Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Feeling like blegh today, will get a post up tonight if I feel better, or tomorrow if not.

I decided to prioritize those who have already submitted CS's either in Private or in the OOC. If they're going to go ahead and start talking things out with me and get a CS made and ready to go, I feel like it'd be better than potentially having to wait on someone to do that and perhaps hold everyone up.

that said,

Aight, there is a new post for everyone. Thankfully didn't have to adjust too much for Donovan's entrance there, so a few typos and that was it.
Team Nippon
@VitaVitaAR@PKMNB0Y@Crimson Paladin

Nobunaga was correct in her thoughts that this place had been a battlefield of some sort. The signs were obvious, if one cared to think. Weapons strewn about. Wrecked furniture. The only question that might remain might have been where were the bodies of those who fell. Perhaps it had simply been far too long for any notable remains to be left behind. Whatever her thoughts, she quickly surveyed the weapons, and soon found one that she was familiar with.

Item received:
Ancient Katana
A weapon of surprisingly fine make. The age upon its scabbard and hilt are noticeable. Once finely crated decorations and blue embellishments have faded to almost being indistinguishable. The blade itself is of average quality seemingly made of quality metal, a weapon anyone could make with sufficient skill. As far as you can tell, it has no special qualities. It hasn't broken or rusted yet, so it should serve as a decent weapon.
Goddess Note

As the two chatted away, Misaki questioning the veracity of Nobunanga's words and claims, their conversation would soon be interrupted by one of the other pods in the room. They got to see what had happened to them first hand as Novak was summarily thrown from one like they had. He had the misfortune to stumble right out onto a knocked over table, losing his footing and draping his upper body over it before he could quite regain his consciousnesses.

They were further interrupted by a shrill, resounding, noise from outside. Not seconds later a large bird with white greyish feathers would take a roost upon one of the windowsills. A bit larger than a vulture, the birds most notable feature was its large silver colored beak roughly the size of a dagger.

The rest of its body was covered in soft, grey feathers, its wingspan easily reaching a few feet long. The Avaian's head was narrow, eyes situated on either side of it. It raised its beak, letting out another shrill cry and tilting its head at the curious sight before it. A few more similar birds could be seen gathering outside on the ground.

It didn't seem overly hostile.

The Roma Mob

As Bella went to help Isidore from his knocked over pod, something odd happened. The outer edges of her vision suddenly shifted. Everything briefly seemed to be tinged a soft, light blue. What could be described as a holographic screen of some sort filled the edges of her vision. At the same time, Isidore would notice the Elf's left eye light up the same color he'd remember the Goddess' doing.

Was this...information on Isidore? Now that she had a moment to think, the goddess did say something about a special ability which detailed information on something she was observing. Had it involuntarily activated? There also seemed to be something...odd mixed in with that info. Whatever the case was, the two of them were now allies for the moment it seemed, stuck in what appeared to be a prison of some sort. There didn't seem to be anything overly interesting here, and whatever was making the earth shake seemed to have gone, at least for now.

Isidore himself would have no trouble getting to his feet. Indeed, he seemed to be in better health than he ever had been even in his previous youth.

It seemed as though the only way they'd get anywhere is perhaps if they left. From their view into the room on the other side of the window, a door could be seen leading deeper into whatever building this was in - and as luck would have it, there was another pod on that side that just then seemed to release another person from its confines.

Nick stumbled out of the pod, and instantly upon regaining his footing he'd feel something incredibly off. As though this place wasn't somewhere he should be. Was this his ability at work? Certainly the goddess said something about sensing things that would be immediate in danger, but something was telling him that even if he was fine here for now, staying here long term would not be good for his health.

As for the fairy - flight would surprisingly come easy. It took a bit of trying to start with, but her muscles seemed to instinctively know what to do more than she did. Hop, flap. Hop, flap. Hop, hover, fall. It would take her a good few minutes until she finally was able to achieve some semblance of flight. It wasn't anything notable, but she could move without walking and taking forever now.

Sadly however, there seemed to be no key to the book in this location. Perhaps it was a precaution by whoever placed it here. This was a journal, after all - likely from someone who had been imprisoned here. Very likely the Key and the Lock were kept separate just in case one or the other had been found.

But that left the question of where would it have been? Or did Alice even care? Taking a look at the lock again, it didn't seem particularly strong. Perhaps there was a way to break the lock.

Team feet pics
@Cu Chulainn@Crusader Lord@malmshodes@Guy0fV4lor

Surprisingly for the cat girl, it seemed her body was better than it even had been on earth. Unused to both the natural strength and the features of her new body currently, she only ended up stumbling slightly. Yet she felt should she actively practice only a moment, all the new muscles in her body would easily fall into place.

As Malphas attempted to focus on his connection between him, the goddess, and the other two in the room, he'd be pleasantly surprised and both disappointed at the results. A hazy, fragmented screen of some sort appeared in his vision. As he would strain to keep his eyes on the image, it slowly began to solidify and take shape, and yet the information provided was less than ideal for what he would have liked.

He could have tried further, but soon he'd have to blink and the vision faded.

Leannah would be the first to hear it. One of the ears atop her head twitched involuntarily. Something outside was making some sort of noise, but it was like it was being heard through a muffled filter of some sort. The sound of stone grinding against stone, a low, rumbling roar of some sort in the distance. The sound made her hair and the fur on her tail stand on end and thoughts of this 'guardian' once again surfaced.

Still it seemed fairly far away, so they likely had some time to get some basic things done - like finding out how to actually leave this place. Perhaps even get a feel for both their abilities and each other.

Similarly, Leannah would find her ears perking up and responding to something else. Another pod seemed to have opened - And Abigail had the unfortunate circumstance to end up on the third floor this time. The aspiring hero was similarly launched from her pod like the others had been, except on the inaccessible third floor this time. As soon as she gathered her bearings, Abigail would notice this particular floor seemed spared from whatever happened to this place. Certainly everything was old, and any furniture had been smashed. The shelves lining the walls seemed to hold a few things however - books. They were old, faded, and definitely would have likely fallen apart at the slightest touch and even if they weren't, they were likely to have been unreadable after being exposed to the elements for so long.

The only question that remained now, was how Abigail would get from the third to the second floor when the stairs seemingly had been destroyed?

Aight, well, since Shovel hasn't gotten back to me yet and I'll be posting today, you get his spot friendo. Already talked things over with ya in PMs so go ahead and move your CS over.

I'll be posting in a few hours after I finish adjusting the narrative a bit.

"Ahahahaha! Am I drunk? Silly question!"

Among the crew, was someone who would almost fail a breathalyzer test 100% of the time, and she was currently fiddling with some electrical looking device near the cockpit.

Aaaagh, how long were they going to be flying in this dull hunk of metal? Couldn't they make these things more interesting? Make it look like a dragon! flamethrowers! Oh oh, she knew how it could be improved! A full liquor bar! Ahaha, yes, that makes everything better! Ah, but no, they wouldn't let her do that. Stupid military protocols. It was a good thing it was only illegal if she got caught. Stupid doctor taking away her lab time because she was a good businesswoman. Hmph.

Really, at this point Zasada was just trying to do something to distract herself from this long, boring flight into the sticks. Like really, she was a Ursus city girl. She shouldn't be here! Certainly she was interested in running numerous of morally and legally questionable tests on Originium, but she had people before! She could send people to collect that for her! Aaaah, pathetic. Look what she was reduced to.

...well, that was fine, she deserved this, anyways.

"GAH, You duraki are more boring than my previous co-workers." Finally, she broke the silence, her impatience and the silence finally getting to her. The fact that other people weren't keen on replying to her didn't seem to deter her in the slightest. Immediately, she locked eyes with Rex, flashing him a smile, her pale skin tinged with red a bit. Knowing her, she had likely sneaked in a drink somewhere. "Ahaahah, you, you're finally awake! We're going to be crossing the border soon! Riventor is on the horizon and we're dealing with turbulent weather. Ahahaha, all we need now is to get shot down or something and it'll make for a great story to tell. Crashed, having to fight off some scum, and a bottle of the finest Vodka."

The Ursus quickly moved over to Rex, taking a seat next to him with a large grin.

"Say, you're from Blacksteel, right? You must be pretty good with that gun of yours. Hmhm, have we worked together before, I can't remember." Rex would clearly be able to smell a faint scent of alcohol, but it'd be odd for Zasada if she didn't faintly smell of it.

~Temporary Campsite~

Oho, that was useful. Another fast rate of sill progression. This should be simple, then. One of the orbs she was making was already giving off heat, making her assumption likely correct that it was fire. It affected the second orb, but that was a non-issue for the moment. It seemed like she could easily turn the orb into something else. What was an issue, was how the mana didn't seem to quite fit into place. Like one of those sliding puzzles where you had to move tiles in a certain way to make a certain picture, but the tiles themselves weren't sliding correctly.

"Tsk~" Clicking her tongue in thought Ash dispelled the orbs. Mana Vision leveling up was good, perhaps she could eventually be able to see more at some point, but for now she was content to do this. Taking a seat, she crossed her legs and meditated once again, filling her Mana to the point where it was full - also for a few minutes, trying to pull in more mana than she could hold from the surrounding air and keeping her breath steady.

Once that was done, she'd focus first on the Fire Orb. Simple enough at this point. Taking both claws, Ash formed a mana orb in each, this time using both for the same spell. Using the red to make the outer orbiting ones, whilst using the rest to stabilize the nucleus and using a few red to feed it. Once one had stabilized enough, she would use her right claw to launch it towards a target. She would repeat this process of forming the red orbs over and over once more until she had achieved what she had wanted or until something unexpected happened.

She was so caught up that at the moment, at least, she was not paying much attention to the others, even Digbie's transformation.
Mhm, I shall get a post up in the next day or so, comrades.
"Hmm..." Kaori sighed, though a small smile never left her lips. "Fufu, ah, sorry, I got a bit excited. My...guise tends to fall when I do that. Don't worry though, my little Ice-woman." Though, with how things were going it didn't seem like anyone was going for the idea. Tomoko hadn't really offered any alternatives either. Perhaps, yes, perhaps she could still have some fun with this. The spider moved closer to Asahi.

"Hmhm, strong and certainly capable of holding her own. I think Asahi would be an excellent choice in being a decoy." Kaori she flashed Asahi a grin...and suddenly she might feel something digging into her skin. Threads of spider silk had somehow managed to tie themselves across her body.

"I can even, say, tie her up to make it look convincing and easy?~" She seemed quite pleased with herself. "It's highly protective, too~"

Tomoko might need to tell her spider assistant to calm down a bit.
@Crimson Paladin


Sorry about missing you earlier, but you are accepted and all that. I'll write you in in my next update~

"My, how curious. Once I thought memories were a persons greatest treasure. After all, even if nothing else one could content to remember good things, and yet you wanted to forget. You humans continue to baffle me, but that's why I like you. Now, weave me a tale then, one who would forget everything in order to move forward."
~Claire Blackwood~


Claire narrowed her eyes at the Gyrados. Damn, that thing knew a healing move. Should have seen that coming. It could fly too, meaning it could go around and easily get a heal off. Which meant their only option was to overpower the Gyrados before it could be healed...or take out the Floette. With how uncoordinated everyone was, she didn't think that was much of a chance, either. Besides then they had to contend with the Steelix. So taking it out or at least running interference was a priority.

Nrgh. If only she had Del with her. She could go for the poison strats. That Fairy type wouldn't last long against him.

"The only joke here is your battle ability." Claire replied to the lass. She really didn't have many good options here. Gyrados, Steelix, Floette, and Azumarill. Water/flying, Steel/Ground, Fairy, and Water. Tch, all bad match-ups for her...but nothing a little creativity couldn't handle.

"Alright! Combee! Monferno! Larvitar!" Might as well go full force here. She wasn't quite sure if she could command this many pokemon at once, but she might as well give it a shot.

"Ralts! Keep Double teaming! Larvitar, use screech to lower those two defenses and occupy that rampaging Gyarados! Monferno, follow up with a power-up punch on that Steelix! Chikorita, protect Monferno from Azumarill with Razor leaf! Bronzor, keep that steelix busy with Hypnosis, Combee...run interference in case that Floette goes for another wish."

Ralts would eagerly keep multiplying herself. Larvitar gave a friendly grin, before lowering his head and unleashing an ear-splitting screech towards the two serpentine pokemon. Monferno cracked his knuckles, before nimbly dodging through the battlefield and aiming to land a blow right on that Steelix. Chikorita positioned herself close enough towards Zeal so she could use a razor leaf to blast Azumarill if needed, and Combee...looked at the battlefield, then to Claire, with an expression that almost read 'bitch, really?'

"Don't sass me. I'll take you to a contest hall after this, promise!"

Combee flapped her wings, buffeting Claire with a gust of wind and almost causing her mask to fall off before fluttering away and doing as she was told.
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