Avatar of Qia


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5 days ago
Why do all good things come to an end?
10 days ago
I can't believe I binge watched this show. But damn Dark is so good.
26 days ago
Or maybe melons>>> lemons?
1 like
27 days ago
God now I have Daddy Cop stuck in my head. My fault xD
28 days ago
And gave a big 'ol grin at the camera too. "Hey Drake." LMAO


Hi, Qia here <3. I'm a gamer and RP fan just looking to have a good time.

Most Recent Posts

Anyways, the actual funny thing is that the BFC isn’t even all that together yet kekeke.

Hence my surprise haha but I'm down. I love how that's the official name now btw lmao

To All Whom It May Concern,

The Sinners intend to go to War with the the BFC come Dawn (next IC Day). All Who wish to participate are recommended to pick their sides and coordinate with their respective members.

May the best Nocturnian win!

Wait for real?
<Snipped quote by SporkoBug>

please someone know where this is from or I am gonna feel fucking old...

Land before time. I got you
<Snipped quote by Estylwen>

When are you planning to update again? I have a few more collabs going on for this IC day ^^;

You can always do what I did which is finish the collabs and then write a small catchup post if it's needed :) orrrrrr write the post based on the update and post the collabs whenever they're completed if they don't mess up your timeline?
@Herald Wonderful, who knows, there may be a hostage rescue in there as well, if Qia doesn't beat ya'll to it. :D oh, more than one. There's Elara and Noah too, hehe.

Unless Adel reaches Noah beforehand, we talked about that as well. ;>

With the rate I'm going? Probably not haha
Calm your avian noc noc taddies! @SporkoBug

haha read that shit and laughed too xD
<Snipped quote by Qia>

I feel like a lot of things could go wrong. Just a little bit. She could try and set herself on fire like Asterion did.

She would more likely cause someone to set themselves on fire
<Snipped quote by Qia>

You're very welcome! I hope your wartime shenanigans go over swimmingly and you win.

I mean with bat-shit crazy Siena, what could possibly go wrong with a soft approach?
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