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Current I spit like awogarpa and I ain't afraid to step up to the plate. You'll see what happens next, Guillermo. You'll see.
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I love PapaOso
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Those aren't laces. Those are my toe nails.
5 mos ago
I spit like awogarpa and I ain't afraid to step up to the plate. You'll see what happens next, Guillermo. You'll see.
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I wanna be a cowboy, baby
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Time: Evening
Location: Tough Tavern
Interaction: @Apex Sunburn Sjandehk/Cynwaer @Tae Thea

“Sailor boys are so much fun, Thea.” Anastasia exclaimed, looping her arm around her friend with a spontaneous giggle. Leaning closer, she whispered conspiratorially, "These two are real sailor boys, Thea. They've got boats.”

However as the red-haired one spoke in an accent Annie had never heard before, and her eyes lit up as he chastised another man in the bar. Even as he turned to tell her that she looked like a clown, Anastasia's enthusiasm remained undimmed. “Oh my gosh. Thank you! Clowns are so much fun and they’re so colorful
 I absolutely love the circus!” She rose to her feet and leaned toward Cynwaer, eager to compliment him back, “The way you speak is so pretty! ”

Her amber eyes shifted to the dark-haired male who introduced himself and also advised that their clothes weren’t practical. “Oh, my mother often says the same—that I'm not the least bit practical. Must be a personality trait of mine!” She shrugged with a giggle. “I’m just happy to be me, you know?” The princess poked her cheeks in a silly manner, adding, “You boys can call me Annie.”

Moving back to hop up and perch on the edge of the bar, Anastasia then clasped her hands together in eagerness, “But wow, the both of you captains. Captain Cynric and Captain Wasun
” She leaned forward, her excitement palpable as she encouraged them, "Now, tell me about the biggest storm you've ever sailed through. Make it a good tale; I want to feel like I'm on the high seas with you!"

Count Landon Monet

Time: 8pm
Location: The Gentlemen’s Grill and Cabaret

The lounge was dimly lit with the glow from crystal chandeliers casting a soft, warm light that reflected off polished silver and glass. The deep rumble of men’s voices filled the air that was thick with the intoxicating blend of fine cigars and the smoky aroma of aged whiskey. Their chatter became a low cacophony over the noise of shuffling card and clinking glasses. It was obvious to anyone who entered that this was a spot where only the most elite of society gathered.

At the far end of the room, the jazz band was bathed in soft, intimate light on the stage. The charismatic Louis Blanchet commands the stage as his velvety smooth voice caressed the ears of all.

Count Landon Monet, dressed impeccably in a tailored uniform adorned with subtle golden embroidery, stood poised by the bar, a glass of fine scotch in hand. His striking features, marked by sharp blue eyes and platinum blonde hair slicked back, commanded attention as many gravitated to situate themselves around them. He raised his glass to toast the room, his voice smooth yet carrying a trace of the underlying tension he harbored.

"To a night free from the emotional turmoils of our wives!" he declared, his toast met with chuckles and nods from the surrounding patrons.

However, amidst the approving laughter, one voice cut sharply through the camaraderie.

A well-dressed gentleman from the corner, his expression masked in mock sympathy, raised his glass in return, his tone dripping with condescension. "Ah, Landon, always so quick to escape the 'emotional turmoils' as you call them," he began, capturing the attention of those nearby. "Maybe that’s why you probably poisoned your dick of a father. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree as they say afterall!"

The room hushed momentarily, the weight of the words hanging in the air. Eyes turned towards Landon, watching keenly for his reaction to the pointed jab.

Count Landon Monet's face flushed a deep shade of red, his fists clenching at his sides. Landon's voice then boomed across the room, filled with barely contained fury.

“You think you know me?" Landon spat out, “Mention my father again, and it'll be the last thing you do. " He then added with a growl, “And don't you dare compare me to that man. I am nothing like him, and you'd do well to remember that!"

Turning his back on the stunned gentleman, Landon downed the rest of his drink in one harsh gulp, slamming the glass down on the bar with enough force to draw a sharp look from the bartender.

It was then he noticed Count Calbert Damien approaching, his bastard son in tow. Calbert moved toward him and placed a comforting hand on Landon's shoulder, “Landon, take a moment, my friend," He advised in a low, soothing tone, his expression one of genuine concern. “Let's not give the night over to harsh words and tempers. Your guests are about to arrive and your grand event has just begun."

Turning his attention to the gathered crowd, Calbert raised his glass with a charismatic smile, instantly drawing the room's focus to him. “Gentlemen, let us remember why we are here—to enjoy an evening of good company and fine spirits. Let's lift our glasses to the many successes we share and those yet to come."

His words resonated throughout the room, easing the tension as men raised their drinks. Luckily, they were all already inebriated enough to go with the flow and probably wouldn’t even recall the outburst. Laughter and murmurs of agreement slowly replaced the earlier silence, as patrons returned to their conversations.

“Thank you
 You always make it look so easy
” Landon murmured, his gaze shifting away as he leaned on the bar.

Calbert offered him a wry smile, “There’s an art to it, my friend, and we all are adept at different things
” His voice lowered to a conspiratorial whisper, ensuring only Landon could hear his next words, yet he maintained his friendly demeanor despite the subtle threat. “Landon
 Do not to forget yourself again. I have my son present with me tonight and I intend to ensure him an opportunity to build himself a foundation with the other nobility. Present yourself with dignity. “

With a supportive pat on Landon's shoulder, Calbert stepped back."So how many tables did you acquire for this event?"

The blonde man gazed at him and hesitated with his reply as he seemed to be still processing Calbert's prior remarks. "I have three tables." He gestured to their roped-off section. "I think I will go situate myself at one now."

"Well. I'll go to another with my son, and we'll help keep things civil for you... Best of luck, Landon."

Time:Afternoon to Evening (~7pm, an hour before current time)
Location: Damien Estate
Attire: Dress, Amulet
Interaction:@Potter Olivia @FunnyGuy Lorenzo

Delilah had gently roused Lottie from her slumber for dinner around six o'clock. After changing into a fresh dress and having her hair tidied up, Charlotte arrived a little late, finding everyone already seated. She remained uncharacteristically silent throughout the meal, idly pushing her potatoes around the plate as if it were some game unbeknownst to the rest of the household. The dinner conversation was rather subdued. Gilbert was in and out of the room with plates of food, offering his usual sparse comments. Olivia, too, seemed less lively than Charlotte had hoped; she had appeared shaken ever since the ball. Fortunately, Delilah's bright spirit remained undimmed.

"Gilbert was absolutely hilarious, helping me eavesdrop. He was surprisingly considerate about things, not just fixated on the French toast not being as good as his. But you know, he was right. His French toast truly is the best... If only we could say the same about his atttttiitudeee!" Her voice took on a singsong quality at the end of her remark.

"For fuck's sake! Find something else to talk about other than me, woman!" Gilbert complained as he returned to the kitchen.

A smirk graced Charlotte's features as Delilah continued to chatter about Gilbert anyway. However, later in the conversation, Delilah made a suggestion that steered their fates for the rest of their night. "The sky is clear, and the stars are out! I bet there are going to be all kinds of cute boys at the amusement park for the circus in town... Lottie and Olivia, you girls should go have fun, and Olivia do me a solid and try to convince Lottie to at least try to talk to some men. I'd totally come with you, but I want to help Devan pack for his departure tonight... Oh, and Lorenzo, you go too! Have fun! Find a lady friend! You all deserve some enjoyment after all the drama."

Charlotte was absolutely not in the mood to go anywhere. She wanted to hide away from everyone, preferably even get away from this house. Even the nap had not been able to quiet the storm in her mind as it tried repeatedly to piece together what exactly was happening in her life lately. But then her eyes settled on Olivia, and she softened.

With a sigh, she relented for the second time today, "If that would lift your spirits, I'd love to attend with you, Olivia."

Time: Evening
Location: Tough Tavern
Interaction: @Apex Sunburn Sjandehk/Cynwaer @Tae Thea

“To ships and peace!"

An echo resounded behind the two men as Princess Anastasia, with a bottle of whiskey held high in salute, inserted herself between the sailors. Her cheeks were rosily tinted, her mischievous eyes twinkling under the dim tavern lights. Leaning comfortably against the bar, she flashed a charming grin. “I may not know the stern from the bow, but I know a good toast when I hear one!” she proclaimed with a light-hearted giggle, her hands slightly unsteady as she poured herself another glass.

Before the men could respond, Anastasia called over her shoulder, her voice carrying effortlessly over the crowd. “Thea, baby! Over here! Come celebrate ships and peace with us!”

Turning back to face her new companions, she rested her elbows on the bar, a playful glint in her eyes. “To ships that zip and captains who sip!” she toasted, lifting her glass and taking a generous gulp. She and Thea had ventured into the tavern about an hour earlier, eager to immerse themselves in the chaos. Although they typically graced the Prince Callum tavern—much to Queen Alibeth's hatred for the Tough Tavern's proximity to the slums—Anastasia had always been drawn to the sheer wild nature of the Tough Tavern.

In Avalia 5 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon
Location: River Fairy Kingdom
Interactions: @Funnyguy Darius @Alivefalling Dante @Samreaper Menzai @Helo Cyrus
Equipment: Staff with unbreaking and shift enchantment(shifts into dagger), Her bag, Water Purifier, Flask, some shiny pebbles
Attire:Outfit, amulet with Millinia Crest, wooden butterfly earrings, various bracelets

It was only hours later that the group found themselves moving through the forest path towards Riverbloom. Phia was eagerly at the front of the group, her eyes up in wonder as she watched birds overhead fly over them. Her long magenta hair was pulled in a messy braid that she had been decorating as they went. Occasionally, she'd pause and pluck a flower from the ground and embed it into her hair.

The moment they crossed the threshold into Riverbloom, the enchanting beauty of the place unfolded before them. The towering tree with its cascading pink stood majestically at the center. Phia paused, her amber eyes wide with awe, a smile stretching across her face. Her eyes darted over the area, taking in every detail.

As she absorbed the scene, her smile began to fade slowly. A sense of déjà vu washed over her. Hazy visions of the past, as if from a distant dream, threatened to take over her vision. She glimpsed the same sight before her, but in her visions, the sky was filled with many more fairies. The sight of a fairy waving to her hijacked her mind next, then as she lowered her gaze toward the cobblestones, she imagined fairyfolk bowing shortly after meeting her eyes. These fleeting images were subtle, almost ethereal, leaving her feeling both comforted and disoriented.

Suddenly, she felt something brush against her leg, grounding her back to reality. Phia looked down to find Sunny with his big, expressive eyes filled with concern. Scooping him up into her arms, she felt the softness of his fur, and his warmth of his body, steadying her swirling emotions. His cute face, with its twitching nose and perky ears never failed to bring her comfort.

Earlier, Dante had suggested using animals to spread information in the area, and Phia had eagerly brought her beloved fox, Sunny, along.

"Well, we're here." Phia announced softly to the others and turned to smile at them. "I suppose Sunny and I could work on making some friends with the wildlife in the area..." Her gaze slid to Cyrus. "Do you speak with fauna as well?"

In Avalia 5 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay


As you approach Riverbloom, the first thing that catches your eye is the majestic tree with its cascading pink leaves, towering over the entire village. The tree is an awe-inspiring sight, its branches stretching towards the sky, and the pink foliage glowing softly in the sunlight.

The air is filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the gentle hum of fairy wings. As the group enters through the plaza, the cobblestone paths are lined with wooden buildings adorned with floral decorations. The plaza itself is spacious and open. At the center stands a fountain. Fairies, some flying and some walking, add to the atmosphere, their wings glittering in the sunlight as they go about their day.

Surrounding the plaza are various establishments, including cozy cafes, quaint bakeries, and lively bars. You can hear the soft murmur of conversations from the outdoor seating areas, where fairies and other creatures gather to enjoy refreshments and socialize.


Welcome to Sorian Amusements, where the ordinary becomes extraordinary! As the sun sets and you step onto the cobblestone streets, you're greeted by a whimsical atmosphere of lights and enticing smells. From the sweet smell of caramel corn and toffee apples to the aroma of roasted turkey legs, the options are endless. It is a kaleidoscope of excitement with attractions and games designed to delight visitors of all ages. A grand Ferris wheel lights up the night sky, offering breathtaking views of the entire park. Nearby, a beautifully ornate carousel spins gracefully, its horses gleaming under the twinkling lights.

This charming amusement park is a rare gem in all of Eromora, having opened its gates in 1730 by founder Edward Martin. Driven by a desire to create a haven where children could be children, regardless of their social class, Mr. Martin dedicated himself to building a place where laughter, joy, and wonder knew no boundaries. Boasting the latest in steam-powered technology, it offers visitors a unique blend of innovation and fun.

Situated right on the boardwalk, it's a hotspot nightly, especially in the warm weather for Sorians. Its hours are always noon to midnight. However, the park closes unfortunately for the winter season.

Step right up and prepare to be enchanted by the Mystique Traveling Circus, visiting Sorian for one night only! Under the grand, striped tent, you'll encounter a dazzling array of marvels and curiosities that promise to both amaze and mystify.

Marvel at the strange and wonderful performers, each with their own unique talents and abilities that defy explanation. Witness feats of strength, agility, and charm that will leave you questioning what is real and what is illusion.

Join us for an evening of enchantment and mystery at the Mystique Traveling Circus. It's an experience you won't soon forget... if you dare to believe.


Welcome to the Gentleman’s Grille, an exclusive men-only cabaret, nestled in the heart of the fine dining district. As you step inside, you are immediately transported into a world of sophistication. The dimly lit room is adorned with rich mahogany woodwork and plush, velvet furnishings. Portraits of distinguished gentlemen from eras past line the walls.

The room is filled with the intoxicating aroma of fine cigars, delicious cooked meats, and the smooth, smoky scent of aged whiskey. Gentlemen, dressed in their finest evening attire, gather around small, intimate tables. The soft clinking of glasses and the murmur of conversation create a warm, inviting ambiance.

At the far end of the room, a grand stage is illuminated by the soft glow of chandelier lights. A jazz band fills the room with enchanting melodies, their instruments harmonizing perfectly. The singer, Louis Blanchet, is known to walk through the room, serenading tables personally.

The bar is stocked the finest selection of spirits from aged scotch to meticulously crafted cocktails.

In a separate, more secluded area of the club, the smoking room offers a retreat for those wishing to indulge in a fine cigar or pipe. The room is adorned with leather armchairs. Here, gentlemen can relax and unwind.

Count Landon Monet, hailing from Lilywood, is hosting an exclusive noble gathering tonight. With the esteemed Count in town for just one more evening, those wishing to meet him should not miss this opportunity!

Good evening! It's now 8pm and the sun has begun to set.
The clouds have gracefully parted, making way for the first twinkling stars to soon appear. A serene and starry night awaits you all, promising wonder as the evening unfolds.

Be careful as the sidewalks are still slippery from the rain.

Regarding any unfinished business for morning events, please be clear that you are writing in for the morning prior still or mark it as a flashback.

Charlotte, Lorenzo, Leo, Sjandehk, Iyen, Kira, Kalliope, and Morrigan

Location: The Royal Curd

”The drama we are currently experiencing does not bode well for the feast we are going to be experiencing. Can we please remember the dignities and responsibilities of ourselves and try to simmer down?” Leo nodded his agreement.

Seats away, Lorenzo could hardly keep up the awkward silence as he attempted to come up with an appropriate answer when Kira began to stare at Lady Morrigan. The timing was near perfect for the duke. ”I do believe we are trying to sit like civilized individuals in our own chairs. This is causing a scene and might be making others uncomfortable. We must not forget there are kids here and we should lead by example, right?

Lady Morrigan appraised the other woman for a moment. Slowly, a curious smile crept in, which was followed by an equally curious question. “Is that what you really want?” A few meaningful seconds passed before she said, “And dearie, give yourself some credit, you’re hardly a child. You’ll do just fine.”

Kira ignored her and turned to Leo. ”Excuse me, Bubblegum boy, does this happen often? Dear me,” She turned to Charlotte who had been choking. ”Dearie, are you alright? Do you need anything?”

“Yes, chaos seems to run amok here.” Leo whispered his comment to Kira. “Is it like this where you’re from?” He added.

Kira pretended not to hear him over the chaos. The blonde from across the table watched her a little longer.

Before Charlotte could quite answer Morrigan, a string of events had followed that made her feel as if her head had started spinning. “Um.” She managed to shake her head no toward Kira with a polite smile. Subsequently, her gaze slid back to the woman holding her hands and she took a steadying breath.

“Morrigan,” she began with gentle firmness, “I must ask you to find a seat of your own. The Duke is not one for public displays of affection, and it seems you may have unsettled him.” Her tone carried a warmth that softened the instruction. “Once settled, I would be most delighted to learn more about you, if you are willing.”

Lady Morrigan tilted her head to whisper back in Charlotte’s ear. “It’s sweet that you’re speaking up for your father, but he has to learn how to voice his own thoughts or they will continue to trample him like a doormat.” She didn’t elaborate on who exactly “they” were. “Until there’s nothing left of him.” The older woman pulled away to smile at Charlotte and pat her hand. Charlotte stared at her in utter confusion.

Oddly enough, Lorenzo leaned toward Charlotte.

“Lottie! Do you know who could pretend to be in a relationship with me?” He appeared as if he should have whispered, yet his voice came out at normal volume.


The Knight sighed deeply while his mistress giggled. This man was hopeless. Luckily for him, Lady Morrigan apparently had her fill and finally put the duke out of his misery. With a slender finger, she tilted Duke Vikena’s chin up so their eyes met. “My dear Lorenzo,” she purred. “Repeat these magical words after me.”





“Would you.”

“Would you.”

“Be so kind.”

“Be so kind.”

“As to remove yourself.”

“As to remove yourself.”

“From my lap.”

“From my lap.”

“Thank you,” she finished.

“Thank- No. No no no no.” Lorenzo shook his head, appearing to be slightly frustrated for once. “I am quite tired of these games. Everyone is always telling me what I should be doing and
 and I'm the Duke of Veirmont. Veirmont!” Lorenzo let out a sharp huff. “Morrigan. You will stay right where you are this instant. I don't care about your knight or your name. This is your seat!”

Charlotte pinched her nose.

It had been a long time since the Knight last saw his mistress struck speechless. She glanced around the table, just to confirm she hadn’t misheard Duke Vikena. The others’ reactions told her she hadn’t. “Well,” Lady Morrigan finally said, “how can a lady possibly refuse?” She shifted in Duke Vikena’s lap, one arm draped languidly over his shoulders as she made herself comfortable in her new vintage Verimontian chair.

Leo watched as the scene between Lorenzo and Morrigan continued to play out. He leaned back in his chair and attempted to get the attention of Charlotte. “Lottie,” he technically whispered but it wasn’t quiet. “Do you know what I was told earlier, that Lady Morrigan pawned her Riona problem off on me to see what it would take to make me snap. Maybe that’s what she’s doing here, trying to make one of you snap.” Leo said, with no attempt to muffle his voice. He then straightened in his chair and looked at Lady Morrigan with a polite smile, “Is that your game this season, Lady Morrigan?”

Charlotte’s gaze shifted to Leo and she sighed heavily, her shoulders slumping. “... I could not say I’d be surprised
 ” She may have said more once she gathered her thoughts, but she was very soon interrupted.

Lady Morrigan regarded Lord Leo with that special brand of disappointment a mother gives her child when he’s gone and made a fool of himself. “Oh, Lord Smithwood
 and here I thought you were above playing such games, stirring up the pot like this.” She shook her head and answered his question, “Of course not. You may be in that sensitive age when you think any inconvenience is a conspiracy against you, but it isn’t. I hoped assigning Riona to you would’ve proven that.” The Knight didn’t know how true that was, but he did get the impression that she wasn’t particularly interested in Lord Leo or Lady Charlotte. Toy with them? Sure. But make them snap? Not worth the effort. If she wanted someone to break, it was Riona.

She sighed delicately. “Let me be frank with you, my dear. Working in the castle is not easy. Their Majesties demand nothing less than perfection. Now, things may not always be just so, but the staff must maintain the highest of standards to keep their jobs.” Lady Morrigan leaned in. “Riona served for us for 12 years.” A pause, to let that sink in. “And yet, in these last few days she’s apparently caused more trouble with you than in all her time with us. Isn’t that peculiar?” She straightened her posture. “What, I wonder, does that say about you?”

Is she moving this much on purpose?!

Leo studied Morrigan as she spoke; talking up Riona? After the offer she’d made him? Morrigan’s words only sounded fake and hallow. That was enough for him, so Riona was telling the truth about that. He only shrugged in response to Morrigan’s question, there was nothing else he needed to say to her, certainly nothing amicable existed between them.

It was then the soft clatter of wheels rolling briefly overshadowed the conversation. They would notice waitresses adorned in cheese hats approaching the table, pushing three gilded carts filled with appetizer plates. Each of the women was exceptionally beautiful, and they all wore radiant smiles on their perfect faces as they waved to the table, their gazes locking on the men particularly. As they crossed the room, those paying attention to Edin may have noticed his eyes follow their every move, his lips tightening into a line.

The six girls stopped by the table and giggled as a blonde one stepped into the forefront and greeted them all, “Hi everyone! We have four cheesetastic appetizers just for you cheescellent folks!” She clasped her hands together. “I know you’re all eager, but please give us a moment to get everything on the table.”

As they began distributing the dishes, they seemed to be deliberately bending over closer to some of the men, occasionally even winking at them upon exchanging eye contact.

Kalliope's knuckles turned white as she gripped the back of the chair in front of her, forehead resting on her hands, eyes squeezed shut. She took deep, steady breaths, trying to block out the chaos swirling around her. The noise of conversation, laughter, and the clatter of dishes put her even more on edge.

Just as she felt a slight brush against her leg, Kalliope's eyes snapped open. She turned to see a waitress provocatively leaning in close to Sjan-dehk, her giggle grating on Kalliope’s already frayed nerves. That was the last straw.

"That's it!" She roared, slamming her hands on the table. She stood up, glaring at everyone around her. "Everyone, just shut the hell up for ten minutes!" Her voice was a mix of fury and frustration, and she didn't care who heard her. "I'm sick of the flirting, the giggling, and the damn cheesetastic nonsense! Can we all just have a moment of fucking peace? Holy hell!" Kali's demand for civility was met with reactions from the other members of the table.

Kira stared at Kalliope and then glanced around the table. She nodded kindly to Sjan and Iyen, then to Lottie and Leo, and gave Lorenzo a bow of her head. Each gesture was a “I’ll see you another time” nod. Without a word, she loudly scooted her chair back and walked away, not even bothering to glance back at anyone or say a word.

Charlotte had visibly flinched upon Kalliope’s roar, her eyes darting to the woman with surprise. As Kalliope finished her speech, she glanced around the table, her heart pounding in her ears. Her gaze finally fell on Kira as she walked away. With obvious discomfort, she turned her attention to the plate of scones that had recently been placed in front of her. She took the warm, cheesy bread in her hands and began to break off small pieces to occupy herself.

Leo decided to bravely challenge Kali's fury with a logical argument.

“This is not the place to be if you’re sick of ‘cheesetastic nonsense’. You should calm down.” Leo said to the irrational redhead at the other end of the table. “I’m sure Lord Sjan-dehk has time for both his dates.” The word immediately drew Kalliope’s attention to the Lord, her fury now solely focused on him as she subconsciously gripped a knife in her hand.

Duke Lorenzo initially sat frozen with the aged-cheese nose of the appetizer depicting King Edin's face in-hand. He briefly looked amongst the others at the table, watching Kira make her exit and listened to Leo reply to Kali's call for calm.

“Young Leo, there is never enough time for both.” Was all he said before stuffing his mouth with the cheese nose.

There was simply too much going on at once for Sjan-dehk to follow, and so he addressed what he considered to be the immediate issues. He rounded on the pink man with a fierce glare and a very, very, irate snarl. “You, pink one, you shut your mouth,” he growled, placing his hand on the table with a lot more force than was necessary and pushing himself up to his feet. He kept his eyes on Leo, slowly leaning over the table towards him. “You have eyes, yes? They work, yes? You are not blind. You can see Kali is upset. So stop making fun of her. It is not funny. It is not
Not entertaining. You are bored, you find fun somewhere else.”

Iyen stood up with Sjan-dehk, albeit not as dramatically. She folded her arms across her chest, all of her previous playfulness and mirth gone from her face and aura. Now wasn’t the time to be mischievous. “You make him upset, you also make me upset,” she said plainly and looked over to Sjan-dehk and Kalliope. “Sorry. I’d have kept my mouth shut if I knew it’d lead to all this. Think we should probably leave before something happens.”

“Hopefully that lesson’ll stick in your head,” Sjan-dehk said drily. Even as he spoke those words, he knew they would never come to pass. Iyen wouldn’t be Iyen otherwise. “You can apologise to Kali properly, later. For now, I agree. I’m not keen on staying, either.”

Carefully, as if he were approaching something dangerous, Sjan-dehk reached over and placed a gentle hand on Kalliope’s arm. He stepped closer to her. “Leave that pink bastard lordling. I’ve seen enough to know he’s not worth the dirt sticking to our boots,” he said quietly, shooting yet another glare at the pink man. “In any case, this place is beginning to grate on me as well. I’m not sticking around to see how much more annoyed I can get, because I swear by the Mother that I will probably end up stabbing someone. Or shooting someone. I’m going to make myself scarce before that happens, and you’re welcome to join me. We can find something to eat elsewhere. Somewhere less yellow, hopefully.”

He turned his head around. “And Iyen,” he said pointedly. “Would like to apologise to you with all proper niceties for her transgressions this entire time. Isn’t that right, Iyen?” His smile didn’t do a thing to temper the edge in his words. If anything, it accentuated it. He wasn’t going to entertain any disobedience, this time.

“Yes,” Iyen replied quickly with a nod. “It’s as the Captain says. I owe you that much, at least.”

Kalliope’s hysterics instantly vaporized any respect the Knight held for her as a professional. Losing her mind over a man like some starry-eyed teenage girl? He’d have to include this in his report. The woman was clearly compromised, unfit for duty.

The Knight sneaked a glance at his mistress, expecting to find her relishing Kalliope’s meltdown. Instead, her gaze was tracking Kira’s retreating form. Only once the other woman reached her destination did Lady Morrigan turn her full attention to the scene at hand.

The Knight tried to guess what she would say next. Probably something like “You people made such a fuss about how I made people uncomfortable, but when Kalliope does it, crickets? Shame on you all.” With more elegance, of course.

But no. Lady Morrigan’s eyes went wide, and her face paled. She raised a trembling hand to her mouth while the other lifted to point at the object Kalliope brandished. “Kalli, honey, don’t... J-just set that down. Nice and slow.” Her voice quavered. Lorenzo followed suit, pointing at the knife while nervously chewing on aged cheese. Yet again he had found himself seated with an angry scorned woman brandishing a knife. Please don't throw it

Around the table, the waitresses turned as one to see what had her ladyship so “terrified.”

Sjan-dehk followed the lady’s frightened gaze to Kalliope’s hand, a sigh leaving his lips when he saw the knife sticking out from her balled fist. Once again, he moved with caution, slowly bringing his own hand to hers and gently pushing it back onto the table. He said nothing – there was nothing more he needed to say – and simply thought about just how exactly things went so terribly off-the-rails, so quickly.

Kali’s eyes blazed with fury, the intensity of her glare burning a hole through the current object of her rage, Lord Leo Smithwood. Muscles in her face tightened, her jaw clenched so hard that it seemed her teeth might shatter. But then, almost imperceptibly, the storm in her eyes began to recede. The furrows in her brow smoothed out, and the tension in her jaw eased.

What replaced it was far more terrifying: a smile that spread slowly across her face, the kind that sent shivers down the spine. It was a smile devoid of warmth, an unsettling calm that spoke of controlled, deliberate menace. Her lips curled up, revealing teeth that seemed to glint with malice. The anger was still there, lurking just beneath the surface, but now it was contained, sharpened into a deadly, icy resolve.

Her eyes, once ablaze, now held a chilling glint, like a predator who had just cornered its prey. The transformation was complete. What stood before them was no longer just a woman angered but a harbinger of calculated vengeance. The Lordling was somewhat right, this wasn't the place and with Sjan-dehk's words and calming touch, she realized this could wait. He wasn't worth it, none of them were
for now. Patience. She could be a patient woman.

She gently set the knife down, turning to look at Morrigan and Lorenzo. ”No need to fret, Morrigan. Holding a knife merely helps calm me and get me to think more clearly.” She said to the woman, an odd sweetness to her voice now. She then addressed everyone at the table, bowing to them. As she did, Sjan-dehk quickly and surreptitiously pushed the knife away from her hand.

Lady Morrigan, still pale and trembling, pressed herself against Duke Vikena. She whispered, “She’s lost her marbles
 I’m so scared.” The Knight searched for any signs that she was scared or distressed as she appeared to be and came up short. Still, he got to his feet and took up a position next to Kalliope, ready to escort her out of the restaurant.

”Apologies, everyone. My mood has been off since I awoke this morning as I did not sleep well last night and I let it get the better of me. Perhaps I need more rest before being able to play nice with others. I shall take my leave.” And with that, she turned to Sjan-dehk, ready to remove herself from the situation.

”I shall take you up on your offer before I find myself painting this place with a lovely shade of red.” She said to both Sjan-dehk and Iyen, turning her back on the table.

The waitresses near Kalliope flinched back when she spun around. They huddled together, wide-eyed, like lambs staring down a rabid beast.

Leo snacked on the absurd amount of cheese that cluttered the table, mostly unbothered by the words of irate thruple. He said nothing, talking over people was rude after all, and it seemed a wiser choice at this point. The only one who concerned him was Kali; as the fury of a wild boar gave way to the predatory eyes of a stalking wolf. All this over a simple request to calm down? Leo continued to eat cheese, denying Kali any show of emotion.

With a glance and a jerk of his head, Sjan-dehk signaled to Iyen that it was time to go. “We take our leave, also. My apologies for
” He trailed off and gave a vague wave with his hands. “All of this.” Looking at each person at the table in turn, he bowed his head with a hand pressed to his chest before turning to leave with Kalliope. It wasn’t the most polite of goodbyes, but politeness was hardly his chief concern. He just wanted to get away before things escalated even further.

“Let’s go,” he said quietly to Kalliope, a hand on the middle of her back to usher her towards the restaurant’s entrance. With bounding steps, Iyen followed beside them. Once they were beyond earshot of the table, Sjan-dehk continued to speak. “I don’t actually know where to go, so if you don’t mind, you might’ve to lead. And we don’t have to eat if you’re not hungry. But if you are, it’ll be Iyen’s treat.”

“Hey, when did I–” Iyen started to protest, but was silenced by a glare from Sjan-dehk.

“You know as well as I do that you’ve a part to play in all this,” he said sternly, but that sternness didn’t last; his voice softened as he continued, “I know you don’t mean to be
Well, mean, and I know that that pink bastard and others didn’t fucking help, but surely you know better than most that you pushed things a little too far this time around.”

Iyen glanced at Kalliope and sighed. “I suppose you’re right, Sjan-dehk,” she said with a shake of her head. “Alright, I’ll accept your terms, Captain. Lead the way, uh
Kali, was it?”

As the Knight silently tagged behind the three, from a distance he heard one of the waitress begin to sob. “Shh, it’s okay. Don’t cry, sweetheart.” said Lady Morrigan rushed to the girls, her voice honey-sweet. “That knife-wielding madwoman is gone. You’re safe now, all of you.” She continued to comfort them, murmuring soothing words and rubbing their backs or shoulders.

Mixed between each gentle phrase, every reassuring touch, she was planting little seeds. Just a carefully placed word here, a whisper there. Tiny things, barely noticed. But they’d take root, those seeds, and grow until their tendrils wound through the city. The Knight knew, even without hearing the words, that those weeds would make the capital’s high-end establishments a touch less welcoming for Kalliope.

Suddenly, Iyen spun around. She looked at the knight with a disarmingly sweet smile plastered across her face, and she even giggled. “Go to your Lady,” she said with a wave of her hand, as if she were shooing away an overly-inquisitive child. “We will be okay. Captain here, he will keep peace. No need for you to follow.” Her tone was light and affable, and not at all threatening.
The Knight’s lips parted just a bit before clamming them shut. He gestured for the trio to keep moving toward the exit.

Charlotte had simply watched the situation play out without a word, her gaze lingering on Kalliope as she spoke her final words. She then scooted herself into the empty seat beside Leo once things seemed settled, scone in hand. “ 
Want to sample this?” She offered in a low, warm tone. “They’re delicious.” Along with the scone, she also offered a smile.

Leo accepted the scone and took a bite. “Combining cheese and bread like this; truly inspired.” He said, glancing around at all the empty seats. “I only asked her to calm down because such a loud disruption while the king is trying to enjoy his meal seems unwise.” Leo pointed out. “But too many big personalities at one table seems to cause problems.”

“I think I can agree with that, yet
” Lorenzo nervously eyed the collection of appetizers on the table. “I wish I hadn't ordered so much food now. If only Olivia were here. Gilbert mentioned that the girl practically inhales food. Inhales.” Lorenzo could always count on his servants to come up with the strangest new ways to describe things.

Morrigan, who has reclaimed her seat, closed her eyes and tilted her head in thought. After a long hum, her eyes shot open and she snapped her fingers with both hands. “I do believe I’ve stumbled on the most marvelous idea!” she exclaimed, “Why don’t we send it to Kalliope’s residence? The poor dear might not be able to partake in the festivities, but at the very least, she can enjoy the food! Maybe the little care package will turn her frown upside down.”

“Or perhaps we can have the excess distributed to the needy?” Charlotte suggested. Lorenzo gave a small frown, not meaning to disappoint Charlotte as he titled his head in the direction of a table across the room seating the peasants from the church gathering. It seemed their tables large order had turned the ”the needy” into the resourceful.

“Or maybe we could go down to the docks and feed the rats.” Leo suggested, figuring they were all just offering silly ideas at this point. Although if he had to go with one, sending Kalliope a basket of leftover cheese aged in the summer sun did sound especially hilarious. Morrigan stayed silent. She glanced at Leo before locking eyes with Charlotte and waited.

“Lorenzo, the desire for food besides the peasants extends beyond those fortunate souls we see before us. “She paused, her gaze sweeping over each face at the table before continuing, “...Let us, therefore, divide any surplus amongst ourselves; each may do with their share as they see fit. Should there be any who wish not to partake, I would be most obliged to distribute the remainder to the staff at our estate.”

The conversation took a much more peaceful route after that as dish after dish was served, piling the table with more cheese than anyone could have ever asked for.

Meanwhile, when the others had reached the entrance of the restaurant, the Knight paused. Reluctantly said, “Ka’iope.” With half-a-tongue, his words came out mangled. He hated how it made him feel like a halfwit, but he had to ask. “Da hewws wah dat abou? Wah da p’an to embewass you’sef in pub’ic? You know ih goin to be wepow’ed.”

Kalliope let out a small scoff as she glanced back at the knight. "Now what fun would that be if I revealed all my plans to you. Have fun reporting me! See if I really give a fuck!" And with that, the trio exited the building.

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