Time: Morning
Location: Near Guavav Village
Interactions: N/A
Mentions:@Samreaper Menzai @FunnyGuy Darius @Alivefalling Dante
Equipment: Staff with unbreaking and shift enchantment(shifts into dagger), Her bag, Water Purifier, Flask, some shiny pebbles
Attire:Dress, which she decorated with flowers and hung little charms off the ropes, A small antler headdress with flowers and jewels, amulet with Millinia Crest, wooden butterfly earrings, various bracelets

As the graceful fairy flitted through the lush trees, her wings shimmered in the dappled sunlight. With each step, she tapped her toes silently from branch to branch, effortlessly navigating the forest canopy. She couldn't help but smirk to herself as she followed Menzai, feeling almost mischievous in her stealthy pursuit.
Finally, she came to a stop, looping herself around the trunk of a towering tree. From this vantage point, she watched as Menzai approached the two humans and Ulyses. The shadows of the branches and leaves of the thick canopy seemed to dance over the fairy's face as the sun broke through the cracks. Her long hair, magenta like the brightest blooms of a spring garden, flowed down her back in loose waves as she leaned forward to get a better view. Her amber eyes locked on the blue-haired demihuman.
He has no idea I'm here... How fun.
Her light pink dress flowed in the breeze as she watched with curiosity. It was a rare occasion for her to wear a dress, but she knew Menzai didn't approve of her usual clothing choices. After spending a long week looking after the two boys, she figured she could make an effort to not add stress onto Menzai's plate. And besides, the dress was undeniably pretty, adorned with delicate flowers she had added on herself. She wanted to look her best while hanging out with the two handsome human men, after all. The light pink hue of the dress complemented her skin and gave her a soft, feminine appearance.
"Phia... " came a soft voice in her ear. "Why are you stalking the males? ...Mating time?"
"Hey Flint." Phia said softly as she turned her head slightly to see a small little bluebird on her shoulder. She gave him a smile and ran her finger over his soft little head. "Well. I wanna go over there, but Menzai doesn't want me to." She informed the bird.
"Why not?"
"Apparently I'm distracting." Phia said with a pout that was not all that serious.
"Distracting? You? Nooo, never!" The bird began sarcastically. After a smirk from Phia, he relented, "You like to talk and you have a lot of shiny stuff." The bird replied, its beady eyes rapidly moving from each piece of jewelry with fascination. After a pause, he then added, a gleam in the bird's eye as he beckoned for chaos, "Go anyway."
"....Hmm maybe I should." Phia initially agreed. But it was at that moment she noticed Menzai striking Ulyses, and her expression turned serious. "Oh no. I think something bad happened..." She said, concern etched on her face. "Maybe I should help him out."
Phia clutched the tree trunk a little tighter. There were many who always misunderstood Menzai, who wasn't the most emotional of individuals to meet. However, she knew he had a wonderful heart that others just needed to take the time out to see. "It must be a lot of pressure for him to protect those humans while always wanting to keep me safe too... Maybe..." As she considered what could help Menzai the most, a mischievous grin suddenly stretched across her face. Phia let go of the trunk. She subsequently held out her hands and the bluebird hopped into her palms.
"Maybe I can get out of his hair for the day. I'm very annoying and shiny like you said sooo... I think it's high time for an adventure!" It wasn't often that she got to venture off alone for an extended period without Menzai tracking her down, so maybe this would be a win-win for both of them.
"Oh yes. He definitely hates you...Run while you can. Before he sees you!"
Phia beamed with excitement and nodded fervently. "We flee, Flint, we flee!" She then took off into the dense forest, her wings flapping furiously as she weaved in and out of the trees. The freedom was exhilarating and she was completely caught up in the feeling.
After a few minutes, she felt she was enough out of range and began to slow down. However, in her enthusiasm, she had been going a little too fast and had gone just a little too far. As she turned to check on Flint, she noticed she had way outflew him. Suddenly, she crashed headfirst into a tree trunk and tumbled down through the dense foliage.
As Phia crashed into the tree trunk, her body jolted and her wings flapped wildly in an attempt to regain her balance. The impact sent a shockwave through her body, and she felt a sharp pain shoot up her spine. She let out a small cry of pain as she tumbled through the air, her hair and clothes getting caught on branches and twigs as she fell. She fluttered her wings in time to get enough air to not hit the ground too hard.
Phia crash-landed with a thud all the same, the wind knocked out of her. Her wings fluttered weakly as she tried to catch her breath and get back on her feet. She groaned as she slowly sat up, wincing at the pain in her back. She brushed off the dirt and leaves from her clothes and hair, trying to regain some composure. As she leaned against the trunk, she looked around at her surroundings, trying to get her bearings and figure out where she had landed. It was clear she had flown further than she had intended, and now she was lost in an unfamiliar part of the forest.
Phia was concerned about this ordeal for perhaps a minute at most before she began to giggle.
I wanna do that again.