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Current I wanna be a cowboy, baby
5 mos ago
I spit like awogarpa and I ain't afraid to step up to the plate. You'll see what happens next, Guillermo. You'll see.
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I love PapaOso
10 mos ago
Those aren't laces. Those are my toe nails.
10 mos ago
I spit like awogarpa and I ain't afraid to step up to the plate. You'll see what happens next, Guillermo. You'll see.
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<Snipped quote by Tae>

Hi. In the mere snippets of interim I've got between work, domestic life, and being both a player and a Storyteller to several Vampire: the Masquerade games, I've been reading what I can of the story so far. Lovely stuff. I'm interested in joining, but only of course if newcomers are still welcome this late into the game.

My character's concept would go so far as to explain why he's so late to the revelries: before the events of the story he was court-martialed for murdering a fellow Varian captain in a duel, and has only now served the entirety of his six-year sentence. Once released, all he has to his name are the clothes on his back; the same sword, quenched in the heart-blood of several enemies; a heart of his own, now consumed with vengeance and loathing; and the names of the men who "did this to him" (which might or might not include player-characters, if others are interested). A fundamentally Byronic character filled, paradoxically, with self-hatred yet with unflappable pride; a dangerous, beastly intelligence, yet impudent recklessness.

I hope to hear from you soon as to whether such a presence would be incompatible with your vision, whether you have ample players already, whatever the case. Thank you.

I like the idea. Give it a whirl and apply! Let me know if you have any questions.
Alibeth & Torvi

Mention: @Helo Callum @Tpartywithzombi Ariella

Alibeth had soon dismissed the men after they had finished briefing her. She felt confident she had a well-rounded account of recent events that had developed. Still, she decided to take a moment to assess she had everything written down, including all the dilemmas and major events that had occurred of recent. It was not long before a knock on the door caught her attention.

Lifting her gaze, her eyes met Edward's, her expression composed. "My queen. The girl you called upon… She's here." he reported.

Alibeth set down her pen, her brows slightly lifting. "...Bring her in," she commanded.

Torvi followed Edward through the grand halls of the castle, her steps measured and confident. Fenrys, her formidable dire wolf companion, walked silently by her side, his keen eyes observing every corner of the lavish surroundings. The air was heavy with a mixture of intrigue and unease, as whispers and hushed conversations followed her passage.

As they neared the chamber where Queen Alibeth awaited, the tension in the air seemed to grow. Torvi's striking appearance, with her long silver hair, freckles, and piercing golden eyes, set her apart. Her tall, imposing figure combined with the aura of controlled power she exuded seemed to unnerve some of the castle staff who caught glimpses of her.

Murmurs of speculation of who exactly she was and the girl who arrived with a dire wolf circulated among the servants and guards. Some cast wary glances her way, while others even stepped aside, giving her a wide berth as she walked past. It caused her to chuckle as she spoke softly to Fenrys in an odd language.

Finally, the doors to the chamber opened, revealing Queen Alibeth seated at an ornate table. Torvi stepped forward, her expression respectful but reserved. She inclined her head slightly as she spoke, her voice carrying an air of both authority and humility. "Your Grace, I hafe answered your summons. I stand ready to fulfill whatefer task you require of me."

Fenrys, ever vigilant, remained just behind Torvi, his presence a silent testament to her loyalty and the strength she brought with her. Surprisingly, the large animal even seemed to dip down into a bow himself. The wolf's sharp eyes scanned the room, a protective energy radiating from him.

“Torvi. Thank you for...“ Alibeth rose yet her words faltered as her gaze fell upon the imposing figure of the giant wolf. “ …coming.” She watched the animal bow. Her countenance remained still without a trace of what was particularly going on in her mind as she observed him.

Her gaze returned to Torvi and she continued formally, " I believe we confront a matter of sorcery within Caesonia, particularly in this very city. There is a growing suspicion that someone is orchestrating the use of magic through others, and I've noted an unsettling surge in the number of magic wielders in general."

Alibeth circumvented the desk and toward her. “I am interested in eventually creating a team of skilled witch hunters, however, I called upon you in hopes you can help me determine just how dire this situation is… I trust you have your ways.”

Torvi listened intently as Queen Alibeth spoke, her demeanor focused and respectful. Her eyes flickered briefly to Fenrys, noting the queen's reaction to the dire wolf. She knew that the sight of the imposing creature could be unsettling to those unfamiliar with them and it caused a small smile to tug at the corner of her lips. "Fenrys is a good boy, please do not fear him." She reassured the woman softly.

As Alibeth finished explaining the situation, Torvi's brow furrowed slightly, her mind already processing the implications. She nodded in understanding, acknowledging the gravity of the matter. "Your Grace, I am honared to be called upon for this task. The misuse of magic is a dangar that cannot be taken lightly."

Torvi's gaze held a mixture of determination and curiosity as she briefly glanced to Fenrys, as if telepathically communicating with him, before looking back to Alibeth. "I would appreciate any additional information you could profide. Specifically, what types of magic have been obserfed? Elemental, dark arts, curses? And are there any particular locations or indifiduals that have drawn suspicion?"

Torvi's voice was calm and measured, her words reflecting her eagerness to grasp the scope of the challenge ahead. Her thoughts were already racing, considering the potential avenues of investigation and the need to assess the extent of the magical threat within Caesonia. "And if I am asked, what is my story for being here?"

“Your cover story for being here shall be that you've been entrusted with safeguarding my children during events. Given their penchant for wandering, they often find themselves amidst the action. I assume you have your trusty tools at the ready, as always, and will be able to find out if anyone takes up witchcraft. As for the types of magic and who has drawn my suspicion, I’d like you to come sit down so I can give you all the details… Many of them seem to be of the peasants…However. ”

Alibeth returned to her seat and gestured toward the seat across from her. “Lady Ariella Edwards has been observed on multiple occasions venturing into the woods alone and was sighted the other night with potentially strange belongings. Considering she is now luring my son Callum into the woods with her at dark, I would like her certainly watched… As for the rest, as I said, please take a seat for this, Torvi. We may not have all the answers yet but I will brief you with what I can.”

Time: Morning
Interactions:@Conscripts Dr.John @PapaOso Cassius @Tae Kalliope @Lava Alckon Farim, @ReusableSword Roman, @Potter Olivia/Layla, @Apex Sunburn Sjan-dehk @Samreaper Kazumin @SausagePat Ruby @FunnyGuy Lorenzo @Tpartywithzombi Ariella

Calbert, with his long, black hair cascading like a raven's wings, strode along the sun-kissed beach toward the group on the beach. A modest entourage of guards trailed behind him, while his trusted advisor Henry kept pace at his side. Despite the casual attire that allowed him to savor the weather, Calbert was dressed to the nines as always. His piercing sapphire eyes remained alert, a striking contrast to his dark mane that flowed gracefully in the breeze. As he drew nearer to the gathering, Calbert observed the simmering tension in the air, his discerning eyes catching every nuance of the unfolding situation. A smug, knowing smirk graced his lips, and a low, self-assured chuckle escaped him.

"My father," he began, "always imparted a timeless lesson, Henry. He used to say there exist two distinct kinds of individuals in this world: puppets and masters. What you see before us are unequivocally puppets...Though their strings remain invisible to the untrained eye. Each of them conceals desires, dreams, and clandestine forces that manipulate their actions, compelling them to engage in silly situations such as heated disputes with strangers. Now, I know we're all driven by something, each yearning for recognition... But what does something like this prove, I wonder?"

"That the Shehzadi came over and offended them, Count Damien?"

"Likely... With keen observation, we can glean even more, Henry," the Count concurred, leaning in closer. He then extended a subtle nod towards Sjandehk. "That one was quick to defend Charlotte, then came back to the frontline when the red-haired woman, Kalliope, was pulled into the quarrel. His unwavering commitment to his moral compass drove him to reach for a weapon as tensions escalated. He'd willingly engage in a battle to uphold his conviction that the Shehzadi's words were inhumane and that the strong have a duty to protect the weak. Meanwhile, observe Hafiz's son, Farim, over yonder," he continued, "struggling earnestly to mediate the Shehzadi and safeguard his family's reputation, I presume. Given the recent commotion, her penchant for causing trouble could distress her siblings."

"It's truly astonishing, sir," Henry marveled, "how you discern these intricacies without needing to eavesdrop on their conversations."

Calbert's gaze returned to Kalliope as he continued, "Our dear Kalliope, she seems determined to assert her strength, prolonging the argument until the man in the robe intervened, likely preventing it from escalating further. She's a noteworthy subject, Henry; you shall keep a vigilant eye on her for as long as she lingers here."

"I suppose she's on that list of yours," Henry remarked.

Calbert nodded thoughtfully, his gaze distant. "Indeed, Henry, many of them find themselves on that list," he responded in a measured tone. "Take, for example, the other two gentlemen. That overly dressed man there is Doctor John Williamson. Ideally, I'd prefer to see him either silenced or dead within the week, unless, of course, my pet can manipulate his memory in time. I didn't have the opportunity to gauge him accurately, but I am well aware of the unpredictable consequences his knowledge might bring. Not that anyone would lend credence to his words over mine, but it's best to eliminate the problem before it ever arises."

"Then there's Lord Ravenwood, Count Damien, the rumors that entangle him and Violet could be damaging to her future..."

"That man had the audacity to come to my residence and request permission to court her. I harbor no affection for his intentions and will take whatever measures necessary to deter him, should he attempt to pursue her, which I suspect he may. Killing him outright is not in the cards, given his higher social standing, but we can certainly make him rue the day he set foot in Caesonia. Violet is in a vulnerable state presently, and the last thing we need is him attempting to whisk her away from us."

"You're absolutely right, sir. It's undeniable that he'll make another attempt, given Violet's extraordinary allure in Caesonia. I'm relieved she's in the company of her mother at the tea party,"A silence fell between them as they both looked upon Cassius. Calbert's gaze followed his son's movements as they relocated the girl who had fainted. "That girl. You said her name is Ruby..."

"She is Olga's adopted daughter. She is associated with Kazumin Nagasa. She is on our list as well, Henry." Calbert informed him with a smile.

Henry smiled darkly and whispered, "You have foul plans for that girl?"

"Only the foulest, Henry... For most all of them. "

"And what role does your son play in this?" Henry inquired.

Calbert's attention had been fixed on Cassius ever since he had appeared within his line of sight. As the question hung in the air, his smile faded. "He won't be involved in this." he declared firmly. "I'll guide him in a different direction."

As they finally approached the group, Henry raised the megaphone he had in hand and announced with a commanding tone, "Good morning, everyone! Count Calbert Damien kindly requests your full attention!"

Calbert extended his arms in a welcoming gesture, accompanied by a warm, genuine smile. "Greetings, one and all!" he exclaimed. "It's truly heartwarming to behold so many familiar faces gathered in one place." His gaze swept across the assembled guests, finally resting on Lorenzo, who clung to Layla's legs. Calbert managed to maintain his composure, though it was a challenge given Lorenzo's choice of bathing suit. "Ah, Duke Lorenzo, please stand," he encouraged. "A man of your stature need not kneel like this."

"But let's not dwell on such matters," Calbert continued, his tone cheerful. "I'm sure some of you have already perused the announcement in the newspaper regarding my party tonight. All those in proper attire and adorned with masks are welcome to attend this splendid masquerade. Costumes are welcomed! Wings, horns, all of it! It promises to be an evening of unparalleled merriment!" He joined his hands together, "Now, please indulge me as I extend a personal invitation to each and every one of you, and then I shall take my leave. Truly do not want to interrupt a gathering of young beautiful people such as yourselves for longer than needed."

First, Calbert decided to approach those separated from the rest, slips of paper in hand. Kalliope and the man in the robe were together a bit off. He approached the duo and first handed an invitation to Kalliope. "Ever so lovely to see you back in Sorian, darling. Do take care of yourself." He held her gaze with a smile that did not reach his eyes before quickly turning to the man in the robe. He looked him up and down before smiling at him, "My goodness...Are you from Viserjanta? Calm earth and black sands upon you! ..." With a chuckle, he then explained his eagerness, "We rarely receive guests from your country. What a treat for you to come all this way. If there is anything I can do to make your stay more welcome. Whether it's accommodations or any amenities you require, consider it arranged." He extended an invitation to the man with genuine warmth and a friendly demeanor.

"I must briefly attend to distributing the remaining invitations, but don't hesitate to approach me at any time if you require assistance with anything," he added before moving on toward Ariella. He extended a few invitations to her. "My, my Lady Ariella. More radiant than the sun in the sky. You are a flower that blossoms more and more with each time I see you. " He smiled at her as he leaned down to speak to her, "Those invitations are for you and your family to review. I am certain your parents may already know, so please share those with your siblings."

Now it was time for the main group. However, as he approached, the sound of a loud slurping noise filled the air. His gaze shifted over to the sight of Kazumin as he had been walking over, drink in hand, taking no shame as he slurped seemingly as loudly as he could. Calbert turned to him and grinned. "Ah, Kazumin. Just the lad I was looking for." He approached him and gently set a hand on his shoulder. "I just wanted to-" Another slurp interrupted his words and his brow twitched. "Extend an invite to the party and of course, apologize-" SLURRRRRRPP

"I said I wanted to apologize." Calbert initially tried to raise his voice over the noise, but it was fruitless. Frustration mounting, he leaned over and carefully moved the straw from Kazumin's mouth. "I wanted to apologize for what happened between us. I was informed there was a misunderstanding between the two of us. Hopefully, we'll have a chance to clear up things and speak real soon, but for now, feel free to drop by tonight. " His tone was kind and genuine as he spoke to him and Calbert made sure to keep his body language relaxed. However, inside the gears were turning.

Inside, Calbert's thoughts churned. After all, he had done, this man had the audacity to parade around in public, slurping like an unruly child? It mattered not. Kazumin would undoubtedly suffer for his villainy. He'd see to it that the sociopath would finally be humbled.

Calbert strode toward Lord Roman and Dr. John next. His brow twitched once more as the slurping continued through the air. Nearby, Henry could be seen handing invitations to Layla and Farim.

"What an honor to meet the royal offspring of the Sultan and Grand Vizier. We'd be happy to see you and your family at the masquerade tonight."

"Good morning gentlemen. I'd love to extend an invitation to both of you. Lord Roman, I do know you have your own event tonight and I am certain it will be a wonderful time, but do feel free to drop by at any time. Dr. John, always a pleasure. You have my utmost gratitude for your accompaniment the other night. We have much to discuss, so hopefully I'll see you there tonight."

He took a moment to listen as Henry handed an invitation to Lorenzo next, "Duke Lorenzo, nice to see you. Count Damien does hope to see you there so please consider attending."

Last but not least, Calbert approached Cassius, Charlotte, and Olivia. Of course, he approached his son first, "It's so nice to see you making friends, Cassius. Do take your time and have fun, but I'd like to speak to you once you're through."He greeted him with a smile."I'll be awaiting you at home."

His eyes shifted over to the girls. "I see you've met Lady Charlotte Vikena... Though I suspect this isn't your first encounter." Calbert returned his gaze to Cassius with a knowing look. After all, he had been informed of his attempt to woo the Vikena girl at his front door. His tone slightly soured as he returned his gaze to Cassius and his voice lowered. "As I said, we have some things to discuss. "

As he moved closer to Charlotte, he found her remaining seated on the blanket by the other girls. Their eyes met very briefly, and he arched an eyebrow, catching sight of her trembling hands as she averted her gaze. Inside, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. A frightened lamb... How underwhelming. I had hoped she'd be more of a challenge. he thought to himself.

"Greetings, Lady Charlotte. I trust you're aware of your invitation," he said, placing an invitation next to her, though she didn't react much. His attention then shifted to Olivia with an intrigued grin. " And who might this charming young lady be? A newfound acquaintance, perhaps?" His eyes bore into Olivia's, and just as she was about to respond, another loud slurp from Kazumin disrupted the moment as he closed some distance. Calbert sighed and rose to his feet. "No matter darling, you can share your name with me tonight..."

He moved away to address the group as a whole, " And, I hope you all remember to dress to impress! There will be a contest, after all!"

Time: Late Morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interaction:@Conscripts Dr.John @PapaOso Cassius @Tae Kalliope @Lava Alckon Farim, @ReusableSword Roman, @Potter Olivia/Layla, @Apex Sunburn Sjan-dehk
Attire:Bathing Suit, Light-colored beach sandals, Hair loose

“Do you even know what my life is like, little girl? Oh wait! You left and are too busy being Edin's whore aren't you? You’re a coward for leaving the Alidasht. You - and the others - know nothing about me, little girl. Stay in your lane."

Charlotte's attention was caught in the midst of her thoughts, a frown etching her features, as Layla's voice filled the air once more. While the conversation might have initially been directed at Kalliope, Charlotte couldn't escape the suspicion that Layla had a thing or two to say to her as well. She sighed and folded her arms across her chest uncomfortably as Layla addressed her as Lady Slut Vikena. She wasn't sure if perhaps maybe she should apologize to end the ordeal. What she'd be apologizing for, Charlotte had no idea. She had not been able to place quite where she and Layla had gone so wrong. The woman had been rather uncouth toward her from the moment they had met.

Olivia was quick to reply before she could figure out what was best to say and her gaze flickered toward her friend with concern. She really did not want Olivia to have to deal with Layla on top of what she was going through, but Charlotte did have to admit it was nice to have a friend who would back her up like this. Her concern deepened on her expression as Olivia's temper rose.

"Olivia?" She whispered her name with some apprehension. The sight of Olivia's dilated pupils and clenched fists served as stark indicators that she was grappling with the relentless clutches of her addiction. Charlotte wondered if she'd truly dare use magic in public... She couldn't let that happen. While Farim tried his hand at handling the situation once more, she took Olivia's shoulders. She leaned in and whispered, "Look at me, Olivia... She is not worth it." Charlotte smiled at her and touched her cheek, "It's going to be okay... Whenever fear or fury seize you like this, confide in me, and we shall engage in discussions of greater importance... Such as how we shall regale Kazumin with the improbable events that transpired before his arrival. I doubt he will believe all this..." It was as she was drawing off that she caught Cassius in her line of sight, positioned right in front of her.

Her smile faded into an expression of surprise as he stood up to Layla. For a moment, it felt as if he had been perhaps defending her of all people. Then, she recalled that it had been Kalliope Layla had initially gunned for and most certainly that was why he was now mouthing off. Either way, Charlotte found his every utterance deeply gratifying and found the whole ordeal could prove good distraction for Olivia. Curling her lips into a satisfied smirk, she leaned in and whispered once more, "I think he and Kalliope are interested in one another. His move to defend her is rather chivalrous, is it not?"

Kalliope had also spoken to defend herself. Though it was delightful to see Layla put in her place, the insults had taken on a heavier weight. This became especially pronounced when Layla retorted with equal venom. The words that dripped from Layla's lips were not only dreadful but also inconceivable. Charlotte struggled to fathom the motivation behind communicating in such a malicious manner. The sheer audacity of it all made her blood boil, fueling a compelling urge to rise and passionately confront Layla.

Even Charlotte's own name was drawn into the discourse on multiple occasions, often insinuating that both Cassius and even Sjandehk regarded her in a particular manner. She cast a perplexed look at Cassius, the puzzlement clear in her eyes. However, she had not commented. Recognizing that Olivia was likely struggling to handle this situation given her current state, Charlotte made a swift judgment that it would be better to change their surroundings before the situation deteriorated any further. Unfortunately, her concern materialized into reality as Ruby collapsed into the sand.

A gasp of fear left Charlotte's lips as she knelt at Ruby's side with Olivia. "Ruby!" She cried. As her hands reached to pull Ruby into her lap, a sudden shower of sand descended upon her. Charlotte's hands hurriedly swept it aside, her gaze lifting to meet Layla's, locking in a fierce exchange. This time, Charlotte's expression twisted into a deep scowl, and her words burst forth without restraint, "How dare you." Though she had mustered the courage to meet Layla eye to eye for a moment, her gaze had averted only moments after as it had sunken in what she had just done. She really did not want to engage in this situation or make matters worse, but how could she step back after saying that?

"Y-You have no right to trample on people... As if they were bugs beneath your feet." She continued after a hesitation, her voice carrying a soft resolve. Her words, though tinged with nervousness, held their own weight.

Charlotte looked away from her as Dr.John spoke as well, determined not to waste any more time with the Shehzadi. She looked at Ruby and brushed locks of hair from her eyes. Olivia's suggestion that they relocate had merit, but she worried that dragging her across the sand might hurt Ruby's skin. She finally looked over to Cassius, who had been closest to them. "Excuse me... Lord Cassius." As their gazes intersected, she swallowed her hesitation and made her plea, "Could you please assist us in carrying Ruby over to the blanket?"

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time:Late Morning
Location::The Nest, Roshmi City
Interaction: @princess Mari, @Alivefalling Aerilyn, @Apex Sunburn Scathael, @ShiningSector FIVE
Equipment: Repeating crossbow, a bag, sword, two daggers, 3 small red potions, 1 large red potion, 1 large blue potion, hoverboard, portable solar box, eye protectors, fire starter kit, channeling gloves that turn her light magic orange, makeup, perfume, a skull she wears as a mask and a disguise ring

Mari could not say she expected the bunny-demihuman to smash the table with her hammer, but she supposed that wasn't her problem. The impact with the ground stole her breath away, an "oof" of surprise escaping her lips. Rapid blinks followed as she struggled to process the sudden turn of events. Waves of pain surged through her lower body, causing her to let out a low groan. However, it did not take long for the elf to jump back on her feet and proclaim cheerfully, "I did! I poured water on you!"

She did another double-take as the girl seemed to rapidly switch personalities as she spoke to Floofa, but that wasn't her problem either. "Needed you up so we can talk, sweet cheeks. We found your flyer-" Her gaze shifted mid-sentence over to Thraash, his axe's telltale unsheathing ringing in her ears. She then knocked on his arm as if it were a door. "Thraash chill. Come on. "

As if enough wasn't going on, a detonation of noise and force, like a thunderclap unleashed, reached her ears. Instinctively, Mari turned on her feet to look toward the door to see a large silhouette behind steam and crimson red eyes. She had not even the time to comment as it came toward them with a rotating, gigantic sword. Mari had no doubt Thraash would get out of the way, so she threw herself into Aerilyn, knocking her down toward the left onto the bar floor. It was fair payback for her little hammer stunt anyway! Her gaze swiftly found Thraash's, a knowing exchange that required no words– he would create the opening, and she would seize it. A startled giggle bubbled from her lips, caught between shock and an unexpected surge of exhilaration.

"I know the nest is known for being a little crazy, but this is a whole different kind of PARTY!" She commented excitedly as she went to work forming an orb of light in her hands. The energy formed between her palms, shining brightly to the dismay of the nearby patrons. If Thraash was able to successfully swing down on Five's sword, then she'd take advantage of the opening and send it straight toward Five.

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Riverport
Interactions: @JJ Doe Jun @Helo Zion @Tae Kenia
Equipment: Bow and quiver of arrows, Hygiene supplies, spray bottle, short sword, backpack, a few pieces of jerky, 1000 amas, transmission bracelet, Portable Solar Box, location sender
Attire: His outfit

As Malachi rounded the corner of a building and stepped into the dimness of the woods, the urgent sound of a child's desperate plea for help surged in volume, pulling him deeper. He moved down the path and froze in his spot. There, ensnared within a network of silken threads, was a small, terrified elven boy.

Malachi's hand instinctively went to the hilt of his sword, drawing the blade with a soft hiss. He moved forward as he took in the surroundings. The scene, however, was far from ordinary. It wasn't just the boy that was trapped; it was as if the very woods had been trapped within the webbing. Malachi stiffened as he took in the sprawling expanse of intricate, sticky white threads that stretched between trees. Gazing around, Malachi's eyes widened as he realized the extent of the infestation.

How has this spread so much this close to Riverport? No one has slain the pests yet?

Blood trickled from branches and the sight of yet another elf trapped and unconscious not far off met his answer. The town had been providing never-ending courses to the beasts.

Every rustle of leaves and every flicker of movement in the shadows seemed to hint at the presence of the beasts responsible. The tension weighed heavily on him as he gripped his sword tighter and walked hastily toward the boy. He sliced through the webbing with his sword, until the fibers gave way under the blade's edge, and soon enough, the web that had ensnared the whimpering child was severed.

"Get behind me." Malachi ordered the child, who was quick to clutch at the back of Malachi's cape.

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

The Thugs

Interactions: Tanithil @Lava Alckon, Ismael @Th3King0fChaos Amisra@Tae Arlen @Silverpaw
Location: Alleyway in Port Vanarosa

The leader leveled his gun at Ismael, a sly grin adorning his face. The grin, however, slowly dissolved as a dagger sliced through the air and lodged itself in his shoulder. His cry of pain echoed as he staggered back, his grip on the knife clenched tightly. In an act of desperation, he squeezed the trigger of his gun, but frustration followed as the mechanism jammed, rendering it useless. Pausing to take in the scene around him, his eyes fell upon the fallen fairy above Arlen. Then his gaze shifted to the incapacitated dark elf. On the opponent's side, only the female remained down.

"Boss?" The orc awaited his command, uncertainty in his expression. Neither of them had anticipated incurring any losses in this encounter.

"We retreat," the dark elf finally declared, his glare intense. "But this isn't the end. We'll cross paths again, and you'll all pay." With those words, both the orc and the dark elf abruptly turned and bolted, making a hasty escape.

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Further off from Guavav Village than before - LOST
Interactions: @Helo Cyrus @13org Viola @Alivefalling Dante @FunnyGuy Darius
Equipment: Staff with unbreaking and shift enchantment(shifts into dagger), Her bag, Water Purifier, Flask, some shiny pebbles
Attire:Dress, which she decorated with flowers and hung little charms off the ropes, A small antler headdress with flowers and jewels, amulet with Millinia Crest, wooden butterfly earrings, various bracelets

"Hello there!"

A voice from behind the four could be heard. Phia's wings were fluttering as she worked to catch up with Cyrus, Viola, and the two humans. Once they had caught wind of her voice, she landed on her feet and moved on foot over. She was grateful to see the four were alright and she smiled as she came to a halt before them. She put her hands on her hips and declared, "You all were very brave. Incredible feats by all...I will have to reward you all with a great feast when we get back to the village. " After a sigh, she asked, "...Do any of you need any healing?"

Time: Late Morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interaction:@Conscripts Dr.John @PapaOso Cassius @Tae Kalliope @Lava Alckon Farim, @ReusableSword Roman, @Potter Olivia/Layla, @Apex Sunburn Sjan-dehk
Attire:Bathing Suit, Light-colored beach sandals, Hair loose

"...I’m not just the Count’s son…I’m his bastard.”

Charlotte's eyebrows arched involuntarily. His bastard? It was hard to imagine Calbert cheating on Countess Liliane. With just a bit more thought, she recalled that Liliane was his second wife. She took a step forward to scrutinize his face as he continued to talk. He does bear a resemblance that aligns with the right age... Could he truly be a hidden child from the Count's previous marriage? Looks like even Count Evilbert's secrets do return to eventually haunt him. A slight smirk played upon her lips.

His words, initially murmurs in the background, grew in intensity as his attention shifted squarely onto her, "...how lovely you look today as well. Almost perfect, in fact, save for this.”Unprepared for the sudden shift, her cheeks flushed crimson as Cassius's hand darted toward her briefly, only to pull back with a smudge of purple, a residue from an errant smoothie. “That’s better…a bit of spilled smoothie stood no chance of hindering such beauty.”

She stood frozen, her face aflame, and her eyes wide with surprise. Is he... flirting with me?

Before she could quite react much more, Kalliope's voice had then cut through the air, "So this is the girl whose name you said last night instead of mine? She’s even more beautiful than you made her out to be at dinner!"

Charlotte remained rooted in place, her cheeks now somehow even redder than before. I... My name last night instead of hers? So they're a couple it seems and he accidentally called her my name... Her thoughts spiraled like leaves caught in a gust of wind. Then she instinctively took a step backward as a puzzle piece fell into place.


Please tell me that's not what she means.

However, as she attempted to unravel the narrative and her thoughts circled back to the image of Cassius looking at her with a certain admiration while extracting a piece of smoothie from her hair, it became increasingly difficult to dismiss the evident truth of what had transpired. She turned her attention to Kalliope and Sjandehk and observed them for a moment.

Why did Kalliope have to voice that so loudly? How many heard? Surely, Ruby and Olivia overheard... If indeed Kalliope and Cassius are involved romantically, then this would be just as embarrassing for her. Maybe this has to do with his father like I thought the first time...or... Her expression crumpled as the next thought seemed to make the most sense to her at the moment.

Maybe I'm just a joke.

Charlotte absently rubbed her arm, her gaze dropping to the ground, the desire for solitude suddenly surging within her. "Please excuse me, I-..." She began to mumble to the trio in front of her, but her words trailed off abruptly as her gaze fixed on Count Calbert Damien approaching in the far distance, causing her to halt in her tracks.

Time: Late Morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interaction:@PapaOso Cassius @Potter Olivia @SausagePat Ruby
Attire:Bathing Suit, Light-colored beach sandals, Hair loose

Did that really happen... Was I really so bold?

Olivia had sat beside her silently to give her company and Charlotte had smiled at her. She had been grateful that Olivia had given her the space to unwind a moment after she had become a bit overwhelmed.

“Lady Charlotte…lovely to see you again. Seems I’m not the only one who leaves quite the impression on people.”

Charlotte glanced up from her seated position, her body tensing visibly.

“I don't know exactly what I just witnessed, but the girl I met the other night…the one that showed me such fire doesn’t seem the type to just stand there and let someone treat her that way. I was glad to see your friends jump to your defense, not that I think you needed it…but it’s always good to have support.”

I don't know why I just stand there either. Every time. Her eyes averted to the sea as he tried to meet her gaze.

“I wanted to ask…are you alright? I can’t imagine that was part of your vision for this relaxing day at the beach?” His words struck her as rather empathetic surprisingly. She wondered if this was a feigned concern or if the man wasn't as dreadful as he had initially seemed.

Charlotte pulled her knees to her body. "I'm fine. Thank you for asking..." She grappled for other words she could say and found herself assuring him, "It was only a smoothie..." A silence befell them once more and she noticed he wasn't walking away, so she spoke again with an inquiry, "Are you doing well?"

Perhaps asking such a cocky individual was pointless. He seemed like the type of person that was never bothered and went wherever the wind blew him. Given his intentions could be anywhere on a broad spectrum, she decided to remain pleasant yet guarded. If he was an enemy as she feared, it was better to keep him on his toes. If her impression was wrong and he was not the vulgar pig of a man she was convinced he was, then perhaps they could get along well with time.

As long as he never spoke to her like that again.

A looming shadow abruptly came upon them, extinguishing the warm embrace of sunlight upon her skin. Sensing this sudden intrusion, she swiftly rose to her feet, joining Cassius in his stance. Her gaze shifted, her head turning as she looked over her shoulder to discern the source of the new presence.

“Hello! Don’t mind me… Please continue.”

"Ruby!" Charlotte greeted her with a delighted smile and a brief hug. Once she withdrew, she began to introduce everyone. "This is Lord Cassius...Count Damien's son... And Lord Cassius," She turned her attention on him, "These are my friends Ruby and Olivia. " She gestured from Ruby to the red-haired girl nearby them as well, Olivia.

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