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17 days ago
Current I spit like awogarpa and I ain't afraid to step up to the plate. You'll see what happens next, Guillermo. You'll see.
2 mos ago
I love PapaOso
5 mos ago
Those aren't laces. Those are my toe nails.
5 mos ago
I spit like awogarpa and I ain't afraid to step up to the plate. You'll see what happens next, Guillermo. You'll see.
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1 yr ago
I wanna be a cowboy, baby
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Time: Morning
Location: Church of Sorian
Attire:Dress, Flats, Crown and Earrings
Interaction: @Lava Alckon Farim @Rodiak Nahir @Silverpaw Wulfric

"Hey King! We're here for the cheese!" Anastasia echoed the peasant as she held Fayette's hands up in the air with a giggle, dancing with the child, who giggled along with the princess, as she repeated in a sing-song voice, "Here for the cheeseee!" She quieted down after receiving a cautionary glare from one of the guards but couldn't fully suppress her giggles, fits of laughter breaking through her lips.

Truthfully, Anastasia had no idea what her father was talking about half the time, but it sounded inspiring. She made sure to throw her fist in the air enthusiastically after each statement, which Fayette echoed. Beau also climbed on the pew to join them in their salute.

Once the portrait was revealed, Anastasia gasped, "That's... That's so beautiful." She whispered and nudged Farim's elbow. "I love it." She told him. "He looks so regal in that painting and... the horns! They symbolize how stubborn he is, like a bull, in the face of adversity. I totally get it!" The children applauded her statement, their eyes filled with awe.

"I love it too, mademoiselle! I draw mustaches like that as well!"

"Oh yes! It's magnificent!" Beau exclaimed, his hands moving to his cheeks with surprise.

Earlier than usual, the final song began playing. The orchestra always played the same one, and Annie remembered the words for the most part. So, Anastasia took the opportunity to sing along, moving out from the pew with the little girl still on her shoulders to dance in the aisle as she sang.

"In the heavens high, the gods do pain,
Zivitas’ light, guiding lame.
Triumpheus’ strength, a victor’s pride,
Amora’s love, forever on our sliiiiide!"

She reached down to take Beau's hands with a giggle, pulling the little boy into a dance with her. The children laughed and sang along, their voices blending with Anastasia’s.

"Ooooooo Edin, our king, divinely pissed,
In your rule, we find our wreeeeck!
Prince Wulfric, legacy in sand,
Guides our future, hand in saaaaand."

Anastasia twirled with Fayette on her shoulders, her voice ringing out clearly as she turned to serenade her Wulfric as his name came up in the song.

"Hail Edin, kiiiing and lies!
In your pain, the gods delight.
With Prince Wulfric, WISE! and STRONG!,
To gods and king, we raise this song!"

Once the song was over, she set Fayette down with her brother with a giggle. Both were beckoned by their father and she waved sweetly to them before turning to Farim, Nahir, and Wulfric. "That was a great time, but it's gonna be an even better time trying out this new restaurant. I've heard awesome things. You all can follow me... Includes you too Calby and Count Monet! Come along! " She then led the group of those interested along outside to a carriage, and they then traveled down the road to the restaurant.

"Oh my Gods! They give free cheese immediately at the fucking door! That's amazing!" She exclaimed upon entry. As she looked around the room, she took in the sight of all the cheese decor and clasped her hands together in pure delight. Once her eyes set upon the waitress, she beamed. "Wow you are a work of art, ma'am! Truly! I will remember you until the day I die." She dramatically proclaimed and helped herself to a cheese cube. She turned to Farim and presented a cheese cube for him to consume as she told him, "We can all sit at the table near my dad. We're special guests, so he won't mind!"

Location: Church of Sorian --> The Royal Curd
Attire: Hair Style, Dress
Interaction:@FunnyGuy Lorenzo

"Hey King! We're here for the cheese!"

As the peasants filled the seats around them, her attention shifted from her journal to the newcomers as their shout about cheese sliced through the solemn atmosphere of the church. Her pen paused above the page as she watched King Edin's barely controlled annoyance.

The absolute nerve of this man!

Edin's smile might have fooled the newcomers, but Charlotte saw right through it, and boy was she suddenly much more interested in the ceremony. The directness of their approach was refreshing amidst the ceremony's idiocy. She looked around as peasants began filling the back rows, surrounding her and Lorenzo rather quickly. Her smirk deepened as King Edin made no effort whatsoever to try to conceal himself as he signaled the guards to close the door.

Placing her pen down, she turned to fully face the peasant woman who had unwittingly found a seat next to her.

The woman's eyes widened in recognition, and she began to stammer an apology, obviously flustered by her proximity to nobility.

"Oh. You're the Lady Charlotte Vikena... Oh no... And next to you is the Duke. I'm so sorry. I didn't expect that you'd be seated back here, I hope you—"

Charlotte gently enveloped the woman's hand in both of hers, offering a comforting squeeze to halt her worried rambling. With a soft, reassuring smile, she whispered, "...It’s lovely to have you sit beside me."

The peasant woman’s expression softened, visibly relieved by Charlotte's kindness. She nodded gratefully, her initial tension easing into a more comfortable demeanor. Just then, King Edin’s voice resonated through the church as he proudly announced the unveiling of a new portrait.

As the draped canvas was revealed, showcasing the defaced image of the king, Charlotte couldn’t suppress her surprise. She stood up to get a better view, and around her, the peasants were already bursting into hushed, yet unrestrained laughter. The hastily painted mustache and horns on King Edin’s portrait were so absurdly out of place that Charlotte couldn't help but let out a chuckle. She quickly covered her mouth with both hands, trying to compose herself. When King Edin attempted to pass off the defacement as an intentional piece of creative expression, the situation became even more ludicrous, and Charlotte bit her lip hard to stifle her laughter.

Thankfully, the atmosphere quickly shifted as the orchestra and choir launched into an extravagantly dramatic piece, an attempt to restore some dignity to the event. There were always those who were fooled, but Charlotte knew that he could only fool so many with this much absurdity. She knew that these ceremonies usually dragged on for hours, yet today's spectacle seemed doomed to a brisk conclusion, all thanks to a mustache on a portrait.

A giggle escaped her again, and she politely covered her mouth, whispering apologetically to the peasant woman beside her, "I'm sorry. This is too funny."

The woman stared at her alarm at the sudden fit of giggling, but an expression of amusement slowly crossed her face.

As the church slowly emptied with people eager for the free food at The Royal Curd, she exhaled deeply. She slipped her journal into her shoulder bag and lifted her head, ready to exchange a glance with Lorenzo. Instead, her gaze halted on a scene unfolding before her that seemed completely out of place.

At first, it appeared almost normal, the sight of a man entering the church with his child, but the harsh grip on the boy's wrist and the stern, urgent pace down the aisle struck her as odd. The church lights dimmed suddenly, as if clouds had swept over the sun, but it was more than that—the entire atmosphere of the church shifted. Her eyes darted toward the windows, observing the night sky behind the stained glass with confusion.

She looked back at the man, his features harsh and drawn by a severe expression, as he dragged the little boy along. The boy’s features, blurred at first, came into sharper focus, and something about him tugged at her memory. He looked frightened and confused, struggling against the man’s grip.

"I... Lorenzo... I'll meet you outside. I'm going to see if everything is okay." Charlotte heard her own voice as it echoed strangely in the now somber church.

The man paid no heed to anything around him, his lips set in a grim line, muttering fervent, disjointed prayers. As he moved he shouted at the child, his voice rising, "Pray, boy, pray! Pray to be cleansed of the evil that taints your soul!" He continued to drag the young boy by the wrist, heading towards a small, dimly lit room off to the side of the church—where parishioners often sought counsel in private.

Charlotte moved without thinking, her feet carrying her forward to intervene. As she approached the room, the door was slightly ajar, allowing her to see the man pushing the boy inside roughly. Without hesitation, Charlotte pushed the door open and stepped into the dimly lit room. Inside, the man was scolding the boy, his voice a harsh whisper that echoed slightly in the confined space.

"There is nothing good about you." the man hissed, his back to Charlotte. "In fact, you are nothing. A blight upon our family, drawn to the darkness like a moth to flame. You must pray! Pray for redemption, for only the Gods can cleanse the vile taint from your soul!"

The boy was cornered against the cold wall, his small face streaked with tears and dirt, his body shaking. His brown eyes, wide and filled with a haunting fear, met Charlotte’s for a fleeting second. His voice trembled as he attempted to recite the prayers his father demanded, but fear choked his words, turning them into barely audible whispers.

Charlotte’s heart clenched at the sight as she stepped forward, "Stop! You can't treat him like this!" she exclaimed, her voice firm, but her words seemed to pass unheard as if she was nothing more than a wisp of air.

Not satisfied with the boy's faltering words, the father's wrath escalated. "Words are not enough!" he bellowed. Grabbing him by the shoulders, he shook him violently, as if trying to expel the darkness he believed lurked within. "You must feel the penance in your bones!"

She reached out immediately, her hands passing through the figures as though they were nothing more than ghosts.

The father then pushed at the boy's back. "Kneel!" His voice thundered as he threw a handful of coarse salt onto the hard, cold stone floor. The boy knelt, his small frame shaking as the sharp crystals bit into his tender skin, drawing out a pained cry from the boy.

"The gods demand your suffering for your wickedness." the father insisted, the fanaticism vivid in his tone. The intensity in the crazed man's eyes made Charlotte's stomach churn; she stumbled back, her hands flying to cover her face.

As the boy knelt, sobbing and praying, the dreadful sound of a leather strap striking his back filled the air, Her eyes widened in shock and her teeth clenched.

"Lady Vikena...?" A voice reached her ears, but it took the man asking once more for her to respond. She lifted her head from her hands and found herself staring at one of the church attendants as he placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Are you alright?"

Blinking away the remnants of the vision, Charlotte found herself back in the brightly lit room. The figures of the boy and his father had vanished, leaving her alone with the attendant. She took a shuddering breath, her gaze lingering on the empty space. "Yes... I'm fine." she managed, her voice barely above a whisper. From the look in his eyes, she could tell her words had been heard out loud when she had exclaimed prior. Stumbling back toward the door, Charlotte excused herself,"I'm fine. I must go."

With that, she found herself joining Lorenzo once more, and the two of them made their way to the Royal Curd, which wasn't far at all luckily. Once seated at a small table in the event room, Charlotte made an effort to hide how shaken she was visibly, even trying to focus on how absurdly yellow everything was. However, she was unsuccessful.

...I suppose maybe I am cursed then.
In Avalia 5 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Guavav Village - Menzai's home
Interactions: @Funnyguy Darius @Alivefalling Dante @Samreaper Menzai @Helo Cyrus
Equipment: Staff with unbreaking and shift enchantment(shifts into dagger), Her bag, Water Purifier, Flask, some shiny pebbles
Attire:Outfit, amulet with Millinia Crest, wooden butterfly earrings, various bracelets

"I'd love to hear it. I adore stories," Phia said to Darius with a smile.

Menzai seemed unsettled as when he spoke. Phia watched him, frowning, as his claws scratched audibly against the table. She placed her hand over his comfortingly. He seemed lost in thought for a while, and she remained silent, observing him with a sad expression until he abruptly rose and excused himself. Though tempted to follow him, she sensed he needed space.

After a prolonged silence, Cyrus spoke. Her eyes turned to the fairy, her expression brightening as he continued. She waited until he finished speaking before rising to give a polite bow, bending to her knees. "Your highness, Prince of the Fairy Kingdom, I had no idea I was in the presence of royalty. I am as fortunate to be in your presence as I am to be among these brave human warriors. It is truly an honor!"

She then shifted her gaze to Dante and Darius. "The fairy kingdom was once Prince Cyrus's kingdom. I am sure he can identify some familiar and trustworthy faces. It is honorable that his family tried to protect their people, and I am certain Cyrus is an admirable person."

Phia stepped over to stand before Darius, gently taking his hand in both of hers. "You're right, Darius. It's been a heavy few days, and we can't pretend all that stuff didn't happen... However, we can't move forward with such heavy hearts. It might be a good opportunity to lighten them with the uplifting joy of fun... And to fill ourselves with love from time spent with our comrades." She tapped his hand affectionately. "Then, we will all work to become stronger so we can protect each other better."

The Royal Curd

@Rodiak Nahir @Silverpaw Wulfric @FunnyGuy Lorenzo and Alexander @Helo Leo @Apex Sunburn Sjandehk @Potter Kira @JJ Doe Riona @Lava Alckon Farim

The Royal Curd is an exclusive, expensive new restaurant in the fine dining district of Sorian. The inside of the restaurant is gilded in gold and most everything is either gold or yellow. Portraits of King Edin holding cheese take up the majority of the wall space. There is a grand hall with a fountain with yellow water and the bathrooms are rumored to be extensively spacious.

As you enter, you will be greeted by a beautiful waitress in yellow:

"Welcome to The Royal Curd! We are delighted to have you here. If you possess a ticket bestowed by King Edin himself, you are cordially invited to enter our grand event free of charge. For those without a royal ticket, the entry fee is two hundred gold.”

You present her your golden ticket, and she smiles whilst offering you cheese samples.

"Cheesetastic! Welcome to The Royal Curd! Please come right in and take a left toward the event room. You will find King Edin seated at the grandest table, adorned with a majestic throne against the far wall. Velvet ropes will guide you to his table, as for this special event, King Edin is graciously allowing guests to have private audiences with him! Imagine the thrill of conversing with our revered king one on one! How exciting!"

However, to Prince Wulfric and Princess Anastasia, she greets them simply with a curtsy:

"Cheesetastic, your highness! Welcome to The Royal Curd! Please come right in and take a left toward the event room. Please let me know anything you need!"

Part 2

@Rodiak Nahir @Silverpaw Wulfric @FunnyGuy Lorenzo and Alexander @Helo Leo @Apex Sunburn Sjandehk @Potter Kira @JJ Doe Riona @Lava Alckon Farim

Upon reaching the front of the church, the bearers gently set the throne down with practiced ease, allowing King Edin to rise. As he steps forward, the bearers and attendants neatly arrange his cape behind him, ensuring that not a fold is out of place. Standing before his people, King Edin raises his hands ceremoniously, and a massive applause follows.

"My dear subjects," King Edin's voice booms through the grand hall, "Today, we gather not just to celebrate the divine favor bestowed upon us, but to honor the gods who have chosen me to guide this great nation."

He pauses, allowing the applause to wash over him, his smile broadening in the adoration. "It is with gratitude that I have accepted this sacred role, bestowed upon me by Primitus himself."

The congregation then responds with enthusiastic applause.

King Edin continues, "I am but a vessel through which the gods' will flows. In their infinite wisdom, they have seen fit to entrust me with the stewardship of Caesonia, ensuring that our land prospers under their divine guidance." His voice grows more fervent as he speaks, "Through me, their light shines, and it is my solemn duty to lead you all to greater glory and prosperity."

His eyes scan the room, deliberately avoiding direct eye contact but lingering just long enough on various sections of the guests to give the impression of a personal connection. It is then that a low, resonant rumble echoes through the church as the heavy doors creak open once more. A crowd of peasants loudly burst into the room with excited looks on their faces. Adorned in rags and what King Edin would describe as filth on their faces, they casually began to fill in the last seats in the empty rows. The increasing pressure from the crowd outside made the doors groan as they strained against the push of many hopeful attendees.

"Hey King! We're here for the cheese!"

King Edin’s eyes narrow slightly, his brow twitching. He smiles at the commoners as they sit. However, once the seats were filled, he made a decisive motion as he drew a hand across his neck. This subtle signal was immediately understood by the guards, who moved swiftly to close the doors. The heavy doors rumbled as they were pushed shut, the pressure from the crowd outside causing them to vibrate slightly.

Edin continued, his voice unwavering, "Together, under the watchful eyes of our gods, we shall continue to build a kingdom that reflects their divine perfection. A kingdom where each of us, guided by their light, can thrive and find our true purpose." He raised his hands higher, his tone dripping with self-importance, "For in the light of Zivitas and the wisdom of Imperis, I stand before you as your king, chosen by the heavens, destined to lead."

The applause that follows is thunderous, echoing through the grand hall, as King Edin basked in the adulation, his expression one of supreme satisfaction.

"And now," King Edin continues, a proud smile on his face, "I have the honor of unveiling a new portrait, painted by one of Caesonia’s finest artists. This masterpiece will inspire us all."

He gestures grandly to a large, draped canvas beside the altar. With a dramatic flourish, he pulls the sheet away, revealing the portrait. The crowd gasps as the painting is revealed, but not for the expected reasons. The artist’s rendition of King Edin was defaced with horns and a mustache drawn over his face.

King Edin’s smile freezes, his eyes wide as he stares at the defaced image. A flash of fury crosses his face, his knuckles white. The congregation holds its breath, waiting for his reaction.

With a forced smile and a barely concealed edge to his voice, he turns back to the crowd, "Ah, behold! The creativity of our people shines through." He laughs lightly, though the tension in his stance is palpable, "How brilliant! It captures the playful spirit of our great nation!"

The crowd, unsure at first, began to clap, the sound growing as they followed the king’s lead. King Edin, regaining his composure, spreads his arms wide, "Let us celebrate this artistic expression and the joy it brings, for it is in such moments that we see the true vibrancy of our culture!" He pauses, the gears in his mind turning before he finally continues, "....I shall now leave you with a final, uplifting song as our attendants distribute entrance tickets to the Royal Curd. I will grace the event with my presence and there will be an opportunity to meet and greet with your king. Thank you all for your unwavering loyalty and attendance today!"

As he concluded his speech, attendants quickly began distributing the entrance tickets for The Royal Curd among the congregation, while the choir and orchestra prepared to perform the final song.

King Edin, maintaining his demeanor, descends from the throne with practiced grace, his attendants moving swiftly to adjust his cape as he makes a hasty exit through the side door. Attendants are quick to cover up the painting as a woman leads the chorus.

The congregation is confused to say the least. Usually, these events go on much longer...

Nonetheless, people are quick to begin their departure as soon as they receive their tickets, as they are eager for some free food.

In the heavens high, the gods do reign,
Zivitas’ light, a guiding flame.
Triumpheus’ strength, a victor’s pride,
Amora’s love, forever by our side.

O Edin, our king, divinely blessed,
In your rule, we find our rest.
Prince Wulfric, legacy so grand,
Guides our future, hand in hand.

Hail Edin, king and light,
In your reign, the gods delight.
With Prince Wulfric, wise and strong,
To gods and king, we raise this song!

Count Landon Monet & Count Calbert Damien

Time: 11am
Location: Church of Sorian
Interactions: @Rodiak Nahir @Lava Alckon Farim

As the applause filled the air, Count Landon Monet, with an obligatory smile, clapped enthusiastically, though the tension in his jaw betrayed his true feelings. "Magnifique! Truly a sight to behold," he declared. This is absurd, all this pomp for a king who barely acknowledges his people. How do they all fall for this charade? His eyes flicked briefly to Calbert, gauging his reaction.

Calbert applauded with genuine enthusiasm, his smile warm and inviting, perfectly masking any personal reservations. "Ah, what a grand spectacle! King Edin's presence is always a reminder of our great fortune," he remarked smoothly. Turning slightly to address those behind him, he added with a wink, "Isn’t this just the most marvelous event you’ve ever seen?"

Fayette, from her position on Princess Anastasia's shoulders, nodded eagerly. "Yes, Monsieur Calbert! It was so beautiful! I loved the ballet dancers!" She exclaimed, her eyes wide with wonder.

Beau, equally mesmerized, as he awkwardly remained by Prince Wulfric's side, "I want to be just like King Edin one day!" he declared with youthful exuberance.

Landon’s forced smile faltered, a flash of irritation crossing his face. He quickly regained his composure as his mind locked in on Prince Wulfric's presence, though the tightness in his expression was unmistakable.

No, Beau, you should aspire to be better, much better than King Edin.

Location: Church of Sorian
Attire: Hair Style, Dress
Interaction:@FunnyGuy Lorenzo
Mention: @Silverpaw Wulfric @Samreaper Kazumin @Potter Olivia @Helo Leo @Tae Thea @TpartywithZombi Violet @ReusableSword Roman @PapaOso Cassius @JJ Doe Fritz/Ryn

As the grand ceremony unfolded with all its excess and grandeur, Charlotte found her attention drifting away from the spectacle almost immediately. To many in the room, this was an event that one could not tear their eyes from. To Charlotte, this was something she had endured throughout her entire life. As far as she was concerned, the Gods has never done her any favors so why should she do any for them? And of course, King Edin certainly had not! Tucked in the safety of the back row, she felt secure in just taking some much needed time for herself.

The cacophony of the choir and the music faded into a distant hum as she leaned back in her seat, her face hidden in her book. Committed to her promise, she first concentrated on drafting a list of advisors for Lorenzo—a task proving more challenging than anticipated. Prince Wulfric would undoubtedly favor nominees from the upper echelons of society, yet such individuals were often too preoccupied to provide Lorenzo with the consistent guidance he required. Additionally, they all didn't like him... And Charlotte did not like them either. Thus, those who made the most sense were people around Lorenzo often. That meant she, herself, was an option, however, taking advice from a woman was something he'd be ridiculed for. Nonetheless, she decided to put herself on the list. She intentionally left off Delilah, aware of her disinterest in the role, and excluded Benjamin for his eccentricities.

Potential Advisors for Lorenzo:


• Knows Lorenzo well
• Was an excellent student in school
• In constant vicinity of Lorenzo
• Good taste in food

• Fun personality is intimidating
• Hates politics
• Most people will not respect the choice of taking advice from a woman


• Always alert and sneaky
• Cute
• Is a long noodle

• Steals everything
• Doesn't speak English
• Is on this list in jest


• Very smart
• Cooks like an angel
• Decisive
• Lives in our house

• He's grumpy
• Man of few words
• May consider violence


• Personally assists Lorenzo already
• Well-mannered
• Respectable
• Lives in our house

• Questionable if he will agree to do it
• Gives judgmental looks

Once her list was finished, she ripped it from her journal and slipped the page into Lorenzo's hand to review. At this point, she glanced up and noticed the paper mache Edin heads. "Oh." She commented softly. If the man's face didn't fill her with such disgust, she might have laughed. With a sigh, Charlotte returned her gaze downward.

On the clean page, she started writing down her thoughts.

Last night was a storm of emotions and revelations.

My encounter with Count Calbert was more harrowing than I could have ever anticipated.
His threats still echo in my mind, and so do his words as he revealed that he knew Kazumin and Seph had been sheltered in my home.

I simply do not understand this. No matter how I wrap my head around the situation, I cannot name one person in the situation who would have informed him of such knowledge.

Lorenzo protected us.
Kazu and Persephone would be endangering themselves only to reveal so.
Delilah and Gilbert are family.
And Count Fritz has only been kind... Why would he? Would he even?

Why has he been kind? Should I mistrust random acts of kindness?
But then how will I ever enjoy the companionship of others if I live in my life in such a manner?

My mother had always said I was too naive for this world.
I know there is truth to this, that I am sheltered and inexperienced.

I know that I am weak, but I must continue to try.
For mama, papa, Lorenzo, Delilah, and Gilbert.
For my darling Thea and Leo.
For Crystal and Violet, whose very names make my heart ache at this moment.
For Roman, whose name does not belong ridiculed in our morning paper.

And for my new friends, Kazumin, Persephone and Fritz, who I must now betray.

Her expression saddened and she pulled her knees inward.

I cannot inform them of Calbert's threats.

Keeping such a thing from my friends is a heavy burden, but I believe it’s necessary to protect them. If they were to confront Calbert or retaliate, it could only serve to endanger them further and tighten his grip around us all.

I hope that the fewer dramatics that occur going forward, the better chance Calbert will let his guard down. I truly want to hope that everything he told me had been a simple bluff.

But in my heart, I know there is evil in that man and that he will choose to do things to harm them, so I must find a way. I could try to convince them to not travel alone, especially at night. If I am to be a poor friend and choose to withhold such an important truth, then I must at least be willing to do anything to protect them from the danger that lies ahead.

What a frightful notion. Skinny, mousy Lottie being the one to stand between you and danger.

Perhaps I should be praying to these Gods with everyone else if they even exist.

It's no wonder I almost broke down in the middle of that ballroom.

For a moment I let myself feel that dread deep in my soul. I know better than that. I know that letting that dread will only result in a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I must be stronger than that and have hope that good will prevail.

On a brighter note, Cassius was…unexpectedly comforting. He appeared as my world crumbling around me, and he held me together. There’s a warmth in him, a kindness that I didn’t expect from a spawn of Calbert. I find myself curious about the man behind the mask, and I do not just mean the one he wore to the masquerade. As I scan the church, I can’t help but look for him next to Calbert, but he’s nowhere to be seen. Perhaps it’s for the best.

For now, I must focus on what I can do to help prepare and protect my friends. I will gather my courage and face whatever comes my way with resolve.

Time: Morning
Location: Church of Sorian
Attire:Dress, Flats, Crown and Earrings
Interaction: @Lava Alckon Farim @Rodiak Nahir @Potter Kira @Silverpaw Wulfric

"Aw, thanks, Nahir! I think so too! I look amazing in pink, don't I?" The princess agreed with a charming giggle. With a smile, she touched her arm gently as she assured her, "You're gonna love it. Our religious ceremonies are enjoyable, actually."

Anastasia then looked over her shoulder upon hearing a voice greet them. She immediately beamed at the girl and waved without hesitation. "Hi Kira! Yeah, come pop a squat!"

Her brother's arrival followed within seconds. Initially, her smile broadened. "Wulfy awoooo!" She added another greeting with a giggle. Unfortunately, the wolf found its prey in Kira and immediately went in for the kill. Her smile fell, and she sighed. He's never gonna get invited to parties if he keeps this up. As if to echo Wulfric's call for protocol, the guards along the wall got closer.


At least Nahir seemed to have a reasonable compromise. She appeared as nice and intelligent as Farim. Thus far, Anastasia had a great impression of the Alidasht royals. She gave Kira a sympathetic smile, "Sorry, sweetie, catch up with us later for some cheese... I'd love to get to know you!"

It was then that the background music faded off, and the side door opened. She was quick to rise, craning her head excitedly as Father Aldric Von entered the room. She didn't quite know the words as everyone started chanting with him, so she instead turned her attention to Count Monet's children, who had both climbed over the pews to crawl on the floor by the royals' feet. Finally, the grand doors in the back opened.

A tug at her skirt pulled Anastasia's gaze, and she smiled. Young Fayette Monet was looking up at her with a shy grin. Annie knelt down and assisted the child in climbing on her back, then rose back up. "Can you see now, Fayette?"

"Thank you, princess!" The child chirped and hugged her neck. The ceremony was as loud and intense as Anastasia always remembered it. It was more like a parade than what others may have imagined a religious ceremony to be, but Annie had always loved it since she was a child. It had always been exciting for her, and clearly, Count Monet's children were excited about it too. She could hear Fayette gasping in her ear. Meanwhile, young Beau was standing by the end of the pew watching the scene by Wulfric. Annie noticed him glancing up at the prince with admiration every time he wasn't looking and smirked to herself.

She smiled upon seeing her father being brought in. It was still nice, despite it all, to see him appreciated for his role as King. Anastasia wanted to join in the applause, though her hands were busy holding the little girl's legs up still.

Farim's voice reached her ears as the applause began to die down, and she said, "Oh for sure. Fay and I saw it all!"
In Howdy 6 mos ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Cami I welcome you boldly and interestingly.
Welcome, Mario. You are inspirational to me.
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