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Current I spit like awogarpa and I ain't afraid to step up to the plate. You'll see what happens next, Guillermo. You'll see.
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I love PapaOso
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Those aren't laces. Those are my toe nails.
5 mos ago
I spit like awogarpa and I ain't afraid to step up to the plate. You'll see what happens next, Guillermo. You'll see.
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1 yr ago
I wanna be a cowboy, baby
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In Avalia 6 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Camp outside Roshmi
Interaction: @Apex Sunburn Scathael, @FunnyGuy Thraash @ShiningSector FIVE
Equipment: Repeating crossbow, a bag, sword, two daggers, 3 small red potions, 1 large red potion, 1 large blue potion, hoverboard, portable solar box, eye protectors, fire starter kit, channeling gloves that turn her light magic orange, makeup, perfume, a skull she wears as a mask and a disguise ring

"Yeah I am. " Mari responded to the dark elf immediately, though surprisingly she kept her tone low, respecting his wishes. "I feel like we should be looking for whoever did that to that town so I can shove this up their ass." She gestured with the sword at her side before letting it drop. "That was so fucked up... And I guess I have no right to be bitching since that was your home." Her eyes slid to Vallana, her expression softening. "And hers.'

A surprised expression followed that included a slight grimace as FIVE offered something to Scathael to put in his tea. That thing better not be trying to poison them. Can warforged even demonstrate sympathy or even a desire to help others? What's the game here?

Meanwhile, Aerilyn seemed entirely nonchalant, focused on returning to the goblins and manticore hunting. Mari gritted her teeth and shook her leg anxiously, her gaze locked on Vallana as thoughts raced in her head. The urge to confront Aerilyn was strong, to tell her this wasn't something they should just move on from. But the bunny demihuman carried on with further reasoning that was annoyingly logical. It made no sense to linger in one place too long given the circumstances.

What do you care, Mari? This is what you want. You and Thraash are here to make some amas and move on.

Rising from her seat, she moved with a restless energy to serve herself some boar, tearing into it with a ferocity that bordered on aggression. Each rip of meat from bone seemed to release a bit of her pent-up tension. Returning to her seat, she devoured the meal within minutes.

Once finished, she armed and prepared herself. "You'll lead the way, Aerilyn?" Mari asked as she fastened her hair up.

Lorenzo & Charlotte

Time: Morning
Location: Sorian Church

Lorenzo could not help but feel a bit nervous as he and Charlotte arrived at the church. Especially with his streak of causing some type of commotion at whatever gathering he attended. This time (for sure!) he would ensure that he would make no wrong moves. This wouldn't be like the beach. This wouldn't be like the ball. This wouldn't be like breakfast at the park. This wouldn't be like the theater play. This wouldn't be like the dinner with the Alidasht royal family. And to top it all off, Lorenzo hadn't relapsed…yet.

He found Charlotte's suggestion of sitting in the back as they both entered to be genius. It would keep them out of sight and out of mind to the others in attendance and also give them the…

“Perfect opportunity to make fun of the backs of people's heads.” Lorenzo whispered with a mischievous grin.

She giggled and nudged him lightly with her elbow, “And after your legendary hat contest, I'm sure you're more than qualified to judge.” With a small journal in her hand, she and Lorenzo made their way over to a less populated pew in the back and took their seats. “So tell me, what earns the top marks in the Duke of Vermillion’s grand hat league? The audacity of the feathers or the sheer altitude of the hats?” Charlotte then mused with mirth in her gaze. Lorenzo pressed his lips together, stifling a laugh. He briefly allowed a smile to break free before putting on a serious face.

“Hmph. Well, Lady Vikena the feathers and attitudes of competing hats are indeed qualifying factors to earn a place in the realm of the grand hat league but it is often a unique flair that allows a hat to outshine all others.” Lorenzo held his nose up high like a pompous art critic.

“Oh well I’ll certainly keep that in mind. I plan to win the next one.” She patted her head with a cheeky smile. “Going to have a real show-stopper up on this noggin of mine.”

“For instance,” his voice became a whisper. “Do you see the ears on that man three pews ahead, in the blue…” She followed his gaze as he spoke of a man in blue, hesitating briefly. “Charlotte, my dear, if that man turns his head too quickly, he might blow half the members of his pew away.”

“...Oh goodness. The poor dear. “ Charlotte shook her head and teased him, “We’re in a church, we should be nice.” A smirk slowly grew on her lips and she added in a whisper, “It’ll most likely be King Edin’s ego that takes up all the air space in the room and throws us all off the pews.”

“For a second I thought you were mistaking ego for his intolerance to dairy but we haven’t gotten to that part just yet. Speaking of, are you up for attending the grand opening of The Royal Curd as well?” He wondered if she ever felt any event fatigue with so much happening this courting season.

Charlotte sighed thoughtfully. “Hmm… I am a little weary from the ball last night, however, if you are going, I’d like to come with you.” She smiled at him but her eyes saddened, a sight Lorenzo never wished to see on his precious daughter's face. “Truthfully, I’ve missed spending time with you the last few days. I was really glad to hear you wanted me to come with you this morning.”

“Lottie.” He took her hand in his, squeezing it firmly. She returned the gesture immediately and affectionately. “It’s how things should always be. You and I against… whoever seeks to usurp the mighty fairy mermaid queen. And, I'm so very sorry if I made you believe otherwise with how I behaved in the carriage that night. There's no excuse for that and… I don't want to ever worry you… so we can have a long discussion about the things in my room… but only after enjoying all the cheese you can eat.” He smiled, his eyes glistening as they slightly teared up.

As he spoke, the smile on her face finally reached her eyes. “Well… Nobody would respect a future duchess who refused free cheese, so a cheese party it is.” She then leaned her head on his shoulder and added softly, “It’ll always be you and I; I have your back no matter what.”

“And I am grateful, Lottie. I wouldn't have it any other way…” Lorenzo peered down at her, giving her hand another comforting squeeze. “Lottie, you do have my back no matter what. If only you could be my advisor.” He sighed. “Finding someone suitable has been a tad difficult and if I don't choose before Prince Wulfric becomes impatient, he'll select someone for me.”

“... Hmm. Do not fret. I will prepare a list of options for you by the end of this event…” She removed her pen from the binder of the journal, a click filling the air. “Did Prince Wulfric present you any guidelines for what constitutes someone suitable?”

“Hmm.” Lorenzo scratched his head trying to recall the conversation. It was funny how clearly he remembered the prince's unamused expressions more than his words. “I don't think so but it should be someone I would listen to. Someone to help me make better decisions. Emina had been that for me-… though I believe I… I believe I often upset her.”

Charlotte was quiet for a moment before she said, “I often upset her too.” She opened the journal and got to work writing. “No peeking.”

Part 1

@Rodiak Nahir @Silverpaw Wulfric @FunnyGuy Lorenzo @Helo Leo @Apex Sunburn Sjandehk @Potter Kira @JJ Doe Riona @Lava Alckon Farim

As the last notes of the music fades into a silence, a palpable sense of anticipation sweeps through the congregation. The stained glass windows throw a dramatic spectrum of colors across the faces of the awaiting folks amongst the pews.

At that moment, the side door near the altar creaks open, and a new figure with a well-kept dark beard steps into the space. His ceremonial robes rustle softly as he moves to the front. He raises his hands, signaling for quiet.

It is Father Aldric Vorn.

"My children," Father Aldric's voice resonates through the room, his tone deep and clear. "Before the arrival of our sovereign, it is our sacred duty to invoke the divine favor of the gods who watch over us. Please, rise."

As all stood, a collective rustle then sweeps through the pews. Father Aldric waits a moment, before he announces, "Let us call upon our gods, that they might bless this gathering and our beloved king."

"In the light of Zivitas, we find grace," Aldric begins.
"Zivitas, bless us with your light." The congregation answers.

"Under the protection of Triumpheus, we find victory,"
"Triumpheus, guide us to triumph."

"With the wisdom of Imperis, we uphold order,"
"Imperis, grant us your justice."

"Through the bounty of Amora, we cherish love,"
"Amora, fill our hearts."

"Beneath the gaze of Aquena, we navigate life’s currents,"
"Aquena, steer our path."

"From the forge of Duedon, we draw strength,"
"Duedon, fortify our spirit."

"In the storms of Tempestes, we seek shelter,"
"Tempestes, calm our fears."

"Through the forests of Vena, we hunt our aspirations,"
"Vena, lead our pursuits."

As the final echo of the chants fade, the grand doors at the entrance of the church swing open with a dramatic boom that seems to shake the very foundations. As everyone turns their head to watch in unison, they find an orchestra seated in the back of the church. In the front, a choir begins to fill the stands to the left.

The anticipation in the air could be cut with a knife as the sounds of the orchestra fill the congregation's ears.

First arrives a train of ten holy torchbearers, arranged in five pairs. Each holds aloft a massive torch, the flames dancing wildly, casting flickering shadows around them. Their synchronized steps echo through the church, matching the increasing intensity of the orchestral music. The light from their torches bathe the church in a golden glow, setting a dramatic backdrop for the rest of the parade.

Hail Edin, chosen by divine grace,
In his glory, behold the gods’ face.
Triumpheus! Aquena! Imperis!
Amora! Glorius! Tempestes!

Hear the heavens declare his rule just and wise,
Vena! Duedon! Zivitas! Their powers arise!

[King Edin's voice fills the room, but his location is unknown]
Behold me, the reflection of divinity,
My reign, a testament to the gods’ affinity.
Triumpheus. Aquena. Imperis.

Amora! Glorius! Tempestes!

From cosmic battles to peaceful reign,
Vena! Duedon! Zivitas! Echo again!

In Edin’s light, the kingdom thrives,
His name sung by the gods, through our lives.

As the gods chant my name, so does eternity,
In the echoes of the cosmos, my legacy.

Behind the torchbearers, a group of beautiful women in flowing gowns gracefully enter. They carried baskets overladen with flower petals. With each step, they toss the petals into the air. The sweet fragrance of roses lofted through the church.

The atmosphere then shifts again with the thunderous march of the golden knights. Clad in shimmering armor that clink and clank with each heavy step, they raise their swords high. At this point, King Edin's voice is heard through the air as he joins in the song, but he is not seen physically.

The most unexpected performance follows: a troupe of dancers, their faces obscured by oversized, paper-mâché masks resembling King Edin’s head. These dancers, clad in flowing, ethereal fabrics, begin a ballet performance, weaving through the knights and flower maidens. The juxtaposition of the eerie masks with the delicate grace of their dance create a bizarre spectacle.

As the last dancer spins out of the aisle, the congregation is left in a state of awe, their applause thundering through the church. The culmination of this theatrical procession set the stage perfectly for King Edin’s grand entrance.

There, in the threshold, finally appears King Edin, though not merely walking as a common man might. No, he sits upon a magnificent chair, a throne carried aloft on the shoulders of eight men dressed in crimson and gold. The throne itself is gilded and encrusted with jewels.

King Edin sat imperiously upon his elevated seat, his head held high. His crown, outrageously large and elaborate, is set with towering plumes of red and white feathers and glittering gemstones that caught every flicker of light. This crown, dramatic in its size, seems almost a burden to bear, yet it rests securely upon his head.

Behind him, more attendants follow, their sole task to manage the majestic, fur-lined red cape that flowed from his shoulders. This cape is so extensive that it requires the hands of six attendants to ensure it does not brush the ground. Each attendant holds a portion of the fabric, their steps measured to avoid any misstep that might mar the regal display.

As the bearers carry King Edin down the aisle, everyone rises to their feet in unison, a wave of murmurs rolling through the crowd. The sight of their king, elevated above them, is overwhelming, though Edin himself seems to refuse to look upon anyone's face at this point in time.

Upon reaching the front of the church, the bearers gently set the throne down with practiced ease, allowing King Edin to rise. As he steps forward, the bearers and attendants neatly arrange his cape behind him, ensuring that not a fold is out of place. Standing before his people, King Edin raises his hands ceremoniously, and a massive applause follows.

Time: Morning
Location: Church of Sorian
Attire:Dress, Flats, Crown and Earrings
Interaction: @Lava Alckon Farim @Rodiak Nahir

"Whaa? Calby's cool though!" Anastasia had protested in surprise. She paused behind Farim as he introduced himself and smiled. He's so formal and polite. Like when Wulfy and Auguste introduce themselves to people.

Count Damien rose promptly from his seat with a broad smile and presented a formal bow. "Ah, Shehzade Farim, what a tremendous honor to have you with us today, and to have you here in Sorian this season." he responded with enthusiasm. He then gestured to blonde man next to him, "And this, Shehzade, is my good friend, Count Landon Monet. He's traveled from the southeast to visit for a few days."

Count Monet offered a polite nod, extending his hand for a handshake, "Your Highness. Your reputation precedes you...I’ve heard quite a bit about your recent endeavors. They’re quite remarkable." His tone was more measured than Calbert's yet welcoming all the same. "It is indeed good to see you join us, and Princess Anastasia as well. She has quite the fan club among my little ones."

Calbert, ever the charismatic, added with a flourish, "What a treat to have both of you choose to sit with us among all the lovely people here. I must confess, I'm rather excited!" His attention then shifted to Anastasia, who was visibly eager to jump into the conversation.

No longer able to contain her excitement, Anastasia threw her arms around Calbert, exclaiming, "Hi Calby!"

Calbert laughed heartily and wrapped her in a brief hug. "Always a pleasure, my dear!"

Anastasia beamed, stepping back. She waved briefly to Count Landon with a smile, then moved to take her seat next to Farim. The children seemed momentarily preoccupied, busying themselves with a puzzle on the floor, but she'd call their attention soon anyhow.

As Nahir and Ece sat with them, Anastasia’s gaze quickly shifted to the Shehzadi, her eyes lighting up. “Oh wow! Nahir! You look so stunning! ” Anastasia blurted out, her voice bubbling with enthusiasm. Her gaze shifted to the woman with her, picking up on her name from Farim's initial greeting. "And so do you, Ece. You're so cute." She patted the seat beside her and smiled at Nahir. "Please come sit with me."

Location: Calbert's Estate
Attire: Hair Style, Dress
Interaction:@FunnyGuy Lorenzo

Mention: @Potter Olivia @ReusableSword Roman

The morning light crept into Charlotte’s bedroom, bathing her in a warm glow as she sat quietly on the window sill. Still dressed in a flowing white nightgown, she somberly stared out at the world outside her room, the sound of the morning birds and leaves rustling in the breeze a gentle background to her steady thoughts. Her gaze was fixed on a large, old willow tree that was just in reach. Its branches swayed slightly, each leaf a bright green under the touch of the sunlight.

Yet, the beauty of the morning did little to lift the heaviness in her heart. The events of the previous night played back in her mind—a whirlwind of masked faces, threats, and a dance that felt like both an escape and another trouble that would surely brew. She felt drained, even after the long rest, as if each step she had taken to the window had drawn a little more strength from her soul.

As she leaned her head on the wooden frame of the window, a small twitch in her vision on a lower branch of the tree caught her attention. Her gaze soon settled on a little bird, its feathers ruffled and unkempt. It was perched precariously close to the edge. With each labored breath, its tiny chest rose and fell in rapid, struggling gasps. Charlotte's heart clenched at the sight as she furrowed her brows.

She reached out a hand slowly, careful not to startle the suffering bird. The bird didn’t resist as she scooped it into her palms as it was too weak to fly away. Bringing it close to her chest, she could feel the fragile pulse of its tiny heart, a faint flutter against her skin.

Sitting back against the cool frame with the bird cradled softly between her hands, she delicately stroked its blue feathers with her fingertip, barely touching the soft plumage. "It's alright, darling. You're not alone anymore." Over time, the bird seemed to relax slightly, its breaths less fraught. Charlotte watched it with a sadness that welled up from a place deep within her that she couldn't quite source.

There was a reflective pause then, suddenly, she began to sing in a voice that was low and tender:

Close your eyes, my little angel,
On a branch on this tree, under the leaves of the willow,
I found you here today,
And now you're safe,
As the morning embraces us,
I'm here with you.

Rest your wings now dear, the night is over now,
And you're here with me, as the new day dawns.
Close your eyes now, my dear little one,
We're together, and together we'll always be.
In my embrace, please find a sweet dream,
You'll never have another thing to fear.
So close your eyes and here we'll stay.
In this morning dream, it'll just be you and me.

So close your eyes now dear, my little angel,
I found you here today,
Under the leaves of the willow,
As the morning embraces us,
I'm right here with you.
And right here in my heart, you'll always be.

Her lullaby filled the air, at times louder than Charlotte had even noticed. Singing, and certainly music in general, had always been an outlet for her since childhood, but it had been one she had long set aside over the past year. As she sang, the first rays of the sun illuminated her face, casting her in a light that reflected the tears welling in her eyes. The bird's eyes slowly closed, and as the final note of her song drifted into the morning air, it seemed to find peace. Charlotte held it a moment longer, her tearing eyes locked on the bird. Then, gently, she placed it back onto the branch, her heart heavy but a smile forming on her lips.

"I hope you found a lovely dream." She whispered.

It hadn't been long after that when Delilah knocked on her door, and the two of them had climbed into her bed to have their morning tea ritual. Delilah would always bring the two of them team then they'd return to the warmth of the bed and chat over the newspaper. She was weary to find out that once again she and Lorenzo made the headlines and had groaned reading the gossip. Her sigh escaped her lips as she read on, her dismay deepening when she learned that Roman, one of the sweetest people from the Varian Kingdom, made the headlines as well for some reason. She made a mental note to herself to check on him.

Delilah, meanwhile, shifted the conversation toward the day's events. She mentioned that Lorenzo had requested Charlotte's company at the church event, while Olivia had expressed a desire to attend the Courting Mixer. Relieved to hear of Olivia's improved spirits, Charlotte requested that Delilah accompany Olivia and watch over her. The maid was luckily always pleased to go anywhere with mimosas and had even told her all about how she was going to drag Gilbert along. Charlotte had listened with a knowing smile.

As the sun had risen higher in the sky, Delilah asked at the conversation's finality, "... Will you be alright at the church? You've seem down this morning."

"Of course, Delilah." Charlotte told her with a warm smile. " I found out perhaps things may be more difficult than I thought they were going to be... " She perked up and raised her fist, "But I will not yield! ... Just as Gunther of Tides said. "

Delilah took her hands tenderly, "Neither of us will... The morning sun always returns after the long night."

An hour later, Charlotte entered the estate's foyer, attired in a simple blue dress edged with lace at the neckline and her hair tied back with her customary ribbon. She greeted Lorenzo warmly, embracing him without hesitation before they both stepped into the carriage. Upon arriving at the church, they were greeted by the sight of crowded pews, the noise briefly overwhelming. With a slight frown, Charlotte leaned toward her stepfather and whispered, "All in favor of sitting in the back...?"

Time: Morning
Location: Church of Sorian
Attire:Dress, Flats, Crown and Earrings
Interaction: @Lava Alckon Farim

As the door swung open, revealing Farim in his loosely tied robe, Anastasia’s lips curled into a mischievous smile. Her eyes swept appreciatively up and down his figure, a sparkle of amusement dancing in her gaze. She stepped closer and reached out. Her fingers then grazed the side of his robe with a curious touch, exploring the texture before he hastened to tie it securely. “Starting the day on a bold note, I see, handsome,” she teased in a light tone.

When he moved in for a hug, she wrapped her arms around him warmly and tightly. As he shared his concerns about her recent misadventure, Anastasia seemed thoughtful, her brow furrowing slightly as she pondered his question. Just then, Thara’s caw cut through the moment, and her demeanor softened once more as she turned to pet the falcon with a gentle hand.

Once Farim was ready to go, they made their way to the carriage. As they settled inside, the rhythmic clatter of horseshoes against the cobblestone filled the air and Anastasia’s demeanor almost immediately shifted to one of theatrical drama. “You won’t believe it, Farim,” she exclaimed, her hands gesturing wildly as she leaned into the story. “I was wandering through the woods, looking for you actually, when suddenly this man in a long coat appeared out of nowhere! And then—WHAM!” She clapped her hands together for emphasis and though completely unnecessary, she threw her body back against the seat, then looked at him once more, “Everything went black... I’m telling you, it’s got to be the mafia after me. They’ve found me at last! I knew they were obsessed with me.”

Her tone was dramatically serious, but the twinkle in her eye betrayed her amusement. Bringing her hands to her cheeks, she playfully squished them, adding with a cheeky grin, "It's because I'm pretty isn't it!?"

As the carriage halted at the church, Anastasia stepped out with a natural grace that instantly drew every eye towards her. The whispers began almost immediately as the door swung open. With her entrance, the subtle murmur of the crowd crescendoed into a mix of hushed and excited whispering. She acknowledged the attention with an ear-to-ear smile and wave, her ears catching snippets of the crowd's chatter—phrases like "the Princess," "the Shehzade," floated around, interspersed with excited queries of "Where's Prince Wulfric?" from a cluster of eager young women nearby.

Anastasia’s attention was immediately captured by the grandeur around them. Her eyes lit up with excitement as she surveyed the gathering, her energy seemingly boundless. She didn't hesitate when Farim posed his question, and pointed towards Count Landon and Count Calbert, seated near the front. “There’s Count Landon and Calby. Let’s sit near them—I want to play with his cute little chickens!” Farim would be able to follow her gaze to Count Landon's two children.

“And I want a good view for when my father arrives,” she added, tugging at Farim’s arm as she directed them toward the front. “He always knows how to put on a good show.”

Count Landon Monet & Count Calbert Damien

Time: 11am
Location: Church of Sorian

Landon Monet found himself sitting in a pew at the grand Sorian Church, flanked by his energetic eight-year-old twins,Fayette and Beau. They were both abuzz with excitement about the event, their voices mingling with the soft hymns echoing. As they waited for the ceremony honoring King Edin to begin, the children’s chatter turned Landon's attention from his frustrations over his wife Melanie's absence to the lively imaginations of his offspring.

Today’s ceremony was to honor King Edin, but for the children, the church was a vast playground inspired by tales of the Caesonian gods.

"Papa, Papa, do you think Zivitas is here with us right now?" Fayette's voice was sprightly as she clambered playfully over the pew in front of them.

Beau, not to be outdone in their little adventure, bounced eagerly on the cushions, nearly tumbling over as he joined in. "And Papa, could Zivitas make me super strong? Strong enough to lift zis whole church!"

Landon sighed and told them with measured irritation, "Ah, mes petits monstres, if Zivitas saw you now, he might just send a little extra strength your way to keep you pinned to your seats!"

Fayette paused in her pew climbing, her small head cocked to the side. "But wouldn’t it be fun, Papa, to fly around the top of the church? I could race the birds!" Her eyes sparkled at the thought and she stood up on the pew, lifting her arms.

Beau, inspired by his sister's daring words, added with a giggle as he too began to stand and wave his arms, "I would catch the stars for you, Papa, and put them in my pockets!"

Landon, despite his best efforts, found the corners of his mouth twitching upwards. "Mon Dieu, keep your stars in the sky, Beau. And Fayette, no racing birds today, please. We are here to listen, not to fly, eh? Both of you sit. Now."

"But Papa, it’s so boring to just sit!" Fayette protested, her voice a melodious whine as she finally settled back down, her brother following. "We're in the land of the gods!"

" And to think," Landon sighed, the fight going out of him as he watched his children’s theatrics with a fond exasperation, " your mama is missing all this fun. She is off getting painted by one of the most famous painters in all of Caesonia while I am here trying to wrangle two little creatures of mischief."

He shook his head, mild amusement flickering across his features despite his best efforts to remain stern. "Let’s just try to keep our feet on the ground for today? Let’s listen to the stories of the gods and enjoy the ceremony. After all, we are here to honor King Edin and maybe enjoy some of that royal cheese afterward at The Royal Curd," he added, the mention of food hopefully anchoring his lively children a bit.

Fayette's eyes widened at the mention of cheese, her previous thoughts of soaring high above momentarily forgotten. Her voice bubbled with excitement, "Cheese? Royal cheese? Is it magical cheese, Papa?" Her imagination was already racing, conjuring visions of cheese that could make you fly or turn invisible.

Beau, equally intrigued and not to be outdone by his sister, chimed in energetically, his voice light, "Does it taste like the stars? Or maybe like a cloud? I want to eat a cloud!" He giggled, imagining himself biting into a cheesy, delicious cloud.

Fayette clapped her hands in delight, "I want to try every kind! Do you think they’ll have pink cheese? Or cheese that sparkles?" Though some nearby attendees glanced over with amused smiles at her innocent queries, Landon was beginning to look embarrassed as the children's voices loudly echoed through the church.

It was then a figure with long dark hair caught their gaze and Beau gasped, seeing him first. "Ah, what do we have here? Future cheese connoisseurs or perhaps little cheesemakers in the making?" Calbert's voice was smooth and engaging as he knelt down to be at eye level with the children. His smile was warm and inviting, instantly drawing the attention of both Fayette and Beau. He donned a meticulously tailored midnight blue frock coat. Beneath the coat, he wore a lighter gray double-breasted vest and white shirt. His trousers matched the coat, extending to polished black leather boots. Accessories included a gold pocket watch, simple gold cufflinks, and a light blue silk pocket square, all signifying his high class and impeccable taste.

As Calbert approached, Landon's posture subtly straightened in recognition of the respect he held for the man.

Landon extended his hand, "Count Damien, it is always a pleasure to see you. Thank you for coming over—it seems you've already captured the attention of my two monstres."

Calbert returned the handshake with a firm grip, a smile lighting up his features. " Count Monet, the pleasure is all mine. How could I resist such a lively audience?" He then turned to Fayette and Beau, who were already excited, their previous mischief temporarily forgotten.

Beau's eyes sparkled with anticipation, accustomed as he was to Calbert often bringing small gifts, "Monsieur Calbert, did you bring something for us today?" he inquired, his voice tinged with hopeful excitement.

Fayette, equally eager and not wanting to be left out, joined in with her melodious voice rising in excitement, "Do you have presents, Monsieur Calbert?"

Calbert chuckled, reaching into his coat pocket. Knowing the children were in town, he had picked up a few items for the two children as he always had. "Well, what kind of Count would I be if I came empty-handed?" He pulled out two small, beautifully wrapped packages, handing one to each child. "For our young master Beau, a miniature puzzle. And for our charming Miss Fayette, a little storybook to spark your imagination."

The children eagerly unwrapped their gifts, rooted to their seats. Landon watched this exchange, a smile of relief playing at the corners of his mouth.

Count Calbert Damien & Countess Liliane Damien

Location: Damien Estate --> Calbert leaves for the church and Lily goes to Cassius's room
Time: 10am
Mentions: @Tpartywithzombi Violet @PapaOso Cassius

The morning sun peeked intermittently through the parting clouds, offering a muted light that filtered through the large windows of the Damien estate's dining room, setting the polished silverware on the table aglow. The room was painted a gentle shade of lilac. At the center stood a long, dark wooden table surrounded by chairs with tall, ornate backs.

Above, a chandelier with dangling crystals scattered light all over the room. A fireplace with a detailed mantelpiece housed a quietly crackling fire that provided a warm contrast to the cool, rainy morning. Occasional raindrops pattered against the windowpanes, adding a rhythmic counterpoint to the room’s silence.

This serene backdrop was all a juxtaposition to the family's current unease.

Calbert sat at the head of the table, his impeccably tailored suit and neatly combed long hair a testament to his outward control, but the tight set of his jaw and the occasional clenching of his fists betrayed the storm raging within him.

As he glanced across the table at Liliane, his expression softened momentarily. She appeared fragile this morning, the worry for their missing daughter Violet etching deeper lines into her face. Her hands trembled slightly as she held her teacup, her gaze lost in the swirling steam.

"I simply cannot fathom this," Calbert's voice cut through the quiet, a restrained growl of frustration. "An entire night has passed, and there’s still no word on Violet. " The sigh that followed was heavy with the weight of accumulated woes, "...Haven't we been through enough?"

Liliane looked up, her eyes filled with a mix of sorrow and resolve. "We will find her, Calbert."

Calbert rose, his movements resonant with pent-up energy. "When? And what then of tonight? Will she vanish again? ...We need action, decisive action. I will not have our family threatened constantly."

A glance from Liliane towards their daughter Crystal, silently observing the scene, seemed to bring him back to the moment.

His voice softened, tempered with a tenderness that underscored his words. "Lily, please rouse Cassius and bring some of our guards, scour the town. Visit her frequented spots... The city guard continues their search, but I cannot abide idleness." Approaching her, he lifted her hand to his lips. "Cassius will protect you, my love... I must attend the church event, as appearances must be upheld for the time being, otherwise, I'd come with you. I will request further assistance from King Edin whilst I am there."

Setting her teacup aside, Liliane stood decisively. "I’ll see it done, Calbert. But remain steady; our endeavors from the shadows will come to fruition. Your actions last night have set things in motion for the better, you'll see."

Time: Morning
Location: Her Bedroom --> Outside of Farim's bedroom in the Guesthouse Hallway.
Attire:Dress, Flats, Crown and Earrings
Mention: @Tae Thea
Interaction: @Lava Alckon Farim

Anastasia slowly blinked her eyes open to the familiar sight of her ornate ceiling. As her vision gradually adjusted, the grand architecture came into focus, each detail sharpening under her gaze as a deep throb pulsed at the base of her skull. The room spun slightly as she cautiously tried to sit up, each movement sending a sharp jolt through the back of her head. With a low groan, she reached up to gingerly touch the tender spot where she had been struck, the pain vivid and startling.

The memories of the previous night flooded back to her in disjointed flashes—the sudden blow, the sensation of tumbling into darkness, the chaos of the forest. She furrowed her brows, trying to piece together the fragmented events, but the effort only seemed to exacerbate her headache.

Drawing a shaky breath, Anastasia forced herself to focus on the present. Slowly, she took in the familiar surroundings of her bedroom - the opulent furnishings, the soft glow of the morning light filtering through the curtains, and then the plush pink bedding that enveloped her legs in silken warmth. She could hear the distant sound of servants moving about in the castle, their footsteps echoing down the corridor.

She glanced around the room, her gaze falling on her reflection in the mirror across the chamber. Her ashen blonde hair was tousled and tangled from sleep, strands falling haphazardly around her shoulders. Then she looked to her side and there, amidst the sea of silk and down, lay Thea, her chest rising and falling with the peaceful rhythm of sleep.

Annie couldn’t help but smile softly at the sight. Moving closer to the bed, she brushed a loose strand of hair from Thea's forehead, waking her friend gently. Lying down beside her, she embraced her friend, their whispered conversation protected by their private cocoon.

Thea, with a hopeful spark in her eye, confided her desire to attend the courting event at the cafe. Anastasia had immediately agreed it would be a wonderful opportunity to help Thea mend her heart after the Felix ordeal. Together, they perused the royal wardrobe, selecting a gown that not only flattered Thea but seemed to reflect the fresh start she so yearned for. Anastasia then assisted with her friend’s hair and make-up, lending her expertise to ensure every detail was perfect.

With a final, heartening squeeze of hands, Thea departed, leaving behind a recommendation to go see Farim.

A short while later, swaying slightly with a trace of dizziness, Anastasia stood before Farim’s door. She was dressed in a peach gown that embraced her figure, adorned with off-shoulder sleeves. Without hesitation, she knocked with a playful lightness in her heart despite the dull ache in her head.

"Farim! Guess what! I'm not dead!"

Welcome to the Royal Worship Event at

The Primitus Church of Sorian!

We are honoring King Edin today.

As you enter the Sorian Church, you are immediately enveloped in a beautiful atmosphere of intricate architecture and the sound of an enchanting hymn. The light, filtered through the stained glass windows, casts a kaleidoscope of colors across the polished stone floor, leading your gaze to the ornately carved altar where candles flicker.

Rows of wooden pews are filled with guests, each one adorned with a single gold-leafed hymn book. At the heart of this space, a large poster of King Edin is hung today for the event to honor King Edin.

Caesonian people believe that their country is a holy country created by Zivitas. It was said that the Danrose family, the ruling family for generations, were hand-chosen by the gods themselves as the perfect souls to lead the kingdom. Each eldest son is born with the most perfect traits due to Zivitas' influence. The people of Caesonia looked up to the Danroses as the embodiment of perfection, and they were considered to be the closest thing to gods on earth. King Edin Danrose puts great effort into keeping this belief alive.

Today we are taking a moment to honor King Edin Danrose, who plans to grace us with his presence. Please join us in this sacred ceremony.

Following the worship service, guests are invited to continue the Grand Opening of The Royal Curd, a prestigious cheese restaurant concept requested King Edin himself. Here, attendees will have the opportunity to dine in the presence of their beloved ruler, who graciously offers to pay for the meals of all in attendance. Enjoy a sumptuous feast fit for royalty, as we give thanks for King Edin's benevolence and leadership.

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