Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

"Unfortunately you're correct." Lei replied to the ranger, still wearing a smile though pulling her hand back with a small click of her tongue. "But I'd love to hear tales of this mysterious land over a mug of ale at some point. Maybe I can tell you a bit about this sordid den of scum we call Paladros at some point, hm?"

Electing to remain standing, Lei snatched up the chip before the others could get their hands on it.

The chip Gilgan presented them with was good for a lead if nothing else. While its overall appearance in and of itself didn't seem too interesting, a few subtleties on it was as much of a clue as any. It was made of cheap plywood, and the paint seemed to be the only thing keeping it together. The only thing that was a bit helpful, was that the spider image on it wasn't perfectly centered. It leaned somewhat towards the left side.

Well, that was of good as a lead as any. Now they just had to find where this came from.

"Well, that chip is as good of a lead as any." Lei mused quietly. "Most Drow gambling halls are in the deeper parts of eastern. Hard to tell which specific one this came from, though since spiders are a fairly common sight with the Drow. Biggest tell I can say is that the motif is a little to the left, instead of perfectly centered." Granted, there was the chance this was simply a one-off error in construction, but that was unlikely. "We could likely trace this chip back to a specific den and go from there...though, it might take some time. There would be a lot of dens to go through." She turned back to Gilgan. "Now, if you don't mind me asking, care to give a short description of your daughter?"

Thankfully for Fera, it seemed like Lei was more focused on the job at hand then wrangling in her roommate.
History Check: Meh, 11

Could be worse
I shall attempt getting up a post tonight or tomorrow morning
~Claire Blackwood~


Of course she'd have two more pokemon, too.

At least those two didn't seem quite as dangerous to deal with for now. The biggest boon was stopping Floette from getting close enough to heal Steelix. Now she just needed to take it down. Her pokemon were still in top shape, so this could easily be doable.

"Monferno, Larvitar! Same strategy! Another power-up punch and Screech on that Steelix." Larvitar bellowed another attack towards the large steel-type serpent, making sure he was hit with another heavy defense drop. Zeal hadn't moved very far from the rock snake On command he immediately rushed forwards again, following up with another power-up punch on the Steelix in hopes of getting it to faint this turn.

"Ralts, one more double team for good measure!" The horde of Ralia clones had gave a friendly salute, each pirouetting in unison as more clones popped into existence. She was still wary of her taking a steel-type attack from that Steelix. "Bronzor, Psywave on that Gyarados, Chikorita keep up distracting that Azumarill with Razorleaf! Combee...just keep doin' your thing."

"Brnzzzz!" With a cry of its own, Bronzor spun in place, summoning its psychic ability and unleashing a psychic wave towards that Gyarados. She was hoping she'd get a pretty high luck with that attack, but she was simply hoping to keep the Gyarados distracted while they took out Steelix. Pip happily hopped in place, standing as close as she could between Zeal and Azumarill, once again using Razorleaf to inflict damage.

Combee of course, just kept doing her own thing and launched a gust towards Floette, intending on keeping it from even getting anywhere near the two other pokemon.

She couldn't make a plan for the Servine or Bagon yet, not with having to focus on taking out the two biggest threats. It might not be an ideal strategy...ah wait.

"...hey you two with the Tauros and Bagon! Keep that Servine and Bagon off me!"
"Heh, someone's a bit too straight laced isn't he." Lei reached for the mug of alcohol with a grin towards the gruff looking man that was supposed to be a co-worker for this venture. As Gilgan went to explain their job, Lei took a few swigs of the ale. A daughter missing and caught up with some gangs. That was never a good sign. Either she just got in over her head and the gangs did something to her and forcing her into something, or she was involved willingly and simply didn't want to come home.

Really, not exactly a unique situation. Not something she was going to ask the dwarf about, though. She'd think of something in such a scenario.

"If you keep sighing so heavily Gilgan you'll make even a ghost think twice about messing with you." Best to get started sooner rather than later in a situation like this. The bard turned towards her new companions, running one of the gold coins through her fingers. "This is quite the unusual job for me, though I'm certain my skills will prove fairly useful." Standing up from her seat, the bard playfully grinned at the other two gathered as she held out a hand towards the ranger. "Lei, bard by trade at your service. The adorable thing sitting next to me is Fera. She's a roommate of mine, of sorts."

Well, just letting you know you have until next GM post to say if your still interested or not.

As for everyone else, have a post.
Team Nippon
@VitaVitaAR@PKMNB0Y@Crimson Paladin

The bird continued to observe the three humans, making a few low pitched squawks as it tilted its head. It seemed curious, but also wary. Perhaps like someone that hadn't seen something before. Another bird from the flock outside flew in, taking up position on an overturned chair. It joined the other in its curious staring, squawking a bit louder at the three humans.

The staring and watching would only continue for a few more moments before the bird perched on the chair tilted its head back, a small fleshy sack that was barely noticeable under its beak filled with air. In the next, it opened its beak, a loud, shrill, screechinglike noise followed! Enough to temporarily deafen the humans even!

The first bird flapped its wings, making another shrill call as it lunged for Nobbu, which happened to be closest to it. Its sharp, silver beak aimed at her face! Thankfully it seemed the rest of the flock had spooked itself and had taken to the skies, likely to roost somewhere and leaving only these two birds to deal with.

The Roma Mob

Augusta and Isidore were soon joined by Nicholas. Like them, he too seemed to be chosen by the Goddess. It might have been prudent to get to know each other a bit more, after all, knowing ones allies and abilities would make easier to coordinate. Perhaps Isidore was right, though. The goddess did warn them about a Guardian of some sort, and it seemed to be quite close to them even if it had been heading away.

So deeper into this supposed prison they went, passing by the newcomer without much words other than that they were leaving.

Indeed, the assumption that this was a prison was growing more likely as soon as they exited. A long, darkly lit corridor made of the same black stone stretched both left and right. Cells similar to the one they had been in, though they seemed to lack the double room like theirs had, lined the wall. Most of the cells and been left open, their iron bars either just gone or seemingly torn out of place and scattered on the floor not far away. Some even disconcertingly had the bars ripped apart like something had broken out through brute force.

But whatever happened here happened ages ago, so there was likely no need to worry too much...right? At least it seemed their warden was no where around for the moment, yet as they moved into the corridor, they would hear something else.

A low, gurgling growl like noise, the shuffling of feet on stone. Metal dragging against stone.

Its source soon came into view - a pale, misshapen humanoid that looked more at home in a morgue than a prison. Its eyes were sunken into its head, if one could even call them eyes. Small black specs that seemed atrophied from lack of use. Its ears were little more than holes in its head, and its mouth looked like it could barely open. Its limbs were long, its bones seemingly ill fitting for its body causing them to protrude from the flesh at the joints. Its movements were either slow and careful, or quick and jittery. In its misshapen hand, its fingernails having grown into something resembling claws more than anything, was grasped a sword.

It didn't seem to have seen them yet, as it shuffled into the hallway. Was it even capable of seeing?

A low rumbling could be felt somewhere nearby, but it didn't seem focused on them...

Team feet pics
@Cu Chulainn@Crusader Lord@malmshodes@Guy0fV4lor

As the cat girl practiced, she'd find her body surprisingly responsive. Better than even it had in her old life. A punch there. A kick. She felt light, invigorated, like she could even match the best of the pros back home without thought. It was only light practice, and even if it felt right something still just didn't 'click' right. Her body was moving well, and it was responsive enough, but really, what could practice against air achieve?

Once she was done, she moved towards the weapons near the door. A cold gust of air caused the door to creak and whine impertinently as she approached. Spears, swords, battle axes, even a katana or two and some shields. A bow or two, as well. Rather than placed in any careful manner, it seemed whoever had owned them had just dropped the implements on the ground. No armor, however.


Perhaps whoever dropped the weapons left wearing it.

...suddenly her ears picked up something - or rather, the lack of something. Where there had been the muted sound of stone grinding against stone far away, it had stopped.

Malphas' 'spell', if one could call it that worked well. It seemed as though the magical arts around him flowed naturally at his command. Through his fingertips, words, his entire being seemed to be naturally fit for this sort of thing. Yet, he could not control it perfectly as he himself was now. More energy than he could grasp kept flowing into the spell, creating brighter and brighter light.

Small incredibly bright orbs of light appeared, floating in the air around Malphas to begin with. They seemed harmless enough, shining brighter and brighter. Did they have some sort of secondary effect? They wouldn't get to find out. Before his light could spread, Donovan tossed his coat over Malphas, the other humanoid's spell getting dimmed by the distraction and leaving only the interior of the coat shining like someone had set off a flashbang inside of it and leaving Malphas temporarily blinded.

Leannah's ears picked up something else. The stone was moving again, but thankfully not towards them. She couldn't pinpoint its location or where it was heading, but a loud screeching noise that even Malphas and Donovan could hear was likely where it was heading.

The Lonely Pixie


Finding a good sized, sharp glass shard was easy enough. The leather the book made of was thin, and the lock itself was easy enough to cut around. The glass shard cut into the leather, its sharp, but rough edge slicing through the leather with relative ease. Despite the books age, it seemed in almost pristine condition looking at it. As the pixie did so, she'd feel something off about the book - a faint energy coming from the book itself. It wasn't very noticeable and she couldn't do anything with it, but it was definitely there.

Some sort of latent energy in the pages themselves?

Regardless, the leather around the lock was soon cut away.

Immediately upon the first page she was met with something she likely didn't quite understand. It was written in neat, cursive handwriting that she could surprisingly read with ease.

"The moon shall writhe and cry silver, the stars swallowed by an inescapable void. The blackened sky shall descend, and devour the ancient shell."

A bunch of gibberish? A prophecy or riddle? It was difficult to really say.

Yet, nothing else followed. She'd have to flip to nearly the end of the book before finding anything else that was written.

"Perhaps they learned from their last failure. They decided to lock me up in an outpost where they keep the rejects instead of in the heart of the research labs. It'll make no difference, I have the Tear of the Heavens from that old demon and with it, I can set things right. The Shadow Elves, the mountain folk, and that ancient death-bringer and her maids have agreed to the plan. Getting in their good graces have finally paid off after so, so, long. I just need to hurry to her before they finish and send this place to the-"

The words ended abruptly. Was the writer interrupted? On the next page there was what could only have been some sort of map.

A circle around what seemed to be a peninsula of some sort. Following the coast up, there was an 'X' on a small island in the far north, just off the northwest coast of some landmass. Another one was situated shortly to the south, just across the sea from the circled peninsula. A third was extremely far south, situated near a lake. What could this mean, exactly? A map? But she had no real way of judging where any of these places were, let alone how accurate it even was.

She'd become aware of the fact the cell seemed empty, now. The people inhabiting it having moved further into the complex.

So what would she do now? She got the distinct feeling that this journal of some sort might be hiding more secrets, but if it was it wasn't sharing them yet. The pages after the map were blank. Maybe she'd need to learn what exactly sort of enchantments were on this book before it'd share more.
Today was quite an odd day.

Normally she'd have already picked a tavern or street and set up shop to entertain herself, maybe find a good-looking partner to play with. Today though, something else seemed to require her attention. She wasn't exactly the adventurous sort, at least not the type to go on grand quests. Nay, her skills lay more in tune with the more...romantic and domestic adventures. Yet, she could not deny the fact that her own desires didn't lay in the more dangerous circles. If she was going to ever rebuild her theater, well, she'd need money and some good friends.

Which was why she decided to hear this old dwarf out.

"Now Fera," She'd turn to her animalistic companion, booping her on the nose with a finger. "Try not to cause too much trouble, aye? Don't want to get into trouble before we even get to the fun parts." Hopefully the little wild girl would behave herself as best as she was able too. Making sure that Fera understood on some level, Lei pushed open the door to the tavern, walking inside, a flute strapped to her belt lightly clinking against her side.

"Now this is a fun looking tavern." She walked up to the bar. "I'm surprised I've yet to grace it with my presence." The changeling offered a smile, bowing slightly. "Better fashionably late then not at all, hm? A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Gilgan. Lei Leschk, at your service. I don't suppose this dangerous work involves me entertaining a group of rowdy drunk dwarves, does it?" She said, taking a seat.
Lei Leschk

Have a bard


Ah, there it was. She'd be disappointed if something didn't go wrong. She halfway considered not following that buckling up order and just holding onto a seat and laughing the entire way down but eh, no need to scare the big scary gun toting Blacksteel operative just yet. Still, she couldn't help but to laugh as she felt the VTOL plummet to the ground. If she was gonna die, might as well go out with a smile!

"Aha, Oracle? Unless Vodka gives me such abilities, I'm just paranoid! Learn to be a little bit like that yourself, you'll live longer, eh~!"

The sound of twisting metal and a brief loss of consciousness followed as the vehicle slammed into the ground.

Yet it seemed as though she was not destined to die today.

"Geh I'm up I'm up!" Zasada's body jerked to wakefulness, nearly face planting her own into Ibon. "Ey, jeez, and here I thought you were a lovely angel welcoming me to the afterlife." She rolled over, rubbing the back of her head. "Eugh, I feel like I just woke up after a night at a club..." Still, she was alive, that was good enough for the moment. The Ursus scientist got to her feet, frowning as she observed the crashed VTOL, listening to the status update and making sure to see the pilots with her own eyes.

That was...definitely new.

"Ah, too bad I don't have any lab equipment. I could probably figure out what that is in a mere matter of days with enough drink, heh." She reached into her coat, pulling out a small canteen and quickly downing a swig. "Hm, was it caused by the storm somehow? Perhaps that thunder...some sort of atmospheric originium phenomena?..."

And thus Zasada completely stopped listening to Wu as she quickly started coming up with theories for what exactly had happened. It seemed likely that somehow originium somehow nearly instantly crystalized in someone without infection or with low levels of it. The only things she could currently link to the happening was the storm and the abnormal properties of the place they were currently heading. But a natural phenomena just didn't follow someone like that...mhm, perhaps something in their VTOLS attracted it?...

Was there some sort of precedent for that she could think of?

Not to mention, just what would they do now? Obviously they needed to still carry out their field tests. It was a shame to leave valuable research samples, but she couldn't take the time to even do small tests. Riventor was likely close enough, but if the radios weren't working...a side effect of whatever that storm was?

It would take the Ursus a few seconds to respond as Rex poised a question to her.

"Hm? Ah, sozhaleyu, I was lost in thought." She replied finally with a smile, stuffing that canteen back into her coat. "Mhm, yes, would make the best use of my abilities...though I do not understand why we would have need of a scout, hm? Not like we're going to be attacked by something, but caution is always prudent." She ran a hand over her coat, reaching inside of it and feeling around. "Mhm, yes, It seems mostly everything is intact so I can scout fine. Should I run into any trouble, I'll light a flare, hm? You'll be the third person to know."

She wouldn't get too far ahead, and the path to Riventor shouldn't be too difficult, so with a casual wave and a lazy smile she set off in the direction their destination was.
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