @13org Mayet @Potter Layla @Helo Leo @Inertia Auguste @JJ Doe Riona @princess Charlotte @Lava Alckon Farim @Tpartywithzombi Lady Ariella

The Vizier looked at Lorenzo with a cold and calculating expression. He took a deep breath, composing himself before responding, and thus allowing the peanut gallery to chime in as they liked. To his surprise, that meek daughter of his garnered the courage to stand up and address him personally.

He had initially narrowed his eyes in reaction to her final statements, but softened his expression when he had readied a reply to her. “Certainly…Lady Charlotte…Let us try again then.

Hafiz returned his attention to Lorenzo. "My dear Lorenzo, it seems you have misunderstood the situation. I did not insult you; I merely addressed you with respect due to someone who has yet to earn his place at our table. What I said was not meant out of disrespect, but out of the certainty that you are, indeed, a fool. And a foolish man can be a very useful tool in the right hands." The Vizier stepped closer to Lorenzo, his turban gleaming in the light. " As for hospitality, you are correct. We do treat our guests with the utmost respect and care. However, hospitality is a two-way street. You have disrespected our customs and traditions since your arrival at the ball last night. You have insulted our people and our way of life. It is not for you to demand hospitality when you have shown none yourself."

The Vizier's voice became softer, his tone more persuasive. "But let us put this behind us. I am willing to forgive your transgressions if you are willing to learn our ways and respect our customs...Perhaps we can find a way for you to amend your ignorance and become a valued ally of Alidasht, rather than an insolent fool who does not understand our ways." He glanced toward Charlotte briefly before giving Lorenzo a predatory smirk only he could see.

He then stood upright and addressed Charlotte. "As for you, my dear, I hope you will not take offense at our little disagreement. You are always welcome amongst our family, and I would be honored to show you the true beauty of our culture."

"Here, to show I did not mean offense, you keep the chair and I'll go sit over here.“ Hafiz gestured to the seat next to his daughter, giving the faintest of smirks to Lorenzo as he did so.

Location: Guesthouse
Interaction:@FunnyGuy Lorenzo @Helo Leo @Potter Layla @13org Mayet
@Rodiak Nahir @Inertia Auguste @JJ Doe Riona @Lava Alckon Farim @Tpartywithzombi Lady Ariella
Attire:Dress, Hair ribbonBun, Dress, Gold haircomb

Lady Ariella's presence at the dinner with Farim was unexpected, and it left her feeling uneasy. She knew all too well how much Duchess Victoria despised her and Lorenzo, and feared that any hint of scandal could spread like wildfire. However, Victoria's daughters had never been as vicious as their mother, and she hoped that tonight's dinner would be uneventful. She decided to let go of her concern and give the lovely couple across the table from her a warm smile in greeting. Perhaps, against all odds, they could enjoy a peaceful evening.

"Having to deal with such a fool of a father... I truly pity Charlotte."

Charlotte's attention was immediately drawn to Mayet, and though she managed to restrain any immediate retort, her displeasure was evident. Had it appeared that Lorenzo had also overheard the comment, she may have been less restrained in her response. Fortunately, the other sister, Nahir, interjected. Charlotte typically felt uneasy when it came to speaking up in a crowd, but after a trying day, she was left feeling exhausted and less inclined to remain quiet.

The girl with the snake’s malicious looks in her direction was not missed either. When their eyes met, Layla grinned with what appeared to be sinister intent and continued to stare at her for an uncomfortably long period of time. Charlotte averted her gaze in an attempt to avoid that conflict, grateful the potentially deranged woman was seated far away from her.

Her hopes of peace were finally completely dashed as the Grand Vizier burst into the room and made a beeline for Lorenzo. A horrible feeling of dread settled in the pit of her stomach as his voice echoed in her head, calling for her stepfather's head. The gods seemed to be taunting her, reminding her that peace was never truly possible.

Hafiz had then spoken lowly, but Charlotte had caught onto every word. If anyone had been paying any attention in her direction, she had slightly risen from her seat. The last thing Lorenzo needed with what he was going through was to be publicly disrespected further and simply because the overgrown child wanted to sit in a particular chair. As Lorenzo had spoken up in his own defense, she felt relief, to her own surprise. For a man who had been described to be a given-up alcoholic by Prince Wulfric, he still held respect for himself and had even voiced himself rather maturely.

Flashes of her father, Duke Walter, filled her head as he had drunk himself into a stupor after the pressure became too much. He had done everything right, submissively coming to the King every time he was beckoned like a dog and holding his tongue when he was degraded for imperfections. Even at her young age, she had understood the amount of pain her beloved father had been in. Now, watching another good man, whom she considered her father, being constantly belittled over the years was unbearable to watch.

The task of retaining any respect for high society was becoming increasingly difficult. As two of Hafiz's daughters spoke up in his favor, it became evident that the Alidasht nobles were equally, if not more, corrupt than King Edin.

Charlotte glanced in Leo’s direction, her emotions evident in her eyes. He was offering to give up his seat to Lorenzo. She was grateful for the gesture, but uncertain if that would truly fix the issue. Then again, she wasn’t sure herself the correct thing to say here.

She knew speaking up on impulse immediately could worsen the situation. Instead, she took a deep breath and hung her head, considering her words carefully. If they left, the consequences were uncertain. They had made a bargain of mercy, agreeing to come here instead of facing punishment. If they walked out now, what would happen? Would they concoct a tale to tell King Edin?

Her gaze momentarily shifted to the sultan, whose expression remained inscrutable as others spoke. It was unclear whether he was waiting politely for his turn to speak or simply enjoying the spectacle. Regardless, she could not go forward without saying something. There was no way she would allow Lorenzo to feel alone against them.

She raised her head finally and also raised a hand to garner attention. “Pardon me. I have something that I would like to say. ” As she rose to her feet and the attention fell on her, she felt herself grow nervous. “With all due respect toward everyone here, I would like to clear something up that is important to me.”

Charlotte's voice trembled slightly as she took a deep breath to steady herself, “I… I am proud of my stepfather, and I do not want nor require anyone's pity, ” Her eyes fell on Mayet then her gaze shifted to Layla with her next words, “And I do not wish to see him disrespected.”

She then turned to face Hafiz directly, her eyes fixed on his with an underlying anger that gave her voice a touch of confidence. “Grand Vizier Hafiz, while I understand and respect your status that grants you the head seat, it is imperative that we speak to one another with decorum and civility... In Caesonian culture, showing respect towards others is considered a fundamental principle of social etiquette. By doing so, we can foster an environment of mutual understanding and dignity, which is essential for a pleasant evening for us all.”

“Now.” She raised her head slightly at Hafiz with a certain intensity in her eyes that was unusual for her. “Perhaps we can start anew, Grand Vizier. Is there anything you require of Duke Lorenzo at the current moment?”

Time: 6pm
Location: Castle Dining Room
Attire: Dress
Interaction: @Silverpaw Wulfric @Potter Ezra

"I don't see why you wouldn't be..." Anastasia's voice drew off as her gaze wandered. Alibeth and Wulfric clearly were not welcoming at all toward the baker. As he left, she rested her chin in her hand, her frown deepening as she addressed the room, "Why be so rude to him? He seems nice." Despite it not being out of the norm for her parents to be unfriendly towards commoners, it frustrated Anastasia nonetheless. It must have taken the poor man hours to make all those cakes, and he seemed to have only wanted a chance to showcase his work. On top of it all, he had even brought gifts. If she had only felt a little more energetic, perhaps she'd have gone after him to cheer him up.

The world has a funny way of showing some unfortunate souls that you can give your all yet still fail...

The least she could was try his cake, once the servants had finished tasting it for them, if no one else would.

Time: 6pm
Location: Castle Dining Room
Interaction: @Silverpaw Wulfric @Potter Ezra

Edin watched the baker leave, his expression sour. He turned to Wulfric and gruffly remarked with an eye roll."Well, I suppose you got what you wanted," Picking up his goblet, he took a long sip before fixing his gaze on Wulfric. "Do tell me what's caused you to have a poor opinion of Ezra. I am considering hiring him for our kitchen, so it better be worth my time."

"Hiring him?" Alibeth echoed, her voice rising in surprise. Edin's sharp glare silenced her, and she quickly added in a softer tone, "We should be wary of hiring any random individual off the street... We must remain vigilant. Anyone can poison our food."

"Try some of that cake and it'll change your mind. Best cake you've ever had." King Edin then shook his head. "No. I take that back... Best food you've ever eaten in your entire life." He then gestured toward the gifts. "Bet the gifts are great too."

"I don't eat sweets." Alibeth curtly remarked and turned her attention back to her dinner.

Time: 6pm
Location: Castle Dining Room
Attire: Dress
Interaction: @Silverpaw Wulfric @Potter Ezra

"Are you unwell?”

Anastasia had been lost in her thoughts, disconnected from reality as the afternoon's event replayed on repeat in her mind. Her mother and brother's presence had gone unnoticed initially. It wasn't until Wulfric's question reached her ears and his hand fell on her shoulder that she had become aware of him. However, she did not raise her gaze.

Despite her efforts to keep a smile on her face, her lips threatened to downturn, and her tone revealed her sorrow as she replied, "I'm okay. Just a long day, that's all... Hope your day was nice, Wulfy." The truth was that she did feel unwell, but it wasn't for any reason that easily rolled off the tongue. Her headache had been worsening, and her father's boasting in the background only added to her discomfort. She closed her eyes, hoping to find some relief.

”Your Highness and Majesty...It is my honor to be here. Thank you so much for having me. I hope you enjoy the desserts. They were baked with the utmost care.”

"...Ezra! You've come just in time. I've been dreaming about those cakes you made for the ball all day...I thought it would be a nice surprise for everyone... No need to thank me."

She stirred from her daze and sat up. Anastasia's eyes then lit up slightly as she recognized the friendly baker they had met at the ball. If she hadn't seen him at the archery contest earlier that day, she may not have recognized him with his new haircut and color. Regardless, he had been nice enough to bring cake once again it seemed. The princess put a smile on her face as she gave him a warm welcome, "Hello Ezra. It's nice to see you again."

Time: 6pm
Location: Castle Dining Room
Interaction: @Silverpaw Wulfric @Potter Ezra
Mention:@Helo Callum

"Good evening, Wulfric. Ah, the guild. How admirable of you to upkeep your interest in commerce and trade. You'll have to inform more about your visit and tell me if things are running smoothly there." King Edin's attention was soon drawn away from the conversation, however, as the servants wheeled in the dining cart. The plates were covered with ornate metal cloches. As the cloches were lifted, the enticing aroma of the food wafted through the air, making King Edin's stomach grumble in anticipation. He let out a great sigh of relief as if he had been relieved of all his responsibilities for the rest of his life.

Underneath the cloches, he was pleased to see an array of delectable dishes. There were succulent roasted meats, cooked to perfection and served with rich gravies and savory sides. The first was a bowl of buttery mashed potatoes. Next to the potatoes was a medley of roasted vegetables. Lastly, there was a basket of freshly baked bread, still warm from the oven.

As King Edin focused most of his attention on filling his plate, he returned back to the topic his son had begun. "I have a deep understanding of commerce and finance. The Guild recognizes this and they have shown me their utmost respect and admiration." King Edin leaned back in his chair, a self-satisfied smirk on his face.

He paid no heed to the fact that Wulfric had turned his attention to Anastasia. "I don't mean to boast," he continued, "but it is a fact that I am the smartest and most capable leader this kingdom has ever had. The Merchant Guild knows it too, and they love me for it. They know that I will do whatever it takes to keep our economy strong and thriving...I know these are big shoes for you to fill, Wulfric, but I have faith that someday you will be able to fit into them. Simply follow my example and you will succeed."

Meanwhile, Alibeth settled into her seat next to Edin. She appeared visibly uneasy, her hands tightly clasped onto the sides of the chair as if preparing to stand up at any moment. Despite her initial silence, it was evident that something was weighing heavily on her mind. Finally, she spoke up with a question that had been nagging her, "...Has anyone seen Callum?"

King Edin immediately replied dismissively, with little concern as he took a joyful bite of potatoes, "Nobody wants to see Callum."

"Edin... Please." Although her tone was gentle, her expression suggested that she wanted to stab him with a fork.

Irritated, he rolled his eyes and set his silverware down. "Oh, don't let that boy ruin our dinner, dear. We all know where he is." When his wife didn't respond, he leaned in with a hushed voice that only those at the table could hear. "The brothels open for business at this time every night."

Before anyone could comment on King Edin's fact of the day, footsteps announced the arrival of newcomers. Alibeth shot up from her seat and glared at the baker, her indignation palpable. She whirled her glare on her husband, who was grinning with anticipation. "Edin, dear, what is all that?"

"Ezra! You've come just in time. I've been dreaming about those cakes you made for the ball all day." King Edin had wasted no time in placing an order as soon as the baker's shop had opened that morning. In fact, he had been obsessing over the delectable confection ever since he had taken his first bite. Turning to his wife with a beaming smile, he announced, "I thought it would be a nice surprise for everyone... No need to thank me." Whether or not the others indulged was actually of little consequence to him.

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

@Silverpaw Nicely done! Accepted. Here are your stats!

Time: 6pm
Location: Castle Dining Room
Attire: Dress
Interaction: King Edin Danrose
Mention: @Silverpaw Wulfric @Helo Callum @Inertia Auguste @Lava Alckon Farim

"Where are they? How long will I have to wait for them to arrive before I-I mean we- can eat."

Anastasia sank into a cushioned chair at the elegant dining room table, her delicate fingers laced together, her chin resting on top of the bridge they had built. The soft pink dress she wore draped loosely over her figure, and her long hair tumbled over her shoulders in gentle waves. She had learned from her mother that Auguste had been invited to the Alidasht dinner. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment and a desire to barge in, using the excuse of returning Thara to Farim, rather than sit with her father, who appeared more interested in talking to himself than to her. Despite attempting to start a conversation with him once already, he had simply ignored her as if she weren't even there. The rejection was too much to bear after an already long day, so she decided to ignore him as well.

Anastasia watched as Alibeth left the room to find Wulfric and Callum, despite Anastasia's warning that Callum probably wouldn't be there. She sat feeling restless and anxious, the silence of the room was only interrupted by the occasional grumbling of King Edin. As time passed, Anastasia grew more and more restless. She drummed her fingers on the table and cast anxious glances at the doorway, eagerly awaiting Alibeth's return with Wulfric.

Suddenly, King Edin's voice broke the silence "Anastasia," he said, his voice low. Her gaze found his with a perplexed expression. "We will have a special guest arrive shortly. Make sure to greet him with respect, as he has been toiling all day to prepare a special treat for us."

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

@Tae @Th3King0fChaos @GingerBobOh @Pink Khione Hello! All these sheets are accepted. Please move to the character tab. Please see your stats above and add them to your sheet.
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