Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Team Nippon
@VitaVitaAR@PKMNB0Y@Crimson Paladin

The birds were dispatched with swift, remorseless efficiency. Perhaps they should take the time to skin the creature. Its beak seemed metallic, or at least sturdier than what a birds beak should normally be, but whatever they chose to do they wouldn't have the luxury of time. As Nobu and Misaki regained their bearings, Novak made his way to the door. He would be greeted with a slightly somber sight.

In front of him was a large, mostly flat plain covered with snow. Large black stone slabs liberally scattered on the ground, some buried deep into the earth and some simply laying on their sides, having mostly been reclaimed by now. To his left, was the base of a large cliff that stretched upwards a few dozen yards, his eyes would follow along it towards what could only be described as a gatehouse of some sort. Two large stone towers stood at either side of a road large road that was carved into the cliff. At some point a gate had likely been in place, but it had long since fallen into disuse.

To his right and a little ways across the plains, was a large complex made of the same stone. It was difficult to tell how big it was from here, but one of the more notable features was a large watch tower that seemed to overlook the whole place.

wait a minute

He could see a flash of blue. Something was swiftly scaling up the side of that tower somehow what was-

Novaks vision was cut off by a large slab of rock slamming down in front of him, nearly knocking him off his feet.

Wait, no. That wasn't a stone slab, it was a foot, and he barely came up to its ankle!

The massive stone being took a step forwards, the earth rumbling and giving way slightly under its weight leaving deep footprints in the snow as it walked.

Craning his neck up, he could see a massive body made of chiseled, but weathered stone. Ice had formed on some parts of its body, no doubt due to the colder temperatures here that would drop even further at night. Its left hand had its fingers ending in blunt nubs like the heads of a hammer. The other didn't even have one, rather its other arm ended in nothing more than a large stone blade. Its shoulders were seemingly made to resemble a circular castle battlement. Carved into their stone were figures of some sort, but it was too difficult to make them out. On top of its shoulders, on either side of its head were two stone covered openings.

It turned towards the guardhouse, but thankfully didn't seem to notice them yet - or maybe it didn't care? Its head was surprisingly small, seemingly lacking any facial features aside from a jagged row of stony teeth and vaguely reminiscent of a sharks head. Noticeably, it was not made of the same stone the buildings around here were made of.

It turned its attention back to the other buildings, turning to face the direction it had come from, eyes scanning the snowy ground on a path from the guardhouse to the other building. A few of those birds were flying overhead, but most had taken refuge on the roof of the buildings across the way.

It didn’t seem to have seen them yet, but it definitely seemed to know they were here somewhere.

The Roma Mob

With the current threat taken care of, the group made a hasty exit towards what was presumably the path that would get them closer to leaving this place. The rest of the experiments paid them little heed, if they had noticed them at all. Perhaps if they explored the place a bit more, they could have gleaned some more information or useful items, but for now they pressed onwards.

Immediately upon leaving the building, they would be met with a gentle, cool breeze.

The snow crunched under their feet, the stone path showing them the way out of that somber place. In front of them stood a long, rectangular courtyard that might have been larger than it was, once upon a time. Buried in the ground was a large, black, stone slab made of the same stone of the building around them, the same smooth swirling patterns carved into its surface...yet there were other markings and carvings on it, on top of the old smooth swirling ones. Had they been added later?

Unfortunately, Augusta's vision did not seem to work on this stone. It only worked on organic, living targets. Perhaps if she took some time to study it she could glean some information. She could feel a faint energy coming from it...

Beyond this were several other, smaller ones though they lacked the extra carvings. The stone path seemed to curve around the building to their left, near the mountainous wall in front of them.

To their right, was a vista of the ocean itself.

A sheer cliff, dropping what could only be hundreds of feet towards the ocean below. The waves crashed upon the stone below, more of the black stone poking up from the ocean floor, creating a treacherous coast line that would have shredded anything that even had gotten close. Their gaze would follow the ocean outwards, where in the far, far, distance they could see an island of some sort, just barely on the horizon and even further a large, black pillar rising high into the sky so far they couldn't see the end of it, and they couldn't see its start either. It just sort of...faded into existence towards the ocean then faded out.

As they followed the tower up, however, they would notice something else.

Despite the midday lighting...there was no sun. The only celestial bodies that were in the sky above was a large, blue moon that had taken up most of the sky and a smaller grey colored one about a third of its size hidden just behind the larger one. At least the sky itself was clear, not a cloud in sight.

The earth beneath their feet rumbled lightly, and they could hear something moving to the left just on the other side of the building.

Nicholas's danger sense started to relax a bit. The area seemed safe enough, and those creatures didn't seem inclined to wander here after them.

Team feet pics
@Cu Chulainn@Crusader Lord@Click This@Guy0fV4lor

Choosing to instead keep to herself, Narkissa focused on the books left on the third floor. Most didn’t seem all too interesting, all falling victim to the sands of time and exposure from the however many countless moons this place had seen since whatever occurred here brought it to its end.

Still, a few book titles may have caught her attention as she perused a nearby shelf.

‘-ow to p--k -- f--r m-id--s’
‘On the -------- ---’
‘The ----hts of --- S---’

All however, were in condition of great disrepair. A little more searching however, would find proverbial treasure.

“A Novice’s guide to Magic”

It was old, worn, and had been tossed onto the floor, yet it was in fairly good condition. The pages seemed fragile, and much of the ink had faded yet it was still legible. It seemed as though even if it was written in a language she was unfamiliar with, the Goddess had seen fit to at least give her and presumably everyone else the ability to read, if not write the language she was looking at. She would vaguely recall one of the goddess’ abilities being such...perhaps this could help her understand whatever ‘magic’ was and how one used it in general?

Malphas accepted the bow, though he didn’t look too happy about it, pouting off to the side as Donovan got set to work.

Twenty phantasmal workers manifested, all with the sole task of building a ramp to the third floor. Prying apart the old shelves and repurposing them was a simple, easy task in the grand scheme of things and perhaps using all twenty was a bit overkill, but it certainly would get the job done. Gathering the needed materials took the most time, if only because of the need to weed out the material that would do more harm than good, especially the books. There hadn’t been many left on the first two floors, almost as if most had been a casualty of whatever happened here.

Still, they would find the needed materials relatively swiftly. Many hands make the quick work and all that. Thanks to his quick thinking, it was even being done with minimal noise - which meant there was a low chance of the ‘Guardian’ hearing them.

It would be finished swiftly, but in the meantime, they still had to discuss what exactly they'd be doing.

The Lonely Pixie

There didn't seem to be many useful things here. Likely most anything in the flasks and beakers aged beyond use. One contained some thick, molasses like substance that smelled faintly of ash and was the color of silver. Another was filled with a pale yellow colored liquid, but the lid on it seemed to have somehow fused with the flask itself. Probably not something she wanted to mess with. Countless others were of similar condition. At a brief glance, they didn't seem useful at all.

The only thing that might have had some interest to her, were some medical looking implements scattered upon a table. Small knives, clamps...some sort of thin metal rod with a hook on the end. Several syringes and needles were scattered on the floor near the 'operating table'. The grisly nature of the items were something she probably didn't want to imagine.

A low gurgle would interrupt her search and let her know she was no longer alone.

One of those things had stumbled into the room, but it didn't seem to see her, or perhaps care.
~Suzuka and Mana~

“Nyaaa!” A small voice exclaimed, followed by the sound of a broom hitting the floor. “Get out of here you damned fox!” Smack, smack. “There’s no way in hell I’m letting you cook again after that!” It was the voice of Mana’s familiar, Cocoa. Previously, she had reluctantly allowed Mana to eat Suzuka’s food but… “Gyyyaaaaaah!”

“Gyeh!” What was this! She already had an apron on and everything! If that damned tamamo could rock one, she could totally do it too! She even got up super early in order to make a totally super mega delicious bento for Mana, but this dumb rat was getting in her way!

“You dumb rat! You don't know the first thing about a high-school girls love!” Suzuka hissed, holding a pot in her hand and ready to defend herself should she have need of it from the feisty feline. “That food was made with all of the love of a mega cute JK!”

“If it was made with your love, then your love must be poisonous!” Cocoa complained, pointing the wood end of the broom into Suzuka’s face. There was no way in hell she was strong enough to fight a servant, but that didn’t matter! This was a matter of life and death for Mana! “And I’m a cat! Not a rat!” This time she poked Suzuka in the forehead with the broom. “Nyyaaaaa! Stop cooking!”

“Grrrr....!” The broom bopped Suzuka right in the forehead. The gyaru stumbled back a bit from the hit before she grabbed another pot on a nearby counter. Conveniently, it was full of water. “That's it you dumb fleabag! I didn't like, wanna hurt you cuz Mana and all, but now you've gone and pissed me off!” Suzuka lunged forward, raising the pot into the air and intending to smack the cat with it.

It was right about then that Mana sleepily came walking around the corner, brushing her teeth. Her eyes were half open and she repeatedly brushed back and forth lazily. “Ish ereyting alrigh?” She questioned as she stopped brushing teeth long enough to speak, noticing there was a lot of loud noises early in the morning.

Cocoa, having had an eye on Suzuka raising the pot… Immediately turned to Mana. The cat turned at Mana’s words. “A-ah! S-suzuka was just getting some water together!” Lowering her broom. Mana had yelled at her before for “bullying” Suzuka but really… The real bully here was obvious, right?

“Ah Mana!” Suzuka stopped herself mid swing, immediately doing a total 180 in her mannerisms in front of Mana. “Totes. Me and the furball here were just uh, y'know, makin' breakfast.” This totally sucked, having to play nice with this cat, but Mana had gotten onto her before for not playing nice with her.

Mana drowsily looked between the two. She thought to question why they were so chummy but, “K…” Mana simply said before heading back to finish up brushing her teeth.

Cocoa sighed and planted the broom on the floor, resting her chin on it. “That could have been bad if she was more awake.” She groaned, lazily looking over at Suzuka. “Can you not? She’s going to get sick…” Mana was too nice to admit it herself, but that food was toxic. Well, she wasn’t sure it was “nice.” Probably more that she was afraid of making Suzuka mad or upset. Anxiety?

“The only thing she's gonna get sick of is cat fur in her food.”

Cocoa was going to say something but… No, not now. She sighed and leaned on her broom some more. “Cat fur would be more healthy for her than that food of yours.” She sighed again. She probably needed to get something together for Mana before Suzuka got any bright ideas. She looked around the kitchen for some food stuffs to make a quick bento. Hopefully before Suzuka would finish her “love” filled one.

“Lol, You know Mana loves my food right?” Suzuka said going about the kitchen, grabbing ingredients and starting her food making. “You're just jealous cuz she prefers getting fed by a mega cute JK.” She was mostly done by now anyways. She had gotten up super early to make something for Mana. She wasn't gonna let anyone ruin this day, nope!

Cocoa just looked at Suzuka in disbelief for some seconds before opening her mouth to say something before closing and then shaking her head. The fox really didn’t know did she? Well, it would be best to make Mana a second… Actually edible bento. “Fine. Sure. She loves getting food poisoning filled with love.” Some rice, some other things. “Well, I’ll make my own bento so she has something edible.”

A yawn sounded around the corner as Mana came into view again. She scratched her side under her shirt as she finished yawning. “Morning you two.” She was a lot more awake this time than before. “How are you doing this morning?” She asked, grabbing a small cookie from one of the cabinets and munching on it. She looked at Suzuka and Cocoa and noticed what Suzuka was doing. “A-ah. C-cooking… Suzuka?” She asked after finishing her cookie.

“Tch. Man you don't even know what your master likes.” She gave Cocoa a look of pure smug pity as Mana walked into the kitchen after having gotten ready. She put the finishing touches on her Super Cute JK Bento-special and wrapped it nice and neat as she turned to Mana.

“Morning master!~” Suzuka grinned, walking up to her. “That furball made breakfast I think. You got any plans for today?”

“Studies. Then… I don’t know what else in the afternoon.” Mana mentioned, eyeing the food and quickly back to Suzuka. “Umm. T-thanks for the bento. I’ll… Enjoy it…” She swallowed hard and Cocoa gave a sigh.

“Mana-Sama, she’s right. I did make breakfast. Eat up so you’re not hungry all day.” The little cat sighed. “Some rice and other little things. I’ll put some into a bento so you can snack on it a bit later.” Cocoa was basically ignoring Suzuka having made a bento.

Mana bit her lip for a second before relaxing a small bit. “Thank you both.”

“Fab! Since our last outing got totes ruined by that dumb ho and her servant, nothing gonna ruin this date. Not even some furballs dumb cooking!” The fox grabbed her own bento, shoving it into her school bag and running off to the bathroom herself. “Look forward to it master! I gotta go freshen up a bit!”

After Suzuka made her way into the bathroom to freshen up, Mana let her shoulders droop and sighed. “I’m going to die.”

Cocoa scratched the back of her head. “Uhhh. Best of luck, Mana-Sama?” She had to ask.

“Maaaaster, come on, hurry up!” Suzuka wasn't giving Mana much time to rest as she dragged her master through the streets, towards an open park where she was intent on spending the first part of that perfect day with her. She had decided that if Mana wasn't comfortable doing stuff like Karaoke, she'd start with something simple like this first.

Eventually the fox had successfully dragged the human to a park.

“Yep, this is perfect!” Releasing Mana, Suzuka decided that this was indeed, the perfect place.

Mana was glad to be done with schooling for the day but… As soon as the day was over, Suzuka just dragged her out to a nearby park. “Umm, why a park? What’s perfect?” She hadn’t ate Suzuka’s bento yet so… She was worried.

“Duuuh, we can totes hang out here for a bit.” Suzuka reached into her bag, pulling out a neatly folded blanket and spread it over the ground under a nearby tree. Once done, she pulled out her Bento and offered it to Mana.

“Hope you didn't forget!” She grinned. “I worked super hard on this this morning. Sorry if there's any cat fur, that fleabag was constantly getting in my way.”

She knew it. The bento came up. Mana has been calculating a route of escape but, barring a kidnapping on some third party’s part, there seemed to be no way out of this. She muttered under her breath. “How could I forget…” She quickly caught herself. “Ahh, no. Of course I didn’t forget!” The first time she ate it, she didn’t wake up for quite a while. Suzuka seemed to get the wrong idea and Mana couldn’t bring her heart to say it almost killed her, though Cocoa seemed to tell her a few times to little success.

Completely oblivious to Mana's obvious fear of what was about to happen, Suzuka grabbed a pair of chopsticks and opened the bento. Leaning over just slightly, Mana would be blessed with the sight of her cleavage just through the loose opening of her uniform.

“Heh, how's it feel having a cute JK Feed ya, master?”

Mana stared at Suzuka’s open sight for a few seconds before blushing and turning away. “It feels…” Like I’m going to die was how she wanted to reply. But that was obviously not what she said. Of course not. “Embarrassing…” The sense of existential dread fell over her as she was watching on in terror.

“LOL, you getting all embarrassed over this.” Suzuka grinned. “You're adorable sometimes, ya know that? Not as cute as me, but liiike, maybe second or third cutest. Aaaaah~” Without giving Mana time to protest, Suzuka shoved the rather benign looking piece of meat into Mana's mouth.

That was a terrible mistake Mana had just committed. Looking away from what was threatening you was always dangerous. Then she had a piece of meat enter her mouth. Habitually, she took a bit which was her second mistake. It felt like something terrible had hit her taste buds, neigh, her body. There was a lapse of consciousness as she fell sideways and her head landed on Suzuka’s shoulder. Her eyes looked dead. Empty.

“Wah?! Master?!” Suzuka hadn't been expecting that, was her food just that good? No...wait, no that stupid cat probably did something to it! “Tch, I'm gonna get a spray bottle specifically for that dumb hairball...” She huffed, guiding mana to the blanket she had laid out. Taking a seat she laid Mana's head gently on her lap and waited for the other girl to wake up.


Wait, this was perfect selfie time!

She grabbed her phone and...

“Click!~” She laughed. “Oh this is def going straight to Insta...”

Some minutes later, Mana groaned as she slowly opened her eyes. She felt rather comfortable. She was on something soft. She gave a small smile and turned, getting closer to Suzuka’s belly. Then she realized something. This was a person. A fabled lap pillow! She stayed as she was for a small time before letting the back her her head lay against Suzuka’s legs and so she could look towards the sky. “Ahh. Umm… Did I pass out?”

“Oh, master, your awake now.” Suzuka huffed, frowning. “You just like totally passed out. That dumb cat must of got fur all over my food or something. I'm gonna buy a spray bottle and fill it with catnip or something next time she gets in my way. Seriously why she always gotta mess up my cooking...” She leaned forward slightly, looking down at Mana with a smug grin.

“...heh, that said Master, your totes enjoying the view aren't you?”

Enjoying the view? Why would Suzuka ever think of asking that. There were no thoughts in her mind that implied that she wanted to stare at these mountains that hung over her for a while. None at all. “E-enjoying… What view?” She blushed and looked aside then tried to get up. Perhaps it was the food. Maybe because she has been resting on Suzuka’s lap… But she couldn’t bring herself to get up despite her attempts. “....” A bright red blush crossed her face as she realized she was stuck where she was.

“Don't play dumb, like I can totes see your face!” She giggled. “Your totally being gross and thinking of my boobs, aren't you Mana?” She teased, puffing out her chest slightly as she pulled out her phone. “I should take a selfie and post this all over Insta.”

“D-didn’t that bird girl tell you to s-s-stop?” Mana stuttered, trying meekly to defend herself. She was finding it hard to leave her servant’s lap and it felt less and less like paralysis from the food and more and more like she didn’t have the willpower to leave this comfortable spot! She felt different from a week ago and she wasn’t sure if this was good or bad.

“Beni-sensei told me not to take pictures of your booty.” Suzuka grinned. “Look, comoooon, it'll be a totes cute selfie between galpals.” Suzuka placed a hand behind Mana's head, grinning as she pulled her phone out and made sure to get both her and Mana in the shot. “This'll go great with the other one!”

Mana was flustered and blushing brightly when Suzuka took the new selfie with both of them. “S-s-suzuka! I’m not even that cute!” Mana insulted herself, not feeling confident in having her picture taken. “W-why do yo-you even like to t-take pictures of me…”

“Agh, seriously master! Stop being such a downer.” Suzuka replied, . “Click!~” And thus, another selfie was taken. She almost expected a bit more resistance, but whatevs. Once done, she checked it herself, grinning and showing it to Mana. “See, you look good girl, stop that dumb thing you're always doing.”

Mana, despite the food incidents, had gotten more use to Suzuka’s personality since the incident in the clothing store. She looked away from Suzuka and slowly rolled herself off the fox’s lap until she landed face down on the ground. “You keep saying that…” Still, the master found it hard to believe someone would compliment her on her looks. “J-just don’t post those two pictures.” She had given up trying to prevent Suzuka from taking the pictures at this point. It was all she could do to hope that she would just use them herself instead of letting the whole world to see.

“Totes, sure, can do.” Suzuka replied. It wasn't a lie if she had already done it before asked not to right? Right. Totes. “Now come on, I got us a super amazing date planned at a karaoke place come ooon!” Suzuka would grab Mana by the arm again, pulling her to her feet and dragging her back towards the city.


As Zasada walked, she didn't take her eyes off Rex and Blizzard. Currently, she wasn't really thinking about the situation more than she already had. Already went through a number of scenarios. At the moment she was just hoping whatever it was, was focused on Wu instead of them.

"Ah, yes, the storm." Zasada replied with a thoughtful tone. "Quite curious, isn't it. Aside from the already odd readings we get from this place, that storm definitely was interesting! And how our pilots ended up, too! Ah, if only I had proper equipment and time to study them I could do so much!" She laughed brightly. "But to answer you question, little birdie, I'm as much of a loss as you are." The Ursus didn't spare a glance at her as she continued.

Really she didn't wish to idle chatter while they weren't safe like this, but she needed to keep their minds off their situation if she could.

"Theories, but nothing solid. Storms don't move like that. Not even catastrophes, in my current experience. And if something was following us, then why? And why attack us? Was it a person or some thing else? Were they able to control that storm in some manner? And then what happened with the pilots. It seemed like they were crystallized near instantly from the storm." Zasada hummed, pulling out her canteen again and shrugging. "In any scenario...it seems like whatever it is doesn't want us here....so why? Are they keeping us out, or something else in? Heh, maybe I'm letting my imagination run a bit too much." She took a quick swig of the drink.

"Haaa, you sure you don't want some? Never a better time to start than when imminent death is upon our doorstep.

The Ursus kept her eyes ahead, and only briefly reached out to pat the Iberi on the head.
@Click This

Heeey, someone forgot to put their blessing in their CS.

So I'm just gonna copy/paste it here

"So many ambitious sorts, hm? Well, that's why I wanted you in the first place, hehe. I do hope you don't mind me giving you a little boon myself. That empire of yours...Britain, I think? Would have fared much better had they had me on their side. After all, the sea is one of my domains. Just try no to squander it, hm? I look forward to this endeavor of yours."


gdi another one how even did I make something this popular

Sure, I can add ya. You may be waiting awhile at this point, though.

As you have yet to even contact me, I am unfortunately pulling you from the active players list and giving someone else your spot in the RP

As for everyone else!

@Click This Will be taking their place, so get your CS up soon if ya don't mind! You shouldn't have missed much, I don't think so just reading the posts from the last round should be enough I think.

@Guy0fV4lor @Cu Chulainn @Crusader Lord, I'll be replacing Malm's character in narrative with hers.
Team Nippon
@VitaVitaAR@PKMNB0Y@Crimson Paladin

Nobunaga reacted swiftly, the katana she had picked up from the ground feeling near perfect in her grip. The blade was swung with the precision and skill honed over a lifetime of battle and war. The bird made a maneuver with its beak, angling its head downwards. Was it trying to catch Nobu's blade on its beak? Regardless, the blade struck true, a loud clanking noise as the bird's beak met the blade at lethal speeds.

The bird gave a muffled squawk, the force of the blow sending it flying back and plummeting to the floor. The fowl gave a pitiful, hoarse squawk as it attempted to get itself airborne, but it was far too injured. A large gash had been cleaved into it from the bottom of its neck to its groin and was already quickly bleeding out. Judging from its now cracked beak, It had indeed, attempted to block the Katana with it, but if that was its natural defense mechanism, it simply didn't seem strong enough to stand up to a blade.

Seconds later it'd simply fall limp, its blood staining the floor.

Novak proved similarly lucky. Arming himself with a sword and chair, he attacked the second bird.

The chair flew with surprising precision, the bird not having much time to react as the chair slammed into it. It squawked in pain as it was knocked from its perch and into a wall, the fragile chair breaking into a few pieces. It tried to scramble to its feet, momentarily stunned and giving someone a good chance to easily finish it.

And here, they would be likely patting themselves on the back for slaying the monstrous fowl - only to quickly realize their victory may be short lived. The ground shook, like something heavy had been dropped on it. Again it did so at regular intervals, far too regular to be anything natural, and the thoughts of a 'guardian' the goddess mention might have surfaced. Did the cry of that bird attract it? It wasn't upon them yet, but they may need to deal with this bird unless they wanted to be discovered.

The Roma Mob

And so Isidore set their course of action.

The former mobster spun the chain in his right hand. The creature noticed him, a gurgling, sick-sounding growl escaping its withered vocal cords. In the next instant, it lunged, rather clumsily stabbing forwards with its sword on unsteady feet. Isidore's weapon flew forwards, striking the creature in its jaw and stopping it in its tracks as it was knocked backwards, the tip of the blade just barely grazing Isidore's cheek.

Its grip on the blade was surprisingly tight. Almost like its muscles had been locked into place around its grip. Yet, it didn't matter. Even if he couldn't disarm it, the creature could not withstand Isidore's assault.

His boot met the creatures knee in swift succession as he knocked the blade away, the sound of snapping bone as the abomination crumpled to the floor, helped by Isidore's hand forcefully slamming its face into the stone floor.

His boot soon followed, relentlessly stomping on it until the thing was well and truly dead with a final gurgle.

Perhaps he had done the poor thing a favor.

Should someone choose too -
Item received

Now that they had a moment to themselves, they could see up ahead they hallway they were in seemed to split off into several directions. At the end, an archway leading them out of this musty prison. Another hallway split off to their left, leading deeper into this complex.

As well, from how things sounded, more of those creatures were in cells up ahead. Perhaps they should simply leave and not poke the hornets nest, so to speak.

Team feet pics
@Cu Chulainn@Crusader Lord@Click This@Guy0fV4lor

As Donovan and Malphas had a little disagreement, Leannah instead chose to pick through the scattered weapons. Thankfully nothing seemed to jump her as she did so - the Goddess did say this place was relatively safe, after all, so hopefully aside from the guardian nothing was going to be too much of a problem to them. Once she settled on a weapon for herself and something for donovan, she'd head back. Thankfully the brief scuffle didn't seem to attract any unwanted attention.

If Malphas accepted the bow -
Item Received: Ancient Bow

If Donovan accepted the shield and warhammer -
Item Received: Ancient Shield & War hammer

As for Leannah -
Item received: Ancient Spear

Now that they had armed themselves, what would they do? They still had a fourth party on the third floor.

The Lonely Pixie


Item Received:
Well-kept Journal

The pixies wings strained under the weight of the book, but ultimately she was able to carry it. Thankfully it was a lightweight journal of some sort, at least seemingly. So along she went, flying out of the cell and into the hallway, careful to remain unseen by the others she had joined with. From the look of things, they seemed perfectly friendly...but since when had that ever helped Alice?

She just better hope the gift the goddess gave her made those things not hostile to her.

Down the corridor she moved. She was faintly aware of more noises and if she stopped to look in some cells, she would notice several more of those twisted creatures within. They seemed passive for the most part. The ones that weren't still shackled to the wall, simply huddled in corners of the cells, or were wandering aimlessly in whatever room they seemed to be in. In whatever case, she could pass them without issue, it seemed.

Eventually the corridor would end, a half destroyed doorway the only thing greeting her at the end. A large metal door with large iron bars and locks had been twisted on the hinges, the door laying almost in a crumpled heap yet still connected to the hinges. The wall itself it was connected too however, seemed to have been damaged - the only sign of wear and tear even noticeable on the smooth black stone the place was made of. It was difficult to tell what had done it, the best she could tell whatever happened, happened from the other side of this room.

The room itself was fairly small and circular in construction, the walls arcing upwards into a dome shaped ceiling. Taking a brief look around the room might have given her pause. In the center of the room was a large slab of rectangular stone raised roughly three feet from the ground. At its base, smooth grooves and more of those flowing carvings were etched into the stone, rising from its base to the edge of top layer. Worn leathers straps were scattered on the floor around it, with only a few still remaining attached.

The rest of the room was filled with cabinets, tables, and desks upon which set many glass containers. Most were filled with seemingly unknown liquids, some having been knocked over and spilled their contents. As she entered the room properly, her nose would involuntarily scrunch in discomfort. The room smelled an unpleasant mix of rancid and chemicals. The only source of light and ventilation was a few windows about halfway up, smaller than any human could get through but just the right size for a pixie to escape through - likely her only choice of exit.

There didn't seem to be anything of too much importance here, but maybe a brief look around the room might reveal something of note.
Now why someone would turn down perfectly good coin, Lei didn't know. Even if he was just here for information, money was money. Well, if he wasn't going to want his share then...she reached for her share of money, at the same time slowly using the racket Lei was making to palm the rangers share while Nanaya wasn't looking.

Now, why was Fera making that racket?

"...pfft, ahaha." Lei couldn't help but to laugh at the feral girls reaction to the alcohol. She walked over, giving Fera a friendly hug, holding her face fairly close to her chest as she vigorously rubbed her head. "Next time ask me before you go eating something." She'd have probably told her it tasted like strawberries or something for giggles anyways, but still. She released Fera from the hug and glanced back towards Gilgan.

"Ah, you know...Gilgan. Fera here may be able to track your daughter by scent. If you have something of hers, like an article of clothing or some such..." She glanced to Nanaya. "Coming with? Or going to head off like our mysteriously cloaked ranger friend?"

~Temporary Campsite~

Aha, success!

And a new skill, too. Focus sounded incredibly useful, though not for direct combat. For stealth attacks, perhaps, as well as if she could have someone taking the heat off her. More importantly though, she succeeded in creating another elemental spell. Not a major breakthrough by any means, but progress was progress. If only she could not have to worry about mundane needs like sleep, food, and fatigue. Hm.

Something to keep in mind for later.

Next was that presumed earth aligned spell she was working on.

Summoning magical energy back in her claws, Ash repeated the process she had before. Drawing the deep gold colored sparks in until they reached the same point she had before. Predictably, they reacted as they had before. Something didn't seem to be quite fitting right. The machinery as it were didn't fit together quite right. Should she simply try to brute force it? Perhaps there was something that could make them fit or move better, like some sort of oil, cooling agent or lubricant? Well, nothing to be done except to attempt it.

As the spell rested in one hand, Ash caused mana to flow into her other claw, attempting to use her claw to directly interfere with the geometric shapes. If she the grooves weren't fitting right and weren't simply sliding into place, then she'd have to manually fit them


Thankfully, it seemed like she was correct in thinking there didn't seem to be anything to worry about. The trees created a natural barrier too thick to see through and too difficult to even traverse unless she wanted to just try burning everything down. (Which, while fun, probably wouldn't be helpful.) The only concerning thing was how quiet it was. No animals. Nothing. Reminded her of the calm after some...experiments.

And then a scream.

Ah, there it was.

Zasada 'hurried' back. That is to say, she decided to simply walk at a leisurely pace. No sense in drawing attention to herself, though she did make a point to keep moving. Immediately, something was wrong - where had Longgui gone? She let the others explain before offering any input herself.

"Ehh...so something had snatched our dear friend within the blink of an eye - while no one was actually looking, hm?" The Ursus considered Wu's plans. It wasn't half bad, but common sense here would tell them to stay together...yet that didn't seem to have helped Longgui. "Normally its best to stick together, yes...but I don't think that would help us here, hm?" Zasada knelt next to Ibon, offering a canteen of alcohol. "It may not help, but it might. Come on, stand up we got to get moving. Be a big girl, eh?" It probably didn't sound like the sincerest of encouragements, but Zasada never sounded sincere in the first place. She was however, offering her the canteen of the goods which was just about as much of a sign of trust and friendship Zasada had ever given anyone.

Whatever had taken their comrade was able to do so in the middle of broad daylight, while they were together, and supposedly right under their noses. Which meant...it was fast. Precise - and deadly. So why hadn't it just killed all of them?

There were a few clues, but she wasn't willing to bet on any particular cause just yet.

"Rex, carry Blizzard and take point." Despite obviously a bit under the influence still, she hadn't lost the ability to make sound decisions. Probably. Might as well put that tactical training she had to use. She might not have the most conventional training at leadership out in the field, but she had led people before even if they had just been scientists or researchers. "Ibon, I want you to stay back with me." She would gently, but firmly grab the Liberi by her arm and attempt to pull her up. "Walk quickly, but carefully, and no resting until we get to Riventor."
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