Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Aight, thank you for your interest then~

then as guy said @Shovel, you got until next week to get your CS in and stuff.
The water recedes.
A new dawn rises.
An ancient garden is disturbed
Primeval stone trembles


The moon watches silently.

Deeper and deeper. Compared to the fires of Honnoji that threatened to consume one of you, the water would have been welcoming had it not been threatening to drown you. Faster and faster you were pulled downwards into a dark, inky abyss. How much further were you to be dragged by this current? The gentle twilight above had already faded. Indeed, even the goddess seemed to be a hazy memory. Her words, anything you conversed about like a hazy, fleeting dream.

Eventually, you could feel the current slowing, eventually bringing you to a complete halt. There you floated, motionless in the void. You could hear nothing but your own heartbeat. The blood rushing through your body. Down in this Abyss, deep in the bowels of whatever body of water you were submerged in there was an odd peace. Almost as if should you desire it, you could close your eyes and simply let go.

An eternity inside a minute.

Eventually tranquility gave way to movement. You were rising. Slowly at first. As though something was gently pulling you upwards. Vaguely, you might have felt yourself aware that you were being watched, almost as though something was watching you just at the edge of your limited vision, yet if you looked try as you might you could never glimpse it.

Faster now. Faster. You were rising further and further. The Abyss gave way to dim light. The water seemed heavy. Was this even water? It seemed to thick, and its color was slightly off. If you had tried moving you'd have felt it have almost a jelly-like consistency, yet you could not ponder it. Abruptly you stopped, slamming into some unseen force.

Something shattered.

You fell forwards, as though gravity had just now decided to work again...

Location: ????

Nobbu would barely have time to catch themselves before falling face first onto the floor. Fragments of glass fell with them, scattering and breaking around them on the cold floor. Breath came heavily, it felt like her lungs were filled with water, and indeed after a brief coughing fit the viscous substance she had previously been submerged in finally ejected itself from her body.

The first thing, she might have noticed was the cold, crisp air stinging her body. It wasn't cold enough to hurt but it was most certainly enough to make one uncomfortable. Or would it have been the fact her body was well, entirely different now? Either way, once she adjusted to her new situation and took around, she'd notice she wasn't alone.

Misaki would awaken much like Nobbu had. She also apparently had been ejected from a cylindrical device of some sort. The one she emerged from was on the opposite side of the building Nobbu had emerged from. She'd already notice something wasn't quite right - she was no longer human, in fact, he was now a 'she'. Perhaps a divine prank? Well, he'd have plenty of time to think over this particular situation, supposed he lived long enough.

If one were to happen to inspect one briefly, it was just big enough to comfortably hold a human. Was this what they had been submerged in? No, it couldn't have been, that was definitely a sea of some sort they had been in, correct? Several tubes ran along the remaining glass sides, running from the base towards the top of the device. Near what was presumably once a door, a mechanical input device of some sort was seen, but it was smashed and broken. Perhaps the question didn't cross their minds. They had bigger concerns, after all.

After they had gathered themselves, they'd finally get a good look at the room they were in. The floor was made out of dark colored stone, faded and ancient having weathered centuries of elements. The walls, were the same, with odd smoothed, carved patterns decorating them just barely made out in the lighting offered by a few windows. The room itself was filled with remnants of what was once civilization. Tables had been knocked over. A few chairs remained standing, but most had been knocked over and some seemed to have been smashed to bits. Against the opposite wall, stairs led up towards presumably a second floor, but it seemed to have collapsed on itself, rubble now filling what remained. Most notably, however, were the weapons laying about the place. Spears, axes, swords, all manner of weapons in various conditions seemed to lay here. A spear had even been driven into one of the walls by force, cracking and embedding itself inside of it, unable to be moved. Those that were fully intact seemed in fairly decent condition considering their age. Nobbu in particular would find a few weapons she was intimately familiar with.

A doorway not far away, seemed to lead outside. A gentle dusting of snow could be seen on the ground from it and the windows, and beyond it more buildings seemingly made of the same carved stone.

Several more of the cylinders could be seen in various parts of the room, but all were inactive and shut tight.

So then, what would our intrepid future kings do, here?

@Crusader Lord@Cu Chulainn@Guy0fV4lor
Location: ???

Leannah was the first to 'wake' in her group. Much like the others before her, glass shattered upon the ground as she was seemingly thrust out of whatever these cylinders were. Unlike the others though, she wasn't cold in the slightest. In fact, for her, it was pleasantly warm despite the fact she was wearing extremely little clothing. She may, also, suddenly be aware of the fact she no longer seemed entirely human. Claws for her fingernails. A pair of fuzzy ears. A feline tail sticking out from her backside.

It seemed as though she had been released upon a second floor of some building. A large balcony stretched around the area, lining the upper floor. Shelves of varying sizes lined the walls, though all were empty. Looking up, showed a third level of empty shelves, though smaller than the second, and below, she'd see her new potential companions.

Malphas was lucky enough to not be one of the ones roughly ejected from the device. A glass door slid open, spilling the viscous substance within over the ground before quickly dissipating. Gently, he was released from the prison in which he had apparently been suspended in, his legs managing to carry him upright as he came to his senses.

Donovan was the last to regain his senses, like Malphas he was lucky enough to not be violently thrown from his place of rest. He would have stumbled out of his prison, coughing and clutching his chest as he coughed up some of the liquid he accidentally swallowed.

Unlike Nobbu and Misaki, it seemed as though the building they were in was far larger. Large black structures filled the multi storied room. Upon closer inspection, they seemed to be shelves of some sort, made of smooth stone and carved with the same patterns as the walls around them. A few desks littered the room, and other scattered pieces of furniture perhaps told the tale of a once inhabited place. A spiral staircase rose from the first floor, to the third however the stairs after the second flooring seemed to have all been destroyed, or fallen out of their frame ages ago making access to it difficult at best.

Windows on the second and first floor had a seemingly fresh pile of snow under them, a cold breeze blowing in from the outside. The door to the place was unhinged, making it impossible to close as it swayed lightly from the breeze. Towards the door, several weapons of various makes were scattered, but oddly they never made it far past the door.

So, then, how would the feisty feline, a future cult leader, and a construction worker respond?

Location: ???

Alice, the diminutive fairy would emerge like the others she seemed to emerge from some sort of cylinder, hers of a size specifically seeming for smaller humanoids.


Hers seemed to be on top of small alcove hidden away high above the ground below.

In fact, looking around, there were various other items that seemed like they were purposefully hidden away. A few scraps of paper long since faded into nonsense, and a seemingly fairly well preserved book. Bound in ancient leather, clasped tightly shut with a lock. It seemed as though it was a place someone was trying to intentionally hide things. More importantly though, how would she be getting down? And below, she could already see two people getting their bearings.

Isidore, might find himself even further disoriented. Instead of being thrust out of his cylinder, instead, he found himself laying down, looking up towards the ceiling. After he shook off his momentary drowsiness he'd realize that somehow whatever his was, had somehow been placed or knocked down.

Bella had no surprises - only a splitting headache and a dull, throbbing pain in her left eye. A mild nauseous feeling washed over her and for a moment she'd feel like emptying her stomach. The feeling though, would soon pass.

The area they found themselves in was perhaps the least interesting. For the most part, it was an empty area consisting of what seemed to be two rooms separated by a partition which seemed to once have iron bars. The side they were in were somewhat concerning. Shackles. Iron, rusted metal chains hanging from the ceiling. The floor was made of cold, poorly fitting stone. With the other side being that smooth, black stone with those odd wispy carvings.

It almost gave the impression of a prison.


Suddenly, the earth shifted, causing the entire structure to shudder.


...no, that wasn't the earth moving.


It was getting fainter, but it was far too consistent to be a natural phenomena. Something large enough to cause the earth to heave lightly was moving.

Now, what would the three unlikely reincarnators do?
Accepted - you got in juuuust in time, and I've already written you into the OP. Unfortunately due to time constraints and me quickly falling into snooze land, I've made your intro a bit on the smaller side.

"You led quite the peaceful life, hm. A peaceful, noble life. I wonder if you could see it. See this world, similar to yours. Skyscrapers. Bridges that span oceans. I can't. This world never had those things, and probably never will. A single foolish human with a selfish desire could easily send everyone back to square one. But go on then. Build. Lay the foundations for generations after yours."

Ability Gained: Foreman
Because of your past lifes accomplishments, you have been granted the ability to summon your own personal army of construction workers. They take an ethereal appearance and number from 5-20 depending on how many are needed for the job. These people do not tire, do not require rest or breaks and could theoretically stay active 24/7. However, they run on your own personal physical stamina and Magic ability. With proper planning, timing, and personal training, they could finish building a project that would have taken a month, in little over a week or so. All you have to do is give them direction and make sure you have your plans in hand. They are incapable of fighting, and may be disrupted with certain magical skills.
goddess' Note

@Lady Selune
@Crimson Paladin
Alright you two, you'll have a week from today to get your CS's in or I'll have considered you out. Otherwise, supposing you do get it in, I'll write you in next GM post

As for you, once you update your CS and move it to the CHar Tab I'll write you in. You got until next week, friend.

As for everyone else, we've started! Hopefully I've done everything I've can to make things clear and such! I'll clarify anything as needed, mhm~
Present and accounted for!
@A Lowly Wretch

The senate shall make a note of your desire of participation.

I'll add you to the wait list, mhm~


It looks good enough, make sure you add both the two skills mentioned in the CS and this one to it before you add to the Char Tab

"A writer of sorts, hm? We have something in common, heh, so let me ask you. What is a hero, you think? Someone who saves lives? But what if saving a life comes as a cost to the entire world? Would you find a way to do both, however impossible? Or would you buckle and make a hard decision? But then you're not a hero, are you? You can't save everyone, but you can try. Just don't burn yourself out."

Ability gained: Healing prayer
Clasp your hands together and channel your entire being towards healing. This ability can heal nearly everything - curses, diseases, severe wounds, perhaps even more ethereal afflictions. It is however, extremely exhausting upon you to use. It can either work in a five meter radius, or via touch - with the touch method being less taxing to perform.
Goddess Note

And with that done

I shall begin working on the OP, and we'll likely be starting tomorrow night sometime! So get those CS's in so I can start planning a Shakespeare worthy tragedy wonderful tale for all of you.


"Like, seriously?" Suzuka passed her a disinterested glance as she walked over to where Mana was standing by the sinks. "That bitch was totes doing that on purpose. Ugh, can you believe her? That hoe better check the mirror next time." The fox glanced once more towards Mana, seeing her still not looking towards her, muttering something about being proud of her master? Well, that was just annoying.

"Mana, that's total crap." On some level, Melt and Mana were both right. She had a hard time understanding Mana, but calling her not someone to be proud of? "Well, maybe like, You're right. I don't really like, get you a lot. Why you wanna hide that thiccness of yours. Why you don't respect yourself or how you wanna spend all day inside doing mega cringe stuff. But, like jeez, girl, you summoned a totally cute top tier JK servant. That's something to be proud of."

Suzuka cozied up to Mana, pressing her shoulder against the other girls, and flashing her a bright grin.

"So get that dumb look off your face, it's kinda pissin me off a bit. We gotta date to finish anyways!" She grabbed Mana by the hand again, and regardless of whether or not she was ready, she started dragging the girl out of the shop and back to their apartment.

Elf Roma accepted!

"A burgeoning politician, I see. Do you want me to be honest? I will be anyways. I hate scheming sorts like you. Reminds me of some rather unpleasant pasts. Always stabbing each other in the back. Theft. Destruction. Then all drowned in a deep, dark, sea. But such was their fate for their folly. I suppose I shouldn't judge too harshly, however. Such methods are always necessary to ensure a place remains running smoothly. I have juuuust the thing for you, but should you misuse it - heh, well no, I won't do anything. 'Tis not my place. Don't worry, it'll only hurt for a moment."

Ability Gained: Goddess' Eye
The Goddess has given you a prestigious blessing. Rejoice, mortal. The eye will allow you to see things about people and living targets they may not even realize about themselves. Status, general health, current disposition, abilities, special and other such information. There are other skills similar to this, but nothing will ever reach something of a realm this clearly divine. Use it wisely, and you could use words as effective as any weapon or use it to disable someone with as little conflict as possible. Additionally, you can see, interact, and discern things others can not. The invisible, ethereal, and intangible. Nothing in this world is hidden from your sight. Be warned however, you give off a faint divine stench. Be wary of those who contend with such beings and some abilities and blessings may make your visions obscured.
Goddess' Note

Its late and my brain power is lowering so I have nothing quick-witted to say here so accepted.

"I knew someone like you, once. Instead of being trashed and bullied, he decided to be the one doing it himself. He rose to lead a nation, you know, in an effort to ensure people lived safely. He was eventually killed by a girl who was the opposite of everything he was because he took something from her. You have had a hard life,I apologize from pulling you from your well deserved rest, but a man of your determination is needed in this land."

Ability Gained: Undying Will
Your past life was hard. That is not something anyone can deny. Hard and stained with blood. Yet, you did not buckle. You were no saint, but nor were you a true devil. Using your blood money you never lost your path in order to help those from a similar situation as you, even if it were selfish reasons. Surely even in this life, you will face similar challenges and danger - you refuse to die before you achieve greatness. The more you are injured, the more your body responds to danger. Your skin hardens, natural armor grows across your body giving you impossibly high defense. But be warned - it does not heal you. Simply makes you harder to further injure and numbs pain. The shielding will wear off after about an hour.
Goddess' note

Totally not griffin Accepted
@Cu Chulainn

"Heh...hahahaha, oh aren't you just adorable. Playing god like this! Do humans have no end to their folly? You would think they'd learn after the first fool that attempted to do that failed miserably....hmhm, or no, perhaps they succeeded in getting what they wanted. Well, no matter. I should simply damn your pitiful soul to oblivion in your realm...but...color me curious as to what sort of tale you'd weave. Go, then. Lets see where your beliefs however shallow will lead you this time. I will be watching."

Ability gained: Humanities Scion
You truly love humanity, don't you? Rather than being naturally charming, you can instead bring out the best in others. Those who follow your orders, and those who truly believe in your path will find themselves filled with strength and determination to see it through. Encourage your followers to slay a beast? They will become stronger, faster, and determined to see it through. Encourage them to learn something? They'll have a clarity of purpose while they learn. But be warned - this only will work on humans and their kin that follow you and your beliefs. The more they believe, the stronger they will be. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals, and perhaps finally reach your supposed ascension.
Goddess' note

Alright, that's the final bit of accepting I'm doing tonight. I'll get to any more posted tomorrow. If anything needs clarification, do tell.~

I'll save your CS and look over it, and supposing you do get in I'll already have an ability to go and everything.
As discussed, your ability is being actual Nobbu. Feel free to move to the Char Tab.

"Aaaah, its her-ah what do I-

ahem...sorry. I was distracted. Yes. Nothing indecent at all. A pleasure to meet you, after all this time. You may not remember it, but I took ~very~ good care of you. Ahem, getting off topic again. Unfortunately as I wanted to preserve you in the most pristine way I could, so your body is a bit older model. Its affinity for supernatural feats are quite low, and perhaps its muscles aren't quite right but...fufu, you're Oda Nobunaga. I look forward to seeing your progress.

Fluffy tails accepted!~
"A scholar, hmm? History is always good to know, lest you run the mistake of repeating past sins. Discovering this worlds history...I wonder what you'd do with it if you discovered it? Be in awe? Amazed? Despair? Maybe all of them? I think I know the perfect thing that you'll do well with. Go and rebuild, but do remember not to get to far ahead of your time. You should know what happens to those who do from your own world, hm?"

Ability gained: Historia Technologica
The goddess has complied every single technological advancement humanity has made up until the point you died. Theoretically, you can call upon this knowledge whenever you desire...should it allow you too. The world follows certain laws. A certain undeniable rhythm. You can not know what you have not interacted with, or spent some time learning on your own. You will start with three branches. You will need to figure out how to 'Unlock' more of them yourself. However, do keep in mind - Some materials here will be as alien to your world as you are to this world.

Abilities gained:
Medicine - You can tell if a plant has medicinal properties or not. Yet for now, you can not determine what those are upon sight alone.

Material Science - At a glance, you can tell what a minerals and are and roughly how decent they would be at performing a certain task. You however, do not know exactly how to forge or implement them yourself quite yet.

Agricultural Science - You know rudimentary agricultural and cultivation techniques and how to achieve a decent crop yield without knowing too much else about the surrounding environment or what plants would grow well in what areas.
Goddess' Note

Future Unseelie fey queen accepted!~
"I...are you sure this is what you want, my little one? I understand you've had a hard life but...mhm, no, never mind. It takes all kinds to create a world. Just be careful you are not swallowed by that darkness you court...fufu, though I suppose such a world might make an interesting story. Reject your humanity then. Unite the monsters of this world and lets see what comes of it. A tragedy or a comedy? Whatever it will be, it will be entertaining, but I digress."

Monstrous Charm - Unlike what some people think, some people simply have a natural charm around them. Less how you speak, and more how you act. Your mana has turned into a force of will that marks you as...wrong.A passive ability that influences how others perceive you. Simple beasts will likely leave you alone, should you not antagonize them. Demons will see you as one of their own, and the intelligent Elder Beasts may decide to actually speak with you. Be warned, however, humans and their kin will view you with great suspicion and other races typically shunned will find you to be oddly compelling.
Goddess' note

@Crusader Lord
Thicc totally-non-lewd Egyptian catgirl accepted.
Oh my. Are you trying to appeal to certain desires of mine with that appearance? I'll have you know, I'm not so easily swayed, my cat-nip loving feline.

A fighter hm...I can't say I've ever been fond of such skills, but I suppose they do have their uses. Such strength and talent will serve you well, here. Just don't get in over your head, hm? I'd rather you not die from trying to say, 1v1 an Elder Beast. Still hmm...what to give you, what to give you...your body already has strength, you can build agility well enough...magical feats are a-hmmm...ah. Egypt, hm? I might be overstepping my domain, but I think you'll quite like this.

Ability gained: Suns Disciple
Wherever you go, the sun shines on your path. The sun illuminates you. Keeps you warm, and safe - and yet it burns. Burns you. Burns your foes. Burns everything. The sun of this world is not ruled by the goddess that bought you here. If you desire to strengthen it, seek them out yourself. As it is, you will steadily grow in physical power and endurance as the sun rises up until its peak, and steadily return to your normal strength as the sun falls, until night hits. At the moment, even during noon, you will gain only a minor boost to all physicals. Additionally, you have a minor affinity for Light-based magical feats.
Goddess note

And of course, should anyone have any questions or concerns about their skills, or if someone else is concerned about balance, do feel free to ask here or in the discord, hmhm~
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